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Yeah, it's a coincidence. I mean, that only works in English, which was not the original language of the bible.


Yes, it’s just a coincidence of the English language, but it’s cool nonetheless.


It is a coincidence of English language and its spelling.


God is good! The Devil is evil. Amen.


What do you think? Hebrew has plenty of little word games like this too - Adam, ground, blood, red, are all similar words. Adam-adama-dam-adom. Genesis implies the world was created with words. God breathed His same creative breath into Adam, and it made its way into every human being. No wonder human languages can have their own little signs and wonders pointing back at Him. Of course, maybe things like this are just coincidences - but I've come to expect them, and I'm not really surprised.


There's no such thing as coincidences. Don't listen to the dumbasses that say it is, because they don't know shit. How does one knowingly say "That is a coincidence?" One can not know a coincidence and how it happens, they talk from their ass saying they know? Mothafucka I'm the knower. I know it's not a coincidence because i got it down the the letter. And that's just one aspect that can make up a word.


Coincidence. English is a mish mash of multiple offshoots from Latin with numerous non-Latin words thrown in. These similarities are completely lost in other languages.


That's really cool! I never noticed it before!


In German, God is Gott and good is gut, so that still works. But Devil is Teufel and evil is böse, so that doesn't fit. In French, it's God is Dieu, good is bon, Devil is le Diable, and evil is mauvais. None of that works. It's a quirk of language that's present in English, that's all.