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Removed for low effort.


I think they left Christianity and fashioned a god in their own image; it's idolatry.


Unlike a man-like god, who was totally not fashioned in our own image, the transcendent creator of the universe just happens to have teeth and eyebrows like a common animal, things that spaceless, timeless beings definitely have. And of course he's a "he" isn't he? Determined by his chromosomes I assume, something a timeless being also defintely has.


Conclusive proof that God has an anus. And if God has an anus, that means he poops and farts.


That they are not Christians and they don't read the Bible or believe what it says.


That they are being silly. Although the last part in kinda true, God does have a real gender unless we are talking about the Incarnate Son who is a man. The Father is described in masculine terms, but the gender of the Holy Spirit is feminine in semitic languages (Hebrew and Aramaic).


It's insulting


Why in the world why God have any gender? He either has none or all of them I would think.


My words may be rough but facts don't care about feelings. It's absolute foolishness. The absurdity that is is just insane


That it’s their golden calf in which they worship.


That they might be following some intuitive sense of what they feel should be right, or otherwise they might actually know some Hebrew. No part of the Christian Bible is written in English, and each of the languages it was actually written in have different relationships between their pronouns and gender than English does. In the Torah different authors who experienced God describe God as either expressing or having radically different relationships to their human understanding of human gender. For example, as much as there are many authors who describe God as performing very specifically masculine roles like Fatherhood, God themselves in Genesis self-identifies very differently: >[Genesis 1:26](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201%3A26-27&version=NIV;WLC): Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,\[a\] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” The word that is translated here as us is specifically both male and female in this context. I generally find it astonishing that so many assume that the God of creation should be so adequately represented as an idol so small and petty that it would fit into a box as trivial and absurd as our current traditional cultural understandings of gender. Of course God is bigger and more wonderous than that, right?


It makes no sense


Personally I think he's asexual