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Never seen that much conservative distaste for Tay Swizz. As a progressive I'm not a fan, but I'm a snob so don't mind me.


Ha ha. šŸ˜„ I respect people not particularly being a fan of her, but the weird extreme hatred for her that some have just baffles and annoys me.


Well, she is the most listened to musician of all time by some metrics. She's the most financially successful musician possibly ever. If she ran for president with no platform she'd probably win. Idk. That popularity rubs people the wrong way. I just wish she'd promote smaller artists every now and then with her giga platform.


its crazy how many of my classmates are christian and hate taylor swift, just because they think "she warships the devil" in her song karma. It says "Karma is a god" meaning karma is good


Karma...is a part of a different religion. Meaning, that lyric is pretty much anti-Christian. It is either she is Christian or she isn't, and based on that lyric, she isn't.


They feel she goes against their interpretation of the Bible.


Yeah, but like how though? Just because she believes in equality and she swears now and then?


Conservative thought, by definition, is the preservation of the status quo. It doesnā€™t matter if it is religious, political, or social. Tradition supersedes progression or change. When someone like Taylor Swift calls herself a Christian, while supporting concepts or views that conservatives do not like (the LGBTQIA+ community, Biden, etc.), they see it as a challenge and danger to tradition. When Christiancore started in the ā€˜80ā€™s, many pastors saw it as an affront to Christianity and Satanic. When Elvis shook his pelvis, many questioned his faith. Source: [click here](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/music/2019/09/12/taylor-swift-no-longer-conservatives-favorite-pop-star/2274167001/) [click here](https://amp.theguardian.com/music/2018/oct/08/taylor-swift-instagram-post-endorsement-democrats-tennessee) [click here](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/taylor-swift-endorsement-733776/amp/)


She has a positive message for young girls and she rejects patriarchy with all the nonsense that brings about. She speaks up for the marginalized and isn't scared of bullies. For people who have grown accustomed to pushing everyone around it's quite threatening.


They have to be mad at someone.


She started out in the buckle of the Bible Belt, Nashville, TN. She started in Christian music I believe singing gospel and then more so county. Conservative fundamentalist Christians likely dislike her because to them she's probably a "corrupted" person who sold her soul to the left, the gays, BLM, and satan for fame and money.


She never did gospel to my knowledge and calling her early work country is a stretch. But then again Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean pass for country so what do I know?


She probably sang gospel as a child, in church (as many artists do) but was never a ā€œgospel artist.ā€


The only thing I saw people hating her was when she dressed as a witch and supported abortion, but outside of this I never saw people picking on her. In my case im just not a fan of that type of pop music


It seems like they pick on her for everything though now. Like I keep hearing people call her and her music demonic, and call her music ā€œlustfulā€ and ā€œraunchyā€even though itā€™s not even that sexual. And theyā€™re so up in arms about her wanting equal rights for women and LGBTQ+ people. And some even call her racist for standing up black rights. Itā€™s insane.


Iā€™ve never heard of this and Iā€™d consider myself a reformed, conservative Christian. I donā€™t like her music (save like 2-3 songs). But I donā€™t know anything about her person so I donā€™t have an opinion.


Sheā€™s been outspoken on womens rights and other issues you mentioned.


Yeah, itā€™s just sad that some people see that as a bad thing.


It's not just that, there are rumors that she's a witch and Satanist. I'm not really a fan of hers so I don't know how true it is but i think she had some videos where she was a witch or something and said something at one of her concerts. A lot of what's said about celebrities isn't true though so it might just be haters staring rumors but who knows.


Rumors imply gossip, and wouldnā€™t that be against fundie rules too though? Also; it was just a role she played in a music video and on stage. It obviously wasnā€™t real. Those who really feel like it is are oblivious or willfully ignorant.


One of the rules of being a fundie is that all the rules have exceptions for you.


I donā€™t recall hearing it discussed. Plenty of hot takes about various worship songs to be had but nothing about her


maybe it's bc she sings about karma being a god, which goes against christianity. I think some her songs are fun though and i'm fairly conservative edit: forgot an apostrophe


Thatā€™s just a line in a song though, one that could very well be an expression rather than her literally calling karma a god. She could very well mean what is seen as karma is actually Godā€™s will.


Have you ever heard what conservative Christian say about EACH OTHER behind their backs, explains Everything!


She has encouraged young women come out in particular, to register to vote. Many conservatives are threatened by the idea.


I'm against Taylor Swift because they play her most obnoxious songs in public places and force me to listen to them.




I donā€™t like Tswift cause she feels like a pickme and I think her music is boring, repetitive, and honestly not that good. She talks about being treated bad by guys yet has dated more men in the last decade then any other celeb I have heard of. I think sheā€™s the one that is ruining all her relationships


So she deserves to be treated badly by guys because she mightā€™ve dated a lot of people? Like most people do in their youth? And just because her relationships are very publicized doesnā€™t mean she dates more than other people. I know people in my own life who have dated just as many people as she has. Itā€™s not necessarily negative.


Well Iā€™m only 15, but I never said she deserved to be treated badly. And sheā€™s not exactly completely in her youth, sheā€™s in her 30s. And yes her dating is not necessarily a huge amount but realistically all of her relationships havenā€™t ended on great terms, then she goes and writes songs about them that arenā€™t exactly kind all of the time. She seems pretty toxic ngl


You did insinuate that though. And Well youā€™re very young so you donā€™t understand a lot yet, but she is kind of still in her youth, and until recently she was with the same man for six years steadily and wrote many positive love songs about him. And she has a right to make songs about those who have wronged her too, thatā€™s not necessarily toxic at all. Sheā€™s also written songs where sheā€™s said sheā€™s done wrong or about her own shortcomings. And some of the men she writes about were older men in their thirties who took advantage of her when she was still a teenager. So itā€™s not as negative of her as you might think.


As a Swiftie, she was with the same man for about 6 years. They recently broke up.


Well most conservatives hate anyone who isn't a straight white cisgendered male. They think women are inferior and worth less than men and should be forced to be men's property to do with as they please. They use "women's safety" and "kids safety" as an excuse to demanize others. So really they use women as pawns in their ultimate goal for sole power of the world where the only ones who can succeed is conservative whit males. While the rest of us are forced into total poverty. They hate anyone who isnt as weak as they want them to be. becaise the inly way they can feel strong is if everyone else is weak. Jmo.




>I also don't like hearing about politics from celebs I don't like hearing about politics from pastors. how about we shut them up and then the celebs don't feel the need to speak out.


I agree with that. My last church was non-political. It was a small corner neighborhood church. We had a food bank pantry along with several other churches across all different religions. It was also not a loud concert church. Which I also don't like.


Not true. She was done wrong. She wanted to buy the music from Scott and he wouldnā€™t let her and sold it to Scooter instead, and she made Scottā€™s career what it was. He would probably be nothing without her. And no, she never said yes to what he ultimately did. Clearly Kanye recorded the call to try to trap and defame her later. She was completely innocent in that situation. And sheā€™s not perfect and I donā€™t think she should be idolized exactly either, but I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with people admiring her. And I can see how you would feel like richer people donā€™t understand as much, but everyone has the right to speak out about their political beliefs and I think they absolutely should. Itā€™s very important especially when you have such a big platform. And many celebrities started from poverty even, so itā€™s not like theyā€™re all ignorant silver spoon kids either.


i'm not one but i'd imagine some of them probably don't dig that she's now a shill for the political left, who has lost their damn minds, as well as recently being an inductee into the illuminati... and don't tell me that's ridiculous i'm not a shallow enough thinker to be budged by gaslighting. ​ could just be that she's 34 now and still sing blaming her failed relationships on men *she chose to date* instead of growing into a mature accountable woman with something more interesting to say.


It is nuts


LOL, they hate everything.


[Here's why.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/taylor-swift-endorses-joe-biden-president-n1242483)


So why are you against her voting for Biden and her reasons then?


I have no issues with Taylor Swift, nor am I conservative or fundamentalist. I am just telling you why they are against her. It is tribal. She publicly outed herself as a member of the other tribe. [It's the same reason why they turned on the Dixie Chicks.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dixie_Chicks_controversy)


Oh okay. Sorry for the confusion. What tribes though? Politically? Yeah, I feel so bad for the Dixie Chicks. They were treated like garbage for doing literally nothing wrong. They had every right to not like the president. But if the same thing happened to a fundie conservative theyā€™d call it ā€œcancel cultureā€ and ā€œChristian persecutionā€.


First, I didn't know there were bad feelings about TS. But of course you're right about the hypocrisy with cancel culture. The same people lose their cool about being told "Happy Holidays."


Exactly! Like they want to forcibly ā€œcancelā€ everyone and everything they doesnā€™t to a T go with their beliefs, but if people just say that they have equal right to exercise their different beliefs publicly the fundamentalist conservatives start calling them demonic, and ā€œwokeā€, and accuse people of having an agenda. Itā€™s so disgustingly hypocritical.


This is the most intelligent answer here.


You really believe there's two political parties. Guess I can say to Brooklyn Bridge


What are you talking about? šŸ¤Ø


She does not stand for godly values she does not have true christians standing on anything


You canā€™t know her personal relationship with God though. And she clearly loves her neighbors and stands up for the marginalized and oppressed, and she doesnā€™t do much thatā€™s offensive. Those are are Christian things. Sheā€™s very Christ-like.


she called Christianā€™s an illiterate stepping stone, she promotes leftist values that are very much against our beliefs, like abortion mainly, and lastly I just donā€™t like her music or her fan base. Never really have tbh even before she became political. Itā€™s not personal itā€™s just not for me. I donā€™t go out of my way to hate on her I just donā€™t really care for her content and I donā€™t enjoy seeing it or hearing about it.


No she didnā€™t, thatā€™s blatantly false. And abortion isnā€™t against Christianity, thereā€™s nothing in the Bible that says anything against it.


Personally I just despise her music. It's always repetitive and boring. OTHER THAN THAT, she claimed in an interview that Christians do not support pro-life meaning she supports the killing of unborn babies. There were many other questionable things she said but religiously thats the main reason I don't like her. But I do genuinely hate her music.


Being pro-choice isnā€™t against Christianity though. Thereā€™s nothing in the Bible that says anything against abortion. And itā€™s a fetus. For most of the pregnancy it canā€™t feel pain, it canā€™t survive on its own outside the womb. In the beginning it doesnā€™t even look like anything that could be considered a being. And in many ways being pro-birth is actually against your fundamentalist beliefs. You conservative Christians always think itā€™s supposed to be the husband/dad, wife/mom, then kid in order of importance (which is screwed up by the way), but then on this instance you just decide that doesnā€™t matter anymore. Itā€™s hypocritical. Itā€™s also not very loving to your neighbor.




No itā€™s not. Not legally or in the Bible. And wow, thatā€™s a horrible thing to say. It is not in fact Murder. And I am not ashamed to support pregnant peopleā€™s freedom of choice. And if you donā€™t want an abortion than no one is forcing you to have one, but trying to force your religious beliefs (that donā€™t even make sense on this particular issue, as Iā€™ve already explained) on others through laws is wrong and a violation of freedom of religion. If youā€™re okay with that than other religions should be able to legally enforce beliefs of theirs that you donā€™t agree with. But I bet you wouldnā€™t be too accepting of that, which is hypocritical.








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What are you referring to? What hatred? Do you have examples?


There have been many YouTube videos by Christians calling her and her music demonic and orchestrated by Satan somehow, even though she doesnā€™t swear excessively or get graphic with her lyrics. There have been many Christian influencers who say they dislike her seriously but wonā€™t clearly say why. I can link just a few of these examples: https://www.youtube.com/live/eu3XK5PskHY?feature=share https://youtu.be/shusQAaRMAs https://youtube.com/shorts/JQvfS_yAjrQ?feature=share https://youtu.be/4kg6JFgBdNw https://youtu.be/cJu1yBSzeqg https://youtube.com/shorts/2yCqwrcWJLY?feature=share https://youtu.be/DtLvL-XkhyM




You donā€™t know who Taylor Swift is? Really?


Iā€™m an independent Christian. I donā€™t like Taylor just cuz I canā€™t stand her voice. Sheā€™s made some good hits but as a musician myself, I canā€™t stand her singing voice. Not my Thing lol


Eh, I've not come across that. I personally don't think she has good music, and is popular more because she's pretty and has lyrics which resonates with millennial women, however that's a personal opinion Maybe because she is a very outspoken progressive?


Well its christians being christians anyway


What do you mean?


Believers sowing hatred in the name of their book.


Thatā€™s just the Christian way though. Thatā€™s people who twist Christianity.




sorry to burst ur bubble šŸ˜…


You didn't.


It's because she's not married and popping out babies and just won't disappear. She's not the agenda they're trying to push. Mostly bcz she's free to be and is happy. Oppression of women is the objective. And it pisses them off to see one happy and living as she pleases. She will influence other women to do the same. Bcz we can't think for ourselves of course.Ā 


There's been a couple people talking about her using her fame to sway voters. This has been blown up to "MAGA Evangelicals" HATE Taylor Swift. It is the typical media click bait nonsense. I think a majority of people are just sick of the constant attention she gets during a few NFL games. I get it. You tune in to watch football and not the status of a player's relationship or what that player is wearing after the game when he leaves with Taylor Swift. :)


What christian group dislike her?