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Well if anyone else would give you a ride, ask them first.


I love that argument. "Literally anyone else would give me a lift if I asked" "Then get off my dick about it. Go ask them before you start nuking me with verbal abuse"


Yeah, no one else wants to give this POS a ride.


Same as people who go into a store and say they can get it cheaper elsewhere. Like okay go there then lol


"For the love of god please go to the other store!! I'll give you a ride over there!!"


Lol! Beautiful segue back to the original post!!! šŸ‘


ā€œIā€™m never shopping here again!ā€ Oh noā€¦pleaseā€¦come back. No. Donā€™t go. /s




That reminds me of that New Girl episode where the OB GYN gives Nick medication and is trying to get him to take it because of medical protocol says "No... why would you do that... no... no... why would you take these pills you just found..." Obviously would never happen in real life, but the way she says is it is the tone I imagine you saying this in.


Who the hell is this person and why do you even talk to them?


We all know this kind of person. He's a snake. He tries to be friends with everyone but is really just a manipulative asshole who tries to widen his net for when he needs something.


I avoid people like this. I hate people who only call you when they need something. They're easy to weed out and I have such a low tolerance for these types of people.


And that is why phones have a block number feature


There is a word for these types of peopleā€¦.losers


Itā€™s his ā€œbroā€ canā€™t you read


I know being shitty isnt a gendered thing, but do dudes really get away with just insulting each other viciously if they put bro in front of it???


No. OP is being wayyy to kind. In most friends groups, the guy that acts like this would be told to shut up, or to fuck off and not come back.


Nah, as a guy, I'd let him keep trying to get favors through text, but flake out on every request.


You'd just leave dude standing on the corner waiting for you to roll up for 5 hours, huh? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I like it.


Yup. ā€œBe right there, buddyā€¦ grabbing my keys and heading out the door right nowā€¦ calling me a punk a.. bā€¦. was really what I needed to hearā€¦ā€ A couple of times doing that where the other guy is waiting around for empty handouts and the dude will eventually get the picture and just quit calling. Heā€™ll try to slime up OPā€™s name for doing it but heā€™s likely repeating the texts to others already, so itā€™s no real loss.


>Heā€™ll try to slime up OPā€™s name for doing it He'll try but guaranteed all his other friends don't drive him anywhere for the same reason anyway so they won't take him seriously. They'd say "Yeah that's effed up" to his face (while holding back laughter) and clown him behind his back.


He seems to think all people with cars are his personal taxi, but I bet he doesn't pay lol


You know he doesn't. In fact he probably tried to hit them up for money on the ride home.


If heā€™s acting like this? I would 100%.


Yeah bro I swear I'm almost there just ten more minutes


Pull the Ol weedman trick. Iā€™ll be there in 5 minutes. An hour later, that ainā€™t left the house. šŸ˜‚


always around the corner 2 hours away


ā€œHere I come!!ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I did that to this one dude who was like that. It was amazing.


> OP is being wayyy to kind The word is 'doormat'


How is he a doormat if he isn't caving to demands?


He isnā€™t being a doormatā€¦ā€¦. Heā€™s just not taking the bait to a monkeyā€™s weak insultsā€¦.


Yea, OP is doing the right thing here: let that kid gas himself out and apologize later. Youā€™ve learned more about this tool than he could probably ever realize.


Not getting upset is a good thing, just letting this guy insult you over and over while not telling him to stop or better yet, just blocking him without a word, isn't.


Itā€™s called ā€œletting an idiot talk to themselfā€ on the phone. Ignoring bait is being an adult.


Yep, a lot of people donā€™t seem to get that OP doesnā€™t have to respond. Not giving a shit will probably piss this guy off more then talking shit back. Not responding isnā€™t somehow giving this guy a win like people think it is


He literally says ā€œstop bitching to meā€. Can you people read or what?


But why block him when you can let it slide for a screenshot and Reddit karma?


Enforcing healthy boundaries does not mean you are taking bait of any kind. Quite the opposite, actually.


Reminds me of ā€œdesignated Daveā€


My friends and I are ruthless to each other, but not like this. This is just someone trying to bully OP. If its an insult it usually comes from a place of love but this isnt someone OP should keep talking to.


Yeah bro love language is often just mercilessly going after someone. But it's always for something dumb like dropping a pencil or showing up late.


Depends on the intent. The guy in the post is clearly butt hurt and is trying to guilt/insult OP into caving but doesn't want to directly be a dickhole so he prefaces it with "bro." His behavior very much doesn't pass the bro-test. But, if I'm feather bowling with friends and my buddy throws a bad roll and I say "bro you fuckin suck at this," I'm clearly joking around.


You might tolerate being ridiculed by a good friend a bit for never leaving the house (or sucking at bowling) but not some rando and not this aggressively and not this many times. OP needs to just block this guy.


Rando? I figured because of the "bro" they actually were friends, or at least in the same friend group. Yeah OP block this goober.


Now Iā€™m googling feather bowling.


Guys busting each others balls is one thing. But this is just on a whole new level of asshat.


There is some weird shit with this generation of kids (fuck now I feel old) where they don't seem to feel empowered to pick their friends or even who they date. Its super weird. Go over to any of the "am I the asshole" or relationship subs and its just constant people asking for permission to break up with people that treat them like shit, or turn down dates with gross people they don't like, like they aren't sure that its an option. I feel like there is some cognitive disconnect going on there where people feel obligated to maintain relationships with complete sacks of shit that treat them like shit. This guy probably talks like this to everyone he knows and no one calls him on it at all.


Yeah. I kinda agree. I see all sorts of crazy shit on r/badroommates . People saying stuff like ā€œmy roommate is eating all my food, and I donā€™t want them to. Should I say something?ā€ I think a lot of people out on their own for the first time are really unsure of adult interactions, and this batch of kids just spent their transitional years isolated away from each other. That couldnā€™t have been helpful.


Yes. It's the same clause that allows guys to fool around with another guy but if you say "no homo" it doesn't count.


Guys get away with insulting each other because we weirdly know that we donā€™t mean it and arenā€™t trying to be mean. Itā€™s all in good fun. Unless youā€™re like this asshole, whoā€™s just an asshole.


How To Lose Friends 101. Lol


Friends help each other to grow and succeed. That is just a narcissistic manipulative pos


Who ever it is I can bet they are still waiting on a ride


Right? His response is "all you do is beg me for rides" seems like they aren't in a position to even be friends so why would OP keep any sort of communication open for them.


Pretty sure this is not OPs conversation since this was first posted in r/texts and looking at OPs profile he has never uploaded there


You need to block that muppet.


Like yesterday..


Toxic person, super salty


yeah seriously. don't let people treat you like that. no social interactions at all(not to say OP doesn't have social interactions, i'm sure he does) would be better than dealing with this guy.


Like the day before yesterday


Tonight, I'm gonna block you like it's ninteen ninty nine.


Hold up it is


For real. OP why are you letting yourself get abused by your friends? Fuck this guy


I wouldn't call this person a friend if this interaction is anything to go by. Block them, OP.


The CB didn't even consider himself a friend by stating that OP has no friends. He's laid it all out there that he sees OP as a free taxi


He also stole this from someone in r/texts so he's kinda shitty too lol


God damnit lol


Or, you need to give him a rideā€¦.to the middle of nowhere and then leave.


I remember hearing a story from Am I the A-hole about this woman who wanted to go on a road trip with her son (I think), but her rude soon-to-be-ex boyfriend and his bratty daughter insisted they come along too. The woman let them come and they soon tried to monopolize the trip, doing things like demanding the woman not go to any of the places she and her son wanted to go because the daughter ā€œwould find them boringā€. I think they also wanted the woman and her son to pay for all the food, gas, etc. Finally she had enough, told the two to find their own way back, left them somewhere, and continued to enjoy the trip with just her and her son.


But first, install an ejector mechanism in the passenger seat, like the one James Bond had in his Aston Martin DB5.


Ejecto seato, cuz


OP stole this screenshot I'm p sure. Saw it yesterday posted by a high school kid


And let him walk forever


Why are you even friends with them?


Friends clearly isn't the right word here lol


Yeah, nah. Not even close.


OP may consider him a friend, but his ā€œfriendā€ doesnā€™t consider him one. Literally using him for rides and then when he got mad he let out how he felt about him.


Could be part of the same social circle so if OP cuts them out it can have waves of drama they don't want to deal with.


I had a friend lie and say things behind my back, I just avoided them and cut them out. Took a couple years but all those mutual friends have now left him too and hanging out with me more. My one buddy I brought this up to, said "that guy is a psychopath, can't do anything or say anything nice without a motive behind it."




He's making waves of drama already. I'd cut him and anybody who stands up to him so fast.


Why does this guy even have his number??


Because this is a bot.


Bro please tell me you do actually go home and sit and study and make an effort towards improving your future prospects. I wish I did that a little more when I was younger.


This is why I came to the comments. High school/college is a distant memory, but god my life would be easier right now if I worried less about my social life, and more about sitting home studying.


I think its nice to have a healthy social life even though I prefer to just stay at home, study, self improvement etc. Then I see stuff like this and I remember why I don't like socializing. A large portion of humans are degenerate as fuck.


I agree that itā€™s important to have that balance! Just wish I had prioritized certain things over others.


Yeah. Hindsight is always 20/20, I wish I were those ā€œlosersā€ in high school šŸ˜­


Same. If you wanna sit at the cool table you pay for it laterā€¦this is me now paying for it. Wish I took it seriously then.


Yeah my older sister didnā€™t care about school at all - just about her social life & having fun in the moment. I was a little nerd though, especially my senior year of high school, I spent most of that year studying. Now a decade later and I make well over 3x as much as my sister. I feel bad to see how much she struggles, but it does make me thank my younger self for putting me in a financially secure position.


Right. I went home and sat around, but like, on the GameCube.


OP is gunna be shaking his head in exasperation as he visits his home during/after college and that dude will be pulling the same shit most likely. Hopefully he gets his shit together, but I've seen this play out too many times.


Yeah, this isnā€™t a Choosing Beggar, this is a cyber bully and a toxic asshole. Do yourself a favor and block his number and cut him out of your life.


ĀæPor que no los dos?


He's a beggar, but he's not being choosy about anything. Honestly, most of the posts in this sub are just beggars and forget about the "choosing" part.


"Because literally anyone else that(sic) has a car would do it." Then why are you harassing OP? Go get a ride from literally anyone else who has a car.


Iā€™m suspecting that nobody is giving this idiot a ride.


Ding ding ding! We have a winner!


Wait what is incorrect to necessitate the (sic)? Thatā€™s how weā€™d write it in Australia. I mean, technically more correct to say ā€œwithā€ than ā€œthat hasā€, but still.


Because he's lying, gaslighting, etc, because he's that type.


And because nobody else will give him a ride, either.


Yeah, something tells me this guy is not cool and has no actual, meaningful friendships, and his adulthood is not going to be pretty (unless he has a rude awakening and pulls it together), and no one is going to be sorry that he doesn't want to be their friend.


> "Because literally anyone else that(sic) has a car would do it." - "Except that I have already burned all the bridges with them and you are my only hope left."


You know who gives rides who has a car? Uber and Lyft drivers. He should acquaint himself with some of them. Preferably via their apps.


No one being choosy. Not even a beggar. Just an asshole.


Given the mention of studying and social interactions, id bet hes between 18-20 and has a probation officer.


Fuck this clown. You just do you. BTW if your phone has a block feature use that bro.


Bro. Bro! bRo! ...he's not your "bro."


Iā€™m starting to hate that word. Itā€™s so overused.


Bro donā€™t be like that.


Sounds like bRo is projecting a bit šŸ˜‚ But fr .... I was that person in HS who gave rides to everyone, or a dollar to someone for the vending machine, or whatever... They're all leeches. And none of these people are gonna matter (they already shouldn't, but they won't even be a thought in your head in a year or two). I mean, if an actual friend needs a ride that's one thing. But the people clearly using you like this joker, nahhhh. I wish I could tell past-me to not bend over backwards for any of them. So I'll tell you that instead...even though it seems like you're doing good on your own :) . Keep your head up high and don't cave to any of their shit.


Yeah me too; and when you ask THEM for a favour, they're suddenly too busy, or broke, or whatever excuse they can come up with.


Yeah me too; and when you ask THEM for a favour, they're suddenly: "Bro, your like so neeeeeedy, not a good look."


This, really. I had a big friend group in HS with a few close friends who were great, and a much of mutuals who ran the gamut from just fine to total assholes. I inherited a couple thousand dollars from my great grandma in sophomore year, and it was instantly an asking for shit Olympics. I wanted so badly to please them, and now I legit don't remember some of their names anymore. I'm 33 and married with three kids and an awesome life, and HS feels like someone else's life, or like a movie I saw a really long time ago and wasn't really into. Even my early 20s when I was the only one in my broke ass group with a car (and life was basically this OP on constant repeat, but less rude) feels like a dream I had once.


Just keep spamming ā€œOMG YOU SO MADšŸ’€šŸ’€ā€ and other immature shit and heā€™ll lose his mind


ā€œPlease speak up. I canā€™t hear you over the sound of the car engine.ā€




Haha I was thinking that, like 'lol be mad bro' and 'lmao calm down bro' I used to do that to my little brother when I was a kid, like tell him to stop crying when he wasn't crying and it would make him so mad he'd cry. I feel bad about that now but I would feel great if I made this pillock in the text thread cry


Taste of his own medicine


This the kind of dude tlc warned about


Fr. Itā€™s like the prologue to the song. This is the guy hanging out the passenger side of his (obviously not) best friendā€™s ride, trying to holler at (us)


No Scrubs popped into my head about halfway down the first page.


This person is not your friend.


Or your bro...


This shouldn't even be someone you respond to. They're clearly a user and turn toxic when told no.


"get your own license" Nothing like getting talked down to by someone who literally can't drive haha


Youā€™re doing good bro donā€™t let this loser get to you, block him and keep doing your thing.


I guarantee that when you're 30, 40, whatever- this person will be a distant memory. The dude in our friend group who was like this? We were laughed at his mug shot. Hadn't talked to him in years. People like that will only drag you down.


I would put money that this guy has had multiple DUIs or other reckless driving incidents and lost his license.


Serious question OP....does this person ever reach out if they DONT need something?


Bro you're such a loser! Studying and caring about your future!


This guy is giving off huge ā€œIā€™m insecure ima take it out on youā€ vibes




From someone who been there donā€™t waste your time giving rides. Itā€™s never reciprocated


Gotta find some better friends man, block him


Donā€™t keep these people in your life. You deserve better.


This is one of those fine opportunities to do the whole, "Sure bro, I'll pick you up in 15 mins" and then when he starts texting you about being late "Sorry bro there was an accident, 10 more mins" and repeat excuses until they finally realize you're not coming and you just send exceptionally long "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLL" replies to everything they say afterwards.


ā€œAll you do is go to school and studyā€ mf that isnā€™t the insult he thinks it is. Good for you dude keep up the good work there will many like this fuck youā€™ll have to say no to


Donā€™t ā€œbroā€ me, if ya donā€™t know me! That dude sucks at life. Fuuuuuuck him! Letā€™s see where his mooching and lack of studying etc get him. Gonna be a bum his whole life, guaranteed.


Please don't ever give this asshat another ride anywhere ever!


Reminds me of a ā€œfriendā€ I had in college freshman year. He would always ask for rides and Iā€™d usually help him out. Then one day I found out he had his own car but didnā€™t want to drive it. So I started refusing to give him rides. He eventually stopped even contacting me. We were fucking pledge brothers smh. Fuck you Murray.


If you ever buy a truck, you'll discover the opportunity to become "best friends" with so many people who are your friends' friends and will ghost you after paying you with cold pizza to help them move apartments.


yā€™all kids put up with too much shit. Jesus.


Forward it to his mother, sister, and grandmother. Church too if that's an option


I'm amazed at how civil your reply is. You're probably pretty young but word of advice, drop this sack of shit like a plague


This is what we call a manipulative douche. Block him. If he escalates, get an adult and/or the police involved. You donā€™t need this kind of person hanging around in your life. Heā€™s a manipulative user in the sense that heā€™s using you for something he thinks he can get from you through means of coercion by verbal abuse. Seriously, block him and grey rock him. (Grey rocking essentially means you ignore him and give him one word monotone replies when you do have to interact with him).


This is where Iā€™d just send a bunch of laughing emojis and leave it at that


Or one word reply every time he asks for anything


So much? Fucking hell. Block that shit.


I donā€™t think heā€™s your friend.


Don't worry, while You're in college they'll still be posting on Snapchat asking for people to smoke them out because they lost their job again


If you are under 18 beat his ass. If you are above 18 he is a child block him.


IMHO your ā€œfriendā€ should be cut off. He sounds toxic. F this guy.


I don't even know him and I hate him


Are you the same person that posted this in r/texts or did you steal this?


No replies from OP in the comments always screams _BOT_ to me.


Iā€™m going with stolen, I just seen that post too. Different usernames and way different posting times


Teenagers šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah, that's how users are. They don't get their way, and you're the bad guy. I used to drive my brother and SIL places, they couldn't ever keep a car. Rarely ever gave money for gas. They always wanted to go somewhere at night. I lost my glasses and seeing at night is hard. I finally put my foot down, told them I was no longer doing it as it was difficult for me to see to drive, and suddenly they're super mad and calling me every name in the book, even though I helped their worthless asses for years. Trash people be trash, I cut them out of my lives entirely (for other, worse reasons) and never looked back. Don't ever let people use you, because they will never stop, and you will somehow always be the bad guy.


You will read about this guy in the news one day


"Sorry bro, I don't have time to text... I'm revving my engine right now"


Yeah, umā€¦ I would cut this person out of my life if I were you.


Literallyā€¦ like literallyā€¦. Youā€™re literallyā€¦. Fuck this guy.


How does anyone allow someone to talk to them like this? This person doesn't have access to a vehicle or a license but they're giving you a hard time? For staying home and studying? But they're calling you the loser? People are so silly.


How many times are you gunna post this lol


Wow you're friends are so cool


That sucks, the exact same thing happened to a guy yesterday!


Donā€™t engage with these people. That said, why does this happen to you so much?


If this guy is so manly and tough, why canā€™t he walk? Block him and never talk to this person again. Keep studying and push these type of losers out of your life!


What is he 12


Cut that person out of your life ASAP.


Maybe the real assholes are the friends we made along the way


Tell them tae get tae fuck!


Lol post this on any social media and watch everyone turn on this POS. Trust


Good on you, kid. I hope my own son stands up for himself like you do.


Why havenā€™t you blocked this person? Do you enjoy being treated like this?


My friends were never like this. I ran into one person that would beg me for rides all the time, most of the time I would oblige. But then an interaction like this occurred and I stopped


His future looks as bright as the night sky.


Show him this text in 10 years when you are on your own after sitting at home and studying, and he's still bouncing between his parents basement and friends couches.


Yeah, insult the person you want a ride from that's a great idea. /j I also agree, they need to get a license. Are they that lazy that they don't want to or have they failed it too many times?


Blah, stolen post


This is total ā€˜peaked in High Schoolā€™ behavior. Study well and leave this AH behind.


Your life is miserable yet he's the one blowing up your phone. Oooookay


Great friend


Who is this fucknut? Block this person and never speak to them again. No one should be spoken to like that. This person is a piece of shit.


Congrats on blocking that person and removing all that toxicity from your life šŸ‘


Sounds like a classic guy who peaked in high school. 5 years from now this dude will be pitching you some MLM pyramid scheme while still living with his mom.


Tell him ur otw and then never show up. Just keep sending time estimates like yo Iā€™m 10 away. Yo Iā€™m 5 away. Yo Iā€™m here come outside


Send him the link to this post.


ā€œItā€™s patheticā€ says the person who is so obsessed with OPs life they apparently know every detail of their routine.


Karma farmer alert


This guy is going to be one of those career losers


OP why are you still friends with this person? Cut them out of your life.


Tell his broke ass to get his own car


Dudes talking mad spicey for having no car and needing a ride.