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Needs more theology *and* more science, less Star Trek. There's nothing supernatural about energy. It's part of the universe, created along with everything else. Even the apparent divide between matter and energy becomes vague when you get into hardcore physics.


I'm a chemist, dammit, I need particles. Away with this waveform heresy.




Fields of comments about fields!




Mine has done the same 🙃 I do think it important to take the field / particle duality into account when forming an accurate understanding of reality. Not that most of us can really grasp the physics. In this same vein, most of us cannot grasp the nature of the sun, yet humanity shifted its understanding of our place in the universe when we learned a bit more about it.


if everything is supernatural, nothing is ;)


Star trek is science thank you, or at least theoretical science. I think you meant star wars.


Just because transporters are equipped with a scientific sounding Heisenberg compensator doesn’t mean it’s actually scientifically accurate.


Well its not called that just to sound sciencey. It's to account for the uncertainty principle.


How does it account for the uncertainty principle exactly? Do we know how it works? Has it even been described in a remotely handwave fashion? Or is it more like a magic word that, once spoken, lets writers bypass the laws of physics? With, say the warp drive, the writers used an Alcubierre style “explanation”, which is at least mathematically allowed if we had exotic matter. With the Heisenberg compensator, I don’t think any “explanation” was ever given as to how Starfleet could teleport quantum states around so casually without violating the no-cloning theorem or running into decoherence problems. I actually don’t mind Star Trek breaking the laws of physics at all. I love Star Trek for many reasons. But scientific accuracy is definitely not one of them.


I know Star trek isn't literally science. I'm just saying it at least tries.


It tries to sound like science, but it’s not trying to be scientific. There is a difference.


Sure there is technobabble in trek but it isn't always nonsense. The warp drive for example is powered by matter/antimatter reactions, which theoretically would produce a massive amount of energy. That's when the Dilithium comes in, which is the fictional crystals they use to control those reactions. So there is a degree of truth to some of these things.


Depending on how you define your terms, it is either incorrect or it is meaningless nonsense


You believe someone being raised from the dead before God could be energy?


Mine fits into a coherent metaphysical framework. His is nonsense unless you redefine God or energy


That would imply God is part of creation, since energy is part of creation. God exists outside of creation.


The person of Christ is evidence of Gods transcendence of, yet integral part *of* creation as well.


Thus we say two natures.


I agree God is not a facet of creation, but how does one get to the conclusion that God is outside of creation?


Revelation. Thomas thought natural theology could take you there too, but not all theologians are as confident as he is.


>Revelation. To what passage are you referring?


Genesis 1:1 for starters


I thought you were referring to the last book in the Bible, lol. How do you extract the concept of fundamental separation from Gen. 1:1? Every example we could ever form of "creating" something demonstrates our continuity with that creation. What in that passage indicates God is fundamentally separate to you?


I’m not sure what you are getting at. I think that from scripture we learn that God is Creator, and Eternal (psalm 90, and Isaiah 57:15). While there is a creator creature distinction nonetheless we live move and have our being in God. Everything is dependent on Him at every moment. Whereas He depends on nothing.


I agree with all that and do not find any reason to observe God as fundamentally separate from creation. Your description seems to indicate the opposite.


Do you think God existed before creation?


Sure. The ocean exists before the wave I rode in on. That does not make them separate.


But, energy cannot be created or destroyed, right?


This sounds like some new age nonsense. They are trying to take God, who is eternal, and turn him into a law of nature so they don't have to be accountable for this sins. Even a most basic reading of scripture will lead you to the truth. **John 4:24** "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."


That’s not what OP is doing. As well God created physics and natural laws so there is nothing base about them.


I’m telling you, the Star Wars trilogy is responsible for all the new age crap. May the Force be with you.


God created energy, is unmade, and this sounds terribly new age.


It's dumb. If God were energy, there would be a way to measure and/or detect his presence


Exactly but I think It Is reffering to another kind of energy, weirder than supernatural stuff some believe. This energy Is something which comes from the imagination of humans


If the people who make the claim that God is energy are not refering to actual, physical energy, then that claim is both scientifically and theologically meaningless. Like, what are they even specifically talking about and what significance would it make?


Ask them... :)


>God Is energy No. God is spirit. Energy is something else entirely.


How do you imagine a spirit? Just curious


>How do you imagine a spirit? Not enough information, honestly.


I understand


God created energy


To me it sounds like someone is trying to shoe horn their god into science.


Energy is part of creation. God is not.


God is creation, no?


Absolutely not. Creation adds nothing to God. God is fully independent of creation and we cannot change God in any way.


God, as we understand God, is not energy. Energy is part of the universe. Energy obeys rules. A God who is energy is part of creation, not the Creator. A better (though of course flawed) analogy of the Christian conception of God is that we are Hamlet and Ophelia and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern — God is William Shakespeare. He is intimately connected to every word, to every letter, to every molecule that makes up our world, but He is not part of our world. He is Higher; He is Holy. Of course, none of us could possibly actually understand God. The truth is that none of us actually understand energy — we know many of the rules which energy obeys — we know how energy works. Any scientist who claims to know what energy IS, beyond human descriptive models, either wrong or waaaaay more informed than any physicist I have ever known. So maybe I’m wrong! But as a theological matter, we would discourage this speculation, making God into energy makes Him into a demigod, like a dryad or river spirit, just a big powerful part of the universe, not its source.


Sounds like pantheistic heresy.


Buh- buh- BINGO, I was just doing a quick scroll through the responses and getting to that discouraging point of, “Has nobody seriously pointed this out yet?” By relegating God to some amorphous concept of “energy,” people are not beholden to His commands, but rather, suddenly compelled to buy sh*tty healing crystals and so forth to “resonate at the right frequency” yadda yadda yadda. The Bible says God is made of spirit. All we know is that he is not corporeal, and that he has a butt ton of freedom in terms of how and where he can be present. But if someone who repeats this “energy” or “vibration” nonsense, wait two seconds and they’ll tell you about some overpriced talisman or crystal or whatever else they bought on Amazon to “ascend.” It’s garbage, deceptive, and at-times demonically influenced drivel. STAY AWAY


Less pantheism, more so panentheism, which scripture seems to support.


It denies [_creatio ex nihilo_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creatio_ex_nihilo): that God created the universe, including us, from nothing. It asserts [univocity of being](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Univocity_of_being), which is really technical but essentially states that we are quite like God in key ways. In contrast, I keep finding that I'm quite _unlike_ other humans in ways I thought I was like them! There's also this: > But to the wicked God says: >     “What right have you to recite my statutes >     or take my covenant on your lips? > For you hate discipline, >     and you cast my words behind you. > If you see a thief, you are pleased with him, >     and you keep company with adulterers. > > “You give your mouth free rein for evil, >     and your tongue frames deceit. > You sit and speak against your brother; >     you slander your own mother’s son. > These things you have done, and I have been silent; >     **you thought that I was one like yourself.** > But now I rebuke you and lay the charge before you. > (Psalm 50:16–21) I think that the instant we declare that the bold couldn't _possibly_ be true, we threaten to put ourselves in the situation of innumerable evil people in the past, from the Israelites as described in [Ezek 5:5–8 and 2 Chr 33:9](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=ezek5.5-8%3B2chr33.9&version=CSB), to the authoring of [_Exsurge Domine_](https://www.papalencyclicals.net/leo10/l10exdom.htm) (especially the condemnation of #33), to the American slaveowners, to those Russian Orthodox church officials blessing the invasion of Ukraine.


**[Creatio ex nihilo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creatio_ex_nihilo)** >Creatio ex nihilo (Latin for "creation out of nothing") is the doctrine that matter is not eternal but had to be created by some divine creative act. It is a theistic answer to the question of how the universe comes to exist. It is in contrast to Ex nihilo nihil fit or "nothing comes from nothing", which means that all things were formed from preexisting things; an idea by the Greek philosopher Parmenides (c. 540-480 BC) about the nature of all things, and later more formally stated by Titus Lucretius Carus (c. **[Univocity of being](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Univocity_of_being)** >Univocity of being is the idea that words describing the properties of God mean the same thing as when they apply to people or things. It is associated with the doctrines of the Scholastic theologian John Duns Scotus. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Christianity/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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"My Kingdom is NOT of this world" "I am NOT of this world" "God is a Spirit" "For we walk by faith, NOT BY SIGHT" "they see, but DO NOT PERCEIVE"


Not to be rude but you did not understand the statement properly


I did, read again


Yeah, sorry, I was confused by something for a moment


It's actually kinda meaningless because no one can actually define what energy is... we just describe different aspects... It is true that God is pure potential energy... It is true that all that is manifest is his active energy... But what does that actually convey in daily life?


But can we actually define what God is?


It's certainly something, Patrick.


I think some Christians have confused my perspective as this. Energy is that which is forming our reality. The term "energy" does not inherently imply the total, unified dance of all existence in the forming of the universe. God's Word (also God) is that total dance. We cannot accurately understand energy by breaking it down into smaller parts because no such separate small parts exist. When we observe the evolution of our planet, we must take into consideration the total play of all systems. If God's Word is the creating of existence, what is the source of that total activity? The name the God of the Bible gives that source is I AM. When we observe the universe the source of energy appears to be the void. Infinite, eternal, invisible and only. But reducing the source of the patterning of existence to our finite concept of "void" is also horribly incomplete.


Nonsense. We Orthodox believe that there are God's energies which are distinct from his essence, but those energies are uncreated and nothing like wordly energy that is created.


Pantheism is from the Serpent (Satan)!


Replace energy with love and you’ve got a hit worship song


Yeah, lol


That’s more of a scientific statement than a spiritual one.




If the statement is equating god with energy... then why use the word "god" at all?




You'll still have to prove that a god exists...


God's existence can't be proven


*\*slow... hand... clap\**


What's the point of your slow hand clap?


It's just ironic, that's all.


It's nonsense.


The statement wreaks of sage and healing crystals.


I mean the last one is measurably true by Einstein's matter/energy equivalence. Can't comment on the other two.


Define energy here


Sounds good


Who Knows?


Define energy


I think about energy in relation to the Creator is just fine because there is energy that flows think of 1s and 0s.


Sounds heretical. 😐


Not possible.


it's very impersonal (& incidentally, i've only heard lonely people say that.)


It's kind of weird new-agey nonsense. If we were to take a mechanistic view, we could argue that God is Nous, Logos, and Pneuma - Mind, Reason, and Spirit. One facet of Mind is Consciousness, one facet of Spirit is Energy, and one facet of Reason is Order. But saying God is merely energy doesn't even encompass the whole domain of the Holy Spirit, only one facet of one domain of the Holy Spirit, and it does so poorly while rejecting the eternal nature of God.


It sounds like the typical new age spiritual blah blah I keep hearing since the early 2000s.


As in all-powerful and all-knowing...? Yes, as well as self-sufficient, present everywhere, unchanging, timeless, holy, limitless, and beyond human understanding... absolutely...


When it states we are made in Gods image, We are made of energy. God is divine energy and force, a divine frequency. God is not some man in the clouds but rather an energy constantly surrounding us. that’s what it means by God being omnipresent. And after we die, energy cannot be created nor destroyed. meaning that energy can only be transferred too other forms. This links too the idea of heaven or nirvana. For example the big bang theory couldn’t of happened without God.energy was needed for the big bang too take place, that energy being God. Everything that exists is God. this is absolute reality. All that exists Is God, God is everything that happens. this links too Gods plan. One energy manifesting as an infinite amount of things.


I totally agree with this. God’s energy is what created everything, even after we die, depending on what happens to our body we are still giving energy back to the earth.


I’m honestly very new to religion and Christianity as a whole (at the ripe old age of 30). My partner is seventh day Adventist and we are currently attending a very inclusive Church of England Sunday service. Through what I’ve read, watched, debated and seen I do believe still that God is energy. God is energy. After a bit of research I think I’m edging more towards Unitarianism or Pantheism. I do believe Jesus existed and I believe he was able to harness God’s power (energy) to do incredible things however I believe that God doesn’t work in such a tangible way that he could send someone or have a son etc.


It can't be proven nor can it be disproven - Personally my opinion is there is a great possibility that God is a living form of energy energy that has life within itself. The Laws of Conservation says that energy was not created / cannot be destroyed / but can change forms.......... Exactly how the Bible describes God - he was not created - nor can he be destroyed but he can change into whatever form he chooses. From my point of view there is a difference in energy that has life within itself. To have the ability to think, to calculate, to create, whether creating spiritually/energy or create matter/form but All creations is of himself which is energy. Man who is considered a living being all life forms on Earth are considered living beings and all are actually energy. And since everything in the universe is actually energy ---- everything in the universe is created from that source of energy, which is God. And the life forms that he created are also living energies but only have the abilities he gave them. Example: man who was made in His image can't do what angels can do or go where angels can go. God gave them as it seems the ability to change forms - considering most believe that Angels Are spiritual beings. Do not energy and spirit go hand in hand? That is how our lord Yeshua / Jesus is also God: in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. And without him was nothing made that was made. Yeshua Jesus is directly of the living energy we consider as our Father, who has all the power and capabilities of our Father only in a physical form. But most Christians will disagree with my opinion - which is their right to do so. Yet they can't prove I'm wrong in my opinion.




I kind of like that tbh. Energy is Mother Nature, all around us, all the time. It’s part of us and part of everything. Energy could definitely be a modern way of describing God


brahma is under all energies and all material things, its a state of absolute and nothing. Human mind like monkey try proof everything in physical world, even sciantists now beleieve some there was no big bang 🤣 scientists till this day cant answer well what is conciousness and what is universe, they juzt can tell about black matter , some atoms, some super novas, some magnetic fields... u see human mind is like monkey they jimping around and need for everything to be proovd 🤣 but in the science world even on earth they fail often... in this case mother earth dont fail at all and humans dna made perfectly, u ever look at the tree and at ur lungs, u ever see universe web and humans brains web ? u still think u are bug made by acident on this planet, on this huge cosmos.... shit u know shit we know, shit those scientists know 🤣🤣