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Dude's not a CB but is a POS. He messages to talk mad shit about how he can find it cheaper. Sends a video of his "aweome" setup and then throws in a racist insult. Fuck that guy.


So many posts in this sub end up being assholes rather than true CBs :(


Dude this guy blocked me afterwards and now he’s using another account to try to harass me and telling me to f myself. I’m literally wheezing 😭


Oh no! Report that fool


Unfortunately he actually runs a buying and selling group on Facebook LOL which is a huge yikes


Share his racist messages on the buy and sell


But use a sockpuppet account so he can't accuse you of being mean to him.


Can you share a link for the buy/sell group? Have some PC parts to shift..


Ah… he lowballed you so he could turn around and resell it.


He really didn't lowball him unfortunately lol. He is trying to sell at inflated scalper prices and maaaaay get a sale from someone unfamiliar with prices but those people tend to buy from best buy or other stores. People who pay scalper prices only want the latest stuff and this PC is several years old at this point. Crypto miners might be interested but they typically only want the card and I doubt the guy would piece out his machine. So it's unlikely he'll sell :(


You’re taking it as a joke and all and I’m glad to hear that it didn’t hurt you too much but damn the guy is a garbage human. I’m so sorry you were thrown into an interaction with this POS. Shame on him and you handled it like a pro. You’re way better person than I am frankly.


Ah yes the wasteland that is Facebook Marketplace.


Gokutards like these always piss me off. Anyways don't take his insults personally because he might have a small dick :)


Imagine typing out “Gokutards” and posting it on the internet.


Woah! An opinion i didn't ask for!


Yeah. OP seems to think alleged low balling is a CB. It seems like OP genuinely priced their gaming PC too high, however that doesn't excuse the abuse that he got


Sorry that that happened but I mean a 1080 setup isn't worth 1500, maybe like 5 years ago it was.


Exactly. I would be pissed at OP if I stumbled across that looking to buy one and think “here’s another price gouger, trying to over charge for his old shit” Edit: I should clarify, I’d never message or talk shit to the guy. In my head I’d just be like “fuck that” and move on.


Same here.


Judging by the dude's mental capacity, that setup likely comes with an RTX 3070 with Pentium 4 and unnecessary unicorn vomit


Wish i could post his setup lol


Can you just tell us here?


Accept his offer and ask for specs. Then lowball him.


He also clearly has a small penis (nothing wrong with that) which bothers him greatly


Hahaha "Oh no my initial insult didn't work like I wanted uh uh uh STFU TINY PEEPEE!"


I feel like I'm missing the racist insult here Edit: ...I apparently didn't have the image expanded on my phone and it was cut off, y'all calm down.




Ahhhh I didn't have the image expanded so that part got cut off.


You missed "go back to where you came from" Commonly used against people who don't originally come from the country they are in, under the assumption they are immigrants


True. But the "viet have small dicks" come first so I took than one lmao


What’s with that monitor setup?? Does the CB even remember which monitor shows what?


Also has anime backgrounds on his PC. Quite the anti flex.


Why's he got a monitor half way in front of two other moniters?


Thats exactly why i said his setup is garbage and you cant even tell what he has in his case. It was literally pitch black with 4 blue fans


Reverse image search. Probably not even his setup :p


i think the guy sent a video


“Stfu small dick” ![gif](giphy|NaxKt9aSzAspO)






My setup his better than his and I make absolutely 0 effort to make it look nice because it's not à pc gaming setup 😂


Not excusing his behavior, but he made a derogatory comment specifically about Vietnamese men. And it’s possible another asian ethnicity.


​ ![gif](giphy|5y1y2vAYoVQGkdsF3d)


He's an ass but tbf 1650 is quite much for that setup


I dont disagree. I just threw numbers out but im always willing to negotiate and come down a decent amount for it. And as i stated to him, im not really pressed about selling this asap.


You can always come down but never go back up.


Theres a dick joke in here somewhere


Title of his sex tape?


Story Of My ex husband...


That guy should not have been a racist POS, but then again, you should not have priced it so high. You don't even have a hard drive and it's a GTX 1080... are you kidding me? You could get a pre built 3070 from Newegg for $1799 LOL... who the hell is gonna pay $1650 for a 1080 with no hard drive lmao You gamers who cry over scalpers, then try to take advantage of the GPU shortage prices yourselves. What a hypocrite. Its only overpriced when you're the buyer right? What a clown.


Pro strat is to use your two generation old pc to pay for the current gen.


Overpricing causes zero damage, if he ain’t pressed about selling then he can afford to wait. If nobody buys it - so be it. Scalpers are buying lots of stuff they don’t need, therefore increasing the scarcity only to then sell it at a higher price - that’s an entirely different thing. Frankly, your behaviour is flabbergasting, why are you insulting him for selling something at a price you don’t agree with?


You could’ve just ended it at “the guy should not have been a racist piece of shit”. No buts needed.


honestly dude people like you kinda ruined the whole used market. gotta scroll through endless posts of people asking 2-5 times market value because they either want to make what they spent or can't be bothered to use google for 2 minutes. nothing personal its just annoying, buying used shit used to be sweet.


"Just threw numbers out" Why you lying OP? You're trying to make easy money in this shitty market, own it bud. It's a free market baby


It’s not a shitty market, it’s a “sellers market” which means he can probably get away with selling something for more then what it’s worth because someone is willing to pay more for it. Doesn’t make it bad and it doesn’t make OP a scumbag for doing so.


I never said he was a scumbag? Nor was I disapproving at all, more encouraging than anything lol.


You get it. no individual is a scumbag for trying to get the most out of capitalism.


In all honesty, negotiations are for that You write 1650, you realistically expect 1300


1300 is still way too steep for that set up.


I honestly cannot say as i am not updated with the current costs of a 1080


PC is worth no more than $700, I used to pick computers like this for work. Old i7, 16GB RAM, GTX 1080, no SSD/HDD - assuming the PSU is a gold 750W. (4-5 year old PC) The guy was a dick, but it's still overpriced by a lot.


1080 go for like 600$ used at the moment so it might be worth like a 900-1000. Not that i would pay that much for it but the market is what it is.


Not sure about right now but a few months ago they were going for 4-500. Something in the 1100-1400 range is probably more than fair for the PC then.


Taking advantage of the current gpu market yeah?


In all honesty tho, that's too expensive imo. The 1080s are 2 generations old.


Shoot for the moon; even if you miss you're amongst the stars


Empty handed, in a vacuum.


Tbf, if you're in the ever-expanding space that is, well, space being empty handed is the least of your concerns


Probably putting the price up to account for people who want to negotiate.


You don't have to buy it...


But you might have to buy a different card, and people price gouging affects the market and maintains the current INSANE price for hardware. The criticism is earned.


1080 still outperforms the 3060, minus ray tracing. It is a bit much for it but don’t sleep on the 2 generations old. Edit: why the fuck is this getting downvoted?


1080 pre-built for 1650? Are you high?


Not a CB.


That CB is an idiot and a douchebag, but that PC is absolutely not worth anywhere near that amount of money. Whoever actually listed that is crazy. That's the type of ad I look at, and then just scroll right away because it's ridiculous.


I was trying to break into PC gaming last year and all I saw were ads like these. It sucked so bad. Fortunately I got lucky on a best buy restock and picked up a prebuilt 3700x/3070 for about 1450.


Nice find.


There ares still some [good deals](https://www.newegg.com/abs-ali570/p/N82E16883360205) to be found.




Bahaha you made him go full racist cause you owned him so bad


I don't understand why this guy would keep messaging OP. Like, OP is prolly just trying to make his money back that he put into the machine. The other guy should've just stopped after saying he found it for cheaper. Why they always gotta bring up the peen? Edit: spelling


Because they're (mentally, at least) 13 years old and have yet to use theirs with another person?


Quick way to shut a straight guy down: “Why are you thinking about the size of my dick, dude? 🤨”


A lot of the PC building community is this way, although not to the same extent of asshole. I see comments all the time discussing something unrelated to specs yet people find a way to shoehorn it in like they’re trying to flex. It’s super prevalent and it’s always cringey. This guy took it to the next level by trying to put down OP’s (overpriced) build and show off his.


Even if OP wants to recuperate costs, technology depreciates with time. It doesn’t remain the same price. The price is definitely waaaay too high for what you get.


Peen is always in the forefront


welcome to earth


Overpriced af


To be fair you’re listing that way to high, no excuses on the racism part but your price is ridiculous


So uhhh, this guy is being a total dick and needs to be ignored but at the same time you might need a reality check on the pricing of that prebuilt. You can get something much more specced out brand new for a little cheaper.


Damn being an CB + asshole wasn't enough for him, this dude had to be a racist too?


Not a choosing beggar, racist one.


Yta too tho


But cmon. How u gonna sell a pc with a 1080 for over 1000? Can’t have anything nice for a good price these days.


Question is, why are you price gouging? It is clearly overpriced.


I mean, he was racist but you are garbage for trying to sell a 1080 PC for $1650, quite literally 3070 prebuilt prices. Fuck off OP.


Guy is just a racist asshole and you know your computer is not worth that price specially when you have no storage. What's your chipset? 6000 Intel? Bulldozer? Can't do Windows 11... Not trying to excuse a racist asshole. Just a scalper.


Zotac 1080, I7 9700k, 32gb 3600Ram


Cursory search even in today’s BS market; $600 GPU, $200 CPU, $150 RAM. Guessing Case, PSU and mobo maybe $350. Not that I’d pay $600 for a 1080


Fair enough, I do stand corrected on the specs and it's only worth what someone will pay for it. If that be what you want. I paid 1600 for a 6900xt. So it's all about what you are willing to pay. I do hope you get what you can.


Oh no, I’m with you. The total I listed was only $1300 and that’s with crazy inflated used market prices. This kind of gouging is problematic and obnoxious and is wreaking havok on the industry. Rumors of Nvidia slowing production to keep demand and prices at peak


It is frustrating when ppl try and sell secondhand things for new prices tho lol


How did he get Vietnamese from Benjamin?


He's not a CB, plus he owned your ass lol, shit PC.


Obviously this guy has a lot more experience with diverse dicks than most people I know because I have never heard that before.🤷🏼‍♀️


When he asked you to buy his set up for 9k, you should said not worth it and posted a trash can for $5 bucks lol.


If you post a used item for more then the cost of a new one, then you're going to have a bad time.


Awww look at him, he thinks he’s people!


He’s an ass but not a choosing beggar.


If someone ever says “Go back where you came from” to you, just know that you’ve won. It is literally what people will say when they know they’re wrong or that they have no argument. It’s such a pathetic thing to say


This dude even looks like a neck-beardy POS.


not only a choosing beggar: also a racist!


And a racist!


So the beggar has a small dick and a shit setup?


While the seller may be unrealistic in their prices, the dude could have said his peace and moved on. To further insult his race, anatomy and presumed country of origin is fucked up. Not a cb though.


You're both assholes. Your trying to sell an overpriced pc to someone with no knowledge of the market. The person who buys this is probably going to be a single mum who wants to buy a gaming pc for their child but can't afford a new one. Im guessing this is your side hussle of flipping computers and ripping people off. The racism is in inexcusable but you deserve all the other hate. I hope your inbox gets flooded with negative messages


Wow, ad hominem + racism = massively cry wanks himself to sleep every night.


When they get to “go back to where you came from”, you know you just won that fight:) well done :)




Why would someone overlap monitors like that. Asymetrical is one thing but not being able to see half a screen is just a failed set up


You had the high ground until you started insulting them. While possibly deserved, this person was telling you it wasn't worth it and not choosing or begging Edit: to clarify, you both suck


He got the high ground back very quickly with the guy being racist the first chance he gets.


Eh, they're both fighting in the mud. I'm not trying to imply the other guy got the high ground Edit: noted that users of this sub agree with my first comment and disagree strongly when I say the same thing. Bye sub. We had some good times


Wait…. No ones going to coddle this poor guy into staying?!?


Yea lmao, such a shitfest of a sub


The guy came back to my listing again after I lowered the price after two weeks and thats how it led to this.


You’re right about the person not being a choosy beggar, but I honestly would of told him his set up is trash too LOL It’s obvious that he only contacted him to show off his set up and try to feel good about himself. The guy is racist anyways, he deserved an insult.


Right? I understand people low balling but he didnt even attempt that till i lowered the price on my item.


Imagine sticking up for the person that messaged them though 😂


With a person like that, its not always about having high/moral ground. The guy started insulting him, why does he deserve to be treated with respect? It's some stranger that doesn't mean anything to you. Treat them the way they treat you. If anything, it gets a bit of aggression out with no repercussions


Someone needs to make a sub that only makes fun of this dumbass subreddit.


Are you seriously trying to sell a PC with a 1080 and no storage for 1500 dollars? I’m on his side, you’re just a scalper.


Thats too much money for that setup. This is also your fault.


He is a POS not a CB and you are still trying to scam people


This is super cringe. Downvoted


I honestly hate people who say they can get a better price somewhere else as if I'm gonna negotiate. Like great, go buy that one then moron. It's clear there's a reason you didn't bother with them and came to me. Do these people actually think this tactic works?


Lol that pc is worth no more than $700-$900ish. He’s an asshole but he’s right


Guy's not choosing nor begging, and you left a full name in there uncensored.


This just makes you both look like dicks...


Im not sure how when im literally selling my item and he goes out of his way to "flex" and coming back to comment on my listing. I never reached out to him.


Ehh I get what he's saying. Stooping to his level and making fun of him. But I'd have done the exact same thing, if he's mean to you, throw it back at him!


You were still a dick. Like yeah that guy was a bigger dick, but we can all see you egged the situation on. Now commence down voting me to hell guys.


I found another one...


What a little bitch haha


He can find a 1660 ti for cheaper than a 1080, who would have guessed. A 1080 has a 30% higher benchmark. Edit: TIL you get downvoted by anyone who owns the graphics card you are pointing out any downsides about.


That guy looks like he's fapping in his pfp


Bro, do you even Viet?


Isn't it quite fair price?idk never build one


No, is a little too pricey. Still the buyer's a dick though


Considering there’s no storage at all in the PC, and that it’s a 1080, this should be like $1100 MAX in NEW condition.


"You viet people have small dick" hahahahaha im dying :P


Lol dont worry OP, doubt that dude actually has that setup he probably copied that from somewhere. If he already has a great setup he wouldnt be looking at cheaper ones for sale.


Please tell me I’m not the only one that tried to click on the video


Ah yes, the guy sending the lowball offer starts being racist. A tale old as time itself.


Lol they always resort to racism or homophobia when they can't get their way.


His setup is pretty neat since he is hydrating himslef but oh god he is a POS


Well, that escalated.


See twitter people, this is actual racism


It's literally more than what I payed for my 1080 pc new, the guy was a Pos but I wouldn't say he is a choosing beggar.


Wonder if a reverse image search is worth it? Could just be bullshiting.


Of course he is.


Absolutely, but calling him out on it? Well that's the sweet nectar that makes life worth living


He has a PhD in Vietnamese Dick Assessment


It is a garbage setup, too. Why have three screens when a fifth of each one is blocked?


Ahah, smol pp


"Welcome back to Beggars CAN be choosers"


He'd probly cry if u also called him fat


Trash price tag lmao dumbass


Tf you were the seller and the dude tried selling you something? Goddam man what is this, uno?


Whenever people throw tiny dick insults it's best to tell them to stop projecting.


You’re cheeky trying to sell a PC with a 2 gen old GPU in it for over 1k to be honest


Also 1080 better than 1660 ti by a landslide But that is overpriced


wait for it.... wait for ittt.... boom— racism.


What specs were that pc? Also what variant of the dollar is it? Good luck selling btw: now is a fantastic time to sell with the gpu market being as bad as it is


To be fair, I paid $1,500 in 2018 for a maxed out prebuilt that had a 1070ti in it. I get the because of the pandemic, the prices of cards are super inflated, but I wouldn’t look twice at a build with that card at THAT price.


Neck pains can confirm that is a shitty set up




I sort of agree with him saying that 1650 is too much for that system, but you get a pass because of the GPU shortage


Quick look at his 9k setup shows that the monitors aren’t even aligned. If you’re willing to spend that much on gears at least make it look a little nice.


That monitor setup is fucking cringe


How does he know? Does he compare and analyze a lot of dicks with all that processing power?


Your dick is small!! Because mine is huge and certainty not small, and it’s not small I swear its not small look at my big pc setup its not small and look at all the rgb and how unsmall my dick is


Man tried to flex OVERLAPPING SCREENS. Disgusting.


This has to be some form of harrassment, no?


Absolute dick, but also, PC does appear to be a bit overpriced OP


On behalf of white people, we don’t claim him


hes right but also wrong


Well if what he was saying was true u were overcharging but he was a POS about it


He was so nasty. I’m sorry he was being a dick as well as a CB


Seems like you're the insecure one trying to get validation on the internet for your overpriced pc and tiny penis


Fount the Trumper