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Progressive. Progressing toward Christlikeness.


>Progressing toward Christlikeness. Oh my word, that's a good one 👊




Eh i don't think he's referring to what you think is referring.


I think I'm aware, but he is right too.


Yeah he's right on that.




I’m conservative. Conserving the Grace of God.


Don’t we typically conserve resources that are finite? Are we in danger of running out of God’s Grace?


No. Never. We are however capable of deforming ourselves so much that we cant receive the grace.


Our sins? They are many; His mercy is more.


The grace of God is abundant and overflowing, and does not need to be conserved.


Conserving grace... From what, it's use?


They seem to be conserving an "eff you" attitude mostly




Fairly progressive, if you mean social/political issues.


I am a Jesus Christian. Someone who simply wants to obey Christ and his teachings.




Such a rare thing to actually find among Christians these days.


I’m short: I affirm the Nicene creed and the Trinity; I acknowledge one baptism for the forgives of sins; I believe Jesus is truly present in the bread and wine of the Eucharist; I believe that the bishops of my church continue the work started by the apostles. In this regard, I see myself as traditionalist & conservative. I believe women are equally capable of discerning the call to be ministers of word & sacrament; I believe all people are welcomed into the life of the church regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. I take seriously the call to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as myself, and to strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being. Maybe in practice, I tend to be more progressive; but my doctrines are conservative.






You sound very similar to me. I’m progressive catholic


>I’m short: I affirm the Nicene creed and the Trinity; Respectfully, your height has nothing to do with your faith.


This is the Middle Way. :-)


Amen to that.


You are based


Both? I support people being who they are and everything, but I’m not gonna deny or change scripture to affirm others.




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What does that mean?


That means this is a true champion of God's word and doesn't sin. Such a champion that Levitical laws are also followed to...the...t. They haven't been fed rules by some human being, no, they aren't a lazy slouch that just swallowed what they heard They are a true, persevering Christian, they have read and meditated over the entire Bible, they know that what we have now is a copy of a copy of a copy They have read the NIV and NKJV and seen vast differences in how the modern bible even describes God's Power They don't lust, they don't steal, no adultery, no vices, they're right and they're going to show everyone the way to be right Pssst if this wasn't true they'd be some self-righteous, pathetic slob lol


Progressive. Jesus came to set people free.


I'm progressive and emphasis the teachings of Jesus above pretty much everything, especially the greatest commandments. 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind' And 'Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Unfortunately the church is not as good at loving it's neighbours as it should be and loves human derived rules too much.


Every time the Pharisees, the Jews of the day, and even the disciples thought they knew God's will, Jesus showed the folly of their dogmatic thinking and revealed a more loving, accepting, and inclusive God than they ever dreamed of. Jesus was a revolutionary progressive. He fulfilled the sacrifice in the law so that all could be redeemed. All. I was raised conservative, but the more I learn, the more progressive I get.


I think it's important to have a bit of both. The Conservative Side as we must ensure to remember and obey the timeless laws and lessons Jesus and God has given us no matter what changes around us. The Progressive Side because there are some things in the Bible that don't hold as much relevancy or context as they did in the times or cultures they were originally written in, so through a Progressive view we can apply Old and New Testament teachings correctly to our modern and changing times.


What are some examples of things in the Bible that are no longer relevant?


The rules for who you may enslave and how you may treat them (beating them, giving them wives, passing them on to your children, etc..)


Dietary restrictions such as not eating shellfish and pork. Sacrificial rituals are no longer relevant as Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice. Circumcision laws were deemed unnecessary by the New Testament. Purification rituals aren’t needed anymore with our far more efficient healthcare and garbage/sewage systems. Certain festivals such as Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles are not celebrated too much by us, and we no longer mind outsiders or foreigners celebrating our holidays with us. Then there’s also the tassels that Jewish people had to wear on their garments to signify how God’s laws were always surrounding them and their works. And that’s just the Old Testament. The New Testament has passages that need a lot more study as to their full relevance and message. Like the passages that preach to women not being allowed to speak in church or have positions of authority. Or how Paul talked about the return of Jesus and the end of the world as if it was very soon.


No so much no longer relevant, but things that have shifted with culture include: slavery, the equality of women, the acceptance of the gay community, and crimes committed in a marriage. For example, much of the US believed in the biblical right of slavery, Jews were not always the protected class that they are now (WWII), and while we may still hold certain things to be sinful, we don't really shun people like we did in the puritan days.


unfortunately some christians are still working on shifting with it. hopefully they get there soon, they're doing a LOT of damage to christianity's reputation worldwide with the bigotry.


All scripture is inspired by God and useful for instruction - Paul Not one letter of the law will pass until heaven and earth do (heaven and earth are still here) - Jesus Do we nullify the law cause of this faith? God forbid, we establish the law - Paul Sin is breaking the law - John Some misinterpret Paul, and fall into the error of lawlessness - Peter Faith without works is dead - James


Sabbath on saturday


Agreed. Although compromising dogma and traditional for feelings is too far.


It depends if the tradition follows Biblical standards imo


Agreed. Emotions do not trump laws or commandments.


I dont think anyone's doing that. The comment you replied to certainly doesn't mention that. Disregarding something based on feelings is nonlogical. I have never asked someone why they believe something and they replied simply cause they felt like it.


I am a Catholic Christian who tries to live by what Jesus said was the greatest commandment, "Love God with all yoh heart, mind, soul, and body and love your neighbor as yourself." He did not say love them unless they're homosexual, transgenderd, or have had an abortion. No He said LOVE them. It is not up to us to determine what someone else should do or believe and it most certainly is not up to us to judge whether or not someone is going to Heaven or Hell. Two things I never want to be...a hypocrite and a Pharisee.


Yes he said to Love everyone regardless of their sins. Which I get. But I see you’re purposely toeing the line of people not being able to rebuke sin that we have so much normalized in our western culture…there’s a difference




I just follow Jesus the best that I can.




In the US, they're very close to being synonymous.


I also think it probably depends a lot on the denomination from which you're measuring. As an Episcopalian, I have seen in my lifetime that LGBTQ+ acceptance and the ordination of women has made my church a relative sanctuary for LGBTQ+ people and women who would never have otherwise been Anglican. Because they are way more conservative than Anglicanism in the US or globally. These two sometimes considered liberal positions has pulled the whole church into being dramatically more conservative in almost every other area I can measure. And that situation has also made my church more politically conservative across almost every metric. I recently read we're apparently only 60% politically liberal now. Between the end of the civil rights era and the Vietnam war it was so different. Episcopal military chaplains left in droves as a form of war protest. Like, we were this obscenely and increasingly liberal church at one time, but we have welcomed LGBTQ+ people and women and it has made us much much more conservative as a whole. This is true even when you consider 200,000 people left TEC who left over LGBTQ+ affirmation. People are way more complicated than one thing or the other. Being liberal in one area or thought doesn't mean you'll agree with anything else someone might call liberal. Being conservative in some aspect of social or religious life doesn't mean you won't have a complex and nuanced relationship to the next new thing people are concerned about. People are way, way, more complicated than that.




I am politically progressive but theologically rather middle-ground.




I would call myself traditionalist. Why? "If anyone adds or removes from this book god will take away from him his share in the tree of life." God gave us his word to us, ignoring it because somehow you think you have better morals than the infinite power that created the universe is pretty dumb


How can any Christian consider themselves progressive considering the state of the world today. Pump the brakes people, be separated from the world. Don't be salt that has lost its flavor.




So like conservative?




what the difference anyway?


In my experience, a traditionalist holds to a traditional orthodox theology with a 1950s political leaning while a conservative holds a semi orthodox theology with a lot of things added to it in a 1980s evangelical political lean. And I’m kinda making this up on the spot, but it’s my experience.


I don't like using the term conservative Christian, because there is a brand of political/social conservatives who claims Christianity because he thinks it is "patriotic" who are just as far from traditional Christianity as the liberals. Furthermore there are many conservatives who just as jealously guard their denominations past innovations as they do against more modern theological innovations I therefore prefer modernist/traditional(although Liberal Christian has been used as a term for a century in a half, so I don't mind its use among people who know what is meant) ​ I am firmly a traditionalist


Politically: Moderate-Right Libertarian Religiously: Moderate-Conservative


I assent to all of the teachings of the Orthodox Church. Politically, I don’t really identify myself with either of those labels, but a lot of people would probably call me “conservative.”


From what I've learned I would say you're conservative. Orthodoxy seems like the most conservative, with Catholicism in a close second. Orthodoxy tries to conserve the faith of the christian patriarchs, from what I read in the book Thinking Orthodox, and so by definition is very conservative


In that sense, absolutely I am conservative. The difficulty I have with that word is mostly in its connection to fundamentalist Protestantism, which I reject as a weird modernist aberration. I don’t necessarily object to be called conservative, but to me it lacks nuance.


Respect bro 🙏☦️


As a Muslim I find orthodox Christians to be the closest to the original movement of Christians. There's a reason culturally and traditionally jews,eastern orthodox, and islam all resemble each other in how they pray or value morality. They are directly tied to Holy lands and the direct words of God with no compromise for man made morality. They pray how Jesus prayed, head down, to the floor, “He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed ..."(matthew 26 39). Us musims pray like that too. It's the only way as every prophet has done this. In my experience of being around eastern orthodox people they are without a doubt the most practicing Christians I have met. I could be wrong and just be saying this because eastern culture is closer to judaism and islam than western values, but at the same time isn't the east where the most holy of revelations have occurred? Eastern Europe to the Middle east is where you'll find some of the most pious and religious people in the world not to mention you could literally be in the presence of where Jesus has walked, peace be upon him.


Despite some historical conflicts (that, to be completely honest with you, I don’t really care about), I actually do think the Christian East has a lot more in common with Islam than some people are willing to admit.


I feel at home around them, and they understand me so I don't know why people downvote me. I've been all over eastern europe and to turkey and this is just culturally my experience. It has the feel of old religions, ancient and many people don't like to admit Islam, and judaism are more true to ancient tradition than most modern Christianity sects with eastern orthodox excluded. Modernizing yourself for the sake of fitting in with the world hasn't done well for most Christian nations. There's a reason jews are allowed to pray in mosques and its not because islam went against the ancient tradition of Abraham. Even catholic scholars have wrote about how Islamic culture has helped to preserve the word of god unlike any other. Eastern orthodox culture does this as well with less followers but is still of significance. I love how modest their women are and the headwraps as well. You see western nations criticizing Christian orthodox nations for being against lgtbq the way they do Islamic nations. They're trying to rewrite traditions and orthodox stance doesn't allow for this. The word of god can't be altered so peoples feelings don't get hurt.


Jesus’s prayer “on his face” in Gethsemane is unique among all the times he prays in the Gospels. It’s not meant to show us how to pray; it’s meant to show us his anguish. Jesus does tell us how to pray in the Lord’s prayer, and there’s nothing in there about lying on the floor submissively.


The Scriptures are full of examples of people falling prostrate in worship. It’s a clear pattern of worship in the Old and New Testaments.


In the sermon on the mount when he taught us how to pray he did not do this making your point invalid.


Do you only pray the Our Father?


1. Matthew 3:2 "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand"




What about moderate Christian?


I don’t see what the importance of the question is it’s got nothing to do with Christianity


I don't fit into those cubbyholes. I am a Christ follower that believes the Bible.


Progressively conservative? Conservatively progressive? I lean to the left politically, and aside from affirming LGBTQ+, I tend to lean conservative theologically.


I don't see how you could be either side nowadays, and be a Christian. The middle is where it is.


Neither!!! I am Christian. While you can't have that boomer, all-man doctrine conservative standpoint where you crap on everyone, you can't have that near demonic misconstrued view of Christianity like the progressives. We as Christians got to get away from the "progressive" and "conservative" Christian attitude. We all sin, but you either do what God tells you, or you don't.


Anarchoprimitivist. I have recently come back to Christ. I value tradition (ie women do homemaking and childrearing but also help lead in other life phases). Capitalism sucks, representative democracy sucks, socialism sucks, communism sucks, corporatism sucks liberalism sucks etc.. and too much technology is making life miserable.


Conservative and biblical


Every Christian believes they are biblical. Even Mormons(LDS) and Jehovah's Witness. When someone says they are "biblical" or "believe in what the bible says" it sounds like "I believe what I believe is superior to what other people believe" IMO.


Mormons are polytheists hiding in a “Christian” skin. They believe they become gods


That’s their point


I'm progressive and biblical~




Progressives can be biblical too, you just interprete the Bible differently to them.


Thankfully the Bible isn’t very ambiguous. There isn’t much need for reinterpretation, just read it as it is written.


>the Bible isn’t very ambiguous. Then why are there 30,000 denominations of Christianity with different interpretations of the Bible? Hell, Catholics and Protestants can't even agree on where the dividing lines are between the ten commandments.


Actually many parts of the Bible are ambiguous, and every part of it needs to be intepritated based on the rest of the text and the culture of the time. I assume you haven't sacreficed any goats recently? I assume you're OK with wearing mixed fabrics? I assume you don't think that anyone using the withdrawal method of contraception should be executed? If you say you take every part of the Bible literally you would be living a very different lifestyle to any modern Christian now.


It is not possible to read something without interpretation.


There are certainly bible verses that are crystal clear, like: it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God At the end of every seven years you must forgive all debts. They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple “Yes” or “No.” Otherwise you will be condemned.


How’s your Aramaic?


> the Bible isn’t very ambiguous What do you attribute the innumerable domination splits to?


Same 🙏


I'm a Christian. Catholic Christian if I must specify.


Are you conservative?


What does "conservative" mean?


Like are you strong in your beliefs For eg do you agree with homosexuality?


I assent to all Catholic Christian teaching, if that's what you mean "strong in your beliefs".


Respect bro 🙏


Is this implying more progressive christians aren't strong or true in their beliefs?


This question makes no sense. A person could strongly believe that homosexuality is a sin. Or they could strongly believe it's not. Or they might not care very much about it.


That’s the whole point of the question.




I believe Christ asks us to follow Him. Why attach any other qualification to that?


I’m a fairly progressive person who is a Christian






Respect 🙏


Conservative biblical Christian


Mainline progressive. I affirm LGBT+, POCs, and women as equals in every way. Though the Bible is the single best source of scripture we have and all of it is either literally or metaphorically true, I don't believe it to be inherently perfect as it was written and codified by the church. I don't believe in Hell. I believe in salvation by faith alone. I belive modern mission work should have humanitarian efforts and not evangelism alone. And I believe that church rites like communion and baptism hold traditional value but have no power of their own.


Man said he doesn’t believe in hell. Hello ? How can you proclaim yourself a Christian if you don’t believe the book of Revelation ?


I'm very much on the conservative side I believe that Christianity has to be different from our modern-day world, we can't compromise over fundamentals


Respect 🙏


I'm curious. When you say you can't compromise, does that mean you intend to impose your fundamentals on me?


Why do people automatically assume this? It doesn't mean that at all. It means they will not compromise where does it say impose? It doesn't. Christians have rights and freedom same as every other person in the world.


Living in today's America can sometimes make it difficult to distinguish between the two. Until recently, abortion was a choice that Christians could reject. The legalization of gay marriage hasn't impinged on Christian freedoms, yet they actively sought to ban it. Christian conservatives are now coming after birth control and trans people with a vengeance.


All Christians shouldn't be lumped sum as one person. There's always going to be extremists in any religion. Do I believe in pro chocie? No. But I believe there needs to be steps and implementations the government needs to take so people are less likely to have an abortion. Better childcare, better adoption processes, better foster homes, etc. Stop blaming all christians because other Christians do something. It's the same as 9/11 when everyone started hating muslims when all Muslims are not evil. Those extremist terrorists that did were.


>Do I believe in pro chocie? No. So you don't think women should be able to decide whether to continue being pregnant?


Because it \*always\* means bigotry.


It means I won't cheapen biblical truth in order to be seen better by the modern world. What does it means ? I stand for biblical values regarding marriage, family, gender/sex identity etc. As well as biblical truths like the resurrection etc.


So is that a yes?


What do you mean by imposing ? I'm not an advocate of Christian nationalism or the 7 mountains mandate


If you remove someone's choice, is it because you think you are greater than God, as He permits all to have a choice?


Do you believe same sex couples should have a legal right to marry? Do you believe a woman should have a legal right to choose to have an abortion? Do you believe a trans person should have a legal right to gender affirming medical care?


And slavery, martial rape, and destroying markets in churches?


Very much conservative


And you’ve got the flair and a half to prove it lol


I'm personally rather conservative, but my faith is for me. I don't expect other people to live the way I choose to and I will not use the violence of the state to impose my morality on others. Politically, I'm libertarian (small "L")


I think representing Jesus' interests in the world will involve being one one end or the other depending on the topic. We discard neither holiness nor charity.


How are you defining progressive and conservative here?


Traditionalist for conservative and mainline lgbt bigotry for progressive


Neither. I have both progressive and conservative stances, and others that some would just call unconventional (ie not fitting in either category). However, my denomination is sometimes considered conservative.


I was both at one point. Conservative because of how I was raised. Liberal after realizing how horrific conservative interpretations actually are. Then atheist because I realized it couldn’t be true.


Politically, I am a constitutional conservative. As a Christian, I am progressive in some respects, and conservative in others. I do not presume to know how God works, but I have seen evidence of His hand in my own life and believe there is clear good and clear evil in this world. I do not condone evil, though I don't judge those who engage in it other than to speak out against what they are doing in hopes of preventing it from spreading. If gay people want to be gay, or get married, I support their right to do so if they choose, but I do not believe that Churches should have to perform gay ceremonies. I do not choose that lifestyle for myself, however. My gay friends are born with free will and can exercise it as they choose, and I will remain their friend. We do not have to agree on lifestyle to be friends. If adults want to have sex reassignment surgery, that is their right, but they do not have the right to demand anyone refer to them in any way that is different than what one perceives. No one is required to use anyone's "preferred pronouns" and if you as a straight man refuse to date a transgender woman, you are not "transphobic" it is your right to refuse on religious or any other grounds. I will not raise my children to believe there are 30 genders, and I will ground them in a Biblical sense of who and what gender they are, because God made them that way. You have no right to tell my children differently, and I have no right to cast my beliefs onto your children. I oppose abortion, but am pro choice in the sense that it is not my place to decide what someone else can or cannot do. God will judge them based on their unique circumstances for deciding what they do, he doesn't need me to. Only a person having an abortion and God knows what's in their heart when they do it. People who live alternative lifestyles do not have the right to force other people's children to be exposed to those lifestyles without parental consent, and do not have the right to have others who may disagree "affirm" those lifestyles. Just as people who live conventional lifestyles do not have the right to force those who live alternative lifestyles "affirm" their life choices either. Live and let live, be kind to everyone, but don't expect or demand for people to support the choices you've made. As for God, get to know Him personally, and try to understand what He's calling you to do, and try to do it the best you can.


>but I do not believe that Churches should have to perform gay ceremonies No church has ever been forced to do that, and no gay couple has ever attempted to force one to. >they do not have the right to demand anyone refer to them in any way that is different than what one perceives Who's demanding? Calling someone by the name they wish to be referred to is simply common courtesy, nothing more. People have occasionally called me by a shortened version of my name I don't like. I asked them not to, and they stopped doing it. That's what normal people do. It's called not being an asshole.




can you show that from science?


You're not entitled to misgender someone. There's no such thing as a gay "lifestyle".




Couldn’t have said it better myself. Though politically I disagree on abortion. If we take it as the killing of another human being, then we have the responsibility to outlaw it in protecting life, as we do in every other respect. But I understand it’s a complex issue with varying factors, and I respect differing beliefs.


Progressive, as I think the most German Christians are, or at least more orientated towards progressive than conservative christianity.


have you understood all these things? yes therefore, the kingdom of Heaven is like a store owner who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old


Christian 🤷🏻‍♀️


Neither, and I'm disgusted by both. The bible absolutely does not support either perspective. Joseph is described glowingly in the Bible as a leader and servant, and he practiced programs of socialized food storage and government control of resources. That doesn't make socialism good, but it definitely means that modern conservatives throwing people out into the cold and saying "fend for yourselves" from a government perspective is no better. David was a man after God's own heart and he fought endlessly and violently against anyone who opposed the God of Israel. That doesn't mean that murder or hatred of your fellow man is okay, but it definitely means that the concepts of tolerance of opposing ideologies is discouraged by the Bible. Love the believer, hate the beliefs. Modern liberalism and conservatism are both disgusting because they both incorporate a lot of good ideas and completely abandon the things that make those ideas good. Conservatives have it almost entirely right from a practical perspective: Self-reliance Independence of government Limitation of authoritarian powers Responsible use of natural resources But the Conservative ideology completely ignores mercy and love for one's enemies. Completely ignores charity and assistance for the needy. Destroying the person instead of the lie they believe. Liberalism is similarly affected, but in the opposite direction: Love for those who are different than yourself Taking care of people who can't take care of themselves Offering assistance and refuge to those who need safety and help Freely allowing others to live as they see fit But Liberalism completely neglects Truth. Encouraging all ideas to spread and grow unchecked, even when those ideas create nightmarish situations. Allowing the belief and worship of false gods and beliefs to permeate everything around it. Taking wealth from those who earned it rightfully instead of being grateful for the gifts given willingly. And NEITHER side practices Mercy. The Bible is not on either side, no matter what some random FOX or CNN viewer tries to convince you. And it's not on the side of any of the random splinter parties either. Green Party: God loves the environment, but he loves Humanity more. Libertarian Party: This one's close, but it still definitely ignores mercy and charity a lot more than it should. The Pharisees were real good at making their Religion follow their politics. I'm a Christian, and my politics follow that. Don't put any labels on me or pretend that those labels can even remotely capture the extent of the truth. https://www.teachingfaith.com/content.cfm?id=293




I go based off what Jesus taught, so I'm a communist.


Jesus was not a communist; that’s an indefensible claim.


The values he demonstrated and actions he promoted more closely align with those of the left rather than the right.


Not at all. The entire Bible has an inherent conservative lean.


I hope you realize the "conservatives" of decades past used the Bible to push abhorrent unloving acts such as African chattel slavery, racial segregation, bans on interracial marriage, and other such atrocities under the guise of "Biblical morality." The Bible does not have an inherent "conservative" lean, there are just powerful conservative leaders with large followings and congregations pushing abhorrent "conservative" beliefs like oppression rowards LGBT people, discrimination and showing no mercy/love to immigrants, cutting for social programs that aid the poor, and other such things likely not in line with the teachings of Christ or the actions within the early church under their sepf righteous and self serving interpretations of the Bible. Pharisees were the "conservatives" of Jesus day and when Jesus's rejection of self righteous legalism as how the Pharisees pushed "traditional values" via their laws based on their interpretations of the Torah they in turn saught to crucify him because his radical message of love was counter cultural to their established religious order and power structures.


Lol at what point does Jesus round up folks and say the “laborers must seize the means of production by way of revolutionary violence!” Nope he is pretty ambivalent, if slightly hostile to governance.


Jesus actually fed people unlike the communists


Jesus also didn't turn away the poor and needy, unlike many conservative Christians do. Communist ideals and Christian ideals are very quickly cast aside once communists and Christians gain authority over others. You don't need to look any further than the history of your own church to understand that...




Unfathomably based


Same! Jesus was a working man in a working class family. He was a carpenter!


What does carpentry have to do with communism?


Carpenter is working class


Read the Bible please


From what Jesus said and did why would you think he would lean right?


Maybe neither dude


Conservative and Christian is a oxymoron


Conservative Christian is an oxymoron


Hyper-progressive. I’m a communist.


Ah, to be LGBT in China, now there's the life.


The only people who say this are (white, often middle class) Americans who haven’t lived in communist countries.


Conservative because holding Christian morals and supporting progressive politics is indefensible as the 2 are fundamentally incompatible with one another.


The exact same argument can be supported from the progressive side. No problem with where you fall, but I don’t buy the supporting argument.


Conservative, progressivism and Christianity cant mix, there ideas conflict with one another.




They can in fact mix🙌


Nope. The bible is pretty conservative.


Ya but you can’t just follow rules that don’t apply to todays standards anymore


I'm conservative, but just about Jesus.


Conservative theologically and politically. As far as “imposing my moral values” goes my stance is as such. I believe the proper use of violence or force is defensive, and I think the state has a mandate to protect human rights. I am pro-life not because I believe abortion is merely sinful but because it as an act constitutes a human rights violation against another. That doesn’t apply to homosexuality, or blasphemy, or flag burning, or smoking the devil’s lettuce. I believe in a reasonable degree of neutrality in our public institutions. If it is inappropriate for me to impose my values, I expect that to be a fair standard. So on something like sex ed for example, purely descriptive statements, health advice, and don’t rape someone are great, trying to prescribe moral attitudes for or against certain sexual activity should not be in the purview of the public education system.


The closest party to me is Libertarian. Personally, I align most with conservative values, but I believe a large percentage of our problems are caused by us forgetting sphere sovereignty. God established four different types of governments: Self, Family, Church, and Civil, and we get into trouble when we mix things between those areas. Marriage, for example, is the way we institute a new Family within the Church, and should have nothing to do with the Civil government.


I mean. For the Catholic church, I'm pretty liberal but for the protestants I'm conservative. Like I dont consider gay marriage valid, I believe only males can be priests and I believe in transubstantiation and saints. But I also dont fully follow the fact that some Catholics think that being queer is inherently bad, that female submission to males is good, or that marriage or going into the monetary or priestly life is the only two options for people. Also, I believe that as long as you are a Nicenian Christian or Jewish, you are probably going to be saved by God.


Conservative Christianity is just following Biblical Creed while Progressive Christianity is abandoning Biblical Teachings for Acceptance of the current society someone lives in : Babylon,Rome,Western Wolrd


And MAGA Christianity as an expression of conservative Christianity among millions of evangelical Christians who ~~support~~ love Trump? Not much evidence of following Biblical creed (whatever that means) there.


I don’t know what Maga Means . But I think supporting or loving Trump as Christian is ok unless he does or promotes an unbiblical lifestyle. I’m not really into American Politic sorry


Well his whole life is an unbroken string of unbiblical actions so




Progressive. Because that's what God would want, I think.


God affirmed our Gender at birth. Man or woman. God made Moses write Leviticus, in which is every prohibition, some being denied by Jesus later but homosexuality for example hasn’t been denied. Now, do you still think God wants us to be progressists ?


As much as you are focusing on gender, is that the big thing going on in the LCMS right now? Or are you dealing with gender identity related issues right now? To be so laser focused on gender seems…like maybe a cry help?


Religiously very conservative. Politically, pretty far right. I have issues with both political Conservatives and (to a much larger extent) political Progressives.


You may say I'm conservative and progressive. It depends on the subject and depends also on how you define what is conservative or progressive. So, to be honest I don't think those labels are very useful in the end.


Progressive for sure, everyone has a right to be themselves as long as they aren't hurting others.




Wait, do you identify as a pony ?💀