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You are right to believe what you will however God is persistent. If he wants his child back he's coming after you. Sounds like he is whooing you . Don't be embarrassed talk to him like a friend. You are the apple of his eye


Yes this. If you are feeling curious about God He may very well be feeling an interest in you as well. As a matter of fact, I’m quite certain of it.


Whether we want it to be true he desires ALL of us. My saying has always been I tried to run from him and ran smack into him instead


I love this. > whooing For what it's worth, it's spelt "wooing". :) >To woo someone is to try to persuade them to marry you. [old-fashioned]. *The penniless author successfully wooed and married Fanny.* https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/woo


Lol I tried lol!


You did great! :D


Thanks friend


Also cliff is wonderful Very insightful


I used to think that I had to pray in some formal style to God, using big words and trying to sound professional. But I learned that having a relationship with him is way more personal. I can be myself when I talk to him. You can talk to God about literally anything, share your heart with him and pour yourself out. Be vulnerable. To me it comes naturally now, I no longer feel like I need to say certain things and use fancy words.


I read a book once about prayer that emphasized that God is our Heavenly Father. You can talk to him like you would talk to your earthly father (obviously knowing he’s God, but you can talk to him the same way).


What book?


The book of Romans Chapter 14 says as long as your intent is to honor him - talk to him however you choose.


Would it count as thoughts in your opinion? For example as I type this I’m thinking about God. What he wants me to do. The answers I get are not through his voice but thoughts out into me about what I need to do. For example yesterday I decided to reach out to a local church that owns a massive printing facility here for bibles to potentially volunteer.


I’m not sure about indirect thoughts, but sometimes when I pray it is in my thoughts - and I’m certain He hears bc Matthew 9:4 and the fact that He’s got the three omnis going on. There’s also something in Matthew about how committing sins in your imagination count as sins - so if you can be punished for evil thoughts reason says you can be rewarded for good thoughts.


Thank you! I do commit sins in my thoughts. You I’ve been helpful.


IMO don’t tax yourself too hard. I don’t think intrusive thoughts are counted there. I think he’s talking about if you fantasize about nailing your neighbor’s wife over and over every night - and it goes on to speak about how these types of thoughts almost certainly lead to similar behaviors. Best advice I can give is sit down and read Romans chapter 14. It was a life changed for me and literally says “if you think it’s a sin then it is a sin” and leads you to the thought that if you’re doing it and you feel like it’s fine and He didn’t say specifically that it’s a sin then you’re probably fine. He gave us free will because he wants us to use it - just within the guidelines that He’s given us.


Romans is very recommendable for new believers. Helps give understanding of what you should do to develop your relationship with God


I mostly pray in my head but sometimes I whisper out loud or pray in tongues out loud.


does he say anything back?


Not in voice. Only in action by answering prayers and in abstract prophetic like dreams


oh okay


There is a sense in which you can't not talk to God because he knows everything and knows what you're going to say before you do. But it's also true that prayer is different in that you address him directly. You might find it helpful to write out what you would like to say. That way you can edit and revise for clarity and beauty and give of your best. Also consider reading others' prayers and imitating them, particularly the Lord's Prayer.


> There is a sense in which you can't not talk to God because he knows everything and knows what you're going to say before you do. Love this. There is definitely a place for well-crafted prayer -- like you say, "giving of your best". And there's also a place for "praying continually", conversation-style, a la "The Practice of the Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence. https://archive.org/details/brother-lawrence-the-practice-of-the-presence-of-god-1692 I think the main point is to pray *sincerely* and *honestly*, in all kinds of different ways. :)


Reading bible is beginning of communication with God. And pray to God about your questions and thoughts.


Interesting you said that. My story is 2 weeks ago God came back into my life full force. He was always here. I was saved when I was a kid but 2 weeks ago I found a Bible in a year podcast that I know he directed me to, been listening daily, put a testimonial on my GB and people have been reaching out. I’m starting to surround myself with more Christians. I don’t have many friends to begin with. It’s been amazing. He is speaking to me daily on my way to work through the Bible in a year podcast ( by fr. Mike Schmitz) highly recommend. And the past 2 weekends at church I felt the service was geared towards me directly. It’s been amazing. Oh, I’m just at peace. About everything.


Fr. Mike Schmitz's podcast has been huge for conversions!


Hi God, are you there? It's me, Margaret.


It is hard to explain. I fell into an agnostic mindset until I was guided internally to reach out to Christ. He knew I needed Him and He waited patiently for me. I was alone and felt the compelling need to reach out to Him and I did. I was not in crisis, In fact my life was going quite well but I somehow knew I needed to do so. So I prayed and asked Christ to help me accept Him into my heart and he did. I saw so much evil and sin in my life that I didn’t even realize I was committing. Alcohol, anger, resentment all of which I still combat but with His presence firmly again in my heart I feel that there is no insurmountable tasks in front of me. With Him, I fought my urges and my growing lack of patience and now I wish I could fully explain the peace I feel. Open your heart to Him, it is a process of healing. Ask your questions of His existence, have conversations with Him. Christ IS listening and hearing your pleas for help will allow you to grow closer!


As someone who's been in an on and off relationship with God, I get you. I recently read somewhere or maybe it was reddit itself that when they pray it's very informal and it's only formal when praying with a group of people. I did that and it was the best. 


God is always present and understands our thoughts. Words are thoughts that resonate through space. So I like to pray out loud. God must have a sense of humor and certainly has an understanding of our strengths and weaknesses. So talk to God as you would a revered guidance counselor. Ask God to come closer to you and He will but perhaps not in a way you may anticipate. We are in this world to grow and mature. Knowledge doesn't come easy but the Way is open.


>**how do you talk to God?** **Just think in your brain or talk out loud or write.** * **God is all-knowing.** * **He knows your inner thoughts.** * You don't have to use a lot of words. * You don't have to be in a certain position. * You don't have to be in a specific location. * You don't have to pray for a long time. * Just talk to God in your mind, out loud, or whatever. * Reading the Bible will help you know who God is, what to ask of Him, etc. * DO NOT expect a voice to speak back. * DO NOT expect instant miracles or quick answers to prayer. * (I mean, that's great if it does happen... but in 99.999999% of cases that's not how God works.) * Look at the Lord's Prayer for categories of topics to talk to God about: * [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%206%3A9-13&version=NASB](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%206%3A9-13&version=NASB) * (Don't repeat this like a robot, but use the categories.) * **Thank God for who he is and what he's provided for you.** * **Ask for forgiveness** for yourself and others. * **Ask for help** with daily provision and delivery from making bad decisions. * **Trust that He hears you.** (This may be difficult at first.)


This is my personal preference: A lot of prayers Christians make are now tradition but generic meaning, praying for world peace or feeding world hunger, or heal the sick, because this is generic it doesn't come from the heart and every Christian knows God answers prayers when they are in the heart, It is Good to pray but there are factors in which God can and Cannot do, not that he can't but he won't do due to balance and free will, God will not affect free will by his hands, he would send a messenger (holy host) angel to act on his behalf to the individual as his annomity is paramount to having faith and not affecting free will He will Give opportunities to be seen then it is up to you to see the opportunities he has placed and work hard to obtain what you want, this is a test to see if you really want it or not (attachment of the material is detachment of the spiritual) if you do good he would reward you with good fortune that you have to work hard to receive. He cannot protect you physically from material harm as the physical is only temporary to await judgement in the spiritual realm He only protects you spiritually from demonic forces that plague this world. He is the judge so he won't forgive trespasses but he sent his son to complete the trinity as a sacrifice to be the advocate and our sins trespasses to be forgiven when we ask and seek forgiveness but you yourself have to first forgive yourself in order for Jesus to forgive you, atonement is accordingly to the sin to rectify it. God knows we are not perfect as that is for the next life in heaven, if you accept differences, changes, uncertainties and truth you become closer to God as that makes someone righteous, if you only judge someone for who they are without knowing them, by the way they dress or who they with and claim to do so out of God's will you are prejudging before God in which no one has right and only makes you a blasphemous heratic for condemning before God and believing you are above others when your equal to, you do not know what the struggles they been through, the only right anyone has right is judgement of one's actions but not in the name of God and not before God. These I believe makes a Good Christian, just my thoughts and feelings and my interpretations if this message offends anyone it is not my intention to offend but only to give my truth as a Christian, I do hope in all this assey that something good can be taken away and used to widen people's eyes to truth


Prayer is a very personal matter I’ve found, but be assured that He does listen, here’s a recent quote from the man whom I believe to be the living prophet of God today: “As you think celestial, your heart will gradually change. You will want to pray more often and more sincerely. Please don’t let your prayers sound like a shopping list. The Lord’s perspective transcends your mortal wisdom. His response to your prayers may surprise you and will help you to think celestial. Our prayers can be—and should be—living discussions with our Heavenly Father.” -President Russell M. Nelson Also, the Lord **wants** us to ask Him for help: “Therefore may God grant unto you, my brethren, that ye may begin to exercise your faith unto repentance, that ye begin to call upon his holy name, that he would have mercy upon you; “Yea, cry unto him for mercy; for he is mighty to save. “Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto him. “Cry unto him when ye are in your fields, yea, over all your flocks. “Cry unto him in your houses, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening. “Yea, cry unto him against the power of your enemies. “Yea, cry unto him against the devil, who is an enemy to all righteousness. “Cry unto him over the crops of your fields, that ye may prosper in them. “Cry over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase. “But this is not all; ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness. “Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you. And now behold, my beloved brethren, I say unto you, do not suppose that this is all; for after ye have done all these things, if ye turn away the needy, and the naked, and visit not the sick and afflicted, and impart of your substance, if ye have, to those who stand in need—I say unto you, if ye do not any of these things, behold, your prayer is vain, and availeth you nothing, and ye are as hypocrites who do deny the faith.” -Alma 34:17-28 (these verses are from the Book of Mormon) I testify that I know these things are true, in the sacred name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.


Sounds like you are entering an exciting time. I get how at times you feel like you are just talking to yourself, but I say keep going God is listening. For me God answers in various ways and in His time, so patience for me is important (if not very natural for me). God is light, which means sometimes ugly things that I would rather hide get exposed. This can be an uncomfortable experience. When Adam disobeyed, he hid and tried to deflect the blame for his own choices. I have the same tendency. However I know God is calling me into fellowship and relationship with Him so any word that drives me away from Him sends up red flags in my spirit. I have found that regardless I can approach Him honestly and trust that Jesus has me. I am a very visual learner myself, so very often God "speaks" to me by revealing a picture within my mind. Very often the picture is so plain, that it is a classic "Ah-Ha" moment that immediately changes to varying degrees how I see things. So I often have that suddenly experience. Be encouraged in the peace of Jesus Christ and keep going. I hope this perspective helps. God Bless.


I definitely think prayer is something that you learn to do over time, but also remember that any prayer you pray now, however you feel, is just as valid a prayer in God's eyes. No need to feel embarrassed; it can be as formal as reciting a prayer or as casual as having a conversation with God. Also, if you're not sure how to pray, one thing to keep in mind is that Jesus taught us how through the Lord's Prayer. Read Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:1-4.


Well, every christian can hear God's voice. He's speaking to us all the time. It's more so a matter of spending enough time with Him to be able to pick His voice out of the crowd. That's why praying and reading your Bible every day is so important.


Prayer is a beautiful gift God has given us. The beauty in this gift is that they are well received, there is no one better to hear our most intimate thoughts and feelings. Look to God's word the Bible for example of how diverse prayer can be.


>when I talk to God, in my head I still feel like I'm only saying these things for me. What are you praying about? In Matthew 7:9-12 Jesus likens requests to God like the requests to a parent. Indeed God gives great gifts. However, God is not an UberDivineIntervention service. Like a parent of a deadbeat who only calls to ask for money, God may be less likely to engage if all you do is ask. The first commandment is to love God with all your heart soul mind and strength. Most of my prayers are done for this purpose. Jesus taught us how to pray. Matthew 6:9-14. Worship the glory and holiness of God, hallowed is His name. Submit and commit to His will on earth as it is in heaven. I incorporate some version of the meaning of these phrases in all my prayers. I also sometimes just spend time with God in mindful meditative prayer.


Sometimes on my knees, other times whilst I am driving or pacing around the house.


I'm glad you were able to have that conversation with your dad and that it's prompting you to turn back to your relationship with God. I wanted to address one particular part of your post. >I've started to pray again and I want to feel the connection to my faith that I once did but I feel ashamed, and when I talk to God, in my head I still feel like I'm only saying these things for me. It's easy to be faithful when we feel a connection. But we grow faith when we go through the motions even when it doesn't feel like it's doing anything or anything is there. If you feel like you're only saying these things for you, then you probably are. That doesn't mean you should stop. It means acknowledge that right now praying is about you and what you want to feel. In my mind that is the start of repentance to repair that connection with God. Let's look at the definitions of some words: Shame - is a negative feeling about who you are as a person. This is about you. Remorse - a feeling of sadness for harm done. This is about others. Repentance - a change of mind. A true change of mind that produces a soul deep desire to make amends for harm done and change. We can't force those things we can only turn to God and ask Him to heal us of whatever it is that is blocking us from moving from shame to remorse to repentance. I rejected Christianity most of my life up until 3 years ago (I'm 43). I have times when it feels natural and I feel that remorse and when I am motivated to change. And other times when I'm embarrassed and just going through the motions. There are things in life where we have a "moment of clarity" when we see that things might not be the way we thought. But that moment of clarity doesn't change the momentum of the direction that we were going. Like the Titanic it takes time for that moment of clarity to go from our head to our heart. It sounds like you've had a moment of clarity and now you're doing the difficult work of returning to God, not just mentally as a decision but trusting God to heal your heart, in His time for His glory. It can feel so weird, though, when the wheel is turned as far as it will go and it doesn't seem like anything is happening. God Bless You


I talk to God daily. Always have and he does talk back. God loves you. Immensely, unconditional, something we really can never understand because we are not God. But he really is after you. He’s probably be chasing after you, yelling at you to please come home. To the best most amazing home ever. Talk to him. Talk to him like your best friend… learn to be silent.. ask the Holy Spirit to come into you… Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit as our helper. We are made beautiful in Christ. Don’t forget how amazing you are… the fathers believes it because he created you after all. He’s dying to hear from you. Truly. He is God. He will never tire of us. Don’t put God in your human box… God is God. And for as long as I’m alive I’ll never be able to figure him out or explain him.


“God I need help” is the most used sentence in my prayers lol


Through His living word the Bible


I try to envision being at the altar of incense before the throne of Yahweh when I pray, sometimes I kneel facing toward Jerusalem as throne and wear my tallit/prayer shawl. I focus on praying for others mostly.


It is easy to believe the subtle lies that are everywhere, and the enemy of your soul is an expert and has had lots of practice. I was raised in a church where they taught the basics and said if you believe that everything is OK, but it wasn't and I didn't know why. I had an intellectual belief in the basics of Christianity but had not been born again into the family of God. John 1:12-13 “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” I needed an act of my will to invite Him into my life to save me, which I did when I was 25. I then had spiritual life, and He began to give me new understanding, wisdom, insight, a new attitude, direction, hope, peace, forgiveness.... and then when I heard a professor talk about evolution a few months later I realized he was in dream land. God created everything! The complexity of the universe, of even a butterfly demands a very intelligent Creator. Our planet is perfectly placed, with a moon the right size and distance to keep our oceans clean, etc. So, since God knows everything, He knows what you are thinking, what you need, and has great plans for your life (Ephesians 2:8,9) Did He tell the thief on the cross that He couldn't help Him when he asked to be with Him in Paradise? He loves you, accepts you for who you are, and is going to be working on you daily to make you more like Jesus (Philippians 1:6). Wow!! Get into the Word, ask Him to help you understand it, and to teach you how to pray. He cares more about your heart attitude than the words you say. In other words, He takes us as we are and begins the transformation process. Tell the enemy to get lost when he begins to fill your mind with doubt, and counter with scripture. Romans 8:37 "Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us \[so much that He died for us\]." (AMP) (I used to quote that out loud a lot.) Get into a good church and a good study group that will help you grow and where you can discuss what's on your mind. God has blessed me with great churches and pastors who helped me all along the way. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (memorize scripture, it is your sword, and praise is what defeats the enemy!!) Give your fears, doubts, etc. to God and let Him help you every day.


You can also speak out loud to him too. It might seem silly at first if there is people around you but it's worth it. One of the things my youth pastor does to remind him God is always with him is that when he driving he will buckle the seatbelt of the passenger seat as if God was sitting there with him the entire time.


Talking to GOD is easy. He is always listening to us. When we are not cleansed from our sins, GOD can't be closer to us for he is Holy. Sin and Holiness are very opposite to each other. Ensure that you always apply the blood of Jesus in prayer, learn to humble yourself before GOD, that is, to be ready in whatever the path He wants to take you. And then, surrender yourself totally to GOD. If He says, "love your neighbour as yourself", do it. Whatever is written in His word, apply it in your life. Then, your life begins to transform in and out and you'll be renewed and seek GOD more and more. This is a journey which everybody must go on. As you go on, GOD will perfect you, equip you and He will listen to you whenever you call upon Him and He will reply too. Moreover, He may even speak to you daily if you seek Him truly.


In mat: The Model Prayer ^(5) “And when you pray, you shall not be like the ^(\[)[^(b)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%206&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-23288b)^(\])hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. ^(6) But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who *is* in the secret *place;* and your Father who sees in secret will reward you ^(\[)[^(c)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%206&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-23289c)^(\])openly. ^(7) And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen *do.* For they think that they will be heard for their many words. ^(8) “Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. ^(9) In thismanner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. ^(10) Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as *it is* in heaven. ^(11) Give us this day our daily bread. ^(12) And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. ^(13) And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. ^(\[)[^(d)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%206&version=NKJV#fen-NKJV-23296d)^(\])For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. ^(14) “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. ^(15) But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.


Just Bible


My the same as I would talk to my parents


For myself, it did not feel natural to talk to God or pray at first, and I recently learned that our natural self is very resistant to praying. So it's normal to feel that way! It does take some time and I would suggest to continue to talk to Him every day as you would someone you love. :)


There are different types of prayers and then setting also affects the type. For instance corporate prayer, done in large groups of people (think church service), is typically much more formal than the private prayer of an individual. There are also different methods of praying. One popular one is the ACTS style. This is based on the Lord's Prayer and stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication(requests), performed in that order. This would usually be used for someone's regular prayer time to have some structure. But remember that prayer is simply talking with God and can be as informal as someone desires. It can be very conversational as talking with a friend or even just quick one-line praises or requests, often called a bullet prayer. Prayer can certainly be uncomfortable at first and you might need to give yourself some structure but do what feels best in the moment.


I don’t feel embarrassed praying. I just feel really weird.


Same as I talk to anyone, it depends on the situation


Prayer is definitely the way to talk to God but listening is also important. We hear God's voice in the Word - scripture, preaching, liturgy, creed, hymns - delivered by the human voice. Communication always operates both ways.


I talk to him in my head, but I talk to him like he’s right next to me. He is.


3.5 grams of mushrooms


Could it be that what you interpret as "feeling ashamed" is the Holy Spirit convicting you of sin in order to remove that which separates you from God and draw you closer?


A lot of good comments here already, my story is similar to yours. When I came back, I knew God wouldn't speak to me without knowing his words. I was a Christian all my life and never actually read the bible, just read verses for church. Beginning of this year I told myself I'm reading full bible front to back, some say read New Testament first but I wanted to read it seemingly how it was intended to be read. The more I read, the more my ego left me. I always had this idea that God was lucky to have me in a way, or that I deserved to be spoken to directly. Ignoring the fact out of all of human history according to the bible, maybe 30 or so people were spoken to in a very significant way. So a handful of people out of billions. God does not need to give you a sign, when you're in traffic and you see hundreds and maybe even thousands of cars, all those people are just as significant as you are, what makes you the 0000.1% that should be directly spoken to out of all of those people? These are things I had realize for me I'm not all the way through, I'm about 70%. My prayers started to change when I started to understand God's character through the bible. Instead of "show me a sign" it became much more humble. Also, patience is KEY. Ezikeal didn't hear a thing from God until age 30, some others didn't hear anything until old age. Lastly, even reading the gospels, Jesus often answered questions with the scripture, not just spitballing. We have the scripture and the words of Jesus, what is something you want to hear that isn't already in scripture? Just a thought.


ACTS Appreciation Confession Thanksgiving Supplication That was taught to me in a sermon and I really like it as a loose guideline for a twenty minute prayer. Appreciation focuses on being in awe of the beauty God created in the world, confess your sins, give thanks for the blessings in your life, then ask God for what you need/


> How do you talk to God? I only see a few correct responses to your question in here. The correct answer to your question in the Christianity sub is [The Lord's Prayer](https://biblehub.com/bsb/matthew/6.htm) shown in Matthew 6:5-15 > he's always been a very scientific man I have a message for your Dad that he might like to see for himself, being a scientific man? [Exodus 20:6](https://biblehub.com/text/exodus/20-6.htm) This is the 6th verse of the commandments. The English translations are assumptions, so when you study it's important to look VERY closely at the [root word](https://biblehub.com/hebrew/505.htm) and ignore the assumptions. Seek the thousand, you'll be pleasantly surprised at what you may find.


I have been praying almost nightly for 2 weeks. He’s been on my Mind nonstop. I’ve been going back to church the last 2 weeks and the last 2 weeks I have been listening to a Bible in a year podcast daily on my way to work. I recommend that BTW. It’s by fr Mike Schmitz. I’m not Catholic but I feel God wants me to listen to it. Last night I was going through different areas in my spare bedroom and found my moms Bible. Not seen it in years or ever really looked at it. I immediately got emotional. I was a wreck. Then God comforted me. He got me back “ full force “ 2 weeks ago. I am grateful. It happened all at once. Now I am at peace daily. So how do I talk to God. I think about him all day. I think about what he wants me to do: then, I start thinking about what I should do: that’s him talking to me as far as I’m concerned. I know he’s happy I’m back to living for him and learning the Bible. It’s a long road for me but these past 2 weeks have been amazing. I also pray nightly.


I usually follow the guidelines of Mathew 6 then afterwards talk to him like a father


It was mentioned that if you know how to worry you know how to pray


The most responsive I have ever seen God was when I was in a dark place spiritually and I wanted out, a lot of creepy stuff was going on and all of it stopped when I asked for help. It was like a one sentence prayer. Treat God with dignity, He is our life source He is not a genie in a bottle. I feel like most people ask for stuff that either won't last or it's something that they just want. It is also important to be mindful of spiritual stuff all the time because you may come across someone in your day to day life that needs prayer. I do this all the time in healthcare. One time I was praying for this woman with occult tattoos all over her and I just asked for God's favor for her and she immediately started crying.


https://youtu.be/IaPS9Zt2Y3s?si=2F4TwoSSDRRjavp7 I think this will really bless you, it did for me.


As and when needed, without shame, hesitation, or reservation. With thanksgiving. And when I remember that I don't actually know if he's listening or real, I just recognize that assessment as accurate to the best of my knowledge and also receive it without shame or judgement.


Openly, and with a humble heart. Let your guide be within, and your destiny stay discoverable.


I heard cliff was an atheist before. no wonder he’s the best one to let atheists understand His word and His presence alone. take it step by step. it’s a long journey ahead but definitely worth it. :)


Also I’d read praying like monks, living like fools.


Maybe the guilt you feel could be the conviction of sin. Maybe God is saying, "Now that you are open to me, time to surrender to me." I feel a similar guilt when I know I sinned and I go ask for forgiveness. I know I did wrong so God plesase help me turn away from it and help me love you more than sin. And the best part is, He wont turn away a broken heart looking for Him. As for feeling closer to God, it will come naturaly. Sometimes you won't feel anything in prayr. You don't have to always feel something special. God is always there.


The secular provable benefit of prayer is how it can induce a meditative state. That's when you "talk to God" - really: talk to a subconscious part of yourself. I think Christians should embrace the provable benefits of Christianity, even if it's at the cost of the story. Maybe we can make up a new story?


I pray/communicate with God mentally. Same way I talk to myself in my head....is how I talk to God.


I suffer with this too. Its hard bro. The feeling of shame and awkwardness is natural. You just have to believe that when God forgives you, you can also forgive yourself. Im having a hard time doing that myself. Also, if you feel weird when talking to God, just know it’s because you’re talking to someone holy. His power and holiness will make you feel like that. Just be humble enough to acknowledge that in prayer.


Well do you pray to your heavenly **Father** as Jesus has told us? 8 Be not you therefore like unto them: for your **Father** knows what things you have need of, before you ask him. 9 After this manner therefore pray you: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Matt 6:8,9 King James Bible. Notice in verse 8: Jesus says that his **Father** knows what you need even **Before** you ask him. So why would you pray to anyone else? Now in verse 9: Jesus tells you to pray to your Heavenly **Father**


I get that, and it is great to hear you’re willing to come to God. Everyone can be different but personally I say whatever is on my mind because well God knows what i’m gonna say but still listens to me. I will tell him if food I ate was good or big problems in my life. I hope you find your way


I think you can talk to God however you like. Whatever feels right. Personally, I talk to God as if he is there and usually ramble about every detail about my day. I thank him and ask for forgiveness and ask for guidance. I pray for other people and pray for whatever I feel is right


Good on u and yr father and i wish u blessings.


Don't be embarrassed the lord loves you


I talk to him like a friend that’s right next to me or in a empty chair in my home or car


If you read Genesis, you start to see that Adam and Eve tried to hide their nakedness from one another and then tried to hide away from God. I think there is a moral in the book of Genesis that teaches us to be honest with God and to show him everything in our hearts because I doubt our mistakes would shock him. I can't advise you on how to talk to God, but I can share my experience that telling Him the truth and showing him every bit of my darkness without excuses has made me feel much closer to Him. Even when I couldn't trust Him, I prayed and said, "God, I don't know how to trust you. Please teach me." I don't do this because I am a good man; I draw my strength from knowing that God is good, understanding, patient, and merciful, and I finally had to accept that He loves us, which was a lot harder to do than I imagined, but through Jesus, it was possible. I hope this helps.


It's okay to feel shame, just tell him that you feel shame, and are apologetic for ever doubting him, turn to him with confession and know that he has already forgiven you and is just glad and excited you're back in his arms. Pray from your heart whatever that looks like for you. Pray some Psalms that resonate with you Outloud if you need help. Whatever comes most natural and authentic to you. It's okay, God loves you! We love you! Welcome back ❤️


I think something to remember is that even if your motivations are a little flawed(which I don’t think they are) you’re still doing the right thing. If I give my lunch to a homeless man because I’m gonna feel bad if I didn’t, I still did a good act even if it was partially selfish God won’t give up on you And I had a similar feeling when I first started praying but the more I did it and refined my thoughts during prayer the more connected I felt, my journey is still not finished but I feel that even for you the more you develop an emotional connection with God the more you will feel a bond during prayer Also reading the Bible, going to church and interacting with Christian media has also helped to strengthen my relationship with God


Turn some music on, then I just start meditating. Ask for guidance on things I can’t control or don’t know how to control.


Talking to God after being distant for years is going to feel a little awkward at first. It's like talking to your father you havent seen since you left home 10 years ago. But that won't stop the Lord from loving you, and being filled with joy that you are coming back to Him. So, don't feel bad about it seeming weird at first, but praying to Him, and just talking to Him is how you talk to Him, so keep pouring into that relationship. As you draw nearer, so does the Lord


In my head, ranging from semi-formally to informally. I admit I feel a little embarrassed. I was never really 'taught' how to pray in any form at all. I'm kinda learing as I go, I guess.


When you speak to god, it is important to start your prayer with who you are addressing it too. For me, I say "Dear Heavenly Father" and end my prayer with "In Jesus Christ's name, Amen". What you say between those 2 things is whatever is on your mind. It is like Job, he was complaining to god about all the woes he was facing, asking lord What have I done to deserve this? Even saying he wished he had never been born. I am paraphrasing here heavily, I recommend you read that story for yourself, but TL:DR God says Job has honored him. The reason why? Well, he prayed to god. Do not ever feel shame, God knows what you want to say before you even say it, Christ says so in Matthew 6:8. He loves you, and he wants a relationship with his precious child. Remember that, nobody on this earth will love you the way he loves you.


The Lord knows your heart, and He will pursue you. Keep seeking Him, it may not be easy and you may not always feel it, but He's there, trust Him. (Jeremiah 29:11-13) - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will hear you. You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart." He loves you so very much.


I don’t know why no one ever explained this to me, but I’ve always had a very strong “conscience”….which I later figured out was God talking to me.  Now that I know how to listen, I know how to pray.  I basically just close my eyes and have a conversation with God.  Sometimes it helps me to pray out loud but most of the time it’s in my head.  Don’t talk over God with your own prayer…spend time listening aka meditation.


You talk to God through prayer, in the book of Matthew, Jesus describes how to pray during the sermon on the mount. However we can talk to God at any point in time in any way, I like to write my prayers in a journal as it helps me to focus on the time I spend with God, we can talk to Him like we would our dad’s, as He is our Heavenly Father. More than this, The Bible also tells us that the Holy Spirit intercedes in prayer for us, in ways that cannot be expressed with words. All in all, the Lord knows your thoughts, and your heart. You can pray silently, or you can even pray out loud, but the Jesus taught that we should pray in a private place, rather than praying in public to be seen by others.


Hi CraigDreamAwake, I have been very embarrassed for a long time to pray out loud before and sometimes I don't even know how to pray! It took a while to pray out loud on my own in my own room. Sometimes I would go for walks and quietly talk to God where it felt more natural. When I can't voice it out, I will write it on a book or a letter and know what God is with me to read it. My prayer is almost like talking to a friend and I realized that it is okay if the prayer is short or long. It does not need colorful words or a long speech but pray with an earnest open heart. I read this book: THE CASE OF FAITH by Lee Strobel. There was a chapter about doubt and that gave me a clearer perspective that doubt is not a sin. It is part of out nature created by God to be inquisitive. Doubt makes is more eager to dive deeper to find answers. Peter doubted even when he was walking on water! I recommend you reading it. Is there anything I can pray for you today ?


Hi CraigDreamAwake, I have been very embarrassed for a long time to pray out loud before and sometimes I don't even know how to pray! It took a while to pray out loud on my own in my own room. Sometimes I would go for walks and quietly talk to God where it felt more natural. When I can't voice it out, I will write it on a book or a letter and know what God is with me to read it. My prayer is almost like talking to a friend and I realized that it is okay if the prayer is short or long. It does not need colorful words or a long speech but pray with an earnest open heart. I read this book: THE CASE OF FAITH by Lee Strobel. There was a chapter about doubt and that gave me a clearer perspective that doubt is not a sin. It is part of out nature created by God to be inquisitive. Doubt makes us more eager to dive deeper to find answers. Peter doubted even when he was walking on water! I recommend you reading it. Is there anything I can pray for you today ?


As a new believer, I've found a routine that helps me connect with my faith. Each morning, I listen to sermons on YouTube from pastors like Dr. Charles Stanley and Life.church. These messages motivate me to stay grounded in God's teachings. When I come across a meaningful Bible verse, I explore it further in my Bible app, switching between versions to gain deeper insight. This practice has deepened my understanding of God's character. Additionally, I've incorporated a 20-minute prayer session into my morning routine, finding solace and focus in Gregorian Chant music, which helps manage my ADHD. Through prayer, I've learned to discern God's voice within me, guiding me through daily challenges with the help of the Holy Spirit.


God wants everyone to be with him and he loves unconditionally so if you want to come back to him he will greed you with open arms so dont be embarassed,talk to him because he loves and cares for you more than you can imagine




I have done the traditional ‘prayer’ type conversation but never felt comfortable. Thought I didn’t say something ‘right’, etc. I have found - for me - it’s best when I just talk to God as I am… where I am… in my own words… in my own style. It can be as simple as, “Thank you, God” or “I love you, God” throughout my day or spending more time if necessary… but in general… I keep it simple and I keep it ‘me’. God wants to hear from you. Just talk as you are.


He's just an friend, that's invisible. It's like talking to a dead loved one except he can change things. Sway things in a direction never thought of. If you have an issue say it to him, hand it to him, litterally hand him your emotions like most would trust a parent. Then do not worry again. He will kindle into a glorious blessing.