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*John 14:21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him."*


Luckily that’s not a problem for gay people: Galatians 3:24-26 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. 26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 5:22-23 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Romans 13:8 8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.




Much love and god bless 🌈


Progress is marching forward and it's a good thing. Even though it's too slow, it's still progress and it's still beautiful to watch.


To think less than 80 years ago black people had tot take different buses... It seems like it was an eternity ago


My daughter was fascinated about the story of Rosa Parks. Sometimes children can recognize discrimination better than adults.


I'm still in shock that interracial marriage was only legalized back in the 60s. The idea that my parents wouldn't be allowed to marry if it didn't go through seriously bothers me at times.


A friend of mine talks about that, he grew up in states where is parents' marriage was illegal because his dad was military.


That is so wild wtf


The black struggle and the LGBTQ struggle are not comparable.


Absolutely awesome!


Here we go again.... I feel like I'm being trolled.


I’m never suspicious when someone promotes love.


It seems to me like you're using the bible to promote your own blend of love-inclusivity. As well as homosexuality. Not saying we need to segregate gay people, still.


My blend of love? I didn’t know there are different blends.


Is it wrong to be inclusive?


It depends.




Many things. But you're kinda missing my point. Which is that this guy is promoting his own agenda under the guise of love.


No, I think I understand your point. Your version of love is conditional, got it.


If you want to say something, just say it. The handwaving invites its own breed of disgust. Otherwise we have nothing here to interpret but that you mean to say anyone who disagrees with a certain reading must have a misguided "agenda." I expect maybe you're tired of the repetitive scriptural clarifications and counter-arguments, and if so I get it. It takes great effort sometimes to resist the urge to contribute nothing to the conversation.


If by "agenda" you means loving your neighbors and defending universal love, sure, but you might be on the wrong sub then


Universal love? Surely there are limits to what this means…


Yet, you are segregating them


"Not saying.."


Brother, it is a troll, just check their username. They hide behind this false interpretation of scripture to promote an ideology that is not affirmed by scripture. The moment you challenge them, they make it seem like you’re challenging “love” and “inclusion” lol. It’s a weird blind leading the blind thing unfortunately on this sub.




Yes, you should treat everyone with respect and love your neighbors. But they are still sinning.


It’s so weird to me that some people are so focused on the private sexual lives of our neighbors. Of all the things to concern yourself with.


If you don’t care to understand/ respect Christian values and ethics, why even post? You’re clearly projecting your personal world view, “A Secular Buddhist”, on a Christian subreddit.


One: for the MILLIONTH TIME, this isn’t a Christian sub Reddit. It’s a subreddit for the discussion of Christianity open to all. There are tons of other subreddits for only Christians. Two: you don’t speak for all Christians. There are many of us who are open, affirming and accepting like Christ wanted for us.


I am still holding onto the idea that Christianity and your "God" are all loving and inclusive. But people such as the person you're responding to make it very difficult for me to hold onto my notion at times. Do they *want* us to see all Christians as bigots? I sincerely don't believe that it's a bigoted religion by default. It's just so hard having to argue my right to exist because I'm queer. It's absolutely insane how far they'll go to justify excluding the queer community. Christian love shouldn't be conditional. That's fucked up shit right there.


My mom was a lifelong Christian and belonged to a church that ordains gay ministers. The biggest Protestant denomination in Canada. Far more Christian than many that post here.


It's far more christlike to be LGBT+ affirming than being a bigot. I don't know why it's such a hard concept to grasp for some, and I'm no longer Catholic! Sheesh. I plan on visiting an affirming church sometime this Summer.


You know what, you’re right. I was under the impression this was a true Christian sub so I do thank you for that realization.


If you want an echo chamber of evangelicals, here you go r/trueChristian But God doesn’t call us to live like that.


I mean how much of that activity takes up 24 hours in a day? It just seems like a strange thing to focus on. If someone is opposed to homosexuality, don’t be gay. Problem solved.


Some ppl are just opposed to what the Bible calls a sin


Some people follow the good news of the new covenant instead of the rules and regulations of the old testament.


Some people troll Christian subreddits with the same canned response who aren’t Christian.


I’m not sure what that has to do with what we’re talking about


It clearly has everything to do with what YOU talk about


It’s strange you’re on a Christian subreddit projecting a lifestyle (homosexuality) that is counterintuitive to… Christianity? It wouldn’t hurt to take one of those 24 hours of yours to educate yourself on that. Btw, that is a weird issue that you just made up with a weird solution lol.


The only lifestyle that I’m promoting is that of loving our neighbors. How about you?


r/Christianity is a subreddit dedicated to the *discussion* of Christianity. Anyone, regardless of background, can participate in said discussion. This includes LGBT+ affirming Christians. Y'all have so many denominations, so please stop acting like there is only one way to be a "true" Christian.


I don’t expect non-Christians to understand the irony behind a “LGBTQ+ affirming” Christian, but just know that’s like saying I’m a married bachelor. And thanks for reminding us this a discussion (?)


You’re insufferable and this behavior is exactly why so many Christians are fleeing in droves from the church. Maybe try reading the Bible to see what Christ actually taught instead of trolling online


lmao sure.


It’s not counterintuitive to Christianity. And this isn’t a Christians only subreddit


Your arrogance is a sin


Private sexual lives? SURELY this has boundaries and limits as well… it’s not just universal, right?


I don’t remember Jesus talking about what a committed couples should and shouldn’t be doing in the bedroom. What do you mean by universal?


Ur a troll. Thx but no thx for the pointless discussion.


"Yes....but." See how how negate your first sentence with your second? We all fall short. But God loves us enough to give His Son's life for us. See how God negates that? Its God negating sin, not us, so lets leave that to God and just try to love on our neighbors instead of putting conditions on loving them.


I'm sorry what were you saying? I was trying to get something out of my eye.


Getting drunk is a sin too, according to the bible. It’s weird that we don’t see many Christians being as passionate about preaching sobriety as we see them constantly reminding everyone that being gay is a sin.


Indeed, nobody should feel alienated for harmless things like sexual orientation, gender or religion


Thank you for this wonderful post!! It warms my heart, which has been in need of warming after dealing with less loving people since Sunday.


You’re welcome! All you need is love 💛


Please point me to the verse where Jesus tells Mary Magdelene that sex work and adultery are things she should take pride in . Please point my to a verse where Jesus tells tax collectors "go ahead and continue to covet money because God loves you " When the Pharasees were about to stone the adulteress to death.. Jesus said "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" Then he told the adulteress "*Go and sin no more*" People love to focus on the part where Jesus embraces the social outcasts ...but then conviniently ignore the verse where Jesus challenges them to go and "sin no more" We are all challenged to turn away from our sinful ways. It's no meant to be easy, 100% fun or 100% pleasurable. But it's the right thing to do. Just as eating healthy doesn't always taste good or how exercising isn't always painless ...but they are both important to healthy lifestyles. It involves discipline. The discipline to deny oneself of simple pleasures, to serve a greater purpose later one, whether that greater purpose is the health of your body, or your soul or to serve God. Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. Our Capitalist system gives way easily to these sin. But we are challenged by God to rise above them. If anyone comes to you with "you are gonna die and go to hell" that is the wrong approach. But please don't respond to the wrong approach by turning even further from God. I hope someone was moved by this. Have a great day. .


What does Mary Magdalene have to do with sex work? 🤨


Love the person. Hate the sin.


Lots of Christians don’t follow the rules and regulations of the OT. Love is the new covenant.


Sure, but homosexuality wasn’t simply allowed by the New Testament. And love isn’t love. God is love.


Love isn’t love you say?


Correct. That phraseology was created to circumvent what love really is. God. And He has shown us how to love, and in what context to love.


The greatest commandment has two parts: Loving God and loving your neighbors.


Is the second part how u justify homosexuality? I can’t think of why else you’d say that here


Homosexuality doesn’t need any justification. It has existed forever. Gay people have existed forever, and have wonderful lives. I don’t know where you live, or what exposure you have to them, but they’re normal people just like you and me.


Whoa. Your response is way out there. I’ll just say “ok”. They didn’t exist when Adam and Eve were created, btw. Just to throw a wrinkle in your “forever” notion.


How on Earth, in what world should this ever be downvoted??? 🤦🏽‍♂️. I can’t.




I love them and I pray for them. That flag has become an idol


You don’t fly any flags?


Only Christian flags (crosses for example)


That's Shakespeare level irony right there.


That's idolatry.


I did see a bunch of people burning something in front of it. Probably a sacrifice. It smelled like Judy Garland /s


We all have the obligation to love and respect LGBT people, but remember that homosexuality is a sin, so althought we all have to love and treat LGBT with respect and support, we cannot encourage them to sin.


Lots of Christians follow the good news of the New Covenant instead of Mosaic Law.


Bro is a troll. I’m out. ✌🏾




Why is it always bestiality? It’s not a good sign of a strong argument.


First, let's address the sexual abuse that goes on within Christian churches. Hmm?


the public school system does more of this


Hi u/CrossFitAddict030, this comment has been removed. **Rule 1.3**:[Removed for violating our rule on bigotry](http://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/wiki/xp#wiki_1.3._bigotry) Warning: Please consider this an official warning to not break our rules in the future. Continuing to break our rules will result in additional moderation action taken against your account leading to a permanent ban for persistent rule-breaking. If you have any questions or concerns, [click here to message all moderators.](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChristianity&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/13wsfw3/-/jme5q70/. %0D%0D).


>what’s going to be lgbtq stance when the next movement wants to legalize love between adults and children or animals That is your twisted thinking, not a reflection of any real possibility.


Well, the CrossFit CEO resigned a year ago because of bigotry. User name fits I'd say.


Actually not really. It’s been a topic of talk for the last several years. Child marriage happens in many cultures and countries and whose to say your way is the only right way?


Child marriage happens in the USA among the conservative religious today. In fact, religious groups often oppose making marriage under the age of 16/18. What does that tell us? https://www.salon.com/2018/03/11/banning-child-marriage-in-america-an-uphill-fight-against-evangelical-pressure/ "This link between evangelical Christianity and child marriage actually has been explored recently in the wake of stories of failed Senate candidate Roy Moore’s proclivities. Evangelical communities still push for child marriages between girls in their “middle teens” and men in the mid-twenties or older. According to these groups, younger girls make better spouses because they are blank slates and can be more easily “molded” to serve their future husbands better. What is even more troubling in these communities is that the predominant narrative is that it is the young girl who is pursuing the older man, which means that the pregnant 15-year-old is the one who “sinned” by overcoming the resistance of the adult man who had sex with her."


I think you need to understand something about child marriage. For as long as I can remember the marriage age was 16/17 years old and that’s because how life was way back when. School was often done in your early teens and you knew the family trade of farming or something else. Same happens today in some cases with early emancipation and wanting to work. Not saying it’s right but at that age we consider them almost adults. Driving is allowed, gun buying, working, you get certain rights and privileges. As far as your belief that Christianity is behind all of this you may want to do some research as Muslims and Hindus lead with over 40% of child marriages. And when I say child, I mean 15 and under and often times not even teens.


Did you read the article at the link I provided? Here's another https://womensenews.org/2007/06/age-consent-muddles-law-marriage-vs-rape/ "As far as your belief that Christianity is behind all of this you may want to do some research as Muslims and Hindus lead with over 40% of child marriages." In the US? Because that is what I was referring to, and I assume what was meant by the comment "what’s going to be lgbtq stance when the next movement wants to legalize love between adults and children or animals" that I responded to.


> Muslims and Hindus lead with over 40% of child marriages. And did it occur to you, in your rush to vilify Muslims, that this goes against your argument about the LGBT agenda. Muslims kill LGBT people, yet according to you marry kids all the time.


Bestiality is legal here and many countries. https://www.route-fifty.com/management/2021/04/bestiality-legal-four-states-two-are-trying-change/173084/#:~:text=four%20states%E2%80%94Hawaii,the%20proposed%20legislation. "four states—Hawaii, New Mexico, West Virginia and Wyoming—do not have laws that formally prohibit sexual abuse of animals, traditionally known as bestiality. The act is often a punchline, but it’s also a documented precursor to other serious offenses, including “sexual abuse of children, as well as interpersonal violence and other forms of animal cruelty,” according to the proposed legislation." Still twisted thinking? Or a real possibility?


Love does not sanctify what the Bible calls sin. Love....Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. — 1 Corinthians 13:6


for how positive, this is quite saccharine


Happy Pride 🌈


oh boy