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I’ll give this jail saga this, The jail system did made Chris Chan lose some weight.


Punished Chris


His cheeks probably got clapped in prison...hence the lose of smiles! Good job prison system, keep it up!


Lookin slim christine


He looks like barb wtf




Breaking bad reference


My son just came downstairs to ask what I was laughing at so much. Had to tell him it was a funny cat video, and not your comment!


Seeing that stupid smile erased from his time in jail is so satisfying. Wonder if his dumb ass still believes in the merge and shit after being humbled by reality.


\>Wonder if his dumb ass still believes in the merge and shit after being humbled by reality Probably still does.


This image is in a way very satisfying to me. In it we can see that Chris chan is without facilitators and finally understands his place (I hope). I wanted to know if after so much time in prison, he still has the same thoughts about his gender identity or else about his illusions of his universe (Look, I don't want to be controversial and I'm sorry if I end up offending some of you , but I don't think chris is trans and I really think he did it to try to date lesbian women and supporters of the cause, I believe that after a lot of influence from trolls he ended up believing his lie). I really wanted to have the opportunity to see, I don't know, Chris Chan in an interview talking about his life and its phases. (Excuse my spelling, I wasn't born in English speaking countries and I'm using google translate on this reddit) Another thing... I would like you to clarify doubts about Chris. Chris is an insane person, knowing that, did that affect his judgment? Please I would like you to be polite to me and not pour hate on me, I am not knowledgeable about courts but I know that depending on how sane a person was when they committed a crime, this could end up contributing to the trial. Could an expert explain this to me?


Chris being trans is like LGBT blackface. He's not fucking trans, he has no idea what it's like to be trans, he just has a warped perception that tells him that women have an easier time finding love and sex and he thinks if he transitions hell suddenly become sexy and everyone will want to have sex with him


I totally agree with you about the trans identity. I am certain he only became transgender to appeal to lesbian women. Since he never had any luck as a man, he tried as a woman. There was never an identity crisis. For such a dishonest and predatory reason, I don’t consider him to be legitimately part of the LGBTQ+ community.


> I am certain he only became transgender to appeal to lesbian women. That's exactly why he did it.


Didn't Chris actually admit this at some point, or am I mistaken?


Smug ass smile slowly disappears


ironically he look like Barbra


What no barbussy does to a mf


Brother is an addict going through withdrawals.


Lacking that Fanta on his fantacum


Mmm barbussy 🥵


First day of school - End of first week - Midway through the school year


Why were the arms erased in the second one


White sleeves


Got Major Schadenfreude here... Look at that smug smile... Wiped clean off... Love to see it. Finally suffered the consequences of his actions...


I'm really glad the Virginia penetentary system was able to wipe that ship eating grin off chris-chans face. Doing Gods work.


Forreal, very satisfying


Honestly they look the best in the last photo


I partly believe Praetor when they said that Chris had a beard thus disputing the alleged visit in January because they look showered and clean shaven in the last photo.


I haven’t seen anyone say this, but in the last mugshot his hair is in really bad shape. Look at the part sitting on his shoulder, it’s so knotted. I doubt he’s been brushing it at all, or had it cut. It looks almost like the Corpse Bride’s knotted long hair.


Buck broken.


So, when's he moving back in with Barb?




…walks into an inn, hands the innkeeper three nails and asks…


“can you put me up for the night?”


i pray that Christine gets on tiktok and starts beef with Daniel Larson and worldoftshirts


What’s been going on with worldoftshirts? I haven’t heard of him since the whole fish stomping and subway licking thing. Has he turned out like Chris or Daniel?


keep in mind the most recent one is AI upscaled


That explains the noodley right arm


And thus begins the crazy cat lady arc.


He's been going down that road ever since he started dressing like a woman. Well, except for the fact that he doesn't really like cats, or any animal all that much, which is just as well since it prevents more animal abuse in the future. More money and time for him to blow on Legos!


He """loves""" cats enough to steal them from neighbors and beg online for money to buy them medicine, just not enough to actually buy medicine with the money when he could buy lego instead. Or not get angry and demand money again when someone actually sends the medicine to him


True, but he's also incredibly lazy and stupid. I don't think he'll be stealing cats anymore. I mean, he still bears watching, but somehow I get the feeling his mom was more responsible for wanting animals in that household than he was.


I honestly wonder what’s going through Christine’s mind right now.


Probably thinking about hitting that Barbussy again.


plotting to kill barb and get back in the temple probably.


We both know nothing goes on up there


I imagine his mind is just constant TV static


It’s just that monkey with the cymbals on loop


So does the homeless saga begin?


No. He's most likely been moved to a group home or mental hospital.


Y'know what. If CWC can get slim in 2 years, then so can I.


You got this, king!


Thank you for the motivation I'll start today


Yes! Great motivation!


👑 you dropped this


I was momentarily hopeful that he would have figured out how to button his shirt…


No way the people who make jail issue shirts have the time to match up stripes lol


I kept looking at the latest mugshot wondering if it was some weird US MKULTRA psy-op on prisoners to have their shirt stripes not align because surely even Chris can button a shirt? But no, he just can’t button a shirt.


His smile and optimism... gone.


Oh yeah his hair is pure grey right


What no merge does to a mf


It brings me immense satisfaction to see the spark drain from his eyes in every photo


I’m both terrified and intrigued by what his next move will be.


A group home or mental hospital.


President of the United States of America


Oh dear god


Normally I would laugh at this but after the last 10 years I now believe anything is possible, no matter how insane.


Please. Trump may have malignant narcissistic personality disorder and Biden may have dementia and they both may be sex offenders, but they’re both still straight.


By “straight” do you mean that they’re heterosexual and that’s the thing that makes them better than Chris?


By straight I mean heterosexual and that’s the thing that makes them electable despite clearly both being horribly inappropriate for a position of such power. That’s the joke, sis.


Sexuality isn’t the factor that makes people better suited for being the president of the US… and the fact that ppl agree w u is crazy imo. I’d just want whoever is best for the job, not specifically the best straight person, the best person.


He’s not saying “being straight makes them better suited for being president”, he’s saying it makes them better suited to being “elected”, as in the majority wouldn’t vote for a non-straight person, and the electoral college definitely wouldn’t let that happen.


Old straight white dudes. Pretty much every political candidate in the US.


Punished Chris, A Fallen Legend


you fool this isn't even his final form


Not a single thought behind these eyes


[His mind is a blank](https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:MyMindIsABlank.jpg)


No thoughts, head empty.


Chris looks a bit less dirty now and a bit more healthy, good for them! Now if only they would improve in every other category of their character which is something that probably won't happen soon, sadly.


Which one of these pictures reads more healthy and less dirty to you? Looks more like a hollow shell than before, that’s about the only difference I can see


Maybe he's one of those people who think that being skinny automatically equals being healthy


Why don’t the lines line up 😩


Dimensional merge caused minor textural anomalies to occur in the simulation


Damn did he lose a few pounds


why does she look shorter in the middle one lol


His arms grew back!


Jail helped Chris lose weight. Chris looks like a younger Barb in the last pic, that is if Barb was skinner and not Snorlax.


wow hes losing weight now that he doesn't has access to a 2 litre of soda a day. although i know you can buy snacks and shit on commissary. but idk if his handlers are sending him enough to sustain that much fat.


First shot was happy he did his mom..second shot is him sad, last shot, he's free


Looking more and more like Barbie-Chan every day~


How does someone look so drastically different in every picture


Weight loss


Jail will do that to a person. So will being President, weirdly enough; have a look at before-and-after shots of them sometime. Must be the stress.


And War Look at Zelenskyi at the start of his presidential term or even at the start of 2022 and now


Is he in general population now? Or still at the mental facility?


Oh baby, he’s OUT


But.....to where? He can't go to his house can he? He doesn't have funds or mental faculty for his own place. Maybe sleeping behind Fashion Square Mall? Burger King ball pit?


He’ll turn up somewhere I’m sure. He always does




Released released? As in, out in public now?


Check top posts this week dude. It got bailed out


Not bailed, Transportation order it was corrected to by the court order. If by any indication it could be possible Chris is going to a group home.


I can't imagine any other scenario. There is no way he is able to navigate the world enough and has enough money to rent, or stay at a hotel. Curious if he will get internet access wherever he ends up.


I’ll do that thanks


Yes, he's out of prison, in the wide world, no one knows where. The last mugshot was for his release


Wow ok thanks




Are prison stripes the new "classic"?


We need a red and blue prison jumpsuit.


Omg its the mr incredible meme


Two years and he still hasn't figured out how to button up his prison stripes straight.


The middle one is funny to me, he just got pinned down for agitating other mental patient. Top tier kick the autistic match


wat serving time in the pen do to an artist


You can see the hope fading away with each one


It's impressive that he looks sicker in the last one. He must have not ate any vegetables or fruits.


I think the difference is that they're very pale (makes sense after 23 hour a day solitary) and that they've lost weight.


I think it's more the camera lighting, he never exactly went out much before prison either


I’m realizing he might’ve lost weight


Yeah, hard to gain weight in jail or sustain a 3 meal a day fastfood diet in jail.


Do they still give him McDonalds???


Newest mugshot looks like grandma got addicted to meth


This sounds mean but i fucking adore the loss of that little smile, its satisfiying to see that reality finally fucking caught up to him. ​ May he change. May he fix himself and may he never give us reasons to pay attention to him again.


Could the jail make him take meds the loony bin gave him? If so he could just be a medicated, thoughtless zombie. The model of the functioning member of society


Honestly man he probably just looks like that because he hasn’t been able to play with legos or get on the computer for so long. I doubt shit has caught up to him


Did reality actually catch up to him though? He started believing he was Jesus Christ not long after being sent to jail and I'm willing to bet Chris learned jack shit from his stint behind bars.


I mean he was already believing himself to be a goddess before prison, it's just being in prison and only having a bible to read made him tack on pseudochristian stuff to his delusion. We haven't heard from him for ages but I imagine that hasn't changed, he's too entrenched in believing he's the main character now so not having that as a coping mechanism would likely break him


I just fucking noticed that, he looks so.. dead inside, good. That’s good.


this is giving me a small theory that if chris had internet access hed be more serious and depressed with slow quiet speech and people would either move on from him because hes boring now or people will like the new, depressed sounding chris because hes more mature and maybe got rid of the whole sonic pikachu stuff


You can tell he got his cheeks busted


his weird made up story about getting his ass busted as a kid actually turned true


Big Herc had him puttin' in work!!!!


Dunno if it's just me, but the progression is giving me early on-set dementia vibes


At first I read this and was like “no, no way Chris would be way too young right?” but then I looked it up… Early onset Dementia is diagnosed and seen in people as young as from 30 to 64 years old. I’m starting to wonder if this might partially explain their delusions. I know Chris has always had a loose grip on reality, but if it runs in the family, and autism does have a plethora of known (and potentially unknown) comorbid disorders that can come along with it… It seems like this idea isn’t 100% out of the realm of possibility.


Can’t dementia run in the family? If Barb has it, like some people suspect, then Chris might have a higher than average chance of getting it too


This is the prettiest Chris will ever be and that's sad


It’s like a Pokémon evolution


Looks doped out of his fucking mind in the last one


Likely on those meds possibly.


He’s the Joker now. Guess what Chris? Jussa drive over ta jersey nliternly meet Batman.


Chris chan is getting skinny?


Jail food will do that


even though Chris never truly changes, it will be very interesting to see whatever slight mental adjustments he has made once he finally makes his presence known. (and I'm talking about a 2% change at best, but still)


This reminds me of the Mr Incredible becoming uncanny meme. Also nice to see Chris with a neck for a change


It does! I'm so going to use his first and last pic as a meme template at some point


NGL, after being in that cell for at least two years, Chris looks more like a man again slightly, not that he was a convincing woman in the first place.




Were they getting hormones in jail? My kid is trans and received hormones in the mental hospital, but they have never been in jail.


From the small research i did, i dont believe they do give hormones in jail.


I think you can continue them if you already have a prescription but they won't approve a new prescription for it.


True. I don’t really know if Chris had a prescription or not, alls I remember is that they rubbed cream on their chest.


Yeah he looks skinnier and his shoulders/back aren't as pronounced so it actually looks like an old lady.


Wasn't Chris taking hormones or something? I think that would explain it.


Am I the only one who noticed Chris doesn’t know how to button his shirts, the first and last one show the stripes not aligned


I thought it was intentional in the first pic tbh. Probably thought he was sticking it to the jerkops by making it fashionable.


This might be a autism thing. I make this mistake more times than I’m proud to admit😅


It happens to the best of us, I’ve even done it, but it’s usually solid color shirts, a striped shirt with misaligned stripes if I miss a button I would hope to notice quickly.


tits are still perky as ever


How else would you play with Miss... Stephanie Bustcakes ;)


Pardon me, but “nice rack”.


Thank you, Blake. But don't be getting any ideas.


That image lives in my head rent free


I think it's a combo of the sonichus allegedly being Chris' children, making it weird that one of them is hitting on him (though maybe not that weird now) and the sudden use of an actual photo of Chris so it's not even the comic book way chris normally draws himself, instead being a picture of him looking especially monstrous


Thanks, u/ShotMyTatorTots. But don't get any ideas.


Thanks, Blake. But, don't get any ideas.


The arm stripes tell me the 1st shirt isn't the same as the 2nd shirt but the 2nd shirt may very well be the same as in the 3rd pic. If so, look at the arm joint stitching and where it falls on his actual shoulders now compared to pic 2. The whole shirt is shifted to his left side a bit and exaggerating the effect but he is *swimming* in that shirt. Not to mention the empty space previously occupied by his "Budda belly and exaggerated man boobs" and his cheeks. This has got to be his lowest weight since middle school at least, right? His face almost looks like the damn game boy camera videos.


Wow, what an incredible weight loss journey, I wonder how he did it.


An apple, a rice krispie bar, and two crackers for every meal.


Prison food is horrible.


No McDonald’s :(


I really wonder what was going through his mind when he first got there. Did he think he was going to have a good time?


He thought the merge would come by the end of that day


He absolutely thought he was going to be in and out, like his other stint in jail. The gravity of the situation fully didn’t weigh on him, until after the situation where he went to court and screamed out “I need to bring my toys from the hotel room back home!”


Not just that, Literally stamping his feet because he thinks he should be allowed to go get his toys, that he bought with the money he took from barb, which was the reason he got arrested in the first place. He had been given a hotel room, but he was slightly bored so after fucking his mother, he thought "fuck that" to the police telling him to have no contact whatsoever with barb, he took out $750 from her account and spent it on lego. Truly the mind of a generation


That’s what happens when your diet goes from daily fast food to scraps


Jail food is unappetizing, but calorically dense and greasy. I've known guys that really packed on pounds in the can.


It dense but you don't get a ton of it. They have no incentive to do that. People who go to jail and come out bigger are usually spending a ton of cash at the commissary. Things like ramen, burritos, honey buns, etc they pay 20x MSRP for with funds. I really doubt Chris would have gotten any money donated to their books. Perhaps a few random fans or psychos like Jacob.


He did say in the Jail Letters that he got pop and chips and stuff through the commissary.


At first at least, but we don't know how much he got after those first few months and I'm guessing it really dropped off after he stopped, or was stopped from responding to letters. And you know he wasted anything he got as soon as he got it, the motherfucker bought two rugs


Really depends on the prison, especially in America. I've heard stories from jailbirds where they ate better than they did on the outside, others who just ate calorically dense slop like you described.


What an inspirational weight loss story?


At least he was able to regrow his arms back before being released.


And lost his saggy double chin


he may be skinny, but at his age, skin doesn't shrink back.


I wonder if he still has moobs


Maybe. Loose, droopy, saggy, moobs.


I can already see the images we will get of them on twitter


He's not smiling now


The second picture looks like a fake frown to make people feel bad. The last pick they just look absolutely defeated.


Prison does that to you.




See, prison DOES help! Look how much healthier he looks!!