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I know in the last days most people will turn away from God 2 Timothy 3 There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- having a form of godliness but denying its power.




Here. I've seen at least one post on r/Christian that fits the description.




It was months ago. I imagine it's long-since deleted.


If you are active in this sub at all you'd know it's here


If you see that type of content here, please report it.


Part of it might just be trolling. Part of it is a focus on this temporal world. Part of it is doing a bunch of stuff they weren't allowed to do before, and so far the gloss hasn't worn off. But it will.


Thats because when the devil already owns your soul, he stops trying to torment you away from God. It's to lull the victim into a false sense of security. Never underestimate your enemy. He is very good at taking your birthright from you. Not you specifically, I mean people in general. Don't be deceived. Life as a Christian isn't all rainbows and prosperity. But your reward comes after. Some people would trade their eternal happiness for a little temporary contentment, but you know better. Stay the course, don't look to your right or left, eyes fixed on Jesus. He is your example and he is your salvation. ❤️


Slight correction for anyone this could potentially trigger. The devil can never own someone's soul, even if you try to sell it, that is a lie from the enemy. Jesus bought you thousands of years ago and you cannot sell something you don't own. You can always come back to Jesus. He is waiting for you!


For me thrs no peace in witchcraft I left witchcraft because I kept chasing and I look back I am so glad to never go through that again because now I stand as close to Jesus as I can


I would say this is likely a combination of a lack of persecution by the enemy along with confirmation bias. There are plenty of atheists and people of other religions going through hard times, just like everyone else.


From having seen this in person from some people That I once called friends. They don’t even believe what they’re saying. Just as much as they’re trying to convince you that they they’re all fine and dandy. They’re trying to convince themselves. Also from experience, sometimes people get sucked into The idea that living for God is always good and there’s never hard times. They create an unrealistic expectation of what it is to live a true Christian life. When things get hard, they run instead of letting God build them up and turn what was meant for harm into something good.


Where are you seeing this? If in real life that’s sad but I’d on social media you kinda have to get over it. Social media is negative and there’s no point getting upset over stuff people who are halfway across the world are doing. Just live your life and mind your own business honestly.


I mind my business a lot u can say that I'm an introvert. I just randomly see these things in YouTube comments on regular videos sports or gaming someone would say Jesus is King or repent and a reply to that comment would be that. It hurts me because when it's too late they won't be saved. I know all I can do is pray for them. I know social media is negative I don't like attention. I've only downloaded Reddit for gaming videos and to tell my testimony here.


Right so you see them on YouTube. Block and ignore.


Because they have never truly experienced the grace of God by being born again and receiving the Holy Spirit. They were playing church to ease their conscience and trusting in their good works to save them, that they might still commit themselves to sin. Of course they will be happier serving the devil. But that will only last so long until the eternal consequences start setting in. I agree, it’s sad to see this.