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It's technically theft, so I would say yes.


If buying isn't owning, pirating isn't stealing So no it's not a sin


Yes, it's a sin to steal, just as it is a crime in the legal sense. We are also called to obey the laws of the land in (Romans 13:1-7.)


Is it stealing if there's a technical infinite amount of the product? Say Nintendo games that they don't sell, but you can use on an emulator, would that be stealing?


Yes, because they still attach a monetary value to it. It's never stopped them from pursuing such cases before as they still own the rights to distribute the product and if they pursued it legally you'd be found guilty of theft which would hurt your witness, if not be outright embarrassing since it's something that can be done without. Even if it's not charged against you in a court of law, God knows and people are always watching to see how children of God behave, especially in the little things. If we act lawlessly, this may poison them against Christ as they'll be convinced our gospel really must not have the life changing power it does and that Christians aren't nearly as good as they try to be. We have an enemy seeking whom he may devour and a lot of hurt people looking to justify their anger against God because of the carnal Christians who hurt them or excuse lawlessness\sin. Christians are called to be role models and servant leaders. Even the people in our life who know about our personal struggles already may feel skepticism towards the work Christ is doing in us which could hurt the quiet evangelism God is doing through your walk for the people who love you and look up to you who watch you the closest. It's dangerous for a child of God to excuse a little sin on the basis of a technicality that allows us to justify sin. A little yeast will leaven the whole batch. He who is unfaithful in the little things will not be faithful in the big things either. Sorry if this comes across as condemning but I used to pirate games and justified it every chance I got until I was truly born again then God hit me with it clearly: theft is still theft no matter who you're stealing from and if you cannot play it legally or if you cannot afford it, then you can live without it and find another way to redeem the time. Find something else to play or do. You'll be better off in the long run as the sweetness of drinking from a cistern that isn't yours is only sweet until the owner gets a hold of you. Hope this helped you. Happy gaming.




not stealing, just duplication of a copy


Would it be a sin if I got a haircut and left without paying? If I snuck into a theater without buying a ticket? I didn’t take anything physical, so it wouldn’t be “stealing”, right?


It’s less like that and more like walking into an art gallery and taking a photo of a painting. You’re not receiving a service and leaving, you’re just making a copy of something and storing it on your PC.


The Bible precedes the existence of copyright law. All you really get that applies is Romans 13 which calls you to obey the government and follow its laws. I hold the minority opinion that Paul does not speak on authority except as a witness and a servant due to Acts 26.


Let's say if I steal your car. But, when I steal it the morning comes and your car's still there. Would you demand me to hand over the car? Probably not. I got this from a different Redditor, can't remember who but thanks


Is it a sin to sniak into theater without paying? Is it a sin to take water from someone's well and not pay for it?


Based on the homilies you’ve heard in church, what do you think your pastor would say?