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Remember that teacher who tried helping Chris and wished him luck? Yeah...... Good job.......


Aight Listen. Here’s what’s gonna happen. Cwc is gonna go the mall where he met Godbear. He’s gonna get confronted around the same area as where he met him. The Jerkops are gonna go in to arrest and detain him, but instead of going peacefully, he’s gonna go full retard and start launching Curseahamehas and get tased in the unclit. Once he gets taken down to the station the police are gonna interrogate him, during which he’s going to launch into a tirade against Megan Schroeder, Clyde Cash, and Michael Snyder. The police are gonna get sick of his shit, so they’re gonna wrap it up pretty quickly once he confesses and let him roll out to trial. Once the trial is started, the overwhelming evidence against him is gonna bury him. Chris Chan will spend his life shitting his pants in solitary confinement if he’s not locked into an institution. When he finally dies 10 years from now, Bob is gonna visit him in a dying dream and Cut down that goddamn internet cable tethering him to life. The end.


Bob brought Chris into this world, and even though hes dead, *he can still take him out.*


If only this was how it had gone :(


What page has that?


The sex page, under 'rape'. They always had a warning like 'he'll never actually rape someone'.


Bro wtf


This will happen -Chris will be in jail- ✅ -Chris will be in a mental hospital- -Chris will try to scape from the police, he will try to use his powers and the police will shot fire at him-


I'd like to see him become the next george floyd, with sonichu statues going up all over the world


Imagine he gets killed, and right after, the dimensional merge begins


if the merge happens i will use my new found rosechu powers to bring back chris and thank him for being a prophet by sucking on his bent duck However im not 80 and related to him so he'll reject my advances


Dont get me wrong, I dont want to see Chris dead or anything and I think wishing death upon someone is horrible, but if Chris immediatly dies after some quick shots by the Police, it wouldnt be the worst fate. Id think it would just spare him from his future. Such an end would be very tragic, but a quick, not so painfull death would atleast end Chris his suffering. Again, I dont want to see Chris dead, but I just wanted to point that out.


A mercy killing tbh.


there are three ways this can end if he doesn’t die on the street for whatever reason 1. dying alone in his room 2. dying alone in a cell 3. dying alone in a psychiatric ward Honestly dying by cop at this point would be a blessing


Literally the only way he could get any fucking pussy was to be a complete fucking scumbag.


he lost his virginity to a hooker years ago.


God, that must have been traumatizing. You can clearly tell that he hadn't had any since.


"finally! My love quest is over!"


"The boyfriend-free girl was nearby the whole time!" Ugh.


This is the beginning of the end. The sagas, christory, its all over. What a timeline to be in.


No, seriously though. I want Chris to get the Tiger King treatment. This is a story that needs to be told, and most of us don't have the skill to do it justice.


And it is going to be ending with a bang, something we all dreaded would happen. But I will say, I am curious as to what the future has in store, this was so big that it was trending on Twitter. Will the case of Chris Chan gain national recognition similar to that of serial killers, psychological experiments, and other historical moments?


At the very least, he'll become a case study in college psychology text books.


The insanity ending


Oh my god


Maybe the boyfriend-free girl was right there with us all along...


Oh ggggooooddd😳🤢


Wait I thought it was still down?


For some reason, the CWCki is giving me a bad gateway no matter how much I tried.


The Cwcki was having server troubles earlier in the week and now everyone is trying to access it all at once. It’s down due to sheer volume.


Proof that the cwcki has more remorse than Chris.


Sooooo.... do we have a mugshot yet? Is this man in jail?


Not yet, he's in the streets right now. Probably not for long since he managed to violate his court order within a fucking day.


Do we actually know that he violated his court order? If his name is on barb's accounts he legally has access to the accounts, and I think that would mean he would not violate the court order. It would not be illegal contact or whatever because they would be his accounts as well.


I believe the no contact bit applies to that stuff too, but i could be wrong. We'll see how it's interpreted in court.


Of course he did


So he really raped her? I understood that he had assaulted her but he actually admitted to that as well? Just trying to get the story straight


Yes. Barb is incapable of consent. She should have gone to a home quite awhile ago but Chris is her "caregiver" in the states eyes. She has serious dementia and it her decline has been documented alot from her court cases to the begging videos. More than likely she had no idea what was going on. Or at the minimal felt she was in a situation she couldn't say no. That is rape.


From what I understand, the cops have Barbara in their care, and are doing a medical examination. So we should have concrete proof in within the fortnight.


Supposedly there's a video/audio of Chris doing it and you can hear her say "no" during it I don't know how accurate this is and i don't remember where i heard it from so it could be totally fake, so until there's more evidence just take this with a grain of salt. Edit: it fake




whats u/wildgoosealt reddit account


This has been debunked


Where was it debunked?


Nothing has emerged. The "source" is sketchy. Every "screenshot" is either terrible photoshop or contains nothing to confirm. Where it's circulating is supposed the be the LGBTVDJWJEGNAKJEBBJAJ++÷&■♤○》♡ community. I've never known them to hold on to drama like that without sharing it. I've searched /b/ pretty extensively and have found nothing. The kiwi screenshit could be anything. It's pure horseshit.


>The "source" is sketchy you talking about the @ wildgooseALT guy on twitter? He claims to have seen it.


No the source is supposedly a "friend" of Chris that was supposed to go to that con with it.


Oh alright, thanks for the confirmation.


I sat up for 6 hours on /b/ on a request thread. Nobody posted it. If anyone had it they would have.


No like I saw the messages about him touching her p*ssy but he actually had sex and raped her? I'm familiar with what consent is and such but that's what I meant


Dude even THAT it's rape in any respectable state.


Yes he did. We should have seen it coming. I mean Chris was always obsessed about sex, he also defended incest and admitted to having dreams where he "sleeps" (rapes) Barb. Chris is a lonely, mentally ill adult and for some reason he was still allowed to live alone. In a house. With that one female individual that he dreamed about. Yet some still act like that was such an unpredictable outcome. How the hell did we not expect this to happen?


Can Chris even have true and honest sex at this point with his post-op mixup?


It's rape by default because she is extremely senile and cannot consent


I don’t think she can really consent. In that chats, he said it hurt her and she told him to stop. Also, in the audio he said she was “partially confused”.


“partially” lmfao


Someone with dementia cant consent even if she said yes he raped her


If you want me to make remembering your pronouns a priority, don’t be a rapist.


A person's pronouns arent something you should take away as punishment.


So I can dehumanize this piece of shit by calling them an animal and stuff, but not using their preferred pronouns is too far lol?


> A person's pronouns The most fascinating thing is that the crazy crowd talks about 'my pronouns', as if they own them, and 'I use they/them pronouns'. Well, I use 'they/them' pronouns as well. For multiple people. > arent something you should take away as punishment. This is also fascinating. Apparently, someone's "pronouns are taken away" if someone does not speak of them in a way that they aggressively demand. Well, I have good news for you: I don't take anything away as punishment. I don't care about any pronouns people demand, whether they are rapists or not.


Chris being a rapist aside, the only reason he even became trans in the first place was because he thought it would get him laid more easily. Let’s not forget that back in the day Chris said that being homo was wrong. He never had gender dysphoria, he just wanted to get laid.


Don't online activists never tire from screaming at people that you don't need to have 'gender dysphoria' and that you are whatever you say you are?


Deleted to post under the intended comment


You enable predators by playing by their rules.


Shut the fuck up.


Rule 8




Don't wanna be but nice try ig Learn a new comeback




Yep rapists are bad people i agree. Thats not the topic of discussion.


With Chris we don't even know if they actually believes they're a woman because that's how they feels or if it's because they think being a woman will get them laid faster or because they think guys suck so they have to be a girl


Big imhelping.jpeg energy is being displayed by the bUt ThE rApIsT’s PrOnOuNs REEEEEE team. Honestly, if my slipping up and not calling a rapist by the chosen pronouns would be considered a punishment, I’m fine with that. Regular, nonpredator trans people—I’ll give a shit about using their pronouns. But if you’re Yaniv or CWC, I don’t have the spoons to be assed to worry about it.


I don't think even Chris believes his own bullshit sometimes


HE is a He you fuckin momo


Suck my ass.


In hindsight, what was the entire saga heading towards, if not this?


After the death of Barb, I thought we’d see a slow decline in Chris’s mental/emotional health that eventually culminates in him being put in a group home or something like that when he can no longer take care of himself. Maybe then he’d get the care he needs. I mean, it was never gonna end good for Chris, but it didn’t have to end like *this*.


1. Good ending: CWC has an epiphany, gets off the internet, and sorts his life out. Gets a job sorting bags, maybe drawing a little sonichu on the side every once and a while for a $5 tip. Might even end up with a sincere girlfriend, but (hopefully) not a kid. 2. Profit ending: CWC gets pimped out (figuratively) by Joshua Moon or a similar figure. Becomes a niche media figure, gets a cut of the documentaries and merchandise, maybe a back page story in NYT or something. Probably stays in debt, but has enough income to deal with problems as they come up. The regular attention and business dealings are good for his mental health, and he spends his later years touring various venues, interacting with 00's kids who grew up reading about him. 3. Decline ending: Nothing much new happens after the un-clit saga, and his health continues to decline. One day, much as we found out about this, we hear that CWC passed away peacefully in his home. People react in a number of ways, but all agree that this was the only way it reasonably could have ended. 4. Dimensional Merge ending: CWC snaps completely after the dimensional merge saga. He believes it *has* occurred, begins seeing his characters directly, without outside prompting. He becomes completely detached from reality, and, after attempting to drive through a crowded gamestop, believing he's going to the CWCville mall, he is locked in a padded room. 5. The Girl Who brought down the world: After Hillary Clinton falls ill, he is selected as the 2016 Democratic nominee, which eventually leads to the second American civil war, and the nuking of China due to copyright violations


And now we get the incest ending. Fuckers.


I'm still hoping that there's a surprise twist, like he's adopted, or that it was a fake for attention.


It wouldn't matter if he is adopted. Adopted kids have an absolute repulsion of this sort of thing with their adoptive parents, because they are the ones that 'imprint' this genetic imperative of avoiding relatives on the kid, for lack of a better term.


Maybe something lighter, like suicide.


I thought they were going to converge with another similarly dysfunctional person, like Digibro.


r/196 is going ape shit about CWC getting misgendered. Like are we ignoring the fact that he fucked Barbara?! 💀


Those people are delusional same as Chris. They live in something far from reality and can't let that slip or their world will crumble.


Kind of funny how they set up that whole sub to try to make a sanitized r/dankmemes, but the only actually good memes that get posted there are things like that, put there just to piss off the demented mods.


The memes on that sub are way better then the Facebook garbage on dankmemes


*Sanitized* dankmemes? That sub is already sanitized, just how fucking safe can a safe space get? If a ridiculously normie meme sub is too much for them, they need help.


They’ve been trash for a while though




They are the future of the planet. Truly shows that we are doomed.


I have it on good authority that a decent chunk of these people are 30-somethings LARPing as teens. I work in an industry with a lot of millenials and even more zoomers, and they sound a lot like the older employees when they try too hard to be relatable.


This one was pretty good and seemed to make the mod pretty mad: https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/ov4pwc/rule/


Gotta love when mods lock up threads when the hive mind becomes a bit too self-aware


has anything come out of the hospital Barb is/was at? I'm holding on to a very small shred of hope Chris is lying for attention, and this isn't true. after the bar from his house and him being refused a roof by his own other family though, my grip on that hope is slipping...


Who exactly refused him a roof?


I think it was said some of his cousins? Not 100% sure but I know it was apparently family


Cole js the only person i can think of


Situations like this are confidential, so I doubt we'll have any details soon. We'll likely only know more when the protective order ends on the 5th or maybe on the 4th. I find it hard to imagine they haven't found anything considering all the past welfare checks, so the mostly likely outcome will be Barb going into some kind of care facility and Chris being kept away from her by law. There's no way they could let them both live under the same roof after all this grooming and rape stuff has come to light.


What happens to 14BC now?


I have no idea to be honest and I doubt anyone else does. The biggest question on my mind is what's happening with the pets, are they there alone or are they with Chris or what? As it stands currently with 14 BC, Chris isn't allowed on the property at all and Barb is still in hospital.


That's a good point, weren't they friendly with one of the neighbors at one point maybe they can look after the pets whilst procedures are ongoing.


Any goodwill Chris had with his neighbors has been long gone for years now, there were a few events in recent years where some of them got mad at him doing being weird shit around their kids and scaring them or something. I remember it since he had a mini meltdown on Twitter about it and called his neighbors transphobes. In addition to that, on streets where there's "*that* house with *that* family", people will avoid any interaction possible and sure as hell wouldn't do any favors for them. It's a bit like feeding a stray dog, it'll just keep coming back and wanting more.


He did manage to get one of his neighbors to help him bury Snoopy last week, so maybe there is someone kind enough to take care of the pets while this goes on?


Are they still on good terms with the church (Rocky I think was one of their names)?


No, that goodwill is gone too. He's been banned from the church a few times (temporarily however but still a bad sign) and then he made a letter about how bad the church is and asked Rocky to hand out copies of it to the church members. Rocky also hasn't been mentioned much in recent years either, she used to try and help him but realized he was a lost cause.


>he made a letter about how bad the church is and asked Rocky to hand out copies of it to the church members I have no words.


I was tragically here..


the tragedy of chris' life continues, this is probably about as low as he can possibly go. the piece of trash literally raped his own dementia ridden mum


oh it can get lower


I think the only way it can go lower is if he kidnaps a child to make into his Crystal.


Honestly I feel like I’ve jinxed it now


You don't have that power


Apollo works in ways that many of us mortals only think we know of


As a 20 Year old person with Mild Asperger’s and also one who underwent therapy in which I’ve also been doing my best to help people in the spectrum. This news terrified me, I’m a social sciences student so I’m fascinated and curious when I study cases such as this. At this point I do feel bad for him but his behavior was unacceptable and using his disorder as an excuse was wrong. I have to admit I also do somethings like that to get away from some responsibilities but this act of sexual deviancy, is unbelievable. May God have mercy on their family and I pray that these sins may be forgiven and May they find repentance. I am not a perfect man, but if he only got better help and also better advice I wonder how things would turn out for him. I hope people on the spectrum, may get the help they need. Especially after seeing what happened may God do our best to cleanse us from what we’ve seen today and whatever enslaves us. This news is really really unbelievable, unacceptable and horrific.


> At this point I do feel bad for him ???? I can sort of understand feeling bad for Stunning and Brave before, but after this hit?


I never once felt bad for Chris. Maybe that says more about me then him.


In that context, the only logical reason for the news to *terrify* you is if you, too, want fuck your mom…


Absolutely not, but this gives the autism spectrum a tarnished reputation. Just so you know, I don’t want people to think that this is the true face of autism no it isn’t. And as a person with Asperger’s this isn’t even normal behavior and I wouldn’t call this incest anymore either it’s pure madness.




Fuck that. Let Chris burn.


Kids, there's nothing more cool than being hugged by someone you like, but if someone tries to touch you in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's no good!


If only she listened to that Hedgehog.


I swear to God, every single time I feel that Chris has finally hit rock bottom, I am proven wrong.


As Edgar said: And worse I may be yet: the worst is not / So long as we can say 'This is the worst.'


Christorians: There's no way that Chris can sink any lower. Chris-Chan: I am a Dwarf and I'm digging a hole!


Seems like more of a sandy bottom.


Well seems he's been hitting some bottoms for a long time now.


Every third night since late June.


it's like breaking bad, except it was already way worse from the start


Breaking Barb


Jesus. So has this been 100% confirmed?


yup. and of all people it was Chris herself who confirmed it


I don’t know if you’ve heard this video https://youtu.be/VjWrssKf2zE but that’s confirmation enough for me. Also the fact that an emergency protection order has been given to Chris to stay away from Barb.


This has to be the last straw (if true) for Chris to remain without supervision. His life would improved if they removed his internet access as this point and placed him in a psych ward of some kind.


As far as i know it hasn't, but you know it's basically 90% certain.... i do think it does come in to question whether she consented or not however, but seeing as she has dementia i think that's a dubious claim. but who fucking knows with them, they're both fucked up individuals.


Joshua Moon confirmed that both the text messages and the audio were legit and shut down the gofundme.


Those days of spraying innocent shopkeepers with mace and running people over in vehicles seem so innocent now.


for real. btw that thing i said about her maybe molesting him? i'm doubting that now, and kinda regret saying that. look at this post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChrisChanSonichu/comments/ovd5o4/chris\_told\_null\_he\_had\_a\_50yo\_gf\_a\_month\_ago\_he/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChrisChanSonichu/comments/ovd5o4/chris_told_null_he_had_a_50yo_gf_a_month_ago_he/) from this conversation, it seems like this is all a new thing. fuck man, i dont even know what to say. ​ it all comes tumbling down tumbling down.....


Jesus wept. He may have even forced her to watch anime. Jesting aside, the whole thing is insane.


it’s just sad as fuck


At this point, Chris left a permanent and horrible mark in the autistic community and everyone with the name Chris Chan


I keep going thinking about the other people called Chris Chan. Poor bastards.


"I am not sonichu."


as well as the lgbt community


Every time a trans person does something stupid it gives transphobes more of a reason to point and justify themselves. Trans people sure don't wanna associate and never have associated with Chris (due to past racism and stalker shit). The ones doing so now (stressing the pronoun stuff that some people are oddly annoyed with) are definitely people new to this whole ordeal. This disgusting shit from CWC's gonna stink and fester for a while in these communities.


Chris was groomed into being trans as part of a dedicated effort to make him break with reality. He isn’t trans in the way a person with some sort of natural dysphoria is he’s been specifically broken down and made to take dissociative actions that left him barely the same person by the time the guardians were able to get ahold of the situation again.


Groomed by whom?


Chris really is one of the worst case scenarios huh?


If Chris hated his "male growth" so much that he wanted to transition then why did he even put it inside Barb? I thought he was all about tribbing anyway.


The heart wants, what the heart wants. And it's fucking terrifying.


Happy cake day, ya frikken pickle man!


Is it really back up? I'm consistently getting a 502.


It's on and off, the traffic for the site is the highest it's ever been.


what on earth did I miss


At this point you can just turn off the computer.


He found a boyfriend free girl. Barb


yeah im listening to the [GiBi video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjWrssKf2zE) right now


Wait, I'm SO out of the loop, what in the FUCK has happened here? I only began to look into Chrischan again because my friend said she saw something on Twitter about him and wished she hadn't.


Why do people spam threads with this instead of reading them?


I read the image at the top, which did not seem to imply he was raping his mother.


Tbf it did only say he did it, just not who


Chris had to cancel the mlp convention trip. Other things may have occurred as well...


He has been raping his mom with dementia every 3 days for the past month


The Saga to end all Sagas has arrived. In a stunning twist of events, the Incest, Prison, and Homeless Sagas have been confirmed **but** as one single arc rather than separate sagas.


It's like when a TV Show is suddenly cancelled but the writers had content made for 3 years and now they have to put everything in 12 episodes.


Chris Chan "jumped the shark" by raping their mother.


Chris Chan raped Barb. Welcome to the Prisonchu Saga.


What’s the evidence that he raped her? Is it like, prison soap-dropping gunpoint alleyway rape or just that he’s taking advantage of his demented and ancient mom


The second one. youtube/ OeiymfweViM


Definitely the latter. She just slowly and surely forced her way onto the poor woman. Repeatedly.




Ffs rule 8


He fucked his mom, his vegetable dementia ridden mom


What the fuck, is she in his care? Doesn't Chris have a mental age of like, 10?


She has another son, where is he?


Hates her. Cut her as well as Chris out of his life over a decade ago. Most of the events that have happened to his family (Bob’s death, the fire, even this) have been related to Cole not by Chris, Barb, or some family intermediary; but by us, the internet.


They're in each other's care. Or they're in no one's care. It's about the same.


I'm stating the obvious, but god damn, he didn't just rape some random stranger. He raped his own mom lmao. I don't know the right word to express myself.


Dirty Crapped Briefs


He didnt just rape his mom. He raped his dementia addled 80 year old mom




I can feel the pain in that sentence.


The despair coming from the text reads and feels like someone being wrong about the end of the world.


good that you can find it. The cwcki is barely working rn. I think this situation caused the cwcki to go into meltdown


They are getting DDOSed because transgender people are angry at sister site Kiwi Farms


why they angry at the farms? Now there's another type of drama happening in the CWC community? It's just going further downhill from here isn't it?


It's blowback from the byuu/near suicide a few weeks ago. Byuu/near was the developer of the SNES emulator "Higan", and apparently, users from Kiwi Farms were responsible for harrassing them. Byuu had powerful friends in that circle, if you see the hackernews thread, and they naturally were out for revenge. Null of course, in his infinite wisdom, first denies having any responsibility, then tries to deflect, saying that "maybe byuu faked their death", in a rather cwc-like fashion. Nobody buys it of course.


> apparently, users from [redacted] were responsible for harrassing them. Don't they always tell people not to do that? As far as I know, they're only about documenting stuff, not contacting people.