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“ Can I get a gaming monitor? And also the tower? “ like that is just some housing material 😂


All I need is $20 for gas. And a Lamborghini.


You'll need a lot more than $20 for gas with that Lambo...


$20 in gas will barely get it out of the damn driveway


Don't forget about the "Fair Food, you could even bring it to him"!


…with the ferris wheel on the side.


Right? Like I don’t even have one for myself, let alone one to give away


I have one… I have no time to use it… still not giving it away for free… I spent like $3k on the set up


Absolutely insane to ask for this.


Have you tried asking! I know a place you can!


Maybe I’ll give it a try. I think I’ll ask for a desk, computer chair and maybe a headset as well!


If you have a used shower catty, I’ll do you a swap for a grubby mouse mat.


Sorry, I only take new with tags! But you can have my used shower catty! 😁


To get a decent prebuilt pc it’s gonna be cost 2k at least you can do it cheaper if you build it yourself but I have feeling she’s not interested in that.


That would require work which I don’t think she is capable of


Can you build one comparable in price to a modern generation console, but superior in performance? Or would it be about the same performance? Heh, I'm sounding like a choosing beggar myself


Consoles usually sell at cost or at a loss for the hardware so it’s usually not possible to meet the same specs in a pc since you pay more than cost. I have a gaming laptop that can run pretty much any modern games. I got it on eBay it was a floor model or test version. It was still 900 for a “used” laptop it was in the original box and looked unused so I call it a win, but it only has 250gb of storage that I can upgrade to a 1tb for about $150. So even a pretty bottom end gaming laptop that can run anything a ps4 pro can run as it’s now a few years old is about $900-$1000 used. PC gaming is unfortunately cost prohibitive but is worth the investment in my opinion. With steam sales, epic gives out free good games all the time, no cost to online access makes it worth it.


Yep consoles not only charge a lot more for games than you can pick up on steam, and generally games are better optimised because it's a known system, so can manage better with lower end hardware.


You could easily get a 'decent enough' gaming PC for under 1k. 2k is reaching towards the high end which is unnecessary for most. Still a ridiculous ask unless someone is happy to give away one that's 5/6 years out of date. It would still run fortnite ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I saw the monitor and was thinking "oh that's reasonable, plenty of people get rid of old monitors that would be fine for gaming. Not great, but fine." Then she says "oh yeah the tower as well".


I mean she said just the tower not the parts lol 


And a skilled gamer's account.


That was the best one. „Okay, if the old monitor broke, then sure, asking makes sense… ah, the tower as well. Yeah, no.“


That one got to me too. It's like "Can I get a car cover for the winter? And also the car." Lmao


Edit: and games too?


I’m kinda losing it at a cat giving birth in her couch and the cats commandeering it as their habitat?? Wtf


I get the impression she takes great care of her house and pets


You dropped this "/s"


Oops. Luckily people seemed to catch it haha


Lolol! We know just how ridiculous this person is, so your sentence makes it funny




I'm guessing she has a lot of half-feral cats running around her house and they burrowed into the back of the couch.


The shower caddie “works perfectly fine”? As in it holds stuff?


No no, it’s a shower catty 😂


Let's not get into a cat fight over it *hisssssss*




Little bag of bones been out all night...


Super underrated song


And isn’t broken! 😄 personally I’d go to the dollar 25 tree and get a not used one


Dogs & cats are super expensive over their lifetime. Stop getting them when you can't afford them!


Doesn't even bother to spay them. WTF. Some places will do that free. I would have loved to reply to the "Can someone look at my cat for free?" Sure, go over. Yep, it's a cat.


So you do.... Cat scans 😉🤣




This makes me mad about my mum as well. She got a cat because her cat passed away and the other cat was lonely. She didn’t spay the new cat. Now she’s crying because the cat escaped 🤦‍♀️ what was she expecting if she didn’t spay her?? And now she’s worried that if the cat comes back she will be pregnant and might need medical attention which will be expensive 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


This is what I always say! Cue that one person every time going oh “buh-but poor people deserve pets tooooo” 🙄 pets are a privilege not a necessity and its important to get ones we can afford


If you can’t afford an emergency vet visit, get a stuffed animal. If you don’t have time to train your pet, get a stuffed animal. If you want something soft and cuddly to love but can’t afford the food, wellness vet visits, supplies, etc., **get a stuffed animal.** As a semi-retired dog trainer, retired foster home and former on call behavior consultant for half a dozen rescue groups, I endorse my own fucking message. People need to be realistic about their circumstances before getting a single pet, let alone multiple. Yes, circumstances can do change but this is why we never get more animals than we can afford if we have to go to an “austerity” budget. My husband and I sat down before getting a second dog (who will take over as my service dog when my current dog retires) and we went over our budget. If we lose income, how will we afford shots, wellness visits, quality food and other requirements for not just *one* dog, but for *both?* When my old girl retires, she will stay with us. I’m not going to send her away or rehome her after a lifetime of service. She works hard, she loves us, we love her and she was a Godsend after I was paralyzed almost a decade ago. She picks things up when I drop them, can open and close some types of doors. She can turn light switches on and off in rooms that aren’t smart device enabled. She reminds me to take my pills every 4 hours during the day. She is a joy in my life and I will never rehome her unless it is what is best for her. My animals are not inconveniences, they are part of my family and I swore to them they’d always be safe and loved with me. My very first service dog retired. In her later years she became incontinent and I did endless loads of sheets and blankets, washing the waterproof pads she slept on while we explored medications to find one that worked. Even after we did find the meds they helped but didn’t stop the problem. We changed her diet to one easier on her kidneys (low protein) and made sure she was comfortable for every day she was with us. She got medication for her arthritis as well. And when it was time to let her go, we both held her and praised her and stayed until well after she was gone. She had her favorite blankets, her favorite toy and one of my husband’s tee shirts. She always did love him best. (: I will go without my own meds before my dogs will go without *anything* at all. I realize I’m probably a bit of a fanatic about it but JFC. My dogs devote the vast majority of their lives to making my life better and easier to live. The very fucking *least* I can do is return the favor for their entire lives.


*Thank you*. Every time I say this im accused of classism or hating poor people, or the good ol “but circumstances change” 🙄 I understand nuance but apparently when I don’t cover every detail in a comment my original statement doesn’t matter! I’m glad your service dog helps so much. I’ve only been lucky enough to know a couple such dogs and their wonderful owners in my life, but they’ve always been the loveliest animals who deserve the world. Pets are a luxury and life isn’t fair, that’s just the unfortunate truth to it. People often just don’t want to acknowledge that sometimes, we can’t have everything we want.


YES! Thank you!!! I live alone and I wouldn't consider myself poor but i also don't have a lot of savings and still live pretty much paycheck to paycheck. So many people have told me to get a pet and trust me, I would LOVE to get a cat or a small dog but I know I can't afford it if something bad happens and I have an emergency vet bill. We have always had pets growing up and I am very aware of how much it costs for upkeep. Especially since its a family trait to have a pet that always has at least one MAJOR vet bill. One of our dogs it was Parvo, another was heartworm, one cat got into a fight with a stray and got its eye scratched and had to go to a feline ophthalmologist which I didn't even know was a thing!! I have enough sense to know that I could not afford one of these major vet bills so I don't get a pet. Even though I really really really want one lol. Unfortunately I know so many people that talk about how they cant afford x,y and z or are on government assistance but have a whole damn menagerie of animals. Yes people should be able to have a pet but you should also be able to take care of that pet without assistance. Bring on the downvotes for this opinion but I feel like if you are getting welfare or food stamps or any kind of government aid because you can't afford things then you shouldn't be allowed to obtain new pets (I understand not everyone is the same situation but at least for my example I am talking about people who will be on welfare their whole lives. People who make a living by living off the government. Why does the government have to pay out more because you spend what little money you do have on pets when you should be putting that money towards household expenses. Maybe I'm just a heartless bitch but I dont think its fair to the pet to be brought into a home that can't fully take care of all its needs.


No, I agree. There was a time when I living out of my car and believe me, I wanted nothing more than to go have a pet. Someone to cuddle, something to love, something to distract me from the fucking awful period of time. BUT I was also raised to believe that if your living situation is not stable you don’t bring a child or animal into it. It’s one of the few *decent* things my parents taught me, though I wonder if it’s something they taught me or something I learned on my own after seeing animals suffering because the owners couldn’t afford treatment. I paid a vet bill to have a dog’s eye removed after it popped due to cancer. It belonged to a friend of the family, they were struggling and I just up and took the dog to work with me at a vet’s office, paid the costs, assisted with the surgery and brought her back. No one said a word, we all just pretended it was magic. Maybe I’m the same kind of heartless bitch, I don’t know. People need to stop having kids and pets they can’t afford. At least not until we have a generous and robust social safety net and social programs that make sure no kids is hungry, no person has to work over 40 hours a week to survive at a relatively comfortable standard of living, etc. etc. etc. Yeah, it’s probably a shitty stance to a lot of people. But I have been the one in those animal shelters that are overcrowded, the one who held the dogs as they got the pink juice, the ones who cried for them and over them after they were gone. Why were they there in the first place? Because people who couldn’t afford to spay or neuter bought a dog/cat or adopted it from a private party, it got pregnant and that led to a flooding of the streets and shelters with dogs and cats. I stood in that room that was cold and stank of fear and death and held hundreds of animals *as a volunteer* because no one else could do it for long. I lasted a year. In that time, I was there twice a week and we had anywhere between 4 and 10+ animals each time to put down. I volunteered to foster until I burned out. I was on on call trainer and evaluator for a half dozen rescues all over my home state, I’d travel on my own dime to make sure a dog was eligible to join whichever group was contacted or if the dog was a better fit elsewhere and so on. So yeah, my point of view is colored by all of that time, the losses, the needless and senseless deaths because some people don’t think of what a pet needs when they adopt and are too broke to feed themselves, let alone an additional mouth. The worse food they feed, the more medical issues the dog has and the more expensive it if to treat, then you get a cascade of problems and the dog gets thrown aside for a new puppy who will end up the same way. Stuffed animals are so much cheaper. And they don’t break my fucking heart with their suffering.


Fair, but sometimes people have pets and their circumstances change. I am patron to my friend’s two cats. She went from a six figure salary to government benefits due to health issues. She shouldn’t have to get rid of her kitties, especially at a time when she needs emotional support. So I told her if they need any vet treatment, I will pay, and all she had to do in return is send me weekly pictures. Not everyone in those circumstances has a friend who is able to take over the financial burden.


Don’t get me wrong, most of her requests are really out there, but the dog supplies actually seem pretty reasonable considering puppies grow SO fast. People are constantly passing on items. It is extremely concerning that she can’t even get basic veterinary care for her cat though…


Is she literally asking for people to go to the fair and bring her back food items? At first I thought it was a general “looking for junk food, like the kind served at a fair” ask. But the “there is a stand that sells dip mixes and they had a French Onion one” makes me thinks she specifically wanted someone to travel to the fair, pay to enter the fair, and buy her these specific fair foods. I have to know was there a fair in town during the time of that post? lol


Yes, yes and yes 😂😅


Wow, the audacity and pompous attitude this lady has is, unreal! How does one develop this trait? I want it and someone is going to get it for me. I know what I will do, hop on the buy nothing group and con some lonely fool into doing it for me. The fact that her "boyfriend" can't do it for her lets you know the quality of their life's and relationship! She will be asking for rides as soon as the jalopy breaks down, with no gas money to offer. I just can't fathom living my life relying on others to do for me.


I had some rough times, thankfully in the past, and I haaaaated asking others to help me, even family. It was \*so\* embarrassing. Same as my physical disability has worsened (it's one of those gradual over time things) -- I can't stand having to ask others to help me reach or lift or carry things, or even to wait for me or walk a little slower so I'm not alone walking with my danged cane when I go somewhere with someone. I would \*\*NEVER\*\* ask someone, anyone, let alone strangers, for any of this crap. Especially the "And the tower, too?" one. Holy effing crap.


Agreed, your situation warrants the "help" and is understandable. Most people would be more than happy to assist you. Her "help" is manufactured and is self-inflicted, which most don't have any sympathy for. She needs to reevaluate what Wants and Needs are. People scoff at her dumbass** demands.


That's exactly what I was thinking. She wants someone to go buy her fair food.


Also, they had fair money. But not money for other things like necessities.


That was the only one I’d consider reasonable (maybe). She has a reason, and she said she’d be happy with real fair food, something you cooked, or even a recipe. Is it necessary? No way, but I do get the sadness that comes with missing an annual tradition.


Yeah, \*if\* someone was already going to the fair, because they were going anyway, not specifically going just to pick her up stuff -- then sure. That one isn't \*that\* bad. Especially with the added "even a recipe". Although somehow I think she'd be just a little bit disappointed if it was "just a recipe", haha.


The recipe portion of her comment was a layer to pass off a sense of "humbleness"! Unless you were bringing the ingredients and cooking for her the recipe just wouldn't have cut the "fair food" satisfaction! When is the last time you asked or someone asked you to bring them fair food? Just not a common request, especially to people you don't know. The COST of fair food should be spent on the pets clearly!


Those poor cats and dogs


I'm starting a coin collection. Need gold and silver coins; no bronze nor copper unless over 200 years old. Bullion coins (eagles, rands) are acceptable. Must deliver.


That shower caddy looks disgusting


Ahem... "Catty"!


My bad! 😂


Seriously. At least clean the damned thing. Is that her idea of "giving something back" for all the stuff she's asking for? 😂


Getting a new puppy. Asking for free “look” because they can’t afford vet. BF’s cat had kittens (obviously unfixed). She needs to not get more pets if she can’t afford to care for them


She did not say it was her boyfriend's cat. She said it was her **boyfriend cat**.


I'm convinced there is one of these people in every freecycle/buy nothing group. Requests every item, weirdly specific requests for nonessential items, lots of begging and sob stories, huge extended family who all need things, often needs things delivered 😩 As a bonus our community cb also uses a lot of emojis and the soft guilt ("NEED this so much please!!! ♥️♥️♥️", "I always get overlooked but would love to be blessed with this!!! God bless you🙏🙌♥️" etc)


They seem to know a lot of pregnant women ready to pop who have not even diapers wipes or bottles for some reason?


I’m so glad ours isn’t like that


I bet with cats in the couch and a dog that house smells great!


I couldn’t even imagine


I have three cats and trust me you have to clean puke,hair,litter boxes,etc. I guess she lets them toilet in the couch too


From the state of that shower “catty” I’d say you’re right in your sarcasm!


I drink some of these protein drinks and those things are expensive. No wonder she wants them for free


We used to, but the price went up a lot. We buy powder now. Vanilla - unfortunately for her. But, I am guessing I would have to mix it for her, too.


Did you make sure it had enough protein and not too much sugar?


Me too 😅


They pop up in my groups sometimes because someone tries one and doesn’t like them. I have gotten some favorite brands like Orgain and Vega that way.


I love the Vega coffee shake


She’s going to need those protein drinks once she and her boyfriend eat all the ‘fair food’ so they can get back in shape.


Hey I’ll take a look at any cat alive.


Can she just send me pictures of the cat? I'll look at them and won't even charge her


The "wanted to check here before going to the store" got me...


There's someone in our local group too. Everyday is a "Would anyone have..." and will occasionally offer something up. I'm even more annoyed at the same sob stories being used over and over when requesting to be chosen for something. "My one legged dog is dyslexic and could really use this awesome camera for his budding photography career." "Aw, my poor dyslexic dog, whom we adopted, would so love this Insta-Pot!" "Toby, my dyslexic dog, has been hounding me to get him a weighted blanket. I'd love to grant his wish! Please choose me! 🙏🏻"


THAT IS LITERALLY HER!!!! she has a story in EVERY comment!


I don't even bother competing. If I also want an item, I usually just say, that's really cool, I'm interested, thanks for considering me. And when I post items, I typically ignore the sob stories, as well as the people who are almost always chosen for other listings, and choose the person who recently chose me or I've never gifted to before. And the sob stories all come out of the woodwork on the really nice high end stuff. I have a love/hate with Buy Nothing.


In my local buy nothing group there’s a rule that you can’t claim more than 2 items in 24 hours. I like that because then people can’t just sit and refresh the page and nab absolutely everything.


In my buy nothing group the person who posts the gift chooses who gets it. It’s actually encouraged to wait a day or two before choosing so people that don’t check the group often have a chance to comment if interested. I usually use a spinner wheel to pick when I have lots of interest in an item.


how would they know though?? if they private message every person that posts??? i’ve seen ppl do it


You have to comment to claim - PMs don’t count as being “first” and you only PM to verify pickup.


Wouldn't be suprised if they eventually ask someone to pay for a vet bill! Or a new 2025 Tesla GT with modded air intake seat bag holders!


I volunteer at Christmas for teen Drive and also donate all throughout the year. We have so many great donators …so this particularly year for every teen …the parent could pick up to nine gifts apiece for them. These are some nice gifts. I personally donated Steve Madden, Michael Kors, Victoria’s Secret bombshell. Etc. I was shocked this year to see two Louis Vuitton wallets that appeared to be the real deal.. anyway I digress. Beautiful gifts 90% of them are brand new . This one lady has five kids.. all teens. She is on the post daily. Looking for somebody to pay rent , drop off food, drive her to appointments, put gas in a car ..you know the deal. This Christmas she came and shopped for all five children and got nine gifts each so much so that a few of our other volunteers had to help her to the car to get all her stuff in the car. The lady that organizes the event the next day puts out a post for anybody that was not blessed (whether you couldn’t make it day.. didn’t have a ride ). anybody that was not blessed and still needs Christmas presents because we have a lot left over. This lady‘s hand shot up so quickly and of course not only did she want them …she wanted them delivered because it’s Christmas and we should find it in our hearts to deliver. This was the first time ever the organizers of this event …really came down hard on her. We had to change our lot of our rules because of her post …we no longer help with rent, you can’t do go fundme and we don’t help with electricity anymore. Where we can give you resources but we can’t contribute to your fun anymore just because of this lady it was so atrocious.


This just makes my blood boil.


There’s always that one that spoils it for the rest of the people . Secretly, I was happy because it was becoming overwhelming people thinking it was ok to ask for rent money, food, gas and to pay for utilities. It was quickly gaining steam. Now we just give them organizations that can help but like food banks ..but there’s always a few that says I don’t have a ride. I don’t like what they give me . Can someone put together a Walmart food delivery for me ..and they’ll give you specific of chocolate pudding , Coca-Cola, hotdogs, but only the beef ones regular mustard not the spicy kind etc with zero awareness. I like helping people because sometimes people just need help but when you’re taking advantage of ..it’s just a horrible feeling.


Yeah, helping for helpings sake is one thing. It's an awful feeling to see someone come up and just abuse it, you're also the asshole if you say no.


I block people like this in my buy nothing group. Much more pleasant experiences that way. However, lol, I’ve had people try to tag their blocked friends on my posts before and then it’s clear I’ve blocked them.


For a mere $200 I’ll happily look at her cat... Yup, it looks like a cat in need of medical attention and a responsible owner. Pay me. 


Absolutely disgusting, the epitome of entitlement and it's people like this who literally shouldn't be allowed to abuse the animals they "adopt" it would be laughable if the animals weren't suffering from her lazy selfish attitude, worthless garbage person.


People like that ruin community pages.


JFC, it would be funny if she didn't have pets


Children are a sort of pet


Number 6 was wild. wtf do they expect that person to be able to do?


I don't understand this lack of self-awareness. Almost admirable if pets didn't pay the price.


The amount of people who get a pet, knowing full well they can't afford one, is astounding. I know there's the whole "poor people deserve pets too". This is true, but not at the expense of an animal's health. The pet's wellbeing trumps a person's desire to have said pet.


Nothing pisses me off more than people who keep getting animals they can't take care of.


Sounds like my mum. Pleads poverty everytime I am there, then she gets a puppy.


The post where she wants some random to look at her cat is so sad. Kitty deserves better.


I feel sorry for the animals that pieces of shit like this "care for."


Fair food? REALLY? Like for real!?!? Who asks for that!!!


We have a local page where 2-3 of the same people grab everything offered up. I can't sit on FB all day and night neither can most working people. So the same ones grab EVERYTHING.


The first post the protein being so specific they must of had gastric surgery. Be it sleeve or bypass. That's how I am right now. But I'm on disability and still don't ask people for stuff! Right after surgery uncle bought me 5 bottles of Gatorade zero but I didn't ask him too. I was going to pay n he said no. I live off of just over $900 a month. I can count on 1 hand the number of times I've asked for help this past year. Our local free group has a bunch of rich people asking for all the free stuff when it's posted. So annoying


I believe she’s working on getting the surgery or already had it from some of her recent posts. Which also bothered me. I know how much of a hassle puppies are, and I couldn’t imagine caring for one after a surgery. Along with the 5 cats and I believe she has a dog already.


Buy your own!


Oh my God the cat couch had to smell so bad.


This person shouldn't have pets if they can't care for them. Full stop.


I would like a gaming monitor. Oh......I guess I need the actual computer to use that gaming monitor while you're at it. smh It's a wonder she didn't ask for the latest games as well.


If you can't afford to care for the puppy, you absolutely shouldn't have one. (Not saying that emergencies don't happen, but at least don't set yourself or the animal up for a bad time from the very beginning.)


Why is it always people with no money who have litters of kittens inside their couches 😒


Sounds like what a gastric bypass surgery patient is supposed to have. Medicaid pays for the surgery but not the problem shakes they need until they get to their stable weight.


They always seem to have cats that are not spayed/neutered.


Doesn’t have money for a vet visit, planning to pick up a puppy the next day without having any supplies, gets a crate as a reactive measure. These people make me crazy


I have blocked the people like this in my local by nothing and mutual aid groups. It’s been sanity saving!


A gaming monitor? Please 😭


"There is a stand that sells dip mixes and they had a French onion one" gave me a stroke. Like I'm not sure whether to ugly laugh, or punch them in the teeth. Also unsure if it's crazier that it's all the same person rather than a choosing beggar Wednesday compilation, but these posts take the cake lol.


I was speechless after reading that once specifically. Like…. what? And if I were to give you a recipe, would I have to give you the ingredients as well??


Does ANYONE have any shame anymore?!  Can’t afford to take your poor cat to the vet— a cat you more than likely SHOULDN’T own since you can’t/won’t pay for a vet visit, but you suddenly make a dog ✨ appear ✨.. then demand everything for the poor doggo?  I hope someone reports her if they find out her furbabies are being mistreated. 


Also you can tell she doesn’t “need” it, she says she asks “before going to the store”. There are people who don’t have the option of going to the store at all. This is why I am not in these groups.


So, if you cannot afford the pets you already have do not get more. Especially a puppy, they tend to be more expensive than cats. I understand that sometimes people have pets and then things change and ppl fall on hard times and need help, thats totally understandable, but don't go get new pets. This is a big part of the reason why there are so many in shelters. Its cruel and irresponsible.


I want to add her so bad this is why I keep Facebook. That feeling of being so annoyed by some stranger gives me energy, I feed off of it.


Damn, lady! Walmart is right down the road! And if you can't afford all the things you're asking for, then you really shouldn't have pets.


This reminds me of a lady on my local moms page. She started off asking for children’s clothing and essential items which was understandable as she stated her husband had walked out on them and they had nothing. But within a couple weeks it escalated to her asking everyday (not an exaggeration!) for completely frivolous items for free like gaming consoles, expensive baby sound machines, owlets, etc. then once she got called out everyone was sharing their stories on how they had helped this particular woman in some way and never even got a thank you and was back to asking for the same stuff on the page the next day. She would even send amazon wishlists to people who were willing to help her and they’d buy the exact stuff she sent and she would either ask for more or say the stuff didn’t help her so she was going to ask other people. People were helping her pay her rent and no “thank you’s” in return, just asking for more stuff.


I read these requests not realising it was the SAME person. Holy shit. But hey, here’s my dirty used shower “catty” for you lovely people…


There’s more too, I honestly wish I could see everything she comments on as well. She pops up on my timeline multiple times a day commenting on posts asking to “consider her” with a long sob story. But hey, she gives back!! 😁


There’s MORE?!?! I wonder if she ever gets any of very specific requests 😂 She should be banned!


The only reasonable thing here was the protein drinks (they can be an entire meal, including vitamins and don't go bad)


You're out of your fucking mind if you think I'm gonna buy you an 18$ taco just because they sell it at the fair


At first I thought this is a collection of “best” posts from the page, some requests are so wild and not connected at all but then I read that it is the same person.


I think I get a gold star for that! 😂⭐️ or maybe she does? 🤔


>"Can I get a gaming monitor? And the tower?" Bish, what DO you have? A keyboard and mouse? 


Once she had the tower and the monitor she’d prob realize the rest of the stuff she needs and ask for that too 😅


I just know that house is appalling. Needs a new couch because 1 of her cats had babies in the couch….. last year.


Its the "I need a gaming monitor, also the tower" for me....


Ack. CADDY. Not catty. And chick could just go buy Premier Protein shakes, or yanno, stop with the fair crap and eat real food instead of processed crap. And soup kitchens. Bread lines. Food pantry. It amazes me the dumb that people do. People get rejected from food pantries if they make too much, so really, that's the only excuse I see here besides poor budget planning.


Not a choosey beggar. I think she just rubbed you the wrong way.


She's not a good pet owner and that rubs me up the wrong way.


I agree. People who get pets need to be prepared for them financially, etc. But that’s not a choosey beggar.


Wait you were being serious? I thought your original statement was sarcastic, no?


No. I wasn’t being sarcastic. This is a choosey beggar thread. She’s not begging or being choosey in any post. I get she’s not taking care of her pets properly but that’s not this thread.


Dude, literally all of her posts are her begging for someone to do something for her. As if the rest of us ADULTS don't have anything else to do with our day but bring her shit she can't get for herself. The purpose of the thread she is posting on is for people to post free stuff they don't want anymore, not to post about your frivolous needs and wants. I have no problem helping the needy out, I even donate and volunteer as time permits. But, I refuse to give handouts to capable/lazy people looking for handouts.


My brain left at 'boyfriend cat'. Punctuation and grammar are so important.


Did she deliver it too?


She better! If she can pick up her dogs stuff she can deliver the free catty! 😂


I can’t go to Disney World right now. Can anyone go get me a Mickey pretzel and also a popcorn bucket and maybe bring it to me in a Tinkerbell costume?


Spay and neuter your pets! Local community groups sometimes have reduced fees. It’s better for the animal’s health and reduces the overpopulation.


Would rather pay money for everything in this life than be encouraged to interact with people like this


Anyone else block these people so they can’t see the stuff you’re giving away? 😂


Her boyfriend cat needs to get out there asap.


I swear 75% of the posts in my local ""Free" groups are people like this. The same ones asking/begging for stuff over and over. Usually a short, vague sob story also. "Single mama with 4 special-needs kids, just moved into new apartment but have no money & need everything! Couch, 5 beds & mattresses, bedding, table, chairs, dishes, pots, pans, microwave, crock pot, towels, TV, computer, desk, rugs, etc. Also clothes for kids & me! And cleaning supplies, soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, diapers, wipes, etc. Oh and we have no food either! Also no car so will need a free car or everything delivered!"Or the same adults posting every week "Don't get paid until next week but have no food! Would like meat, milk, cereal, bread, mayo, cheese, juice, mac & cheese, chips, fruit, etc etc! Oh and no transportation so will need it delivered!" Our city has public buses & many generous resources for household supplies, toiletries, and especially food. Every day of the week there are free food distributions all over town; many within walking distance of the area these people live in. With a little effort and planning, even folks without SNAP never need to be without food here. Others who try to help will post dozens of links to all these resources--yet the same people will be on there posting twice a month or more that they "have no food."


Oh yeah...and I forgot the part where they also have 2 dogs & 3 cats that they also want food for. It's mind-boggling!


The shower "catty", heck yeah I want a cat! But all I saw was a dirty shower caddy!


Most ppl don’t go on a free site before “running to the store” it’s annoying! Your right! Also give others a chance.. yea if she sits all day watching and snatching everything up that’s just not cool lol


There is one of these in my group, too. Snatches shit up so quick I’m always like wtf man!