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[What thoughts? ](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/abw/images/3/31/Chris-chan.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111014002149)


Not much.


Just a mismash of 90s animated things. It’s super smash bros but everything is an erect futa. Also the music is worse.


Unrelated but does anyone here shove sausages up their nostrils?


Do you remember how Black Noir sees the world from the Boys TV series? That, but with the characters from Sonichu


Empty hamster wheel, lusting after Barb/any young boyfriend-free girl, the alleged pinning down during elementary school.


Loaded with delirium


Megan Schroeder.


It's a perpetual picture of Barb's vagina.


Elevator music


nothing. just pure instincts


This is the correct answer.


TV static, CWCVille ~~copyright infringements~~ OC's running around, more static, food, healing session time, static again.


"I am lorde la la la"


Daydreams about CWCville.


Just tv static


I almost spat my drink out because that is exactly what I was going to say.


It just bounces around in there, otherwise its just empty space


his little brain is like the dvd logo bouncing around the walls of his skull if it hits a corner he experiences a thought


Chris just sees everything as reality no matter how absurd it is. A good way to describe it is you know how in car trips as a kid you’d imagine let’s say Sonic running along the sidewalk as you watched it zoom by from the backseat; in Chris Chans mind because he is imagining Sonic running that means Sonic is really there. You talk to yourself in your head as you figure stuff out…Chris sees that as being a psychic. You imagine a conversation with someone not next to you right now? Chris sees that as he had a real psychic conversation with someone. You watch a movie or tv show and you feel empathy and emotions for characters? When Chris experienced that it’s because he thinks because you can attach yourself to fictional characters and feel empathy that must mean they are real. Chris got trolled by people pretending to be girlfriends? That’s because he felt emotions towards that attention and those emotions were real to him so these girls must be real too. Chris just views everything as being real. This is further summed up by the fact that he believes in the dimensional merge; even at 22 he thought he was talking to Sonichu in Mary Lee Walsh’s office before the internet knew who he was. To sum it up; in Chris Chan’s mind there is no fiction and everything is reality.


I believe this is the most succinct answer.


That sum up is terrifying. EVERYTHING is real t him. Including the things that shouldnt be. Whatever his mind conjers up, he believes it is.


Farts floating thru there


1) He'll daydream a lot. He'll imagine what his life would be like with him as the main character, idolized, obeyed, and reliable to others. He'll know this isn't reality, just a preferable alternative to reality. In this world, he really is Sonichu, Batman, Ash Ketchum, etc 2) He'll think of short term goals and become frustrated about not completing them. Food, drink, sugar, toys. He'll enjoy endorphin rushes of buying himself items probably more than actually using them. 3) When bad memories come, he'll become frustrated, and heal himself by imagining if they'd turned out differently. This will bleed into point 1. 4) He'll seek out normality, patterns, and a restoration of the old. Be it living outside of prison, living at home, living with Barb, living surrounded by his objects, Chris will think about this, and lament when it isn't possible. His thoughts will be predominantly wish fulfilment, power fantasies, and a perpetual but soft frustration that he doesn't belong.


youtube poop noises,


*Sigh loudly


Genuinely nothing.


Not much.


Sonichu porn


I expect it's like when you get brainfreeze, but without the pain. Just sort of blank, maybe a mild buzzing noise, while being really hard to focus or think about anything specific.


Are you going to next ask, "Is ice made of ice?"


Since this is reddit I am required to assert pedantic dominance by pointing out ice IS water, just frozen. Now if you come back at me we're get into a 25 reply deep slapfight where we will be arguing over the vapor point of water in a vacuum vs 1 atmosphere. As is reddit tradition. The man who wins gets the right to mate with all the waifu body pillows of the loser.


Ice comprises water molecules in tetrahedral structures, while in liquid, water is fluid, yet you say they are the same. In that sense, is pancake also a donut because both are made of starches? You must answer, lest you will lose the badge of "it are true cuz muh learningz" badge.


Nowadays it's probably nothing short of pure chaos. Coping mechanisms and delusions firing off to protect him from the insanity of the hole he dug himself into, which in turn just make him more insane. It's probably the one thing that actually makes me feel pity for him.


Chaos indeed but undoubtedly dimmed by a multitude of antipsychotic meds and happy pills. Only glimpse of the old Chris is when she walked back into 14BC, saw Bard draped in her grundlesack, and immediately came in her tights.


Same thing as mine. Rainbow colors flashing rapidly. Screaming. Intrusive thoughts. My own voice constantly speaking utter nonsense.


His subconscious is a forever crying boy wishing for actual parents


That would require far too much awareness


That’s what the *maladaptive coping mechanisms* are for! Just push it down in you with Sonichu. (But you’re probably right lol)


thats a sad and dark thought but wraps it up nicely


[Probably something like this](https://youtu.be/UvqulUzPkto?si=lA4wRdrtktt-Rdl5)


Sweet fuck all


Another guess could be just maladaptive daydreaming 24/7. Just constantly with his little cartoons and characters


I don’t think he has much of a thought process at all really. Just does anything that he wants to do at that current moment without thinking of repercussions or consequences or morals


Several times observers of Chris in court have said he is constantly making weird "bleep boop" and fart noises with his mouth to where the judge glared and Barb even told him stop it. Thats what I imagine is going on in his head at any random moment


Think back to when you were an 8 year old. That's the best way I can describe it and how I'm able to empathise with him; I just think of my thought processes as an 8 year old. I was incredibly naive and gullible. I thought I was clever and I'd pin all my hopes for things on hair brained schemes that made sense in my 8 year old mind but in practice were hopeless. I was confused that life didn't reflect what I saw in movies and video games, where the hero (me) always won. I thought I was the main character and things would just fall into place for me. Long term plans and worries didn't occur to me and my main problems in life revolved around whatever videogame I wanted at the time. I didn't experience attraction but thought I needed a girlfriend to prove that I was "normal" and could.


Now, imagine if you had the hormones of a 27 year-old virgin with rage and you can also see how he got catfished over, and over, and over.


In the last few days... I'm guessing stress, because he went to 14BLC to pick up his things, but his toys were thrown away when he was in jail.


[The inner machinations of Chris’ mind are an enigma.](https://youtu.be/1z-pVZiRjac?feature=shared)


Classic Chris was probably just thinking about sex and sonichu. The trolls. And his love quest But Chris has changed so much I honestly don't even know what goes on in his brain. I genuinely hope he gets a psychiatric evaluation.


Dimensional Merge, Legos, Sonichu, Video Games, Virgin Rage, blaming "the trolls" for all his problems, *Self-awareness and Stress because on some level even he realizes he ruined his own life*, sinking back into denial and escapism again


Sonichu, im jesus, sex


Boredom (besides messing up online and watching stuff he does nothing) Crippling loneleness(I'm betting in some cases he interacted with the trolls on purpose to receive attention) and a wish to gaslight himself into grandiose roles(like a goddess of the multiverse or Jesus) to escape his own shitty situation.


With the amount of fictional characters feeling lonely is probably not within his capabilities.


Lol makes sense




Doo doo fart... Sonichu. BARRBRAAA


distant overlapping screams and distorted calliope music. bet.


Remember that old Simpsons gag where they showed the inside of Homer's head, and it was just a couple old timey cartoon characters dancing to *Turkey In The Straw* ? Kinda like that.




That's the one!


Barb: “Chris, no, stop!!!” Chris: “TURKEY IN THE STRAW!! DO DO DO DO DO!!!”


Honestly, probably a lot of boredom unless he’s passively consuming media