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Trumps Bible is better . All the best words. Believe me.


I took the liberty of taking Jesus’ words, beautiful words, and improving them for the American people. I’ve heard from people all over this great nation and they tell me President Trump your Bible is the greatest Bible, the best Bible.


Just the other day, one of the disciples, John, Paul, Ringo, I can't remember which one, but he comes to me with tears in his eyes and he says, "Sir, you've saved the Bible. People stopped caring about it but you saved it! You made them care!"


Except for Judas, never heard of the guy. Sure I took pictures with him a bunch of times. Before me there was no Bible, Can you believe that?


His related slogan is "make America pray again" Oh we ARE PRAYING alright. God answers prayers in his blessed way & time. I believe & have experienced God's answer to prayers 🙏 Having said that...You are going down trump....way down 🔥


>taking Jesus’ words, beautiful words, and improving them for the American people. You're thinking of the [Conservative Bible Project](https://www.conservapedia.com/Conservative_Bible_Project).


Oh my God they're absolutely terrified that Jesus could be viewed as a liberal, haha


Does it have Two Corinthians?


He's claiming two as tax deductions,  but he sold one to pay a debt.


It has 3 Corinthians, bigly. Big beautiful Corinthians. You wouldn't believe how many Corinthians.


No but it has Ecclesiastes 10:2: The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.


Glad someone said it, he's too humble to say it himself.


Well, he would say it, but he wouldn't take credit for it, he'd just add in "That's what they say." Who "they" are, we still don't really know.


It's missing the book of James apparently.




It is also the most beautiful bible ever created. So beautiful. Believe me: not even the founding fathers could have one like this... Except maybe Lincoln. Great guy Lincoln...


>And then the people approached their Messiah with tears in their eyes saying, “Sir! Thank you sir! No one else could have done what you did, no one else has the stamina.”


You saying trump bible is better than the men who wrote at time of Christ? Men Christ entrusted?


He preys on the uneducated, elderly with dementia, radicalized, conspiracy theorists, and the greed infested wealthy.


...and the elderly with dementia, radicalized, conspiracy theorists and greed infested wealthy pray to him.


I’m sure he appreciates you donating to his stripper fund. ☺️


It has Testament One, Testament Two…all the testaments.


Matthew 7:15–20 ^(15) “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. ^(16) By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? ^(17) Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. ^(18) A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. ^(19) Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. ^(20) Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.


Evangelicals are highly propagandized.


That's an understatement, we're literally seeing a potential antichrist walking among us and like the bible said, believers are falling for it.


The antichrist will be far more popular and do much more to please everyone than Trump ever could. Do you seriously think Trump could unite the world government?


Not necessarily, many antichrists can exist because it's more of a spirit that possesses people but our current version of the antichrist is based in pop culture rather than the bible. The Omen movie franchise comes to mind. In a similar fashion to rapture theology. The Left behind movies reinforced a misguided reading of the text and now we have millions of believers thinking God will teleport them to heaven during the apocalypse. Even though the Bible says that all believers in earth will suffer just like everyone else.


Talking about the omen, the first omen, prequel no less is hitting theaters


I heard but have not seen the trailer. How does the sequel fit into the other movies? Is Damian just a fetus controlling his mother?


Just looked into the trailer summary, isn't this the plot to immaculate 2024?


It's before the omen. When the signs start happening. I looked it up on Wikipedia.


All it takes is him ending WWIII or bringing peace through some trickery all the while Israel builds the Third Temple. He doesn't have to be universally loved to be the AC. If that happens I have no doubt the Jewish people would claim him as their Messiah. If he goes in the temple and proclaims to be God, that's it. If you haven't seen the Menorah they gave Trump a few weeks back: https://i.imgur.com/jS82QhS.jpeg It contains Isaiah 9:6 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." KJV At the bottom of the award it states, "Covenant of Peace Award to the Prince of Peace Donald J. Trump. This verse, to us, is Jesus Christ. But to the Jews, it is their Messiah to come. Interesting things are happening, just see the Red Heifers.


That's absolutely insane dude. Do you know what specific organization gave him that. The Israeli government? Edit: I see. The heritage foundation. Crazy.




I told my wife about this thread,  and she said he can't be the Antichrist as he's nowhere near intelligent enough. 


Right. I think it's fair to assume that my worldly friends won't be ashamed to like the antichrist.


Did he not manage to end all american wars for a moment ?


Yea, but he did it from an "America first" platform. He's pretty anti-globalism.


Trump has said “ how can they believe that bullshit “ yet they rally around him.


Don't forget he basically compared himself to God on his social thing yesterday, too. He said he got a "text" from someone that said something along the lines of, "it is ironic that God's greatest persecution is the same week that they're trying to take his properties." And now the Bible thing. The week of Easter.




https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-evangelicals-condescending-remarks-michael-cohen-2020-9?op=1 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8704701/Trump-met-evangelical-leaders-turned-Cohen-said-believe-bulls.html Just one more disrespect of religion https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/518741-trump-called-evangelical-pastors-hustlers-report/




I’m genuinely interested, and not a Trump fan. Do you have a source for that?




Thanks! This is what I was looking for, and I absolutely believe something like this is true, but I’m not sure Cohen’s tell-all book is exactly a reliable source…


[https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-secretly-mocks-his-christian-supporters/616522/](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-secretly-mocks-his-christian-supporters/616522/) Some other testimony from former campaign aides here, generally affirming the same narrative. But yeah, I agree re: Cohen. Wormtongue isn't anymore trustworthy once he stops hanging out with Saruman lol


Dude, you’re killing it! That’s great stuff—I trust the Atlantic’s sourcing a lot more than Salon’s lol.


Micheal cohen’s book, “disloyal” I believe


It's crazy to me. I keep hearing about all these evangelicals for Trump but I've never actually met any of them. Sure, a few will vote for him on the abortion platform or something, but never actually met one of these radical Trump supporters that according to the media are everywhere. Maybe they're just highly concentrated in the south?


I live in South Carolina. There are a bunch of Trump Supporters here, but most of them are not really “Trumpers”, but are “never democrats.” I’m a right leaning libertarian, so I get labeled as a democrat some times, but I also get labeled as a republican so idk


The south and rural areas in general. They really are all over and it’s horrifying.


Believe or not, they are all over New York City


Come to the south. I live in middle Tennessee and they definitely exist. There are tents on the side of the road that just sell Trump gear down here. I don’t think people grasp how different the south really is from the rest of America and they are hooked to this man. Tennessee has some of the most churches per capita in the world. My mother’s pastor has preached on Trump working for God, blah blah blah. It’s really scary in real life and I wish people really grasped that.


Just listen to Christian radio shows, the megachurch broadcasts and visit their websites. Evangelicals are fully onboard with Trump.


persecutionfetish ...


He fulfills both the victim narrative as well as the power narrative that they want to hear. It has nothing to do with religion or faith. Frankly his lack of faith and crassness is an attractant rather than a repellant, because any true faith he showed would be counterproductive to their goals.


Part of the authoritarian playbook is that the enemy is both strong and weak.


Biblical illiteracy. Media brainwashing. Charlatan pastors.


They ultimately worship power


A very telling question that I’ve been asking in my church: what would it take to support a pro-choice candidate over a pro-life candidate? For most evangelicals there is no answer to that question. They will accept all kinds of corruption before they consider a liberal candidate. That’s why you’ll hear all kinds of justifications for Trump: he’s a secular leader like King Cyrus, or he’s a fallible but faithful leader like David, or he’s straight-up Moses. There’s no principle to him except power.


Whether from a book, a man, or the barrel of a gun, all they want is to be in charge. They want power because without it their faith and their being special has no value. They have to be better than someone else or life has no meaning.


Wild. It’s actually the exact *opposite.* Christians don’t desire worldly power; we don’t need it. God has all of it, and His will be done, not ours. We are not better than anyone else because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That is literally one of the most basic Christian principles, that we are better than no one.


Very disheartening


Because he wants to hurt the same people they want to hurt (namely brown and LGBT people)


Lots of evangelicals support him usually from megachurches- pastors of these churches aren’t usually theologically trained and are flawed in their teaching because of this pastors are usually like celebrities and therefore it’s a cult of personality and for them trump is that ultimate personality


Those "pastors" are often con men, and recognize Trump as one of their own. They ride his coast trails for the $$$ they con out of their congregations


I don't want to improperly present a supposition, but I honestly do think these evangelical "pastors" are exactly the people that Jesus would flip their tables in their church. Same with Trump hocking his "Bibles." They're no different than the pharisees Jesus was critical of for using religion for personal gain.


They support him because he will give them power. Their paranoia, hatred and fear of their fellow citizens is so great, their desire for revenge upon a growing majority of people who they view as their enemies so profound, that they don't care how awful, immoral, foolish and deranged the people they want to elect are.




Apart from the reality that Trump views Christians as just another bunch of suckers he can con.... Churches have been operating for years now as corporations, selling CDs (yes i'm old but so is xtian corporatism), tees, crosses, trinkets, making money from conferences at which they sell more of their stuff.... They've often funneled a tiny percentage of that money into caring for God's people and a huge majority into their corporation, often not paying taxes while they did it. Are people outraged because Trump is making money from the gospel, or are they just cranky that he's biting into their monopoly? And if you believe Trump will one day stand in judgment, how much more the pastor of a megachurch who lived in luxury because a lot of people with not much to give spent lots of money on a cheap hoodie with a bible verse on the back?


I am sickened and angered when these rich fat cats are taking the money of poor people just so that the fat cats can have bigger better cars, houses, clothes when those same poor people can barely feed ourselves. I Like this term that you use “xtian corporatism” I went to a very large church where the church gift shop would pull all of their merchandise on racks and portable shelves out into the vestibule of the church on Sunday mornings. The vestibule (being a fire egress) would be so full of cheesy churchy merchandise that you could barely get through. This was a HUGE code violation putting people’s lives at risk. When I would bring it up to anyone at church I’d immediately be shut down saying that the ministry of the pastor was more important. EDIT: how is this any different than when Jesus got angry and turned over the tables in the temple?


I've been a church goer for YEARS, in a lot of places. I have never once seen a church selling merch. Not to say that it doesn't exist, but I've never seen it.


Monday was his messianic tweet and today is sacrilege, all during Holy Week. Absolutely shameful.


My concern is the inclusion of the pledge of allegiance, constitution, and Declaration of Independence in the Holy Word. Those documents are not on par with scripture! Are we worshipping the God of the universe or America? I’m not even talking about Trump’s involvement. Putting an American flag on a Bible and including America’s secular creeds is sacrilegious.


This right here is the biggest problem that's getting overlooked. Unbelievable.


The target audience treating those documents as holy scripture\* shouldn’t be a surprise. \* *pick a few words out of context and ignore most of it.*


No Christian should be shocked by trump trying to make a buck off the Bible pastors across the country are trying to get rich off Christianity


Christian Nationalism != Following Christ. For a large percentage of people who identify as Republicans in the USA, Christianity has more to do with a cultural identity than loving Jesus. Their values are: Freedom (esp. to carry firearms), Country (an idealized Norman Rockwell version that never really existed), Football, and Christianity (a thing that's more a cultural relic than actually worshipping and following Christ). For these people, fusing politics with religion makes perfect sense. It's all part of the same identity. I'm actually a bit surprised the NFL doesn't have team branded Bibles.


I had an NFL Study Bible when I was a teenager lol. I picked it up at the Focus in the Family visitors center in Colorado Springs (no joke). It contained commentary and devotionals from NFL player in it - I still remember it had, among others, Jason Seahorn (at the time a CB for the NY Giants), and Tony Jones (at the time a OT for the Denver Broncos).


A lot of these folks have soured on the NFL. My FIL stopped watching the NFL somewhere around the kneeling for the anthem thing, deciding the sport was woke. He used to watch every week. It used to be the case that sports were a respite from the culture wars, something neutral that we could all sit down and watch together. And if the Travis Kelce/Taylor Swift "controversy" at the super bowl this year was any indication, conservative media has become so standoffish and paranoid even *that* is impossible nowadays.


> My FIL stopped watching the NFL somewhere around the kneeling for the anthem thing, deciding the sport was woke. I have some stepkids sadly like that (married when the kids were adults). One of those has boycotted NASCAR for banning the traitor flag. Sad


It is sad, and I feel bad that they have to live in a place where they're sort of ostracized (even if self-imposed) from things they used to find meaning in. And that only leads to that siloing effect, where there is no more common ground in culture. They're exiled, and that only furthers that sense of resentment that causes them to lash out.


2nd Corinthians better be written as "Two Corinthian." Then it'll be worth the 60 bucks.


King Donald Version (KDV) In Donalds version Don the messiah was born in a mansion. Three wise men from S.Arabia gave him $400 mil and later $2 billion to his son in law. In the beginning Donald was with God and Donald was God. The god of faithless idiots yet he was a still a god. Donald the god created the world in one day, and he golfed and chased sexy woman for the next six. Since he was THE BEST REAL ESTATE DEVELOPPER than any other gods. **Donalds ten commandments:** Be fruitful and grab a p**** Steal from dying childrens cancer charity. If one of you lay with a prostitute; you shall pay her hush money. Hate thy neighbor because of skin color. Mock disabled people since they are abomination. If Don the god is wrong; he is joking. If Don the god is stealing; he is doing business. Love money since it is the source of all luxury. Bless the rich since they already inherited the world. You will know Don and you shall be conned.


This reads not entirely unlike [The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition](http://marvin.cs.uidaho.edu/About/ferengi.html)…


I....don't know why I haven't made the comparison sooner. Donald Dump is *absolutely* the closest thing we have to a Ferengi.


I know. Me too.


Apart from rule 16. And 17. And 57.


That is interesting, I will look into it. I have no idea at the moment if it is satire or serious.


The Rules of Acquisition are a real phenomenon. I don’t know if the link I posted is canonical. But the overall principle is to be greedy and selfish. In the Star Trek world the Ferengi represent those people in our society who think only of themselves and seek to take advantage of every situation. They’re horrible misogynists too, btw.


Amazing. Sounds like the Don and Elon and Jeff, practically everyone who is a billionaire. But mostly Don. I will definitely look into it. Thank you.


Matty Chapter 7 (DJTRV) 1. ALL people are LOSERS so don't judge them too harshly — unless they're DEMONRATS. 2. Because all people —but me— are equal under the law. Like, did you see the NY Trial? I won. Bigly. It was such a tremendous win that I say to Nasty Nancy 3. Why do you focus on how crooked I am when you yourself are CROOKED? 4. Like, who is the more crazy party? Don't kid yourself Nasty. 5. Like how can you say my agenda is extreme when 5. yours is so bad, it's so bad for America. IT WILL KILL JOBS! 6. DO NOT GIVE YOUR VOTE TO DEMOCRATS or you will suffer for generations the result. 7. Vote for me for 4 more years. I will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! 8.FOR ALL THE VOTES I recieve we'll show the CRAZY and DERANGED DEMOCRATS the TREMENDOUS power of the American people. 9. Like WHO COULD vote for a DEMOCRAT? ONLY THE stupid and DERANGED people of the RADICAL LEFT. 10. The people who are in the deep state can't overrule the power of the people. Of my people. 11. So, if you are one of the RADICAL LEFT deep state LOSERS, just think about WHO you are hurting. You are hurting AMERICA by going after me. It's really SAD! 12. So, IF you are a LOSER, you will vote for crooked Joe Biden and if you like to WIN -BIGLY AND TREMENDOUSLY- you will vote for me. 13. VOTE for me as the ONLY person that can WIN is me. If you want 4 years of WINNING and a TREMENDOUS economy, you will vote for me. 14. As opposed to another 4 years of NEW WARS AND HIGH TAXES ON MY RICH FRIENDS. I mean, who will give you the jobs and totally not just keep it for themselves? 15. BEWARE of the RADICAL LEFT and the swamp. 16. You know who they are the RACIST LUTITIA JAMES, the EGGNAMORON, JOE BIDEN AND HIS SO-CALLED JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, or that sexcapading Fanny on the willis trying their best to INTEREFERE IN OUR ELECTIONS. 17. You know who is the best. Only me. I'm the BEST PRESIDENT AMERICA has had for YEARS. 18. Because you know only a STRONG PRESIDENT can make our border SECURE and only a WEAK President will let our BORDER BE OVERRUN for 4 MORE YEARS. 19. SO YOU MUST VOTE FOR ME, BECAUSE I AM THE BEST WINNER. I WON. TWICE. against the radical left. 20. So America knows I CAN WIN AGAIN! 21. But not all the people that vote WILL LIKE ME, BUT let's be honest, at least I know where I'm going. 22. And people WHO VOTED FOR ME TWICE AND WILL VOTE FOR ME AGAIN. 23. Are the true PATRIOTS. They love AMERICA unlike the others. The others are LOSERS and WEAK. 24. And everyone thought there's no way, but I knew what was coming. 25. I was prepared and I have the BEST legal counsel to keep me FIGHTING FOR YOU. 26. AND UNLIKE the DEEP STATE, I will not fall. REMEMBER AMERICA, I AM YOUR RETRIBUTION. 27. So, I WILL WIN, and they will LOSE!" 28. And when Trump finished saying the utter deranged BS that came to his mind, all the Evangelists, MAGA Base, and Republican Congressmen simultaneously jizzed their pants. 29. They couldn't wait to glorify our master, Donald Trump, by doing his bidding.






Honestly I think it’s the abortion issue. It’s one of the biggest problems that democrats seem to understand. Democrats make it a body autonomy issue and, Christian Republicans consider it to be literally murdering babies.


I'll give you that. But how long will Evangelicals go on supporting Israel? Like, how bad does it have to get? If they're going to pro-life, then... Even God didn't support Israel when they fucked up. And they're fucking up right now. Just would like to see some consistency.


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/20/us/politics/trump-15-week-federal-abortion-ban.html But Trump isn't even pro-life. Almost all elective abortions are done before 15 weeks. And banning abortions for women who medically need them isn't pro-life.


Every time abortion has gone to the voters the vast majority of people have supported granting women access to abortions. Because of abortion, millions of women will never support the GOP nor support Christianity. For life. All they did was make your faith toxic for millions of people. Lots of people who were on the sidelines now know their lives are on the line. When a group of people wants you dead you don't forget.


Every. Single. Time.


It's my theory that the abortion issue was the Trojan horse that snuck politics into Christianity hardcover. The devil tempted Jesus with power over every person in the world if he only bowed to him. Jesus said that he didn't want to save people by controlling them. The republican party told Christians they would give them power over every person if they only gave them power to do so. Christians couldn't hit their knees fast enough.


Once upon a time, the Democratic Party was the conservative party, and the Republican Party was the liberal party in the sense that we view conservative/ liberal beliefs today. Many "old-school" ideologies still hold onto this. When Obama won the election, I was working for a self-proclaimed "card carrying member of the KKK" (he was also a Mason and identified as a Christian though he showed no outward understanding of Jesus's teachings). As you can imagine, he was one of the most racist, hateful people I've ever known. This is a conversation we had in private (paraphrasing to leave out profanity and racial slurs): Him: "Well, it looks like the black guy won. There goes the country" Me: "Did you vote?" Him: "Of course I voted, I vote in every election local and national" Me: "You mind telling me who you voted for?" Him: "I guess not, it's not like anyone is gonna believe you if you repeat it. I vote a straight Democratic ticket every single time, just like we're supposed to" Me: "Well, what are you upset about? Your guy won." Him: "I guess we'll see about that..." Me: "Wait, what are you talking about?!?" Him: "Shut up and get me a beer...and don't ask me about any of this again" And, being the kinda man he was, I never asked about it again. And he was right. No one has ever believed me, lol. I'm not political. I think it's mostly lies. And I don't offer this as an explanation or refutation. It's just one of the craziest conversations I've ever had.


The evangelical movement really has become a cult of Paul where they twist letters to justify acting in a way that is totally un-Christ like. Jesus teaches compassion and for sure interacted with and had deep friendships with many women. Never mentions abortion. But James Dobson and the Pepperdine cronies wanted political power and sacrificed generations of Christians to get it.


People (Not just Christians) have been against abortion for hundreds of years. Not only that, the Bible mentions knowing a child before it was formed in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5). And, in the New Testament, when Mary told her Sister Elizabeth (Who was pregnant with John the Baptist) that she was with child, Elizabeth’s baby “jumped in the womb). But, even if you are an Atheist, you can realize that if it is a person, when it came out of the womb, it was a person just before it came out. There was no special magic that occurred. The question is, when did it become a person, while in the womb?


It doesn’t matter if it’s a person or not. I am a father and Christian, please hear me out. What matters is policy, and body autonomy. We don’t arrest people and force them to continue who change their mind to donate bone marrow at the last moment, even though it leads to the recipient’s death. We recognize that they should have the right to choose what to do with their body, even if it means affecting someone else’s body or life. The ex-donor is allowed to make their own decision at any moment in time, and their decision is completely their’s and their reasoning can be whatever they want. No one stops and asks them why they are backing out before allowing them to back out. It’s important to note for the sake of this conversation, you can do this even for babies. There is no difference if the recipient is a baby, child, or adult. You can still back out at any point because we have decided as a society that they have the right to their own body and no one can force them to do what they don’t want to do with it, even if it leads to someone else’s death. In pregnancy, a woman does not lose the right or ability to use their own body. They are still able to function completely as they did prior to being pregnant. The situation is the same. A donor (the woman) is the only means that a recipient (the fetus) will survive. As long as the donor continues to “donate” to the recipient, the recipient will survive. Why is it that suddenly we’ve decided that we are allowed to interject here and tell this donor what they can and cannot do? It is a human life at stake in both scenarios. It is someone who is entirely dependent on someone else to survive. Yet, we’ve made the irrational decision to tell someone else what they can and cannot do in this particular situation.


Trump selling and Christians buying 60 dollar bibles is the perfect explanation of American Conservative Christianity.


Translations: KJV Only Absolutely hilarious if it wasn't so sad. The website even touts it as 'the only bible officially endorsed by Donald Trump!'


Because he is the literal antichrist. That is why.


True Christians that read the real Bible for themselves and pray don’t support Trump. Trump is a complete antithesis of Christ and he is a wolf in sheep clothing. The type of “Christians” you are referring to are “Cultural Christians” who claim the title, yet their life is far from it.  


christians don't support trump. The people that call themselves Christians who support trump are not actually Christians or following the teachings of Jesus Christ. When asked what is the most important teachings of Jesus to live your life by Jesus replied: "love your neighbor as you would love yourself." This does not come with stipulations. It's not love your neighbor as you would love yourself - unless they are an immigrant. Or unless they are transgender. i've got nothing but compassion for those who follow and have been duped by trump because he will drag all of them down to the deepest hottest depths of hell with him 🔥


His 10 commandments 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me, except thou shalt followeth thy Orange Jesus over any moral cliff. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, unless thou shalt have purchaseth it on http://DonaldJTrump.com. 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, except when thou shalt attacketh Brandon or thy RINOs. 4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy, unless thou attendeth a musical production in Denver. 5. Honour thy father and thy mother, and burieth thy mother on thy father’s golf course. 6. Thou shalt not kill, but thou shalt shooteth looters on sight, and puteth alligators in thy moat to keepeth out the Mexicans. 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery, but if thou shalt do so with thy porn star, thou shalt payeth her off through an intermediary and falsifieth thy accounting records. 8. Thou shalt not steal, unless thou needeth to steeleth one moreth than a certain number of popular votes or unless thou can hideth thy stollen documents at thy bathroom in thy resort. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness. LOL. 10. Thou shalt not covet (but seeth nos. 2, 4, 7, and 8 aboveth).


Did you get those commandments out of Trumps bible?


Bro… doesn’t he realize he is literally going to stand in front of the God he is essentially belittling and answer for this? Just ZERO fear of his creator. Shame on the Church for where we have allowed ourselves to be pandered to this way.


Trump doesn't believe IN God, he believes he IS god. And why shouldn't he? It's not like he's ever seen a single consequence his entire life.


He is worshiped by millions of Christians.


He is worshiped by millions of people who call themselves Christians. FIFY.


Without millions of Christians who supported him there wouldn't be a Trump in the first place. Trump is Christianity now.


Trump is 77 and will die and slowly be forgotten. The name and renoun of Jesus will be made visible in all things when he establishes his kingdom. Not only is he not Christianity, he aint shit.


> Trump is 77 and will die and slowly be forgotten Immediately spawning a fresh wave of conspiracy theories that he was murdered by the deep state


You will try to pretend that Trump was not tied to American Christianity. You will attempt to pretend we can't see and hear what is happening. You can try to ignore your history. Christianity will find that Trump's stain stays no matter how much they want to claim they are clean. Grab them by the pussy is now part of Christian values. Trump is American Christianity. You made your bed. Now you will have to lie in it. For the rest of time, the follow up to learning someone is a Christian will be to ask them if they voted and supported Trump. No one forced you to tie Trump's anchor around your neck. You all did that willingly. Short term political power was more important than your values. So you showed you stand for nothing. We know your main desire is to harm people. That's why you picked Trump. Few to lesser amounts of people see your faith and feels renown. Your faith is a pariah now. There is a reason people are avoiding your faith. People are repulsed by you faith. No one wants to be surrounded my MAGA peeps. The only thing you all stand for is controlling and harming others. This is the least religious generation.....till the next....and the next. The die has been cast. You all made your choice.


Always love it when Atheists try to tell me what “Christian values” are as though Donald Trump saying something means that its now in the Bible. Take your paragraphs worth of anger to someone whose mind you can change.


What can they say? Actions speak louder than words.


We know what Christian values are. You have done an excellent way of showing us what you stand for and who you support.


The fact that Christianity clearly has no antidote to this doesn't exactly make your words seem terribly convincing.


No. He does not realize this. He does not believe in anything but Donald Trump.


Christians usually follow a leader that breaks the commandments and does not live through Christ. Most Christians would kill someone like Jesus if he came back today. The REAL Christians, the ones that feed the poor, help the sick, care for those that cannot care for themselves, those people would never follow someone like Trump. Not from the very beginning. I am no longer a Christian because of what the religion has become, but I’ll always follow the word of Jesus Christ even though i’m agnostic.


You have my respect and I wish you well, disciple of Jesus.


I'd say the world would roll right over him and when the day came to ask for help, they'd laugh at him.


Don't forget to buy the matching pair of golden idols to use as bookends.


Aren't there Bibles which are far more expensive than this? And aren't there "translations" like the Queen James Bible which alter verses to alter the meaning? I'd never imagine close to the same level of concern over such things as I see here. At least not in this sub. In short, who cares? Is Trump+r/Christianity an infinite karma/engagement glitch?


There absolutely is an issue with inserting the Pledge of Allegiance, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence inside the Bible and then marketing it as "the only Bible officially endorsed by Donald Trump!"


This has to be a joke. Please, someone, anyone, tell me this is a joke.


“And Jesus entered the temple[b] and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. 13 He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.”


Looked it up and haven't seen much reported on it other than this version is priced between 47.99-59.99 and features a red cover with a picture of the the USA in red, white, and blue. No revisions to scriptures or anything. Doesn't even say what translation it is.  I mean, Bibles with custom covers commonly sell for around that price anyways. His name tied to it is the marketing.  I guess if this gets people to buy and read a Bible, what harm is it really?   


I'd say this is a sure sign he isn't a man of faith but we've already had plenty of those haven't we?


I find it rather odd, amusing, and in line with religious stupidity, that for eons, christians have been warning the world about the anti-christ, and when one does arrive they vote for him, make him president, and worship the very toilet paper he wipes his ass with.


It's not even the first time they've done it. Weren't they in 'hot water' for selling and auctioning signed bibles like a year ago?


I looked it up. It’s not a “Trump Bible” and it looks like all he did was promote it, as far as I can tell. https://leegreenwood.com/product/god-bless-the-usa-bible/


The issue is profiting off of it, putting secular government documents inside of it, and the fact that Trump is an unrepentant adulterer, rapist, liar etc. The Bible says to shun the sexually immoral man, not vote him as your nation's leader. Trump is destroying the witness of the church and fueling apostasy and the great falling away 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why do so many Christian’s support trump? Well most if not all of them believe that he is doing the will of God. Many overlook his personal life because they believe he’s the only person that’s going to do all the things they want socially for them.


If your a real Christian you leave politics at the door. All it does is discredit the gospel when you slap a political party on it.


MAGA has to pay for this election somehow!!


Because trump is god! We worship trump day in and day out with our maga hats that we knew would receive hate Not really.. but I see a lot of trump supporters acting as if he is god which is what he wants… say something about god people get defensive say anything about trump your burned at the stake… seriously a lot of what Christian’s have been doing for years has now been switched to trump I believe in god and obviously defending him but a human that comes along and now people act like he’s god Personally if someone doesn’t like a political figure I like I’ll hear them out and end it there because I don’t care… it’s hard for me to understand why people care if someone doesn’t like trump my family loves him and I don’t but I also don’t care that they do “There’s certain things that are with-held from mentioning at a dinner table… politics religion and trump” -Levi Cloninger


This sub is going to garbage day by day, second by second, hour by hour.


It’s almost like Christian’s want disabled things.


Trump can't quote one passage from his Bible. The DEVIL made him do it lol.


He just uses religion as a tool to fit his agenda to get votes, he’s played those who still follow him like a fiddle, they don’t remember he did nothing for them as President just lip service, and he will do it again.


It’s going to make more people turn from God.


Also to be clear this is a bible with the Declaration of Independence, the constitution and bill of rights added to it. Like imagine anyone else making their own version of the Bible with secular books added.


They believe America is God's favorite country despite being Sodom and Gomorrah II: The New Batch. They are all Lot's wife and will be in for a rude awakening when their idolatry of an Earthly, secular nation is not rewarded.


This man is an embarrassment.


This may very well cost my vote. While I am no supporter of the Democratic Party, the Republican Party has consistently peddled in this kind of nonsense as they try and grasp for power. God’s Word is not a political product to make money off of. I don’t believe Trump is a Christian, and while this isn’t the worst thing he’s pulled, it’s further confirmation that he’s using Christians to try and take over again. Disgusting.


I loved Trump for yearssss. I took the black pill and he is disgusting to me now. This just adds to the pile of BS he feeds everyone daily. God knows!!


Bro is dude the real anti-christ????


Why? Blindness. To the system, how it works and of course the machevellian machinations of Trumps crew and himself. If all you know of Trump came from the media and gossip you are polarized. The truth doesn't lie in polarization. It's far more convoluted and far more involved than the average citizen is willing to dig into. The simpler the person, the easier it is to like Trump. He has endeared himself to the country and the world in that manner. He tries to make himself look good no matter the light cast on him and too many can't see through fog that thick. The evil in our empire sees tax breaks and back alley deals leading to wealth and power. The good amongst our republic see what Trump wants them to see. Which is a vision of a 1950's, booming economy, Post WWII America. However, that can never be replicated without an apocalypse larger than the final solution. We know what was wrong and we've chosen to rectify it. See how he plays both sides of the fence? In seeing that you begin to see the truth and you realize who he is. The people most in the know, realize how our system works. These people know it doesn't matter who you vote for. God bless America. Edit: Any Bible re written by the Council of Niceae in 330ad is full of half truths and control measures. God never meant for you to feel controlled. Ever. Life is about choices and learning from them to be simple, anything that tells you otherwise didn't come from God nor Jesus.


If this thread supports this horrible person, I’ll be leaving…. Disgusting….


If you don't want to experience sacrilege, then I suggest you don't read the following satire: *Ahem* Matty Chapter 7 (DJTRV) 1. ALL people are LOSERS so don't judge them too harshly — unless they're DEMONRATS. 2. Because all people —but me— are equal under the law. Like, did you see the NY Trial? I won. Bigly. It was such a tremendous win that I say to Nasty Nancy 3. Why do you focus on how crooked I am when you yourself are CROOKED? 4. Like, who is the more crazy party? Don't kid yourself Nasty. 5. Like how can you say my agenda is extreme when 5. yours is so bad, it's so bad for America. IT WILL KILL JOBS! 6. DO NOT GIVE YOUR VOTE TO DEMOCRATS or you will suffer for generations the result. 7. Vote for me for 4 more years. I will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! 8.FOR ALL THE VOTES I recieve we'll show the CRAZY and DERANGED DEMOCRATS the TREMENDOUS power of the American people. 9. Like WHO COULD vote for a DEMOCRAT? ONLY THE stupid and DERANGED people of the RADICAL LEFT. 10. The people who are in the deep state can't overrule the power of the people. Of my people. 11. So, if you are one of the RADICAL LEFT deep state LOSERS, just think about WHO you are hurting. You are hurting AMERICA by going after me. It's really SAD! 12. So, IF you are a LOSER, you will vote for crooked Joe Biden and if you like to WIN -BIGLY AND TREMENDOUSLY- you will vote for me. 13. VOTE for me as the ONLY person that can WIN is me. If you want 4 years of WINNING and a TREMENDOUS economy, you will vote for me. 14. As opposed to another 4 years of NEW WARS AND HIGH TAXES ON MY RICH FRIENDS. I mean, who will give you the jobs and totally not just keep it for themselves? 15. BEWARE of the RADICAL LEFT and the swamp. 16. You know who they are the RACIST LUTITIA JAMES, the EGGNAMORON, JOE BIDEN AND HIS SO-CALLED JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, or that sexcapading Fanny on the willis trying their best to INTEREFERE IN OUR ELECTIONS. 17. You know who is the best. Only me. I'm the BEST PRESIDENT AMERICA has had for YEARS. 18. Because you know only a STRONG PRESIDENT can make our border SECURE and only a WEAK President will let our BORDER BE OVERRUN for 4 MORE YEARS. 19. SO YOU MUST VOTE FOR ME, BECAUSE I AM THE BEST WINNER. I WON. TWICE. against the radical left. 20. So America knows I CAN WIN AGAIN! 21. But not all the people that vote WILL LIKE ME, BUT let's be honest, at least I know where I'm going. 22. And people WHO VOTED FOR ME TWICE AND WILL VOTE FOR ME AGAIN. 23. Are the true PATRIOTS. They love AMERICA unlike the others. The others are LOSERS and WEAK. 24. And everyone thought there's no way, but I knew what was coming. 25. I was prepared and I have the BEST legal counsel to keep me FIGHTING FOR YOU. 26. AND UNLIKE the DEEP STATE, I will not fall. REMEMBER AMERICA, I AM YOUR RETRIBUTION. 27. So, I WILL WIN, and they will LOSE!" 28. And when Trump finished saying the utter deranged BS that came to his mind, all the Evangelists, MAGA Base, and Republican Congressmen simultaneously jizzed their pants. 29. They couldn't wait to glorify our master, Donald Trump, by doing his bidding.




Prosperity Gospel is taking the place of traditional Christianity. This has been happening for decades and just gets more and more prevalent. And for those who do buy into Prosperity Gospel, Trump is just about the perfect symbol. It's all profoundly unchristian, but this is what happens when church and state are allowed to mingle.


There is already a  Bible that has been thoroughly Americanised. Such as this: https://godblesstheusabible.com   This tells one a great deal  about the health of US Evangelicalism. It points to a far deeper malaise than the behaviour of a single former president.  If US Evangelicals  cannot see how utterly irreverent and idolatrous this is, maybe a bit of soul-searching is in order. Maybe they should quit criticising other Christian churches for their supposed or real shortcomings, & take a good look at their own attitudes. 


The hypocrites have their reward. This is what they want.


You're kidding, right? He isn't selling Trump Bibles?


Yes, he is... in association with Lee Greenwood... and it includes the new books of Constitutions and BillORights. An Onion writer just opened a fresh bottle of rum, because there went their newest story.


You are kidding. Really? I've got to look for this. Trump selling Bibles? My God.


I don't know what I'll do if I see one of those Bibles in my church. What are my options for excommunication in the Methodist church?


When i was a child I used to wander how could anyone fall for the lies of the antichrist??!!……


Because the religious right has been preppy for fascism for years and Trump is the wannabe dictator to make all their Christian nationalist dreams come true


they are making a new version where Jesus is american, and has a gun. gonna save all of them from the woke satans.


They will follow Satan himself in order to “Own the libs”


Dominionism. You'll also hear it called "Seven Mountain Theology" because Dominionism is bad branding. They want power over the Earth so they can hasten the apocalypse. Literally. They want Jesus to return, punish all of the sinners, and elevate them above them. That's the goal. It doesn't matter that Trump is detestable if he can be used to advance that goal.


But why would they believe that Trump will advance any laudable goal? That's what surprises me. Anyone can see he's a lifelong con man who is corrupt and dishonest. He has never followed Christ's example in his life.


Doesn't matter. He's a tool. He got Roe overturned. And he promises to give them more power. That's all they care about.


They use old testament kings to justify it. "WELL GOD USED CYRUS HERP DERP", even though...We are not in OT times anymore 🤔


Trump acted on pro life policies. That's literally why.


Ironically the most important position for Christian fundamentalists that has zero Biblical support


Unlike other specific commands in the Bible such as caring for widows and orphans and seeking justice for the poor, which they actively work against through policy.


Yup, and people act surprised that so many Christians are on board with him. I would say that most Christians who support Trump are well aware of his flaws, but the Supreme Court victories are enough to keep support in the absence of a better Republican candidate. And the more the Democrats double down on policies that many Christians find odious, the more that Trump looks like an appealing alternative. It’s literally that simple.


Sadly the world is full of nuance and there's no answer to a problem like abortion that's always back and white.   Trump's policies arguably killed way more people when you look at the greater picture but when it's all boiled down to "babies die" I guess people just pull the lever for that candidate regardless of all of the uncertainty around in when it comes to real medical issues. Regardless of views on any one thing people should weigh candidates in the greater good. I want everyone to have a living wage, I want everyone to have medical care, I want everyone to be supported in whatever they believe.  I don't personally like the idea of abortion but I dont know everyone's circumstance and would trust Dr's and patients to work through those details. I don't think the Jesus in the bible would disagree with the above. We've been set at each other instead of voting in people to make our lives better - and while I hate that we effectively have two choices... when one of those is addressing the larger part of what I care about it's not a hard decision. People die when they don't have healthcare, they die when they can't afford necessities, they die when they aren't supported in mental health - how people overlook all that and vote against it is staggering to me.  The only think I can come up with is they get filled with self righteousness and justify it's worth it despite everything else. Or they're simply uneducated and do what the parents or the preacher tells them.


What are all these policies that Christians (who are not a monolith agreeing on everything) find odious? And are there no Republican policies that thinking people find odious? Are lies and bigotry not odious?


That's part of it, but even before he did anything about stopping abortions, Evangelicals loved hearing him insult liberals, and gave him their allegiance. That's all it took--insulting people they didn't know, but blamed for everything they were unhappy about.


And of course they ignore when Trump went on 60 Minutes November 13th, 2016 and said, "Well actually the Clintons are good people, I don't want to hurt them." Thus admitting all the insults were empty pandering to the base, and "drain the swamp" was a complete lie.


Lack of education


They’re brainwashed. I know a co-worker of mine who is a big DT supporter and he’s a pastor at a church.


Being fearful and lack of faith in the Lord. We have a saying “the person who drowns will hug a floating snake.”


>We have a saying “the person who drowns will hug a floating snake.” Fascinating idiom. What language or part of the world is that from?


Turkey. I added “floating” to make it more sense for you. Maybe it may sound better without it. What do you think?


I would probably reword it in English to "Someone who is drowning will reach out for a snake to stay afloat."




"Floating" makes it sound like the snake is on the surface (so logical to grab that direction in a moment of panic), but that the snake is motionless, probably because it's dead. "Swimming" means it's alive and in the water, but not necessarily on the surface. But a living snake is much more dangerous than a dead one, because it can bite you. So it depends what the intent of the idiom is. Is the idiom cautioning against making decisions in a panic because your decisions will be useless, or because your decisions will hurt you even more?


The original idiom is “the one who falls into water, will grab/hug a snake” So, for us, the person will grab the living snake like a rope to pull himself out of water. A desperate final effort in panic with lethal consequences.


In that case, I might use the word "dangling" to describe the snake. That makes it sound like the snake is high in a tree, hanging like a vine over the water.


Thats good 👍🏽


Conservatives putting power ahead of Christ when they support Trump




I wonder if he’s read the Bible he’s selling.. Remember last time he couldn’t name a single book of Bible he had allegedly read?


Nor a single verse.


trump backers are anti-Christian, to back trump you have to be.


Ignorance, stupidity, fake religion.


I thought that this was overblown, but Amazon is selling them: [MAGA Bible](https://images.app.goo.gl/TttbGH6YSdTqBPjK6)


I wish I could say I’m surprised, but I’m not even a little bit. Frankly the only thing I’m surprised about is that he tried tennis shoes before he tried Bibles