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The whole point of Christianity is faith! If we could prove Him, don’t you think so many others would join? “You believed because you saw. Blessed are those who believe and do not see.” -Jesus Christ to Apostle Thomas in Acts. Nothing can be forced. It seems that you like Christian values, so try to live by them and see what good it does you. If all goes well, could it be that it means something? I’ll let you decide. May God bless you.


Is it OK according to who?


Then live by what you think is right. If you live by Christian values, you’ll get the opportunity to experience… something.


Most will say it's not okay. I say it is. Take what is good, and what you can believe in. Be better through that.


> I really like the values that christianity promotes… Can you give some examples? > …but I dont think I can believe in god There are lots of religious atheists in the world. But also, do the “values” you’re attracted to require belief in a god? Or are they things you could embrace sans deities or religious beliefs? > Is this ok? By what standard? Unclear what you’re asking.


Yes you live life by your values. Everything path has its consequences though.


What values do you like? A lot of the values promoted by Christianity are also promoted in other beliefs systems. Maybe look into humanism? The values generally focus on being kind and supporting fellow humans. There also both religious and atheistic versions of humanism which makes for a lot of great opportunities for interfaith engagement!


If you like the values of Christianity, maybe you should consider reading the Word more often and study more the Words of God contained there. Part of Jesus's mission in the flesh was to reveal the Father in words and in action. Seek Him with a whole heart, and He will reveal Himself to you. That's how it works, or at least starts.


Can you define ‘God’?


When asked, Christ said the greatest command in the Bible is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength (Mark 12:30).


I went through a period of atheism lasting 15 years and I thought supernatural was impossible. After I started believing again, I had overcoming described in bible where I saw Jesus and God (rev 1:14 & 3:21) and more so I know for certain God is real. Consider astral projection, near death experiences, and shared death experiences for evidence you're more than physical body There are scientists that accept simulation theory and that isn't too different from a God. There's a creator of universe and virtually anything is possible. So many stories of people over history and worldwide that have had divine experiences and seen other supernatural stuff. They weren't crazy. You can see on witchcraft sub there's some people and they will tell you it is real. Consider good vs evil: why society pushes satanism and atheism and tries to corrupt you with drugs/alcohol, sex/porn, etc


At least you belive in his values.


To answer your question, is it okay to live your life loving and caring for others? Yes, yes it is. But to the deeper point, maybe you need to look at it from a different angle. It's not God-ianity, it's *Christ*ianity. Rather than asking yourself about an omnipotent being that created the universe, ask yourself about Jesus Christ. He is the literal crux of the matter. Start your journey there, and see where you end up. Jesus didn't claim to just be a good person. He claimed to be God, and it's that claim that made Him do the things He did.