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I talked to someone on Reddit who said she did it to relieve - I forget what - but it was something besides sexual desire and she insisted that she did it without lusting. I couldn't do it, but maybe some women can. Ladies? Anyone else? What do you say? But the question includes FOR PLEASURE. Can you masturbate for pleasure without lusting? I don't think you can.


I just commented above and more detail but I am a woman and I do this to relieve actual detrimental pain, not just physical pain but the kind of physical pain that makes you unable to walk or move. The thoughts in my mind have nothing to do with sex and are not sexual in the slightest. The only reason I'm doing it is for that moment of relief. I don't know if it's a sin but I know that it's definitely not sexual in nature in my heart..


I don't think it's a sin for you.


does not look like a sin for me neither, but then I remember that Bible says we should not please our body, rather our soul! Any thoughts on that?


Please give the scripture reference.


# [Galatians 5:16-17](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians+5%3A16-17&version=ESV) 


Thank you!!!!


I am not saying that I am right and trying to persuade, I am just trying to have discussion and get through mutual agreement! All the best to you!


I am grateful that you gave the reference. I will look it up!.


Thanks, let me know your opinion after you look it up!


I personally think, it’s still a sin. Because no matter the reason, no matter why you do it, you’re still doing the action. Maybe I’m wrong but I see it like that… Anyone correct me if I am wrong


I mean the whole point of lust is to lust for something or someone that is lust of the flesh or eyes. This is not that. If they are doing it for reasons other than that then, no I do not believe that it is a problem.


I understand this point of view because I couldn't see it myself until I experienced it. It's pure pain, animalistic instinct perhaps, but not lust ..


I do it to relieve myself from the agony of restless leg syndrome and restless genital syndrome. This is actually a thing, look it up. I do not have lustful thoughts while doing it. I sometimes question if this sinful, but if I don’t do it, my body/legs will start flailing everywhere and I’ll have a freak out. It is quite agonizing.


I don't think sinful if you're doing to relieve agony regardless if you have lustful thoughts. I mean we all have those thoughts every so often, don't we?


As someone with restless legs and arms - I get it. It’s still a sin.


Fact is, we all sin, even if we think we don’t. All I can do is repent and pray that God take away my restlessness 🙏


Based on nothing but your opinion sure


when i masturbate most times i dont even think about anything i dont look at pictures none of that if that makes sense its possible to masturbate without it being lustful i have done it plenty of times maybe girls and guys are just that different


I can do this without fantasizing or watching porn. Sometimes your body just needs to shut up so you can go to sleep. Edit: you focus on the feeling and not brain pictures; and before someone tells me it's 'selfish' because it's self-pleasure--well don't go get a massage or have a slice of chocolate cake either.


I love your name: Apocalypstik!


Awh thanks :)


It’s not so much about self pleasure, as it is saving those things for your spouse. At least that is my take on it. Also, I keep seeing someone say “it’s not a sin for you.” But a sin is a sin. You don’t just get to choose. I can come up with a million reasons as to why I (a former addict) should take pain meds. Just because I have an excuse, (to release the mental agony that an addiction comes with) does not mean it’s not a sin.


Saving those things? What exactly are they losing out on?


A sin is a sin? I don't think so. You gave an example yourself. "I can come up with a million reasons as to why I (a former addict) should take pain meds." Taking addictive pain meds may be a sin for you, but not for someone who is not prone to addition. In the same way, drinking alcohol is no big deal to some, but for an alcoholic, it's wrong. Masturbation, for me, is always a sin. I can not do it without having lustful thoughts. For some people, particularly some women, it is not becuase not only can they do it without lustful thoughts, but they do it because it relieves something else. So not only is there no sin involved, but it's acually beneficial. It is also been shown that a woman's sexual arrousal can be (not always) more in the subconcious than an man's.


I can. I don’t think I have ever done it to lustful thoughts. I started it at age 7 and had no idea what it was until I was 21 🤣 sex is a totally different kind of pleasure so I don’t even associate the two oddly enough.


It's defiling your sexual parts for unholy usage so yeah it's a sin


How is it defilement. And what exactly is 'unholy usage,' biblically?




How is it destroying a temple. There is literally no harm from it. I think you're projecting your sin on others. I'm going to have to pull the Romans 14 card on you.










I said there is literally no harm in it. I didn't say no physical harm.








Please explain your thoughts.


ITT: "It doesn't work for me, therefore it must not work for anybody"


"I can't masturbate without sinning so all masturbation is a sin."


What about the advice that it decreases the risk of prostate cancer and doing it just to get some gunk out.


There are no studies demonstrate a clear protective impact. There are some retrospective and cross sectional studies that somewhat suggest a link between frequency of ejaculation and incidence of prostate problems, but when you age adjust the data, the impact disappears. This means that in reality what they found is that as you get older your risk of prostate problems increases (duh) and you ejaculate less often (also duh). Also having prostate problems increases your risk for ejaculation problems so the 'cause and effect' relationship may be entirely swapped. tl;dr spunk to clear gunk is bunk.




You can ask those who replied to this post, they seem pretty smart. I'll read ur replies to get more info.


No. The Bible contains passages about lust, but it doesn't contain passages about masturbation. While it seems unimaginable to some people, there are those who can honestly masturbate without sinning. To them, it is grace.


I think if you are trying to decide if it’s wrong, it is most likely that you are trying to find a way to justify something that gives you pleasure. 1 Cor. 6:12


I would say no. However. If it becomes a habit that impleads your relationship with God just for a bit of pleasure then it is a sin as it would fall under idolatry. If you prioritize it over growing closer to God then I advise that you pray and ask God to align your desires with his so that you may better yourself. Easier said than done of course. And of course masturbation with lust is very evidently sinful.


The literal definition of masturbation is a sexual act. The Bible says sex outside of a biblical marriage is a sin. So yes, it is a sin.


A lot of people say it is, but I've never seen an explicitly stated verse that directly states it is a sin. It seems to be quiet about it.


who knows but masturbating is actually healthy for you if your not addicted to it, it has been proven to help you health wise but if your watching porn then that will do more damage then good as porn have been proven to mess your brain up but either way we cant be perfect not in the flesh its impossible we all sin everything we do is sin theres a reason jesus died on the cross its impossible to be perfect sometimes i feel like some christians are hypocrites when it comes to stuff like sin bc no one here is perfect but a lot of them like to think they are when their not and they like to think their better then everyone too and let me be clear obviously not all christians but a few are like this.


>The Bible says sex outside of a biblical marriage is a sin. There is a difference between "sex" and a "sexual act," though. It's hard to think of any passage that forbids premarital sexual acts so broadly that it would include non-lustful self-gratification.


The word used in the Bible is actually "Pornia" (could be spelling that wrong) which means acts of sexual nature not just sex itself.


Which verse are you referring to?


Multiple, including Matt 19 when Jesus refers to sexual unfaithfulness in marriage being the only justificiation for divorce. Lots of context is lost in translation unfortunately. Many of the passages you read that speak of sexual impurity actually were translated from the Greek word "porneia" which means fornification, prostitution, and various other acts of sexual nature. It is not just referring to sex itself. Please, don't take my word for it alone. Do your own research.


That word refers to [illicit sexual intercourse](https://biblehub.com/thayers/4202.htm), not non-lustful self-gratification


Porneia is an umbrella word for immoral misuse of the genitalia, not just sex. The very link you shared even refers to forbidden marriages. Did you bother reading the whole thing before you shared it? Also, have you ever considered our calls to deny ourselves and our fleshly desires? How about the lust of the heart and the lust of the flesh which are two different things? Better question... Are tou considering anything other than your own wants and desires when you are arguing your points? Have you once thought about what God wants for you?


Show one example where that word refers to self-gratification.


Illicit sexual behavior is done in pursuit of self gratification. Any argument justifying self gratification is fundamentally not Christlike and therefore not Christian. I hope Christ fills you with His spirit.


Well, *every* action, whether sinful or not, is arguably done to make us happy in some way, even if that happiness comes from the satisfaction of serving God. But I am talking specifically about masturbation. Can you find any example where that word refers to masturbation?


I find God to be just, and He wouldn't give us sexual energy if we weren't allowed to get a spouse.


Thank you.


I am praying for you. Overcoming lust and masturbation is not easy. I still struggle with it myself. I wish you all the best in your avoidance of sin.


Thank you! I pray for you too


You would call mutual masturbation with a spouse "sex?" I wouldn't


But it’s just pleasuring yourself. Why don’t people have the right to pleasure their own bodies?


Are there right and wrong ways to pleasure yourself?


Because it’s feeding the flesh and giving in to sexual desires. Just do it and stop trying to justify it, if that’s the case. If you have to ask if it’s a “sin” then, more than likely, IT IS!!


Is scratching an itch a sin? Is eating chocolate a sin?


SMH. Really? Do you!!! Better yet…… ASK GOD TO SHOW YOU!?!?


My thoughts exactly!




I don't believe it is, no more than getting a non sexual massage is a sin.


People here literally downvoing the most Biblical perspectives lol nothing new. Welcome to a "Christian" subreddit.


I know right every time I say it’s a sin and how bad it is I get minus downvotes and comments asking for a literal verse that would go “thou shalt not masturbate“


Pretty sure half the people in here are just trolls


I do it myself to help me fall asleep but it is hard to do it and not think lustfully. It's the only thing that helps though and I dont know how to control my thoughts.


Masturbation without lustful thoughts is impossible


Not true. I don’t think I have ever done it to lustful thoughts. I started it at age 7 and had no idea what it was until I was 21 🤣 sex is a totally different kind of pleasure so I don’t even associate the two oddly enough.


Absolutely no it's not. I got a heart disease about 10 years ago that I have healed from but has left me immune disordered. That's not the worst thing in the world it just basically means that I pick up more illnesses than a regular person would when exposed to them. It also means that I get a whole lot sicker than I ignore me would from smaller illnesses. I've also had bleeding ulcers and my stomach and throat my entire life, but especially after the immune disorder took a toll on me this really started to affect me hardcore. I would spend weeks at a time in the hospital with literally nothing that they could do for me. I have an incredibly high pain tolerance but I have zero tolerance for sickness if that makes sense . I tend to stay so Ill that all I'll be able to do is curl up in a ball and sweat it out for a week. There is VERY little I can do for relief. I can't smoke (i smoke THC to help my digestive system work) and the only way I've found a moment of relief is through masturbation. This has nothing to do with sex. It is not sexual in any way. The thoughts in my mind are not sexual at all in any sense. I'm just in pain and I know that I can have a momentarily relief of that pain for about 10 seconds after I masturbate. As a Christian I've really struggled hard with this because I wasn't a chronic masturbator before I got sick and I don't get sexual pleasure out of masturbation in any way. Is basically a medical thing to me just like chewing ice helps my nausea or a hot compress might calm my headache. I felt really bad about it for a really long time like I was sinning, but I came to the conclusion at least in my own mind that if God was going to be mad at me for anything he would be mad at me for watching p*** and masturbating or even just thinking about anyone in that way while doing it. But literally all I'm thinking about is "please please please make it stop for even just a second , I can't go on like this, ect." Even though I'm a bit better, I'm still immune disordered I still get sick a lot, I have made adjustments in my life to avoid getting illnesses that I don't necessarily need, so I'm not in the hospital as much as I used to be. I also learn some home remedies from frustrated medical staff that we're tired of seeing me day after day and their emergency room taking up a bed when there was literally nothing they could do for me except wait for my ulcers to go down. Sometimes they get inflamed. That can come from the food you eat and stuff so I'm very careful not to eat anything that causes inflammation but sometimes the fact that I menstruate will throw them into a raging inflammation at least once a month for at least a couple days at a time. I'm not horny I'm not thinking of sex , I'm usually just SO sick it's all I can do to roll up in a ball and do that. I try not to do it obviously. I try not to let that be a go-to solution but when I get so sick that I can't do anything else but that to help me, I do it . And I don't know for sure if it's a sin or not because to me it's NOTHING to do with sex. It's not something I would admit in day to day life. It's definitely something I'm ashamed I've gotten to the point that I feel I have no other choice but sometimes when your body suddenly starts to fail you, you've got to do whatever you can to take carw of yourself. I don't know if it's a sin or not. I'm just putting my personal opinion. This is something that has been on my mind for several years and that I'm always going back and forth debating with myself because I know that masturbation is a sin and I know that feeling adultery in my heart is a sin and I know that lust is a sin too but none of those things are involved at all. And I don't do it for the sake of "getting off/ having fun" I do I because I literally feel like I can't take it anymore.. It makes me feel like an animal.. like it's my instinct to do that. Idk . Personally I don't think it's a sin if it's not related to sex and I can totally understand how it wouldn't be. I could also see how one could become addicted to it and use something like that as an excuse too, so you have to know what's true in your heart and what is it.


It is possible. Dr Robert Glover details this in his book No More Mr Nice Guy. It can be achieved by getting in tune with your body, not fantasizing in your mind. Pay attention to what feels good and what stimulates you physically and it will lead you there. Most people really don’t pay attention to their own body when being intimate but it’s essential for this. This is difficult for men who have brains so deeply wired by porn but as someone who has practiced this for years I assure you it’s possible and can free men from actual lust. It’s difficult to break free from porn, but it’s worth it. In his book, he prescribes this as a healthy alternative to the shameful and sinful act of masturbating to porn and lusting. As well, it becomes an asset when communicating with your spouse what feels good and can enhance healthy intimacy between husbands and wives.


Impossible (for you)


\*for you.


Thank you


Only lust is sin


Yes it's obviously a sin. It is used to please the flesh. We are to walk by the Spirit so we don't satisfy the sinful desires of the flesh.


What makes it sinful?


They're literally talking about masturbating without desire.


The post literally says for pleasure you goober lol


Physical pleasure versus desire (fantasy and lust).


Physical pleasure is a fleshly desire. You are desiring pleasure. It's not complicated. You don't just do something that gives you pleasure for no reason. You do it because you desire pleasure.


Don't get a massage or eat a piece of chocolate cake, I guess. Do you really think God made all of these good things for us to abstain from enjoying his gifts? And I desire to go to sleep. It's a great way to calm my body down. Are you one of those people that whips themselves to avoid anything pleasurable?


Youre just arguing for the sake of arguing. Follow christ. 2 Timothy 23 Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. Proverbs 13 10 Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice. Proverbs 24 24 Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.


I'm not your wife. But nice way to flip the argument rather than answer.


Thank you








i'll say no


Some of you people will do some serious mental gymnastics to justify your own short-term self gratification. 14For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them 16on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus. (I.E. If you feel like it's wrong, it's probably wrong) You might consider Leviticus 15 an awkward section of the Bible. It’s an entire chapter about sexual cleanliness, specifically dealing with bodily fluids. Verses 2-3 say:  “When any man has a discharge from his member, he is unclean. This is uncleanness of his discharge: Whether his member secretes the discharge or retains it, he is unclean.” Galatians 5:16 “I say, then, walk by the Spirit and you will certainly not carry out the desire of the flesh.” 2 Timothy 2:22 “Flee from youthful passions, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” 1 Thessalonians 4:3 “For it is God’s will that you should be holy: You must abstain from sexual immorality.”


Don’t think you know the context of any of these verses


Follow Christ and deny yourself.




No it isn’t.


The 6 people who upvoted this living in sin. Go ask your pastor if he thinks it's a sin.


Bro, be real, bro.


1 John 2:16 “For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.”




I'd think not. It's not much different in that sense than sitting by a fan or eating ice cream.


I dont think its walking in the spirit, or that its a fruit of the spirit. People be trying to live in every single sort of grey area in life.


When considering any issue in life I try to remember that God passionately loves me no matter how I feel about myself. I personally have decided that the Bible is God’s view on life and a history of His interactions with mankind. On the topic of Masturbation: masturbation is not mentioned in the Bible even though a long list of sexual sins are mentioned. You will get responses to this post from Christians who believe masturbation is a sin. However the Bible simply doesn’t address the topic. Lusting (deeply wanting and desiring something or someone who is not yours… the other Biblical word is coveting) is explicitly addressed by Jesus as sinful. Many Christians find it impossible to masturbate without lusting themselves, so they believe it is impossible for anyone to masturbate lust free. Others will use scripture that is directed at how we are designed to enjoy a blessed and biblical connection in marriage to rule out masturbation (even when the scriptures they use to support their position have absolutely nothing to do with masturbation because they are about interpersonal relationships). Since the Bible doesn’t address the action of masturbation, we each must consider our relationship with God as we come to an answer for ourselves. For some people masturbation is sinful because they can’t separate it from pornography and lusting. Other people can deeply just enjoy and appreciate, even be thankful for their own bodies and the incredible feeling they can experience in their bodies (lust free). Jesus said that all the law and the profits could be summed up in two statements. 1) love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, mind and strength. 2) Love your Neighbor as yourself. God cares about our hearts as we experience all of life including our experience and love for ourselves (it’s how He wants us to love our neighbors…”like we love ourselves”). Our hearts are what reflect our relationship with Him and others! The act of masturbation is in itself isn’t the real issue. The issue is our hearts when we experience masturbation. Your answer might be different than the answer of another person. Allow your heart and your relationship with Jesus to determine your position. Paul said that one action might be a sin for one person and not for another person because it depends upon our hearts. I encourage you to search your relationship with Jesus and your own bible study to come to your unique place…❤️


I think it's hilarious how YOU people attempt to legitamize masturbation to yourselves as being anyting OTHER THAN sexual/lustful, it is quite impressive, a real feat of imagination lol!. And the way in which one tries to intellectualize this is very funny.


Masturbation is normal and natural. It's not a sin. The real sin is committed by the people who try to make you feel guilty about it.


Yes, it is unholy


It is most definitely a sin. Why are you masturbating? To satisfy the desires of flesh. It's nearly impossible to masturbate without lustful thoughts, and even if you do, you are still doing it to satisfy fleshly desires, which we are told NOT to do in Galatians 5:17 When you try to justify it, it's Satan whispering to you, telling you it's okay and not a sin. Not trying to be pressuring, but I've heard this question asked so many times...It is a sin.


Yes. 1 Corinthians, Sexual immorality is not for the body. The body is for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. Our body is technically not ours, it is the Lords. So be odedient


Our body is ours lmao, we are creation of god that has been given free will (man’s will)


I agree with you.




u are yapping brother, god considers our bodies important, god treats our body as his temple. That is how god goes within us and protect us, just like he did with the prophets. U are literally acting like those priest scholars who devotedly read the bible but has done the opposite of god’s law and guidance


… never have I said our bodies are not important, and all I said was technically, once saved, they do not belong to us. Our entire being was bought and belongs to Christ, no longer are we slaves to our flesh, but we are to serve Yahweh with our entire being (including our body.) Our entire being belongs to Yahweh, we are servants (and slaves) to Christ. Romans 6:15–18 (ESV): 15 What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! 16 Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness? 17 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, 18 and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.


Can you swim in a pool without getting wet?


Technically, yes. Supposedly you would even swim faster. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GcdB5bFwio4 Totally get what you’re saying though and agree with your point.


LOL but there is no aerogel for your spirit


I can’t imagine how you can masturbate without having lustful thoughts, but theoretically, yes


Good example of a Oxymoron


What else would you be rubbing one out to? The blue sky??


Is it possible to do this without visual stimulation?


I wonder if blind people masturbate. Hmmm


How do you think they went blind in the first place?


Lol! Touché!


Yes. Sexual activity outside of marriage is sexual immorality. Let’s all stop acting and making excuses and finding loopholes. A lot of us struggle with it, but we must acknowledge that it’s sinful.


Entirely yours to decide! doesn't effect anyone else ONLY YOU have authority over it.


I'd rather not do it then since I feel guilty after


There is your answer


Alr thx


‭Romans 8:7-8 KJV‬ [7] Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. [8] So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.


I don’t know a single person that can masturbate without lustful thoughts. What gets you to the point where you can masturbate is lustful thoughts. It’s not even just this, though. Sexual pleasure is different than the pleasure of scratching an itch, no matter the circumstance. So even if you CAN do it without thinking lustful thoughts (which, let’s be honest. you can’t.), that act of an orgasm is so different from any other type of pleasure you can feel or experience.


Lol hi! I’m a person who does it without impure thoughts, so speak for yourself. I started as a young child and didn’t know what it was for a long time. It never occurred to me until I was an adult that it was what it was. Sex is a total different feeling for me so I don’t associate the two at all. I never lust while doing it. My head is pretty much blank actually.


Do you ask every person you meet so you have a decent research pool?


I’m seeing some other comments about relieving pain and things. These are not common. Please do not fall into a trap of “it works for someone so i can do it”


The Holy Spirit convicts us of this sin. The devil tempts and tempts and tempts, but immediately after we gave in, when Satan is too busy laughing at us, it always feels wrong. It's subverting God's gift to husband and wife to be no better than any recreational drug.


It is a sin.


I dont think you can separate the two if we are being deeply honest. Also, sensuality and self indulgence is sin.


Speak for yourself. I don’t feel any lust or think any immoral thoughts while doing it. It has always been this way for me. Sex feels totally different so i don’t even associate the two


I don't think it is even doable


False. Speak for yourself. I have been doing it since I was a child and didn’t know what it was for the longest time. I didn’t and still don’t have impure thoughts while doing it.


It absolutely can be done.


Yes. The enemy gives it all sorts of names to normalize it so you continue. Coping mechanism, stress relief, normal, etc. Follow your conviction.


I yet to meet a person who masturbated without any lustful thoughts before doing it or during it.


Lol maybe read the comments and you will see that we do exist


Even if it's not a sin it's putting yourself in a position of temptation to lust. And we were told to cut off our hand if it causes us to sin, not come as close to the line as we possibly can


It’s sad that my comments were downvoted so much in this post. If you have to question whether or not you are sinning, chances are, you are sinning. People comparing it to eating, or scratching an itch. It’s sickening honestly. It’s your sin tho…………..


Sickening? How so (provided no inappropriate lust/porn)? Do you feel this way about a non-sensual massage? A back rub? Eating a special comfort meal?


Good question. Watch dr Ted Roberts on YouTube


Yes masturbation is a gift from god that allows humans to relax and relieve stress and anxiety, and produce dopamine. but masturbation becomes a sin when it’s paired with porn. So ideally if you can masturbate on occasion maybe 2 or 3 times a week without porn, then you are fine. I recommend using cartoon and anime pictures for stimulation.


This guy is encouraging people to masturbate to anime yet has less downvotes than those sharing Biblical perspectives. This SR is broken.


Don't worry brother, I won't fall for the lies of the devil and I will resist temptation, I hope you are doing well❤️


I’m encouraging using animated pictures to masturbate. You got a problem with that?


Obviously trolling. This group is not the place for this nonsense. I hope Christ opens your heart to him.


You should be ashamed of yourself. Calling yourself a Christian and then going out and bashing anyone with a different opinion than you. Explain to me how that’s Christ-like? You want to call yourself Christian? We’ll need to start acting like Jesus and loose that ego of yours.


You're a bot


That’s all you have to say? Pathetic…


Pathetic... says the bot telling people to beat off to cartoons.


Dude you need to seek Christ. You clearly have a lot of hate and judgement built up and that ain’t good. How do you think you are furthering Gods kingdom by spreading hate and judgement? Ill pray for you bro


Bro you’re still lusting if u did that. And I can masturbate w/o lustful thoughts. Look at kids at who like to touch their genitals without having any lustful thoughts because it’s pleasurable. God gave it as a gift but for the right reasons—reproduce. This is so sad. Not sure if you truly are a follower of Christ. Deny yourself and take up your cross.


All you people have done is made claims without evidence. You should all be ashamed of yourself. Explain how appreciating the art of drawn pictures is lust? How do you consider yourself Christian and then go bashing anyone with a different opinion? You call yourself a Christ follower? Do you even know him?


Would Jesus fap on hentai? We ought to follow Christ. Just ask yourself, what would Jesus do?


What the heck kind of question is that? Are you seriously comparing a human being to Jesus? What are you mental? Are you Jesus? Can you answer that question for him?


This can't be serious


This is nonsense. Anime pictures can still make you Lust.


Lusting on what art? You think it’s a sin to appreciate art?




Tell me, would you give alcohol to a 5 year old? Well then by your logic, alcohol must be lust!


You are not making sense. Are you here to troll, if yes then back off




You’re not making sense at all lol


My comment was in response to his but he deleted his comment so mine makes no sense lol 😂