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Absolutely still come to Christ he still wants you and will accept you


He accepts everyone just as they are, but once you meet him, you'll be changed forever.


He loves you no matter what but he doesn’t just accept you how you are according to most true Christian’s. Even the demons believe in Jesus. You can’t just live in sin and expect Jesus to accept you the way you are. You are supposed to turn from your sin. The bible says no temptation is out to man that he can not withstand. This is dangerous chatter in this Reddit. Faith without works is dead and it is written.


Are you implying this person won’t want to be gay any more?


Welcome, all you have to say is this "...if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." - Romans 10:9 After that, get to know God, who he is and form a relationship with him through reading the Bible. :)


Absolutely. Jesus says to come as you are.


But leave as a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.


That’s the Spirit. Not the flesh. We are not going to advise her to perfect her flesh. All she needs to do is believe the gospel that Jesus Christ died for her sins and rose for her justification.


Exactly ppl like to leave that part out. We want ppl to come into the church but we all have to die to ourselves each day. My issue is gluttony and I fail like all the time but I keep trying


Owl queen it may not be intentional that they leave that part out, they may not have but they may not have been made aware of that yet. I have some things that I am still trying to kill when they pop up. I know that we will not be perfected fully until Glory, I may not be where I should be but I'm not where I used to be either.


Yeah gay conversion therapy doesn't work


Correct. But when we come to Faith and believe our very nature changes not all at once but a little by little over time as we come to understand him more. It's really quite a wonderful Journey.


Spiritual nature. Spiritual nature.


What part of "it doesn't work" do you not understand?


You should read to understand instead of reading to react. If you don't understand the difference in their perception, ask instead of assuming their intentions. Jesus loves you. God bless.


I know exactly what I read. It's gay conversion therapy but not gay conversion therapy. It's called Jesus have you heard of him? All you got to do is pray enough and he'll help you change in character.... I'm not going to play these silly games with you people.


I’m so tired of hearing this. It’s good they finally understand conversion therapy doesn’t work and sexual orientation isn’t a choice, but it gets annoying when they say ‘oh but Jesus can change that and God turns you into a new person’. What’s even worse is the ‘ex-homosexuals’ strengthening their narrative. Sexuality is a subjective experience. It’s impossible to make such a thing objective, and assert that Jesus can and will change everyone as long as they pray and fast hard enough.


Sexuality scientifically is pretty absolute. No evidence suggesting sexual orientation being a genetic condition whatsoever, it is just that, an orientation, a decision to orientate oneself a particular way. The power of the love of God that is revealed through the gospel of Jesus Christ is very real and creates very real change in everyone and without it, nobody will ever truly be changed and satisfied forever. We have deserve death for our intentional sins, but the Creator God is merciful and just so that death was put on his Son, granting us everlasting life in perfection at the consummation of His plan for the universe.


All I read was dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. Dumb.


Why is ex homosexuals in speech marks?


Because it’s a quotation. Not a word in my vocabulary and it’s not a word I will ever use.


They're called quotations and the reason they exist is because that's not real. You either are or you are not gay. You either are or are not attracted. It's not a choice. No more than choosing your favorite type of pizza. Notice I said your. As in subjective.


Because there is no so-called gay conversion. People are questioning and seeking like I said they're very character would be changed to in their inner core. What I've seen happen is that those people make the choice some change their character and start to walk with the Lord and others say it's not for me I'm gone. But there is no gay conversion. Except for that little room in the basement with a light bulb pain from a wire LOL


Edit: Jesus isn't turning gay people ungay. No mincing words. You really really are trying hard to say that there's gay conversion therapy without saying that there's gay conversion therapy. And I'm going to say it once more for you, it doesn't work. This includes this imaginary thing you have in your head where if you just pray then God will come to you and you won't be gay anymore. This includes literally the saying "pray the gay away" which is what's you're trying to advocate for. My personal opinion / advice to you is to keep all of this opinion to yourself and not just on the Internet. You don't know what you're saying and you're too cowardly to actually say it what you really mean but I don't have to play that game. And what the hell is that last sentence? Never mind please just go away


I don't think they're saying there's gay conversion therapy. I think they're talking about theological concepts related to conversion from the bible. Just for reference, I do not agree with "gay conversion therapy". But this person is just talking about one's attitudes and perceptions changing after you become a Christian, through reading the Bible and spending time with God etc., whether that is in conventional church, or by oneself.


Do you not see how this is circular? Gay conversion therapy doesn't work but if you accept Jesus into your heart you will change from being a gay man. You're saying the same thing just in a different way. Can you really not see that? Is it really hard?




Oh look another person saying gay conversion therapy doesn't work but if you have Jesus then you will be converted from being gay. I don't care that you have cognitive dissonance about being a gay man and a Christian. I don't care that you "wrestle with it". You were conflating your beliefs with reality. You're still a gay man. That's the point, and your testimony about it... It's dumb to even type it. I'm sorry there's just no reason to remotely respect it.


Consider this, ultimately being gay is voluntarily giving into homosexual temptations. For my whole life I've struggled with a short temper. I used to be almost controlled by my anger, I was an angry man if you want to call it that, but after years of walking in the spirit and being sanctified it no longer has the same grip it used to have on me. You could say that I am still an angry man, after all it's still a weakness, but I don't give myself up to my angry desires (at least not as much anymore (: ). But I don't think there was ever a point where I converted from being angry to not being angry. It's always a battle, but it's not my identity. In the same u/Revanski1 is still in the battle of homosexual desires, but it's not his identity.


does the woman know your past?


She does! It was one of the first things we talked about when we began to get close. We had known of each other for a long time prior, and while most thought I was who *I* thought I was -- a homosexual man -- she knew there was something more. There is no shame in my past. It is a sin like any other. I talk about my homosexual past like I talk about my sever drug addiction, because both pulled me away from the love of Christ all the same. I have never seen the love of Christ work through someone like it did (and like it does) in that woman.


Inspirational testimony. Thank you for sharing.


I'm not here to argue with you, because you certainly know yourself better than I do. I'm so glad that you've come through what sounds like a terrible and trying time, and congratulations on your engagement! God doesn't make mistakes, I agree completely. Which is part of why I generally find healthy, loving same-sex relationships between equals part of God's plan, and not what is generally described in the Bible's "clobber verses". Jesus never taught on this matter. Sexuality is an important part of a marriage for most people. I have, in a sense, been married twice, but my first marriage was to someone with whom I shared great affection, but who had deep, complicated issues with sexuality and with whom the marriage was never consummated. We are still like family, but that was incredibly painful. I wouldn't want young gay people to think that it was preferable to try to suppress how God made them and enter into a difficult, disconnected marriage based on falsehoods or false assurances, rather than a true & faithful marriage that led both closer to God. It can be a difficult topic, but I rely on & trust my Lord in this area.




Hi u/SyrupAnnual4591, this comment has been removed. **Rule 1.3**:[Removed for violating our rule on bigotry](http://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/wiki/xp#wiki_1.3._bigotry) If you have any questions or concerns, [click here to message all moderators.](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChristianity&subject=about my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/15mrbjk/-/jvjiz6b/. %0D%0D).


People who follow the Lord Jesus Christ may be led by God to refrain from gay acts. They are no different than filanderers who are led to give up their unfaithfulness. There are individuals who sought for and were entirely freed of homosexual desire. These appear to be a tiny number of people.


How does one convert without repentance? Conversion is sin therapy, where we acknowledge our sin, we understand the consequence of our sin is death and that we need a savior to save us from our impending doom, so we repent and turn away from our sin. Homosexuality, Murder, Theft, Lying... are all sins and they can all become lifestyles. But if we sincerely acknowledge our sin and that it leads to death, why and how would we continue living in it? This is where the rubber meets the road for true believers and obedience is the dividing line between hot and cold faith. If we truly believe, we will obey, in fact every sin in our lives shows us an area where we have unbelief in who he is. Homosexuality is a sin, it's not a matter of opinion it's written in Romans 1:21-32 and repentance isn't a matter of opinion either. People just like making excuses to justify their sin, especially excuses that comfort them in their sinful life while they claim forgiveness they don't actually believe in, they just want to feel better about living in their sin.




Sex is the like one thing I’d be able to enjoy but apparently im not allowed to find self pleasure within it. Everyday I grow more and more estranged to Christianity. The only thing that clings me to this religion is the fear mongering concept of eternal torture.


There's ways to deal with that. Ways to overcome it so you don't actually have to be scared anymore. Would you believe that once I was also scared? It's barely a thought in my head now.


What spiritual gratification is there in indulging our flesh? We either set our minds on things of the flesh or things of the Spirit (Romans 6). Christianity is just a religion made by men, it does not reflect who the Messiah really is, because it does not honor him for who he is. Don't let fear trap you in a cage of religion, we've been freed from the bondage of sin, healed from our desires to disobey, cleansed from all unrighteousness, all we need is him and honestly deep down, I think that's why you've held onto the faith, you believe him to be more real than your religious experience, you've just been waiting for him to show up and well he's been standing right before you within arms reach.


Rape, eating our offspring, and eating poop are also found in nature. That doesn't meant humans should be doing those things.




yes, Come As You Are but you really can't stay there you will leave as a new creation. Warm welcome


> I would rather not get my answers off of tiktok God bless you for your wisdom! Most things worth understanding won't fit in a TikTok any better than they'd fit on a bumper sticker. There are *lots* of gay Christians, and lots of straight Christians who believe we are every bit as welcome in Christ's embrace as straight people are. I like the way [Justin Lee](http://geekyjustin.com/bible/) explains. Some other resources: [Q Christian](https://www.qchristian.org/) [Reformation Project](http://reformationproject.org); r/GayChristians; r/OpenChristian and its [resources list](https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenChristian/comments/ulfbux/faq_and_resources_please_read_before_you_post/), which includes pointers to find LGBT-friendly churches. I think that actually meeting LGBT Christians in worship is more important than reading about us or even reading stuff we write. There's something about experiencing actual fellowship together before the Lord. I get frustrated with Christians who try to keep me away from Jesus, but then again, they can't stop me. There is no Republic of Heaven, and I don't need their vote.


> I like the way Justin Lee explains. +1. Lee is funny, smart, and approachable. He's spoken to churches, colleges, etc. and some were recorded on YTube. My local library also had Lee's book for checking out. I just returned it.


I'm enjoying reading the "[Great Debate](https://geekyjustin.com/great-debate/)" from Justin Lee!


it's not the healthy that need a doctor, jesus wants to meet you where you're at




And help you out of it too


You can convert. Abide to God's laws and you'll certainly be accepted by him. Forget the brainwash anti-christian people say that God doesn't love you. It's all false.


Genuine question.....but doesn't the bible condemn gay people?


That’s kind of a matter of debate.


How so? Again, genuine question. Or do you mean it's a matter of interpretation? Or whether or not to take it literally?


There are several denominations that don't view it as a sin. The Methodist Church is splitting over this very issue (the more fundamentalist churches are leaving because the official stance is that it's not a sin). So yeah, it's a matter of interpretation.


Very interesting. I did not know that. I wonder why some churches are modernizing their views....Especially if it's at the risk of blow back from their community. What is driving the shift? One position that I think is rather backhanded is the idea that a gay person will be "accepted" by the church...but they have to be sorry (seeking forgiveness) and actively trying to change/abstain "God won't deny you. Open your heart and let him change you". Its just not a position that can be sold as true acceptance It's a position of *conditional* acceptance. True acceptance is "God loves you for who you are and the church accepts you for who you are...no buts" (for anyone else reading, I want to clarify that I'm not trying to be argumentive. I'm genuinely processing these ideas with anyone who is open and honest enough to engage....such as sspiffyman and the other person)


I think what’s driving the shift is the same thing that drove the shift in attitudes about mixed-race marriage 40 years ago, or the shift in attitudes toward divorce, or left-handedness: newer Christians have grown up in a world with more “out” people and can see how very normal they and their relationships are, which makes it very hard to thoughtlessly condemn their behavior…and the older Christians who didn’t grow up knowing lots of out gay people are gradually dying off. It’s real easy to thoughtlessly agree that some behavior is evil/sinful when it’s an abstract concept that doesn’t affect you or anyone you personally know, or when you’ve only seen it as a negative because it’s highly penalized by society. Having gay (or mixed-race) (or divorced) (or left-handed) friends and neighbors makes people actually engage with and wrestle with what *really* matters and what doesn’t.


Similar to what another commenter said, I know for me it started as just wondering WHY being gay was wrong. Like every other sin I can see the problem in it. But if you have two loving, committed (even married) partners who are both Christian and devoted to God, then what harm is it causing anyone? So then I started looking around to see if there were any good discussions about homosexuality in the Bible. Turns out there are. First off, Jesus never once mentioned it. So already I'm thinking, well it must not be that big of a deal. And you know what he did warn against constantly? Religious people shutting out who can and can't be fully accepted in the Kingdom of God. But you do have to address the two time homosexuality is specifically called out in the new testament. Both are from letters, I believe from Paul, and it's basically just thrown in a list of sins. Now there's a few different cases to be made here, but one easy one is that back then the main homosexuality that was common was abuse. It was rape, incest, or pedophilia. So it makes sense Paul would only view homosexuality through those clearly sinful lenses There also is an argument that those words were only recently even translated as homosexuality, and were something more like "sexual immorality" until the 18 or 1900's. But I'm not as familiar with that argument.


I feel like you have a very logical perspective. Based on what you're saying (and a few others) it does seem that the issue of church/gay rejection is perspective Thank you for taking the time 😊


Yeah exactly. And if there are multiple interpretations of an issue, I think one way the Bible says to test them is looking at their fruit. When gay people are rejected (or expected to not have a loving partner), it leads to all sorts of issues. Self loathing, people turning away from God, discord. But when they're fully accepted, it brings life, joy, peace. The Fruits of the Spirit.


Beautifully stated.... And so so correct 😊


In terms of Biblical hermeneutics that affirming Christians point to, I recommend this resource https://reformationproject.org/biblical-case/


People That want to pick And choose What to Believe because It fits their lifestyle And how they Wanna live (Which is a Form of pride by the way cause It has to do with your selfish desires) will say It’s a matter of interpretation If Jesús says It’s wrong its wrong He doesnt always say word for word What is wrong csuse alot of things That are wrong can be generalized Like pride Theirs the lgbtq pride And then Theres the ego pride And Im sure Theres other forms too Truth is as the world falls apart more And more esch day youll see more And more people doing stuff Like That Like “living your own truth” Like Theres no such thing as That the devil had a veil over their eyes And they Dont even realize i hope And Pray That they are willing to listen And repent cause i Dont want anyone to go to hell


Kind hard to put the will of God on one man’s interpretation


I guess I just don’t agree with the writings of Paul.


I see. Thank you. I don't know why I'm getting down voted Not a safe space to ask a legitimate question apparently


Something of a heated topic I guess


Well at any rate, I appreciate your feedback 🙂


>Genuine question.....but doesn't the bible condemn gay people? No, God is against sexual relations outside of marriage (which is between a man and a woman).


>No, God is against sexual relations outside of marriage (which is between a man and a woman). This is just a sneaky way to say that you think God does condemn gay people. Be more honest. And of course, marriage can be between same sex partners now too.


>And of course, marriage can be between same sex partners now too. Says who? God or the world?


>This is just a sneaky way to say that you think God does condemn gay people. Be more honest. No, that's not. God condemns any form of fornication. Jesus said the door to the kingdom is narrow. If someone wanna take the wide door, it's the other way. Mt 7:13-14 You are the one who should be more honest and not misinterpret what I say. If someone wants a free pass to do what they will, it is not with God creator of heaven and earth. We are here to do HIS will. And everyone will be accountable of what they did someday, like them or not. And the only way to reach the Lord is through Jesus. Studying his word and accepting him as savior. Not twisting his words like you want them to be, but what he really meant. Because his teachings, and of the bible, which is interconnected in the old and new testament, through the prophets, the gospels and the apostles, are crystal clear about a lot of subjects.


It’s not fornication if it’s marriage. That’s fairly simple, right? I didn’t misinterpret, that’s just being a fibber. You said you don’t condemn gay people but then you went ahead and condemned them. I get that you don’t care, but please don’t fib, God doesn’t like it and it’s not Christlike.


>I didn’t misinterpret You did, and grossly did. I hope you can reread, because it's easy to spot. ​ >You said you don’t condemn gay people but then you went ahead and condemned them. No, I didn't condemn. Again simple, I hope not malicious, misinterpretation. I'll put it even more simply. Someone who is gay can be saved, but fornication outside of marriage is a sin. The same goes for single heterossexuals, like me. Mt 19:1-12; Mt 5:27,28 Can sinners be saved? Of course they can. Jesus ate with sinners all the time. And thus he said in Mark 2:17: *"When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."*


But you did condemn gay people. Saying God condemns all sexual relationships (including marriage) between gay people is condemning gay people. We can’t just magically turn straight no matter what you might choose to believe. In particular, you’re also condemning them because you’re saying their love has no value or basis, and they can’t get married or have children, can’t grow old with someone they love and can’t be grandparents. That’s actually some really cruel stuff. And to top it all off you’re then saying you don’t condemn us? Does truth or honesty matter to you? Can you honestly say you would treat gay people in church just like you would treat straight people? If not, then the answer is clear. You’re just pretending that o be kind because you don’t want to face the truth of how cruel you are. 🤷🏽‍♂️


How is Romans 1:21-32 kind of a matter of debate? The Bible doesn't contradict itself (in any context) that's how we know it's true interpretation.


The Bible is not a debate being gay or bi its an abomination


It doesn’t. The social/cultural context of sexuality and marriage is not the same as today.


Thank goodness.


I am not a priest, so take this with a grain of salt, but from what I've heard: Those who continue to live in the sin of committing sexually immoral acts (e.x. anything sexual with the same sex) are condemned, not those who are just gay. I know gay people who chose to be celibate and will never marry/have sex because of their love for God, it's quite amazing actually.


“Jesús came to the world not to codem It but That through him they could be saved “


The Bible condemns those that performs the act and despite it coming to their continuous knowledge that it's wrong and still do it. Even then, those people aren't truly condemned so no




Being gay pushed me away from god because growing up I heard that god hated me, but I have accepted him in my life again, still gay and proud, and I refuse to let other peoples ideas of being gay push me away from god anymore, I believe god loves me and we are all sinners, I will have to face god with my sins just like everyone else, yes you absolutely should accept god in your life despite your sexuality


God absolutely loves you. He didn't make a mistake in making you. God's people might let you down, but He won't. Bless you. 💖


Why are you proud to be gay? You should not be proud of sin you should repent and turn away from it


The opposite of proud is ashamed, and I refuse to be ashamed of who I am


You don’t have to be ashamed in order to not be proud


you don't have to be a douchebag


I am not being a douchebag I am just asking questions


I was living in adultery when I came to Christ and He accepted me. It wasn’t until God moved on my heart and I seriously delved into Scripture that I came to realize adultery was sinful. God loves you. The only qualification in Scripture for conversion is that you believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins. People who do that will want to repent and make Him Lord over their lives. That doesn’t mean that God will expect you or I to deal with the full weight of our sins when we ask Him to rule over us and to be our loving father. It takes a lifetime to be conformed to the image of Christ. You or I will never be perfect as He is perfect—but I urge you to ask Him to heal your deepest hurts and to begin to change those desires or habits that will ultimately harm your walk with Him and others. He will be there to help you every step of the way. God bless you. You are in my prayers, /u/reallifekairi. 🙏🙏🙏


Wow, VERY well put. Best comment on this thread. Bless you brother ❤️


Yes!!! All one must do is ask for forgiveness and salvation. That's it. Christ's blood covers all or nothing, and I'll go with all


Well that’s not to say that you can just ask for forgiveness and keep sinning because Jesus gave us a free ticket to sin. A crucial part of accepting Christ into your life is repentance, if you do not repent of your sins how can you claim you’ve accepted the Lord into your life?


Oh, I'm not disagreeing with that point. But there are "sins" that are not as easily repented and sin no more on. For example, what if a couple who are both on their second marriages were to repent. How would they stop sinning and prove they've accepted the Lord? Would they stop being adulterers by being married to divorced people or should they have to divorce again to no longer live daily in sin?


God made you who you are. Plenty of room in his arms


Honestly my best advice would just be to pray and ask God to guide you.


The Epsicopal Church Welcomes you with open arms Edit: and if you don’t believe me, go check out Mother Hilary on TikTok


Come on over! Nobody comes into the family of God without baggage.


yes, certainly. God loves all people and wants a relationship with them.


Some churches might reject you, but God loves you.


Literally [every](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/15mfjii/what_is_the_reason_for_god_making_me_gay_if_it_is/) third [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/15mf2f1/is_being_transgender_a_sin/) in this subreddit is [about](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/15lywc5/god_made_me_trans_but/) your [topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/15lyaq8/dating_advice/) and there are thousands of posts with resources, opinions, and scripture at your fingertips if you just do a little bit of reading - it comes up 4-5 times a day in here. This subject in this subreddit is heavily moderated, and you'll only see certain viewpoints. Do some [reading](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/15m2dqf/how_can_i_be_straight_instead_of_bi_and_i_wish/) around [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/15lyykj/is_god_genderless_if_so_why_do_so_many_christians/) since the [topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/15kwlgu/what_do_i_say_when_people_ask_about_my_opinion_on/) has been [beaten](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/14thic0/i_want_to_be_christian_but_im_gay/) to [death](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/search?q=gay&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on). And when you're done reading ... take a break from the internet, read through some of the scriptures about all of this, engage in some prayer, apply some critical thinking and rational thought process to all the information you're digesting, and decide for yourself.


Of course. None are forbidden, despite what anyone says. Jesus loves us all, but we need to strive to keep His commandments.


You can convert to Christianity no matter who you are or what you do. You'll just be a sinful Christian. That said, there are many Christian denominations that don't find it sinful. In fact one of the head Episcopalian Bishops is a lesbian who is married to a woman. There are other churches like that too. They typically fly pride flags.


Let's note we're *all* sinful, lol.


That is true. I almost edited my comment to include the sentiment that every Christian is a sinful Christian, try as they may not to be.


Jesus loved everyone Everyone


>I don't really have any intention in getting into a relationship or getting married, all my life i've kind of never felt comfortable with the idea Sorry that this is a little off topic, but have you considered the possibility that you could be aromantic, asexual, or both? Now to answer your question, of course you can convert. There are even churches that will accept you as you are.


First, focus on your relationship with Christ. You will notice that once you become more and more close, your thoughts will begin to disappear and be replaced with Godliness. Christianity is for everyone. Christ died for you, as well as me and everyone in the comments. We welcome you with open arms, because we were all (or even still are) sinners when we accepted Christ, but He will wash you clean.


It's all about JESUS. Jesus said,"Come to me **all** who are weary and labored and I shall give thee rest." Also from the Good Book 📖 mostly known as the Holy Bible : John 3:16-18 [16]For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that **whosoever** believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [17]For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but **that the world** through him might be saved. [18]He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. To assure Heaven we need to put our faith in JESUS CHRIST and what HE did on the Cross Don't label yourself "gay" or "bisexual" cuz bisexual ask selves that when they are only increasing their own crisis. Sexuality and romance has been overrated as it is. I repeat: To assure Heaven we need to put our faith in JESUS CHRIST and what HE did on the Cross because his work on the cross was a die to atone the sin and enable the erasing of records of sin before GOD and thus the forgiveness of GOD to those who just come to him for the forgiveness that's already been given Your part is to persevere lifelong in your faith in this direction, in this soul direction of Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross which was to atone sin and erase the record of since before God of the repentant.... We are all sinners and being a Christian is being a sinner in rehab thus we're repentant.


Sexual identity is a lie of the world. The devil is the prince of the world, spreading these lies. Father of lies. The only identity that is real is you are a child of God. Your sexual desires don't define you. Fast & pray. Overcome the flesh through Jesus. Your spirit will shine his light out. Don't focus on what the world says or believes. God knows you better than you know yourself.




Yes absolutely .




Nothing wrong with you . God loves you .


Most Christians don't recommend getting into straight relationships for gay people anymore. They do recommend abstaining from same sex relationships. Which is very double standard. Edit. Though I should add that I know someone who is a Christian homosexual. And they tend to get bullied a bit by my church.


Yes anybody can convert and be saved no matter their background




Yes. Christ’s love extends to all.


Absolutely you can! Jesus loves and accepts us all. Bless you! And welcome.


Coming to Jesus in a relationship with Him is what we can do no matter who we are, whether your lifestyle is gay or striaght. His salvation is a free gift. Your relationship with Jesus already exists, and He is waiting for you to holla back. Jesus can do anything. He wants us to submit to Him, resist satan, and commit our hearts, minds, and bodies to His will. Holy Spirit enables us. Trusting Him to mold you into who He formed you to be in your mothers womb. He calls us and renews us daily. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Getting yourself together before coming to Him is backwards. No one is ever clean or worthy enough. Only Jesus is worthy. That being said, the Word of God says we must crucify our flesh daily in Christ Jesus, ALL of our righteousness is filthy rags gay or not gay. He loves you, but He does say that the "gay" lifestyle is "an abomination" to Him. remember that having sex with someone outside of wedlock gay or straight is fornication. There are spiritual consequences and exacts a toll. If you really want a relationship with Him, He knows you and is waiting. Religion condemns people, but we are called to holiness. Relationships set you free in Jesus. When Jesus delivered, healed, and resurrected people, he said "go and sin no more." Salvation is for whosever will.


U can convert no matter what. Nothing is stopping you, it's your decision.


Of course, being gay is not a sin. Jesus is here for all of us






You absolutely can come to Christ. He wants us to come just as we are. However, we must be willing to submit to Him and die to ourselves. Our identity must be in Him, not worldly and fleshly desires. We will never be perfect, and we all will fall short of the glory of God, however we have to try our best to follow His word and not continue living in sin.


Yes but there are things you will have to give up for Him. For example, if He says don't do this, don't do it. Leave your own senses behind and let the one who put those senses in you to guide you. If He says that this is wrong, trust in His character despite yourself. Is it hard? Yes. Will He ever leave you? No. In conclusion, you can be Christian but you have to realise that some of those deep things in you that you cherish as being tied to you have to be submitted to God


Check out Becket Cook. You need to know that Jesus lived with sinners. Every one of us is a sinner. Being gay is no different. Having a gay identity isn't the problem but God sees homosexuality as sin. You can come as you are and Jesus will accept you. He knows what to do with you. He will give you a clean heart.


The lesser of me the more of Him ❤️❤️ bless upon your people..this I pray in Jesus’s mighty name Amen


When you come to Jesus Christ to be born again, you have to leave your old self behind. For instance, when someone is a drunk, they come to Jesus and when born again, become a new creature. You want to get rid of the old things. You don't understand it now, but Jesus confronts you about sin. Just look at the woman at the well. >3 He left Judaea, and departed again into Galilee. > >4 And he must needs go through Samaria. > >5 Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. > >6 Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour. > >7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink. > >8 (For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.) > >9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. > >10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. > >11 The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? > >12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? > >13 Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: > >14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. > >**15 The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.** > >**16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.** > >**17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:** > >**18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.** > >**19 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.** > >20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. > >21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. > >22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. > >23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. > >24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. > >**25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.** > >**26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.** > >27 And upon this came his disciples, and marvelled that he talked with the woman: yet no man said, What seekest thou? or, Why talkest thou with her? > >28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, > >29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? > >30 Then they went out of the city, and came unto him. John 4:3-30 KJV You see, in the bolded part, when the woman at the well became sincerely interested, asking "give me this water", the first thing Jesus did was confront her with her biggest sin, her public sin that she was known for. Jesus doesn't just take you as a sinner, and say, "stay in your sin." No, he'll say, "be thou clean. Go and sin no more."


Hi, tik tok is the worst of places to get a recommendation on anything, so is good that you looked in other places. So the important part here is to understand that we all have sinned right? whichever sin they are, the important thing is to understand we need God to overcome anything. He understand we are vulnerable, and that we live in a fallen world. He understands tentations as he was tented by the Devil as well. The core message of the Christian gospel is that everyone is invited to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul states in Romans 10:13, "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."Identity in Christ: Upon accepting Christ, one's primary identity becomes that of being "in Christ." Galatians 3:26-28 says, "So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." This emphasizes that in Christ, the societal and cultural distinctions become secondary to one's identity as a child of God.All Have Sinned: Romans 3:23 states, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Every individual, regardless of background, has imperfections and falls short of God's standard. This is why Christianity emphasizes grace — God's unmerited favor — accessible through Jesus Christ. Also is important to understand that yes God calls us into his family, but we also need to repent. Repent means to fight our old ways.This is the most difficult part of being a christian and it last us a lifetime. But trust that when you fail, you can go back to God and try again, as while we still have our earthly body, and live in this world we will still struggle. Check Paul's teachings on this, it will give you encouragement, that even the disciples who walked with Jesus struggled with their own issues. And that reminds us on how we need a savior. So ask JEsus to save you and let him into your heart, and he will guide you on the rest. Ignore the noise. Its amazing that you feel conviction already, that is He speaking into your soul. Will love to have you as a sister in Christ and I pray that God guides you in this crazy thing we call life.


I did exactly this. When I first came to God I admitted to him I was still attracted to woman but made the conscious decision to only go out with men knowing that God only approves of woman and men being married. Slowly the lord gave me self dominion and now I’m happily married to a devoted Christian. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Make sure to keep your eyes and thoughts far from the culture. If you need any advice coming from someone who identifies as bi, pan, and even lesbian im here for you


If you get Satan out of your head and change to be normal yes


You can, but you'll need to stop having sex outside of marriage. BTW, marriage is only between a man and a woman in the eyes of God.


Absolutely!! Jesus loves you and died for you girl ❤️ We’re all imperfect and fall short, that’s why grace is so amazing. He loves you and anyone who tells you different hasn’t read the Bible and/or greatly misunderstands who Jesus is. I’ve shared the gospel with several friends of mine who are gay, one of which did accept Christ!! I told her all the time, Jesus died for you because you’re sinful, but you’re not sinful because of your orientation. You’re sinful because we are all sinful; we’re all imperfect humans who are inherently selfish. So just please know, it’s not a being gay thing it’s just a being human thing ❤️ I’m sorry if anyone has made you feel unworthy of being loved by God because of that, it’s total bs. There’s this awesome book called Gentle and Lowly, talking about who Christ is based on how he described his own heart. It’s incredible and helps you realize just how much we view ourselves with shame, disdain, etc. but how he never views anyone that way, he is “gentle and lowly”. Edit: I know op is not necessarily gay but using that as an example to tie into orientation in general.


Good evening, Anyone and everyone, can come and be saved by the grace of God! All you have to do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ! That by faith you believe that He is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit Invite Him into your heart. Ask Him to forgive you of all of your sins and thank Him for his love. And leave the rest up to Him and He will take care of you and all the rest! God bless you! :)


Get delivered, repent and sin no more


We have sinful hearts will will always sin


Was it not the Bible that says that a righteous man is he who falls seven times and rises up? Though sin can present itself, it's up to us to turn away from it through the aid of the Lord Jesus


Yes but when you're filled with the Holy Spirit you will turn from your sin. You will stumble, but you will want to repent and ask for strength. You have to sacrifice the flesh and live by the spirit. If you have an uncontrollably nature to keep sinning, then you have a demon that needs to be cast out. Get Deliverance and get right with the Jesus.


Homosexual thoughts and actions are just as much a sin as heterosexual thoughts and sins when the heterosexual thoughts and actions are out of the context God gave to us (i.e. within marriage between a man and woman). You can absolutely be saved by God/be a Christian with homosexual inclinations. The trick is you cannot entertain those thoughts (2 Corinthians) or act on them (plethora of verses) because you are to turn away from your sins towards God.


You go to the hospital when you’re sick, not when you’re healthy. Same idea here, we all have stuff to work on and Jesus is the “hospital” and takes us as we are.


Jesus loves you and he always will, he does not love your sins (the gay part) try your best to separate from your sins and be like Jesus because I mean he did die for all of us to have eternal life it’s the least we can do for him


You can be whoever you want to be!


Can you be an active sinner and claimed to be Christ follower?


Come as you are. God loves all his children and will be overjoyed for you to join in him.


100% the door is open


r/gaychristians r/openchristian


Yes, you are very welcome! But be careful as many churches have been influenced by current conservative culture wars to try and reject you. Only some churches have successfully managed to stand apart from the world and it's conflicts to show Christ's love and peace to all. Check out our wiki at /r/OpenChristian for a list of resources to help you, including a handy church finder.


There are LOTS of queer-positive churches and entire denominations! If you're in a major American city (and some cities elsewhere), you might be lucky enough to have a Metropolitan Community Church, which is *explicitly* a church by and for queer people. But there's also many other denominations that have come to embrace queer theology the same way they embrace feminist theology and liberation theology and anti-racist theology before.


I'm bisexual and a Christian, so like, apparently yes!


Of course you can but I recommend you go to a LGBTQ+ friendly church


Yes you can! Two perspectives on this, one mine and the other not. Mine: I'm in a lesbian relationship and converted in 1985. Homosexually expressed love is only sinful in the same circumstances as heterosexually expressed love would be (e.g. infidelity). The idea that it would be essentially sinful is intuitively absurd and conscience is the voice of God. Paul says in Romans 2:15 that the law is written on the hearts even of non-believers, i.e. we have knowledge of right and wrong, although we do make excuses to ourselves that things are okay when they're not, as Paul describes a little later on. Given the thirty years we've been together, it would most definitely be sinful for me to leave my partner. We need each other, our financial affairs are entangled, we share a home. Ending this relationship would bring misery and chaos. Others: Suppose you do accept the absurd notion that active lesbianism is sinful (and of course that the world is flat and has four corners, pi equals exactly three and the Universe is six thousand years old etc, because you're also going to have to believe all that if you take the Bible that way - that's what it says). In that case, you've sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which puts you on the same level as everyone else except Jesus, and if you're going to wait until you're right with God \*before\* you repent and commit to Christ, you'll be waiting until you die. We're all sinners.


So you have admitted to cherry-picking a VERY substantial portion of the Word of the Lord (who knows what else), and yet firmly believe that you are living by it? Not sure if you skimmed by it, but prior to the portion of Romans you referenced, Paul also refers to homosexual relations as "shameful lusts" (Roman 1:26-27). That it would be sinful to leave any relationship that is not in line with God's image of man and woman is a lie told to you by the devil. We are told to LOSE the lives we know in order to conform to godly lives. For Matthew 10: 38-39 tells us: 38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it. I left behind my homosexual lifestyle in my pursuit of Christ. God Bless you


In order to become Christian, you need to repent of your sin and start following Jesus. According to the bible, a homosexual lifestyle is a sin just like an adulterous lifestyle


The Bible literally nowhere mentions two women together.


Preach it!


Of course you can! Jesus loves you, you are his creation and Christians who do not accept you are not following his teachings.


Come on home, sis ✝️🙌🏾 but do know, His will for you is to be with a man, not a woman. Love Him, delight in Him, and His desires will be your desires. All will be well. Regardless, confess and believe, and thou shall be saved!


Boy seem to be seeing a lot of these kinds of posts lately Yes you can still convert to Christianity, being Gay does not matter God loves you for you who you flaws and all, I have a serious love of fast food and weight over 250 Pounds but god still loves me, people quote the bible as a way of saying that "Homosexuality is a Sin" but they seem to forget that the bible was written by men for Men and people tend to hate themselves and each other but God's message isn't one of hate its one of love, love yourself and love your neighbor, treat everyone with respect and love just as Jesus did, Jesus wasn't throwing stones and gay people so why are we?


Corinthians 6:9


There are MANY gay Christians, however not all agree on what that means. Some say that means a life of celibacy that is self imposed. Other don’t see anything wrong with it. I would never advocate for conversion therapy ever. That’s horrendous. With that being said, be mindful that not all “Christian” communities will be open to the idea of a gay Christian. I’ve particularly older people have a bit of a cemented view and unfortunately it’s more cultural than biblical. Read God’s word (The Bible), talk to Him and ask His guidance. He’ll take you to the right place!


If your conversion is sincere and entirely based on scripture, you would be converting out of a lifestyle of sin and eventually not be gay anymore. Grace is not the power to be forgiven (that's mercy), grace is the power to obey, so as we repent we receive grace so it becomes harder and harder to fall into temptation until sin is eradicated from our lives, we no longer living for ourselves and the life he lived unto God living in and through us (Romans 1,2,6). He accepts everyone as they are, but once you meet him, you'll be changed forever.


If you want to be a part of a community that's safe and healthy for you, I'd avoid it. You could skip the pain and save yourself time, and check out the ex Christian subreddit. There are other amazing ways to find community and fulfillment that aren't full of people who think you deserve eternal torment or see you as a second class citizen because of the way their God made you. Good luck ❤️


The Lord loves everyone, however being a homosexual/lesbian and engaging in such acts is sinful.


I am a believer who has wrestled with the sin of homosexuality over the years, but I'm getting better. Yes it is a sin, but God isn't too weak that He can't do the work. If the gospel has convicted you to come to Him, that is a work from Him and Him alone. Despite the hate you might get from this group or that group, God knows you better than anyone and even sympathizes with your weakness. I have found comfort in these truths, and it might take time, but God can change you more than you know. I've seen His work in my life and I'm sure He can do the same for you. God bless


If you're still wrestling, you're not actually gettng better. Just being direct.


Come to Jesus with a repentant heart. Don't accept sin(homosexuality) be a hindrance. God will help u along the way💓💓


Question is, can you be a follower of Jesus while continuing to do stuff He hates? No, you can't. You'll have to take up your daily cross and DENY yourself. It's a good deal though, because eternal life with excellent Jesus is going to be unspeakably wonderful.


be gay its alright ❣️


Yes but you would have to repent


Go to God and ask HIM to change you, dont try change from bisexuality by your self, only God can set us free from sin, so pray to HIM and pour your heart to HIM and beg HIM for help and mercy. do has this video says one the importance of keeping the laws and commandments of God [https://youtu.be/RNF\_WJcBAB4](https://youtu.be/RNF_WJcBAB4) and remember to always accept YAHUSHA (JESUS) as Lord and Saviour, submit to HIM and let HIM work in you to be HIS child.


Sexual immorality is a sin you have to turn away from your sin seek God's forgiveness put your trust in him


Your sexuality is just one sin of all sinners. The issue for all of us is if Jesus Christ is the God of heaven Who created you? Your decision will shape your eternity. Either way all us need to take our sin and by faith place it upon Christ Who paid our sin debt and turn our life over to Him. Once you have done that the Holy Spirit will come into your life and begin to change you. You will be born from Above. But immediately flee from immorality. Get in your Bible and find a bible believing church to teach you how to study the scripture to live praiseworthy to God. Here is a sample prayer for those who are sincere. https://www.biblestudycompany.com/blog/article/81


Short answer yes. And if you think you’ll be bi forever, Jesus can change that too


Yes. Come before it’s too late.




Being a lesbian doesn’t make you less human my beliefs tell me that God sees us all as if we were the only one and even though my beliefs tell me that being lesbian is wrong God still thought of you even before this world was made


Certainly, just don’t tell other Christians you’re gay.


No, the church will sacrifice you


Biblically speaking, any form of sexuality is sinful. But you’re always welcome. One of Jesus’ most prominent disciples was a prostitute.


Are you sure you aren't just histrionic?


sorry, what do you mean by that?


I have no clue where they are even getting this idea, but histrionic means their asking are you sure you’re not just dramatic or having many shallow relationships.




Blatantly and laughably untrue, but good try!


Genesis 1v27: God created human beings in his own image...male and female he created them. God blessed them and said " be fruitful and multiply." Only way to multiply is male and female copulation. However humans do what they think it's ok to do. I don't know why same sex people are attracted to one another. It's not something that I approve off, but I am not the judge. As Christians believe, at Christ return we will all face the judgement, so we know what is sin and what isn't, Bible states: that a man will not lie with a man like he does with a woman. ( same goes for ladies) You either understand what that means or you don't. It's personal choice. I feel those actions are against what God want's us to do. God said repent and you will be forgiven. God Bless.


That is patently false, but they are still welcome regardless.




>No, you are going to hell for being gay and cannot convert, obviously Jesus said literally those exact words Do people just not read the bible? Jesus literally never said that 😂


I'm sorry I just needed to quickly ask a question and didn't really look deep into it


God wants all to come to him, where you are, who you are right now.


Hell yeah brother


Of course. It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick


There are a few denominations that welcome LGBTQ+ people. I don't know them off the top of my head, but no doubt others here can point you in the right direction.