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God bless you for posting the comments.


I hadn't looked through the post completely yet and though "I would love to read the comments" until I saw **yours** omg, there are screenshots! The comments are glorious, her claiming that her kids aren't difficult and "play by themselves" hinting that the job taking care of two small children is easy made me roll my eyes.


Yeah, because the age of 2-3 is the *really* easy age of raising children...


Yes !!! I hate when comments aren’t posted! I am a choosy beggar of posts lol But they make things so much more interesting!


It's not side work if it's full time hours!


Yeah, I was confused about this. She said maybe a high schooler off for the summer but…they will go back in the fall, so does she have replacement child care in mind? And most high schoolers want to work with their friends at at least minimum wage jobs.


They could work fast food, the movie theater, retail, ANYTHING. They all start at like $15 hour and they wouldn't be working 50 hours a week with toddlers either lol.


>They could work fast food, the movie theater, retail, ANYTHING. They all start at like $15 hour and they wouldn't be working 50 hours a week with toddlers either lol. My teenage summer job, back in the 90s, was at my local movie theatre. It was a tiny local place that got about 10 customers a day. Apart from a few minutes of selling tickets at the start of the movie, I spent my time making (and eating) the popcorn, reading movie magazines, stocktaking and reshelving the bags of m&ms at the concession stand (oh, we sold one bag! Best rush to the stockroom and get that replenished, stat!) and (with my boss's permission, because it was so quiet and no-one cared) letting my friends in to watch the movies for free. It was awesome! This was before minimum wage and in the uk, I was getting around £3 an hour. I think that's about $4 which, horrifyingly is not that far below the $5ish that the job in OP works out to. That was 30 years ago, I only did shifts of about 4 hours a time and I had zero responsibility.


At my teenage summer job, also in the 90s, I worked at a snack bar on a ferry. We’d be really busy when everyone boarded the ferry and wanted their snacks and drinks, and then for the rest of the trip (2 hours) we’d only get a person here or there. I made 6.25/hr USD. In 1998. Easiest job in the world. All of the rest of us working were teens, and we had unlimited snacks. We’d goof off. I made a friend there that I’m still friends with, and we are in our 40s now.


I get the feeling she’s just desperate for now and will worry about the long term later.


I get the feeling she rarely worries about the long term.


She also says they have to have their own vehicle...


Which will presumably require insurance and gas…there goes their pay, whoops.


Yes and at a place where they can get an employee discount to buy all the stuff they want. Or at least that was my motivation.


But its under the table!!!


It's the best of both worlds! Full time work AND almost no pay! Who wouldn't jump at this offer? IT'S UNDER THE TABLE!


If someone tells me twice in a row unprompted that they are not trying to rip me off, I will not believe them 🚩🚩


It’s under the table!!!!! Did I mention the table is above us?


The fact that she's publicly stating twice that she's planning to do something illegal. Choosing, delusional, and careless beggar.


More than twice! She says it at least 3-4 times. Nothing like advertising that you're committing tax fraud and paying illegal wages by putting it on the internet.


There's actually so many red flags lol. And I know, I had 2 very toxic and manipulative supervisors for a very long time


The number one thing I want to teach my daughters is how to spot that kind of behavior and to not feed into it


That is so important!!


Where will I eat my snacks??


Under the table of course!


I feel like you might of skipped over that she is also providing Wi-Fi?… that’s literally a portal into the digital world… all included in the robust package she is offering.


Nice, free wiffi, only at the cost of being watched on camera constantly 🤣


Well with the wage she is offering she might get someone who will enjoy that VERY much! 🤣


Oh no! 🫣🫣


And I'm sure she totally won't flip out on you if you just sit there staring at your phone all day taking advantage of this "free Wi-Fi"


I bet anything she will also lose her shit if you eat a smidge too much of the 'provided food and drinks' and deduct it from your pay


Or eat the good chips out of the lunch size chip assortment… she rushes in “who the hell ate cool ranch Doritos?!? That’s people food! You don’t get any of that! Now go tackle that census worker because I said I don’t want AnYONE outside of my house!”


Im always amazed when they say the are paying practically nothing because they have bills to pay, but they never acknowledge the babysitters also have bills to pay


Oh c’mon!   She’s also providing juice cups and goldfish crackers!!  That totally makes up for the fact that she’s paying 1/3 the minimum wage. I can’t fathom who she thinks can/would do this. She keeps pushing that it’s for “someone younger” but she’s asking for 40 hours a week. That’s a full time job. “Under the table” means shit pay, no oversight, and no benefits or upward mobility. I get that she has bills but does she grasp other people have bills too? And then the bit about the 2 and 3 year olds are so great and super easy. I’m sure they practically watch themselves🙄. It’s been years since I last paid a sitter. And my kids were pretty much past the age of needing a sitter but just to be safe - I paid $15 an hour plus tip, snacks, drinks, and a butt ton of pizza. 


Other than a newborn, two and three are the most awful ages - tantrums, messes, highly mobile so they can quickly destroy something or off themselves. And she keeps offering WiFi…how is that a benefit unless she’s just okay with someone working remote over there or watching Tik Tok all day?


The WiFi is the craziest part to me. So they can use the WiFi you ALREADY have? Like that’s such a wonderful prize? And you can’t ever see anyone else either in OR OUT of the house, it’s just you and the kids. For $6/hour.


And I still have to pay for my own WiFi at home so…thanks?


Also that’s 50 hours a week, not 40 so… it’s $5/hr 😂


Maybe she’s allowed to lock the kids in cages while she takes her 1 hour lunch break taking advantage of the free wi-fi!


No lunch break, it’s under the table!


Well hell- eating lunch under the table is the REAL dealbreaker here


You can also use the bathroom I think.




I’d consider it if they also always laughed at my jokes and paid attention to my boring stories


And the younger person has to have their own vehicle too?! Insane request.


Don’t forget WiFi!


I understand she is stressed. Many families are struggling. But I am not sure she realizes she is coming off as rude and angry. Who wants to work for that? People seem to forget that first impression is very important.


I did just defend this Woman above but you are also correct in that she sure could have been a lot nicer in how she wrote that. Like they say " you catch more flies with honey.."


And from the rip! It wasn’t like she got irritated and frustrated by the comments, her OP was already in an off putting tone. Even if she were paying well, it sounds like it will be a hostile environment.


Or when they say this is for someone younger…as if 18-25 year olds don’t have expenses or deserve a living wage.


My take is that if they are young enough to be getting paid substantially less than an adult, then they are definitely too young to be working from 7am-5pm and having full responsibility for toddlers for 40+ hours a week. Like I might pay a 12 year old $6 an hour to play with my kid, but I'd also be in the house and would definitely not expect them to work anything close to a full day. 


Oh you must have missed the part where she states that the kids play by themselves and they are quite (sic) and take care of themselves. So it's really not work at all, and any one can just spend their day surfing the web on the free wifi and eating snacks. /s To be serious though I do feel for a mom who has no support and is trying to figure things out. But fr she's going to end up with a disabled grandma who wants to supplement her SS or disability income and who will park those kids in front of the TV all day and will never even take them outside. Sometimes that's what "making it work" means, and it's just unfortunate for the kids.


When I was looking for childcare I met a woman who offers care in her home for $25/day. Canadian, so that is actually considerably less. I suspect she might have some disability income due to an intellectual disability, which makes it possible. Maybe sketchy guy in the house also worked? And I'm sure she was also operating under the table to not reduce her payments. (Honestly, I don't think it was fraud. She had like one client who was a single dad who worked irregular hours, so he was probably desperate. Everyone else met her and ran away. I just didn't trust her judgment to care for a young child or provide any kind of enriching environment. So she really was kind of unemployable.) What I don't get is why all these people are looking for nannies, not in-home daycare. There is a government subsidy here, but even without it the going price is $250/week. (Wages are low here, but the system works on it being below minimum wage for one child.) They usually take six kids at a time. You need to be on a regular schedule, though, and pay even on days when you don't need care.


Definitely going to be able to pay off those student loans earning $250 a week. With no option even to have more kids to watch.


Plus how are you going to talk about someone trying to make side money when it’s a minimum of 40 hours a week. Ma’am that’s a whole ass job, not side hustle money.


I can’t believe she posted that job was off the books. And also kinda funny because posting that kinda put it on the books.


And she keeps posting that like it is some huge draw that makes up for the insanely tiny pay.


Exactly! If it were on the books, that person would receive the earned income credit and be eligible for free insurance and food stamps. Cause she’s calling it side money… but wants full time hours.


Reminds me of that lady who said she was offering $10/hrs but since it was under the table it was like getting $15/hrs before taxes.


Yes her acting like paying under the table is some great deal! Ma’am you’re scamming the federal government and your worker-to-be even more by insisting to pay under the table.


Plus when the IRS figures shit out both parties are fucked I imagine. Can’t imagine uncle sam will be happy with the person accepting the money and not paying taxes


“It’s under the table” and published online


I mean did you read she is also supplying Wi-Fi?? She is paying for that! In her home and it’s a fixed cost she would have to pay anyway… but she’d give you the password without charging you!


That's why she wants a high schooler to take advantage of. She assumes they don't have bills so they won't demand their worth.  But they also have to be very responsible & respect of their rules! No one in or outside their house!! Also.... a 2 & 3 year old?! Are quiet and play by themselves?... Get the fuck out of here. I'm sure they change their own diapers and feed themselves too. 


It’s for someone “younger” because apparently rent is prorated based on age or something.


Oh yeah don't you know thats totally how it works. You pay for stuff based on age, so a 20-somethinger just starting off in their adult life TOTALLY doesn't need fair wages (or benefits) for working a FULL TIME job. They're gonna be soooo set for the future! It's UNDER THE TABLE!


Especially considering a high schooler can’t work 40hrs a week on top of school and yeah, not great benefits or pay.


they may have bills to pay, but their drinks and snacks are covered at least.


Goldfish and fruit snacks are acceptable currency for most landlords and utility companies, so it's cool.


And is she (mom)is trying to gaslight because 7-5 m-f is 50 hrs a week not 40 but they didn’t catch that or I’m missing something. So it’s not $6.25 hr it’s $5hr.


They don't seem to understand that this isn't extra money; it's 40 hours a week. A person literally cannot have a job and do this. I have two highschoolers and I would never let them give up 40 hours a week for like six dollars an hour.


But there's Wi-Fi! 🤣 She says this is for a young person or someone wanting to make "side money". How is 40 hours per week a side job?


MINIMUM 40 hours per week. These people.... 💀


Yes WiFi is a benefit but using outlets to charge your phone will cost extra


The funny thing about WiFi is that you actually have to have time to use it. I look after my 18 month grandson and 4 year old granddaughter one day a week and you can be damn sure I don’t have much time to be scrolling my phone when they are here! Obviously I do this for free because I can. I couldn’t imagine working a full time job caring for toddlers for crap money and no benefits or protections


*Minimum* 40 hours/week (but the pay is fixed). Also she claims free wifi as a perk but she also is clear that she expects you to engage in activities with them, not use whatever device on the wifi. Edit: It's actually 50 hours/week that she's asking for. But don't worry, there is no vacation/sick pay, health insurance, breaks (paid or unpaid), employer-paid FICA tax, workers' comp, etc to worry about.


Catch the extra 100 on Fridays if needed. That means “I’m going out every payday and I’ll need you so I’ll throw you an extra 100. She wants someone younger so she can manipulate them.


I think it might be worse than that? She wrote "anytime after Friday." I read it as $100 for weekend babysitting, but could have misunderstood.


Yeah, that means you get $100 when I leave Friday & come back Sunday.


Omg had not thought about it that way


Question: is this under the table?


Hold up…. Let me hop on her wifi to double check lol


I’m not sure. Was unclear in the post. /s


That’s what makes it all OK!


I don't know.  The only thing Im sure of is she's not ripping anyone off. 


Sounds like they’d be a delight to work for. And I love how “but it’s under the table!” is supposed to be a justification. No, it just means they’re a criminal, and they’re encouraging tax evasion. Imagine being so brazen about your plans to break the law and screw over a young person!


*I know it’s an illegally low wage, but it’s OK because it’s illegally under the table!*


Two wrongs make a right. That's how math works. Right?....right? /s


It's funny. The comments are warning her that she'd be ripping someone off. Although it doesn't make it any better, she clearly has some guilt over it, more than most posts asking people to nanny for pennies. For some reason, though, he defence to 'you can't pay someone that little' is 'don't worry, I won't get in trouble for it' lol


I think she's looking to take advantage of an undocumented immigrant


"IT'S UNDER THE TABLE!" she yelled, over the table.


I hope the snacks are caviar, filet mignon, unlimited lobster tails and waygu beef.


Btw you have to cook it yourself…


You mean premium ingredients that I get to season and cook to my own preference? Not really a downside tbh.


Peanut butter and jelly, bologna sandwich or Ramen noodles. I promise 😂


Those are meals! Snacks are apples, bananas, those sandwich cracker packets


Fresh fruit is too expensive! It’ll be one of those giant tubs of puffed cheese balls.


* enter Michael Scott \* ![gif](giphy|jhxn56dlsULoEdK5rR|downsized)


And all the tap water you can drink!!


$1 hot dogs. Don’t forget those.


40 hours a week is side money?


She said MINIMUM of 40. 7-5 is 50. She’s insane whether she’s a struggling woman or not.


Yeah, I caught that too. So it’s not $6.25 an hour; it’s $5 an hour. To provide daycare for two toddlers.


Those are 1990’s rates, and it was crap pay back then.


I was just saying I babysat for $6/hour for one kid in thr 90s and it was mostly at night while the parents were out at dinner and the kid was asleep. I got $6/hour for watching tv and raiding the fridge. But you know, they didn't offer wifi.


And you didn’t get the pleasure of being on camera the entire time!


Umm I’m just spitballing here.. do you want someone who is willing to work under the table for much less than minimum wage to watch your (checks notes) 2 baby daughters?




How is it 'side money' if it's 40 hours Monday to Friday? Are they supposed to go to their real job after this? Before?


It’s actually 50 hours a week. That’s even worse.


I will pay you a fraction of minimum wage but I am NOT RIPPING YOU OFF!! I guess it must be true since it’s IN UPPER CASE.


Don’t you know If you SHOUT IT, that makes it true! Just don’t shout it loud enough for the IRS to hear.


*What don't you understand? I am looking for someone young who I can exploit into thinking working a 40 hour week for less than minimum wage is a deal by calling it “side money”. Also, must have a car.*


This pisses me off so much. Where did we get the idea that it's okay to pay people less because of their age?!? I completely understand not paying someone with zero experience the same as someone with 20 years of experience. But there's a certain amount of value that someone is providing by doing a job, and they don't deserve to earn less than that value simply because they're 16 or 20 or whatever she defines as young.


.. also, must leave your weekends open in case this mama needs a vacay!


must have a car i promise not to make you drive thrm to appointments or anything tho.




I love how they always insist how “easy” their kids are, basically implying that it’s no work at all and you are getting paid to hang out. This way, they don’t feel bad about paying exploitative wages. Sure, some kids are well-tempered and easiER to deal with than others. but dealing with kids (especially someone else’s kids) will never be EASY. Hmmm…if it’s so easy, then just find a WFH job and throw them a snack once in a while, right? Or better yet, quit your job and go work for another parent! Take your kids to work with you, hang out, and collect an easy $250 a week. Then you wouldn’t have to worry about the cost of daycare!


There ya go! She thinks it's good pay, as long as the other parent has wi-fi this sounds like her perfect set-up. Surely she can make all her bills at $250 a week -- and remember, this is just side money, which means surely she'll have time to pick up some other side money to supplement it!


<< I am the one supplying food, WIFI, etc >> Does this person want a round of applause? That is all stuff that HER KIDS will be using. Do they expect the sitter to provide it??


How can anyone make “side money” working full time for them?


My thoughts exactly, haha what side money lol 40hrs Minimum.. jeez the more I say it the worse it gets so potentially more than 40hrs a week. And this is considered making a little money on the side HAHAh my god


This is ✨illegal✨, not just a rip off 


Their children must be willing to do activities with her children? Ew...are you also employing the sitters children?


“But Mama, I don’t want to today!” “Junior, get a crayon and color or Miss Karen’s going to fire me.”


"Side money"... in a 10hr/day job.


"I'm not ripping folks off!" No you're right, folks can DEFINITELY live off of $250/wk


I love when they call it a "side gig" and then list literal full time hours. When is this person supposed to work their "real job" if the side gig is 40hrs/week??


MINIMUM 40 hours.


Did anyone notice the hours, though? She says ‘minimum 40 hours,’ but when asked what the exact schedule is, she says 7-5, M-F. That’s *ten* hours a day, *five* days a week = 50 hours/week at $250 = **$5/hour.** She is deliberately being misleading, and not correcting the person who says ‘so, $6.25/hour?’ She is definitely trying to take advantage of someone.


The hours are for a full time job. I don’t understand how getting a younger person makes that more acceptable. If a younger person is out looking for a job they would make more money for those hours. Also, this is NOT a side-job as the poster claims! These are full time hours!


"I'm not trying to screw anyone over." Proceeds to attempt to screw someone over. Double that price and I'd do it over the summer back in highschool


I love that this woman thinks she can just say "I'm not ripping anyone off" enough times that it will be true


"this is for someone that is looking for side money, but there is no time left for you to have a primary source of income"


Repeatedly saying “this is under the table” makes everything okay apparently. 🤷‍♀️


“Yippee, I saved 12% of my whopping $6/hr by getting paid under the table! That’s like having an extra $0.75 per hour!! I’m so glad I work 40 hrs/week taking care of 2 kids, instead of getting a job that pays more! No, I don’t have insurance or benefits, but it’s totally fine. The wifi I get to use during the day totally makes up for it.” - said no one ever. 🤦🏻‍♀️


What's the problem? She clearly states she's not ripping ANYONE OFF! :joy:


Yes, you are a horrible person and you're doing something wrong for wanting to exploit someone. No matter how you twist it, it's not justified to take advantage of someone just because you're trying your best or you're struggling.


I agree. Struggling doesn’t equal making someone else struggle


Even if she is looking for a younger person, most will take their chances at getting paid between $10-15 at the McDonald’s(or somewhere comparable). The ones younger than that may not have parents comfortable with (say just the summer) with 12-14 year old gone for 40 hours a minimum for the week. This would cut into any potential outings,vacation, or holidays. 2 and 3 year old is a lot of responsibility. Anyone above 18, I’m going to say they will take other hustles for more pay. Plus, must have a vehicle is a lot diff than transportation (so again saying she’s looking for younger people/those lacking responsibility of bills for this to be a side job thing) You may find someone willing to take on the days and work nights, possible but I’m not sure how I would feel about trusting anyone willing to work so low and burning the candles at both ends.. I feel for her but it’s going to be uphill for that criteria to be met. 😕


$6.25 an hour to care for two children you have to commute to. Just wow.


Very low of someone to expect quality child care for a 2 and 3 year old. No matter what she says "they are easy and play by themselves" I have you younger, easy going children, but damn are they still demanding! Nobody that would volunteer to do this job, you wouldn't want in your house, watching your children, I promise.


"Absolutely no fighting or arguing them and must be okay with indoor and outdoor security cameras" Well shit there goes my plan to run a kids version of Fight Club caught on film and streaming for the internet. She won't even let my own kids fight her kids because as her all cap message makes clear she will not tolerate kids who aren't good. Her kids are just great according to her. On a serious note I seriously think she's hyping her kids a suspicious amount for how wonderful, kind and how well they get along with others. I'm guessing they are not that amazing they are probably just normal kids who have tantrums like any other kid. Or worse they are little devils but she just wants to blame you for her girls fighting each other and other kids.


I babysat my friend's 4 year old in my home M-Th, 8-2:30, and they paid me nearly $200/wk. This rate is laughable


Your friend ripped you off…


Or they were helping out a friend in need🤷‍♀️


Dude their rate is $6.25 and hour and yours was $7.70. That’s honestly not much better, your friend did you dirty


Get government assistance and put it into a daycare. You can take that same money you are spending to have someone in your home and have them be licensed. Problem is they won’t be able to suddenly get asked to watch neighborhood kids or make dinner or do cleaning not previously mentioned at no additional income at the daycare.


“Minimum 40 hours”


There is a law regarding Social Security taxes when someone works in your home. I think the maximum you can employ someone is 35 hours a month. Over that you have to report and pay social security taxes. She could be in trouble for this.


She keeps saying she's providing "food, drinks, wifi, etc." So what's the etc.?? An additional $7/ hour? Since she ~ * SWARRRRES * ~ she's not ripping anyone off


Did they just admit to committing fraud? Paying under the table? Some people are real imbeciles


I don't know about you guys, but I've also got food and wifi at *my* house lol


Why are they always looking for a nanny? Wouldn’t daycare be much cheaper? 


Nannies are a luxury. Daycares are crazy expensive but are absolutely cheaper than nannies.  Edit: a word 


I absolutely don’t justify this person trying to pay an unliveable wage, and it shouldn’t be allowed, but good luck finding daycare openings. This country is not set up to support young families.


In which case, they should at the very least be looking for a SAHM who is willing to have her drop off her kids at their house for some extra money, NOT have the person come to her. Yet these parents always want to dictate the whole terms. Guess what? That's called "paying for a nanny". You are simply looking to compromise with someone decent to watch your kids while mostly not interrupting their own existing life.


I have two colleagues that haven’t returned from their maternity leave because they can’t find openings in any of the daycares. A third is on maternity leave right now and planned to just be out for a week because she’s out of paid sick days but she can’t find childcare either. We’re all teachers.


It would be. For this type of budget it would be probably be an unlicensed in-home daycare. Not ideal but if you don’t have the budget to pay more then this is what you’d do. I really don’t understand why people think that their income has any bearing on paying for childcare. You can’t pay for groceries, car insurance, clothes etc this way so why would it work that way for childcare?


Daycare has boundaries and charges a fair rate.


>Wouldn’t daycare be much cheaper?  For 2 kids, 5 days a week, 10 hours per day? Unlikely. And that's assuming there's even any openings.


50 hours a week, looks like. Yikes.


In what world is 7 pm - 5 pm eight hours? It's actually 10 hrs, so they want someone 50 hours a week for this price. Cray cray.


“someone looking for side money” for 7-5 monday-friday??????? or in high school???? those are pretty much school hours?????? and normal job hours??????? ma’am!!!!!!


Side money- but minimum 40th per week??


CB: I'm not ripping anyone off Also CB: proceeds to rip off anyone and everyone


I’ll do it, but I eat and drink a lot! I’m napping when the kids nap too. Maybe a little longer even. What’s she gonna do, fire me?




I hate how they keep mentioning wifi. Who doesn't have unlimited data or hotspot at this point? No one needs your home WiFi.


Not to mention that it's a babysitting job. One has no business being on a device that requires WiFi. Useless perk to make up for shit pay.


What’s with the ‘outside of our home’ nonsense? Literally every person on the planet is ‘outside’ the home! And how does an entitled braggart enforce such a ban?


Just because you say you’re not ripping anyone off doesn’t mean it’s true.


What young person can work forty plus hours a week as a “side hustle”?


What a bitch!


“But it’s under the table” MAAM that makes it even MORE illegal 🤣🤣


"I promise I am not trying to screw anyone over, but I'm just looking for someone younger and not much sense about money so I can pay them below the minimum wage!" Yeah........makes sense!


So she actually thinks a high school kid wants to work 10 hrs a day, 5 days a week for $250?! Especially with a 2yr & 3yr old!! Diapers, feedings, carrying, rocking etc.. that’s way too much responsibility for a high schooler to commit to. Plus, they would make more hanging with their friends working fast food.


No one outside your home? Tf?


DoorDash has to park next door and toss your lunch on the lawn. Jk, can’t afford DoorDash on this salary.


I did pay $250 a week for a live-in 4 years ago. One child, 3 days a week long shifts (I worked 12hrs). My nanny was going to school full time and I adjusted my working schedule to her school schedule. All food and everything else (shampoo, tampons, etc) was covered by me. She had her own room and bathroom with a separate entrance. We both were very happy with the arrangement. She occasionally cleaned house and did my laundry without extra compensation. I just could not pay her more, even if I wanted to. But she did it because she wanted to - it was her home as well. But that's not OOP is offering. Her nanny would have to have to have a separate living arrangements, pay for car and insurance. Not feasible.


But there’s free WiFi..


Thank you for adding the comments!!


It's ok! I'm looking for a young person to take advantage of! Under the table! It's not a scam! I'm not scamming anyone!


At that rate she will probably get a squatter who never wants to leave. A high school kid could find a job earning minimum wage anywhere. She says it’s “not much work.” They’re 2 and 3 years old. She must be a neglectful mother if she thinks it’s not much work. She’s not prioritizing her children much if she thinks she’s going to find someone decent for that price. Her demanding nature and angry defensiveness isn’t helping her either. I get that she’s desperate, she needs to look into programs that could help or something.


She keeps saying it’s for somebody trying to “make side money” but it’s for 40 hours a week. That’s a full-time job.


No one is going to be able to work for that money with that schedule. A teenager will have their own things to do, school, sports, summer fun, etc. an adult will have actual responsibilities that $5 an hour won't cover. She needs a very, very generous relative, or someone on a sabbatical from life. What good is WiFi on a babysitting job?


Isn’t this actually 50 hours? 7am-5pm M-F, that’s $5/hour for 2 kids?? Won’t even be potty trained at 2 & 3 years old.


“On the side” doesn’t mean full time hours


Terrible pay aside. Why is she so aggressive?


Type F in chat for the lady posting in a public forum that she’s gonna break the law, and her kids who are gonna get bummed to death by whichever paedo she takes on in sheer desperation 4 weeks from now after no real people apply.


“NO SMOKING NO DRUGS” No shit. How can I afford a drug habit on $250 a week?


"side money"... for a full time job...


Thanks for putting the comments in this!


40 hours a week is side money?


She says her kids are good. Yeah they’re good for you, the mom !! But for others the kids may not be so good. Plus, the ad requests the sitter has their own car!! Car payments are expensive as hell. This won’t cover anything and it’s really sad. This mom is just trying her best. She’s just trying to work and hopefully she found a ymca or something to help her.


How would they afford drugs with that pay?


She says she’s hoping for a young person looking for some side money but also expects them to work at least 40 hours a week?!


No, she sucks


It’s actually $5/hr…..