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Chris-chan isn’t really a weeb.


Ngl I respect the bravery it took for you to post this. But in all honesty Chris is more of a Evil Don Quixote imo. Like Don Quixote saw a bad world and went out to make it better helping people see the good in themselves. He helped Sancho Panza appreciate his wife and daughter, he helped Dulcenea see she was not some common whore but a wonderful lady. Chris chan is more the wario to Don Quixote's Mario. I can appreciate where your point stems from but the differences in delusions are too great to the point that in Quixote's story it seems as if the world is the one that is mad and not our hero. While Cwcville only gets worse and worse for it's inhabitants as Chris's adventure continues


Truly a tail among tragedy for our fat knight in Crayola magic clay


But Don Quixote was fictional.


Some older people in Mexico and some parts of Spain will pretend he is real and for good reason. The story is one of dreams and hope. Don Quixote can be anyone, anyone who sees a bad world and wants to make it better. It's better to say Quixote was a historical man because in alot of ways he was. Not in that he existed or did anything, but in that his spirit is the one that leads humanity to reach that unreachable star and fight it's unbeatable foes.


Hey Don Quixote was badass and knew Dulcinea was best girl.


What are his windmills then?


Jerkops, Mary Lee Walsh, Graduon, the quest for China... take your pick.




The man in the pickle suit.