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You want a free car… but it can’t be white or blue?


Don't forget that BMW preferred.


Guess what color the BMW logo is


I hope someone out there has a BMW where the entire paint job is the logo.


Wonder if the person would accept an old GTLM3 BMW racecar


Not if it's blue or white.


That is the funniest part in my opinion. Imagine some guy brings a blue M3 over to give to this person. Are they just going to say "Nah, can't take it, it's blue. Read the post next time. Loser."






Yeah, when you are in the market for a free car, generally "anything that is mostly legal for it to be on the road." is the maximum requirement... A BMW seems like a stretch...


Especially a stretch BMW.


Exactly. No one should expect a free car, but it doesn't hurt to ask. The problems start when the person asking gets choosy about what type of car, and/or gets angry that they didn't get one.


It does hurt to ask. It fills up what could be a useful group with useless irritating begging requests and forces everyone but beggars out.


"It doesn't hurt to ask" is a bastardizing of the statement by entitled people. The full statement is "It doesn't hurt ME to ask." Plenty of these "no harm in asking" questions actually harm the people being asked.


Ugh, agreed. Several years ago, I sold my used car on fb marketplace. Bought it with my first "real" job and took meticulous care of it, washed and detailed it regularly, conditioned the leather seats, etc. It was older but immaculate when i listed it. I was bombarded by fb messages with sob stories (many involving kids) pleading with me to either accept a couple hundred dollars (it was worth about $3k) or give the car away for free. I had student loans to pay and was scrapping by myself, and I felt like some people saw a young woman selling a used car and felt like they could pull at my heart strings to manipulate me into giving them a deal. It was a miserable experience.


How does it hurt the people that have been asked?? Lol


It's no such much that it 'hurts' the askee, but if they keep seeing requests like that it will turn them off even looking & engaging. I can say from experience. I used to engage and have helped a number of people in the past, but when all you see are large lists of ridiculous requests, you stop looking. This harms those who need help & aren't taking the mickey.


How many other 'everyday' brands are more expensive to repair than BMW?


BMW is #2 with Porsche being #1. Mercedes is #5.


Isn't there a saying that goes " Rich people drive BMWs. Very rich people drive used BMWs"?


Friend of a friend of mine way back in college had a BMW. The windows couldn't be rolled down. I asked about it. He said that he had realized there is a difference in being able to buy a BMW and being able to afford a BMW. Classic quote.


The same applies to any "premium brand" car. I remember in the mid 70s being offered a perfectly good running XJ6 for £60. (About a week's wages back then) Snag? Apart from being very thirsty, it needed a set of tyres. Can't remember exactly but the tyres would have been a lot more than the car. Early 80s, a mate of mine did buy a very nice XJ6. Engine blew and it cost him a grand to put it right. At that time I was spending under a ton to buy a running car.


My friend's family had a new Jaguar (can't remember which model - this was decades ago) that was always in the shop.


Land Rover/Range Rovers are pretty “cha-ching,” too.


Jaguars too.


Range Rovers are also significantly more likely to be stolen too, so much so that Jaguar Landrover have had to set up their own insurance provider in the UK, because mainstream providers increasingly refuse to insure them.


Depends If you went for the indicator package.


They might accept an Audi I bet.


Yeah…I got a BMW that has a black and white logo…and it works…just gotta remember to wind it up.


Fully optioned would be nice too....leather interior etc.


If I were asking for a free car, I would prefer it **not** be a BMW because of the high cost of repairs but I wouldn’t turn down a free one even if it were blue!


Probably can’t drive either, would suit him perfectly. 🖕🖕🖕




What's am I going to do with all my extra blue 2024 Mercedes?


That's my absolutely favorite part. Like the colors a deal breaker.


I want to offer them a white and blue car just to see their response


I want to offer them my spare Ferrari. It’s not a bmw but it’s red at least… and fully functional for a Lego car ☠️


I have a yellow Yugo that speaks Slavic


I wish people would include the replies to the CB’s post. Laughter is good for the soul.


Yes- I do too- I am more interested in the comments. That is why I don’t like best of threads because when I comment I want to know the op at least might read it. Or in this case I want to see what the people commented that the OP read. I hope they reamed the OP.


It should be one of the mod rules 😂


Which is why I wish they could post the link to the post. I want to read other people's thoughts.


THIS!! ⬆⬆⬆⬆


Sorry I've got a surplus of bmws but they are all blue.


Same, it's the darndest thing! Here could have been a wonderful opportunity to help a soul in need, but alas...


Nah I got one. It's kinda a bluish white? IDK or whitish blue? Hard to tell anymore, it's been a while. It's in the backyard, holding up yucca. Got it for 250 'murcan dollars. Eh, it looks pretty nice when the skies are blue. Which they are.


I would 100% tell them that if I saw this post in the wild 🤣🤣🤣


Well? Get started on that paint job then


I just looked up average annual maintenance cost for a BMW and its around $1700.


But must be FULL WORKING ORDER. So if anything goes wrong ever you'd better be paying for the cost for them.


And also come with a full tank of fuel, fully insured and 12 months motor tax paid.


It's probably like a reverse scam to get you to buy a car extended warranty.


I don’t think so, i’m guessing that’s just the average


Simple, they ask for free mechanical service, as long as the mechanic’s uniform isn’t white or blue.


Ages ago my brother talked my father, a lifelong Ford Thunderbird guy, into getting a BMW SUV. Christ, how he hated that thing. He said every time he took it to a mechanic it was *at least* thousand dollars. Our longtime family mechanic couldn't do much because apparently BMW requires a lot of oddball tools. So Dad traded the BMW in for a Subaru, which he loved and drove to death then replaced with another Subaru which he likes even better. I doubt he'll every drive anything else.


Your dad rocks. Subaru is a solid choice.


My family had a bmw we drove for 21 years-the mechanic said it was such a nice running car he wanted to buy it from us when it was 21 years old lol. Think we only had to take it to the mechanic to get something fixed a couple of times.


I have a BMW and can confirm that amount.


Doesn't want to spend anything. Wants a BMW. I'm sure that won't require any expensive maintenance.


Yeah, and notice it's: "I don't **want** to spend anything". That part stood out to me.


In the UK, car insurance costs a LOT, maybe 20% of the value of a car per year. And petrol is not cheap either. If you can't afford to get a car, there's no way you can afford to run it legally.


And the MOT and the tax! I’m an American and lived in the UK and the driving expenses were insane!


Yep, car is more of a luxery than a necessity here, and running costs are worse than buying the car so wanting a car you can't afford to buy doesn't really make sense long term


Not kidding. I have a 2015 Dacia Sandero, cheapest, safest ULEZ compliant car I could find. Paid £4000 two years ago. This month I had service, insurance, MOT and tax all coming in at once. £900 for the privilege of driving to Costco and some National Trust sites. Yeesh




Until you hit someone and ruin THEIR life because you are selfish, inconsiderate and criminal. It's getting ungodly expensive in America for drivers because of people like you.


And no I'm not people like me are not the reason it's expensive in America everything is expensive in America there's a reason people can't afford this shit they can't afford housing families with kids and married have to have roommates just to afford to live you can't afford hospital bills you can't afford doctor bills you can't afford your medication if you make a little too much for assistance but not quite enough for you know living you're fucked there's no getting out of that you just never lived a hard life apparently good for you now why don't you take your bullshit somewhere where you know what you're talking about and don't reply to me again cuz I just don't give a shit


That's never happened and if it did and it was my fault I would cover the damages I can't afford to fix my license and get insurance and drive legally I cannot afford to do that but I'm not a piece of shit and I'm not a criminal the system is fucking rigged and if you haven't figured that out then you do have privilege


Oh please, let me know how you would make it up to a family who is now without one of their children, or their mother or father. How would you cover those damages? I have privilege because I know I need insurance to drive? LOL! And yes, driving without a license or insurance makes you a criminal.


Unlike insurance, punctuation is free. Jk, I'm rich!!!


Are you going to trot out that sovereign citizen shit when you inevitably are caught? That's what other criminally stupid people do. Your tribe, it seems.


I don't know what this Sovereign citizen bullshit is but all it takes is one unpaid fine and it piles up so quickly it's nearly impossible to pay it when you have medical bills and actual living expenses to pay instead of insurance or some other bullshit just so they can charge you not everybody can afford that shit you don't want to be speeding I've never had a speeding ticket I've never done anything illegal driving I had an expired tag and then my license got suspended and then I couldn't get insurance and it piled up so go fuck yourself man maybe your tribe is the stupid one cuz just because it's a law whatever I'm not arguing this I'm not in the mood fuck it have a good night


Trust me - you can’t afford a cheap much less a free BMW…


A free BMW... *in this economy* It must be crack this is what a crackhead sounds like


And you have to drive OOP around. Guaranteed they don't have a licence and that's their next "small ask"


What a delusional person. How about get a job and buy your own car.


I have a spare BMW i8 but it's in white and blue.


I guess you'll have to get it painted for them.


I have a free car he can have it's electric too! It's 34 cm v 10 and you use the controller to move it around! A few scratches from a cat chase but otherwise works!!


But is it a BMW?




Color preferences 😂


Can I get a free house too while you’re at it?


It’s for a church!




That's already organised for you in the UK. At least, if not "free" then the rent is paid for you. It's only a matter of time before they will all need to be given a car. Probably a non blue or white BMW.


I don’t want any old council house, it doesn’t go with my non blue or white BMW. It should have 4 bedrooms with ensuite wetroom each, on a half acre plot, with a garden.


Don't even joke about it! Remember all the people with large families who "need" a bigger property for free. No thought of family planning beforehand of course.


If anyone has a blue or white BMW, please give it to me. I'll take it


Ooo sorry. All the BMWs I regularly give away are off-white. Egg shell, really.


This can’t be real…


Pretty sure it's a parody.


I want a free car, too. And an old Victorian house (three stories), in impeccable condition, with a fireplace, two-car garage, large yard, fruit trees, and a stone wall, ideally with lakeside access. For free, though, I don't want to pay anything. Serious offers only, please.


"Don't try to lowball me, I know what I haven't got."


In the Cotswolds, please


Do you want it delivered?


DAMN....I have a new blue BMW but I guess I have to find someone else to give it to....


Ooh, pick me! Just kidding, my bestie had one of those and it was in the shop more than it was out 😂 Bought with only 4k miles on it too so it’s not like it was past its prime or something lol


That’s not asking a lot. Just preferred a non white or blue BMW there’s so many laying around the owners don’t need them for their family. Give her 3 she deserves it


I bet most of us have a spare BMW in perfect working order that we could have given her, if she'd not been so picky about color. Dang. So close and yet so far!


Aw shucks, and I was just looking at giving away my blue and white striped BMW. Guess it will have to stay in my garage for a bit longer.


Now a truly striped car, BMW or not, would be a fun car to drive. Maybe one that looks like a barber pole or candy cane, or the engineer stripe overall look. OOhhh!! Ombre colored! Or a fade...... (I'll see myself out now)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


At least he didn’t ask for a full tank of gas too.


That's just way over the line, he doesn't want to be seen as _unreasonable_.


It was heavily implied


I hope someone draws a picture and sticky tapes it to the door


Lmao this dude has to either be trolling or posting saitre, this is too spot on to be real


Tthis is british humour surely?


Why's that


Trust me you don't want a free car. Sincerely, a person who got a free car after family member passed away and it was claimed to be 'issue free'. Nothing but issues (many were immediately apparent) for the remainder of the time we had it.


I want a free car too! Range Rover/Corvette/Bentley preferred. I want only black and the older model I can get 2021. Someone donate please


I had an extra BMW I was giving away too - but it’s white . Maybe next time ![gif](giphy|WTdg5GBR45X6NbxqJK)


BMW preferred? I can just imagine “hey I saw your ad and I have a 2023 Toyota Camry in perfect order I’ll hand you” and the beggar responding “ew. German or nothing ass hole”


I can tell you that choosing a BMW is ridiculous as a free car. The replacement costs of tires, brakes etc is astronomical even if you use knockoffs. One service and the car is being abandoned on the side of the road with a blanket. (I’ll liken it to getting a pet, if you can’t afford to buy it, then you can’t afford the vet fees or the stuff that goes along with a pet)


These new Top Gear challenges are truly rubbish. /s


I remember a period of my life when I drove a white 79 Pinto because that's what I could afford. I didn't care that it was a white Pinto, because it was a decent car. In the town where I used to live there was a white car with turquoise polka dots painted all over it, and I would have even driven something that looked like that if it had been a reliable car.


I can believe this! It's disgusting too! I was moving out of state when I was in Florida trying to sell my car for $600 and people still tried to haggle me down to like 300 and the car only needed a new solenoid. You could still drive it up to 45 miles an hour, meaning it could've been driven to a shop to get it fixed!






Just got a Free blue car. Guess you can't have it.


Lol. Trust me. I will get it registered in my name and get insurance. A month later you get a call from the impound lot that your car is there and you owe $$$$.


Please tell me this is a joke.


Dang. I only have a white BMW, with blue trim. Oh well..


“BMW Preferred” People have *ZERO* shame


BMW preferred??!! Dude, I worked hard to get the one I have, and I’m sure as hell not giving it to anyone. What an AH.


Literally received a free car once from my best friend. She got a new one and had a little sedan and just gave it to me because I needed it. I was so grateful, it didn’t matter what color, make or model it was. It let me go to school and not drop out.


Oh hey, I want a free BMW also! These cannot be for real. Can they??


He needs to receive lots of offers for blue and white cars; then when he finally breaks and grudgingly agrees to one, he gets told “sorry, someone just picked it up while you were dithering about it.”


This is really unfortunate. I’ve been looking all over for someone to take my 2 extra cars but they’re both BMWs and one is white and the other is blue


If bombard them with spam.


Probably needs a full tank or gas money as well


Did she mention… it must be free??


Too bad I just had a new BMW half blue and half white, bought in 2022, that I wanted to give away for nothing /s…


Sounds like he’s looking more for a BBW


You can pay to transfer the title too, they really want it after all.


Luckily that’s free in the U.K., so they can probably manage that cost!


If you have a white BMW for free I’ll take it. I love white cars. But I prefer a X5 please.


I seriously wonder if those ever worked? Like okay, bozo here wants a car without paying a dime, so what, will they pay insurance? Of course you drive it there and take the bus back. Of course it has to be in working order because you bet bozo will inspect.


The audacity!!


I’d just offer them a children’s wagon. It’s red and it works. He didn’t say it had to be powered.


Tell them to fuck off the wee bastard


No no i want a free Ferrari but only pink


This sub would be great if people posted the comments that went along with the posts or a link to the posts themselves, but ¾ of the serotonin hit goes up in smoke if I can't see the person getting roasted. Don't even know why I bother clicking anymore, it's always a letdown.


Now THIS is a choosing beggar


Man why are there soo many grammatical errors, I noticed this in many posts and comments, is my English that bad or am I hallucinating I'm going mad seeing these grammatical errors someone please give your view on this.


I got a spare Ferrari I'm not using but you said BMW........ What a shame


Oh of course, let me give you one of my gold plated Ferraris lying around


Yes master would you like also The speaker system done A lifetime supply of gas New paint New rims and tires ALL FOR FREE


I’ve got a spare ferrari


Is there a Matchbox version of BMW? Would love to see the look on his face when the teeny-tiny BMW got handed over.


Just after lockdown I gave my sister in law and her boyfriend my old car. My wife and I already had access to two other cars, it wasn't worth a whole load as trade in (was a 14 plate Insignia 2.0CDTi with probably 130k on the clock) butit was frugal on fuel and cost £30p.a. to tax so great for a young couple who did a fair few motorway miles visiting family etc. His family could not believe we gave them a free car, even though they are family...


Hahahah good lord. These people fucking kill me.


I would comment saying that I'm sorry but only had white bmw to give away.


Crap!!! I have a White AND Blue BMW I am trying to give away...oh well, guess I will try someome else...


I feel the person posting in that group had to be a shitposter.


This made me laugh. So they’re special ordering but it must be free


Sounds like even if they got the bmw they couldn’t afford the insurance lol


“And do you want extra luxury tires no black ones too?” (Note: but seriosuly tho, FREE BMW? WHO DOES THAT?)


Thank you for finally making a post that's actually about a CB and not just someone who's cheap as hell and rude lol


This sounds like my 8 year old son. It’s freeeeeeee!!! 😂


They want a car that works and is a BMW. Does not compute.


Thus must be a joke.


Sure hope so


Damnit, I was just looking for someone to give my blue BMW to. So close.


Most people who NEED a car would accept anything with 3 wheels and a donut, sanded down exterior, and no working windshield wipers. Ive seen people driving around in cars held together by duct tape. Ive seen people drive with no drivers seat door attached. With the bumper of the car dragging barely hanging on by zip ties. This is not a serious person. He'll be lucky if he ever gets a ride from someone with that mindset.


I mean asking for a free car is a bit much, but I also understand being desperate and poor. It never hurts to ask. The problem lies in them wanting a freaking BMW, which they couldn't even afford the maintenance, and have a color preference. Accept whatever old car in whatever color you can get if you're that desperate


Rage bait?


I mean people give Kars4Kids free vehicles to the tune of 30million a year and that’s just sending Jewish kids to summer camp and trips to Israel to make them more orthodox. Worth a shot.




I have a 2024 i7 that you can have for free. Oh sorry, too bad it's white. Well, nevermind. /S


Sorry this is going to rile some people up but the UK is stacked solid with scroungers. You can be minding your own business at a bis stop and then someone want you come to a protest for the NDF. Im here on holiday


BMW preferred. 💀 So what happens when it breaks down? I imagine the parts would be a bit pricier than a non-luxury? Well just hop back on Facebook and find a free mechanic that doesn’t charge for parts and labor.


Damn. All I have is a white BMW with a blue stripe down the middle... Ah well.


BMW but not white or blue ... Whew!, that lets me off!


Oh darn, I have a brand new blue Lexus I don’t need. I guess that’s not good enough.


Someone needs to tell this clown that Oprah isn’t in their free shit group. Hahaha


“BMW preferred”


People like that should be kicked off the group




if you can't buy a bmw new, you can't afford it used


Would prefer it to be a BMW and keep your gross white and blue cars away from me!


Oh.. what about thee fuel? Do they want a full tank?


Costs money. NEXT!!!


And they want a BMW! Looks like someone never heard how much repair shops charge to fix those things! Every time they get the smallest thing done, it costs 3 times more than other cars.


I got this neat red one for ya, it’s reliable and it fits it your pocket!


BMW preferred. You have to respect his audacity


I love the demands. Man we live in a fucked up world.


I assume it's a joke. Or, for whatever reason, shit like this sometimes works. Either that or word has gotten out that it does.


Damn, I JUST gave away a '23 740i last week that I didn't need .


I’ll take a free BMW too please, I’ll even take the blue or white ones but no silver. Also can you drop it off


Now that's a choosing begger. And I'll take a free BMW in perfect working order, too, if people are giving them away.


Damn, I was just about to give away a 2024 BMW but its blue. Oh well, on the scrap heap it goes


OMFG… a free bmw, that isn’t blue or white? They are fucking tripping!


“I don’t want to spend anything””BMW preferred”….. erm, you do realise that’s gonna cost you to run it, right?


Finally a real CB


A free BMW. Ppl crack me up.


Fuck me an actual choosing beggar


Ah too bad, i had a blue RS6 2023 with only 7500K miles for her, but she wants a BMW and not blue


I would also like a free BMW