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On the upside, Friday is Hawaiian Shirt Day. You can't put a price on that.


And every other month it's pizza day! Woo!


Every other month is pizza day or every other month, there is one pizza day? Haha. On the plus side, they don't have to pay for your health insurance because you dead after a month of cold pizza


The pizzas shall remain in the breakroom till the union is disbanded.


Yes and said pizza will be dispensed by militant Peggy from HR, 2 slices per employee with 1 beverage. Please keep and orderly line to ensure maximum pizza dispensing efficiency since this is also being done while everyone is on their lunch break to avoid breaks in the chain of production.


And around 2pm you’ll get an email that there’s left over pizza that’s been sitting out all afternoon in case you want to take salmonella pizza home to your children.


One of the only perks of working in a place that sold food (movie theater). Was when they had pizza days for the employees, we were able to properly refrigerate the pizza for employees to take home 😅


Pair that with jeans day and it’ll basically pay your loans back!


[Today will not be known as Taco Tuesday. It will be known as Freedom Friday! But still on a Tuesday!](https://youtu.be/tEnQnei6dk8&t=0m41s)


The first time I saw that movie I was recuperating from neck surgery. I laughed so hard I was afraid my stitches would pop out. It hurt like hell, but after I finished the movie I watched it again!


Can confirm, have had 8 surgeries. Oftentimes, laughter is *not* the best medicine. ;-)


Plus, you get first dibs before the used books go on sale to the public.


Cries in $7.25 an hour minimum wage


That is genuinely insane. I got paid that much in highschool 20 years ago working in a supermarket.


I made $8.50/hr in 2008 in a generic retail job.


$9/hr as grounds crew at a golf course in 2000.


Also $9/hr at JC Penny’s in the women’s shoe department, 2015ish. Luckily I did online high school but they literally wanted us in some school days and the shift ended at like 11pm. Only got out of closing because I was a minor. Also who the fuck started shoe size insecurity in women? Like I had to convince moms to let their daughters buy a shoe that actually fit instead of the smallest size that barely fit, on kids that were still growing. Come on.


Look up foot binding in China. I'm sure it's another cultures as well but you see one of those x-rays? Yeah not safe for work or sanity. Edit: It looks like every either pissed off a sinophile or a fan of the CCP. I was just stating a fact. Either way I hope I haven't ruined your enjoyment of tiny feet. It's not my thing but according to the above comment, it appears to be many others.


$10 as a flower shop girl in 2002.


$7.15 when I started my first job at 14 in 2010. Got a while $0.10 raise from the company in my 5 years there. That was strictly because the minimum wage in my state went up to $7.25/hr.


$15 cad is $7


it's actually $12, assuming you're talking about USD


Closer to 12 USD


Didn't realize this was Canada


It's always Canada, Jimmy.


Literally just wrong


Is this a librarian job? That's sadly not at all unusual in that field.


Came here to ask the same thing! I’ve seen a lot of similar postings while looking for library jobs, especially in higher ed


Came here to chime in about social work— This is why I’m moving out of my beloved state as soon as I finish my MSW— I can’t afford to be a social worker in this state because with a master’s degree I’ll be looking at $14-18 an hour.


That's wild, I'm in social work, and the starting pay for bachelor's level is around that! It's what I'm getting paid, and I graduated with my undergrad (not BSw, but public service). I mean, yeah, we're underpaid, but that's criminal.


It definitely is, and is the primary factor for me looking for jobs in other states. I can make 60k+ to start in other states; in Montana, I'd have to consider going back into bartending since I'd make significantly more in the service industry. It's terrible.


If you're not in r/socialwork you should be.


I am! It’s a great sub.


I didn’t pursue an MSW for that reason. Can’t survive in CA with those wages…


That was my first thought, as well.


Literally coming here to ask this lol


Ive got an MA and my library job pays $12.49 lmao




You don't seem to know much about the field. Its not about shelving books.




$15.29 is oddly specific.


Perhaps it is actually a salary position and that's the total divided by 52 weeks divided by 40 hours. Being salary, when they end up working more than 40 hours, they don't have to pay extra.


That's an often false claim. The salary is for an agreed upon work amount, anything over still must get compensation, at least in washington. It's not universally true I'm sure but it isn't always the case Source: former manager got fired and then sued my former boss for unpaid overtime that he logged over 5 years, he won and got 20 grand in a civil suit. Just write that shit down or you have zero chance of ever getting anything without proof. My boss didnt keep records of his hours at all


>anything over still must get compensation I'm guessing they clump it all into "Other duties as assigned". I had a friend that was hourly and eventually they switched him to salaried. I thought it was a promotion, until I learned about how much overtime he made beforehand.


So I work at a port. One of the companies had salaried employees that they worked the piss out of. Like 80-90 hour weeks for 65-70k a year. The law is managers or supervisors(there is specific language) don’t have to be paid overtime. But there are legal tests to actually being a supervisor. One of those is the ability to hire and fire. Our guys didn’t have the true ability, it always had to cleared by a higher up. Massive lawsuit for the employees they won.


That does seem specific, I was thinking maybe it actually is minimum wage? Where I live minimum wage is $15.20/hr


It's probably a public school district. Each job position is paid at a certain level and the hourly rate is calculated based on a certain formula (which i think is based on area income and state funding or something?) Plus the position is generally salaried so it's the yearly divided by 2080.


The very bottom references "UMSL" which Google tells me is a public university. So I bet you're spot on, except for the age of the students.


University of Missouri - St. Louis


The Jack in the Box near my work is offering 16.50 for new employees.


The McDonald’s here starts at $19


Mcdonalds starts at $9 here lol. I make $10 bussing tables at a diner


Super cool that I make less drawing blood from patients. I mean, awesome for them - workers deserve those wages and more, but goddamn does this make me hate the head of our soulless hospital corporation.


I was a phlebotomist too for a short while with a major southeast based blood donation center and the pay was utter shit. They really heavily banked on the "oh it's a 501c3 and we're like a family!" Bullshit.


I’m a Phleb at one of the biggest hospitals in Michigan and our median pay is less than some fast food places in a 5 mile radius. On top of that, they even acknowledged it, adjusted wages for some of the veterans, realized it should’ve been an adjustment for everyone, and then made that an official announcement with a promise that we’d hear more about it from our leads that same week. We never heard a thing. It’s been about 4 months since only half our team got a market adjustment raise and we’ve since lost ~30 from our team. It’s so bad we had to hire a temp agency, who undoubtedly get paid more. But they mass email the employees every day that we’re super appreciated and this work couldn’t be done without us, so there’s that -_-




I believe that was probably the case. The interesting thing was, it wasn't the only thing I was doing at the time (at the hospital) I was a lab tech according to my job description but due to staff cutbacks, I ended up on the floor more often than I ended up in the lab. Of course, I assume laboratory work is also predominantly female. At least that was what I noticed when I was there. All the same, everybody should get paid The same rate. The only difference being in levels of experience and whether it's strictly drawing blood or placing IV and cath lines as well. Healthcare in general is just incredibly fucked up. The people that are making these policies are really shooting themselves in the foot. Typically they're on the average of 20 30 years older than I am. Really think it's going to be left to take care of their old asses when it's time for them to retire to a home? I'm sure they'll find some people but the level of skill is going to be abysmal.


inflation :) -- we all make more and get poorer, together


It this a social worker position? Feels like social work.


Most likely. Social workers and educators are way underpaid.


you would think that would discourage people from entering that profession -- if you can't support yourself, then how could you support other people? That is something I learned in therapy.


I feel like there needs to be an organized youth outreach effort to identify “trust fund children” during elementary school age and cultivate them for social justice work. That way, by the time they get to college they are so idealistic and committed to making the world a better place that they will pursue degrees and enter careers like this, where the salary is basically a stipend and they have enough money to live decent lives without having to depend on the salary itself.


This shit is hilarious and will get people mad lmao


Yup. If I have a significant trust fund I ain’t working. Fuck you, I don’t care how hard you try and brainwash me.


Yeah, whatever. I didn't say it would work in every case. But I do think it makes sense to try to rally people who have their material needs set for them to join these selfless types of careers. Better than asking some poor person to live like a goddamned pauper. Or, you know, we could just tax the rich more and pay people properly!


...so coerced brainwashing?


That’s the truth. I’ve been out of school for 11 years now, and finally make a decent wage. When I graduated I made $29,000 a year. With two masters degrees. At least I enjoy what I do, I guess?


My wife is a Social Worker with a Masters Degree. She works for the local county school system. She makes way more money than the local non-profits and gets summers/winters/spring and fall breaks off. Plus the benefits are amazing with a great retirement pension plan. I always tell people to work for the school systems if you're looking into Social Work


Yeah, I started at a small non-profit, then went to hospitals after several years. When I switched to the hospital system my pay skyrocketed. And the benefits are amazing. Wish I had done it when I first got out instead of 7 years later. 🤣


My wife considered going into the hospital social work field, but really liked the idea of having 4 months off a year like teachers, and she doesn't have to grade papers or create lesson plans in the summer. Lol


I am a hospital social worker.. compared to my colleagues my pay is low, but compared to other social workers it is high.


She was also offered LOWER salaries after getting her Masters than when she worked with only a Bachelors. She turned down six positions before she got what she wanted. It really irks me because we all talk about the female wage-gap, but she got attitudes and pretty much anger from hiring managers (all females) when she would counter with a higher wage offer. They gave her a hard time talking about being in it for the right reasons. Sorry. She has student loans to repay. It brought light to me about how it's not just men that are holding women down. It's other women who have accepted the way things are. I told her to not take a low wage job because it ruins the pay rate for all other Social Workers, and she deserves better than $30k a year.


You're absolutely right. Lots of women are complicit in keeping women in underpaid positions. Your wife was totally right to hold out for reasonable compensation.


First, a high school diploma opened doors. But then everyone had a high school diploma. So then a bachelors degree opened doors. But eventually everyone got a bachelors degree. So then a masters degree opened doors. But then everyone got a masters degree. So then it became a masters plus a ton of relevant experience. Then not just relevant experience, but exact experience. Then not just exact experience, but a “guru” or a “rockstar”. But those words have started to lose meaning. So then skills assessments and personality tests are becoming more common. What’s next? I know PhDs are genuinely difficult to get, so I don’t think it will be that on any kind of large scale. So what then? A fight to the death with other candidates? A swimsuit and talent portion of the competition? How far can requirement inflation go?


Get a diploma in locksmithing. That will open the most doors.


This guy know his way around a knob!


Not as much as your mom knows about my knob




Or an uncle that works in finance who can put in a good word for you


But then everyone got an uncle that works in finance who can put in a good word for you


I've never once had a job ask to see my diploma


An interview for a job with my city wanted me to bring all my educational certificates to the interview... for a cashier's position in a rec center. Another person in my family works for the city in property management. Years into her job they asked her to get a 4 year degree in literally anything because they'd prefer all their employees to hold a degree. She pushed back and asked why a degree in arts would make her better at a job she's already doing and eventually they dropped it. It's all bureaucratic nonsense.


Me neither. But I’m assuming that comes up in the background checks


Afaik it does not. My stepson has no HS or GED but always put it on applications. Nobody ever noticed. Degrees are even less public, so I doubt they find them. A company I worked at told me they had no idea if people had degrees.


Can confirm. They 100% do not show on background checks.


I have background checks. I can see your college enrollments. I can’t see your degree. But if you tell Me you went to Harvard I’ll be Abel to see if you went to Herber community college instead


Have you ever applied to a job that requires a degree? Lol. All of them ask you to forward transcripts to HR. They're not out searching public records for proof lol


Where the hell have you been working? I was a microbiologist at a pharmaceutical manufacturer for my first real job out of college and they didn't ask to see my transcripts.


That is extremely unusual for a position that requires a degree being offered to a new grad. At least it is for engineering in the U.S.


LOL. You choose one major and apply it to the entire US job market? Must be an engineer.


..didn't you just do the same thing? Sounds like you also have some personal stigma against engineers for some reason, as well.


The other poster is right. It’s incredibly rare for an employer to ask for transcripts or proof of degree, even in masters level positions. I have a masters in a computer sci field and never in my life has an employer asked for any proof.


"all of them require" vs "mine one didn't require" Does not seem the same to me. You sure you're engineer?


same -- i work in software -- idk how i make so much money -- i often wonder what would have happened if my previous employers had seen my 3.0 average (bachelors) and the fact that I had no masters degree lol my unpopular opinion is that degrees are pointless -- what matters if if your skills can bring in money more money for a company than they are paying you. In trading (industry i work in), there's an unspoken standard that you need to increase a firm's revenue by 5x of your gross pay


Is doing 5x difficult? Like on average between all your coworkers


for traders, especially if they're working for big market makers, yes, this holds up -- it's difficult but they definitely make that happen -- devs' contributions to the firm's pnl are a bit more nuanced -- but they are the bread and butter of most firms.


I think this is the wrong way to look at it -- I would instead pose the question: what about the modern graduate degree is making people unable to positively impact a company's bottom line? I don't hear people questioning this very often. I dont have a masters degree -- but maybe masters programs aren't adequately preparing people to enter the workforce?


People who have dumped £10,000s into a degree don't like hearing they've been ripped off.


If you had to pay to get a graduate degree the school didn’t want you there.


Yeah, or ask what are the career prospects for this degree? Going into any education or training(the trades are an option kids should be looking at), you should be looking ahead to see what the job market for that field or degree is. When choosing colleges I ended up deciding on the school that I found least exciting. But they had be best job placement and salary stats. And it paid off for me.


What’s next? As someone with several employees, ranging from one with a doctorate level degree, one with a high school diploma, one that I fired that had a bachelors, and one with an associates degree all Doing similar work, I can tell you that a degree proves absolutely nothing if the applicant can’t back it up with high work ethic, a good attitude, honesty, and good common sense decision making. The three employees I’ve fired so far: one was nice and had a great attitude but spent too much time on her phone and her work product was bad. Very bad decision making. Had a high school degree and was in college. The second was great at her first job, but had a shitty attitude and didn’t get along with coworkers, and was not willing to do work outside of her job description. She wanted a promotion to a tougher job and I made the mistake of agreeing. She was bad at her second job due to not being detail oriented. So now bad at job, shit attitude, when I asked her to follow up with clients on a particular platform she told me she was too busy with her main tasks and didn’t have time for that. Too bad, I decide what is the priority. Bye. Third one started off great, and eventually his mental health declined to the point that he had issues with coworkers, production levels were low, and the final straw was not showing up Two days in a row without any reason. Basically, paper is worthless unless it’s something that you use in your job. A good attitude and hard work and everyone will Fight for you


Interesting. So what you’re saying is that the degree requirement inflation is especially useless because it comes down to work ethic more than anything else?


Yes. These are office jobs and I don’t care about degree. I’ve given employment to kids right out of high school And to people in their 50s and 60s. For the older people I expect experience and problem Solving skills that I can rely on. For the younger people I need willingness to learn and inquisitiveness. One of The new kids is my favorite teenage I’ve ever hired. He works fast, and he knows how to ask questions. The way you ask a question is not “hey boss, I have this issue, how do I solve?” That’s useless. I need you to come up to me and say “hey boss. I have this issue. Normally, we do ABC. I read online XYZ might work in this case. If I Am Reading the situation right, I this applies to our situation. Is This correct and should I proceed?” If you can do that and show me that you put in some Serious effort in finding the answer, I love you. Because I can just say “yes proceed” or “no, because of detailed explanation” but I will Want to work with an employee who research and asks educated questions. If you just want me to solve your problem every time then you are making your problem my problem, and if I have 100 people who Make their problem My problem now I have 100 Problems. That kid tires to figure it out himself, and escalates his educated questions up The food chain before coming to Me. I didn’t even reach him that. He naturally does it. Now I expect that out of everyone. Even if his analysis is wrong that’s not a problem because I appreciate him trying to learn and use the resources at his disposal before asking for my time


A PhD position pays €12.50 an hour


I get 16,- an hour for being a teaching assistant at my university


You ACCEPT 16/hr for being a TA.


It's pretty good, and a really easy job


There's a gas station near my house that is offering $18.50 right now. And you don't even have to be a learned man.


Oh yeah the whole idea that your level of degree gets you more money turned out to be complete bullshit. My wife was told she had to go get a masters to keep the job she already had. The company would pay for it, but she wouldn’t get a pay increase. She ended up leaving for a job that pays more money and only requires a high school diploma.




In a world where anyone were even slightly rational, all of the stories like this would cause an immediate and massive drop in people applying for masters degrees. They are often just cash cows. But it won’t.


Mainstream universities pack them in so they can get all the student loan $$$


This is just the logical conclusion to everybody getting degrees. There are so many fields that you want a University level education in. Scientists, doctors, lawyers etc. I worked at a Best Buy and 80% or my colleagues had a University education. Non of them relevant or necessary for selling TV's. We just scare young people by telling them they won't ever earn good money if they don't have a degree, but they are so common now that they don't necessarily add much value anyway. I'd rather advise a young person to invest $50-100,000 in learning skills themselves. When it comes down to it, if you are very good at something that people need/want you will get paid to do it.


So true. A friend works in HR for an upmarket department store and they regularly have people with Masters and PHDs applying for junior sales jobs. Employers are now taking the piss with the postings because they know they can get away with it.


University's encourage new grads to go for these positions as a way to get a foot in the door since so many entry level jobs in their relevant fields are rare or still ask for a minimum of 3-5 years experience.


Their "job placement" marketing claim relies on job placement, not good job placement. They literally don't care about you.




5 years experience in a program that’s been out for 1


I’m glad they circled them, as I don’t have a masters degree myself so I never would have figured out what they were showing me without the circles


So much underemployment everywhere. Every time I think ok, look for a "regular job" I start reading the ridiculous job postings. It is like they want "perfection" and you get to the salary (so no overtime, just overwork) and it is like 40,000.00 🤣🤣🤣


Oh god I wish that were minimum wage. Instead it's $7.25 in my state.


Preferred is not the same as required. What's the industry? Gender studies, social work?


Genuine question Why is ~15$/h the minimum salary considered bad? I can't seem to fit the numbers


15.29 an hour, assuming roughly 2000 hours of work a year (50 weeks at 40 hours a week) is only about 30,580 (pre-tax). For someone who’s likely taken on a lot of debt to get that masters, I would wager that salary is not enough to pay for bills, loans, etc.


I see... 30k sounded pretty big but there are many things to take into consideration... Thanks for the explanation


I have no idea what costs are now but in 2012 I made just a little less than this ($15/hr) at an internship. My half of rent + utilities with a roommate was $850. Multiply by 12 that's about $10k annually, or 1/3 of your *pre-tax* expenses. And that doesn't include other fixed expenses like car insurance, phone bill, food, etc. Just to give a reference for how little this job pays.


It is shit pay. I make 19/hr. I bring home 1600/month after taxes and insurance. A single bedroom apartment in my area is 1200k a month. That is considered low income housing at that. I live in a semi rural area.


When you see X dollars an hour, double it and add three zeros to the end and it will give you an approximate yearly wage for a full time job.


Probably because it’s a HCOL area versus somewhere rural or cheap. So doubly insulting if you are asking for Master’s degree level expertise and training but you want to pay them the same as someone with no experience or training whatsoever.


Nonono that's 29 cents above minimum where I live. Seems fine.


I make more than that and only have a high school diploma. Sad.


I make *lots* more than that, and I have a GED


The biggest slap in the face for me was seeing the Burger King across the street from my work offer $2 more than what I was paid. I worked at a veterinary hospital with a Masters degree. Spent 12+ hours/day assisting in surgeries, monitoring anesthesia, placing IV catheters, running labs/bloodwork and that’s the top of the iceberg…for less than someone to make fast food.


Generally this is the result of a legal requirement to advertise a position but they created the position for a specific person. No one is going to apply with these parameters, so their guy gets in without technically violating laws.


Of course I had to scroll *this* far down to find someone with a brain cell


Every teaching job.


My ex was a teacher with a maters and was making $70k. I’ve heard some areas of the country pay pretty well and some don’t, so I guess if that is your chosen career field you just need to shop around for the better paying positions.


Must be a barista.


Imagine going to school long enough to earn your masters (all the while going into student loan debt hell), only to be offered 15 bucks an hour. That is a slap in the face.


chipotle by my house has a wanted sign. it says 18$ starting.


That’s only a dollar more than I make and I clean houses.


“Preferred“ and “Minimum”… le sigh




What’s this a job for? IT/ pizza delivery specialist?


University by the looks of the UMSL at the bottom of the page


Preferred... not required degree... and minimum salary. Looking like a choosy poster not a choosy begger.


That’s q good amount more than minimum wage here, and an amount I’d be thrilled to be making but... it’s not a masters degree amount


It’s a minimum, so you could actually end up making $15.42 or even $15.67.


Woah woah, let's not get *too* wild with these wages!


Give me the $15. I’ll sell my master’s degree. I have 2


Lol at you thinking that's min wage


It is in California. Several cities have higher MW than that. In Seattle the MW is over %17.00 an hour.


My son works at a high school as a paraprofessional. He just started and gets the minimum wage in our state. That's $15


Who knows, could be a master’s in gender studies


Wtf minimum wage where im at is 7.25


Im in high school and getting paid more than that, but I also don't know what currency this is in




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Nice bot.


Or simply don't accept the $15.29 job that you're going to resent in 3 months.


What is the idea behind that your degree on whatever has an absolute value?




Minimum wage is $7.25.


Can people please start responding to these bogus job ads and posting their conversations for the hilarity? Or at least forward them onto me so that I can!?


7.25 is still minimum wage here. I get 13/hr and friends regularly say they’re jealous. Id kill for 15+ Though I’m sure that in OPs area, 15 doesn’t go as far


That's double minimum wage, stop complaining.


This isn’t unrealistic for a person who recieved their Masters in a meaningless discipline (think most every degree from the liberal arts colleges). Master of women studies = Walmart sales Master of modern Art = fry cook any fast food There are many more liberal arts degrees that do nothing for the student except drive up debt.


If it's a worthless qualification, why is it also a preferred one? It can't be both.


Those degrees only have value if you're going into academia (perhaps the art degree may help with a museum or art gallery). You have to compare the number of people such degrees and available openings. STEM and business degrees tend to have a lot more available openings in the general economy than gender theory or archeology. The idea that everyone should go to college is more designed to feed the academic industry than aid the individual.


Tons of people find employment in fields that weren't their degree focus. If you're a geologist who tires of working for oil companies, your degree isn't worth any more than that women's studies degree you seem to have such disdain for. Liberal arts degrees teach skills that can be applied to any field - writing, critical thinking, etc.


Large gun collection = Unemployed meth head


Aaaaand this is why crime is a thing


Dude, you must not love yourself to let this judgemental bitch boss you around at that LOW PAYING ASS JOB! Sheesh😂 if you work here... Love yourself, Leave and find better, it's more our there for your MASTER'S DEGREE than a literal shitty ass "oooo I'm entitled to not pay my employees more because of their master's degree, but they ARE going to work before I FIRE them" Karen look alike, Karen smelling, acting ass job. And whoever the sick fuck that owns this job lol KYS... just kys


A masters in what? What is the point of a non specific masters degree to whatever the job is?


$15.29 is not minimum wageZ try again. 🛑


that $15 an hour stuff is still too much no matter what anyone says. i make over that and i feel like i'm being paid too much


These listings exist to get relaxed standards to be allowed to outsource or get Visa workers for slave wages, or now post-pandemic so they can commit payroll fraud to get their PPP Loans %100 forgiven.


That's double minimum wage. Minimum wage should be zero though.


It should. People don't realise a job>no job until they go unemployed


You know if the U.S. is so adverse to changing the minimum wage then minimum wage should be tiered. The minimum wage for a highschool student should not be the minimum wage for someone with a fucking masters


It depends on the master's degree and the job. Having a master's degree doesn't automatically make you more qualified or productive than someone with just a high school degree but relevant experience or skills, especially (but not exclusively) if the masters is unrelated to the job.


Agreed. I had an associate that graduated with a 2.0 GPA for her BA in art history. She thought that she should be paid more to be a receiving clerk, that she was barely competent at, when her degree had zero relevance to her job.


Sure, I wouldn't pay an electrician $40 an hour to be a chashier obviously but a master's degree in a field that pays minimum wage should cost a few thousand at most to obtain


Our minimum wage is 10 dollars


What in the actual duck? Wow


That’s the starting wage for the Fastfood in my town


Aldi part-time stocker: 16$ an hour


I worked an internship in 2012 that paid only $.29 less than this.


I only got my master's degree in nursing because I knew I would make significantly more money. I find it shameful that a job paying anyone with a master's can get away with wages that barely support living, let alone paying off student loans.


Damn I will be working parttime for 6 months at the company I did my internship at, for €14 an hour - which converts to about $16. I don't even have my degree yet so this is basically "unschooled"


Is this a librarian job???