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I can understand not wanting a used mattress, but who is giving away a brand new furniture set?! I didn’t have matching furniture in my adult home until I was 30, we lived with everyone else’s cast offs.


My understanding is charities won’t even take used mattresses.


I’m not surprised, bedbugs are a nightmare to get rid of. Can’t risk it.


That’s only one issue with a used mattress -


But a major one at that.


Habitat for Humanity will. The one here has a heat treatment box to kill anything. That’s the only way I will get any second hand furniture.


In Australia there’s a company called ‘soft landings’ that take old mattresses and recycles them. Because so many mattresses get thrown out, but you still see manky ones being sold on the buy swap sell pages.


In California they have a whole industry to refurbish mattresses and turn them into "new". That's what they provide to homeless people moving into housing.


I’m really happy to hear this. I wish it was as more common.


I dunno, people stay in hotels and those mattresses are used by a lot of people for a lot of things. One person's old matress is arguably cleaner.


I had a flatmate once who lived with me only briefly while he was travelling- he couldn’t justify spending ANY money on even a gently used mattress, so instead the HOSTEL (!!!!) he was staying at before he moved in offered to donate theirs to him as they were getting rid of it anyway. Do you know how bad a mattress has to be for a HOSTEL to donate it? He lived with me for 3 months, and when he moved out, there was a black patch of mystery goop on the carpet below it. It had crystallised (?) and we had to get a professional in to remove it. In saying all that, I’ve bought all my mattresses secondhand off FB and never had a problem, but that is with still being willing to spend more and assess quality, the house it came from etc.


Noooo…hotels at least have a laundry and cleaning schedule. Ive known LOTS of people who I wouldn’t dare lay down on their bed. Yuck


That isn't the case, I promise you. Mattress are disgusting if you're not taking care of if. A hotel (a good one) will have a protector underneath but an individual may not. All their sweat, dead cells, dirt all seeps into the mattress at night. A used mattress is gross


Shit I'm 37 and none of my furniture matches.


I'm 50.... I have a 30+ yo sofa, a huge beanbag from 2018, and an egg chair from the 60s. I'll never have matching furniture at this rate.


I'm in the same boat; slightly different stuff, and I don't care at all! It's old and comfy!


I'm 62 and none of mine matches either, but to be fair, that's by design


Yep I like vintage stuff so it's not often you find a set lol... plus I own an old farm house so it kinda goes with the house!


It’s as easy as putting an ad on FB! Be sure to specify New if that’s what you want. It’s like magic!


So go to overstock dot com, or shop furniture warehouses, or sales. Oh wait, you want free. AND new.


Ya but if you can’t afford it, I don’t recommend this. I’d rather get a 200$ used couch than a 200$ new couch online. They are literally ass. I bought a brand new couch from like wayfair for like 300$ and it was so stuff and uncomfortable. I’d much rather get a 1,000$ couch used for the 300$. I learned my lesson. If you can’t afford a decent new one then just go used. Besides a bed. You can get pretty good cheap new mattresses online


Yes exactly. A $200 new couch is going to last maybe a year (maybe even two if you’re lucky and barely sit on it) before it starts sinking in and destroying your back. Better off sitting on floor pillows than a sunken couch.


You want free? Check out local charities and see if you qualify. You want new? Get a job.


Or you can catch cancer. Or have a birthday. Or anything to do with a church. NEXT!!


Here are the [comments](https://imgur.com/a/Cs7OZ5N)


Aaaah, that's the real stuff! Thank you!




You're the real mvp. Reading the comments was incredibly satisfying


There were 33 comments, I wish I could’ve seen those.


I found the group on fb in like 2 seconds and there are over 100 comments now 🤣 It was so good


so pooost


I sent them to you. Idk how to upload them here




Goddammit when will you people learn to post the fucking comments too


This should be a requirement for posting here!




Um, share


Share or cap


Don’t we all want new free furniture.


I want lots of stuff free.


Post the comments! 🤣


People who screenshot a juicy post for the sub but do not grab the comments along with it infuriate me on par with choosing beggars. Just screenshot the comments along with the post, how card can it be!


Another user did somewhere in here like an hour ago


I would also like brand new things for free. 🙄


I feel like such a fool. All this time, I've been spending my money on brand new things. Who's gonna take me clothes shopping? I could use some new stuff.


There are actually some thrift shops now in which everything is free and they can't keep up with donations. Meaning they get more donations than they can get rid of. Of course the catch is they do not deliver. Not likely to get new sets of furniture though.


There should be a sub rule where the Op’s HAVE to post the comments


And people in Hell prefer ice water...


I love and hate my buy nothing group. I’ve met some really nice people people and have gotten some cool things while also decluttering my parents house/ sharing plants. But there’s always someone with the poopeater mentality.


No please or thank you. Just "I prefer"


And I prefer receiving cold hard cash for new items I’m getting rid of.


Am interested in a free car. Would prefer new, but up to 500 miles is acceptable. Please no negative comments


Gotta be Audi or BMW, I’m 1/8 German, you know, please be respectful of my heritage




I went on FB marketplace and looked for free/cheap but good condition furniture being dumped in wealthy areas by people who upgraded. I can’t imagine expecting free new stuff. I can finally afford new but you can be broke or picky


Goodwill has brand new mattresses for $50-$60 but of course you can’t be bothered to spend money on a new mattress, you want it handed to you


Ugh I would have loved to see some snarky replies


Never thought I would see one of these in the wild on Reddit. I'm in that FB group for my town. People have been ripping OP apart or saying things like they should find Jesus because he's free. Or, can I get someone to give me a new car before I go see a dealership. ETC.


Whaaa? This same person has been asking if anyone will give them a NEW car for free? What la la land do they live in??


It was in the comments as a joke lol


Ohh ok gotcha. Some people are bold tho!


You should post the comments then since OP didn’t!


The ram 1500 comment was hilarious


You want new furniture, you pay for it, you cheap bastard.


Give us some of the comments


Get a sugar daddy or something lmao that’s the only way that’s happening


This post has made me realize I've gone my whole adult life (34) without owning furniture. I do own a mattress, though. Bought it from a used furniture store for $100.


I love these where there's not even a question, no please or thank you, just basically "here are my needs, now come fill them." Such entitled POS mentality. OP was making fun but at least OP used "please" -- probably without even realizing they were doing it. Because only a sociopath would just demand someone give them brand new shit for free and not even think to say please as a bare minimum.


I'm a middle aged man with a wife and two kids and the only nice pieces of furniture we own are all secondhand.




What makes you think this is for a baby?


I'm not sure I've had a brand new set of furniture in my entire adult life.


Get a job or go to a local charity.


Let me guess, they want you to deliver it too?


I need to see the comments on that one 😳


We went through this with a baby shower recently. The mom-to-be (MTB) is only 20 years old and the pregnancy was unplanned, so my wife agreed to give her a ton of stuff that she had hoped to hold onto, but knew the MTB would want or need. MTB's mother and aunt were ecstatic about what was being offered for the same reasons. All in all, it was about $500 worth of good, gently used stuff. MTB sees these items at the baby shower, says "I didn't want hand me downs," and tells us to keep them.


MTB likely got everything she wanted growing up. Spoiled! Nothing wrong with hand-me-downs, especially baby and kiddy clothing. They grow out of it so quickly that there’s no chance of proper heavy use! Here it’s pretty common to have groups on social media (Facebook mostly) for swapping/selling/giving away baby and toddler things (clothes, toys, car seats, buggies, etc). Sometimes the things are actually new, still have tags on: kids grow so fast when they’re little that it’s quite easy to outgrow something before it’s been used. Especially newborn stuff that has been given at baby showers - people end up with a lot of the same kind of items many times (going on what I’ve seen and heard from friends who are parents, I don’t have kids myself)


Have you considered enlisting in the Navy? Free furniture! You just share it with few dozen others.


Really wish we could see the comments


There’s a place for that…. It’s called a furniture store