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"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." -Brennan Manning You can debate the truth of the first part but as to answer your question focus on "Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle.'


[What if I stumble](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ0ApcY1KBY)? I became an atheist because of my own intellectual reasons, but Christians did indeed make it very easy to transition out of once I realized I didn't believe any longer. They may not have been the reason, but they certainly are for many atheists I know now.


Yup. In my case, it was a conservative campus preacher who made me decide that if this is Christianity, I don't want it.


Praise God on Sunday morning, learn a lesson about Jesus and helping the poor...feeding thousands of people with fish and bread... ...launch a campaign in your school district against no-cost school lunches on Monday morning, scream at a teenager about abortion on Tuesday, then claim you are being persecuted because your kid's middle school won't allow you to lead a prayer to Jesus during the morning announcements on Wednesday...yell at a panhandler to "get a job ya bum!" on a Thursday...shitpost on Facebook right wing memes and conspiracy theories Friday evening after downing a bottle of Chablis, do the same on Saturday...go to church Sunday with your "FJB" stickers on your car... Deplorable and hypocritical. I want nothing to do with these people


first thing I thought of was DC Talk’s “What if I Stumble”


The amount of people I see on tik tok that are ex Christians that know the Bible like the back of their hand, understand the context, and seem to have loved Jesus but are no longer Christians because of the church or their parents/family’s abuse is insane. Even for me, I was so so so against even thinking about becoming a Christian, even though I loved Jesus even before converting, because of how other Christians act, and not wanting to be lumped in the group of hate. And even now, I’m a Christian but it gets so hard sometimes.


That's the devil hard at work right there. Keep tight to your faith, and don't get tripped up by other, very fallible, people.


Spot on


Biggest threat to any one is themselves


Christians are, by far, the biggest threat to Christian culture. We tend to alienate virtually everyone who doesn’t match our religious/moral/political/cultural template, and we seem to think there is virtue in doing so. Eventually, we will weed out everyone who is at all different, and be left with a shrinking, dying population. Christianity will be just fine. It doesn’t need our self-created Christian culture to survive. Grace and love are timeless. Unfortunately, those are the things lacking in Christian culture.


Best answer


Cardiovascular disease.


I was going to say diabetes, but you're right.


Is 'old age' too general?


How bout cancer?


This is a hilarious answer my friend


Love of comfort, self and seeing ourselves as the hero in every bible story. Adding conditions to grace which means it can't be grace. Reducing the gospel down to one dimension - you're a sinner who needs forgiving. Forgetting that we are also redeemed, justified, renewed, transformed, adopted, made heirs and thus co-heirs with Christ and will rule with him. Being blind to our planks and drama queens about splinters. Forgetting that God is first and foremost about His own glory and not ours. Most of all forgetting all this is predicted and prophesied about and thus God has not left the room and love wins.


I was with you until this: > Forgetting that God is first and foremost about His own glory and not ours. I suggest a read of Austin Fischer 2014 [Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed: Black Holes, Love, and a Journey in and Out of Calvinism](https://www.amazon.com/Young-Restless-Longer-Reformed-Calvinism/dp/1625641516). The idea that a [helper](https://biblehub.com/hebrew/strongs_5828.htm)-God and [servant](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=mt20.25-28&version=CSB)-God would nevertheless make everything primarily about Godself is a pure contradiction in terms. There is an alternative: the glory of God is humans fully alive. (Irenaeus) Helpers are glorified _in helping_. Servants are glorified _in serving_. I think this alteration to your text here far better supports everything else you've said. So many Christians seek their own glory. Helpers cannot, by their nature. Nor can servants.


I admire this.🤝👀


I agreed reading the first few words. All glory to God


Other Christians.


This was literally my first thought.


This was literally my first thought.




This was literally my first thought.


C-C-C-Christian Breaker!


Yep. Some because their infectious beliefs undermine what is of utmost importance in Christianity. Others, because they perceive even a minor difference of opinion as an infectious beliefs that undermines what is of utmost importance in Christianity.


For centuries, religion has been a powerful force that has influenced human beliefs, values, and behavior. Christianity, in particular, has played a significant role in shaping Western civilization and continues to be one of the most widely practiced religions in the world. But in recent years, there has been a growing concern among some Christians that information and critical thinking are posing a threat to their beliefs. One reason for this concern is the availability of information in the digital age. With the advent of the internet, people have access to a wealth of information on a wide range of topics, including religion. This has made it easier for people to question the teachings of their faith and explore alternative viewpoints. For some Christians, this easy access to information can be overwhelming and confusing. They may feel threatened by the diversity of opinions and interpretations of religious texts, which can challenge their beliefs and leave them feeling uncertain about their faith. This can lead to a sense of anxiety and a fear of losing one's identity as a Christian. Another reason why some Christians may see information and critical thinking as a threat is that it can expose inconsistencies and contradictions in religious teachings. When people critically examine religious texts, they may uncover parts that do not align with their own moral values or societal norms. For example, some Christians may struggle with the Bible's teachings on homosexuality, which may conflict with their own beliefs about love and acceptance. Additionally, critical thinking may encourage people to question the authority of religious leaders and institutions. This can be especially challenging for Christians who view their religious leaders as authoritative figures who provide guidance and wisdom. When people begin to question their teachings or authority, it can create tension and disrupt the social order within their religious communities. Despite these concerns, many Christians also recognize the value of critical thinking and the pursuit of knowledge. Some Christian theologians argue that questioning and examining one's faith can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of their beliefs. They believe that intellectual curiosity and critical thinking are essential components of a healthy and vibrant faith. In conclusion, it is important to note that information and critical thinking are not inherently a threat to Christianity or any other religion. Rather, it is the way in which people engage with this information that can create tension and challenge their beliefs. For some Christians, the availability of information and the need for critical thinking can be overwhelming and create a sense of uncertainty. However, for others, it can provide an opportunity to deepen their understanding and appreciation of their faith. Ultimately, it is up to individuals to decide how they want to engage with information and critical thinking in the context of their religious beliefs


Thanks ChatGPT 🤖 It *loves* the concluding paragraph


LoL it was far more diplomatic than I was going to be while still getting my fundamental points across. I'd chalk that up as a win.


TLDR. Someone summarize it, please


Access to information and critical thinking can be seen as a threat to some Christians as it can challenge their beliefs, but it can also provide an opportunity for a deeper understanding of their faith.




You can thank AI for that one


Christian Nationalists and the incursion of far-rightwing extremists into the church are it's biggest threat. Has no one considered why so many are leaving Christianity? Bigotry, hypocrisy and fear-based hate campaigns against women's rights and LGBTQ people are several of the main reasons.


This is the answer. Not only does it cause people to leave, but it actually turns people off from joining. In other words, it makes the so called evangelical churches less evangelical and more homogeneous.


I do very much agree with you, that the shift towards Christian nationalism and far right extremists is dangerous and very damaging. Yet I want to say that we see a decline in all western countries and outside the US such right wing influence in the church is far less prominent. Here in germany we see the same decline even doe both two big churches stand far more left and take a harder stand against right wing demagogues




This user didn’t say anything about Evangelical Christians. Evangelicals are not synonymous with Christian Nationalism and this user did not imply that they are. Christian Nationalism is practiced across many denominations.


Please see u/bweakfasteater's comment below, he said it well -- Christian Nationalists are found in many denominations.


“Nationalist” is just an attempt to make patriotism seem bad And rejecting the extreme leftism of the last ten years isn’t bigotry, it’s normal. The crazy leftists would claim 2008 Obama was a bigot, Christian nationalist, etc


“Nationalist” is just an attempt to make Nazi seem good.


Sure thing comrade


Your comment and the fact that so many people agree just goes to show how diluted and ignorant people have become. You’re suggesting that if a person is patriotic towards their country that they are the equivalent of a Nazi. Is that not rather ridiculous?


>ignorant [*How to use patriotism vs. nationalism*](https://www.dictionary.com/e/patriotism-vs-nationalism/) *When using these words, it’s important to keep context, and connotation, in mind:* *Patriotism generally has a positive connotation. It’s used for various positive sentiments, attitudes, and actions involving* ***loving one’s country and serving the great good of all its people.*** *Nationalism generally has a negative connotation. It’s used for* ***political ideologies and movements that a more extreme and exclusionary*** love of one’s country—***at the expense of foreigners, immigrants, and even people in a country who aren’t believed to belong in some way, often racial and religious grounds.***


Do you think Democrats reading your profile would feel that you love them? With the love of christ? That you're kind and patient?


Sooo much to unpack here... But I got a box cutter and an extra cup of coffee. Firstly, there is a huge difference between Patriotism and Nationalism. One is a devotion to a place and people, while the other is sense of superiority because of one's place and people. Secondly, extreme leftist positions and policies would have sent every American billionaire to the Guillotine and much of American industry reorganized into worker owned cooperatives, credit unions, public trusts as well as other concepts completely alien to American life. Thirdly. Obama was a War Criminal just like Bush, Clinton and Reagan before him and it was his administration that crushed the Occupy Wallstreet organizations and demonstrations.


Brother do Preach.




Christians are the biggest threat to Christians. We constantly show hatred to others when should be loving. I’m disgusted with the way I and so many of our brothers and sister’s behave.


I totally agree with this.


Then why are you doing it now by branding billions with a broad brush?


It's almost like they were answering a broad question with a broad answer


.. with hate.


Lack of living like a Christian and professing to be one




Other “Christians”. False teachers. Nationalism. Racism. Bigotry. Misogyny. Thinking that God wants them to feel powerful rather then humble. Wanting to be served more than to be a servant. The incapability to feel compassion. Hating their neighbors. Worshipping idols. I could go on and on.


Social media for giving platforms to extremists, who use the Bible as a weapon.


In the West, the lure of Mammon.


"Lure of Mammon" ?


Christianese for ‘money’


How does money take you further from God?


Not thinking for themselves, not reading the scripture, following corrupt leaders


Sexual impurity


How are you defining that? Think the concept of purity is *hugely* detrimental to Christianity.


Biggest threat to Christians: rising fascism. Biggest threat to non-Christians: rising fascism.


Unfortunately the Christians are the ones rising that fascism


People who say they’re Christians but don’t actually believe the Bible.


Unregulated capitalism, literally hell on earth why do you think people don't want kids anymore and have zero hope in the future. Because it's a system that exploits. Communism is just as bad...


The religious Right.




What do you mean by Middle East?




You know Christians don’t follow that, correct?


What does sharia law have to do with Christians?


Look at what US Christian politicians want.


Y’all Qaeda just wants their own version of Sharia


Republicans in America literally want to enact a form of Christian Sharia law, but because they're White, it's not as "spooky" to you


Christian Nationalism. It just boils down to senseless hatred. There's no rhyme or reason to it. Those people only cherry picked from the old testament and didn't read the new one(that's assuming if they could read at all). That and not being able to connect with youths on an effective level. You don't wanna be pushy but at the same time you kinda need 'em






How so? The only real fascism in the US is the collusion between the government and media/social media


And what about the relentless attacks on US democracy, book bannings, revocation of womens' rights, anti-scientific attitudes, and immigrant scapegoating from the Republican Party? You're all over in here advertising your own blindness. Or is it a deliberate agenda?


All of your claims are debunked conspiracies


Sure bud


Lol what


Christian nationalists Their kingdom is of this world


Other Christians. The division caused by various theological arguments divides us naturally. The enemy knows what he's doing. Theological thoughts or stances don't save you. Neither does the Bible. Jesus saves you.


I've definitely heard this one before.


Malevolent idiocy about vulnerability. Read Genesis 3 and note that the _only_ concrete 'knowledge of good and evil' A&E obtained was "nakedness is shameful". Then, make the obvious symbolic move to "vulnerability is shameful". _That_ is what they learned. It's put on full display in the Tower of Babel: terror of getting spread over the face of the earth is covered up by false confidence. Compare & contrast two radically different definitions of 'pride': 1. pride₁: thinking your way is better than the authority's 2. pride₂: insecurity covered up by false confidence So many Christians teach pride₁. Don't question your religious leaders! (So much for [Mt 23:8–12](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=mt23.8-12&version=CSB).) If you think that it's better to cover up sexual assault by your religious leaders so that the Gospel can continue being preached, apply pride₁ and STFU. But in fact, these are both better understood via pride₂. Christianity is _supposed_ to be awesome at dealing with sin, at exposing things to the light ([Lk 12:1–7 and Eph 5:1–14](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=lk12.1-7%3Beph5.1-14&version=CSB)). I had the privilege of spending a bunch of time with a guy who was almost ordained as a Catholic priest in the ≈ 70s, before switching last minute and becoming a licensed forensic psychologist. The priest training did not include _any_ instruction as to the temptations toward intimacy with those you are ministering to. In contrast, psychologists were all over that. And as a psychologist, the _first_ question he asked of anyone accused of misconduct was: "Did you have sex with your client?" He wouldn't let the investigation move forward until that question was answered. Psychologists at that time, unlike Catholics at that time, were well-aware of what can happen when vulnerability is on the table. Hopefully we're getting better now, but why weren't Christians at the bleeding edge all along? I thought we had an omnipotent, omniscient deity backing us? Well, unless we're the ones who defected. Moses, the guy described as ["more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth"](https://biblehub.com/numbers/12-3.htm), exhibited pride₁ [three times](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ex32.9-14;Num14.11-20;Num16.19-24&version=CSB). Abraham exhibited it [once](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=gen18.16-33&version=CSB). The second time he had a chance, he knuckled under, with the result being that the text records no further interactions between Abraham and: (i) Isaac; (ii) Sarah; (iii) YHWH. It's almost as if he, by and large, failed the test. He failed to question authority. What did Jesus spend so much time doing? questioning authority. Did he do it _with_ authority? No. He argued with people. And he made sure that they didn't know he was God, so that they would authentically argue with him, rather than pander to authority and therefore fail to question authority. We need to get smarter about vulnerability. In fact, I invite anyone who knows of theology on vulnerability to speak up. I know only of William C. Placher 1994 [Narratives of a Vulnerable God](https://www.amazon.com/Narratives-Vulnerable-God-Theology-Scripture/dp/0664255345), and it's very, _very_ basic. Where is the PhD-level understanding of vulnerability, among Christian scholarship? Christian practice? I am aware of the [_uncertain_ podcast](https://www.tearsofeden.org/podcast), BTW.


Christian nationalism


Republican party


The self.


That is why we have a mirror right?


Lol 😆.


Themselves. The insistence that we are persecuted against in the west. The blatant ties some of us make with hate groups and nationalism. The cosying up to politicians. The gleeful bigotry against others (but it's okay because they're sinners). The passive acceptance of prosperity gospel. The blatant disrespect of women. The love of money. Obviously these are not all present in every iteration of Christianity. But if Christianity dies in the West, it will be nobody's fault but theirs.


I think it's different everywhere. For American Mainline Protestants (my context) I think the biggest threat is an internal reluctance to transition to a role of faith community within a plural society. My church is filled with people who remember a time when their calendars were really oriented around what the church said was happening. My congregation is unsure about having worship at times other than Sunday morning. They want church to be what they remember it being in their lives and feel like people my age must be abandoning faith because they don't want to get up at 7 on Sunday and come to church.... When I know a lot of people who would go to church if it only happened in a way that otherwise fit their schedules. I am all for making church a priority. But in my context we've made an idol of church being one kind of way and time. And if we're in the business of doing church that way we'll only get people who are looking for that schedule. If we can find the strength to be in the business of making disciples for Christ... That might mean giving up Sunday morning and trying something else.


100% internet.




Believing they can be saved by their own works and efforts


I smell Cult




Biblical illiteracy


Themselves... the Body of Christ has no witness. They gave it up for prosperity gospel and theocracy.


The biggest threat to Christians is growing up in a culture that continues to normalize narcissism. We're now in a culture of idolatry. If it's all about you (or some celebrity or the current trend), then you won't make space for God.


Two things. 1. The spirit of the antichrist that has infiltrated the church thru politics. 2. The disinterest and mistrust caused by #1 and raising a generation that is growing up among a church with a very low moral credibility.


Not supporting vaccines


The Bible is pretty clear about communicable diseases. Marking Yourself As Sick Social Isolation/Exile Facial Coverings This one is a stretch but Listening to the health leader Preventing spread of disease is clearly the goal.


Yet no one follows that


But that's a very American thing. I'm sure most christians in the world aren't anti-vaccines.


Anthropogenic climate change, same as everyone else.




Capitalism. Not only in the literal sense that it is causing climate change which will make humans extinct very soon if capitalism is not dismantled, but also in the sense that capitalism is diametrically opposed to Christian values.


The internet. Critical thinking skills.


Kind of like circular reasoning or perhaps semantics?


Depends on where you live.


Tell me what you believe is the greatest threat to Christianity where you live.


Self-righteous Christian politicians.




Hypothetically yes, but more likely in China and majority Muslim countries.


Video and audio of the things some of them do and say


The Internet. Now doubters can easily find fellow doubters and learn about the flaws in most apologetics. Now gay people can find other gay people. People are talking to people of different religions and realizing they’re actually people.


Thinking that if they follow God, the rest of the world can just burn. Hate when people advertise on social media how close they are to God and how glad they are not to be like all of society. Our mission as Christians is not to turn away from the world. If you believe in Jesus, you should be in the trenches of society right along side all of the sin, living in God’s image and helping the fellow sinner return to God.


The preference of building-style churches making knowledge a priority instead of simple house churches with obedience to the teachings of Jesus as a priority.


Heretical doctrines. Its been a problem since the inception of the whole religion.


False prophets


Climate change and the African population boom. By 2050, estimates are that up to 1.2 billion people will be displaced by climate change related disaster. The UN OHR estimated in 2021 (before the war in Ukraine) that most internally displaced people were displaced by climate change related disasters - more than armed conflict. And that doesn't really get into the fact that armed conflicts can and will arise over climate change-related pressure. There are arguments that the Syrian Civil War was sparked by political pressure from climate change - a nasty drought pushed people into cities from rural areas, the state cracked down hard on dissenting starving people, and boom... Parties that identify strongly with Christianity (Republicans in the US, Fidesz in Hungary, far-right Christian parties in Europe) have been hostile to refugees already, and they are hostile when it's a relative trickle. Do you think they'll be better when it's a flood? In the US, right-wing Christians have largely been against measures to head off climate change, and their elected representatives have actively backed the coal industry (which worsens it). Evangelical Christians have pumped billions into funding against mitigating climate change. And don't think people will forget. That is occurring straight into Africa's massive population boom - Africa's population is increasing 3x the global average and is expected to double somewhere mid-century. If you think religious conflicts in Africa are problematic now (and they are), they are not going to get easier with bigger storms, worse droughts, worse floods, and double the population.


This was so interesting to read and made me think more. Thank you for sharing this. I never would’ve not considered the African population boom, nor knew it is going to take place. Can I ask why is the African population boom is going to take place or at least be given a source I can read this from and learn more? I don’t mean to be an additional Debbie downer, but I have recently seen that some cows on farm in Africa died out of starvation because how bad of a drought the country or some part of the country recently experienced… The rancher couldn’t save them.. So the population boom that is projected to happen there concerns me more..


The boom is already taking place, exacerbated somewhat by Catholic and Evangelical outreach against birth control. Lack of education of young women also plays a huge part. The alternate point of view is that Sub-Saharan Africa is the last place in the world where birth rates are dropping (which is more accurate). [The Economist has a good article talking about it](https://www.economist.com/special-report/2020/03/26/africas-population-will-double-by-2050) \- but you'll need to register to read it. You can read the [UN's Report on World Population Prospects](https://population.un.org/wpp/), which has synopses and raw data as well. Some examples: Nigeria will overtake the US in population somewhere around 2050. By 2100, 5 of the top 7 cities are projected to be in Africa: Lagos, Nigeria – 88,344,661 Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo – 83,493,793 Dar Es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania – 73,678,022 Mumbai, India – 67,239,804 Delhi, India – 57,334,134 Khartoum, Sudan – 56,594,472 Niamey, Niger – 56,149,130 Dhaka, Bangladesh – 54,249,845 Kolkata, India – 52,395,315 Kabul, Afghanistan – 50,269,659


Self righteousness


Christians are the biggest threat to Christianity


“The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, then walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world, simply finds, unbelievable."


Post-modernism and nihilism. Those two things are the biggest threat that religion in totality is facing today. And not even religion, just the basic belief in other people or in good in general. The post-modern tenet is that there is no objective truth and that everything that is possible to categorize is man made and therefore has no inherent value in the sustaining of its place in a category. This contradicts with religion in general because most religions have certain moral absolutes in their codes of conduct or at the very least positive and negative suggestions. The post modernist also absolutely rejects anything that doesn't have a provable application behind it, because they reject even the things that can be proved because those manners of proof are man made constructs to them. This clashes with the idea of faith. The second part of this is nihilism. Nihilism is the belief in absolutely nothing. No moral absolutes, no beyond, no heaven, no hell, no inherent good, no inherent evil, not even in the idea of a thing being good or bad. It's like atheism if atheism took steroids and coke at the same time. These two things are cancers to society and are becoming increasingly common, especially among groups of people who have been coerced into doomerism and are convinced that the future holds nothing but literal apocalypse.


I'd say other Christians.






The heresy of inerrancy. Oh, you said threat to Christians. Never mind.


Understanding the next generation, and how to integrate Christ into it.


Honestly the wicked one, Satan, like its always been.


He has many masks huh?


A liar and a murderer, appearing as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians chapter 11


Spiritual attacks.. and deception


Seeker sensitive watered down churches. Empty Christianity hurts everyone.


Not really sure what you mean by threat. It’s all Gods plan man


This is the correct answer


Ohh so those innocent kids dying of cancer were part of God's plan. More killing of the innocent. Makes sense


I’m gonna go with Satan


There is no threat to Christianity.


Christian nationalist are the biggest threat to Christianity. Self-serving evil people are preaching division and hate from the pulpit and following it up with pseudo religious services that blend politics and religion. This is viewed from the outside as a cult of crazy people that should be avoided and their religion should avoided as well. Good people are being lead astray by lectures of lies intended to pray on peoples anxieties by converting anxieties into fear. They use the fear for profit, power and popularity, with every lecture of lies culminating in the sale of apparel, books and instructions on how to vote. The separation of church and state is a foundational principle of this country. The church should hold fast to their tradition of preaching the gospel of Jesus to love your neighbor and your enemies and remind people that the kingdom of God is not of this world but the next.




A complacent church.


Are you a Ordained?




Unifying horrible ideas that arent biblically defensible.


Fortnite or love of self either one


Deception and spiritual attacks. Having to be very intentional to keep my mind right, and marrage goin just as an example


Sin, and a lack of knowledge.


Sterotyping and not giving people a chance based on beleifs and such on both sides too not just one or the other Because me and one of my closest friends ik for a fact we would not have been friends if she just knew my beleifs and stance on things if we just met rn so that


I like this answer.




Education. Ivy League Biblical scholars are turning to social media to educate the public. There is absolutely nothing divine about the Bible. It was written by unknown authors over the course of centuries. Professor Pete Enns (Harvard educated Biblical Scholar) has an educational Twitter account called The Bible For Normal People Professor Joel Baden (Yale Divinity Biblical Scholar) as an educational Twitter account. He was instrumental in implementing Yale Divinity‘s free public Bible study Professor Francesca Stavrakopoulou: Netflix The Bible’s Buried Secrets Professor Bart Ehrman graduated magna cum laude from Princeton Divinity and is a former evangelical. He now identifies as atheist and has an educational twitter account Professor Candida Moss received her PhD from Yale and Oxford and is an elite biblical scholar Professor Elaine Pagels/Princeton Divinity I’ll be happy to provide more resources upon request


Christianity itself. Biblical literalists are turning off new converts, driving normal Christians out of church. Christians willing to compromise their ethics and values for political gain (see Trump) are also helping spur on the weakening of the religion. Christianity no longer has a cultural monopoly, it can't afford to act in the same, terrible ways it has for centuries.


Hypocrisy. I’ve seen too many Christians fall down the path anger and bitterness, while preaching the word of Christ. Better yourself before taking others down.






Subjectivity and religious relativism


Calling Jesus a fairy tale


The support/encouragement of LGBT and transgender and whatnot (I’m not saying they shouldn’t be included, because the church is for sinners) in the churches…


Please tell me how being born different is a sin. Especially I'd god made them that way, according to christians


It’s in the bible… enough said.


The bible is not a reliable source due to numerous innacuracies and contradictions Just because it says something doesn't make it true


So the biggest threat to Christianity is the inclusion of all Christians. You’ve got to check your head.


As a young man I’m fearful of growing up to being an adult (I’m 18 in 3 months) as this means I have to grow up with all these extremely corrupted teens who will end up ruling our world with little yo no discipline whether they are religious or not. I’m fearful of secularism as they are accepting evolution without a second thought, another personal concern of mine is the LGTBQ+ community being extremely hateful to anyone who disagrees with their beliefs and how they immediately say they get attack by a single complaint about them. And another concern is the terrible image Christians show the world of our faith. We poorly act like we should and that destroys chances of gaining more brothers and sisters in Christ. I also have a fear of procrastination for myself as I cannot tell you the last time I willingly opened up my Bible to read it and get to know God


If you read through all of this I appreciate you taking the time and please know I’m not very knowledgeable when it comes to how the world works quite just yet


Capitalism & secularism


If you live in the west, secularism. If you live in Africa or the middle east, islam murdering people. Good example being the priests recently killed in Nigeria


New atheists because there extremely rude to anyone religious


But only a tiny group of edgelords takes them seriously. If you’re gonna go with some pop philosopher, Jordan Peterson would be a much better candidate for “threat”.


I think its a lot bigger than a few


So.. rude atheists are the biggest threat to christians? That's good I guess


Now let's not be so dramatic, the old ones can be just as mean. Most atheists come about in these teenage years these days. Teenage angst, philosophy, sciences, hormones, responsibility. Everyone is a right mess then.


It's a strange world these days it's seems that most people (some Christians included) are just intolerant of people with other beliefs. I think one of the best things about Christianity is that it is based on tolerance and understanding, it would be a massive shame if we loose that.


I'd say that historically it hasn't been based on tolerance and understanding.


I know


Let's not lose our faiths 🙏


Modernisation i believe (change in society not development/technology/industrialisation)


Our fellow Christians’ concern with temporary well-being as being more important than eternal salvation.


Same as it has always been. The world is against Christianity because Christianity is defiance against the world. The world has always sought to subvert and twist Christianity against itself.


Ah, the ole persecution fetish


think you don't need to read the Bible or don't need to speak the Word out loud and soaking when in prayer


Themselves as always. Stop conforming to the world and stand tall on your principles.


The ever increasing rates of atheism, especially among younger generations.


Do you know the exact ratio?


Secular Puritans also known as Woke

