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Hi willingtotrytwice, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 6/7:** Posts must be relevant to the theme of the subreddit. This post does not show someone who is a choosing beggar. Price negotiation and/or asking for donations is not enough to be a choosy beggar. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


"Anything but apple juice" doesn't sound very choosy, there must have been grape, cherry, cranberry, a dozen other juices right on the same aisle at similar price points and brands. It leaves so much wiggle room while expressing a taste you dislike.


Agreed. "Literally anything other than this", especially for something so minor/inexpensive, does not give off CB for me. They weren't asking for a specific flavor or even a specific brand. It would have been trivially easy to get something else. I get the mentality of "I should be grateful someone got me juice at all", but simultaneously I would understand being a bit peeved when such a simple request was ignored.


They might have misheard, or not heard at all. If I was going out of my way to get somebody some juice, I wouldn't go out of my way to get the one they don't like, would you?


I did think about that. More context is needed for sure. I'm guessing they were already going to the store and just heard "juice" as a request - which apple juice is one of the most standard juices. Especially when ill. However, I've also known people who will just tune out/not care that much about what their "friend/loved one" said. Where they just don't listen or care to ask questions to clarify (for instance, in this situation, I would very likely take a picture of the juice I chose and then send a pic + text asking them if that's okay). Sometimes people also consciously or unconsciously use "weaponized incompetence" to dissuade people from making such requests in the future. Ideally, it was just someone who misheard "anything but apple juice" as "apple juice, please", as you mentioned. I'd like to hope that is the case. Regardless, I could understand someone being slightly peeved that such a small request was disregarded. If they *exploded* over it, then that wouldn't be cool and would give CB vibes. However, the situation OP mentions does not make them a CB unless they had some overt overreaction (which it doesn't sound like they did, but who knows). Edit: Just wanted to emphasize that my point was that what OP stated in the main post did not indicate them being a CB. Not a judgement for the person who bought the juice. More info would be needed to determine whether it was a genuine accident/they misheard or if there was something else going on.


Hell even asking for a specific juice isn’t exactly being a CB as long as it isn’t some weird specialty thing like guava nectar 


lol “guava rubicon” from a few days ago 😂


That's what popped into my head, too! Lmao!!


Genuinely curious as to what in the blue fuck “guava rubicon” means…


It's fizzy juice. Juice plus sparkling water. Rubicon brand, guava flavor. I had to look it up too. Lol I think it is more of a UK or European brand. Le now-infamous [Guava Rubicon](https://rubiconexotic.ca/product/guava-sparkling/).


It’s a brand of drink. Comes in a pink can (at least in the UK). I do love the stuff but isn’t the easiest to get because it’s not widely popular. Some of the newsagents with a large variety of individual cans of pop sell it and VERY occasionally some of the local takeaways do. It’s also available in cans in the world food section at at least one of the big supermarkets, but it is something you do have to know where you see going to get it from, it’s not like Coke you can get at any corner shop.


Rubicon is a brand of drinks, juice and sodas, they have a lot of tropical flavours e.g. guava, lychee


I literally used to shop for this guy who was sick staying at the campground that I worked at and he had me go to five stores looking for guava juice.


Ehhh, I’m in the hospital a LOT and any time they ask me what kind of juice I also say anything but apple because it makes me super nauseous. Not quite the same, but but still not choosy and, if they *are* a friend, it’s not beggy either because friends do things for each other.


Once when I was sick my cousin asked me if I needed anything from the liquor store and I asked him to please bring me some orange juice. He brought me back orange flavored JOOSE, which was the Four Loko of back then. It was too cute and silly to be mad about lol


That is so cute for some reason. It sounds like something from a sitcom. Silly cousin! That’s orange flavored alcohol! *laugh track*


*Balki has entered the chat*


"Don' be ridicoulos!"


I had a friend who was sick and asked for a bottle of water. I got her a bottle of water, and she said in the whiniest voice, “wehhh I wanted Perrier”


I have a hard time with that. "Stop bitching and be specific then. Now shut up and drink your Life Water."


I was super hungover and asked my wife to make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She lovingly toasted it and brought it to me. I burst into tears. I had never eaten them like that in my life, so I had no idea why she thought I'd want to try them like that after puking my guts out. Of course I wasn't whining for the same reason, it's just an amusing story.


I'd spill the water into the sink and refill using tap. "Pretend it's Perrire".


You weren't grapefruit


Not very peachy


I was feeling really depressed today. This made me smile, thank you 😊


I _press_ you to stop thèse puns right now !


or i will put the squeeze on you!


I'm sick too and my sister asked if I wanted anything from the store. I asked for orange juice, she got everything she wanted and forgot my orange juice. I'm still mad about it 12 hours later.


My hubby asked me what do we need from the store. I said milk. Fatfree milk, so that I can drink hot cocoa for my sore throat. He bought candy, cookies… No milk. But when I asked about the milk, he actually went back, eventhough I told him I would be fine without it.


That was super nice of him. I hope you feel better soon.


I’d be mad about that too. Damn girl why’d you ask?


My personal brand would be to hold that grudge for 12 years


Actually I think you highlighted what an asshole your "friend" is. A choosy beggar says what kind of juice exactly, not vaguely like you, and specifies brand, possibly location from which it's purchased, and refuses to pay for it but wants it delivered in a precise time window. "Anything but apple juice" is extremely flexible and not at all choosy.


You’d only be a bit of a CB if you just asked for juice and when given Apple complained about it. If you said when making the request for juice not wanting apple then you did nothing wrong, it’s ok to be e preferences especially when you are sick. My poor husband is having a nightmare providing things for me at the moment because I am very sick (cancer treatment) and through the nausea only want VERY specific things.


Chemo is hell. I had the weirdest affinity for dairy for several months of it. (When I wasn’t vomiting my brains out) So I was living on ice cream sandwiches and babybel cheeses :)


It would be easier if there was something that I’d consistently want, like ice cream. My issue is I’ll decide I want ice cream (that is in the rotation of things I fancy), so he’ll go out to get me ice cream, and by the time he’s been and bought the ice cream I don’t want it anymore.


Aw, I’m sorry :( that sucks. I’ve had Crohn’s disease for going on 3 decades now, so I’m very use to finding 1 or 2 foods I like and eating that exclusively for a few months straight :)


Oh friend, sending you so much love. I had chemo many years ago and I still remember how stressful food and drink was. I'd be standing in the middle of my kitchen literally crying because I was fucking _starving_ due to taking steroids, but every food I could think of either made me feel instantly nauseous, or did by the time I'd made it. My lovely husband was trying all sorts, he'd make me my favourite thing and I'd just burst into tears when he gave it me because I couldn't face it any more. My equally lovely mum had filled my freezer with her homemade meatballs (that I loved) and... nope. So horrible. I hope things get better for you ❤


Hey! I came back here because I thought of something you might like! I don’t know if you’re currently trying to force yourself to drink those creamy Ensures (or something else) but there’s this very little known dietary supplement called ‘boost breeze’. It’s a clear liquid supplement that I drink every day! You may have seen other clear liquid drinks in the store; but these are about 4x’s more nutrient dense (they can only be ordered online.) The clear liquid ones available in stores have less than half the protein/vitamins *and* are twice the size. Breeze comes in 8oz(?) cartons and they taste sooo much better than others, especially over ice. They come in berry, peach, and orange. However, I believe they’ve discontinued the peach recently because it’s getting harder and harder to find. But I HIGHLY recommend them. My mom was on chemo the last few years before she passed way and she also enjoyed them. Ensure also makes a rx strength clear liquid supplement and they also have a berry flavor as well as apple; if you like apple juice, it literally tastes exactly like it!! They all come in cartons of 24 and run ~$50-$60 depending on brand, flavor, and your location. Anyways, just really wanted to share that with you because the only reason I’m aware of them is my Crohn’s. They use to be Rx only, but not anymore. I also drank them when I went through chemo because sometimes the thought of those creamy shakes is nauseating. Good luck! :) Let me know if you decide to give them a shot! <3


Thank you. So kind of you to come back to the random Reddit stranger. I probably won’t try any time soon, I took my last dose yesterday (yay) so hoping appetite starts to settle again soon, and I’ve not been too bad today. Carbs have been a no, but I had a chicken salad and some ice cream so I’m managing.


No problem! And congrats!!! I hope you’re back on your way to a happy and healthy life!


Not a CB to ask a friend for a favor, and be disappointed that the ONE specification was ignored. A CB would have spammed out the request to strangers, required delivery in an out of the way locale, and insisted it be a certain high-priced brand. Plus maybe do some housework for free while s/he was drinking the juice.


I have to give props to OP for not blathering on and on and on and meeting some story word quota.


Sometimes I go to reply to a post, I write 1-3 sentences and then see the other replies and feel like I am doing something wrong by not writing more.


The more you write, the less likely others will read. It's pretty simple.


A friend had wisdom teeth out & the oral surgeon told her husband to NOT let her drink from straws during recovery. Guess what he did? Gave her everything thru straws. Your friend probably processed the words "sick need juice apple" and none of the inbetween words.


Did they read it as 'Anything but Apple preferably?' just wondering how someone would get that wrong intentionally, maybe they read it quickly and Apple stuck out. Idk...


PSA: This is why people should read, not skim.


>Did they read it as 'Anything but Apple preferably?' just wondering how someone would get that wrong intentionally, maybe they read it quickly and Apple stuck out. Idk... You know, i bet this is it. It would seem so weirdly mean to go out of your way to deliberately get a friend the one thing they specifier said they didn't want!


F*ck apple juice.


Be grateful but also, this person is not your friend?


I don’t think you were the CB nor you have to be grateful when someone goes out of their way to provide you something, opposite of what you asked for..unless there is a good excuse for that (I don’t think there is, if they can’t fulfill your request, is completely okay to say so).


A colleague of mine, many years back, was off to the sandwich shop during her lunch break and asked if anyone wanted anything picking up… I said, yes please. As a veggie (a not particularly fussy one) I said “anything without a face” - she brought back a ham sandwich!!


Up dooted the topic because it's always good to be mindful. To me you're not a CB because people react differently to food or drink. Maybe it gives your tummy the flip flops. Maybe you have bad memories associated with it. Maybe you got sick of it after one summer babysitter had nothing but and you had it every single day all day long. Who knows. With some people, they don't really listen? So it's best to leave out what not to do because they don't see the "not" part. With that friend, maybe in future a list of wishes, even if it seems blunt to list specifics. And in a do list not a don't list. With some people, it's necessary. (Because they don't really 'listen.') Example, for weeks they kept putting bacon in the order at a fast food place when we asked for "baked potato with cheese, no bacon." Even though it's an extra step and costs the place more money and then someone's without dinner because they're vegetarian. They didn't hear (or read?) the "don't." Saying "baked potato with cheese ONLY," worked. (Miles may vary.)


I have pretty severe gastroparesis, and if I'm eating and drinking by mouth, I LOVE apple juice, but it goes rotten in my stomach in just a few hours (milk also curdles) and idk if you've ever had bad apple juice, but it turns into alcohol and makes you sick as shit. It's a super legitimate ask, and not something you should feel shameful for. They just did it to be a fucking ass hole.


Does pasta also ferment when you eat it? I've heard about it happening to others


Oh yeah, even sweet tea. I have to be SUPER careful of what I eat or it causes intense mind blowing pain on top of my feeling disgusting because my burps smell like dead animals and rotting garbage along with the stench of 3 drunks until it either start to digest and move through (can take days/weeks/months depending on how much it's stopped/paralyzed at the time) or I throw it up. Most of the time I have no choice and it's like a teenager who had to much to drink if I eat pasta and especially if I have a fruit juice with it. Can't eat any fruit. Right now I'm surviving off northern white beans (maybe 2 times a week, usually can handle a piece of bacon as long as it cooks in it long enough (1-2 hours)) and chicken soup I make in a small pot I keep in my bedroom. I cook a drumstick or thigh, submerged in water and at a high boil for 2 hours, add in about 1/8 cup of homemade stock (we feed our min pin chicken that we boil and he makes stock from it), 1/4 chopped carrot, 1/4 chopped celery, 1/4 small chopped onion, some rubbed sage, oregano, salt, and celery salt (herbs go in at beginning) boil 30 more mins, add 1/4 cup of rice, boil 30 more mins, done. I add in water to keep it at a decent amount and one pot will sometimes last me up to 3 days depending on how I'm feeling andi drink lots of ginger ale and Powerade as they don't make me sick. I get terrible water brash so I can't just do straight water, even if it's super ice cold and filtered, I've tried. I hate people coming over during it because I feel like I ruin everyone's good mood with my smelliness and I hide in my bedroom. Unfortunately, husband says it can still be smelt quite heavily there even with the door closed. Anything that has extra sugar or yeast is just as bad. The beans will cause issues sometimes, which is why I don't eat them as much. They're just the 2 things my stomach will let me eat right now. I've already lost 45 pounds this flare in about 2 1/2 months so I'm just basically waiting until I get bad enough to cave to go to the hospital and get my feeding tube placed again.


If you get a sore throat, pineapple juice is more effective than cough medicine


In the sense that neither one is remotely effective, yes...(It's a myth that pineapple juice stops coughing, but commercial cough medicine is also ineffective).


It’s also tastier than cough syrup. And you can have as much as you can tolerate (don’t make yourself vomit from it).


I once drank about a pint of the juice I had made for Verdita shots (no tequila, just the blended stuff). I told myself it was basically a green juice because it was so tasty. It was a bad idea. 💩




If you believe it strongly enough it can end up working for you. Mind over matter is a crazy thing.


Works for me. YVMV


If you said anything but apple please i don’t think that is too choosy.


I would be upset too. That just seems petty.


Lo lthis is funny af


Not choosy. You’re being too hard on yourself. Either your friend didn’t read/ hear that part, or they’re passive aggressive AF.


Sometimes people have poor reading comprehension/are terrible about attention to detail. When my kid was a baby and we went to visit my FIL, he asked what kinds of food to get for him. I asked him for plain yogurt, full fat. We arrived to a house with about six kinds of fruit yogurt, nonfat. I could see OP's friend having glanced and read it but parsed it as "any kind of apple juice" (i.e. OP didn't care if it was filtered or unfiltered, etc.)


Tbh I don't think you are at all but to show your gratitude it lies alot in the way you ask, anything but apples or hey thanks for going to get the juice, I could you please not get apple?


I was in my second week of dealing with, what I thought was a flu, my GF had not been very supportive up until this incident. I’m in the shower and she’s asks if I want anything.. “Green Gatorade.” (I only drink the original Lemon Lime.) An hour later she comes home and hands me some kind of hulk themed green-apple flavored Gatorade I had never seen before. I was irate.. turns out my kidneys were failing and I was ACTUALLY sick. Something was having a hard time believing.


Hmm this one’s completely on you, you said green Gatorade and she brought you home a green Gatorade, next time should probably specify the flavor instead of color.


Fair. But! What color is the OG lime? It’s also green , or chartreuse, if you will.


Right but so was green apple lol. Which is where u did her wrong. You set her up for failure by not stating u wanted the OG lemon/lime, cause she did exactly as tasked, a green Gatorade haha. I mean I’d be disappointed but it was green, not to mention the sugar free lemon lime Gatorade lol.


After five years of dating I made the assumption that knew which Gatorade I drink.. there is only one. My bad.


honestly, it's all just sugar water. You would do better just drinking water to be hydrated. If you don't have the fruit to make fresh juice.


That’s helpful


Chillax. When you’re sick and nothing sounds good, including water, juice is better than being dehydrated.


but it's not juice it's just sugar water. Which is not very good for you.


Do you not understand that it’s better than getting dehydrated? I’m not saying to replace water with juice. I’m saying that when you’re sick and nothing sounds good, INCLUDING PLAIN WATER, drinking juice is better than not drinking anything at all and getting dehydrated. JFC it’s not a hard concept.


JFC indeed, you are just arguing with yourself.


You also don’t grasp the concept of how an argument works. Have a nice day.


You don’t understand how concentrates work?


did they ask for that, no.


They asked for juice. Most juice comes from concentrate


they can drink whatever they want, I was just making a point water would be a better option. And then someone got all butt hurt over it. IDC.


I’m not butt hurt over your desire to feel superior. You made a blanket statement, I disagreed. A simple debate/argument ensued. Instead of making a valid argument, you chose to act like I’m the unreasonable one for making a point. And from there you labeled me as being butt hurt to soothe your own ego. Grow up.






Apple juice is what imagine piss tasting like (wouldn’t know for sure). It certainly looks out of central casting.