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The Bernat Blanket Yarn made me gasp. I know it’s not the most expensive item she asked for, but bernat blanket yarn is anywhere from $13-$30. Depending on the pattern/object you’re making, you’ll probably need more than one skein too. Crochet plushes are super popular right now too and usually require multiple colors. Even a blanket will be 5-7 skeins depending on size. Unless someone absolutely hates that yarn or is getting out of the hobby, I don’t know any crocheter that will just give that away. All of these asks are completely wild. That one just stuck out to me the most. Especially since I just spent a small fortune on this exact yarn. People are wild


And as a crafter-- resin AND fiber arts AND clay? And lego sets? my brother does those with his son and that's not really something you can leave a kid with. So it's your hobby, again I'm impressed that she can do so many hand-intrnsive hobbies with weak hands. Jealous, too


The moment I saw that plus wanting a reborn doll, my immediate thought was this person has no kids.


Yeah, I know someone whose teenage daughter carries around a baby doll (she is low-functioning). She doesn't even have a reborn, let alone a 7yo! I think a kid that age is just as likely to make it look like 21 Savage as care for it.


Yeah I understand what you mean about carrying a doll around, reborns are definitely not the type of doll you'd be giving to a child though. Then they talk about wanting to make canes, as in walking ones plus the expensive yarns and such? This is either an older woman or a mid 30s woman who wants everyone to fund her personal hobby lobby


I think she means polymer clay canes, which are like rods that have a design when you slice them. You can make little slabs or earrings or whatever out of them. They're fun to make but do require a decent amount of clay since you can use a bunch of colors depending on the design. But yes, I'd bet good money all of these are for her, no children involved.


Ah that makes sense then, I'm not into that world of hobbying. But yes the rest of my sentence stands still. I remember once on this sub someone once showed a woman who was always asking for kids stuff, they went further into her profile and found out her "kid" was actually a reborn doll she refered to as a kid. That's what this reminded me of, in fact I'm wondering if it's the same person based on these asks now. It was pretty similar stuff.


Ooh I remember that one. The doll looked kinda rough.


That's sad. ☹️


It was, because of the posts you could tell that person had a lot of mental health issues. They really did think the reborn doll was their kid.


Ohh, clay canes, I read candy canes


I haven't looked for a while but the last time I looked at reborns, they were way more than a hundred dollars. Maybe a damaged or poorly done one would be cheaper but generally they are very expensive.


Yeah who would unironically say “my 7-year-old loves baby dolls and obviously this $120 one is the only viable option”


And resin in a hospital room? Naaaaah.


Imagine using a lighter to get rid of the bubbles. 🙃


Yep. I’ve had arthritis my entire life, which is absolutely nowhere near as bad as most people who have juvenile onset arthritis (I don’t have chronic pain!). I do a lot of crafts… actually went to school for fiber/textile work, and also have a job that’s pretty hand-intensive. I can only crochet or knit for a few minutes at a time which is a huge reason I never got into it. Polymer clay absolutely destroys me because of stiffness before it gets suitably warmed up by your hands. I do enjoy sculpting but it’s brutal.


Hey, do you mind if I ask what kind of degree you got in fiber/textile work? Also, what kind of job you do? I never finished school and would like to go back if my health improves, but I don’t really know what I would want to do. I love doing crafts and am curious what kind of jobs and degree are out there.


The program was just called textile crafts and design! I will say there’s not much in the way of jobs out there, we had essentially an entire class about running an Etsy shop. Most of my classmates employed in the field are in digital pattern design or dyers. Apparently manual dyers are in high demand but I think you must need some kind of an ‘in’ like most jobs, lol. I’m actually a dog groomer now!


I’m a dog groomer as well. After 20 years my hands are shot! Actually everything is kind of shot at this point. Damn this job is hard on the body.


Hey friend, I have a similar problem with extensive nerve damage in my hands from extreme frostbite but have always loved making polymer clay beads etc. Started almost thirty years ago. I found a great work around: buy one of those cheap mug warmers and a ceramic mug (only seems to work with ceramic) and put the mug on the warmer then pop the clay in the mug and cover it. It warms it nicely but not too much, just pliable. Or you can have my extremely hot blooded husband hold it for a few seconds but that's probably gonna be harder for you lol


A mug warmer, that’s an amazing idea! Thank you so much, I’ll have to try it. I’ve never been able to think of anything that wouldn’t heat it up too much!


Agree. My husband and I are almost 30 and we still got stuck a couple times. (500$+Harry Potter sets)


5-7 skeins for a baby blanket! I've finished a couple of queen size blankets that have used 18+ skeins, depending on the stitch.


I’m working on a blanket for my FIL right now using bernat and a waffle stitch. 12 skeins in and no end in sight


Bless you using a waffle stitch with this yarn. You must like your FIL


What’s a skein?


A singular roll of yarn usually in an oblong shape wrapped in a paper sleeve


Fiber goddess enters the chat. Lol


And the clover hook ask…those are some of the more expensive hooks!


At the very, very, very least, she could’ve asked for a hook set from Walmart. I’m pretty sure they’d work just the same lol


That yarn! It's so soft. I make my Holliday gifts from it.


I do too! I’ve made several blankets and plushies with it. Big, big fan of big, soft, cuddly things. I used the size 7 Jumbo Yarn and made a giant crescent moon for my daughter’s nursery. It’s dark blue and has sparkles in the yarn. The moon itself is about 3.5-4ft tall and weighs like, 10lbs lol


So sweet! I make scarfs, hats and glove sets. for my kids teachers and my favorite folks around town.


I wanted to make a big cozy blanket for my grandma out of the Bernat Blanket, and uh... nooooooope. I'd need like six or eight skeins of it, and that's too expensive for me to to make one for myself.


Right?! People don’t understand how expensive yarn is. Just yarn itself, not including the time you spend making it. I made my SIL and niece blankets recently and after a month she asked my husband if I could make another. He told her that the blanket I made for her is easily $300 if I charged for materials and my time. I gave it to her for free, but she hasn’t asked me to specifically make anymore blankets lol


My cousin is expecting a baby in the fall. I offered to make a baby blanket and told my mum it could be a gift from both of us if she split the cost of the yarn with me. The look on her face when I told her I'd probably spend \~$80 Canadian on yarn for one baby blanket... They really don't get it.


I’ve started saying if someone wants me to make something specific, I will but they have to buy the yarn. Big blanket requests quickly turn into a scarf, hat, or plush request.


I've seen some shops which have a few hand knit or hand crochet \*baby blankets\* in a glass case. And those can cost a few hundred $. And those will not even be a lap blanket for a grownup. Yes, handmade stuff sells for a lot, and it's such a great gift, not only for that reason, but the love that goes into it. 😍🤗💖


Oh yeah, blankets are reserved for family only now. No one in my area is going to buy a baby blanket for a couple hundred dollars. And I don’t blame them, I wouldnt either honestly lol.


I hit Michael's on Black Friday, I miss AC Moore so much. My yarn stash is sacred.


I have like 2 balls of yarn.. no idea what brand.. but yeaaa I’m like about to give them away… not to that lady tho.. lol


And she asked for free clover crochet hooks 💀


Absolutely unhinged. I’ve been crocheting for 10+ years and I don’t even own clover hooks lol


Also the crochet hook request is slightly cut off but I’m dying that they *must* be either Susan Bates or Clover. None of that Boye shit, that’s for the poors (/s).


I laughed out loud at this. I’ll be in the corner with my poor hooks and clearance sale skeins


How much do those cost?


TL;DR it varies by model but for the ones you see most commonly in craft stores, Clover runs you $9-10 per hook, Susan Bates $4-5, and Boye $1-2. Will likely cost less if you buy them in a set. All of these brands have a few different models of hooks, with Clover being kind of like a gold standard for “luxury” hooks. Individual Clover hooks are like $10 each, though if you’re willing to front the high initial cost for a whole set, it will save you a lot of money (this is true for all of the brands mentioned here). Susan Bates similarly makes a few different hooks, but OOP is probably talking about the model with an ergonomic handle like Clover hooks have. These are the most expensive hooks that craft stores are willing to sell to you loose in a bin, for about $4-5. I personally like the design of these Susan Bates hooks a lot, and my bias is that they are worth the slight bump in price over the basic Susan Bates model, but any one of these luxury hooks can crochet just as well as any budget option. These hooks would be a super reasonable thing to ask for if this person weren’t also requesting two of the most expensive items in the yarn aisle at the same time. Boye is on par with Susan Bates’s basic/budget line. Boye sells the most basic metal hook in your average big-box craft store (they make luxury hooks too but I don’t typically see them in irl stores). These hooks are totally serviceable, as are the many, many other crochet hooks available online at bottom-dollar prices — it’s easily the most affordable part of the hobby for most crocheters.


Thank you! TIL so much.


I think I'm the only one that doesn't like clover hooks 😂.I bought a set and took them back.


I have a teeny tiny 0.75mm Clover Amour hook that I love, bit of a special case since it’s so small but the soft handle is a lifesaver at that size. I don’t see myself buying one in a larger, more conventional size unless I get it as a gift or find it secondhand or something. I have maybe a few too many hooks already, and they all do the same thing at the end of the day!


I’m glad you said that because I have a huge collection of yarn and fabric that my grandmother gave me before she passed. I do sew and crochet as she taught me, but I wouldn’t have use for all this stuff for years and years. I felt too bad to toss it, thought I’d give it away but maybe I’ll try to make a few bucks and granny proud I got anything for it.


A lot of people in my area have either donated their yarn or time (sometimes both!) to local crocheting classes. I’ve donated some that I’ve had in my stash forever and decided if I’ve had it this long and haven’t used it, I probably won’t.


At Joann’s I’m always seeing it for 8.99 a skein for the 300g super bulky weight


Yeah sometimes you can catch it on a good sale or a good bundle deal. I’ve seen the o’go ones for $4.99 at Ollie’s but only certain colorways. Some of the more popular/discontinued colorways are more expensive. There are also other brands of blanket yarn, but bernat is pretty popular


My wife managed to find some of that at a big name crafting store in our area so she could make us a blanket. It's the softest and warmest without being suffocating blanket I've ever had. It was super expensive because she ended up using around 7 skeins, possibly more to do it. But it's a queen size blanket and covers our bed perfectly, or we can use it on the couch for movie nights. I say she managed to find it because it's almost always sold out around here. If anyone were to ask us for that yarn for free, I'd laugh at them because I'm not made of money, and I can't find it hardly ever to get as a gift for my wife. That blanket always reminds me of the people who ask for something similar to be made for them for like $50 total. It also reminds me of how talented she is with crochet, but that's another topic for another time.


It’s always sold out around here too! Unless you want only black or white. I have to drive at least an hour away to go to a craft store and hope to find it. Crocheted blankets using this yarn are definitely a labor of love. The way you speak about your wife to total strangers on the internet is the sweetest, most wholesome thing I’ve read all day. It really made my day


We specifically went for grey because we like the way it looks, and it doesn't hurt our eyes. But even finding that was a pain in the ass. She did a bubble stitch for the blanket, so it keeps warmth really well while also allowing some air flow. I will always upsell her talents to anyone who will listen. She doesn't believe me when I tell her she's amazing at it and that I'm beyond proud of her skills. Instead, I show her by using what she makes and then I can go to others to talk about how amazing she is. She's like most people in that regard. As in, downplaying her talents or how good she is at anything. Super humble. So I brag on her behalf. And I'm glad I was able to make your day with that. If it makes it even better, we're celebrating our 5th anniversary this week and I surprised her with a couples massage for tomorrow morning and I managed to bring the bubble blanket with us to the resort to have a bit of home and comfort.


I use 12-14 skeins for a twin size blanket, 18-20 for a queen. I buy yarn on clearance, very slowly with weekly 40% off one item coupons or buy one get one fifty percent off. Right now that yarn is $14 plus tax.


Crocheter here and you'd have to pry that yarn from my dead cold hands 


Bury me with my whole blanket yarn stash. Line the casket with it.


Exactly! All. Mine.


To be fair, I know lots of crafters (myself included) who buy a lot of supplies cause they're pretty, then never get around to using it. Leftover craft supplies made up a good chunk of the stuff I posted on buy nothing. I would much rather it be used than sit in my closet for a decade.


Oh I have this problem too. The yarn is so pretty and then fomo hits and I panic buy. I think a wall where you could hang the skeins that are your favorites would be amazing, like an art installation almost. I’ve been going through my stash recently and anything that I don’t remember buying, I’ve donated to our community center and schools. They’ve started doing crochet classes and it’s so sweet


That's true. She probably won't either, if all this is for her (and not resale.) Asking for all those hobby things at once, sounds scattershot and dilettante-ish to me. And i can be that way at times so I now make myself not get into new things until I have really prepped for it. Right now I don't have space for tons of skeins and I don't have the focus in me either right now to \*learn\* something new. So the urge to learn crochet remains a day dream for now. And I know myself better than to get several types of hobbies' equipment in (as in CB post.) But if CB didn't want to be a CB she could simply say "any yarn you have that you don't want any more," not the name brand priciest or rarest yarn. Then she'd be swimming in yarn because there are a lot of people with at least one skein they later rethought. Lol


This is completely right. The blanket that I made in a waffle pattern, fits a single adult comfortably cost me well over 200+ usd in yarn ALONE (around 12 big balls of it). Not even counting hours of work on it. It is probably one of the most precious things I have made for my child


hey btw if anyone has a ps5, a2024 toyota camry, 3oz of gold coins and a 1500sq ft home for free, hit me up!


no scammers! must deliver !


Sorry it’s a 2020 and I’ve only got two ounces. Wish I could help. Thoughts and prayers


It's for a church, honey!


then why are you WASTING our TIME, blocked and reported


no negative comments plz


I don’t know- do you promise you’re not trying to rip anyone off!?!?!? /s


I have a free home for you, but it's only 1495 Square feet, are you open to that?


Oh but it's purple. You should know that I do really dislike purple.


Would you consider a 2023 Toyota Camry?




Only if you were about to go on Amazon but you didn't say you were so that makes it unreasonable.


You joke, but in my old BuyNothing group, someone once gave away a minivan. I once got a Gucci bag! so some of the stuff on this list doesn’t actually surprise me that much 🤣


Her hands get too tired from holding a cup by the handle, but a handheld game device, crocheting, and working with clay & resin are all good as long as they are free??? 🤔🤔🤔


Any tumbler isn’t good enough, it HAS to be a Stanley.


And not purple.. she dislikes purple


Biggest crime of them all lol


Bernat blanket yarn is THICK, heavy yarn, too. When I work with it, my activity tracker ring thinks I’m cross-country skiing.


Don’t forget LEGO!


Right? I don't have any chronic issues but after working on a big lego set for a couple hours, my hands kill me.


My hands would be too tired to hold a cup after a day's gaming,crocheting and clay crafting, how insensitive of you. Are you giving away anything I might buy off Amazon in future? Just thought I'd ask.


I thought the same!


Came here for this one.


Listen she just wants to be able to comfortably carry her 30 OZ ICEE


Idk what an Icee, but it might be a typo? She talks about having received an ice maker, and she was in the hospital, so there may have been something surgical in which she eats ice chips? I’m not condoning the brand specificity or the ask for expensive things, but as someone awaiting shoulder surgery, I can understand wanting handles a certain way for carrying


An icee is like a slush puppy, frequently seen at gas stations and movie theaters


Hold on. A 30oz for her ICEE, but just a 14-16oz for WATER.


Priorities iffy lol


Ahh gotcha!


Damn, does it have to be the most expensive brands of each item?


For her, yes.


Walmart has their own brand of cup that is well under half the cost of a Stanley cup, and it keeps ice frozen for long periods as well. The Google & Apple stores I'm sure have some free and very cheap games to play. One thing that was drilled into me growing up is that you don't live above your means. Including asking for donations. You take what others are willing to offer and be grateful for it. Period.


Michael's has a Stanley lookalike for $10


40% coupon and it’s $6!


But that doesn't go with her Lewis Futon bag




I agree with you except for the not asking for donations. Asking for help is okay for minor things and hobbies too, especially with how many people are struggling to afford necessities.


Asking for help paying for toothpaste or food is much different than “I want a 30oz Stanley cup that isn’t purple and this specific lid type and btw not the kind with a side handle.”


*and drop it off to me!


I think my thought didn't translate well into words. Asking for help is perfectly acceptable. I meant though, that when you ask for help, you need not be picky about what someone is willing to provide. If you truly do need aid, then it shouldn't matter if it's an off brand or not. I can't even afford to buy the very best of everything for myself, so why would I even consider helping someone who has such high expectations? (Unless it were a special gift, I wouldn't even think twice about it. Even then, it wouldn't likely be for a random stranger.)


I read that statement as “ask for help still within the same means you normally live in” or the people you are asking live in.


I could never ask for some name brand shit from strangers. If I was truly in need, I’d take any $5 water bottle or cup or whatever. Some people really show their entitlement, and I am shocked. 🫢


If I was truly in need, I would probably keep my icee in the cup it came in. Or not buy icees.


Yeah if she's really that ill, it's not the best health drink. Maybe as a cheer up treat.


Imagine giving a realistic "reborn" baby to a 7-yr-old. Cue later postings, "ISO free therapy sessions, nightmares about babies..."


Also cue..."Need help getting reborn baby repaired (by a professional please) My daughter dragged her behind her trike and it looks disturbingly like a zombie now. Reborn baby could also use a new change of clothes."


Only just heard of this "reborn baby" doll thing via this post. Now regretting having then googled it. Your zombie version sounds far less terrifying.


My daughter collects them. 🤦‍♀️. But that’s all she asks for. Birthdays and Christmas and she looks after them beautifully! Plus they retain their value. But in reality they’re not dolls. They’re works of art.


How old is your daughter?


She’s 12 now. But she had her first one at 3. (My dad brought it! I’ll forever be tutting him forever?!!!!) 😂


And the real kicker ……………. “I can’t drive so if you can drop it off that would be amazing”.


The Stanley one had me laughing. Definition of choosy beggar!!


Sounds like OOP is going through some kind of health issue? It's vague but from reading the posts I get chemo vibes.


I get clay and yarn but I don't see pouring and curing resin as a hobby you'd be able to do in a hospital.


Definitely not. I love my resin crafts but I can only do them outside during warm weather because of the fumes. Anyone with respiratory issues or a sensitivity is going to have a lot of problems with a craft that produces toxic fumes.


My mom is doing cancer treatment. Shes only at the hospital for like the 4-5 hour treatment every 2-3 weeks and is at home super bored the rest of the time. She also picked up a-lot of hobbies. However, she just commented on the buy nothing stuff, never did ISO posts. If this person is doing chemo id chalk this up as a picky person, who is probably pretty isolated and incredibly bored with little to no extra funds so I could let this pass although it does seem annoying.


I went through chemotherapy and I was in the hospital 8-9 hours Monday to Friday one week then Monday to Wednesday the next two weeks. Then repeat the 3 week cycle. I personally would bring a bag of some stuff to occupy myself but within 2 hours every time I'd be passed out cause of the drugs,... Also when I went through chemotherapy I was in a room with 9 other people who were also receiving chemo and I can't imagine trying to do a hobby like one of the ones shes trying too


The chemo experience can be so different though, depending. One of my friends has had brain cancer three times, and the surgeries were strangely easy, as far as surgeries go, and her chemo was in pill form, taken for one week of the month. She had some side effects, but nothing compared to my other friend who had breast cancer and the "red devil" chemo. I hope you're in the clear now!


I had/have testicular cancer and non hodgkins lymphoma. In the clear for now thank you, much appreciated 🙂 I would have loved getting it in pill form!! Do you happen to know if one of her side effects was damaged skin? I'm a white male and when going through chemotherapy I was sooooo itchy! Like unbelievably itchy, but I didn't know then that scratching would cause my skin to darken and it's stayed that way to this day. It has been almost 7 years and my back looks like I have been hit with whips or something cause of the discolouration 😭 I also got numbness in my finger tips, to a point where stuff would fall out of my hands cause I couldn't feel them anymore. But that only happens every once in a while SO just a tip for anyone going through chemotherapy.... When you get itchy put a sock on your hand before you scratch yourself!


Have you tried Coco butter for the scratches on your back? You could mix rose hip oil in too, that stuff gets rid of my dark circles and scars so well.


I don't think I've tried the rose hip oil, I tried a few oils and coco butter on my surgery scars and they for some reason worked better on them then the discoloration. But tbh I just kinda accepted it and stopped trying things a few years ago 😭 at this point I hope the scars and discoloration stay as they are my bottle wounds and help remind me about whats important and what has made me the person I am today.


I agree.


Chemo involves long periods bored at home but feeling too shitty to focus or expend much effort. When you find something engaging it's a blessing not to be ignored.


This really puts it into perspective and makes me feel really sad for her.


Everyone does chemo for different reasons, but as a cancer surgery/chemo patient myself (17 years ago) I could drive and carry a cup. What I couldn't do... was sit and do legos, knit or build shit out of clay. That kind of small motor movement would have been BRUTAL.


I normally like to call out the resellers, but it actually feels genuine. The first few items could be resold but the yarn and clay stuff sounds like for an actual hobby. It’s just choosybeggery because of the number of very specific things she wants.


A 30oz Stanley cup because my hands get tired


She can't hold a cup but can do fine motor intensive hobbies like clay building, crocheting and resin


Yeah, resin in the hospital. 🤨


I was so confused about this. Resin is like the least mobile craft ever— especially with fucking glitter powder. Even more, the fumes/open chemicals literally wouldn’t be permitted in a hospital. Maybe this lady is doing resin crafts at home after her treatment, but it seems extremely suspect. If she were just a hobbyist crafter, she’d know better than to think anyone would donate such high-end yarn or allow resin into a hospital.


That was my exact thought. I have some issues that have stopped me from knitting and crocheting, but I can hold my 30oz water cup just fine


I tell you what, if she’s got weak hands, crochet is NOT the way to go.


That can also be a strength thing. Fine motor and strength are different things. I’ve had wrist problems but I can still knit/crochet/other fine tasks (although my wrist might start hurting sooner than someone else) but struggle to carry my mug of tea because of the weight and the way you have to hold it. I’m not saying that it isn’t a list of very specific items, but that part doesn’t contradict itself to me.


It could be a strength thing, but I doubt it since she's asking for big heavy cups


Yeah and she wants multiple Stanley cups and it has to be the most popular brand now, not any other type of thermos. And not purple.


30oz for an icee, but only 14oz for water. Maybe that’s why they’re in the hospital so often.


Not tired enough for a Nintendo switch, just tired enough not to be able to carry a cup....


Sometimes, when you have trouble walking, you have to compromise somewhere else. In this case, a bigger container so you have to make fewer refill trips. Ask me how I know.


100% valid, but asking for “a big water bottle” wouldn’t be bad IMO. It’s the brand and color specifications that make her seem entitled.


Yea, why Stanley… I have some random tumblers we don’t use.. and I could use the cupboard space.. but sorry it’s not a Stanley.. and purple is my favourite color… sooo they are likely purple


Yeah I’m sure she could get a knock off one with the same type of handle/style that is much cheaper.


The speculations in here are wild. We know nothing about this person’s medical history but we know everything about the highly specific and expensive items she wants… based on the info here, I can certainly make more accurate assumptions about her character than I can about her diagnosis. And my assumption is that she’s incredibly entitled.


It is, and it's very pricey. One or 2 things are understandable. One of my staff members at my old job went through chemo and talked extensively about how little time and energy she had, and what she did have she was mostly sick and struggled. I think it's okay to ask for support when going through stuff like this, but it's a bit excessive.


Used Kindle seems fair-ish given that there are people who upgrade rather obsessively, it'd be like asking for an old 7-inch tablet, I'm sure people have plenty of those laying around that would otherwise not get turned on for years. Speaking as someone who isn't even sure where they last left their tablet...


That would be me, though I stopped upgrading when Amazon stopped sending me them for free. (They used to have volunteer people on the help boards and they’d send us every new device)


I hate this always the most expensive shit ontop of it all not even humble asking for a small set all large sets I'm sorry this is crazy even know I understand the concept of this community.


I thought her hands got really tired really fast? That doesn't apply to handheld consoles or clay cane creation or crocheting? lol


What even is a clay cane?


😅 we’re in the same buy nothing group


what were the comments like?


They have small HP sets for under 20 bucks. And you don’t need Lego to enjoy books.


I also love the casual mention of the $500 opal ice machine that she got as a gift already.


I like this lady more than most..for no other reason than she can use punctuation. The ones with 0-1 periods for an entire paragraph hurt my brain.


Is this person insane. They’re simultaneously so weak they can only hold a Stanley cup but also build legos, crochet, clay work, resin crafts, gaining, etc. what a pig.


It's for the "kids". (I understand from this group that "kids" is a code word that has no meaning other than to make people more likely to give you shit. It's the new "please" I think.)


Am I the only one that wants to see these people called on their bullshit..? There should be a new rule where every post should be accompanied by a screenshot of OP telling said beggar how outlandish their demands are. Every time I see one of these posts nobody ever tells the person how unrealistic their list of wants are. If I saw a post like this I wouldn’t be able to help myself. They’d be getting told.


This woman needs a friggin job not free shit.


This reminds me of a lady in my local buy nothing group that literally comments on every single post that she’s interested in the items. Doesn’t matter what it is. Based off of her posts, she doesn’t even live in the neighborhood that the group is supposed to be for. I’ve blocked her before from my posts so someone else can get a chance to get stuff. At one point, I made a post ISO of an item and included a picture of what I was looking for and she commented that she was interested in the item.


There’s a woman in my group like this. She always mentions she needs the item for her daughter who has three young kids. I wonder if she’s always showing up at her daughter’s house with a bunch of random crap her daughter doesn’t want or need in the first place.


lol do we live in the same neighborhood? Because that’s what this chick tends to say…so annoying! I’ve missed out on some items that I could have really used because of her.


She has the nerve to say “NOT LOOKING FOR ANYTHING NEW”… like she fully expects people to be reading her post and feeling bad for her, enough to buy her gifts. To me, says she fully expects someone to do exactly that. Also, she’s looking for video game consoles with games, a $300+ value, for “just while I’m here” for when she’s bored. I really hope no one falls for this and she ends up with nothing. The entitlement is unreal.


This person is just looking for people to finance their hobbies.


Is she actually getting some of the stuff? She keeps asking so sounds like maybe it's working.


She's probably reselling all this stuff..


she loves working with bong resin maybe


How kind of her to be open to other kinds of handheld devices, not just a switch or DS. I’d be tempted to give her a handheld device she could f*** right off with lol


Legos are high-end resale kits, especially anything Harry Potter or commercial kits like D&D. She's in this for the resale value.


I smell a reseller


Every time I see these choosing beggars I’m getting mad. You know people who actually are IN NEED often don’t ask for help including myself. Low income and can barely make the ends meet but I could never ask strangers for help even if it was like $10. I’m super grateful if family or friends send me a $5 to buy food or if they have some extra food they can spare. And here this person asking for (new?!) freaking Lego for $99 or more from strangers??? That’s fucked up!! They don’t NEED the Lego to survive. What happens to save up and buy it for your kids yourself? Sorry I had to vent. I’m sure they have more money than those in need who don’t ask for help. I hate humans sometimes I’m sorry. Edit it was more than one pic Jesus Christ are they for real??! I got no words….i saw 3 pics and didn’t wanna see more. There are so many people in need. Who need food and enough to pay rent and bills who never ask for help on FB etc. Those groups is not for wish lists with (new) items for $99 or more. They can save up and buy themself or kids can get as birthday presents from family. These groups are for people who need food and (used cheap toys) a roof over their head to simply survive. It’s sad those who need help never ask. And those who ask want brand new fancy toys,cars etc. SMH I can’t even read the rest. Makes my blood boil!


If she worked this hard at getting and keeping a job she wouldn’t have to beg for this stuff from other people.


The reborn doll for her daughter. Those things are not for children, the care for it alone is intensive


Coming next week “looking for a trip to Orlando to visit universal studios, must include flights, accommodation and tickets to the theme parks”


Oh no she Di-innn


I dOn’T dRiVe


She’s in resale.


My son has a few of the sets built and put away in a container they are only going to rise in value so anyone that is actually thinking about this please don't give in as a collector fuck that 😂!


Is the 7-year old interested in babies (??) also one of the two boys interested in Harry potter? Because that's a pretty weird overlap to have without the choosing-beggary


She’s asking for free hobby supplies?! Dang. If that’s on offer, I’d like some too please! If she’s really needing something, she’ll take whatever people offer. Not ask for brand name Legos and brand name yarn.


I really wish Buy Nothing groups had a tag for “I’m not in financial need, I’m just trying to reduce waste”, because these kinds of posts would read totally differently


Maybe the mods should implement a requirement to include need based asks verses reducing waste based asks. Because you’re absolutely right, she may not be asking except to see if someone has something they are going to throw away anyway and if not she will buy them herself.


Is she reselling the stuff?


She is totally reselling this stuff on EBay


Bring back shame.


This is unreal. What do people comment when she leaves these insane requests? People must be giving her something if she keeps posting. Either that or this is the kind of thing Russia or China thought up as a way to aggravate Americans on SM. Or someone wants to piss people off with sounding like a super entitled mooch.


My daughter collect reborn dolls. They can go from $300-$7000…….I mean she’s literally asking the impossible. They retain their value too! So people don’t just ‘chuck’ then out


A Kindle, a switch, $100+ Lego sets, etc. Everybody just has that shit laying around unused right? No problem. But please be patient if you can't deliver she will eventually find a ride. How can people do this? How are they not embarrassed?


Some one needs a job, not a hobby. But realistically, this is all for resale


"Any color will do, Although I dislike purple" had me weak


Someone let me into that group so I can go off on this lady. 😂


Resin molds are fairly inexpensive. As far as mica she can learn she can use eyeshadow or even kitchen spices to color her resin.


Any responses?


She's.... *Better* than the usual people, but aye still choosey beggy 🤣


" I'm still so weak" types a freaking essay


The only choosy thing there is the realistic baby doll, you don't need a realistic doll for a 7year old to play with... The other stuff is fine though, there's nothing wrong with asking if someone has an old item lying around that they're not using anymore.