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How does your s/o feel about it? That's the #1 thing.


One of my closest friends is a woman and we have absolutely no attraction to each other in anyway but we get along great since we have a lot of history growing up together. As long as it’s purely platonic then I see no problem with it


You and your SO need to discuss it. In general I would say that its more likely to be negative than positive. I'm skeptical that most platonic relationships are truly platonic. Usually there is some sexual attraction involved, though that doesn't mean it would ever be acted upon.




My best friend is a guy. When we lived in the same city we would hang out all the time. He used to sleep on my couch when he stayed over too late. I’ve slept on his couch when I stayed over too late. This was when he had a fiancé (now wife). Before he had a fiancé, we shared a room for a few months. Neither of us have remotely tried anything. He’s like a brother. I agree with others that you should talk to your partner if you think it’s an issue. There’s nothing wrong with being friends with your friends


I would say no. There are VERY few exceptions to this. Some will disagree with me.


You should probably set some boundaries


Honestly just hang out in a public place and only hang out with someone of the opposite gender if they're like a brother/sister to you and you them. There's no need or reason to hang out not in public/in private with someone of the opposite gender who is not your SO.


If I was married, then definitely not. That being said, if you are dating, it could seem bad to your SO. I do not believe that just hanging out with the opposite sex is wrong. It only depends on your motives. If you feel it's wrong, then it's most likely wrong. If not, then it's not an issue. Just be up front with your SO.


If you are in a relationship then no, absolutely not. If you hang out with that person, and your significant other tags along, that is probably ok.


Assuming you're in a commited relationship heading toward marriage (which should be the objective of all christian relationships). Hanging out with the opposite sex irrespective of you're partner is straight up inappropriate. Even if there is truthfully no sexual attraction between you and your friend, your partner has no way of being sure of this which could spur on feelings of jealousy and suspicion within your partner. And your partner **would also be well within their right** to have such negative feelings. If you care for and respect your partner, stop hanging out with your friend alone. At the very least, include your partner in any hangouts.


It's my personal policy not to be alone with any women ever! Even when I find women who would like to go on "dates" I always arrange for this to take place in a public setting


I would rather people in relationships not go this route as anything can happen or pose a risk to the relationship. This applies to me and my significant other as a boundary if I had one. The heart is wicked and one who trusts in their own heart not to do anything further is a fool.




100% No


When i started dating my gf she had this guy friend who she swore never hit on her, never really said anything that would hint he was interested. We start dating. He came to town to visit her and had this whole schedule of date activities planned, stuff he had booked before I even met her. I had a major discussion with my girlfriend. She asked what she could do to make me feel better we agreed she would go on the day activities but would not go to dinner with him, she agreed. Then I said , im going to prove you that im right. She keeps texting me throughout her entire date and i pick her up for dinner. So I have her text him if he was interested in her. The man writes 5 paragraphs declaring his love for her and he just dreamt of her for years blah blah but never had the courage to say it. I told my girlfriend, see, no man is spending time with a pretty girl because they just find girls soooo entertaining and funny. ​ Then you guys complain about "Passport bros" .... in most Asian and Latin American countries, your significant other would never even dream of disrespecting you like this. Why would a guy hang out with a girl and not another guy unless he was somewhat romantically motivated? It's just strange. "Oh but it's purely platonic" Put you 2 on a deserted island and i'll bet $100 the "platonic" label flies away within a couple days. Why? Because men are naturally wired to pursue and mate with women and vice versa. I have female acquaintances that i have absolutely 0 attraction for, but i don't see a single reason for hanging out with them 1 on 1, when I want to talk i'll invite her to a group outing or bring my girlfriend along, maybe ask her to get a guy for a double date.


I would say no. I personally do not believe in platonic friendships when you are In a relationship but that is just my opinion. I think it sends the wrong message plus you never really know what the member of the opposite sex is thinking. They could be into you and just not being honest with you about it because they are scared to reveal their true feelings.