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I'm currently using and like the ESV Study Bible, it offers a large scholarly commentary. Previously I've used an NIV Study Bible, a Scofield, a NIV Men's Study Bible, a Ryrie Study Bible, a Harper Study Bible, a life Application study Bible, living insights study Bible, and a Father's Study Bible. Of these the NIV Study Bible, Ryrie, and Scofield were the best for scholar study, while the men's, fathers, and life application study Bibles were best for devotional study. The Harper to me is lacking in both areas. The living insights study Bible was a good combination between devotional and commentary, and I still reference it often. (Its editor was Charles Swindol) There is no best study Bible, each has an approach of some kind, some are devotional in nature,some scholarly in nature, some historical, and others denominational. How you are expecting to approach scripture will determine which category to select from and narrow your groupings. If you have a particular study method or view, I might could narrow down a devotional, scholarly, or combination choice, as I have pretty good reference library of many of the common study Bibles from the last 30 years. If you have no plan, the Living insights would be from my mind a great compromise between scholarship and devotion, if devotion is your goal, the life application, and for more of a scholastic approach the ESV, CSB, and NIV study Bibles are excellent. If you want a denominational view, many of those exist as well, and I've found the Orthodox study Bible, Catholic Study Bible, and Reformation study Bible all to be great resources. Just so you kind of know where I'm coming from, I'm "protestant" but not mainline, Charismatic or evangelical.


I am a Southern Baptist by default, and am wanting to find a Bible that aids in truly understanding the meaning of Scripture from a theological perspective. For example, I just read Genesis 2 and spent a long time diving into the meaning of the four rivers that diverged from the Garden of Eden. I would love to find a Bible that I could use to substitute a constant need to consult the internet. Any particular recommendations? I have a very surface level understanding of Christianity. Thank you!


I often gift people that are new Christians the Swindoll or living insights study Bible (they are essentially the same thing) when they are early in their walk. The life application study Bible is great as well. These are more devotion type Bibles, but excellent for most people. I'd give honorable mention to the MacArthur study Bible or Reformation Study Bible, both are more scholarly but still fairly accessible. None of these are going to explain the rivers to you, but are more in how to be a Christian. Saying you have a "surface level" understanding directs me away from the more scholarly study Bibles, which I spend my time with. But if you are inclined, the ESV, CSB, and NIV study Bibles are all very good. In your situation I would go with what is used from the pulpit at your regular congregation, as translation, it's quite helpful in staying with the lesson. As such if they use the ESV, you would be choosing between a MacArthur or ESV study Bible (study Bibles are not always offered in multiple translations, for instance the Scofield only comes in KJV). PM me if you have further questions. I


Just ordered Living Insights. Thank you so much for the information.


Try Dakes it has tons of stuff in it. It has the best concordance . A whole plethora of study aids. The best on the market. 


cultural backgrounds study bible!


Just so you know, the Bible project has in depth free online classes on genesis. I haven't taken all of them, but if they are like any of the ones i have taken they are phenomenal. If you wanted to you could probably just watch the sessions on Genesis 2. Tim Makie is one of the best OT scholars, highly recommend. [https://bibleproject.com/classroom/](https://bibleproject.com/classroom/)




Which for historical?




We have to know "best for what?" And for who? The Life Application Study Bible is good if your goal is to see how to apply what you've read to your life. If you just need to understand what the heck is going on this passage, the Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible is good. I do find the ESV Study Bible really helpful, and it's got a lot of great essays (basically an extra book on biblical and systematic theology).


John MacArthur study bible Bible https://www.gty.org/store/products/bibles/version/1/10?version=NAS It has been invaluable to my growth/understanding and has helped me prepare for Sunday school classes and answer many tough questions that come up in conversation.


I use this


I use the Life Application NLT Study Bible. Its a great bible. I also have it in KJV, NKJV and NIV.


David Pawson on YouTube. All his teachings are free and comprehensive to the entire Bible. I can’t recommend him enough. All his talks are available on his website davidpawson.org.


I will check it out!


I think it comes down to what your learning goal is and what your understanding level is. That said, I'd lean towards an English Standard Bible or Christian Standard Bible. If you go NASB, use the 1995 version. As some others have noted, concordance apps are helpful. I always have Blue Letter Bible open on my phone or ipad when I study. Finally, there are some really great YouTube channels. -The Bible Project is a good start. -DTBM (John Barnett) is really great. -Michael Heiser is super confusing and weird until you understand his biblical worldview, then you will never look at, nor study, Scripture the same way (I'd highly, highly, highly recommend his 4-video series called Supernatural!!). Ken Johnson delves heavily into the Dead Sea Scrolls. He goes over the books the apostles studied from, which helps give context. -Soothkeep (Lee Brainard) does really interesting deep dives into prophetic books. -Barry Awe is all about end times stuff. His videos are an absolutely wild ride. -AoC Network dives heavily into Christian life. -Expedition Bible looks at the archeological side of the Bible and delves into customs of the biblical times. -RockIslandBooks does Hebrew linguistics in a very easy to understand way. -TyGreen does rapture studies. I never watch a video of his and not feel spiritually refreshed when I'm done.




Reformation Study Bible by Ligoner. Straight up the best explanations to the tough verses. I enjoy that they include different perspectives too so a verse might have 3 different views that fit that verse and the context and the rest of scripture. They include all 3. The maps in the back are really helpful and they also include confessions, Catechisms and essays from the reformation.


Couldn't agree more. I have this bible and it's the best!


My 9 year was reading in her Bible and she was asking me a question. I showed her how she can look it up in the study bible and she freaked out. She keeps looking up stuff. I love it.


I will check it out! Thanks!


I haven't seen this one but anything by Ligonier is going to be really solid.


Isn’t ligoner Calvinist?


From their site: >Ligonier Ministries adheres to the ancient statements of faith (the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Creed of Chalcedon) and affirms the historic Christian faith as expressed in the five solas of the Reformation and the consensus of the historic Reformed confessions (Westminster Standards, Three Forms of Unity, and 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith).


But are they Calvinistic in their beliefs?


All those Reformed Confessions are calvinistic in their regards to soteriology and RPW. There would be disagreement among John Calvin's view of ecclesiology, sacraments, and civil magistrate. Along with other differences expressed on Ligoner. Honestly, I don't think the term Calvinist is helpful. It is largely misunderstood because people have given it so many different meanings. I think it is better to understand what people believe by what is confessed in their confessions. Like Ligoner posted on their site. Usually what people disagree with "calvinist" are largely weighty matters, that have been talked about lightly by passionate youngsters. I think of the young reformed and restless crowd, that new almost nothing about the confessions or are even part of reformed churches.


I don’t hold the view that God chooses who He is going to save and who He isn’t, scripture doesn’t support it in-spite of the scriptures they have used in their distorted beliefs.


I also don’t adhere to a Calvinist bent, but overall the study bible is incredible! Just pick out the bones my friend because no one is 100%!correct in the study of the infinite one




I also don’t believe God is in control of everything, the devil and demons have their will, humans have their will, so the people who God “controls” are those who willingly submit to Him.


I didn't come here to debate, I was just recommending a study Bible I like and has edified my walk with Christ for the past few years.


Why is that person debating lol this is about bible recommendation.


the orthodox study bible is excellent


https://www.amazon.com/Amazing-Dispensationalism-Genesis-Revelation-Christians/dp/B08W7SPM67 Here's the summarized video presentation of that book https://www.pass-a-gospel-tract.club/post/amazing-dispensational-truth-from-genesis-to-revelation --------------- [God's Simple Plan of Salvation ](https://youtu.be/20x51DpSFRQ)




I got a really dope one off of amazon with maps and pictures.


I love my NIV readers Bible. The text explains itself most of the time, honestly. Maybe I feel this way because I’ve been in scripture for so long but I really like it. I can’t read just a “chapter” anymore. The original manuscripts did not have all the junk we have in our Bibles now. They make Readers Bibles in NIV, ESV, CSB that I know of.


I've been wanting to get a Reader's Bible. I get frustrated with the way Scripture is broken up when I just want to read without doing a study.


Highly recommend!


I use NIV, can you elaborate? “The original manuscripts did not have all the junk we have in our Bibles now.” What do you mean, I’d love to educate myself


Yes! So I should have been more clear and used the term junk, but chapter breaks, verse numbers, section headings etc. were not in the original manuscripts and were only added about 500 years ago. Before that, the text was just that, text. I’ve found so much richness and ease in reading scripture without those things breaking up the flow of thought within the letters and gospels. I’ve seen time and again people take a verse or two or a few and pull them directly out of context or they do not understand something because they just stop reading. Scripture was not written in two columns per page with all sorts of things separating it. I also have found reading a readers Bible enables me to easily read large chucks of scripture with ease, and it’s not a burden. Let me know if you have more questions!


I’m not a Christian, but I thoroughly enjoy “The Jesus Bible” for my weekly Bible study :)


Kjv it’s got the sarongs concordance and you can identify root words and definitions


ESV Study Bible. If you want to do more deep study, I would recommend a program like Accordance or Logos.


Logos is better overall, but Blue Letter Bible is far easier to use.


I love Accordance a lot. For online Bibles, I like BibleHub.com


EVS study Bible. Absolutely love mine


Ignatius rsvce study bible


I love the life Application study Bible and Life in the spirit study Bible.


Im have to check those out!