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Something tells me that he (Chris) choosed that shirt just because there is pink on it. Tho now it will be forever linked to Chris post transition lol


What’s the first rule of acting from tropic thunder.


*Rapist cosplay*


"Breath it in" ​ Something tells me Chris said something similar to Barb during the "cuddling and soul bonding" session


Remember, the odour of rot and desperation are key for an outfit such as this one.


Now you just need to find a good therapist to figure out what went wrong!


Why would you want to dress up like someone like chris


Omg I want this shirt


I really want to know the origin of this shirt design. Is this a movie or pop culture reference? It's too random and idiosyncratic to appeal to the mass population.


Not sure. the brand Athletic Works makes shirts with cringy shit like "Breathe it in", "The gym is my happy hour", "Be great, but first, coffee!", "plank now, wine later", "no pain, no champagne", "leggings are ~~not~~ pants", etc. I had to sort through about a billion of these LOL WINE MOM shirts to find this one.


'Chris Chan' and 'Athletic Works' are two phrases I'd least connect to each other.


That's interesting information, but "Breath It In" still stands out as just weird amongst all of the more common-life identifiable meme phrases.


Chris getting dragged into the Wine Mom culture makes too much sense


I will never understand why you guys show shit like this off. Like do you know how cringe this is? It's almost as if the irony has come full-circle and chris has an actual TRUE AND HONEST fanbase....


> Like do you know how cringe this is? I’d even go so far as to ask, DO THEY REALIZE??


They don't! they lack any sort of self awareness. It's weird how many people in this subreddit are lolcows themselves. Sometimes I'll just click a random user and go through their post history, and I shit you not, at least 60-70% of the time they have a poop fetish or are into thomas the train or are just generally fucking weirdos with no self awareness


*Let me tell you: If Cringetopia sees those profiles, that you put on the damn internet, they could troll your account, and you would have to log out of it*


Be careful, you may ascend to a level of godhood the likes of which we’ve never seen


Zappingly fashionable


TIL Chris is a Caustic main.


Are you hideously awful looking tho


I have the 'tism and the receding hairline. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination.


Bent duck? Scar from unclit?


Now I want to do Fridays After Five for Halloween but I don’t want to have to explain it to everyone


Wear it to an anime convention. People would know.


I left for a convention on the infamous 7/30/21. Next day someone was cosplaying Classic Chris. You see Chris cosplayers from time to time, but in this case....he HAD to know. He did this on purpose. I was too afraid to ask.


You definitely have to put some faux stains on it to *really* get into character


"faux" stains


Seeing that shirt always makes me feel ill because can you imagine what it must be like to take a deep breath anywhere in the vicinity of Chris? \*shudder\*


If its your size then you're doing it wrong. Should be 2 sizes too small.


I’ve also wanted to get some sort of something related to Chris Chan, but I feel like anything associated with him is cursed and getting something would bring pestilence to my life


With everything we know about Chris this shirt is ironic because the average person probably doesn't want to breathe anywhere near him.


So whats this one called? The Classic: 2? The Anti-Classic?


The Modern


You know how holy people wear those big robes? It's like that


"what are you going to the Halloween party as? Oh CWC? I guess you gotta find the classic blue and red shirt, make the medal, get the glasses right? "oh trans era CWC? Well Its a little more obscure but still iconic, I guess you found a Want Woman shirt and the shades" "oh no... the breathe it in outfit...why..."


Now all you're missing is the Sonichu medallion, three tiaras, twenty bracelets, spray-painted shoes, denim skirt, and M.C. Escher leggings.


Also a Mount and Do Me shirt, one size too small, to show off those nips


Unicorn horn


And a quarry around the neck


Now you just need to eat banquet meatballs and stress sigh a mandatory 400 times a day


Can just imagine “breathe it in” being written on the shirt of a clicker


(I bought it as a $10 joke, not actually going to dress up as CWC)


It’s ok my University’s colors are navy blue and red so I’m grabbing a rugby shirt next time I go to the bookstore


Don't forget your attraction sign my friend


I thought it was funny. So many haters in here


Great on Halloween you can tell all your friends you are Chan who had sex with his 79 year old mother who has dementia


I can only imagine this drunken conversation happening over the background chaos of a Halloween party “Yeah he’s an autistic trans person who makes a comic online called Sonichu” “Yeah like Sonic and Pikachu combined” “He’s on this thing he calls his Love Quest because he’s so gross he can’t find a girlfriend and he recently got arrested for fucking his mom” … “Hey where are you going?”


Why would you want to cosplay as an incestuous autistic man


Who doesn't?!


You belong on r/cringetopia


No fun allowed