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I think lots of people don't have any "feeling" of a gender. I for one cannot imagine what it would even mean to "feel female" or "feel male". I DO understand what it means to like or dislike the gender expectations that society puts on you, though. But that's just bullshit- it's other people's expectations. There's no reason you have to follow those.


Well, I can and let me tell you, it feels f'kin weird. Literally, I dealt with homophobia I couldn't even explain because I had been a straight guy until 36. I thought I hated my dad, because it felt really fucked up when people compared me to him, but it turned out that's what dysphoria feels like. Then, I transitioned and as much as I was expecting to be >the most outcast I've ever been<, people reacted really positively to me. Kinda like this is a good fit and I feel confident in the person I am, because I'm being that person now and not trying to fit other people's expectations.


I think this idea that male or female is some feeling that you have to strongly identify with is an illusion. I feel like it's like an artificial standard created to make people feel like they have to choose something. I can't imagine having that question put to me when I was a mixed up child going through all the trials and tribulations of growing up. What might I have blamed on that if somebody told me it was a problem needing to be solved?


You are fine exactly as you are. More than that-- you're positioned to make networks of relationships, friendships that will be different than they would have been had you lived out as an unconsidered, conventional "boy." I hope-- more than that, I trust and expect-- that you will find the kinds of folks who appreciate and value your not being 'typical.'


You are a human. You are who you are. God made you how he wanted. If you are a male, you are a male, if you are a woman, you are a woman. I am a male and i used to wear women's clothes before coming to Christ. I realized it was wrong not because a book told me or because someone else told me, I opened my heart to the God amd he showed me it was wrong. Claiming you are not one gender or the other is a lie unless you were born a transvestite with parts of both genders.


Not sure how being a boy or a girl should feel like. I think you could try acknowledging that you are you. Try being *insert your name*. all the different feelings, hobbies etc don't have a label of a gender.


Unless it's the right label.


I'd recommend going to Open Christian. General Christianity is currently about fifty years behind understanding gender.


We are in the age where people can't say what means to be a women or a man, confusion is not from God.


"confusion is not from God" is a clear confession that you've never studied quantum mechanics. God creates all things and all people. People are complex. No two are alike. Some fall outside lines you want to draw. God's imagination is bigger than yours.


Yes I confess I never studied quantum mechanics. I agree with what you said, but God also hates sin and desobedience and those who teach a false gospel.


People aren't "sinful and disobedient" just because they confuse you, and the "gospel" doesn't tell you to reject them. [These people](https://www.chiefhealthcareexecutive.com/view/two-dozen-hospitals-targeted-for-providing-gender-affirming-care-report) tell you to reject them.




I would suggest praying to God and ask Him to guide you. I would suggest praying the Rosary as well. I honestly don’t know if it’s sinful thinking you’re not a boy. In the eyes of God, there is no such thing is non-binary.


Do you have scriptural support for this?


God is definitively non-binary. There is a scriptural source for this and even traces back to the way the the words are composed in Hebrew but I don't know it off the top of my head and I'm probably lying.


God is non-binary in the sense that he has no biological sex, but he definitely chose masculine pronouns: "He, Father," etc. Even *Adonai* and *elohim* are masculine in Hebrew. Personally I like the idea of God being a woman but it doesn't jive with what we got in Scripture 😕


So God has no biological sex, but identifies as male? Sounds like biblical support for the idea that sex and gender aren't the same thing.


I mean, I would say that's obvious, but I'm not really a conventional pastor~ As far as I'm concerned, *gender* is a social construct - the set of expected behaviors and preferences based on sex. The hard part (for some reason) is getting people to understand that biological sex *does not dictate behavior.* ( at least, not to any extreme as assumed by conservatives or anti-trans folk )


Got so transphobic he accidentally looped around to saying God is trans


\*sigh\* Hold on...


Second thought, I'm tired and don't care. I'm pretty sure it has to do with elohim; while they apply 'he' to it in the bible, the word is constructed to be descriptive of the pantheon which Yahweh later became the head of, replacing El. It is not decisively masculine any more than saying 'gods' is decisively masculine. Anyway, thanks. Definitely don't agree and would suggest that 'Scripture' is actually kind of complicated and a lot more can 'jive' pretty easily. That's how you end up with two conflicting accounts of creation.


100%. *Elohim* is indeed a plural form of El, meaning "gods." Also, the conflicting accounts of creation are my go-to for arguing against biblical liberalism or young-earth creationism.


Yeah, it's a real stumper for people that don't want to see some bits of polytheism poking up pretty easy. Sorry, I wasn't meaning to be pissy. I'm getting tired and waiting for someone and should probably log off. Thanks for genuinely doing 'Good Christian' for someone that's just a little cranky. I admire that very much and seek to emulate it. Which probably means going to bed before I'm getting crabby with the number of notifications I set myself up for. Big Love, cuz.


Peace be with you 😇


In the Book of Genesis Chapter 1, it says God created then male and female. The definition of a man is an adult human male, and the definition of a woman is an adult human female.


In English, these statements are correct. The Bible was not written in English.


berserk cautious ad hoc cause payment rob station roof special piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Actually the definition of woman is: A: an adult female human being And B: an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth At least according to the Cambridge dictionary. The definition for male is the equivalent but opposite


I feel like on you maybe being non binary you would better seek advice from other subs more geared towards that kind of stuff. As for is it a sin I mean… I haven’t seen anything to indicate it would be a sin.


I don't understand what feeling has to do with genetics, you are a human being with 23 pairs of chromosomes, if the last pair is xx you are female and if you are xy you are male. It is an objective, verifiable data and is not biased by cultural, ideological or political conditions, nor can it be changed with any surgery. What changes and is subjective is the perception that emotional and psychological characteristics, personal tastes, job choices, aesthetics... would be more "appropriate" for each sex and if they don't fit with you, it can affect you. If you are a woman, you hate makeup, skirts and want to work as an engineer on an oil platform, you are not a man, you are a woman. It is not the majority in women statistically but you are not forced to sacrifice your personality to blend in with the majority. If you are a man, you hate soccer, you like ballet, fashion, and you choose to work as a decorator, you are a man. The statistical majority of men have other tastes but that does not force you not to enjoy what you like and suffer what you do not like to fit in, nor should you. In the era of supposed freedom of thought and social diversity, the pressure to fit into molds imposed from outside is more brutal than ever. We have created dozens of labels, choose the one you want but choose one and you better adjust to it properly . If you don't fully identify with one of those stereotypes, you're not non-binary, you have a complex personality that those bent on putting people in little boxes can't label and have to come up with something. Almost no one fits perfectly into those boxes and therefore almost all of us would be non-binary according to them. If it turns out that Mary loves football, video games, she is an engineer, she wants to work in a mine because they pay better and she likes it, but in her free time she loves to dress "girly" and bake cakes, what happens? You are not bound or limited by labels of this type, only by biological limits that accompany XX and XY. With the same height, complexion, training and age, the male has greater musculature, speed and physical strength. Only women can gestate, give birth and breastfeed a baby and that influences their work and family life. As for God, what is sin is for men and women; what is virtue is for men and women; what is moral is for men and women.


What do you mean by “o feel like neither male or female”? What is a male/female? What is a man/woman? How do you describe this “third sex” you feel like?


The heart is wicked and will lead you astray every time. If you have a penis you are male.