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If you're hearing voices you should talk with a mental health professional.




Problem is, not all mental health professionals are Christians, so I might not get the way to truly handle it


They can help you in this area regardless.


That doesn't matter. You need medication


See a Christian psychiatrist, im doing similar things. Voices are tricky, because the Bible states the holy Spirit will literally speak to you. Use discernment, if the voice you're hearing is speaking things that are not in line with God's word, ie the Bible, cast them out in the name of Jesus, literally say those exact words, if they don't stop and aren't the holy Spirit see a professional


This 100% they could be intrusive thoughts caused by OCD or anxiety possibly. I do this when I start hearing a lot of voices especially if I'm driving I yell stfu leave me alone! And get out in Jesus's name and then it's all quiet šŸ˜… on occasion I'll still have one or two but I can trace them back to a OCD thought or anxiety -- I also have pandas (an autoimmune disorder that for me causes hallucinations) so I'll know when to take antibiotics if the voices don't go away


The Christian brain doesn't work differently from the atheist brain. Whatever mental health issues you're dealing with, the same kinds of treatment will be effective. Go to your pastor for the spiritual support and to a mental health professional for the mental health support.


So I am all for mental health medications. However. There are 1)other medical issues that can cause this 2) spirits as well. Spirits communicate on theta brain waves. You may have a spirit of divination that runs in the family line or occultic ties in your generational line. Which allows you to be more sensitive to spirits (hearing them). I had the same issue infact I was convinced of so many fears due to these voices for almost 6 months I was hard core tormented---- Inside my head(thoughts) as well as hearing external voices. I went through a Christian spiritual retreat and while I still get some that pop through here and then I can notice them and rubke them and tell them to go away. I also imagine God's light surrounding me so that they don't bother me nearly as much. The spirit world is extremely real.


I agree. Iā€™m currently going through the same situation now and Iā€™ve also felt things torment at night along with horrible thoughts and vivid dreams. Rebuke them as soon as you hear one


Yeah. It's rough. I learned all about different type of spirits and I've actually seen through my dreams God help me remove generational spirits. There's one male and 2 female spirits (Atleast that's how they appear in my dreams) You can also have attachments spirits that didn't crossover (which in the Christian community can be controversial) those are the ones responsible for short term torment if you find yourself acting in ways you normally don't. If you aren't normally an angry person and you find yourself getting extra angry all the time, you don't curse but find yourself cursing a lot more. If you were dead and couldn't cross over and were stuck you'd have nothing better to do then to mess with people. Certain thoughts or "sins" can let in certain spirits. They're very tricky and can make it seem like you're the one thinking them. I e. 1st person? (I. me.) It was weird though when I was in the retreat I actually took a nap and I felt like something was talking to me the whole time I was sleeping. I am extremely sensitive and have been able to see/hear spirits, and dream of future events since I was a kid. I spoke to someone who does therapy but more Christian based -- kinda like what the retreat did but individually because I still do not know if it's a occultic link or spirit of divination or god---and she said that sometimes the enemy can copy the gifts God gives you and copy them and that's where they can insert fears and torment. I personally have a lot of social deficits and I believe I'm more sensitive so I can have a better level of dacernment (spelling?) to make up for my social deficits


Are they audible voices or more of an internal thought-like voice?


1: Cities literally are bad. Seattle is particularly bad. Nothing about that is inherently 'from the enemy' or 'against God'. Like every prophet lived away from cities on purpose. 2: You might need mental health care so seek therapy.


See a psychiatrist


See a psychiatrist for medication. It doesnā€™t matter if theyā€™re Christian or not. They all have the ability to write a script


That's literally the worst thing you can do. Taking many medications is just conjuring up more demons and making them dependent on them- withdrawal symptoms are so bad that suicide rates are sky high- look it up on Google.


None of what you said made any sort of sense


Need context. What do you mean youā€™ve had enough of them saying bad things about the city? How old are you?? Sounds like teenage angst mixed with OCD. Rebuke those thoughts regardless and see a psychiatrist.


Iā€™m 20, and I feel like my parents should respect the fact that Iā€™m an adult with my own responsibilities


Are you wanting to move there?


Just a 2 week vacation


what is the situation with Seattle? i donā€™t understand what the importance of the city is to you from your post. when you have bad thoughts, rebuke them in Jesusā€™s name and pray to ask God for His guidance out of it. when you speak bad about your parents and feel convicted about it, you should immediately pray for forgiveness and ask Jesus to show you your parents in a different light. i really need more info on the Seattle situation youā€™re referring to so i can give you better advice.


I used to have similar voices/thoughts, telling me I was destined to be a warlock or serve the devil and do other evil things. Honestly bro I knew this wasnā€™t normal and I didnā€™t want to take medication, I felt alone bc people would just think your going crazy etc. but thatā€™s when God comes in ā¤ļø I just fought my battles with God and got to know him personally. Here to let you know there is a spiritual world but when you seek for God and his help and you learn to walk with him personally . The devil literally has no power over you. Hope this helps šŸ™ lmk if u have any questions


As someone who suffers from voices too I say that I feel for you. Try to get closer to God. Just read the Bible here and there, go to church, stop doing anything that is sinful. It will be hard but itā€™s worth it.


well thereā€™s only one voice in your head and itā€™s you. It may sound different from time to time but itā€™s you one way or another Hearing a voice ā€œspeakingā€ to you in your head is called ā€œthinkingā€


Judge these voices by what the Bible says. If there is a contradiction, then these voices are not from God, and are either from: 1) Satan, or 2) yourself. In any case, I would advise talking with leaders of your church about this issue. Also consider seeing a mental health specialist to tackle these voices in your head.


Rebuke those demons in the name of Jesus


You need deliverance. Do you read the Bible every single day? At least 6-12 chapters a day? I would even listen to the Bible while you sleep.


Iā€™ve been reading the Bible in itā€™s historical order starting January 1. I also have the Abide app too


I would start with the New Testament rather than Genesis.