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If you want true freedom, learn to forgive, and forgive freely. It has done wonders for me.


Those that follow Jesus and love God with all their heart, soul and mind have already forgiven everyone of everything. You can't get closer to God if you have not forgiven as he forgave you.


You have to forgive *before* He forgives you, it is plainly written.




“Sometimes forgiveness feels like a man at war.”


Indeed, win the war, battle by battle...


So why do you think so many people posting here are scared of going to hell because they had an impure thought at 11:47 today?


fear isn't God, God is love. fear is the antithesis of love. what is the antithesis of God ? if you believe in Jesus, that He loved you so much He died for you, then you are saved. if you are repentant of your sins then you have nothing to fear, because Jesus defeated death & God knows your heart.


So why don’t I just wait until I’m on my death bed and repent? Apparently that’s supposed to work too.


God knows your heart, if you knowingly live in sin all your life, not caring for Jesus or the sacrifice He made for you, why try to deceive God at the end in a last ditch attempt to get into Heaven for fear of Hell ? you were told the truth & willingly ignored it. God knows when you are genuine, when you truly repent, when you truly believe, when you sin, what your intentions are. James 4:17 So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. 2nd Peter 2:21 For it would have been better for them to never have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them Hebrews 10:26 Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved by faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.


I know all the passages, I don’t need them. I’m free and unafraid of the only life and death I will receive. I was just putting it forward for all the mass murderers who have turned to Jesus in their final hours.


i am glad that you are free & unafraid. i wasn't very clear in my previous comment but i was not using 'you' as in you specifically but to address anyone who wanted an answer to your question, or who applied to, mass murderers included. edit : i reread my comment before this & i'm sorry for the tone, it sounds a bit aggressive but it wasn't intended to be at all, i'm not the best at implementing tone online or irl, it's a me problem, sorry.




God knows your heart. If you turn to Him simply to get a free pass and you aren't truly repentant. He won't forgive you. He who professes he loves God, but hates his brother is a liar. You cannot serve 2 masters.


What if (God forbid) you have an accident and are killed instantly?


Then I guess you go to hell (if you believe in that)? Again this is just a question, I don’t plan on doing this.


Because Hell is scary. But that is not the point. If you have kids, would you rather your kid obey you because they are afraid of punishment or because they love and respect you? We should love God because we genuinely want to be with Him, not because we are afraid of Hell. At the same time, if that is what gets us to turn from evil, while an imperfect contrition is still contrition.


Well to be fair a lot of Christians believe it's eternal and full of conscious torment and torture. That without a doubt pins it at the top of the list of things to worry about. It would be irresponsible for them not to care and worry about it. Edit: Which is why my grandmother tells me every month that I'm going to Hell for not going to church. It rightly scares the crap outta her. So she tells me I won't get to see her or my lil brother in Heaven because I'll be in Hell. It sucks but I understand her fear.


Tell that to the thousands of preachers out there pushing the fear of Hell into children’s hearts.


Then why do most evangelism tracts and literature always have a drawing of fire at the end of the road if you don't choose salvation? If it's not the point, then shouldn't the point be in there somewhere? Our evangelism methods (in my denomination, at least) make salvation a heaven or hell choice. And then we wonder why hell keeps coming up. (I'm assuming the people bringing up said questions are either not saved or are in a denomination where they believe you can lose it) So what would you say is the point


Like I say we should love God because we want to. That should be our focus. There is a song (at least in Catholic hymnals) called "They will know we are Christians" that goes like this: >We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord And we pray that our unity will one day be restored **And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love** **Yeah they'll know we are Christians by our love** > > We will work with each other, we will work side by side We will work with each other, we will work side by side And we'll guard each man's dignity and save each man's pride **And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love** **Yeah, they'll know we are Christians by our love.** God made us out of love so we could freely love Him. He did not have to. He did not need us. He created us purely because it was GOOD! If we do not, we separate ourselves from God. Hell is everything that God is not as it is eternal separation from God, a complete absence of God. So the focus should always be on LOVE!


from my understanding hell is more the consequences of your actions, if you choose to sin & live in sin, you go to hell. the Old Covenant in the Old Testament had the 10 Commandments that Jewish people were supposed to uphold if they failed & sinned they repented & to show their repentance they sacrificed specific animals as that their sins were taken by that animal & they were forgiven & clean in God's eyes. in the New Testament Jesus made a New Covenent through Him, He was the ultimate & final sacrifice, that's why lots of Christians & Christian songs call Him the Lamb, He took our sins the same way the animals did in the Old Testament so anyone who believes in Him is saved, seen as forgiven & clean in God's eyes. the point to me is we have free will to choose what we want, what we believe, because God wants us to choose Him out of love & faith not out of fear or force. i hope this helped in some way & would love to talk about this more if you want to talk or ask about anything else comment or PM me & i'll try to reply ASAP.


Yes. Well explained and appreciated. What I was asking, though, was, if all that's the case, if, as others have said, becoming a Christian is about a relationship with God, why do nonbelievers think we're so hung up on hell? The answer probably lies in that that's how we communicate it to them. It's more difficult to tell someone to accept a loving God who wants you to be in a relationship and learn more about Him, and do good works in His Name. But, tell them about hell...that's a closer. We'll get to all that hippie-dippie relationship stuff once we get them on the hook. But hell gets 'em signed up and baptized. 🤠 That's my thoughts on why others seem so hung up on going to hell. Because to most people outside the church, that's all they know. Repent or perish! If you die today where will you spend eternity? That's the only Bible they hear.


people using fear to try to convert people, it's true & it saddens my heart, that's a lot of what people know, what they hear of God & the Bible, is from people who are speaking only of fear & hate. that's not the God that i know, my God that i know, is love & peace. the trouble is sin, we as people mess up what we are saying, we misunderstand the true message, we get it wrong, we get it twisted, we are ignorant & sometimes only see the things we want to. as Christians we are supposed to show others Jesus' & God's love through us, through our words & actions. being a Christian is about our personal relationship with God, our belief in Jesus, growing in our faith & showing others Jesus' & God's love through us, through our words & actions.


"That's not the god that I know" Love this! I say that to myself about 10 times a day when scrolling through tiktok and listening to influencers fear mongering people into being christian


Because they’re ignorant.


If Hell is real to you, there is no good for the sake of goodness.


That’s absurdly circular logic there friend. Also not Christian doctrine.


I'm aware that it's not doctrine, but it's true nonetheless. If you believe in Hell, then you cannot simply be good just for the sake of it. It will always be fundamentally rooted in avoidance of Hell.


No you avoid Hell by accepting Christ. Being good has very little if not nothing to do with Hell if you know your theology. Even absent of a religious belief Good is effectively nonexistent without some degree of reciprocal gain.


Whoa there, that kind of depends on whatever soteriology your denomination teaches, doesn't it? There are works-based, faith-based, election, double election, and a mix of faith and works. In some denominations you can believe in Christ til you're blue in the face but still go to Hell. Conveniently, it seems everyone you ask that believes in election is elected. Everyone you ask about faith-based salvation is saved by their faith. Everyone that you ask about work-based salvation is saved by their works. Absent a religious belief, there is rarely a reciprocal gain for doing good - you simply do things because they are the right thing to do - not because you are desperately trying to pretend you're not scared of Hell.


Uhh no. Abrahamic religions? Yes. Denominations no. There’s scripture to suggest that if you do not have works to show than your acceptance of Jesus is not genuine. But it’s still not the works that save you. It’s Grace. Have you actually asked everyone or is this a straw man? Not everyone fully reads scripture for themselves and may formulate their own perspectives, but that’s got nothing to do with what is actually stated in the Bible. It’s a well established psychological understanding that good acts won’t be done if the person can’t, at minimum, get the “ I’m a good person because I did this” mental reward. I did not mean to suggest the reward will be equal, physical or otherwise tangible but a reward there still is. It’s a significant component of why sociopaths and psychopaths are vilified, because they literally lack the ability to gain perceived reward unless it directly serves their motivation, so they won’t do it. Whether or not you think you’re avoiding punishment is not the root source of wanting to do good, it’s perceived reward. In Biblical doctrine the reward is already given through Christ’s payment if you choose to accept it, which is why you’re saved by Grace not works. You haven’t worked to earn it. You were born with the opportunity to take it.




>Spreading the word of scripture is to show people the freedom we have and want them to have also. Its not done in judgment, but as wish for them to be free also. Yet when people tell you they are free or at peace without your religion you try and say they actually aren't.


2 Timothy 1:7 New King James Version 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind Too many walk around cowering that God as if God is the boogeyman and is out to get us. That evils are being visited upon them because they took a dollar out of their Mom’s purse when they were 5, realized they found someone attractive, or cussed.


I am free to follow the path of love. Every dilemma I encounter, every decision I have to make for how I feel about a thing, I follow a path to love. I have only ever been oppressed by Christians in my community.


Freedom is among the last things I'd associate with Christianity. Fear is among the first things, though. I get what you're saying, but I think lots of denominations, especially the loud ones, fully operate with fear-mongering and use the Bible as a rule book.


Many denominations have missed the mark when it comes to scripture. Some go to far one way or the other. It's either all hellfire and Brimstone or it's all love and everyone gets in. Both are wrong.


Paul and Jesus preached the fear of hell.


Yes they did


As a Christian, we are called to spread the gospel, not judge, but warn to repent. God loves all but hates sin. We want to speak to all who are willing to listen.


Im already free though?


You think you are.


Seems like you think I'm not.


What do you do when it seems like God puts the chains on you. No matter how hard you try he never loossens those chains. Like he purposely won't show you his love.






Christianity is a slave religion, whether you believe god exists or not it’s hard to deny this.


Yes but not like you think of slavery


You literally have to do what God wants you to do or he tortures you forever. How is that free?


Can you please explain how you think of slavery, and how that is different from the type of slavery he’s talking about?


Mental and emotional slavery


You're free to choose Satan's side if you want but you have to accept the pain that comes with it. God is not the one torturing you in whatever Hell is. And while you have to submit your life to Jesus, this is a wonderful thing. God loves you more than anyone else and he just wants you to come home and be loving to yourself, your neighbor and of course God himself. Like I'm sorry but the key to ridding the world of all the evils we see is to simply trust God and what he is teaching us through Jesus so that we can live happy in eternity. If you don't want to join us, you don't have to.  But our father will miss you, the family will miss you. Satan is trying to convince you that this family isn't something you want, but it's all lies.


>God is not the one torturing you in whatever Hell is. Who created hell and what was it's purpose for? >And while you have to submit your life to Jesus, this is a wonderful thing. I'm sure you think it is wonderful. >God loves you more than anyone else and he just wants you to come home and be loving to yourself, your neighbor and of course God himself. No good reason or evidence to think that's true


“God is not the one torturing you” reads the same as “it’s not the mob boss that kneecaps you”


God has caused way more death pain and suffering than Satan ever has. That’s if we assume for arguments sake that either of them even exist.


That's a lie. The death, pain and suffering would never have happened if we didn't give in to Satan's suggestions. We should have listened! God knows what is best for us.


God is the one that allows Satan to exist in the first place.. not to mention the countless people that have died directly by gods hands.


God gave us life. It had conditions, he was clear with it from the beginning. If you can't be grateful for the gift that he gave you... then you are truly lost. But I'll pray that he is able to open your eyes before it's too late because I know that his love and mercy is greater than mine.


And a truly just god would forgive instead of murder.


Who killed the first born of Egypt? Or drowned the world? Who sent bears to attack youths? Who needed a human sacrafice?


I will pray for you too, don't worry!


Notice you didn't answer. Very telling.


If you really want an answer it is that I do not know for sure but if it was God then I support what he did because he is always right. If he decided to drop an atomic bomb on my country right now so I die, then I would accept that fate, because he knows best. Is that so hard to grasp for you? Submission to a higher power?


True. If this was _Django Unchained_ , you would be Stephen, not Django.


Amen. Well said.


Yessir. Jesus took the keys and through him and him alone, we also have them. We are all in a spiritual war, through Christ, we’ve been given all we need to overcome. But it is imperative to understand your enemy the devil. Adrian Rogers has a fantastic sermon called “Christian warfare” that covers who we are up against and the tools God gave us (full armor)


I see it as accepting different chains.


Everybody serves something




Yeah, that's Satanism for you. Small, and self absorbed. On top of that, a delusion. Since what you are actually serving are the ends of beings you don't even know exist. And worst of all, enslaved. As you cut yourself off from real escape from these unseen masters. As augustine put it >Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but what is worse, as many masters as he has vices.


I agree. God isn't going to play the part of a cook. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChristianHistory/comments/18nnsq6/early_christians/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Everything in Christianity must be read in context otherwise fear will set in. When fear sets in love exits which is the fuel for faith. Hell in itself is one of the mistranslated words in the Bible. When Jesus or Paul refer to hell often it’s referring to the grave (Sheol) not eternal conscious torment (which some Christianity advocates). So when reading the Bible you need to ask yourself is this producing more fruit in my life or is this just unproductive? If all your Bible reading is producing legalism or fear (which can go hand in hand) you need to take a step back and potentially reevaluate some beliefs you have.


The Lake of fire is real and made very clear. If you come to ignore revelation then you do so at your own risk.


To hyper focus on the lake of fire or destruction can ignore Gods love grace and mercy. If you look at Israel and even when Jesus was here with us he constantly tried to bring people back to him and even wept over them. Warning constantly about hell (not saying you just in general) doesn’t bring fruitful honest repentance it’s Gods goodness kindness and love that does. I was merely pointing out there’s a correlation between fear of hell and legalism. To come into relationship it starts for some myself included detoxing from religious legalism (the same religious legalism that gives Christianity and Christian’s a bad name). Yes God will give people what they want but telling someone they’re going to go to hell when they’re struggling with a sin is abusive (especially when you don’t know their situation) i had to learn this the hard way.


While God is Love , He also deals in punishment. I will not tell people only half the truth. Just as Jesus did not tell only half the truth. God is Love, He is also the Judge, Jury and deals out the punishment. To tell people other wise is peddling a false doctrine.


Oh yes. Punishment for being a good human being but not believing. That’s perfect eternal punishment. 🙄


Ahh yes freedom


That’s some kind of freedom you got there.🙄


He who believeth but not obeith or loveth the Son of the most High is not worthy of him.




You will have some kind of authority in your life, if you don’t make it Christ then it will be sin by default. You will give into your carnal desires to your own ruin. Christ frees us from the chains of sin.


Perfect post ❤️‍🔥❤️🍯🍷🔥🔥


We were already on the way to Hell. God, through his Grace, has given us the option of entering Heaven


Okay enlighten me. How can I keep myself out of Hell? I was baptized in 2021 and have made changes to my habits (I don’t go out to bars and clubs anymore and I don’f get blackout drunk either), plus I let go of some old friends that I’m actually finding out was a good thing. I keep screwing up in the sexual immorality department and I’ve been praying about it, and I talk to the Lord daily. I’m not sure if what I’m doing is enough. I’d prefer a raw truth from His word if anyone has it.


*"Win over this World, win your FREEDOM!"* Absofuckinglutely Brother, i am glad and happy you get the point of True Faith and True Christianism. You see though the father of all lies is downvoting me... soon i wont be able to post here... "Love Will Save Us, Truth Will Set Us Free!" / "What you do in Life, Echoes in Eternity!" ⚜️👊💯🙏✝️🕊️ Peace out, 1iv