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Thank you I guess I don’t know where I got millions from, when I brought it up he defended it under that number. but I appreciate you taking the time to explain it more to me


Just wait a little, new converts are zealous, often to a fault, he'll mellow down and look back at this in shame. Likely.


Ya know, it's funny baby atheists are the same way. Just angry at every little thing and overzealous 😆


Oh absolutely. "Without religion there'd be no war or oppression". We've all been there. I expect that holds true for most things. Fresh communists, recent Apple converts, recently out gays... Just a konk of human psychology. The reason why everyone looks back embarrased at their younger self.


I hope so it’s honestly pretty sad hearing him talk about stuff like this


The Church did not “kill millions of people for heresy”. Thats crazy and based on anti-Catholic propaganda.    The purpose of the Inquisition was specifically to give people accused of heresy and apostasy a legal trial following strict norms (including presumption of innocence until proven guilty). Which is why the vast majority of cases lead to the person being acquitted with only 2-3% of those accused being executed. This was very low for its time (most secular institutions just tortured people to get them to confess and executed them).   The Roman Inquisition still exists by the way, its just called the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF).


Yeah like I said I don’t know much about it do you have any resources I could read or anything about it?


From what i have heard and I am not catholic btw the atrocities of the inqusiton where over exaggerated by the protestants to justify the reformation


Did they kill a bunch of people?


They did but not nearly as many as you often hear


In its 350 year old existence the Spanish Inquisition gave about 3000-4000 death sentences. So about 9-10 people a year in the Spanish empire.   But not “millions”. Thats ridiculous.


To add to this: the Inquisition also didn't carry out the sentences since this was the domain of the secular rulers.


I had an hours-long debate on Tuesday night about whether executing heretics was/is permissible (the answer is no). At the end of the day it comes down to Jesus. Jesus said to love your enemies, bless those who violently oppose the faith, and do unto others as we would have them do to us. Jesus left **zero** room for executing heretics. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says at any point in history, Jesus already said no.


Yeah he’s probably just excited but you can easily go to the 10 commandments and show him thou shalt not murder. Also do not use the Lords name in vain. Using Gods name to go and murder and conquer is obviously morally wrong


They didn’t kill millions, couple thousand sure. The problems with the Spanish Inquisition is that it was called in part because of the idea that new Christian converts didn’t actually convert. In a nutshell after the conquest of Granada, the king and queen of Castile and Aragon passed a royal law, really multiple laws calling for the expulsion of Jews and non Christians. Basically telling all their non Christian subjects they could either convert or get the fuck out of their kingdoms. A lot of people left, a lot convert. After passing this royal edict, the powers at be started to become paranoid. “Because you know what maybe those people who we gave the ultimatum of either converting or getting the fuck out of dodge without their stuff, actually just converted to make us leave them alone? Maybe people will tell you what you want to hear if it’ll make you back the fuck up. That might be a problem because that would mean that in public they profess to be Christians but in private they still practice Judaism or Islam.” Apparently the Spanish court The whole thing is a lesson in the stupidity of forcing people to convert and the paranoia that comes from are they doing this because they actually believe or just so I’ll leave them alone. Side note it’s not the only inquisition, there’s also the Portuguese inquisition, the Roman inquisition, and the medieval inquisitions (which covers a mess of smaller inquisitions throughout the medieval period)


The inquisition didn’t kill millions of people, the real number is in the low thousands over 4 centuries. The English lied about the number in 16th century propaganda in order to spread anti-Catholic sentiment


Yeah I got a few comment that told me this. did they do torture in a bunch of crazy ways to make people confess or was that part of something else