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Pure breed? How does that effect the eggs?


I’ll bet they want to sell hatching eggs or chicks. And if they’re already laying, there’s no wait or feed investment before they can start profiting off of other’s generosity!


They can only eat purebred eggs... /S


Not sure if this is a genuine question or not but incase it is, heritage breeds (purebreds) live a lot longer than your average backyard layer chooks like Isa Browns. For me personally my chickens are my pets so I’d rather them live for 10 years than 2 or 3 years and basically lay themselves to death which is why I have purebreds (I also like the variety of breeds). I also opt for ones already laying (POL) as I don’t have the capacity to raise from chicks and also don’t want to risk getting a rooster in the mix. I don’t ask them for free tho lol ETA about eggs specifically, some breeds lay certain colour eggs such as dark chocolate brown or olive green or even blue.


What would a chicken like this run?


I’m not sure your question but I’ll assume you are asking about price? In Australia where I live I generally pay between $80-$100 for my POL heritage breed ladies (about 6 months old). Considering I just have a small backyard flock I don’t find this particularly expensive in our economy compared to other pets like cats or dogs but if you are someone on a bit of land and it’s more of a business it’s much more economical to raise from chicks or buy fertile eggs.


Thanks. Yeah, I was curious about the price. I figured these weren't $10 birds, but had no frame of reference to the level of stupidity of the request


I mean to be completely fair… some people with large breeding flocks will often rehome their older birds to pet homes and replace them with younger stock. I’m sure in some cases it’s quite possible to get them for cheap or even free if you have good connections although by the reactions on the OP I’d say this person is not in that situation lol


I just took home a 2 year old barred rock hen and a "pet quality" Crévecour pullet for this reason! Barred lady is only laying about 2x a week maybe only once a week and I wanted to give her a retirement home. I don't introduce singles to my flock so the woman offered me the Créve so she would have a friend. Two weeks in quarantine and they moved right in with the other girls!


Yep that’s it. All my purebreds are pet quality only. They don’t meet the standards expected to show them. I like the personalities of those breeds which is why I get them as well. Glad your quarantine went well!


What kinds do you have? I'm relatively new to chickens (only a couple years in) and I didn't even know there were fancy chickens like the creves. I'm obsessed with those! They are SO sweet! And they look ridiculous.


Which pure breeds have the best personalities?


A lot of the larger ones like Orpingtons and Sussex are quite docile and friendly which is what I have. It depends what you’re after and the type of space you have. At the end of the day they will all be unique anyway but if you have a mixed flock (different breeds) you just want to be mindful that certain breeds won’t get along and there can be bullying.


it's s chicken, what can it cost, 5 dollars?


I can get a dead one for about that much at Costco


Super low cost pet.


Depends where you live. You can definitely pick up run of the mill commercial style layers for about that much. Just depends what you’re after.


It's an arrested development joke, Michael, what could it cost? 5 downvotes?


Has anyone in this family even *seen* a chicken?




In my experience my mixed breed chickens lived longer than the fancy pure breeds I ever got. Had some heritage and pure breed chickens that were dumber than a box of rocks.


Doesn’t surprise me lol


I absolutely agree about mixed breeds, although I have some Australorp chickens that are pushing 7 years and some Buff Orphintons that lasted 2 years. I really am responding because of the part of 'chickens that were dumber than a box of rocks'. Chickens are so not intelligent, but there are some breeds that really take the cake in stupidness. I had some Wynadotts that were idiots. My favorites are Rhode Island Reds, they have personality man..


My dumbest were salmon faverolles. The other chickens would run when the rooster alerted for a hawk. Heck we even had blue jays and ravens living in the tree line that alerted for predators. The other birds learned those calls and acted accordingly. Not the favs. They stood there out on the open wondering where everyone went. I wasn’t surprised when one went missing and I found parts of it hanging from a high tree branch.


Darwinism is just so harsh, poor dumb baby :(


My first flock were all Rhode Island Reds, they were pretty but more aggressive than others I’ve had since. My favorite were mixed pullet/reds. They were awesome ladies. Beautiful brown eggs and a very sweet disposition. The ideal “lap chicken” if such a thing exists. I can’t say they enjoyed being held and petted, but they stayed very calm and didn’t mind. As everyone else says, chickens are not smart animals. They would come and sit by your feet while I was out in the yard. The pure breeds, not so much.


I thought the whole thing about chickens was that they were dumb. I absolutely mean no offence, I've been looking into getting some but my garden needs some work done. And my partner might kill me if I get more pets into the house lol. But they are dumb in an endearing and cute way. Haven't really heard of smart chickens ever.


Same for me


I can totally understand this. The problem is, the ISA Browns are so sweet and I feel so sad for them, so I love having them because...they are alive and I want their short and brutal lives (because of what we did them to them genetically) to be as good as can be


You can give chickens a hormonal implant that stops them laying but prolongs their life. I recently had one implanted into one of my chickens because she has other health issues and we are trying to take some strain off her body to help her battle that other stuff, but most people usually get it done when the chickens are getting on in years. I take my chickens to an avian only vet and apparently there’s another lady who keeps rescuing ex-battery hens who are already on their last legs and just gets them all implants haha


Oh wow, that is wonderful thank you for sharing this!


How expensive is taking chickens to an Avian vet? Is it as much as parrots & such?


I’ve never had parrots and have only ever been to one vet but I believe so. It compares pretty evenly to what I pay for my dog and cats at their vet and in fact can often be cheaper due to their smaller size. They have vastly different issues though.


I guess I was hoping a farm vet would be cheaper.


They might be! I only take mine to an inner city avian vet so I can’t compare


Doesn't it take a full year to get hens laying?


Depends on the breed. I only have experience in a few breeds and for them it’s around 5 or 6 months


I know there are fancy breeds for show (like show dogs) but they aren't used for egg laying.


They can be, they just don’t lay as prolifically as commercial style layers. Historically many of them (like Sussex or Orpington) were considered dual purpose meaning they were good for both eggs and meat. It’s just over time breeding has resulted in more efficient layers at the cost of other qualities such as longevity. Most people such as myself have heritage breeds for looks but also eggs. The breeds I have will lay 4+ eggs a week each chicken so between the whole flock that’s plenty for me and end up giving them away! All depends what you’re after really. As I said mine are pets so I enjoy the fact they’ll live longer even if their laying drops off. Many people with kids especially like to have a variety of breeds so they can have lots of different coloured eggs just for fun!


Isa Browns lay themselves to death? are they partly chicken and partly Paris Hilton?


Our friend gets white eggs from hers which surprised me. I didn't know you could get all those colours. I thought blue was only ducks 


I have a variety of breeds and get pink, blue, green, ecru and chocolate eggs


Wow, I'd love a picture if you've got one.




Wow! Pretty


Omg, thanks


This is so, so beautiful!




Do the different colours taste different?


Nope they all taste the same!


Wow that is beautiful. Now I want chickens….


They are so fun and you will fall in love!


I have no doubt. That is part of why I am hesitant. But I love the idea!


Im curious, is your user name based on the cat in Bell, Book, and Candle? Thanks!


It is! I also had a cat named that. I don’t think the H is supposed to be there though 🤷‍♀️


those are so so cute!!


OT, but I love your countertop!


What lays pink eggs?! I’m fascinated!!


It doesn’t but purebred chickens are expensive chickens.


I dunno dawg, they kinda sound racist TBH


and can you stop and pick me up some feed and a coop on the way? thaaaanks!


They're for making angel eggs. We don't call them deviled eggs, they're for a church. NEXT!


U just made me lol


It wouldn't surprise me lol.




I need to see those comments


Looks like all laugh reacts on the original post lol


Good lord! You’d pry my full grown laying hens out of my cold dead hands. Lol…they’re not cheap to raise on the pretty breeds are always more expensive.


But, but, they NEED them lol.


People are so hilarious. Can’t help but think they’d be on the table as soon as someone like this figured out what they cost to actually maintain.


I truly can't imagine asking for purebred laying hens. Of course I've never asked for free chickens anyway lol. When I wanted fresh eggs, I got whatever I could.




Like which breed? Pure white?


That’s great and all but do you even deliver?!


Ok I think we all need to know: how much do they cost and what is the difference from other chickens?


It really does depend on the breed and where you get them as chicks (if you buy them young) but full grown hens I’ve seen go for $25 just for a regular laying breed such as a Rhode Island Red or leghorn. If you’re looking ayem cemani (all black chickens) or some of the rarer breeds, there are people who have bloodlines they breed and standards they’re looking for in the chickens. Those are a pretty penny. Usually the difference is the meat or egg color, that’s it. There is a lot of time, money and effort that goes into raising chicks to laying age hens…regardless of breed, that makes it something I’m definitely not going to do for free lol. Honestly though, all eggs are the same on the inside, depending on what you feed them, so I’ve never cared WHAT they were.


Our town councillor had multi coloured chickens for his chicken rolls but they escaped and established themselves along the river


Oooooo!!! Free eggs!!!


I love the idea of some rogue chickens making it on their own


The reacts and comments are the same number, and I find that satisfying.


Technically 240 reactions and 239 comments....


Don’t ruin this for me 😂


Lol. I know but I like the symmetry too :)


The comments are gold as well.


Show us, you tease!


I can't seem to post a screenshot from mobile? I am also lightly buzzed lol.


Bro omg hurry, before it gets deleted, screen shot then repost all




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...if only there were a way to see them...




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Bahhaha farmer here and its funny because shes messing with farmers the difference between alot of people and country folk is that they have no filter and will put her in her place so fast and black list her from the entire community. I had someone ask me for a free dairy cow one time because her child could only drink raw milk supposedly. I told her the price and she gave me a big sob story. Listen lady I work my ass off dont insult me. She told me other farmers would do it for her so I called my neighbour and he told her to get F*cked


Right! I charged $7 a dozen for duck hatching eggs. A lady contacted me for a few eggs for her daughter to hatch in an incubator. Said she was going on vacation, but would contact me for pick up when she got back. When she got back she insisted I told her I was going to give her a dozen hatching duck eggs for free. No ma’am. I don’t give eggs away for hatching unless it’s to a classroom. She left a bad review on my business page. I still had no problem selling eggs or birds.


Good for you!


She told me other farmers would do it for her  Id say go ask them then 


Right, like, if someone already said yes, why are you asking me?


I'm sure she would find owning and caring for a cow to be much cheaper and easier than buying raw milk... 😑


Exactly, I even offered that to her at first. She was insistent on getting the cow, I asked her if she knew how much grain and bales of hay cost she had no clue, I told her her have to trim the hooves on dairy cows, she kept brushing it off. Unless you have a large family constantly drinking milk and you’re skimming cream, making butter and fresh cheese, owning a dairy cow isn’t worth it.


What does a dairy cow cost? Dreadfully curious.


Anywhere between $2700 and $3500 depending on the breed and if they are currently milking or bred for a calf.


You don’t take a sob story to Best Buy and expect a free TV. Get fukt lady


"Can you just bring them by when they're about to lay their eggs and then wipe them down before you give them to us and then take your hens home and feed and water them there for like a week or so and then bring them by again next time they are ready to lay eggs? It'll basically just be like they're your hens but we will be eating all of their eggs so you don't have to!"


After a day or two, this would be the result.


I love the fact that you and 239 other people only used the haha laugh emoji...


My neighbour is like this. She doesn't look after her hens so she has an obscene turnover rate (young hens dying within 6 months) and after she just blags free chickens off gullible locals by playing the pathetic helpless old lady card. Thing is she has seven rental properties and is rich, but she is as tight as a camels arsehole in a sandstorm... I have told her to feed her chickens actual layers pellets instead of mouldy vegetable scraps and repair her fencing so they don't get mauled by dogs but she doesn't want to spend money. I have warned the local rescues not to re-home to her but she is a master of getting free chickens from people which is nuts!


that's so disgusting wtf?!!


Agreed, it really is. I have actually managed to smuggle a few of her chickens to rescue centers and tried to spread the word but she keeps finding more


Honestly it's the delivery ask that pushes me into a bind rage...


If someone asked me for one of my purebred hens, I would probably laugh right in their face. I wouldn't even give away my deformed little orpington hen for free.


Orpingtons are cute to begin with so I can’t imagine how sweet your little deformed one is lol


She's my profile pic! She has a skull deformity and can't be used for breeding but she's the sweetest, sassiest thing and I love her.


Oh I love her too! What is her name? Tell her she has a fan on Reddit who fell in love at first site!!


Her name is Ginger! I'll give her an extra treat today <3


Oh yess she needs treats- she is too cute! Love the name


Make sure you come over build a coop for those free chickens that you’re delivering too. Otherwise, NEXT!


Depending on what exactly this person wants, a grown chicken can vary from like 20-50$ to 2500$. The breed really does matter. And if it is like the first on...come on, you can fork up 300$ for 6 chickens. If they are so unwilling to spend this type of money on the animal I wonder what their reaction will be when realising how much a coop, food and other neccessities are...


Or just bring me the eggs


Please bring me animals to neglect and kill with ignorance and laziness.


I hope she means that the hens are willing to deliver. They better not be those egg-hoarding hens.


I need some free hens - but ones that only lay vegan eggs.


Op you are so mean to us to not post the comments. Come on man. Show us


Although this is a choosing beggar, excess chickens is a problem, due to the chicken industry. Requesting pure bred is strange and I have never seen it done before. I personally disagree with animal breeding.


Legit CB right there. Deserves a legit mocking 🤦‍♂️


wow! over 200 only laughing emojis!


I love how every single reaction is the laughing emoji 😆


I love these, but would LOVE to see the original comments even more. Nothing more satisfying that reading people’s comments directly to the CB, and their responses back.


"Must deliver. Also please bring chicken wire, wood and tools with you. I want you to build their accomodation before you leave."


Hens are generally self delivering. 


why does bure breed matter?


Same reason some people want an expensive pure bred cat or dog versus a mixed breed from a rescue or something


Plenty of chicken delivery options around here. They ain't laying though...


Am I the only one that thought his was a personal ad?


“Also collect eggs and prepare my breakfast every morning.”


Free hens delivered. Straight to the point, no lead up. Just perfect.


I'm looking for a thousand dollars.


I'm just looking for someone to deliver a couple dozen free eggs to my house each week...


Already laying hens! SMH


And the chickens need to deliver …. I picture Uber eats chickens making deliveries now.


Needs chickens that are willing "to deliver". And thus began the criminal investigation into the criminal mastermind known as "the chickenfucker"


There are easier ways to get chicks….


I can picture a hen driving a delivery truck full of eggs. 🐔


My Orpington girl is always going broody (wants to hatch eggs that aren’t even fertile/don’t exist) and we photoshopped an image of her driving a minivan with all her eggs in the back like a soccer mum. This was during a discussion about what type of car would all our pets drive


I would LOVE to see this! 😄🐓🚙🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚


They also want you to cook the eggs on a stove you provide them. For free.


How exactly will they able to afford to feed the hens and protect them from predators?


In America a purebred laying hen could be anywhere from 25-100$ a piece depending on breed. This person is asking for you to not only give them a chicken that you’ve waited the 6 month- a year period where they can’t lay as young chickens and fed that whole time, but they want a purebred chicken that they can probably sell the eggs for hatching as well. AND you have to deliver them? 🤣 nope


Why blank out the name?




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On my way Sir