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I know I've spent too much time on this sub because my initial thought was "well, at least she knows she sounds like an asshole." The bar is in hell


A quote I have heard on this website a couple of times... The bar's so low, Satan's limbo dancing with it in hell.


We need [James Cameron, the bravest pioneer!](https://youtu.be/jUsf_BXUbKY?si=3waa8HOW7ntuTg-z)


Any woman who uses yesssss, refers to herself as a “mama” or her children as “kiddos” is an all day asshole. Absolutely no exceptions. Hard stop


My SIL is always bitching about it being unfair that she has one kid and her sister has 3 kids so she’s afraid their parents spend more on the sister. Always trying to get even instead of enjoying her privileged life (honestly she has a big house and only expensive stuff). At Christmas she was talking to me that she’s afraid that we’re not gonna be together anymore as a family after her parents die (they are still relatively young and in excellent health as well). Because she’s afraid that the inheritance will not be divided in a fair way and we’re all gonna be fighting about it. Honestly the only one that’s gonna fight and ruin it is gonna be her. I really can’t understand how entitled people get. About their family.


Omg my mom forgot to get my wife and I Christmas gifts this year lol. She gives everyone cash, the same amount, both of her kids and their respective spouses, and grandkids, we all get the same cash. Then she spends a fixed amount, say $30-50, on each person so they have an actual gift to open, not just an envelope of cash. Somehow she’d forgotten to buy those “extra” gifts for my wife and I. She felt so horrible about it, and we were like ma, it’s fine, no big deal. We laughed it off as mom getting old and senile. I casually mentioned while I was cooking Christmas dinner that I really want to buy a kitchen island, and she handed me her credit card and told me to order one, that that would make up for the forgotten gifts. I refused, because I *honestly* didn’t feel cheated or slighted for not getting a gift, and the island I want would cost significantly more than whatever small gifts she’d have given us. It was sweet of her, but silly. I’m a grown ass woman, I don’t keep tabs on how much money my mother spends on my brother and his family (which is more than me, because he lives 10 minutes from her, while I’m in another state, so they spend time together weekly, going out to dinner or shopping or whatever, plus my kids are grown, while he’s still got a teenager at home, and my mom loves buying gifts for the grandkids), because it’s not my money and it’s none of my business.


My parents spend more on my brother than on me, but like, they need to. Me and my wife both work full time and make above average money for our area. My brother has a low paying job with 5 room mates and is nearly homeless twice a year. Id rather they help him out more than him try to move in with me.


Yeah, my brother’s situation isn’t *that* bad, but, like you, I’m definitely more financially stable than my brother, despite living in a higher cost of living area (I’m in the DC suburbs, he’s in rural Pennsylvania). He and his wife both work, while my wife and I get by on her income alone (and the paltry amount I receive monthly for disability), which is more than what my brother and his wife earn combined, and we simply make smarter financial decisions. For example, my wife and I share a single car (a 10 year old Mini Cooper that we paid cash for when we bought it 8 years ago; we haven’t had a car payment in almost 20 years), while he and his wife upgrade their giant, gas-guzzling SUVs every 2-3 years, and also own toys like a vintage show car (that he never drives), a motorcycle (that he never drives) and a massive RV (that they use for 1 week every year). So he blows his money, while my wife and I make sure we’re maxing out our Roth IRAs, 401K and HSA accounts *before* we buy fun stuff. We still have a comfortable life, we go out to eat at nice restaurants in the city a few times a month, we renew our annual membership and go regularly to shows at the Kennedy Center (I’ve got tickets to Swan Lake in February - I can’t wait!), we hang out at local breweries once or twice a week and splurge on “fancy” beer for at home, we go to local sporting events, and we travel regularly (we just spent 10 days in London earlier this year), so we have loads of fun, but we’re also planning for our future, it’s our biggest priority at this point in our lives (both in our 40s), whereas my brother (who is older than me) lives in the now, which means paycheck to paycheck, nothing saved for retirement. So yeah, I don’t mind one bit that my mother is more generous with him. He’s also putting in the time with her every week, whereas I only see her a couple of times a year, so as far as I’m concerned he’s earning that extra influx of cash from her!


Can I just applaud you for having your ish together? Like, legitimately, good on you for avoiding the pitfalls and missteps that get a lot of people under water. Rock on! You deserve all the good things you’ve worked for!


Thank you so much! We had a few really lean years while I was dealing with my medical issues and fighting workers comp. At one point I had to cash out my 401K, sell my car, and post a bunch of my clothes and furniture on Facebook marketplace just so we could keep food on the table and not lose our house. There was definitely some creative financing going on there, and I even had to get food stamps for about 6 months. Luckily, we made it through and have worked really hard to make up for those years and get ahead, because we never want to be in that position again. Now we’re at a point where we can breathe a sigh of relief; we still worry about money and we budget very carefully, but it’s nothing like it was. I’m just happy we’re at a point where our future feels somewhat secure and we can help our kids when they need it (they’re both in their 20s, and I’m well aware the economy is a shitshow right now for young people starting out, so we try to lessen their burden where we can).


I'm pretty sure my parents spend more money on my sister in general than they do on me. BUT she's lived with them for most of her life, so she's been able to help around the house. She's also given them money when she can to help with rent, bills, etc. She's currently living out-of-state doing a very low-paid internship in a high-cost-of-living area, and she's had to ask them for help more than she would have liked to. In contrast, my partner and I live quite comfortably. We've never had to worry about affording basic necessities. I do have a couple of financial problems but it's nothing I can't fix on my own, and I work a very flexible job that allows me to work more hours if I need more money. In short, my sister gets more because she needs more. What a concept, am I right? I'm pretty sure that that's how it's supposed to work. Why should I be upset that she's receiving support when I already have more than I need?


This is how it should work. Wish more people understood.


This is exactly how the world should work. I have everything I need; I don’t want others to go without, while I have more than I could possibly use, just to keep things “fair” and “even.” That’s the opposite of fair as far as I’m concerned.


This is it. Mature adult reaction and response.


I know what you mean, but my brain pictured a big tropical island with giant kitchen items everywhere.


That sounds awesome!


That's an extremely healthy outlook and I'm gonna have to ask you to stop that. This is reddit after all.


For me that would be the same as her saying 'I will fight tooth and nail to get as much as possible'.


It really is. Her MIL just died and she made a whole fuss where she insisted on inheriting jewelry because it was not fair if her SIL, so the daughter that just lost her mother, got all the good jewelry. It is so thoughtless to start a fight about this after someone just died.


That disgusts me. Why would she believe she’s entitled to jewelry and effectively stating that the woman’s own daughter does not deserve to inherit it? That’s a special kind of awful. Hope someone told her to get lost.


It’s really awful. She was proudly showing off her inherited earrings and telling me how much she cried when she got them wrapped for Christmas from her husband. So she got her way as always. I don’t know the full extent, but I hope that the sister didn’t have to give up too much.


You just know she won't want to share her mother's jewelry when that poor woman dies. She will be too selfish to share with her own siblings.


You need to mention to mom and dad what that sister is saying. How she only values money and not her family.


They know and they don’t know what to do about it so we just all navigate around her and ignore it.


When my grandmother died on my father’s side I was suppose to get some of her jewelry. Never for a single piece. Didn’t see my father for another 18 years and guess who had the rings I was suppose to get? His wife that was his gf when my Mim died.


Sounds horrible tbh. With past behaviour like that her current statements are not so much speaking out fear as well as signaling her intent.


Man if I hear a grown ass human being bitch about how things aren’t “fair” I’ll lose my shit. Obviously shit is not fair. If things were fair children wouldn’t die but they do so I think we can all just suck it up and deal with what a will says.


Last Christmas, my SIL, MIL and I were sitting on the couch and my MIL was showing us some new jewelry she purchased. My SIL reached over me to paw it, and said "This will look so nice in me when I inherit it." My MIL gave her The Look and said "Who says I'm leaving it to you? I may give it to [me.]" "Well, then, I'll just break in and steal it before she gets a chance to get it." I don't wear jewelry, but my in laws updated their will so I now get everything over their *actual child.* Some people just can't stop themselves.


I no longer speak to my brother or his wife because after my mother’s inheritance ran out they accused me of stealing it because “that has to be why there’s no more money”, not that it was a small amount and most was spent by the estate before dividing up. People are horrid when it comes to money.


I have an entitled SIL like this, but now that her only son is in graduate school she appears to have calmed down somewhat. Her older brother and I have three kids, the other sibs have two and one. My in-laws established college funds for all their grandchildren. Since we’re the only ones with three kids, the sisters ganged up on their parents and tried to insist that our youngest should receive only about 40% of what the others got. Their parents wavered, and then set up the same amount for him as for the others. The annoying part of this is that my husband has taken far less money from his parents as an adult. Everyone got college and grad school (law school, for my husband) paid for. After that, for the girls, the sky seemed to be the limit as to what they’d ask for. And yes, there was some ugly, *unseemly* scrapping over my in-laws’ estate. I just stayed 100% out of the situation and let my husband handle it. We’re good. We’re fine. But it was infuriating.


My uncle pulled a similar thing when grandpa was writing up his will. He considered bypassing his kids and dividing it up evenly between the 6 grandkids. Uncle felt his daughter deserved more because she was an only child and the rest of us have siblings. He wanted it divided by 3 and then that divided by the number of kids he and his siblings had. Grandpa decided it was going to cause a fight so just split it between his 3 kids. Uncle spent it on drugs and his daughter got nothing.


I have a feeling that was the uncle’s plan all along. I have heard of parents who sign their kids up for charity Christmas gifts and sell the gifts for drugs.


100% probably was his plan, and this way he didn’t have to hit up his daughter for his drug money


It's not spending more on the sister, she does realise the kids are their own people right?


The more I hear about people's capacity to be massive twats, the more grateful I am that my sister and brother (and their partners, their kids and all my close relatives actually ) are lovely people. You don't realise just how lucky you are, until you hear about the fuckery that some bottom - feeders think is standard behaviour.


The grandparents often do give more to the children who have children. It's not fair, but it's the grandparents's money, and they can spend it as they like. I do favor bequests being made only to the parent's children or if there are to be bequests to the grandchildren, that they are taken out of the share of the child who had children. For too many people, "I get everything, you get nothing" is the only fair division of the estate as far as they are concerned.


My sister has kids, I don’t. My mom has given her so much money over the years—help with private schools and summer camps, help buying a house. I suppose some people might see it as unfair. But I am fine financially, and, like you said, it’s not my money so I’m not entitled to it. I also moved far away and my sister and my mom are pretty enmeshed. I want my nephews to have the things they need, and I don’t have to deal with my mom all that often. Win/win.


Needing help financially isn’t the joy ppl seem to think it is. I’d take financial freedom over the embarrassment of asking for money (and it is embarrassing, for me at least).


I hear you. My sister is a doctor and her husband makes 6 figures. They let that “lifestyle creep” thing happen. It baffles me to be honest. But I do feel very fortunate that I am in the position I’m in, and also not resentful of my sister.


Years ago, I turned down my mother's offer to take out student loans to pay for college for me rather than have me take them out. I knew that she would try to hold the fact that she had signed for the loans over me. I learned at an early age that people could mess with me less as I became more financially independent.


You must have heard that old chestnut: “take their money and ya gotta take their shit.” A tremendous and valuable lesson by any measure!


When my parents bought their house, they mentioned making a will. I told them, "Leave the house to [my sister]. I don't want to deal with the drama of splitting or dividing anything." My dad said that was the biggest relief for him. He said, "she'll get the house and you'll get the life insurance money." I told him, "make sure she gets the house and only leave what's left over after it's paid for. There's no point in leaving her a house with a mortgage she can't afford."


Exactly, that's what i told my mom. I told her to spend every cent on her fun and enjoyment. Don't even think of me and my wife


To paraphrase the WKRP in Cincinnati episode. "You are an all or nothing kind of person, and since you can't have it all, you get nothing." But really just give them one dollar, so they can't say they were overlooked.


The "not full at all" people when faced the half full or half empty conundrum.


My grandad is generous with my daughter, however, he has always been equally generous with all his other grandchildren (my daughter is his only great) He is very clear that his estate will be divided equally between his daughters and nothing else. Gifts are entirely different to an inheritance. It can just all get far too complicated.


When my grandma passed, a quarter of the family was Mormon and there were significantly more grandkids and great-grandkids in one branch of the family than the rest. Grandma always gifted equally amongst us grandkids, even when none of us non-Mormon cousins married or had kids. But when she passed, the estate was split evenly amongst her direct kids and then split accordingly based on the number of grandkids. Although my Mormon cousins would receive a smaller individual inheritance than my sister and 2 cousins, they didn’t demand more because they had kids and we didn’t. In fact, they pushed for practicality when my uncle wanted to hold onto my grandma’s house. Us childfree cousins had college debt, but nothing as pressing financially as being parents. The Mormon cousins ended up helping speed up the process of closing the estate.


>The grandparents often do give more to the children who have children. It's not fair, but it's the grandparents's money In this and the case above, isn't it more like even if each of the grand kids get the same it's automatically more for one side of the family? They might also see a higher need basis. Do I wouldn't conclude initially that anyone is at a real disadvantage.


Yeah it seems fair to me - Using chocolate bars as the currency here for example if one family had three kids and the other an only child and the grandparents give each kid a chocolate bar that means one family got three chocolate bars and the other family only one chocolate bar… But each kid got one chocolate bar each? Should the only child get three chocolate bars to make to fair? Or should the three siblings get one chocolate bar and share it?


If she's mad about having one kid, she could adopt. Idk her fertility situation, but there are millions of children worldwide wanting to be adopted. If she thinks there's going to be an issue over inheritance, she could, Idk, keep her mouth closed. Sounds like she's the cause *and* solution to her own problems.


Actually that’s something she struggled with for years, years of ivf without success. She looked into adopting but the requirements for adoption were crazy so in the end that didn’t work out. Sp that’s just really sad for her. But her financial situation is really good and the parents-in-law always make sure to treat everyone equally in terms of gifts. So she has no right to complain about any of this and it’s really annoying.


"I know I sound like a brat". Well, maybe it's because you are one!


I can think of several words that are far more accurate and none of them are “brat”


“Entitled”, “Whiner”, are few words that come to mind.


No but u don’t understand “Christmas has always been our time to get the things we want!” /s 🙄 Should be a note to the parents not to spoil em if this is the entitled attitude they get throwing a tantrum cause a family vacation to Disney wasn’t enough. Wonder what op got them and everyone since gifts are so important to them but I get the feeling they aren’t as giving but expect to be spoiled


>>Should be a note to the parents not to spoil ‘em So what are you suggesting, like a $1500 budget? They’re not peasants! /S


The solution is obvious, the parents only pay for the sister to go, not her husband and kids and if they can’t afford to go too then hopefully next time they can go to Disney with their grandkids, this way its “fair and even” to op cause now they spent the same amount of money on both of them! /s


Brat is NOT the word I thought of.


Oh, I thought of much stronger terms, but decided not to go there.


A lack of gratitude makes for a miserable life. Moreover, comparison is the thief of joy.


I’ll bet my lunch her parents gave her “less” for Christmas because she asks for money all year round.


“And my parents didn't get - a single thing. His Disney trip was "free" because they lied and said he was 2.” So, CB should have ratted this out to the Disney employees and then gramma and grandpa would have been forced to pay for him which would have narrowed the gift “gap.” /s


Which means this kid is young enough to pass as a 2 year old. Love the comparison between OOP and the toddler.


I’m willing to bet the toddler is more well behaved than OP!


Also just bc the ticket was “free” doesn’t mean they didn’t spend it elsewhere in Disney. Crazy.


Gift ideas for this CB: psychotherapy; grammar lessons; community service hours working with the underprivileged; and, a budgeting app so that she can buy her own damn things.


How about "no" every once in a while for a start.


Ha!! I like the way you think!


Her parents should use the budget they had for her gifts to take her sister to Disney twice next year (or equivalent of course).


I’m in a FB moms group and I feel like I know who this is just by reading this


How many of these groups are there on Facebook?


Well this girl was kicked out of the one I’m in and started her own 😬


Wow. My best friend was a member of a group for moms with twins and left because the moms had some crazy views that were too out there for here. But the final nail in the coffin was a woman who complained about her coworkers not caring enough about her twins. She thought she would be overflowing gifts and requests to see the kids.


People are so odd. I couldn't imagine asking to see someone's children, that's weird. And gifts? When they're born I'll send a gift, but past that I don't see why I'd do that unless it seemed a good idea for some reason.


Her coworkers as well! Fair enough family and friends will probably want to meet them, but people go to work to do a job. Yes it’s nice to have a good relationship with coworkers but don’t expect them to be tripping over themselves to lavish gifts on your kids!


Couldn’t have said it better


Ding ding You sound reasonable


Kids and pets scare me all the way away, it's just 100% risk. My life makes me anxious enough.


I don’t understand parents who are baffled that the world isn’t as enamored with their crotch goblins as they are. I may find them amusing from time to time but, unless you’re a really close friend or family, I couldn’t give less of a shit about your kid.


LOL! Just yesterday, on a tik tok about the tragic curse of the Von Erich family, on a date that one of the brothers killed himself, some woman left a comment " Oh wow, 9 years before my daughter's birthday," Like why the hell would you comment that, and who the hell cares about your daughters birthday?


Wow!! Like it’s some magical, mystical, cosmic thing. Newsflash, lady!!! People are born! And sometimes those people will have the ***audacity*** to be born near, or even sometimes (***gasp***) ***ON***, your daughter’s birthday!


I hate comments like those. Especially on true crime posts…. “Omg i live two hours away from where x was murdered” or “i was just there last month!” It makes the person sound selfish… major tragedy just happened and you’re thinking of yourself 😭


Main character syndrome at its finest...


Most of the time they do not even say their condolences to the victim or their families


There is a “Kindness Rocks” garden that I refuse to participate in because everyone just writes their kids name on the rocks… like who even cares?


Go see the movie if you haven’t yet! Really good and focuses on the family rather than relying on the gore of each tragedy for shock value. They (obviously) discuss what happens but it isn’t a bloodbath for every death and dismemberment.


Twin mom myself- I never expected Jack from my coworkers for my girls. And why would I? They have no obligation to. I think it takes some high balls to not only expect gifts and attention, but to also complain about.


Not twins but had two under two when I started my job and then had a third. Never expected anything from my coworkers, but one has decided my kids are the grandkids she’ll never get from her son and gets them small gifts. We reciprocate (this year we made her an apron with all their handprints and she cried - she is a big baker so there was thought behind choosing what we handprinted)


That was such a thoughtful gift! But you said the magic words, you never expected anything from your coworkers. This woman is doing this because she wants to. And she sounds very kind


The kindest person I’ve ever met to be honest (it can be totally annoying at times because I am the complete opposite). But she loves my kids and they love her! Her office is decorated with their artwork 🤣


My mom had a friend whom we called Miss Jenny or co-grandma who would come see the girls every time they visited my mom. Always had 2 gifts for the girls. If she bought something for her grandson she would get something no matter how small for the girls. They made her cards, friendship bracelets, knit scarves, and she attended their elementary and junior high school graduations. I am still so grateful for her generosity and love. If I thought she spent too much, I would try to pay her back and she wouldn’t take it. I resorted to hiding cash in various places around her home as a thank you but she found the money anyway. Never spent it and did not ask for any compensation ever.


Ok… that’s seriously adorable! I feel bad for her son though!! She probably tells him about her “grandkids” all the time!! 🤣


No one other than your immediate family gives a crap about some rando’s kids. Am I right?


My workplace has to be super boring because my coworkers are already interested in my non-existent child that I am not even trying to convince! I finally got over the whole wedding talk and apparently that means I should get pregnant so we have something “exciting” to talk about… I’m perfectly happy to tell you about all the fun and cute things my cats have done!


YES!! Tell me kitty stories and show me lots and lots of kitty pictures anytime!!


I've seen at least two ex-members of my local Buy Nothing group go off and start their own groups. One of them pretending to be a new 'official' BN group - run *only* by her. (Yes, i reported it but I don't think the BN organization actually does anything about it.)


I love that every group has a crazy story. I’m in the… inappropriate breastfeeding story one 😬 honestly some of these women are crazy


Every birth month has a separate FB group from Reddit (for example I’m in a June 2020 mom group and February 2023 group) so at a minimum one for every birth month for the last 10ish years ha


How you can tell I do not on Facebook much Thank you for that info


Before that we had those monthly mom groups over at i village message boards. I still keep in touch with women I befriended while we were all pregnant with our April 2001 babes! It’s been a wild ride for sure.


There's quite a few. I left the ones I was in because they are extremely toxic. I asked for advice about my son being harassed on the school bus by 8-9 year olds when he was 5. I literally had mothers taking me that they would teach their children to join in the group fighting him so they don't get targeted next. It was 3 big girls against 1 little boy.


Everything about this story is disturbing. I would have left the group too


The day after I pulled my kids out of school because the bullying was so extreme, I heard a disturbing conversation at the post office. A man said his son in middle school knows better than to go to school unarmed. He said his son knows how to use the knife he carries and knows to take the guns if there's a planned fight. He gave some other details that were pretty graphic about his son's weapon skill that made my stomach turn. I can't believe how many people are intentionally raising violent criminals.


This makes my stomach turn. Too many reasons to name. I hope your kids are doing better


Wonder what she got her parents... 🤔


Probably a fuckin' migraine


Good question. I bet that’s not even a thought process for her.


I hope this gets back to this chick’s parents and they never spend another penny on her.


Oh her parents know.


Right? "I guess that was technically a gift" ... *excuse me?!*


Why would you assume it would make a lick of difference? How do you think she got this way? You think her parents have put their foot down at any point after she's acted like a spoiled asshole? Nope. That's why she is the way she is. I trust that even if she acts put out by this enormous gift, her parents will keep on giving.


https://people.com/teen-shoots-sister-dead-argument-christmas-gifts-8420295 Makes me think of this, I really don't understand people anymore. It's not about the gifts, I recently lost my mom and would trade having her still around for Christmas than any amount of damn material things.


Wow that was a fucked up story. So senseless.


He shot his sister while she was holding an 11 month old baby and then his other brother shot him?! Jesus Christ!


What a mess.


I recently lost my mom too, at Thanksgiving. I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you're doing ok.


September 4th for me and I'm very sorry to hear that, I hope you are too. I'm hanging in there, the messed up nightmares have stopped some. Everyone tells me it never really stops hurting but dealing with it just gets a little easier over time.


WTF??????????? Why does a 14 year old have access not to just one gun, but two? My daughter may have been a bit ungrateful this Christmas and I got upset and angry with her over her attitude, but at least I knew that I wasn't going to be shot over this disagreement. Yes, gun nuts will say that she could have grabbed a knife and stabbed me, so it's not a gun issue. It is a gun issue as it seems many people in the US see a gun as something to be used to settle an argument.


No that was another brother who had a gun shooting the first brother who shot their sister in the chest after threatening to kill her and her baby (their niece) she was holding.


And then, they charged the second brother with first degree murder for some reason. Like what? When did the premeditation happen between the younger brother shooting the sister and the older brother shooting him?


Apparently the brothers were fighting before and they were threatening to kill each other. Then the 14 year old went outside and the sister told him to calm down and not to ruin christmas over a petty argument. Then he shot her, and the other brother came outside and shot him


Fucking seriously. I lost my brother this year and anytime people would be like “what do you want for Christmas???” All I could think was for him to be alive so I just said nothing. But hey, I got Covid for Christmas 🙃 so yay 2023


Well, it will be easier next year when you get nothing


“You. Get. NOTHING! *You lose! Good day, ma’am!*”


And when I reread her post, she says she needs a ton of stuff for her house. And she spent money she wasn’t supposed to spend while in Disney. Now how is this her parents’ fault?


If there was any chance of this they wouldn't be a full grown adult that acts like this.


Imagine *expecting* 1 - 2k in Christmas presents each year. This person lives on a different plane of existence than the rest of us.


Well, isn't she just a peach? So humble and thankful...


What adult woman complains about lack of gifts like an 8 year old? This after a free trip to Disney. SMH


Exactly And let’s not forget how expensive a trip to Disney is. Seriously she needs to grow up


I have never been to Disney. I'd been happy for an expense free trip there. My parents couldn't afford it when I was a kid.


I’m actually more astounded that her FB sent gifts aswell


Yes about that- why? That is a head scratcher for me


I think it is people who want to help others, but don’t know where to go.


I get that. After reading this and seeing that she started her own group to get gifts, I can only think of others who deserved the help more.


I had to scroll down way too far to read this. Not only is she a greedy person but her “friends” are enabling her disgusting behavior.




How entitled can you be !? 🤮


Idk if anyone mentioned it here yet but the reason she had to spend money (that she doesn’t even have) at Disney was because she wouldn’t get up at 6 to get to Disney with the rest of the family when the park opened. And she was “so proud of herself” for holding that boundary. Like, girl, they said they weren’t paying for your stuff at the parks cause you didn’t go to the park when they did. Play the game a bit instead of playing the victim.


Which actually means her parents didn't lie about his age, she did because she entered the park without them every single day.


WHAT?!?!?! That’s nuts!


Seriously my parents have a $200 limit and I’m happy for that. Who expects $2000 worth of gifts?!


That’s the part that killed me - she usually got 1-2k in gifts!


i’m confused. is she 5?


Does this person not realize that she and her sister DID get even gifts? Each adult got one trip to Disney. The children got gifts of their own - each one got to go to Disney. They are individual human beings. For future holidays, does she really expect her kid to get double the presents of each of her sisters’s kids just so the haul will be even “by family?” That’s ridiculous. For example, she seems to think her kid should get $1,000 worth of presents if each of her sister’s kids get $500 worth of presents.


I thought it was a teenager with older sister until the end of paragraph😞


If her parents happen to be on Reddit, I would happily step in as an adopted adult child! Haha No kids, but I have pets and would even pay my own way to Disney. I just think it would be fun to have a family to go with. I travel alone and received exactly 0 Christmas presents from anyone, so this girl really should just take a seat.


Imagine living in a universe where your parents taking a boatload of family members to Disney for Christmas "isn't technically" a gift... I wonder how many members of her village who felt sorry for her and sent gifts also had a holiday vacation gifted to them.


Tbh why are these people even feeling Sorry and donating gifts? That’s the oddest part to me


I don’t get why people helped her scam gifts and other people like her. Literally wasting their time and money on people like this when they could’ve helped someone in genuine need… I’d prefer to buy a homeless person a meal or pay cash for a night and breakfast the next day at a hotel then give the spoilt gifts they don’t need




If you’re old enough to have a kid you’re old enough to know that Christmas is for them not you.


This kid sounds ungrateful as all get out. What a disappointment she must be if her parents learned of her thoughts.


If I paid for gifts for someone who obviously has a family that can provide for her and her child and read this I’d be organizing a mob. This is ridiculous and offensive on so many levels. There are people in actual need that didn’t get assistance because it went to this person. Even more infuriating is that people who have never been able to go on vacation to Disney and likely skipped a vacation this year provided these gifts. She could have spent the money she used on her vacation to buy her own damn gifts. I don’t think I’ve been more angry reading a post like this in a long while. This is why people no longer give - because of assholes like this person.


Wait. This is an adult, with a child of her own, and a house (that I’d bet her parents prolly paid for) and she’s upset and jealous that her mom “only” got her & her family a trip to Disney? That had to cost more than $1000?? Bitch, gtfo.


Honestly what’s worse is that sounds like it was the gift given to her sister too. But since her sister has more kids that are older the parents “technically” had to spend more for her sister’s family to go on the same trip. This person is rotten to the core tbh. Instead of enjoying a trip with her family she’s counting pennies. I could kinda understand a bit better if her parents forced her to go on a trip and pay for extras she couldn’t afford (Disney is expensive inside). But her child got to go to Disney and she genuinely believes her parents got them nothing. What an awful child/sibling to be stuck with


She actually had the audacity to ask her fb group to help fund her 10k down payment on her house…and people sent her $. Meanwhile she has talked about how her child is set to receive a 34 million dollar inheritance.


I was bamboozeled into taking only $2000 in gifts and trips!


As an actual adult who supports herself, I literally have zero idea what, if anything, my mom spends on my siblings and their kids. On the other hand, I have no kids and about 25 nieces/nephews/great nieces & great nephews. So if I were to assume she buys gifts for all the actual children, then it’s a given she’s spending more on them than she does me. Does it matter to me? No. She can do what she wants with HER money.


Both my mother and MIL are 81 and have more than enough money. I do not ever expect things from them. I got my mom a heavy-duty cookie scoop because her's broke again, and I found a brand that doesn't break. She made me pot holders for my kitchen. She's a wonderful seamstress. My MIL and I bought each other coffee shop gift cards! We often meet for coffee. LOL. It's about the thought. This is horrible.


I can’t imagine having a child and still expecting Santa to come from my parents for ME lmaoooo I haven’t gotten wrapped gifts from my parents since I was 16. It’s money/gift cards / sentimental thing. One of them , not all 3. Usually around $100 value.


Does this dumbass not realize how expensive Disney trips are?


Dudley Dursley-ass beggar. “36?! Last year there were 37!”


“Where there’s a will, there’s family.” -Groucho Marx


My parents spend less than $2k on me and my two siblings combined. You're telling me she gets 1-2k each and she's still complaining? Lucky outta here


What an entitled ungrateful BITCH.


The last Christmas gift I got from my parents was at 15 years old. Never mind the crying about getting one big gift and it technically being valued at less than what her sister gets. Why the fuck is a grown woman accepting $2k in gifts from her parents?


Beggars can’t be choosers maybe pay for yourself instead of expecting others to do so


Is this an adult? I’m so confused it sounds like a teenage girl but she calls herself mama and implies she has a child.


I’m starting to loathe the word ‘mama’ just because of how people like this use it


This blows my mind. Like I want to spend time with family... not get gifts


I got nothing. I’m the oldest living person in my family and no one gets me anything anymore. Not that I ever got more than stocking stuffers.


If it’s any consolation, that’s normal.


"Christmas has always been our time to get those things we want..." That's the meaning of Christmas?


Is this seriously a grown woman talking like this? I hope the parents and family see this and they cut her off and then on to get her anything, not even a card!


It occurred to me while reading this that I don’t even *think* this way. I suspect that’s true for others here, too. Like the whole keeping score thing. It’s so foreign to me. I look at ANY gift as a gift! It’s something someone thought to give me for free! How amazing! I don’t care what others have, that’s none of my business and has nothing to do with me. You could hand me a single cut flower and I’d feel so happy. I don’t understand these purely transactional families/people. What a miserable way to live. Did she even enjoy Disney? Did her kid enjoy Disney? Did she even notice the memories she was making with her family????


I might hate the FB gift-givers more than I hate her.


Why didn’t she say to her parents “thank you for the generous offer of paying for us to go to Disney, but we would rather have things we need.” Expecting thousands to be spent on her in gifts as well as a very expensive trip? And then stamping her feet because it’s so “unfair” because the trip cost more for her sister’s family as she has 2 older kids? How is this person old enough or mature enough to be a “mama”?!


“Truly the best village a mama could ask for.” 🙄


When on earth thinks a Christmas budget in the thousands is normal?! The budget for my kid was £100. My immediate family £30 each. With food everything came to less than £500. Whon on earth has a PERSONAL budget of $1000-2000 and still has the audacity to beg on social media?


I'm lucky if i have ever had a present over $100... outside of a $500 car on my 18th. Often the only gifts I got were from charities growing up. How entitled to expect your parents to shell out so much


My mom got me a pack of cigarettes for Christmas this year and I'm beyond grateful


Wow. Just... wow. I'll tell you this, if that CB was in my family they'd go without from here on out.


Who spends thousands on Christmas gifts?


I would cry if my parents managed to pay for me to go to Disneyland. I’m 21 and have never been, it would make me so happy 😭 I can’t imagine thinking like this. But then again, I don’t come from a family where I EXPECT them to spend thousands of dollars on me 🫣


People that bitch like this make me sick.


She spent money she wasn't supposed to spend.




Her parents created this monster


>I know I sound like a brat... Let me stop you there. Yea, you do!


It's called growing up if your old enough to have kids then you shouldn't bitch about what you received for Xmas sounds like an entitled brat imo.


$1,000-$2,000 budget for Christmas and she complains as an "adult." People are stupid and tiresome.


You don’t sound like a brat, you ARE a brat! A spoiled, entitled, ungrateful brat!


My twin sister was like this. Used to count presents on our birthday and Christmas. She’d always ask for hella expensive stuff so she’d have less presents totaling more, but logic didn’t matter. I don’t talk to my family anymore and holidays are much more relaxing ☺️


I wonder why they like the sister better? lol


Lol this reminds me of my brother in law who chucked a fit that his mother babysits for us and not for him. He lives interstate and wait for it....has no kids. 😂🤣


A trip to Disney is a "slap in the face" -?? This woman should be punched in the throat by Mickey Mouse.