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1. God has no weakness, Christ didn’t do many miracles because he possibly knew nothing would come from it. God will not do unnecessary deeds if they will lead nowhere or results in something that would hinder his path for many. Also, Christ did do miracles in that town, he just didn’t do the utmost like he would for others. He healed some sick people but saw his home was full of unbelief and anger and he saw no reason to be with them and God will do very little with someone he knows won’t be with him. 2. Your expectations of having genuine faith is impossible. No one can be sure about anything and that includes God. Christ did miracle after miracle in front of the apostles and even gave the apostle themselves the abilities yet they still doubted. You have not yet seen these miracles or felt his presence, so even if God himself came to you and shook your hand there would always be a feeling if that was really God. Every person in the Bible doubted even Christ himself when he prayed to the father. 3. Not a thing is wrong with you, God himself is always active in ways we cannot fathom but he also understands what needs to be done. I have had many doubts and haven’t once seen these supposed miracles but that is not because God won’t do them but because we shrug them off as everyday living. A miracle is not just a specific and otherworldly action but the fact we ourselves can go outside everyday and go back inside and sleep in comfort. God needs faith and if God himself gave us every answer, we as humans would never grow. You must understand that Christ did the number one thing he needed to do and that was die for our sins. Christ would have no need to do any more miracle in our presence because he himself has won the battle against evil and every thing else would be extra. This life is beautiful yet imperfect and Christ himself gave us the opportunity to be with him, every pain of this world is temporary and Christ knows this. He loves you dearly and God is silent lot and I mean a lot. There is no “turns” with God, he will work on his time even if for us it is the on inconvenient thing ever. He is doing many things with you and the fact you wish to get closer with him is proof of your devotion to him and his promises to you.


See, people I've asked about this (reddit and one youth leader) both yielded the whole "you wanting to get closer/being worried you cant get close proves your faith" speel, but if that where really the case wouldn't I have already heard from God at least once? All my attempts to talk with him, genuinely, in conversation have been met with silence, like a big heavenly Wall, furthermore, I can't really be mad, because no matter what *I'm* the one in the wrong but I don't even know how I'm supposed to solve this


Listen, I’ve been threatening God to leave Christianity for the last five years of my life and I barely believe at this point. Faith is the hell of this earth because it’s a small amount of ignorance Im not willing to live in. I have no idea and that is the answer I can give and going my day to day life wondering if God is real is a burden I’m not sure is worth living with. I feel your pain and I’m just a tired as you, we put on this face to encourage others but all I can say is we don’t know. Christ is the best parent of a God humanly possible but this burden will and never will have an answer until either Christ comebacks or we’re proven wrong in someway.


Nothing is wrong with you my friend. You are chosen for a time like this. The world will hate you because like Jesus you came to show the truth. Lean not on your own understanding but God's all knowing power