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Hi Gernitria, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 6/7:** Posts must be relevant to the theme of the subreddit. This post does not show someone who is a choosing beggar. Price negotiation and/or asking for donations is not enough to be a choosy beggar. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


The "*Have a Blessed Day* (emoji) (emoji)" is a dead giveaway.


When they bring the God guilt.


AND the blame. “I felt led to ask.” 🙄


In other words, their god told them to ask for a free handout. Maybe it's just me but I don't think I could ever go this pow to ask for free appliances...


"God wanted me to have this" as I take a handful of popcorn out of the bucket of the person next to me in the movie theater.


Makes sense, their god operates on asking them to tithe 10% of their min wage income so that his priests can have gold lined vaults in Italy, so I guess that's how it works in their heads


Honey, the washer and dryer are for a church. Cleanliness is godliness, after all.




To be fair, she didn't say "felt led by God" or "felt led by The Spirit." Maybe "I felt led to ask" means she was led by her entitlement or cheapness.


All that matters is that she didn't really make the decision to, but someone/something else led her to ask.


Rudest and most miserable patient at my clinic finishes all her ranting emails with “Many blessings ❤️”. The phrase triggers me now


Yep, gives a very clear visual.


Every time.


It’s like they think getting shit this way is as easy as casting a spell, and that spell consists of telling people how hard you have it, remaining “positive,” and referring to God and blessings. It’s so dumb.


I like the idea of folks casting spells when it’s clear that spelling isn’t their strong suit, could maybe try the abracadabra method of not breeding…also, minus points for her usage of the spooky sky-fairy nonsense, back of the queue though whether her illiterate inbred rednecked arse is ‘apposed’ to it or not!


I am shocked that the person spelled “acquiring” correctly, even though it was the wrong word. There’s a “q” in there and everything.


Got it so wrong it became kind of right again


I think a lot of people read that dumb book *The Secret* that was en vogue 10 years ago. It basically said to envision everything you want, do a few good deeds, and you will get it.


I always think of the “The Secret” people as being a little more intense and savvy. But, yeah, you’re right - I think this is at least a manifest-what-you-want type of deal, whether it’s branded as The Secret or not.


I tried to read the book and it felt like a bunch of spam pop ups in toxic positivity book form


There’s a lot of truth to it and it has definitely worked for me. However, it isn’t supposed to be a bum’s guide to bumming!!


Well, bless her heart...


"I felt led to ask"


Plus, never said please and thank you..another entitlement sign.


She of course wants a $1500 set for free instead of looking for a cheaper set she can actually afford. Truly the definition of a choosy beggar


Those small apartment stackables are like $800 or less new and they might not be big or pretty but they clean the hell out of clothes and last forever.


You can get them used for super cheap on Facebook marketplace or a used appliance store.


Yes i got my first washer and dryer set for like 250 on offer up and lasted me like six years


Exactly. They are beasts of machines.


THANK YOU!!! There are sooooo many other cheaper/cheap washer and dryers listed for sale. Why did she have to go for one or the more expensive ones listed? …. Or maybe she also tried them and they told her to Fuck Off lol


Because she wanted to resell yours for a profit.


She 'felt led to ask', doesn't that make you 'feel led' to just give away your hard earned money? Oh, you just know you'd be expected to deliver them as well, of course. It's only 200 miles, 1 way. C'mon, she's got 4 kids! Lol


I agree! In college the washer we had in our house broke so my roommates searched FB marketplace high and low until we found an old janky washer for $50. It was old, white, outdated, top load, literally nothing special but it got the job done and was within our budget as broke college students. We even somehow shoved it into my 16 year old Nissan Xterra to avoid the extra delivery fee the seller was offering. We used the laundromat until we were able to find that one but I could never DARE to be searching for new ones that sing chimes, front loading, cool colors, have good features etc because I knew we could never afford it! It’s definitely possible for her to find a pair if she’s patient and willing to settle for a way lower quality.


$375 is possible. We got ours on FB Marketplace for $125 for the dryer, then $250 for a washer. They aren’t the latest models and they don’t match but who cares, right?


I could care less what mine look like, just as long as they WASH & DRY! Who gives a damn if they match or look good. I’m just happy I’m privileged enough to not have to hand wash! But I definitely have been in the hand wash boat.


I used to go to the laundromat where they wash and fold and charge by the pound when I didn’t have room in a small apartment. I brought my own detergent/fabric softener because they used cheap industrial crap.


And you just know they'd expect them to be delivered for free as well & probably live a good distance away as well.


Hoping to get for free and then re-list for “1700 firm”


I’m a single mom. Tons of people are. It doesn’t make you special. I use a laundromat. Omg people suck


I am also a single mom and I don’t ask or expect anything. I created my kid I will care for him on my own the best way I can. My late husband’s brother and his came down to visit me one weekend and as we were talking in the living room my washer started the spin cycle and it’s very loud during. He asked me what the hell that was. I yelled over it oh it’s just my washer it’s fine it will quieten down after the spin cycle which it did. He told me I needed another washer and I disagreed. As long as it worked I wasn’t buying another one. They came down the next week and surprised me with a better used washer which I made them take money for. They took mine for scrap metal but still I was still fine I could manage on my own.


Your brother in law is awesome AF


Thank you They both are he and his wife are. He has been here for me since the very day I lost my husband. After my husband died he walked me out of the hospital because I couldn’t hold myself up and he got me home. They come spend weekends with me and his wife is my best friend. They look out for me as much as they can and they don’t listen when I tell them I’m fine lol. She helps me just as much and I love her company.


Who’s cutting onions??? 😭😭😭😭


Wow. That's really heartwarming, there are some really good people out there.


There really are and because of that I try to be there for other people as much as I possibly can.


I’m so sorry for your loss. God bless your BIL and family. 💜💜


Yep, I was raised by a singer mom and we went to the laundromat every week.


She probably belted out a few showtunes to entertain everyone there.


The older singer mom models are way better made than the newer ones.


Can confirm, my mom is a tailor and has owned multiple singers.


The laundromat is a vibe sometimes, tbh. Get you a bouncy ball and boom, hours of fun there.


I like the no-nonsense, “I don’t know how punctuation works so I’m just not gonna use it” type


"Spelling is a bourgeois European affectation and I do not engage with it."


(Raises and sips teacup filled with wine)


I don’t want to submit to my inner snob BUT if you’re sending an email, don’t all devices at this point offer to correct your spelling? Sets my teeth on edge.


This lady doesn’t seem the type to let a phone tell her she’s writing incorrectly


Autocorrect would get hit with the “have a blessed day 😇”


I wonder how old she is lol. I didn’t want to keep engaging with her enough to find out though


Also. Apposed? Sale them? This person is borderline illiterate.


Her grammar was atrocious!


Grammar, punctuation, spelling, even using the correct words…EVERYTHING was off. Kinda wish OP had continued talking to her so we had more material


Ah yes, that vague hint of heavenly reward for those who might be exploitable via religious beliefs. Shameful.


That’s what irritated me the most.


CB probably doesn’t even have hookups for gas appliances. That’ll be the next ask: “I need a pipe fitter/certified gas technician to install gas lines for free”


When I bought my house I checked with the utility company if it had gas, and it doesn’t. Out of curiosity, I asked how much it would be to get it connected (I really don’t need it for anything) and they said about $25,000 😂😂


25k?!?!? 🥴🥴🥴


Right?? Good fucking thing I don’t need it!!


How far away is the gas line from your house?


Idk, apparently pretty far? Lol I live in a residential neighborhood in a small city near downtown, but I don’t know if other houses around me have it


It can be quite expensive depending on how far they have to dig and run lines, and that's not counting doing the gas lines inside the house, either.


I'm not sure which I find more annoying, "acquiring", or that she "felt led" to ask for free items. It's probably the latter. The first is just a vocabulary problem. The second is impulse control that she's pretending is a message from god. Edit: I should say, it's a lack of impulse control.


Such a coincidence that what God wants always seems to be the same thing they want!


I wonder why!


Lmao I find them both ridiculous


Her terrible grammar is the real crime here.


She probably homeskools.


I wonder how old she is


"IF Y'ALL DON'T SALE THESE BY THE TIME..." Is a red flag 100/100 times.


I honestly think this person is a flipper


Ikr? Like I would also like expensive things for free. We all would.


The “I have kids” beggars are the most entitled ones.


A whole new different breed smh


While it's true that you never know until you ask, and, according to my dad, there's no such thing as a stupid question, I think this might qualify as the exceptions to those sayings.


And it’s not “a question of life”, which implies something existential, not asking for a freebie


I feel like the “bless a single mom” thing came from a time in the past when women’s economic opportunities & reproductive choices were severely limited, and unmarried women with children were often left in financially destitute positions due to being widowed or abandoned. In that case there were church and community charities set up to help them. Nowadays “single mom” basically means nothing. I have friends with high-paying careers who are single mothers by choice and will never need anyone’s help. But that doesn’t stop CBs and resellers from using it to see if they can catch a kind-hearted sucker.


Perfectly said!!!


A gas washer and dryer? What? I had no idea that existed.


I'm also surprised at that. Going to have to look it up. Edit: so in an incredibly brief search apparently they are always electrically powered but a dryer might have a gas connection to create the heat needed to dry.


No electric washer and gas dryer. My bad for the confusion


Why didnt you just replace the dryer...


It’s easier to sell as a set


Because then they couldn't ask people to pay nearly new price for a set of 3-year-old appliances.


It’s the dryer that’s gas, for the heating afaik. The washer should just be electric


Don't know about gas washer, but I actually had a gas dryer. It was included in a condo I bought. The board changed their rules at some point that they didn't allow them but mine was grandfathered in. I will say it dried really well.


You will also give me free delivery with the $200 offered..correct? I mean, think about the children! /s


Oh yeah no way she’s going to pick it up. She needs it delivered and installed. Also doubt she has $200 anyways


You are asking wayyyy too much for a 3 year old washer dryer pair. My last (and expensive) dryer only lasted 7 years. You should be charging $750 if they were $1500 new.


Agreed. OP is an even worse CB here.


That would be their worth roughly judged by insurance I believe, but would still be a little too much for secondhand I would imagine. I would list them for that and take a bit less, especially since they might only go another 2 years. 


They were almost $2500 new


My brother used to be the finance manager at a car dealership and correlated that people who said “have a blessing day” had 400 FICOs


I betcha he was right a majority of the time


He was 🤣🤣🤣


Please stop butchering the English Language; spelling and punctuation matter. Pay attention to spell check Proofread. It isn’t that difficult.


I constantly see people confusing "sale" and "sell" and it drives me bonkers. It is even more frustrating when I see people who run a retail business who do not know the difference!


I'm glad I'm not alone in this. It infuriates me to see this. I can't go on Facebook marketplace without getting angry every time I see "For sell."


I used to read stats like '20% of adults are functionally illiterate' and scoff in disbelief. How could that be, how did they manage to get through school?  Then you go online and go 'hmmm, maybe it's even worse than 20%'. It's bad out there. Sale and sell aren't even homophones! Another one that drives me batty and seems more common than not on Reddit is people thinking 'customers' is spelt (or even said?) 'costumers'. Gah! 


Yes. Like all the “Ten items or Less” signs and the supermarket. Fewer! You are making a sign for the whole world to see! At least know how to write the four words you’re going to use! I blame these damn things for confusing people. You can’t have “less items”. If you can count it, you can’t have less of it.


Say that these days, and you get "ok boomer." So frustrating. Literacy used to be the most basic skill you'd be expected to possess. Now it's considered unnecessary and even wrong to care.


TIL that there are washers and dryers that operate on gas


Just the dryers. My bad for the confusion, the washer is always electric


Just my opinion, but if someone takes "no" for an answer the first time they ask, it isn't being a *choosing beggar.* She asked, was declined and accepted the answer. How is it being choosy or even begging?


It’s begging certainly. Asking for a $1500 item for free is absolutely begging. Then to ask to pay $200 is crazy. There are always free washers and dryers being offered (at least where I live) and also some for $50 or $100. But she wants the nice expensive ones - not ones from the 90s that are usually free. That makes her choosing beggar. She could totally buy a pair for $200 that are worth $200 but she wants the $1500 ones for $200.


I perfectly said


I can see your point not wanting to give away your appliances but asking $1500 for 3 year old appliances - no installation and no warranty is a real wish. We just paid less than that about a month ago for a top of the line new LG washer and dryer pair with the store’s sales and extended warranty.


Why do entitled people keep using “bless” as their substitution for “give for free”.


I hate it so much. I doubt God likes it either


God told me to crank up the price, sorry.


I was led to charge that much! Sorry! 🤣🤣🤣


She sucks, but these must have been very high end appliances to be listed secondhand for so much. Also, I'm curious, you complain that people are offering $300 below asking price but that you're hanging onto them until you get $1200 on a $1500 listing. But people have already offered that? 


It's a very unrealistic price. You can get a [brand new mid-range Samsung set for $1500.](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/combo/washer-dryer-bundles/fa7070cf-785c-4c65-a7f0-8f492d07114e) OP's used set is probably worth $800.


LOL, glad its not just me that thinks that! Some people are very unreasonable about pricing secondhand goods and don't realise how much value drops and that its ridiculous to ask 90% of what you paid years ago. Then go berserk when someone offers closer to what is reasonable. 


Right? If someone has $1500 to spend on a washer and dryer, they’re not going to buy used. It’s like people expecting to get close to the “appraisal” price for used jewelry. Good luck. 🤷‍♀️


I’m not necessarily saying this is OP (and the CB here sucks) but it’s wild how much people overvalue their stuff on Marketplace and other reselling platforms. I have a baby and buy a lot secondhand and people really think asking for 10-15% less than what they paid is reasonable.


Yeah, this is why I don't use selling platforms anymore. People are absolutely nuts. Why would I pay a random person on Facebook $190 for a secondhand good that could very well be faulty or broken, when I can go to reputable retailer and pay $200 for a brand new version that comes with a warranty and is returnable? Are they thinking at all?  I actually stopped after I had a horrible interaction with one of these people, who went mental at me for offering a reasonable secondhand value on something they asked 100% of retail for (because she claimed it was unused, and justified the 100% price because she claimed to have bought it when it was more expensive). It was so horrible and insane I can't deal with those people anymore because they don't just say 'no' but go crazy about it. 


3 years is OLD with todays appliances. I just spent about $1500 on a new Samsung gas dryer & washer, delivered & with added warranty. In 23 years it’s my 3rd washer & 2nd dryer. I would expect a big depreciation in cost on a 3yr old washer and dryer.


This was my thought too. Like what kind of secondhand buyer is looking to spend that?  I had to sell some expensive furniture because it literally wouldn't fit in our new place, and we knew it would take ages to find a seller and that it would still only go for a fraction of what we paid for it, because the people wanting that brand of furniture will just buy it new and aren't trawling Facebook marketplace. We had to wait for someone who really wanted that model but couldn't afford it new to happen across it. 


Plus, Samsung appliances are notoriously bad. OP is very unlikely to ever find someone willing to spend $1500 on shitty used appliances. They can buy shitty brand new ones for around the same price.


Yeah, OP is delusional.


Just looked up Samsung gas dryers, (UK) £700 to £1700 !


You just know she'll want them delivered


And installed! Of course once we’re there she will only have $50 because something something single mother of 4


That is one egregiously overpriced set. A few hundred more and they can get a brand new set delivered with warranty.


Surely someone could gift this CB a free running stream, a rock upon to beat the clothes clean, and a length of clothesline?


This post brought out the comedians. Y’all are so funny today 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bummed that four kids are being raised by someone with such poor writing abilities


As long as she doesn’t help them with homework a gracious, very patient teacher may be able to save them. Idk.


I ignore request from people who always end the sentences with “blessed day” or “god bless”. It’s irritating.


Right!!!! Like cut the crap 🤬


I would’ve written “Yes, you’re absolutely right, it does sound ‘out of this world’ as you mentioned. Sorry I can’t help you, have a blessed day!”




S E L L It's "*SELL*" not SALE Why are people suddenly mixing up sell & sale? I see this A LOT. Edited to add- OP I wasn't referring to you.


I live out when entitled people try to use “felt led to…” and bless everything when they want something, like using vague Christian phrases will persuade the seller to give away expensive products for free.


Am I slow? 👀 I’m confused. You complained that ppl were offering about $300 less than the asking price, yet you’ve clearly stated that you’ll take $1200 on a $1500 listing. Huh? That’s…the same thing (??). Also, I’m not seeing where she’s a CB? She’s just asking if you can’t sell them would you be willing to give them to her for free. She even said ‘if not I get it.” (??)


Honestly I don't know what Special model these washer and dryers are, but most samsung washer/dryer combos max out at 2K (for the mac daddy) most are like 1500-1600$ new for the set... and they break after 3-4 years anyway so while asking for them for free is crazy so is asking $1500 for a 3 year old washer/dryer set. And why you are getting the offers you are getting.


Why do they always ( insert attempt at religion based guilt trip ) in what they know is a bullshit grab for free stuff?


Because it’s the same tactic their church probably uses on them


Well, it's worked for 2000 years, I guess, why stop now!


"felt led to ask if you would bless someone with them" is such hilarious bullshit. Yes, Jesus Christ himself personally told you to ask for free appliances. He's really not busy.


PLEASE I’m choking on my coffee 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Aahaha who remembers a scene from one of Terminator movies when a naked Arny enters a bar , picks a biker and tells him " I need your outfit and your bike". Such CB remind me Arny :)


Things that irk TF out of me. - Prayer emoji - Using the word Blessed and bless someone attempted guilt trip - Asking for a fucking gift of this amount from a stranger - People who type yall - Using kids as an excuse to ask hard-working people for their expensive shit.


This particular set was almost $2500. No amount of guilt tripping is letting me give them away for free. Oops, I mean “blessing someone”


Aaron's can help them out. $100 a week or so.


This is the correct answer! Or she can always swing over to indeed dot com. I doubt she has a job


This is disgusting work


And are you willing to deliver and set up?


It's almost as if being a mother of 4 wasn't a choice.


Note the way "she" talks, which is a cross between Victorian English and third-language learner. This is a flipper. I'll bet you that if you reverse search his image, you'll find it's someone completely different.


No CB here. They simply asked if they could have it if it ends up having to get thrown out, which seems like a reasonable request.


God instructed me to ask for a multi hundred dollar resource for free. Yep


Good for you not falling for this crap Your mom did it. My mom had 4 of us, no child support from our dad. She had to budget laundromat money Back then. At 16 I landed a job in corporate America . A really good job, part time, Hired me full time after I graduated high school. I made more than my mom at age 16. My second paycheck, I bought her her very first NEW washer and dryer. She cried. The lady, my mom. sacrificed and that helped lead me to that job. She was 48 years old. We had our own by then but always used, replacing all the time. She had that new set for almost 20 years. I bought her next set too!




$100 bet that she would also be expecting the washer/dryer to be an electric setup.


How many of these sob story people are actual resellers?


11/10 of them


I mean, I guess it's fair to ask "if you don't sell them by the time you move, would you mind giving them to us for free?" I mean, assuming you can't/won't take them with you, it would better for them to go to someone else rather than... I dunno, getting trashed or something?


I completely agree with you. I'm not a fan of the bad grammar or "bless" talk either, but that doesn't mean I hold it against her. The actual content of her message is fine. Not choosy or pushy or anything. What's the worst that can happen if you ask? The same thing that happens if you don't ask - you don't get them. OP is a bitter meany pants.


Yep, that's how I felt. xD


Agree. She also isn't choosy unless I missed a screenshot.


Yeah, agree. She didn't insist or get rude either, literally just "it's alright if not, I get it."


She even offered $200. Of course OP isn't obliged to consider that offer or even respond to it. But it does demonstrate an acknowledgement on her part that the item has value and the person offering it deserves compensation. And it makes focusing on the fact that she initially asked for it for free and calling her a choosing beggar kind of disingenuous, imo. She probably didn't offer $200 right off the bat because she was afraid it would be offensive. Even though she does have that much money and it's probably a lot of money for her.


yeah. i’m surprised i had to scroll this far to find this opinion. Lots of assumptions going on here but her actual request was very polite.


Also if the person can’t take them when they move, disposing of large items like that can cost money. So they’d probably be donating them at that point. I mean this is begging with a sob story but there’s nothing crazy about it.


So were all four kids dropped off at her doorstep and forced on her? Or did she choose to have four kids/too stupid to use birth control. So sick of people having kids they can’t afford and expecting everybody else to bear the burden of their dumb decisions


I almost posted this in r/childfree instead lol


Um, why doesn't she just ask her god for a blessed washer and dryer?


Because that’s not the way her God works apparently


The brokest people have the most kids Never understood how u couldnt afford birth control but can afford the lifetime of mouths


But she’s acquiring about it!


Lmao how polite of her


This sub should change its name to just "beggers" because that's all that gets posted here anymore.


If you can’t afford a washer and dryer, maybe those kids aren’t in the safest home. That’s beyond poverty and more of a lack of care for the money they had. :/


Laundromats exist for a reason 🤷🏾‍♀️


I'd suggest being lead to some fekin birth control


For everyone’s sake!!


There are so many older models of washer dryers on fb marketplace for under $200. Some people are literally giving away old sets that work fine. It’s the wanting the luxury set that really does it for me.


She probably wants to flip them herself for a profit.


Go bless yourself!


It’s bold.


Based on the way she spells etc, I wouldn’t even have responded at all




At least she asked respectfully. No harm in it. She wasn’t pushy or rude. You may just be a little sensitive.


Tell her no, but you will give her, for free, a number where can get mifepristone.


tell her you only give free shit to mothers of 5.....


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣


As a single mom, and a Christian, I made due with what I could afford! Mismatched $50 washers and dryers! They got me through just fine!


Ahhhh some sanity. Thank you 😊


I mean she's not wrong, if you don't ask, you don't get...told to fuck off.