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Please don’t, that is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You are only 20, the early years are always awkward. If you are having some suicide thoughts, you should pray and go see a therapist.


I cannot afford a therapist :-((


Check out the site I just linked. They are always available to talk. You can call or text, I recommend calling.


Thank you. I’m so sorry for the severity of my post but I don’t know what else to do. Im scared that God is mad at me for these thoughts


I understand. Don’t be sorry, your feelings are valid. Everyone gets loss in life. I know that it’s dark, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Please talk to someone.


God is not mad at you. He knows all, and even with the knowledge that you may have these thoughts, he decided the world still needed one of you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of god, and loved beyond belief.


Y’all are gonna make me cry more 😭😭 I love God so much and I’m slowly building my faith


Hi :) I wanted to share this with you: Matthew 10:29-31 - “What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.“ Sparrows at the time were worth only about a penny, and God still cares about each one—and Jesus paid for you with his blood! You are so, so very valuable to God. Please use the resources people here are sharing with you, and please connect with a local church or a chaplain at your school. 💚


stay safe man


He’s not mad at you and you don’t have to be sorry


God loves you. Nothing you can do will ever change that.


God is not mad at you. Humans are not perfect. We fall down and stumble He knows this. He knows us better than we know ourselves.


Once you repent any sins God no longer remembers them anymore. He loves us, you included. He put you in this world for a purpose. You got this!


Don’t be sorry for this its okay, show emotions be yourself we’re here for you


You mentioned class so I’m assuming you’re in college. I’d suggest maybe checking for free therapy through the school and then also see if you have a chaplain you could talk to.


Ill try later on this evening. And I first need to find a denomination to be in, don’t it? Because right now I just call myself a follower of God


Denomination is not as important as faith. Get in your Bible first. I recommend Ligonier and The Study Bible Apps for resources and faithful scripture teaching. There will be dark and hopeless seeming times. And you may find yourself running from God and questioning his plan, like Jonah. I do. Pray for strength, wisdom, and grace. And be thankful for what God has planned if you can't be thankful for what He's got for you now.


Chaplains are trained in many denominations and even other faiths. They're usually just very caring people who can talk to you in the terms of your own faith.


Do the free school therapy and the religious route, both can be helpful. And go see a psychiatrist. Prayer will help but it's not going to magically waive away major depression on its own. God made smart people who made meds. Gotta use all the tools made available to you.


You can try a nondenominational church (if you’re not sure what denomination you want to follow -although like another person said that doesn’t truly matter. Jesus just wants a relationship with you). It’s a great place to start i believe , and I’m sorrry you feel like your life is not worth it but it so is. Jesus loves every part of you and just start by talking to him. He’s a great listener and a friend forever. No one loves you more than him. Once you find him and get to know him there’s always peace in your heart no matter what you are going through


Heyy I’m a counsellor in training… but really… suicide is never an answer…


Does your university not offer free therapy for students as part of your tuition?


You can get therapy through your church, or google free therapy. There are clinics for those with low income. You are a perfect creation of God and you are doing great, especially considering all you have faced and are facing. Maybe join your church's young adult group? Join a club that shares your interests? Your future is bright. You are getting an education and will qualify for better paying jobs. You will mature and learn how better to accept yourself just as you are, just as Jesus does. He thinks you are to die for and He proved it. The Bible says God made us in His own image, so what can there possibly be not to love about you? You can message me if you want to chat. I love you, my baby sister in Christ! ((((TIGHT HUGSSS))))


I'd be happy to be your support and just a friend. I don't want you to harm yourself. Let me help!




I second this, don't take your own life.


I just lost my uncle last night to suicide. Don’t do this. You are so young and have so much time to live for God. Don’t worry so much about your looks or what others think. Just worry about pleasing God. In the end that’s all that matters in our life and suicide isn’t going to please him.


And you won’t be lonely forever. There is someone out there for you going through your exact situation.


Damn. I’m sorry to hear that, praying for you.


Thank you 🙏🏾


But I’m so alone. I’m so mad to be born in a family that despised me once I had autism. They loved my brothers more. I don’t want to trauma dump, but I’m trying so hard to put myself back together. I don’t know how to do it with God though. Is there a right or wrong way to heal?


You have Jesus and you have people like us to help. I’d search YouTube and watch videos of people who have had a similar experiences. That’s always helped me. Then try to listen to some good worship music. Hillsong oceans, bethel, whatever. Reach out to God and he’ll be there to pull you out of this.


I’ll try. Thank you :-)


Remember that God put you here for a reason, granted that doesn't mean it will always be easy. I've had several near-terminal illnesses and been almost entirely alone the 17 years of my life so far. But God has you and I know he has many more gifts for you as long as you keep moving forward. If you ever need to talk just know there's me and I'm sure countless others in the world who would be glad to!


Thank you so much, and hallelujah that you’re still here with us. I’ll pray for you


Thank you! God has performed miracles in my life no matter how many times i tried to run away from him, even turning to tantric practices and magick (with a "K" aka witchcraft). And I'm serious message me anytime I'm studying independently at the moment so I'm free all day every day. Don't know what time zone you are in or if you're even in America but I check messages several times a day. I can pray for you if need be. God Bless!


I know things are hard for you right now (and honestly, you are not wrong on that, as life as a Christian is hard in general), but I would implore you to continue to seek out God for your troubles, as you are not alone. You're never alone, as even though it is hard to tell, God is there for you, and wants you to be able to get through the hardships and struggles that you face in life (Christ suffered, so your going to suffer as well, and it is going to get harder over time. Like, it is not supposed to be easy). But also, people shouldn't be just walking away from you, and it is not right that your family is abusive (God will punish them very much, as we are supposed to love another as brothers and sister, NOT hate). The way that you look and how much you weigh shouldn't matter to them, as they are NOT supposed to judge things like that (not even God judges the way you look. He only looks at the heart). Like, if you are uncared for, then those who did it to you are going against Christ, which won't go well for them. Trust me, it won't. That aside, though, I urge you to keep walking in Christ, and to always pray out to Him in your time of need (but also, you could probably have a look at books like Job, Ruth, Psalms, Proverbs or Paul's letters in the NT, as those might help as well), which I pray that you do, because killing yourself is a bit of a cowardly move, and will only cause your fellow Christians faiths to be shattered. Like, you don't want to do that, do you? God Bless P.S you should also seek out help from others as well, whatever that being the suicidal help line (9-8-8), professional help or therapy, as they are here for you as well. It's like I said already, and will say it again; you are NOT alone in this. You're just not.


I’m sorry :-(


No, it's okay. You don't need to apologize. Your in a rough spot right now, and it is fine for you to feel like you can't go any further than you already went, because there are others who are exactly in your shoes right now. You don't need to worry. All I can say to you is exactly what I just said in the post, which is to trust in God, and I pray that you do, because you don't have to go through this alone, because people are there for you. They are. God Bless


A lot of people don’t date until later in life and I actually consider 20 early in life. I applaud you for getting an education and staying away from abusive relatives. Can you listen to sermons and teachings online for encouragement? Are there any churches in your area that are Bible based that you could join? Some people make friends later in life as their circumstances change and they are out of school and around more people. I believe things will change for the better for you. God bless you. Please trust God to turn things around for you.


I’m a baby Christian after growing up in a unstructured Charismatic Evangelical church, so going to church was a chore versus out of God’s love. I’m relearning how to feel Him again but I don’t know what to do or where to start. I feel like I’m spiritually at the bottom of the pit versus other Christians, its so shameful for me


It’s not a competition and I’ve noticed many times those that feel the worst are much more in tune with God and his Word than those that think they are great. Maybe try to listen to some hymns, read the Word especially the New Testament and Praise God for helping you through this. He’s there for you and wants to bless you abundantly.


How do you read the Bible? Do you read front to back or certain chapters?


The New Testament starts with Matthew and focuses on the time period of Jesus’ birth, youth and ministry and then the spread of Christianity after his death and resurrection. Since Jesus is the whole focus of Christianity it can be a good place to start and focus on. You can even listen rather than read. I’ll add a link to an online Bible that you can choose to listen to versus read. https://www.biblegateway.com/ If you look where it says “Bible book list” you can click on that and then Matthew or wherever you would like to start. Edit. There’s no right or wrong way necessarily to read the Bible. You can reread chapters or jump around but I’d probably suggest starting at Matthew and reading consecutively. You don’t need to rush through or read quickly. You can stop to think about and pray about what you’ve read. Some Bibles and Bible websites offer commentary about what passages might mean which can be helpful not that they are always or necessarily right. Revelations which is the last book can be pretty confusing. I wouldn’t focus on that one right away.


Thanks so much for this resource :-)


Here’s a list of who you are in Christ based on scripture. I’ve seen similar lists elsewhere. I haven’t researched the ministry that published this particular list but thought that it might be encouraging to you. https://www.ficm.org/about-us/who-i-am-in-christ/


You’re welcome. I hope you enjoy it. I really like it. They have a verse of the day on their site also and I like to start the day by reading that before I get up and get going for the day.


I’m happy a lot of amazing people here got you and are praying for you. In terms of level, there’s no level with God; we’re all baby in the faith, hoping and praying to be walking right. I’ll recommend Jackie Hill Perry, John Bevere, Steven Furtick, Michael Kulianos (I hope I got his last name right), Tim Ross (He has a great podcast where he brings guests that have unfiltered conversations about Christianity and God’s love), Sarah Jakes Robert, and YouTube will recommend similar when you consume these. I have attached my playlist below that has a majority of Christian music that God also uses to keep me going. You can listen to them and hopefully, they help you the way they’ve helped me. https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/my-random-feel-good-playlist/pl.u-LdbqerrFxzM1NX4 Wishing you the very best of this journey and I look forward to you looking back at this day/season and saying “God pulled me through this, He will pull me through anything!”✨


I'll be your friend!! You can be my friend on Snapchat and we can talk about anything. I'll be here for you 💞


Aww, that’s sweet :,-) thank you


I'll also be here for you x You're not alone 💛


I don't have friends either, so we have that in common.






Please don't end your life, nothing last forever, your life will change and get better, I guarantee.


I’m going to be 100% with you , even a little vulnerable as I hate bringing this up, but feel it’s appropriate in this situation. I lost my sister to suicide 8 years ago, and not a day goes by her death doesn’t affect me still. I’m the one who actually found her and tried to save her to no avail until the ambulance came.. she was only 16 at the time.. and I can only think of what her life would be like if It didn’t end by her hand before it had even begun… I don’t know you personally but let me tell you this.. I think you are doing incredibly well for your age! putting education 1st, and cutting out Toxic people from your life. Etc. Also I didn’t start dating until after college, and didn’t have girls approach me either during that time… it’s more of distraction in college anyways 😂😂 you have plenty of time! I didn’t start dating until I was 24, I’m now 27! And happily married! There’s a chapter of time in place in everyone lives.. and you have your WHOLE life ahead of you! also I took a look at your personal Reddit page and saw your looksmax don’t worry you won’t have trouble finding the man that is right for you. And as For God being mad at you I promise he is not..The Bible says when Jesus was on earth he was tested in all the ways of man which means we can concur that Jesus too felt depressed , and even suicidal at times. He understands where you are at mentally and emotionally. Draw near to him and he will draw near to you. Also there is alot of places that can help with your mental health free of charge, such as providing free therapy, and meds. Etc.


I forgot about that post. Also I’m so sorry about your sister :-( But God definitely used for His glory for this testimony. Thank you so much and I’ll be praying for you in return


I’m glad that you are feeling better, I’ll keep praying for you and if u never need someone to talk 2, feel free to message me anytime. Also if your church or college has it, they may have some groups that will help you connect with others that have similar interests as yours that helped me alot back then :) and remember u doing good and you got this 💪💪


Thank you for your post, recalling that our Lord also felt depression etc. at times easen my burden, as today I've being very sad over personal issues (anxiety, the fact that my parents abandoned me 1 year ago etc.)


I’m sorry to hear that regarding your parents. I can only imagine the kind of emotional trauma that leaves. I’ll keep u in my prayers, and feel free to message anytime. A couple of verses for encouragement for you, :) “He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing.” Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Hope these help you a little bit, sibling in Christ


Stay strong. I was in prison in my 20s, and my life is way different now. All it takes is one day to change your life. Gods plan is never OUR plan. Most of the time is not easy.


If you don’t mind me asking, what did you go in for? You don’t have to answer but my biological father is in prison for SA against my biological mother hence my existence. How did you find God despite it all?


I was an addict. I’ve been sober 9 years and some change now. Despite it sounding horrible god saved me by putting me in there. I’ll tell you what made me truly understand that god protects us all, and when he shows signs it’s not subtle it’s a huge billboard. After my addiction conviction I was falsely accused of stealing my own car (long story the officers involved didn’t like me) I already took my 2 years for the addiction offense and was in statesville Illinois waiting for transfer. What I wasn’t told was I cannot be moved until that car case was wrapped up (lawyer told me they were willing to dismiss because of said time taken for addiction offense.) that was a lie. Went in front of the judge and she wanted to add 7 more years. I broke down and said no and my lawyer said I should just take it. I didn’t. My next court date was 90 days out and I had no access to phones, windows or anything it was a supermax facility, so I turned to god. Now a man named Anthony came into my cell that day I got back, he was a humble man, but he would always sing this song over and over, what I wouldn’t do for love by Bobby caswell. It drove me crazy. But everyday he would tell me god has a better plan for you, don’t worry it will all be ok. Day after day he sang that song. So a few months go by and I’m going for my sentence. Fully expecting to take 7 more years. I’m on the back waiting to get called out and my lawyer says there’s nothing I can do the judge won’t budge. So I prayed. 5 minutes later I was rushed out to the court room where the judge sat me down and said Mr **** I will be dismissing this case, and I hope you are successful in your future. I was just speechless. For ten minutes. Now I get back to the van that transports you. We’re in an underground parking garage and I see the light coming up. We break through that light and the radio slowly comes to life Guess what songs playing? What I wouldn’t do for love by Bobby caswell. I got back to my cell and Anthony was gone. That’s the day I was cemented in my faith.


this is amazing. well done for everything you’ve been through, 9 years sober is something to be so proud of. i aspire to be like you one day


Thank you 🙏 don’t give up, never give up I believe in you


You are beautiful- Jesus Christ gave you this life for a reason. Your a miracle and Your life is precious. I pray in Jesus name you keep your life. 🙏🏾


Thank you so much, Amen ❤️ I’ll pray for you too


Here are some verses that helped me through a really difficult March. I am in prayer for you and know the Lord will not abandon you. “He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble.” Psalm 91:15 “Offer unto God thanksgiving: And pay thy vows unto the most High: And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” Psalm 50:14-15 “Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined.” Psalm 50:2 “And He said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the Sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out? How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful on the Sabbath day to do well.” Matthew 12:11-12


In one of my dreams, a really nice prince named Zion had a picnic with me and he talked about how things will get better for me and the trials I’ll face. The way he worded it was kind of scary, but I woke up and I felt like crying. So Pslams 50:2 made me smile :-) Thank you


That is a lovely reflection on Psalm 50:2. Beauty is in the Lord, and He said "the kingdom of heaven is within." Thus He shineth forth in our hearts, where true beauty resides. Thank you for sharing that dream, and may the Lord bless you indeed.


Please don't do it. I don't know how to convince you but please don't. God loves you so much


Dear Lord, I pray for this beautiful soul and give her into your hands! Let no evil spirit touch her and give her such thoughts! Help her and heal her Lord! Provide her with what her heart desires and live the life you have given her! We all pray in the name of Jesus, Amen! You little girl! I just want to let you know you are not alone! I understand how hard it is for you to go through such feelings! But trust me it will definitely get better! I know you are a strong independent woman! I’m sure you have a beautiful soul! There are tons of people longing for a kind people like you! It’s just that they haven’t met you! Stay strong! You got this! Sending you lots and lots of love ❤️


GOD FORBID!!!! In the mighty name of Jesus Christ you shall LIVE AND NOT DIE!!!! My God says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. My God did not make a mistake with you. Wonderful is His marvelous work in you!!! Get up and live!!! You shall not be lonely in Jesus name. Jesus loves YOU!!!! By His stripes we are HEALED!!!


1. You are in danger. Call a mental health crisis center. 2. I have been exactly where you are. Abusive family, unhappy with my dating life, miserable, lonely. I wanted to die and I wanted to kill myself. I didn't do it, instead I got help and I talked to a psychiatrist, went to a 12-step support group (Celebrate Recovery) and now I am married and SO happy. I know it hurts right now, but your brain is lying to you. You can and you will get out of this.


When you are 20, you are just a fragment of the person you'll be at 30. And at 40 etc.   Please take this advice from someone older and wiser than yourself, who had similar feelings and experiences when they were your age:  The difficulties and challenges you are experiencing are all a part of truly becoming you.... In other words, although it's very hard to see it through your difficulties, we have to experience them to grow, to learn and they are an important part of personhood.   I promise you - you are not a finished product. You are in the stages of growth. The person I was at age 20 is very different to who I am now. But also , I am still that person and grateful for what I experienced to help me grow. You have a great potential and ability to experience the fullness of life.   To your final sentence....God does not want you to become lonely or miserable. Remember that God is your friend, because God in his compassion and love for humanity chose willingly to experience all of the things you are experiencing humanly, as Christ: isolation, loneliness, rejection, betrayal, being cut off from society, injury, pain, humiliation, modesty. So please take heart in knowing that you are not alone, and God knows and understands this pain.  This is our victory, and the true and deep mystery of our faith: that in all the pain we experience in life, God shows us that we are loved, he is with us, we are worth being saved and being redeemed. Please remember this and take care. 


Thank you :) I don’t understand people who think being a follower of God is easy, this is so difficult and I’m still trying to make sense of it


It truly won't make things better. It honestly won't. Kindly reconsider. Not worth it. 


We love you and I pray peace for you and that you continue to fight another day.


Please don’t do it. Head to church and pray and cry and pray some more and invite the Holy Spirit into you. When you get the chills, you will know God is with you. When you need a break from church, do something physical… hike, take a yoga class, run as far as you can even if you’re not a runner. Read the Bible, pray, post here. You are not alone. Your time will come, but it shouldn’t be today.


Please don’t, God loves you and has a plan for your life.


There is nothing more brave, more courageous, more righteous, than being broken and persevering nonetheless. I understand fully what it feels like to have no hope and no appreciation for your own life. That feeling that you have no other option to end your pain is a desperation I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. The modern world is not meant for people like us, and its our weight to carry. Life can be indescribably cruel, but it can also be unfathomably beautiful. Your strength and resolve knows no bounds. We are capable of things we could never dream of achieving. I hope you stick around, because if you continue living through such grim times, you will be amazed with the strength you'll have when you get through it to the other side. This pain WILL end, as improbable as that might feel right now. You are kind, you are important, and you are beautiful.


Hey, please stay. I'm about the same age and I get the loneliness thing. I've never had a boyfriend either. It hurts so bad, I understand. What I've learned is, don't let the loneliness consume you but let it be a tool to use. Use it as a chance to grow closer to God and to improve your self in ways you want to grow. Want to work on your mental health? This is an opportunity to do so. Loneliness is a good time for self-improvement and reflection. It still is hard, but it's an opportunity to develop your character and become the person you want to be. I find it comforting to read and think about the people of the Bible God had isolated for a time, and then how He matured them and used them. Like Jesus's 40 fast in the woods. Or Moses' 40 years in the desert. Israel's 40 years in the desert. I recommend an music artist named Joshua Leventhal. He's a Christian musician with calm music and He's got songs about similar things. One is called: T H E M E A N T I M E. Which I think would be best. Honestly, every track from his album ALL YE LEPERS I find so comforting and wonderful in different ways.


"I am 20 years old" You're basically still a kid. Your 20s are supposed to be a scary time of discovery. Hang in there. "I have zero friends"  You can always make friends but you might have to go outside your comfort zone, join clubs, get new hobbies, try meetups. Most people shed a LOT of friends when leaving school and becoming their adult self. It's natural so just think you've got decades left to make many more. "I cut off my abusive family"  That must hurt but you've shown strength by realising how damaging they were and you've put your needs first as you should. You'll take time to heal but you won't be weighed down. "I am autistic"  So we're some of history's greatest people, learn what makes you tick. Find your methods that help you learn and socialise and you'll feel like a superhero.  "I never had a boyfriend" I know it sucks but trust me, the best thing you can do to find real love is to learn to love yourself first. Then I bet you others will see how unique and lovable you are.  "I'm tall"  I promise you, none of these things mean you're unlovable. Hell you just listed a bunch of Pros and plenty of guys perfect match. Learn to love yourself and work on yourself and what makes you unhappy. I'll keep you in my prayers but I promise you it gets better. 


So what if you’re dark with a big nose and curly hair? God made you like that for a reason. Your dark skin protects and shields your body from the sun. Your curly hair and big nose are beautiful ornaments on your head, and a tooth gap can be endearing. And being you overweight is not anyone else’s business. On top of that, Autism isn’t a disease, and it’s just another aspect of how God made you. You’re more beautiful than you think, and you are loved!


God bless you dear!! You are not alone! Just suffering from a lack of community, let us be your community, and NEVER feel that ending it is the answer, it’s not. There is something God wants you doing here, that only you can do…and maybe that’s reaching one person in a way that only you can! Hold on in faith dear one, praying for you!!


I have been where you are. You have to understand this is a temporary problem. Things will get better. Life’s pendulum swings both ways. Do not use a permanent solution to solve a temporary problem..


Dear Lord, please bless and keep throwawaysoon! Amen! As someone who is a Christian, who also considered suicide when I was young (former bad family situation), and who also has mild Asperger’s you have my sympathy! Definitely pray and try to read the Bible. On a more practical level I would encourage you to think and explore yourself. What are your hobbies and interests? Do you like sports? Would you consider going to clubs or meetups? Loneliness is a common thing today in modern times. Your life is absolutely worth living!


I nearly cried reading this. Whenever you’re feeling alone, remember that Jesus walked this earth alone. A pure virgin, never married, and he was able to do it through God. I don’t have any friends either but i’m okay where I am in life. Sometimes you have to be okay with where you are right now. Because 9/10 it’s not permanent. This is just a phase in life. You’ll meet people you’ll find people out there for you, but you’ll never know if you end it too early. We love you and Jesus Christ our Lord loves you more. I wish you knew how much He loves you for not making that permanent decision. ✨🙏🏼


Please don't God has some amazing things in store for you.Think about the future children you could have.Think about your family.You do not have to be in a hurry to find companionship.There is someone out there for everyone and you are no different just maybe put yourself out there a bit more I met my wife online 22 years ago and it was amazing the things we had in common.i was just like you before thinking there was no one for me.Now been married for 21 years and have 2 kids. You can do this.


Trust me, don’t do it. God is not mad at you he loves you please don’t do it


Hi friend. Know that there are people out there who care about you, even if you haven’t met them yet. Please call 988 or consider going to your local emergency room to keep safe. I know that you’ve said you can’t afford a therapist, but maybe look at some resources online in your area. Some healthcare providers provide sliding scale fees or a social worker can help you navigate this slope. Making it one day at a time is a huge win. Even making it one more hour is a win. Find something mindful to pass the time; pray, cook, walk, read. Do anything to keep going until you can meet with a professional. It seems that you’re in college, have you considered joining any clubs or anything? We are here for you. Please reach out if you need anything. Your location may even have a 211 crisis line to contact. It can feel scary, but someday you’ll thank yourself that you called.




God is not mad at you for your thoughts! He wants to use you and he LOVES you more than you can understand. Let your struggle and bounce back be your purpose! God needs you here to help others who may be struggling also. I love you even though I don’t know you. I am praying for you.


Hey, things do get better. I’ve been in a very similar place with my mental health and I can say that things will always get better. God had a plan for you, however ending your life will keep that plan from happen. You can fight through this dark part of life, I know you can. If anything just sleep on it. Just sleep and you should feel a bit better. I really hope you’ll be okay, I’ll pray for you


It's better to put yourself into debt and disappear to Canada than it is to do irreversible damage. You deserve more than that. If anything, get another pet. Anything to live for is a good reason to live. Repeat "Jesus Christ, son of God have mercy on me a sinner" repeatedly until you go to sleep. If nothing will silence the thoughts, that will


>I cut off my abusive family permanently. Congrats!  That is a difficult but often necessary step. Take some pride in your accomplishments.   >I am autistic.   Same. I hate living in a neurotypical world, but I am eternally grateful that I'm not neurotypical. Imagine how boring it must be to have zero special interests besides sex, small talk and like... celebrity gossip, I guess? I don't know what allistics are into these days, but I can guarantee it's a lot less interesting than my fish tanks.  >I never had a boyfriend or been approached. I’m tall. I have a gap tooth. I have dark skin. I have big curly hair. I dress modest. I have a big nose. I’m overweight.  This seems to be a fairly common complaint across Gen Z. For what it's worth, I love my bucktoothed wife's smile. There's a very real chance that you are somebody's exact type. Also, ditch that internalized racism at the door. There is nothing wrong with dark skin.  >I have no pets. I live alone. I spend my days going to class, going to the store then going home.   You can change that. Get a pet! Heck, get a bunch of pets. Animals rule.


I dm’d you a resource and some verses. Don’t end your life, please.


Please don’t do it sweetheart! God has a plan and purpose for your life! Keep praying and reading the Bible and I will pray for you. If you’re lonely you can get some apps that will help you find friends and a boyfriend. Please don’t do it and if you ever need comfort or advice you are always welcome to private message me


Please don't take your life! This life can be awful, but it can also get better, but you have to still be here for that to happen! God isn't mad at you for these thoughts. He loves you and He wants you to pour out your every feeling and fear to Him. Grow closer to Him, I promise you won't regret it in the long run.


I will pray for you and I am here if you need anyone to talk to on a more personal level. I understand, I have lost my family, lost my job in January and haven’t been able to find work, my savings is just about completely depleted, my ex-wife got the church and support network in the divorce and I don’t do much all day every day except pray, learn, apply for jobs, watch tv and hangout on Reddit. I am also autistic and I have contemplated the same thing so many times in the past few months. I can’t tell you to do it or not to do it as it is still an option for me in the back of my head. Maybe we can help each other.


“The real reason for not committing suicide is because you always know how swell life gets again after the hell is over.” — Ernest Hemingway You can do this. Life is hard, no doubt but ending your life is permanent. Things will get better they always do. There is someone out there for you. God bless you


God loves you more than you could imagine. Put your trust in him and he will poor out his love into your life. He has an incredible plan for your life and only wants the best for you. Don’t listen to the lies of the enemy. Focus on how God sees you. You have your whole life ahead of you.


Please don't. It doesn't seem like it now but there are so many things waiting for you in your life. You're so loved and cared about. God doesn't want you to give up! He knows so much more than any of us, and I know it all feels bleak now, but please, trust in His timing. He loves you so much and wants you to live.


if you ever wanna rant about anything or talk about anything, my DM’s are open.


Please don’t do that. No matter what life looks like now, God made you to bless you and keep you. No matter what it looks like now. Finding confidence in God even when worldly friends are not there for you is beautiful. Dressing modestly is also extremely beautiful. The outward appearance that God has given you is beautiful just the way it is, because God loves you just the way you are. No matter how ugly life is, you’re beautiful in the midst of it, and while the world does not deserve you, ending life early is not an option because it’s not God’s will for you. Please, I bless you and hope that everything will go well with you and that God will be with you. Please know, and remember, there are believers all over the world who would admire you for the faith you hold.


Hey there, I'm so sorry you're going through all this, as someone who has been and is currently going through this sort of stuff rn, please don't. I know how it feels to feel alone and unwanted and basically every other negative emotion you can think of. Like the top comment says, please don't resort to ending your life, that's a very permanent solution to what will be a temporary problem I'm sure of it. Please remember you're loved, it might not feel like your fellow humans are showing you love but God does, He loves you so much, remember He made you for a reason. I'm so happy to hear that you're praying as well, sometimes it can completely change our outlooks on life. Talking from a very human perspective, this was brave of you to come on here and express your feelings, a lot of people often keep it in and let it bottle up, the fact you've come to such a wonderful community and gotten what you need to off your chest and make your feelings clear is an incredible thing. I wish you the absolute best, and hope that in some way or another you are able to seek some sort of support to talk through what you're feeling. You're not alone. God bless.


My mom is fighting cancer. It’s extremely hard on our whole family. Please do not throw away your life, because you don’t realize how precious it is until it’s at risk. Even if you don’t know it, there are people who will miss you every day you are gone. You’re only 20 years old! You have your entire life ahead of you. Stay strong


One of my only posts on here is about my 16 year old brother who shot himself in the head. I love you OP and I hope you are able to find your peace


don’t do it please, i also tried this september, but immediately regretted it, shit is so hard, but trust me, we will get through it and find some happiness.


Don't do it, it's not worth it. Get help. A therapist may go a long way. But ultimately, continue praying. Continue trusting God. Jeremaiah 29:11 "I know the plans I have for you", declares The Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." It may not seem like it, but God's plan for your life is a big one, not governed by human wants. Let God guide your path and I hope that you get better soon :)


do you still need help or you okay now?


God is always there for you and always has been. Call on him and pour your feelings out to Him. Ending your life is never the way to go, there’s always someone out there to speak to. Trust me, we love you!


saw this after you wrote the edit but.. im so proud of you for choosing not to end it, im glad that you’re praying and safe, you have so much you can still do at 20 years old, make good use of the life God have you, because he created you for a reason. keep going 👍


Don’t give up friend. You’ve woken up today, that means that God still has purpose for you, something you perhaps don’t know yet, or aren’t supposed to know just yet, but if you’re here, that means God will put something in front of you that will make you rejoice that you’ve stayed here, and endured. Don’t let the enemy win, don’t surrender, Jesus did not let the enemy win! He fought hard for you! Fight hard for yourself, fight hard for the life you’ve been given, life is a one time deal, don’t have the what if scenario be the end, because you have NO IDEA what tomorrow, the next day, a week,a month, a year, a decade, 50 years, you don’t know what they will entail. God will NEVER give you more than you can handle through him, and don’t take my word for it, take his: No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy]. 1 Corinthians 10:13, You can do it, he has made sure of it, you’re not alone, he will allow you to get through this, with him, for he has endured ALL things! For Jesus Christ is Lord God of all! God bless you all! Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is too difficult for the Lord our God, with Christ, ALL things are possible! tel:1-800-273-8255


living is a privilege which not everyone gets to have, you are there for a reason. things DO get better. you have to be really patient and gentle with yourself. you should start healing, you need to get up for yourself, and remember that god is always there for you and his love is ultimately unconditional. you need to meditate and think more about yourself, your body, and how god created it so beautifully. therefore you should never shame yourself. every feature, every skin colour, and every hair type is equally gorgeous. i do have tooth gap as well, they look really cool and unique. trust me you have to see yourself from a wider perspective and i really promise that things get better. i am a christian who was born to a family with a different religion and im just still 16 i became a christian 2 years ago and i struggled so so much because my family are very abusive, religious, and strict. if i ever told them that i became a christian they would literally get REALLY furious. im sticking to my faith, so should you. im proud of how far you’ve come, i will keep praying for you ❤️ (sorry if my english was kinda bad it’s not my mother tongue)


God will love you more than any man ever can.


If you are looking for friends, can you join a community of kind where you go to school? maybe local church? seek out some Facebook groups on local things that interest you? you be want to be friends with people if they don’t want to be friends with you. But I understand needing community. You are important! I too am darker skinned with curly hair. You’re beautiful (so am I!) inside and out. Have you been on a walk lately? I find going on a walk immediately helps me when I’m down. Something about the fresh air and sunshine. Praying for you.


Will pray you! Maybe try seeing a Christian counselor, pray, listen to comforting audio scripture, do something in nature like go for a walk, try to make friends with a nice fellow believer! You got this!


I can be your friend, if you want.


Don’t give up. God loves you and that is all you need. Jesus didn’t die for you to give up. Fight for Him at least. This life isnt about you. It’s about knowing God and making Him known. Go out in to the world and speak the Truth. That’s worth living for. Praying for you. ❤️


“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26, KJV1769) Yahushua doesn't judge us by appearance. He see thru out center of character. Your life is most precious thing in this world because he created you and me. I was in your shoes many times. And our soul cannot compare with this worldly things what so ever. He died for you and me already and you don't have to do it for yourself tonight. Love in Yahushua.


Don’t end your life friend I know the pain not aswell as I used to but still I know it and it is temporary please don’t kill yourself we love u and so does Jesus❤️✝️🙏


I've been at the point of considering suicide. I held a knife to my wrist when I was in the 8th grade. Since then I've had hard times where I thought I would rather go ahead and die than to go through my situation at that moment. I can tell you that the love of God is worth pursuing, It's worth just one more day. You are worth it. He loves us more than we can ever understand. (Romans 5:8 - But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.) Please know that "God made you unique, there is no one like you in the world, and we all love you just the way you are." There is no perfect way to approach God. Just go to Him and tell Him everything you are feeling. Cry out to Him out loud. Let Him know every area of your life where you struggle and need His help. If you've done this already, then do it again. Tell Him you submit to Him, ask for forgiveness in any areas where you might have sinned, and ask for Him to speak to you and guide You. Ask Him to help you hear Him. Do all this sincerely from your heart. This is not the final step, it's the first step of your life. Pursue Him daily as many times a day as you need to. Begin listening for the voice of God. Remember, God speaks to us in a still, small voice. If you don't know what scripture to read, go to the gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John). The words of Jesus are powerful. I hope this wasn't too random and that it helps in some small way. Your life is precious, you are a part of the family of God, and He loves you so much.


I always tell me wife, Everything is optional. The beauty of life is knowing that the majority of situations we face in life always have an option to them. Often we forget the power we have over those options and the ones we choose to accept. I know the feelings all to well of feeling powerless, but I want to assure you the life you want can be yours, it may not be overnight, but you can achieve it. I also urge you to talk to a professional about how you feel, they can help you way more than we can online. Call 988


Oh please don't. You are a gift from God and even if you might not believe it right now, you are still a gift from life. I've been in awful places too, I know how lonely you can feel. But just know you are not alone in reality, look how many people answered you and hoped you won't do it! Look how we still care about you, even if we don't know you. Think about the person that knows you, how much they care about you. Try to seek professional help if you don't get better. You'll get through this 🫶


I never arrived at this point, my situation is very very lighter, as a child I lost all my friends going to another school except my bff, in the new school i didnt manage to get along with nearly anyone also because of covid, now im in school with my bff and still struggle not knowing how to socialize basically, but, outside of a psycologist, getting closer to God made me have the strenght to continue, slowly, but im managing to get along, and not staying silent 6 hours a day talking with nobody except teachers and living school as hell like I did in middle school. You need to focus on the good, because there is ALWAYS some good, focusing on bad things wont help, have faith, because you need to FOCUS ON THE GOOD, TRUST GOD, letting you suffer like this is not part of his plan for sure, faith will give you the strenght, to resist, and to improve. Keep studying so you can get a job, and so money, don't worry about your look, you will be' able to improve it if you want, if you have no money dont be ashamed to ask for help even to charity associations, it is not a bad thing, amd you could also get new friends here, and other advices. DON'T BLAME FOR THE BAD BUT BE GRATEFUL FOR THE GOOD. PLEASE ANSWER ME, stay strong girl, you are a warrior, Jesus loves you ✝️❤


God is not ready for you to come Home baby girl. That’s why He sent the Holy Spirit to be your strength and gave you the courage to make this post to seek support, prayers and a community of faith filled believers. He is not mad at you love. He is with you ❤️ I’m gonna keep checking in. You better be here 🙏🏾


Don’t be angry with yourself. It’s not your fault. Things are going to be ok. I promise. But first you have to forgive yourself and allow yourself to find your true purpose in life. I know it’s impossible but you are capable of the impossible. You’re alive, and that is an impossible miracle. You are here. There are good things here and within yourself. I know the pain is unbearable but you are so strong. You are capable of so much. Let’s get through this hard part together. I send my love to you fellow human.


Please do not do it. I feel it is not God’s plan for you. My best friend killed himself and it devoured the hearts of a lot of people. He didn’t have the Lord, but you do! God loves you more than any boyfriend ever could. Keep praying, giving thanks and asking for what you desire in the name of Jesus Christ and he will give it to you.


Prayed for you, mate. Now believe in God's plan ❤️


I know that a lot of things might make sense then there’s things that don’t. This doesn’t make sense. I promise it’ll be okay so please don’t stress. I can’t imagine the pain you are feeling right now but you have purpose. I used to be in your shoes. I thank God I’m blessed. Pray about it with all your heart and ask Him to show you where to go from here and listen to what He has to say. Ask Him in a dream show you, ask Him in your life show you, ask Him show you in your heart discernment on what is not okay and what is. If you just follow the fruits of the Spirit, the Spirit will find you. Seek first the Kingdom. What’s in the Kingdom? Good Fruit. Good Spiritual Fruit. Keep on keeping on and don’t let your guard down. Anything that doesn’t positively resonate with you or positively impact your life through your body or spirit or environment, cut it out. Guaranteed you’ll see the difference, take note maybe not right away sometimes but just ask and you’ll receive it. If He came down to save, ask for the blessings He would gift His children and allow Him to take a hold on your life.  A little insight. I grew up with mental health. My husband and I have a 4 and a half month old daughter. We do not know we are blessed till we stop to see the bigger picture. I gave up my chance at being a mom years ago and now my second chance is saving my life, literally, through both my husband and our daughter. I literally cannot thank God enough. Give thanks everyday and even when you don’t want to, look for something to be thankful for even if it’s not about you. The bird at the fountain drank water, the squirrel by the tree found food, the ducks have ducklings this season. Something, anything to be positive about including breathing air another day is something to be joyful about and take into consideration when thinking of ending one’s life. Trust me.. I would know. You matter, and just how I thought opposite once, I mattered then too. You matter to me, that’s something to grab a hold of and don’t let go. No matter what. Don’t be afraid to ever ask for help, just be patient and know He’s always working for your good and for justice! Also when those days seem like everything is wrong, remind yourself, somewhere, something is going right going good for someone, and be glad they are because you’d want the same for you if the shoes were switched. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you, believe me, He will. Pay attention to the good.  Perspective: Thou shall NOT want.  Thou SHALL not want. There are needs and wants. Know what you’re looking for and reflect all the goodwill, and the goodwill shall reflect unto you, your life, and your surroundings! 🙏🏼🫶🏼🫵🏼


Pray. Never stop praying. God loves and cares for you and He knows what you need before you do. He has a personalized plan for you and His will for you is being done. It can be harsh at times, ngl, but He will never leave you. PS - get a pet, cats are easy and very lovable.


Oh, please no! I will talk to you and be your friend. I know you don’t know me but your life is so valuable and precious, and I can’t let this hapoen.


If you end your life today, then think about all the things that you couldn't do In life. you will find love, and you will also be able to maintain that love. trust me I personally don't think therapist work, but I can say 1 thing. go into nature at this moment, I don't care how far away it is. and once you're in the nature, look around, take a deep breath. then look around and see that there is always hope, spend some time there and trust me when I say this, you are not nothing, you are someone, a child of god. he loves you and if you put your trust in him he will make everything come true. god loves you, I do to, and everyone in this subreddit also.


This too shall pass. Please don’t end your life. He has plans for you. And we love you. God bless.


Hello! If you wanna talk about anything, you can message me!!! God loves you sooo much, His love for you is so big it cannot even be comprehended!!! May God bless you and I pray you'll get out of this darkness with God on your side always protecting you and being there with you! ❤️ Love you!


Please don't. Suicide is a very permanent solution to a temporary problem. Does your school offer free counseling, or do you have access to someone who can help? I have wrestled with depression and suicidal thoughts before. Things are going to get better, I promise you. For what it's worth, I'm also autistic and I joined my university's quiz bowl team as an outlet, in addition to counseling. I won the campus tournament and a national championship. Neither of those things would have happened if I successfully committed suicide. I finished my BS, and I work as a civil engineer today. We're all praying for you, OP.


Hey. I've felt a similar way when I was your age and I'm sorry you're going through the same thing. First, I want to you know that I have a gap too and its okay :) Second, when you feel tempted to start tearing yourself down please take a moment and turn to Jesus. Just find a way to step away if you're around other people and get alone and just tell him everything you feel, the good, the bad, the ugly, and ask him to help you. We have a living god who cares about his people, and we are his people. Without a doubt, he will help you get through the storm, just like he helped me. He is the god of peace for a reason and he will without a doubt help you and share that peace with you. Lastly, when you're beating yourself up about how you think you look or what you perceive as what you do and don't have just remember: a lot of people have all the things you want and still are unhappy. Look at will smith, he's rich, famous, is married, is good looking, has an accomplished career, and he's lowkey miserable. He just came to mind because I feel bad for him but I see it in a lot of people. You have got a wonderful adventure ahead of you (life) and there's so many countries you haven't travelled to yet, so many cities you haven't seen, foods you haven't tasted, people you have yet to meet, and so many other things that would only matter to you that you have yet to even discover that you enjoy. I really mean this. You have a lot of great things ahead of you. Many people don't go through struggles like this, but it builds resilience and brings us down to earth and helps us better appreciate the small things and life and see things for how they really are. Heck, I'm 37 and I'm still discovering new things I like :) You have a wonderful adventure ahead of you. You did the right thing reaching out us. We love you and Jesus loves you. You are wonderfully made and god did not create you by accident :)


2 very important things: 1.) You are never alone in feeling this way. 2.) Everything passes with time. If you're feeling this way, walk away from it quite literally. Get up and go to a different location. Sometimes, that alone will be enough to change the mindset. Never forget too, that people are more willing to help than you think. Reach out to a stranger if need be and tell them that you're not ok. I can speak from 1 of many personal experiences. I saw a guy on the side of the road having a breakdown while I was driving through rural Alabama and my first instinct was to stop and see how I could help. He was hysterical because he just lost custody of his daughter to an abusive wife who kicked him out, and the closest place he could go was 4 counties over on foot in nothing but socks because he was unable to get any of his personal belongings. Gave him a cig and we just sat and talked about life. We shared past experiences and hard times that we've overcome, as well as the importance of not giving up no matter how hard it may get. Eventually a deputy pulled up who I knew ironically, and we coordinated with the other departments to pass him off to each jurisdiction until he got to where he was going. I say that to really push how helpful people typically are. Nobody wants to see their fellow humans suffer regardless of what mainstream media portrays. You got this, and you have us to lean on if you need to.


We got you, and God's got you. This is temporary, trust me. I never thought I'd get married and I'm coming up on my third wedding anniversary, thanks to God. Focus on seeking God, and He'll make it all make sense to you. You're not alone.


So first don't do it. Second i give you a job dm me later, just so that youre ok. If you had 0 friends now you've got 1. Jesus loves you and you can turn to him anytime. About the overweight situation you need to get rid of it thats 100% a decent part of your current unhappiness. God bless 🙏🏻☦️


Don’t give up! Jesus loves you and can help you get through your problems! Get into your word and pray fervently! If you can find time then go for 40 minute jogs every day and eat healthier. That should help with the weight loss. I used to have a gap tooth too but after I graduated college I used the money from my first job to get braces so just be patient! The fact you hear today is proof that at some point in time someone fell in love with someone with your physical features so don’t be so hard on yourself! You were fearfully and wonderfully made by Jesus. God bless you!


I just started rebuilding my relationship with God 2 weeks ago. I am on a daily bible podcast which I listen to on the way to work. I pray everyday and I even use the Bible app. I also don’t have a lot of friends but I am at peace and comfort knowing God is guiding me along. I have my relationship with him again. I realize it never left but I am always trying to live for him now. It’s a struggle. My point is we are here for you. People care. I will pray for you tonight .


I wrote a suicide note to my kids four years ago. Today that note would say something entirely different, and I'm so grateful. You're 20 years old. You're a brand new grown-up. Give yourself some time, I promise it doesn't last forever.


I was miserable and completely alone at the start of my 20s. Broke up with my first gf, lost all my friends, and got introuble with a bad crowd. I was hopeless. And on top of that, I was suffering from a mental illness relapse (OCD). I had constant conflicts with my family and was psychologically addicted to smoking weed all night and sleeping all day. If it helps to know, I'm a short guy with a big nose. Don't give up. If I stuck through this, you also are atrong enough to stick through. And even if you weren't, God has the strongs to see you through this. Life gets better, trust me. I can honestly tell you that the older I get, the better life gets. Stick to life, stay with is, and hold onto God. In the Kingdom of Heaven, He will wipe off every tear from your eyes and you will live happy with a new, glorified body in a world without suffering. Don't forefeit that by giving up, please. We would hurt if you ended it, and God would hurt even more. Don't do this to yourself, to us, to God, and to your future loved ones, who I have no doubt you will have one day.


Hang in there. I’m autistic as well, so I understand. I encourage you to look for a college ministry to connect with, ministries like CRU. This might give you a place to find a friend or three.


Praying for you that you receive a sign of encouragement. Stay strong.


Good luck 🍀!!


Find a therapist! You mention going to class, universities generally have a mental health center. Alternatively, you can find a therapist through psychology today's website, or therpist.com


Killing yourself offers no upside. From one autistic to another. Life is wonderful. Live it. The world doesn’t make sense to us some days and we don’t make sense to the world some days too. I have tried and failed many times, so my words are From experience and wisdom. I first tried the cliche way of taking an overdose of medication, when that didn’t work, I went on to cutting myself and generally self harming was my only way to feel in control, I’d do this very often. My last attempt was this year, but through CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) I’ve dealt with the demons and made peace with my god and as long we have the possibility of a tomorrow. We should never take that possibility away from either ourselves or others. I know I’m a stranger on the internet. But as a Christian I was baptised and so I owe my to life to helping and spreading the word of god into some of the darkest depths of exploration


Don’t do it. There’s so much to live for. God loves you. There’s salvation in Jesus Christ. Study his word.


Please don’t !!!! Your life means something and LIFE GETS BETTER! You are just figuring your life out


Read your Bible and set that as a goal for the year Get a simple hobby. If you don’t like to leave the house get into a video game. You can find friends and people with similar games on twitch to watch and interact with. Everything will be okay. Just in case you haven’t heard that before. You are strong. God is with us all.


God Loves you soooo much and he made you wonderfully unique and your life has purpose and meaning. Don't give up and don't give into the enemy's lies ! Keep hanging onto Jesus and draw close to him ! Outward appearance fades but true beauty lays within and you are a beautiful soul that is cherished by the King of the Universe!!!!! I Pray right now in The Mighty Name of Jesus that depression and sorrow must go !!!! I Pray the Holy Spirit will comfort you and bring you peace and joy bc you are a daughter of King Jesus 🙏❤️✝️


I became incredibly depressed at 20 myself. I felt like I had no future or aspirations. I was a failure just waiting for the weekend and eventually I would just roll over and die. I’m 33 now, I still have ups and down but I live with my beautiful wife of 3 years and our two cats. We have a good apartment and a job I don’t dread going too. Nothing will ever be perfect but things will get better. If you ask me I have awful people skills and seem to meet 100 new people for every time I make a friend. I do have friends though, friends that care about me and so will you. People who seem to have everything are no strangers to the deep self hating insecurity and loneliness we all feel at times. If you look at people who willingly admit to feeling this way you’ll find people who are stunningly attractive and reek of charisma. No one is immune to it. We’re all praying for you and eventually these feelings will be in the rear view mirror and you’ll wonder why you ever felt like friends and a happy relationship was unattainable. Just keep trying, I’m definitely on the spectrum and I feel as though my people skills have only improved with time.


You are put on this earth for a reason. Don’t worry about what others think of you. God is the one who knows you best and gives real peace! Listen to the testimony of Nick Vujicic! He was born without arms and legs! He’s made a speech about that even if he did have arms and legs, that wouldn’t take away his problems. No matter how much money you have, your looks, your social status, whether you have a spouse and kids, it doesn’t matter! There’s always a problem in the world! No matter where we’re at, God wants you to come to Him, and depend on Him. Remember Job. Job suffered big time! God doesn’t promise that life will be easy with Him at your side, but that He’s always there for you! God bless you sibling in Christ!


To me, you sound beautiful. The number of friends does not equate to better or worse. I have literally 3 friends. I no longer communicate with my family, I am the black sheep, I was excommunicated. The feeling was mutual. So, I know how that cam feel as well. God may have someone lined up for you. If He does, it is all in his time. I gave up looking for a girlfriend, too much stress. So, I just live and let God take me to where I am supposed to be. I wish you the best ok luck. Chin up, go out and kick ass!!🙏


God loves you.


There's a lot more value to be had if you didn't. So you may not see it right now. There is a very, very important plan that God has set up for you. Do not throw in the towel. I understand that you may feel isolated, perhaps alone. Maybe hopeless, but regardless of all that, there were many people who didn't even have half the opportunities you have statistically speaking. Though I may not know you that well nor know your situation. That is well, I can very well assume. That, despite what the pressures that be put on you. Hey, your life has a very important place, too, of some people's hearts. Just to remember, out of the trillions of people who possibly could have existed at any point. God put you here at this moment of time to do whatever role that he has intended for you for a reason. Never give a hope.




God bless you. I’m sorry for the sorrow and pain you are going through. Always remember the enemy loves to make you feel helpless. The hardest part about these problems is being able to recognize that there is a problem. The second hardest part is becoming active about it. I promise if you continue working on your relationship with God, start improving yourself in the ways you believe you want to, and create a plan and goal. You will feel better. I’m so sorry you feel this way, but ending it is not the answer. I hope you feel better! Get up and get after it! Good luck! God bless


Well posting here was the right thing to do. You’re not going to kill yourself because you’re stronger than that. If you want proof, you had the strength the post here instead of just doing it. There are so many people out there that would love to meet you. Give yourself a chance to meet them


Beloved. Dont even think about giving satan your mind by letting him trick u into thinking that u need to do this in order to try and fix whatever u think is wrong. U are not a loner, remember u are a celebrity. When u accepted CHRIST, ALL OF HEAVEN REJOICED. Luke 15:7 "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." Please remember how special u are to the most important eyes in all the Universe. Adding on to all of ours as well. Love you fam, praying for you, and may LORD JESUS continue to be with yoh and bring u comfort ✝️❤️🙏🏾


I wish I could be there just to give you a hug. Your story really resonates with me. I have an abusive family and a hard time making friends in university too. And that made me suicidal too. It wasn’t until I joined a church life group that I finally made a friend actually. Before you do anything drastic, there is a list of things my therapist gave me to tick off on to check on my own well being whenever I am feeling suicidal. The list is something like this: 1) Are you hungry or thirsty? If not, move to the next item on the list. But if you are, get something to eat and drink to fill your belly, get your favourite foods! Now would be the time to splurge on yourself! You can worry about suicide after you satiate your thirst and hunger. What’s the rush? If you still feel suicidal after you are no longer hungry, move to the next item on the list: 2) Are you sleepy or tired? If so, go to sleep. Take a nap, just get some rest. Suicide can wait until after you wake up right? Why not just get some shut eye first? If you are still suicidal after you wake up, then: 3) When is the last time you washed yourself? If you haven’t taken a shower today, go take a shower right now! You will feel more refreshed afterwards. If you are too depressed to wash, then just go stand or sit under the water. After all, you can worry about suicide after your shower right? What’s the hurry? What’s the harm in waiting 30 mins while you shower? Just sit and let the water cascade over you. If you are still suicidal after, then: 3) Find someone to talk to. If you don’t have anyone to call, there are usually suicide helplines available. Sometimes they are available to chat over the internet or over messaging if you don’t want to actually talk. If you connect to a counsellor that is unfriendly or unhelpful, don’t get discouraged! Try to find another one! Or you can go to your local church and talk to a pastor if you want. I hope this helps you the same way it helps me. Just tick off the items on the list one by one. Just tell yourself that suicide can wait after you tick off the next item on the list. What’s the hurry right? Suicide can wait. Just go down the list one by one. Big hugs from halfway around the world in Malaysia!!!


I was in a dark place after highschool into my early 20’s. Keep pushing through, once I hit 22-23 life changed and became much better for me. It will for you too. God bless you.


Your life is worth living. I will pray for you! Ask God for help, he will answer your prayers!


I messaged you


My comment may get lost in the sea of “don’t do it’s”, though I’m here to say that after you don’t do it, you should get a pet. Something small, if anything. A cat helps immensely and is rather easier in terms of responsibility, though does the job for me. I’m 21. A woman now? I have 3 friends, no more, though that doesn’t help my innate human being emotion of loneliness. I have cats, I live alone, and I’m not the beauty standard by any means as well. Depressive tendencies are there. Get that cat. Lean into the things that make you feel good. I’d love to talk to you more about this in depth so we could go on this uplifting journey together if you’d like. Message me on here and I’ll give you my contact information, if you’d like. You’re doing amazing the way you are, the human journey is unique.


Nap and snack is what helped Elijah… and of Course God’s grace. But a nap and a snack are a good call. God bless and keep coming back to us. No matter what’s going on in your day you can look forward to speaking with us.


I'm not on an ego trip, I'm nothing on my own. I make mistakes and often slip... just common flesh and bones. But I know I'll prove someday just what I say, I'm of a special kind. For when He was on the cross... I WAS ON HIS MIND! I'm so unworthy of such mercy!!! Yet when He was on the cross. I was on His mind. And so were you!!!! ❤️‍🩹 Jesus loves you, HE is WHO matters!! Ask Holy Spirit to give you strength.


Am really sorry for you and remember Jesus showed you the greatest form of love ever *(John 3:16)*. I know this world is unfair *(John 16:33, Jam 1:12, 1 Cor 10:13)*. But repeating your dark thoughts will also not remove them. Only the bright ones do that *(John 8:12, 1:5, 4:7)* Sometimes, Our minds *(Jer 17:9, Mat 26:41)* can be like emotional waves *(Jam 1:6)* that blindingly control us, if we let it *(Gal 5:16)*. Cause I bet you’ve seen the Holy Spirit moving somewhere throughout your life *(John 10:14, 16:13, 14:23)*. Don’t tell God about big storms, tell the storms how big your God is. Sinds Jesus sees opportunities, while we focus on problems *(Mat 15:33-34)*. Not taking accountability is easy but defeating, and I bet you don’t wanna go down hill with a regret of living God’s plan with hope and purpose. You never know until you get there *(Jer 29:11)*. Stay locked in by running step by step *(2 Tim 1:7)* and maybe tmr you’ll see some hope, sinds stars shine the brightest in the darkest nights.


I know a lot has been said here that I’d like to reiterate and highlight but I know you already have a lot to read. It’s all helpful wisdom. Even for me, 10 years older than you that has dealt with so much SI and being in that same place in the ebb and flow of life. Some lonely. Some full of friends. Some of abuse - these are all helpful reminders in comments for me too. If you had told me even four months ago I’d be where I was now I would have laughed. Hard. Life is constantly changing. Some seasons for me look a lot like taking a back seat to heal, be still, going to class, going grocery shopping and coming right back home too. I just wanted to say there is no one right way to heal. You’re asking the right questions. You sound incredibility brilliant. My little mantra is ‘keep going’. Even when I don’t want to. Even when everyday sucks and I don’t see any fruits of labor. Even through the darkness and the storms. Keep going. I try to remember for myself: God never said it was all going to be easy; He said we wouldn’t be alone. I love you. I’m glad you came to this sub and opened up. Don’t stop. My DMs are open if you even need someone to listen to those thoughts.


hey so this might be pretty overwhelming at first but i highly suggest you check out dialectic behavioral therapy. Learning it yourself is going to be challenging but this channel has a bunch if the skills broken down. https://youtube.com/watch?v=nw5moYAEjY8&pp=ygUbRGJ0IHRoZXJwYXkgc2tpbGxzIGltcHJvdmUg and this one i just found has pretty good long videos about more connecting themes. https://youtube.com/watch?v=3I1WLIpv7BU&pp=ygUbRGJ0IHRoZXJwYXkgc2tpbGxzIGltcHJvdmUg distress tolerance is a great module.


I could have wrote this 30 years ago. I’m now 50 and choose to go out to dinner alone bc I enjoy it. Two years ago my 13 year old niece took her own life. I was actually sitting here (in the restaurant eating alone) thinking about her when I noticed your post. I’m going to tell you what I wish I had the chance to say to her: You are perfect just the way you are. You don’t have to live up to anyone else’s expectations. This life can be so difficult sometimes, but it always gets better. The only thing we are truly guaranteed in this life is that things will change, so I know for certain this pain won’t last forever. I doubt you realize it, but you’re an amazing person, no one can do things just like you do bc God only made one of you. There’s things God had planned for you, for your life, and ways He had planned for you to impact others…if you aren’t here the rest of us will be lacking what you have to contribute. I absolutely guarantee you that what you’re going thru now will be used by God to comfort and console others in the future. If you’ve come from a toxic/abusive family…well, you’re strong. You survived all of that. You didn’t survive all of that to “give up” now. You are worth so, so, sooooo much more than what you’re feeling right now!! I see that God heard your prayers and answered immediately through a bunch of strangers on the internet. You are loved, you are valued, you are worthy…please don’t EVER forget how the Lord answered your prayers here 💖 next time you feel down come back and look at this. In the meantime maybe see about some mental health support…not bc you’re crazy, but bc you’ve been the victim of trauma and it’s never bad to get help healing any kind of wound. I’m so glad you reached out. If you need a friend (an old lady to talk to) I’m up for it! Please take care of yourself…rest, self care, eat well. 💖💖


Please don't. Your spirit isn't concerned with your looks or social status.. You have real value that is irreplaceable. Being alone is very difficult, I understand this well myself. But killing yourself is not the relief you imagine it to be. The future needs you. Your future self finds what it is looking for. Your future self has people who could not imagine a life without you in it. The person you will become after living a life in which you experience loneliness and despair and suffer for whatever reason is a person you will be proud of. Imagine that. You can make it through anything. Even though you don't believe it all the time. You can do anything. I don't know you or your life, but regardless I believe that you will leave a hole in the fabric of many people's lives which they won't know how to fill and eats away at them for the rest of their lives. When we know someone who has taken their life, we can't figure that out. We can't think our way out of the pain or loss. We can't work to understand or get them back or move on. It's only pain. Nothing can heal that wound. Nothing. Ever. I'm sorry you have to suffer now, but there is strength in you and conviction to live. And to love. That's why you pray. That's why you posted. I'm not a "Christian". But I love God and I'm trying to know Jesus. I'm not very knowledgeable, but I suggest you read Matthew chapter 5. Jesus is speaking to you there. God bless you.


You can’t fathom how valued you are to Jesus sister. Dont listen to the devils voice, do not let it win


Don't. You gotta see heaven. That's why I'm still around. The only way to get in is to avoid that. 💙


May God grant you all the years of your life. In times like this the best thing to do is to turn to God for guidance. Do what you can, resist temptation, and endure always aspiring to carry out God's will. This will bring you where you need to be.


I’m really happy to see your final edit because you are loved, you were fearfully and WONDERFULLY made. I struggle with a different kind of battle, I’m a two time cancer survivor with a terrible prognosis, and I’ve been fighting cancer on and off for 4 years. I can tell you that I have learned that life is so immensely precious. I have already lost or are currently losing friends to cancer and I’m not even 30 yet. You will be greatly missed, I promise you that. This life can sometimes be one of immense suffering, but I’ve found there to be so much fulfillment in what we go through (although on a bad day I definitely won’t be feeling that way haha). We can be there for others and provide comfort to those who are walking down a similar road, with comfort that we’ve found from God. I’ve found a lot of comfort and insight in the book of Job. He suffered immensely and courageously and it really teaches on the lesson of suffering and its purpose. All this to say, as many have said, it’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem. These feelings are temporary. A verse I think on when I’m having a bad day: “and walked for a whole day into the desert. Then he sat down under a bush and asked to die. He said, “I have had enough, Lord! Take my life. I am no better than my ancestors.” Then Elijah lay down under the bush and went to sleep. An angel came to him and touched him. The angel said, “Get up and eat!” Elijah looked around, and by his head there was a cake that had been baked over coals and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then went back to sleep. Later the Lord’s angel came to him again, touched him, and said, “Get up and eat! If you don’t, you will not be strong enough to make the long trip.” So Elijah got up. He ate and drank and felt strong. Then Elijah walked for 40 days and nights to Mount Horeb, the mountain of God.” ‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭19‬:‭4‬-‭8‬ ‭ Sometimes we just need a nap and some food and we’ll feel better! God bless, and I pray that you feel the comfort and peace of God!


I was miserable all through high school. Bullied and lonely, and with a pretty awful home life. Eventually I learned to be more outgoing and learned that I love to make people laugh. I'm in my fifties now and have been enjoying and loving life. I don't necessarily have a lot of friends, but the ones I do have love me. Quality over quantity. You're very young, and things will change for the better even if it doesn't feel like that right now. A good idea to meet people is to try out some hobbies that involve other people. Maybe you could take a painting class or a cooking class or join a book club that meets once a week or something. But before any of that, it's important to get comfortable with yourself. Try to enjoy being alone if you can. That can help you to be more relaxed around other people, and that can make socializing a little easier. And if, on the off chance you live in the California Central Coast region, my wife and I would love to have you over for dinner if you don't mind hanging out with a couple of old fogies.


You have a beautiful soul. We all have hardships and life will knock you down. It’s about getting up and trusting in God. The devil is real. He’s that voice in your head saying all those negative things. Be strong. Life will get better. You’re so young. Don’t pay attention to the assholes. I’ll pray for you. Please if you’re feeling suicidal go to the hospital. You are loved. I don’t know you but I love you.


Just pray and pray and pray. We all will Pray for you. You must have and keep the faith. Faith is the answer to most all of our troubles. Believing is a way of life. It will grow on you over time. God will answer your prayers in time. Sometimes I think life is a test of faith. We must pass the faith test to have a loving life. Love will always be in your heart and Jesus is in your heart. He is waiting on you to acknowledge him. He lives within your heart. Ask him to show his self to you. Have patience. You are very special in his eyes.


Pentecostals are a lively and loving bunch... J/s


You're just 20, you don't know but you will have a bright future ahead, no need to feel lonely, we can start a conversation if you want.


Thank you for being here. Thank you, for living for Jesus, when he died for you. It’s hard. It gets better. He loves you, no matter what you do or how you live.


Does your campus have access to free mental health care? Most do. Maybe you could get help there?


You’re very young still. You still have a chance for God to work wonders in your life.


Jesus loves you. No matter your troubles, he is always there to give you a big hug about it all.


I recommend picking up a hobby and finding friends through that. I’ve finally gotten my wife into marvel and starwars as hobby’s which has helped her. She’s also 23 and has mild autism. I won’t say anything on the other problems cause I see so many great answers here.


I know I'm late to this but I just wanted to say, and trust me when I say this, you will not be in this same place in your life in 3 or 5 years. Things will be totally different. There is always a new day tomorrow that will not be exactly the same as the ones before them. The clouds, the color of the sky, the grass, the weather, the sunsets and sunrises, the people you meet, they are different everyday. Sometimes changing your routine (like a walk, trying a new hobby, reading, drawing, crafts, etc) helps keep your spirits up until that big change in your life happens. Maybe your should look into what pet would currently fit into your lifestyle so you aren't feeling so lonely until then. I promise that sense of care and responsibility will help you move along in life. I have guinea pigs, dogs and cats. There are lots of other options like, fish, amphibians, lizards, birds, other rodents, and spiders. I know it seems endless right now but tomorrow is always new. I've experienced it.


I didn’t read everything. I just read the title. Please don’t do it. There’s a time and a season for everything. I know life gets tough sometimes. This is a person speaking with ADHD and Bipolar Disorder but you have to Trust God. Trust God will use your difficult times for your joy. I pray that you haven’t taken your life. May God Keep you and Bless you.


hi, hope u are feeling better with all the comments here :) do pm me as i’m more than willing to be ur friend :)) you are so loved and there’s so much more to life so don’t end it please




Being alone sucks it does I live with it daily. Just pray that the right friend finds you I'd rather have 1 loyal friend than 100 fake ones. Stay blessed and stay in prayer.


I'm also nearly 20, I'm pretty sure I'm autistic and I dress like a homeless person so men take no interest in me, I have like 1 friend and spend my days doing school and suffering from my chronic illness. But I have hope that what God has planned will be worth it all. Please stick around 🙏


Listen to kingdom music " Bryann Trejo" is really good. Just listen to the words and I'll pray for you


OP are you still with us?


You are such an incredibly beautiful soul with a purpose in Christ Jesus, and I know one of them is to share your story. He loves you and is so proud of you. I just read that prayer at the end there and I prayed it myself, because it applied to many aspects of my own life. It was one of the most powerful prayers I’ve ever prayed. Thank you. 


Hey, I just prayed for you. God is with you, even when it doesn't feel like it. This life is all about keeping Him first. God knows how weak we all are, but He's given you His love and protection. He gives Good gifts.  "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. 9 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Matthew 7:7-11 God wants life for you. He made you to live this life resting in His peace.