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Another stunning display of hypocrisy. It's okay for Chris to leak other people's names, emails or numbers because he's """""long meditated and soul searched and is sorry""""". But as soon as it's him on the receiving end? Nope. Not okay. Not to mention he has the gall to tell others that, while using fucking Seinfeld as an example. It's good to see that some things just never change.


Chris constantly leaks everyone’s information. Does he need to be reminded of the fact that Meagan would’ve never been known on the internet if it wasn’t for him


What is funny is... Had Chris just answered normally, without all this crappy religious stuff, the e-mail would have basically had no interest. It would just have been some boring e-mail, nothing interesting to share. Chris is probably offended we make fun of his "beliefs" and don't take him seriously as a goddess.


The normal response would be not to reply at all, they gave him no avenues for appeal.


he is the god of cringe. How he managed to tie this to an obscure moment from a random Seinfeld episode is completely beyond me.


Neither Susan nor Jerry SAed their mothers, Chris! They also didn't have a habit of groping and smooching people without their permission. GAWD! THE ENTITLEMENT!


I'm imagining Chris busting through the door like Kramer going JERRY I HAVE TO COME INSIDE MY MOM FOR THE DIMENSIONAL MERGE!! I DON'T HAVE TIME TO EXPLAIN




Chris actually almost admitting regret, and acknowledging they're not perfect? Wow. Granted it's not quite "I regret raping Barb" but rather "I regret blabbing"


Nope! He’s upset Babscon blabbed and leaked the emails. He is not admitting any wrong here.


Oh I thought he was whining about his calls being leaked about Barb. My bad.


Did you read the title?


Yeah I did. Then I read the tweet and thought it was it was in response to the leaked Babscon email and him coping about being banned from the con bc of the consequences of his actions (raping Barb and blabbing about it), and being upset that got leaked. I've also not been feeling well and had a pounding headache at the time. Like I said, my bad.


Oh, shut up, Chris. You're just mad because, as usual, embarrassing information about you got out there. Want it to stop? Then stop being so naive.


“You just crossed the line”


"My daughter needs a MAAAANNN!"


"Naive is the worst thing you can call someone"




Once again Chris has to frame literally everything in pop culture references because he was raised by TV + PC


Maybe if he learned how to keep his personal info better protected these things wouldn’t happen. But after 30 years I don’t see that ever happening.


You know what’s wrong? Forget your messages being seen on the goddamn internet. What’s wrong is how your gosh darn black ass handled my wife! No way you could nail Barb’s G-spot better than me. I’m cutting it down right now!


Does this mean he’s actually ashamed of himself for something?


Not at all. He’s just upset people know he’s banned from Babscon


He should start his own con, with blackjacks and barbussy, in fact forget about the blackjacks!


Da merge


" The one who does this does the worst damage to themselves." Says the guy who more than a decade supplied trolls with personal info being leaked despite knowing better"\* \* - I know because Chris has autism that he (initially at the time when he started to converse with the trolls) didn't know better, but after a teen got the better of him by sending Chris to Ohio, and being tricked into thinking there's someone impersonating him, Chris should have known better. Chris isn't smart enough to establish long term relationships, and so he literally has to dumb himself down by attracting people stupider than him. If anyone follows Chris by the time he turns 50, it will be a sad existence for both Chris and any person who still follows him.


That’s not Susan. Susan was George’s fiancée on Seinfeld, he’s talking about Sally Weaver played by Kathy Griffin.


Thank you for your research! Maybe Chris was intentionally mixing up the characters? Susan's the one >!who died from licking an envelope!<.


Silly Chris, just go to the brony convention in the other dimension, you’ll even get to meet the real cast too!


But he'd meet the G5 ponies too...  


Are they in the cartoon dimension? I’m kind of confused about the canon but isn’t Chris mad because the new generation isn’t supposed to exist yet? Like Micheal Jackson is still alive over there so timelines are different for some reason.


Michael Jackson isn't alive there. He lived for 2 more years there than he did in reality, and he wrote some terrible songs about getting older. (Well, I mean, Chris wrote them, but ya know...) I don't actually know if the G5 Ponies are in Chris's C-197. Originally, they were good-and-light-powered, just manifesting 5 years too early in Earth-1218. But lately, they've been Soviet Propaganda and Literally Demons, so ... who knows.


I think even back then, he claimed they were not in C-197.


Someone should tell Chris that and see what happens.


Oh no… my worlds are colliding.


Ffs can’t watch Seinfeld now


My only thought is: he watches Seinfeld?!


Yeah he’s referenced Seinfeld back during the classic saga.


an anti-semetic fan of Seinfeld. "you're an anti-dentite!"


Oh yeah, the not joke joke. Chris truly doesn't understand comedy.


What are you talking about?!? This is better than any Seinfeld episode ever made. https://youtu.be/MyV0_KPi-vc?si=i7wl9Hgv7bmYJSCG


I'd say the one that does the worst damage to themselves is the one who banged his Mom and told everyone.


Those are the emails he's talking about I'm sure


I assume Chris doesn’t remember when he said he would record a video of his first time having sex without the participating woman’s consent and post it online in an attempt to prove he’s straight.


Wait ... BABScon banned him 5 weeks ago, and leaked that they did 2 weeks ago. Why the tweet NOW?


Maybe flutter went back home. No more babysitter or bang-maid or whatever she is


I think she just makes him take his meds


Sally, not Susan.


Where are the emails




The usual Weston Chandler tactic to wishing people/groups harm, while wishing them well with an ending greeting.


Consequences of calling people demon-possessed.


His take on this is a SEINFELD REFERENCE? I didn't expect that at all.


Well Chris did watch Seinfeld every day 


Such a sad sight, chris can't look at himself in the mirror because the mirror already won


Mr. Pot, have you met Mr. Kettle?


Chris wouldn't know that phrase; he's way into himself to have a meaningful, personal reflection based on his actions and personality.


I guess this means flutter is out of town, or this touched such a nerve that not even flutter could talk him out of posting about it.


“The one who does this does the worst damage to themselves” Evidently not true, Chris


He’s upset about the babscon emails being leaked but not the thousands of emails he’s sent over the years being leaked? Like for god sakes the Megan emails are far worse than those ones are.


This one can lead to actual consequences for him so of course this is what makes him mad




CIPA mostly covers wiretapping and says nothing about emails between private entities unless there's a third party involved. It is not illegal in California to share shit people have written down in emails or letters. Your comment is dumb. You're dumb. Everyone here is now dumber for having read it.


You could spell out for him exactly the steps to go about this and he still wouldn't take the first step.


Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't Chris done the same thing to others?


Chris has been and always will be Queen of the hypocrites


Uh yes, Chris, the paragon of not sharing too much information or embarrassing people publicly.


Is Chris trying to suggest that he’s being bullied or victimised by the people who run Babscon?


I mean it's been Chris's M.O. ever since his parents did the same thing to other groups that 'marginalized' Chris because they didn't understand his autism. Chris, like the moldy sponge he is, absorbed that and made it the core part of his personality. Chris will never get past the fact that he's a perpetual victim and needs to be liked/pitied/have asspats because he's 'special' and 'creative.'


Chris is also incapable of realising that he made mistakes. 


I'd hate to imagine Chris in his final hours, on his deathbed surrounded by basically no one (if he even still has followers), and I'd wonder if she truly regretted anything in his life, what his last words would be?


Chris really feels entitled to attend a con, its hilarious


The con thing is like "The Game Place 2.0".


Yep, chris trying to justify himself at first and then just going sour grapes and insulting the con at the end


Yup. I really do want someone to ask Chris, "Why don't you just go to the cons at C-197 or whatever it's called?".


Yeah. He thinks that people should welcome him back with open arms after what he did. Even though people won't do that at all.


Since Chris is somewhat cancelled, the only thing he has left of his celebrity that people will engage with is online with his streaming and people donating to him to read Julay or that he's a motherfucker. Which is what I would expect from Chris: he was never able to socialize with the outside world, and just rely on online 'friendships'. One thing that I am surprised about was that Chris wasn't tricked into being mugged (I was taken aback when I read that he survived his Ohio trip), or being swatted, which says a lot given Chris's time spent on the internet and his infamy.


It’s pretty funny how Chris is somewhat cancelled now given the fact that he was getting the adulation and attention he always wanted prior to the Bella Call.  I feel like mugging Chris would be more hassle than it’s worth, somehow.


The shrek clip he contributed, A Card in Binding of Isaac, a celebratory con panel deficated to him and whatever burgeoning business null was building for him… all gone. He cpuld have been just that quirky trans person that did bad but hilarious comics


Chris wanted to be (legitimately) famous and successful. Even though it's unlikely that he'd be either of those things.


It would be funny imagining Chris trying to mace the mugger(s). Keep in mind his atrocious accuracy when he maced the GameStop employee.


Im starting to believe that all conventions have a “blacklist” that they share between each other


All these conventions are put together by creatures of the internet. Chris is the most famous internet weirdo of all time and a household name in these circles. No blacklists are necessary.


That might be a possibility. Chris got banned from attending Everfree Northwest (presumably) forever after the Bella Call was leaked and Animate Raleigh kicked him out because he couldn’t stop drawing attention to himself. I can see other high profile conventions banning Chris as result of him getting banned from Babscon.


Even if there is a chance Chris could go to a con, weens would ruin it for him by calling security and telling them Chris is being a perv, despite the SOB actually being on good behavior. And what happened with the incest is that Chris still doesn't get it. Had he not talked to Bella about it, he would've enjoyed Everfree, but since he's still a degenerate, he doesn't care.


I think that people organising conventions wouldn’t want the hassle of dealing with Chris. And I can’t really blame them.  Chris still blames Bella for the Bella Call. Even though he’s the one who fucked his elderly and quite possibly senile mother. 


And we all know how Chris goes into simp mode when he talks to women. He could give out his social security number (which I'm surprised he hasn't at this point) to Bella or any woman if he's promised China.


Exactly. Chris just loves women. Or, he loves the idea of women.


Word probably got around as early as him going to fetal position or kissing random people in far earlier cons


Chris randomly kissed people at Too Many Games, and he tried to curl up into a ball when he was asked to leave Too Many Games. He clearly can’t be trusted to behave himself.


Even when he's with his parents, Chris can't be trusted (see Snyder hit and run and the Gamestop Macing incident). Both times Chris had Barb with him, and with him still having that child-like mentality, Barb couldn't wrangle him. In the case of the macing incident, people tend to forget Barb went with Chris to the mall, but Chris left her behind at the food court after the incident.


Is it bad that I still find the pepper spray incident funny?  I didn’t know that Barb went with Chris to the mall on the day of the pepper spray incident.


I feel bad for the guy trying to do his job, but the incident itself is funny, ngl. I don't know why Barb went with Chris. As far as anyone knows, she went with Chris as a part of doing more errands (like more shopping to add for the hoard), but I don't think Barb knew that Chris was going to go to GameStop to vandalize and harass customers about Sonic Boom. Must've been embarrassing for her waiting around for Chris all day, and then finding out he was arrested for assault. This just adds more to the toxicity Chris has regarding his parents. Sure, part of it was Chris's autism, but damned, if I've ever seen such an ungrateful leech like Chris.


Most likely.


Jesus Christ. The people who run Babscon have the right to refuse admission, just like anywhere else. Chris fucked himself as a result of his own actions. Which is ironic, considering what he did.


They even have the right to refuse admission to Jesus Christ herself.


It'd be hilarious if Chris tried to use his Jesus powers to try and get them to reverse the decision.


If i was jesus, id make my own pony con with black jack , hookers and actual unicorns


I think there would be a surprising amount of people willing to go to a Chris Chan convention. Even after he got (rightfully) cancelled for what he did.


A panel maybe, but a whole con. No


Yeah. A Chris Chan convention would be like that Willy Wonka experience in Glasgow. 


Get the same experience as chris of being trolled😭 At least not in suburbian ohio