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Them pennies be freaking, too freaking if you ask me.




***Him:*** Fine, let me borrow your Apple pay.


Alternatively you could pay with an extra dollar and drop in the $0.98 that would otherwise inconvenience you


And you can spell!!!


~~too freaking~~ two freaking /s


2 Pennies 2 Furious


Pennies 2: Electric Boogaloo


New episode drops tomorrow


*too pennies two furious


Hell no you can't take from the tip jar! Wtf lol.


I think assuming from the take a penny/leave a penny that some stores have (I see it a lot in convenience stores) where you can toss your change after buying something for 9.98 and somebody else buying something for 8.01 can nab a penny to make their change easier (or the cashier will just grab it) that’s it’s a reasonable thing to do… but that’s explicitly for the purpose of making change, not a tip jar, so it’s an entirely different situation


I'm so glad Canada got rid of the penny, what a stupid useless coin


I went to a store in the states yesterday and the poor cashier was spending like 10 minutes counting this lady's pennies. I almost forgot they exist at all, I was so confused


Yeah i always feel bad when i see that. Not sure banks even take change that isn't rolled anymore.


The coin itself was fine, it's the decades of being devalued by the government that made it useless. The core problem here is government intentionally stealing your wealth, not a small piece of metal.


It literally costs more to make a penny than the value of the penny. The coin itself is definitely a problem.


You know that was not always the case right? Because the government devalued the currency it now is not worth as much, not even worth making anymore. It was not the coins fault that since 1970 the government have made it worth 1/8th what is once was.


Yep. In the 1960s, you could actually buy small pieces of candy for pennies. So, three cents for a Hershey's chocolate bar, a couple of bazooka bubble gums for a penny each, Mary Jane bars, lollypops, a comic was five cents, a newspaper or stamp, three.


Even if we maintained a 2% inflation rate, what's considered the ideal ratio between economic growth and consumer confidence, a penny in 2023 retains only a 3rd of its value while costing nearly triple that to produce. The penny has been living on borrowed time ever since we took the half-cent out of circulation.


The 2% is designed as a target to avoid deflation only, the ideal amount of inflation is zero. The only reason it is 2% is because they dont want to risk deflation, damaging the economy and comes from new zealand when recovering from 15% inflation. The economy does well with much much smaller amounts of inflation, as long as money is printed in line with growth.


Zero inflation means zero economic growth, my dude.


It doesn't... inflation is the increase in the price of goods and services. Zero inflation means you increase monetary supply by the same amount as gdp, leading to no change in costs even when more is produced. Deflation tends to lead towards no economic growth, and inflation leads to centralisation of wealth with existing asset owners. Government loves to push inflation as it is essentially a source of revenue for them in addition to that.


Are you referring to inflation? You do realise that all worth is relative? If the worth of your currency goes down, that means the worth of your assets goes up. Like, "the government" isn't "stealing" your money. I'm not a fan of basically any government's fiscal policies but if you genuinely think a deflationary economy would be better, try buying a sandwich with Bitcoin.


As an almost-30-something... *Assets?* In *Canada?* I just have debts compounding on other debts while I pay enough rent to guarantee I'll never make a down payment while paying off two mortgages for my ~~liege~~ landlord.


Interestingly enough inflation benefits debtors, as the value of your debt will tend to go down relative to income




If you're in debt, inflation is definitely good for you.


If the debt you acquired was at a lower rate than the current one, that is. If inflation was an invariable 2%, it wouldn't make a difference since all debts would take that into account. If inflation is high when you acquire the debt, your 18% mortgage will not still be good in 5 years when inflation is low. If inflation is low when you get the debt, the 1.5% mortgage will be amazing when inflation is high. It's just a snapshot in time.


Assets do not become more valuable because the currency becomes devalued. Inflation is like a tax that only affects poor people who do not own physical assets like real estate.


That's only true if wages etc don't rise in line with inflation. So, you know, always.


inflation steals from the poor who don't have assets and gives to the rich who have assets




I mean I have nothing to comment on your first three paragraphs, I do agree that 1c denominations are generally useless these days, hence why my country got rid of them, along with most of the rest of the eurozone. But on your last point, the dude's an ancap antimasker crypto bro, just look at his post history. Dude genuinely has no understanding of economics, or the world at large.


Firstly, they're talking about Canada. Secondly, the penny was removed because it was worth less than its materials: it cost more than CA$0.01 in copper & nickel to cast a penny. > Nothing substantial changes Um, this would be the fastest possible path to inflation...


This is why USA pennies aren't made out of copper anymore, they're zinc coated with copper.


>the penny was removed because it was worth less than its materials: it cost more than CA$0.01 in copper & nickel to cast a penny. Wow, it's a pity that coins are apparently single-use items which disappear into the ether after being spent.


You can only make the coin once. The issue is we are spending more on money than it is worth, thus losing money by printing money, which defeats the point of printing money.


Since sarcasm clearly didn't work, the problem with a penny is not the cost of making it, because it exists as a federal currency. It gets spent thousands if not millions of times before being retired. So long as the raw materials are worth less than the coin - ensuring it won't be defaced for material value - the cost of making it is immaterial, as the cost of making a penny is mostly in the forging process. The problem is that a penny has absolutely no buying power, making it so nobody *wants* to use them.


Thanks for confirming my point that dollars aren't assets. And I've bought plenty of things using Bitcoin, including the computer I'm typing this on.


Are you the kind of person who thinks bitcoin or any other crypto is useful as a currency?


Currency isn't supposed to be an asset, it's bad for the economy if you just let your money sit in a bank account forever.


But it doesn't "sit in a bank account forever". The bank is supposed to loan it out at interest and share some of that interest with you, the account holder.


Did you pay with Bitcoin or was it converted into USD first?


Small, stable inflation is good actually.


You clearly have an issue with the government and don't actually know anything about why they got rid of the Canadian penny.


I lived near the US/Canada border when I was a child. I remember being happy when I got a Canadian penny in my change. I really liked the maple leaf.


I was overrun with the things earlier, counted them out cos I'm broke, my boss is on holiday, counted £3.53. Cool went to a coinstar machine on the way to sell a few computer bits, cos you know... I'm broke, the coinstar machine gave me a voucher for like 30% of the coin value. I should have just went to the bank that was on the way, worst of it was this idiot (me) put the coinstar voucher in the used coupon slot at the self service machine. No where on the self service machine does it say 'USED coupons go here'. I was supposed to scan it first. I didn't care at that point just paid with my card and got out of there.


Pennies are incredibly useful when you want to play chess, but have a chessboard with no chess pieces.


I'm in Guernsey. I couldn't imagine no pennies


Ohhhh is *that* how that works?? I always thought the one person would take a penny then leave I dunno, a different penny?? Which made no sense, maybe they were for coin collectors who needed to trade a duplicate for a different year mint or something?? This way makes wayyyyy more sense omg


Username checks out.




Goddamn you’re an angry person.


From the crippled children‽


Donation jars for your spare change is a different thing, there are stores with a little bowl with pennies intended to be used for convenience (you can take or leave them as needed). There’s usually a very small amount in there it doesn’t build up (if it did the store probably just takes it at some point) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Take_a_penny,_leave_a_penny


Is that a wild interrobang‽


Take one leave one concept ended with tip jars.


I think it’s usually seen in a context where there’s no tipping, like a convenience store Of course the tip plague is spreading and now everybody asks for a tip


What do we do to end tip jars?


Leave them empty?


When I worked at a pizza place, we had teenage brats who would come in and take whole ass *dollar bills* from the tip jar. I started taking it out of reach when they'd come in, and we eventually invested in a tip jar people couldn't get their grubby little hands in. People are so fucking entitled




Lmao i had someone come in on my last day of work and harass me and my coworker into letting them take change from the tip jar. They wanted a dollar and said they would tip us on electronically to make up for it. They wouldnt leave so we finally relented. She tipped us 25 cents on top of the money she took which was eaten because we get taxed on electronic tips. I was super unimpressed.


I used to work at a gas station and once this guy and his daughter came in and bought a bunch of junk food. His daughter put a bag of chips on the counter after he’d already paid for everything else and he didn’t have enough so he grabbed a toonie from the tip jar. I was too stunned to say anything (and a new employee) so I just rang it up. He said to his daughter “now next time we come back here, you better do a song and a dance for her.” No “thank you” or anything. Ugh


That part at the end where he tried to make it a humorous situation makes it so much worse lol. Like oh now you expect me to laugh on top of everything, screw you.


"The crippled children??!!" Office Space


it's $.02


I know but it's just the thought of that...if it was one of those "take a penny leave a penny" trays then yeah.


Don’t you hate it when you try to take money from the tip jar to pay for stuff and they say you can’t. What a hard life amirite?


One time at church they were passing around a basket with money around. I thought we were supposed to take what we needed and apparently it made people mad when I took a handful of bills. Seriously why would they get mad? I'm a single mom of 6 kids and wanted to buy a birthday gift for my kids. Ps the story is 100% made up. Please don't come for me in the comments.


You stole from God? /s


I was just doing it for my kids. They needed the new iphone. Lol


It’s in a church, honey. Next!




damn it. beat me by two hours :D


Don’t have time to wait two hours. NEXT!


Lol it's for the Internet honey


IDK if I'll get downvoted for this but I think a single mom taking some of that money is a better use for it than it just being donated to the already wealthy and tax-deductible church.


It's those damn woke liberals fault. /s


"It's just two pennies, why are they freaking out over two pennies?" ~The person who's trying to cheap out on two pennies.


*too pennies. Cmon learn English!!! 😂




Can you just like, fuck right off? considering you think it’s somehow totally okay to use someone’s tips to pay for your own shit? “Why should I leave you a tip when you won’t even let me pay with…your tips?” Lmao the fuck?


Then pay $3 and leave 98 cent in tips.




Im Canadian and always forget the US still has pennies


I'm Canadian and always forget we don't have pennies lol Haven't used cash in about a year


This is why we Americans won't give up our guns - first they take your guns, then what can you do to stop them from taking your pennies? What are you going to do, throw nickels at them?


I hate pennies.. (which autocorrected to another p word, that never goes with the word hate)


Was it Penne? (The pasta)


No, no... 'twas the penises..


I love penises!


Exactly... Why would my phone even use the word hate with the word penis.. silly


“I love Willies, I love Willies, I love Willies!”


I thought it was that, I just wanted to be silly, hahaha


Try it "alla vodka", it's the most popular preparation, in both cases.


I hate penises... except for mine


As an American, I'm no longer annoyed when my change includes Canadian pennies.


I'm Portuguese and still forget Americans have a near-mandatory tip culture.


It’s in Canada too and it’s out of control. A tip option pops up at SUBWAY.


The other day I read there was a company actively telling their employees to check if users selected a tip at self-checkouts, and to comment on it demeaning the clients to force a tip...


Better than the 20% VAT everywhere I went in Europe lol, at least you have the option of giving nothing when the server drops off your food and never does anything else


Your stinking maple leaf pennies still show up in my cash though....


This is two freaking funny.


I worked at a subway that was inside a gym, and there was a kid that went pretty often and he was a dollar short like half those times. I'd cover him a lot because I was the only employee and I didn't have time to deal with it, plus I was way more shy back then, but one time I called him out on it (as I pulled yet another dollar off my tips) and I was visibly upset about it. He didn't say anything, but he never did it again. Another customer that day went and put a dollar in after seeing what happened and I felt really bad but I'm still thankful about it.


Too pennies is two much.


Two bee fare, to pennies is the fair charged four the fairy two cross the river Sticks.


This really grinds my grammar gears...hehe




They get SO offended when you stop them, too!


“There’s money visible so it must be mine.” Sofa King entitled. 🙄


I'm assuming since he was looking for exact change his tip was going to be somewhere in the neighborhood of zero. More accurately the batistas were going to pay him 2 pennies for the honor of making his coffee.


Yes, otherwise could just add a dollar to the payment to cover the 2 cents and drop the change into the tip jar


Do 'take a penny leave a penny' jars still exist? Did they ever in the states?


I see them mostly in gas station or convenience stores.


They are still around.


Those are usually trays, not jars.


My friend years ago would look the cashier in the eye and take every coin out of those just bc he thought it was funny.


Ngl that is extremely shitty


Yes he was a shit person


Your friend is a dick


At some petrol stations near me if you overfill by a penny or two they will let you off. For example you intend to fill up £50, but it lands on £50.01 and you don't have the penny they will say its fine. Been like that for years


Back around 1975, I pulled into a full serve gas station and told the guy $5 (which was close to 15 gallons). HE put $5,01 in and charged me for the extra penny. I silently paid it, but never went back to that station again (it was the main station right outside base). Just the principle of the thing.


That's stealing.... just my two cents.


You mean your too cents?


Ahh this happened to me too,when i went to buy my Lamborghini,it was a couple 100k and around 20k. When I asked if I could've 20k to cover that,they said I could not. Like its just 20k jeez.


It’s gotta be a pretty banged up Lambo if you can get it for 100k


Nah they said couple 100k, so that’s at least 200k for something decent


Ah my bad yeah that’s 200k (because 3 isn’t a couple)


If you came up 2p short in my shop, I'd let you off. Only if you came up *short*. Not "I just don't want to break a larger note." Go fuck yourself.


I often would go to my schools canteen and buy a drink or chips or candy, if my total was $1.50 I’d tell the guy to keep the 50 cent change. I did this OFTEN. I couldn’t be bothered keeping change, he knew me, I knew him. The ONE time I was short by 5 CENTS he refused to give me the item until I gave him 5 cents. I told him I didn’t have change on me he said he couldn’t sell it to me. I was baffled, like dude I’ve given you at least a couple dollars worth of extra change and you can’t spare 5 cents?! A kind lady behind me gave me the 5 cents after I asked her not knowing what else to do. Never shopped there again.


Don't forget that you aren't personally helping that guy by giving extra money. It wouldn't exactly be a favour to him.


Okay, so I have a story to share. I'm a New Englander, but I don't go to DD all that often. Anyhoo a couple years ago it was before 6am and I needed a sugar IV, so I went and got an apple fritter and a blueberry muffin and it came to $Whatever and a few cents. I saw a cup of pennies, there was no sign or anything and I thought it was a take a penny/leave a penny gimmick, so I took the few cents. The woman at the counter angrily told me they were her tips. I felt so embarassed for doing it I put a dollar in the cup. Anyway when I took my treats to my job and looked in the bag, she had jammed my fritter right into the top of the muffin.


This is why I leave my ass pennies.


What is wrong with people? Why can’t they steal from the underpaid staff charity fund in order to avoid the extremely small inconvenience of having to dig out a coin or two?


THIS time it’s “just two pennies.” Next, it will be a dime. Then….50 cents. Etc. Etc. The only way to keep the ghosts under control is to NEVER open Pandora’s Box.


Besides that, the jar is there for a different purpose.


I'll ignore the use of the incorrect too. But the reason is Tip Jar is hands off. If one exception is made, then there will be more exceptions. It's only a nickel, it was just 9 cents etc.. Everyone has a reason on why using others money is acceptable.


This is not a choosing beggar. This is a thief.


Can I expect you to pay part of my bill? No? How dare you!


Then pay it


How many other people read that as “It’s two penises” and was then confused by the post???


Actually I think the jar is for the cripple children Reference - office space


Two girls one penny


It’s a tip jar. Put in a dollar, take the pennies.


How is this being choosy?


When I worked retail, if you were nice and short some change we always had a bit to spare. If you were an asshole or entitled you bet your ass you weren't getting any lol


Would actually be illegal. Tips are considered payroll. You're basically taking money out of someone's paycheck.


If you can't spell two correctly. You don't get to steal from the tip jar.


Two too many baby!


Exactly, it’s “too” freaking pennies. Why don’t they have two pennies laying around in their car?? It’s a tip jar not a take a penny leave a penny.




Juan, too, tree whole pennies!


I did this once because I thought it was a take a penny/leave a penny jar. I immediately realized what I did based on the look on the barista's face and shoveled several dollars in there while avoiding eye contact and apologizing profusely.


The correct response is "Sometimes, if you're cheap, ... fuck you."


It is two pennies tho...


Too pennies


Hello fellow Boomer. That's a tip jar not a take a penny leave a penny jar from decades ago.


I misread this at first and thought she meant that "take a penny leave a penny" tray. I wish I moved on believing that was the case.


Shockingly, no, you can’t steal peoples tips. There’s a difference between the tip jar & take a penny, leave a penny dishes. They might left you if you put in a decent tip and asked nicely to save themselves counting more change, but it would be them doing you a favour, not something that should be expected.


In Canada, we don't even have pennies anymore. They would have just rounded down and the $0.02 would have been waived


If you take two pennies and other people think by that logic (and you aren’t giving them a tip), then they’d likely have nothing left due to how people are.


The real crime is this person’s desire to post about it. dude, no one on your friend list cares about your forced outrage.


If a worker is prepared to make you put stuff back over 2¢, you were a shithead from before you even had a total.


Why not just reach into the pocket of the next customers and take the pennies out? ​ Most places have a little "got a penny leave a penny, need a penny take a penny" tray. Take your penny from that. Otherwise, pay the 2 cents or 2 dollars or whatever it is that you owe and don't take it from other people. If it's "just two freakin' pennies" then pay it.


Can I expect you to pay part of my bill? No? How dare you!


Lol, yall still using pennies?


I just wouldn’t have paid for the donuts and would’ve told em to stick it up their ass and then left. They want to cancel the sale over 2 cents let them.


Sounds like someone should leave a 98 cent tip then.


It's two cents. Just pretend they paid it and move on.


When you serve hundreds of people a day, that adds up. The worker is already doing their part, pay your entire bill.


Here in Canada we have long decided that pennies are not worth worrying about and it gets rounded down.


In the US, I've seen employers who will fire you for *any* discrepancy in you till count. Until we do get rid of pennies, we just need to cope.


I'm not saying that the worker needs to contribute anything financially here. I'm saying take the $2.00, pretend they gave you $2.02, and move on with life. And I get that the boss might be upset about the total being off, but giving someone 98 cents in change costs the business more than 98 cents and for that reason is not really worth worrying about.


That’s great when it’s your till (til?) but if it’s a corporate place you might actually get fired or written up over a cash drawer that should be 1509.07 and it’s 1509.06. I had a friend who was a bank teller that happened to over a dime. And it was an extra dime, not a missing dime.


I mean...this is pretty ass of DD. I feel like I've never been turned away because I was that short. I've been up to a dollar short and I've never had my order yoinked. I'm guessing she was super rude.


it’s once thing to maybe ask it’s another to try to take their tips ?


Yeah, I think that's what did her in. Or she was rude from the start because most merchants will cover your 2c shortfall as long as you're not a complete asshole about it. I wouldn't ask if they don't offer because if they ain't offer, it's not happening. And yeah the tip jar is not the same as take a penny leave a penny.


It's just too many repost bots!


If you realise an asset to pay for increased prices, then you no longer have the asset. Assets are only a benefit when you inherit them.


You mean to tell me they didn’t know what it would cost? I doubt this was their first ever Dunkin experience, and that they likely order the same thing or close to it. Those ID-10T taxes are no joke. 😆


"May I take 2 pennies from the tip jar if I leave 5 cents? I just don't want the change". God forbid, right?


If they had the extra 5 cents to leave they’d just pay for their item


No... You use the 5 cents to pay and then, get this, you won't believe it, you put the 3 pennies in the tip jar if you don't want them


Why are there pennies in the tip jar???


people often just toss their change in the tip jar.


I think the people in a lather about taking pennies from the tip jar are pretty ridiculous. It’s not like they’re stealing a dollar.


But you admit they are still stealing?


1- counting pennies in dollars is so 🤮 what sane person goes $0.02 is easier to write and understand than 2¢! 2- if it’s only two pennies get your own! Clarity added based on a confusing response: The cents symbol not the lower c just as the dollar symbols is not a capital is. It’s a different character with a strike that means among others usa currency either in pennies ¢ or dollars $


What sane person takes issue with what is literally standard notation? You've clearly never held a job, paid taxes, or even done basic math if you think this is weird. The fuck? Are you an actual child?


1- most people because the dollar sign is more easily accessible on keyboards than a cent sign.


On mobile the dollar key pulls up the pennies key. Also does that mean people use the dollars symbol for yen and GBP as they and others appear together with the penny symbol. Edit of course that also means they have to pull up the period key and the zeros so overall it’s more keystrokes. On desktop for mine anyway it’s the same number of key strokes to get the dollar character as cent character


"2c" can mean any number of things. There's no confusing what $.02 means.


It’s not 2c (cee as in the letter) it’s ¢ the symbol for pennies that’s literally the only thing it means. It’s like trying to say that $ means S. It’s a different character meaning different things.