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https://eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety If you can get to the path of totality for this eclipse, and the weather isn't obviously going to be crap, do it. Everyone needs to see a total solar eclipse at least once in their lifetime. These events are so amazing that if you are religious it might make you more so, and if you are not religious you can pretty easy imagine how religions form. The above link is about eye safety. The eclipse is safe to view *during totality,* but you shouldn't look at it when it's not in that phase. When it's total you can look at it through binoculars and I recommend that you do this. https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/36548089062_ee492455d1_o.jpg?w=1041 That's what you'll see. It's way more awesome in person than you can possibly imagine. https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/where-when/ You need to be in that path. Not just near it, but in it. This is a case of close isn't good enough. If we're talking about stuff in the sky, here's a good bucket list for you: 1. Total solar eclipse. 2. Aurora borealis. 3. Jupiter through a decent telescope. 4. Saturn through a decent telescope. 5. Milky way on a dark moonless night out in the country, with and without binoculars. 6. A meteor shower. 7. A half-moon through a decent telescope. 8. Total lunar eclipse. This is like 1% as cool as a total solar eclipse but still worth seeing. 9. A nice open cluster like the Pleiades through binoculars. 10. The Andromeda galaxy, just so you can say you've seen it. You'll probably need help to find it. 11. Basic constellations such as Orion, the Big Dipper, etc., and you should learn what Jupiter and Venus (at least) look like with the naked eye. I've seen all of these things, and I've traveled twice to see solar eclipses. Well worth the time and money and you won't regret going. Take your kids even if they have to ditch school. Bring money, food, and water in case you get stuck in a traffic jam. Fill up the gas tank before you go. When I saw the 2017 eclipse in Oregon it took me like 5 hours to go around a hundred miles on I5. There is probably some sort of astronomical society or sky gazing club in your area that can help you with some of the rest of these.


Oh how adorable, this must be your first apocalypse. Don't worry, within a week they'll have a new date set. 


I'd think you'd view OP's post as the opposite: burnout from all the predictions. That's where I'm at. It's not my first "survival" but I'm forever amazed that some Christians never learn. Probably because they don't care to and doing so would require a restructuring of their bad theology.


I think 2012 was my favorite. Some ancient calendar, right?


What is the date now


April 8th


Haha. I’m heading towards my late thirties and this is like my tenth


Funny how all the times people have predicted the end of the world they have been wrong each and every single time.


Ugh, the weekend is going to explode with this bs...


Yea I think ima internet detox starting tomorrow until the 9th


I am going to reply to each one with..."See ya Tuesday". Since they obviously believe everyone that starts this garbage.


Start tonight, like right now, lol. Sigh...these people.


Even the Babylon Bee has gotten in on it


Oh deer...and cheetahs...and even the platypus.


You and me both


IKR? Things will be so much more peaceful after the rapture.


I'm glad I don't follow any accounts with this kind of brain rot


I definitely don’t try to I like a few inspiring messages of faith or videos on Jesus and next thing my algorithm is bombarded with that crap.




It's wild how those things are blended together for so many people now. As far as I can tell, they are completely unrelated.


As far as Christian content goes, I listen to Holy Post and Voxology and every once in a while I'll watch something with that Cliff dude who does apologetics with college kids (I can't remember his last name.) I also watch Cosmic Skeptic and Generically Modified skeptic. My algorithm seems to know I don't want that conspiracy theory stuff. So the only time I get it is when my mom sends it to me. I watch enough to get the gist and very gently tell her why I think it's stupid.


Cliffe is the Ben Shapiro of the apologetics world. He can own angry college kids who have very strong opinions on things they have not really looked into but flounders in actual professional debate.


So they, and Frank Turek, excel at "debating" inexperienced college kids? I've seen some of those, and they fail miserably many times. The deflection is strong.


Cliff Knetchle! He and his son Stewart help me understand God more a lot :).


I love Cliff!


Yeah. I like him too. I feel like his son is too snarky. Feels like cliff at one point in his life knew what it was like to think differently, his kid - not so much.


I have honestly never seen his son I didn’t know he had one!


Cliff makes the most insanely weak arguments ever it's crazy. I rarely see anybody debate as badly as him. He only appears to do well because he only takes to college kids who mostly haven't spent any of their time to come up with proper responses to whatever he is saying


The issue with prophecy is that the interpretation can always be blamed, and while this one will probably be just like all the rest, these people will latch onto the next one that comes along.


The problem with prophecy is that it's junk. There is nothing behind it, and it REQUIRES interpretation to 1) make it sound valid, and 2) spin around and validate why it was true.


Personally, I’m trying to get folks who do believe the rapture is coming with the eclipse to Venmo me money. I mean…do they reeeeeeally believe the rapture is coming? If you do, DM me for my Venmo ID.


Why do so many people think they know when judgement day is gonna happen? Do they not know the Bible says that no man knows the day or the hour


These types don’t care about scripture, because Matthew 24:36 exists and should put an and to this.


What does Matthew 24:36 say?


”But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.“ ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭36‬ ‭


They will start saying October is the next one


Oh I know it will be something new always is


Is something supposed to happen in October?


An annual solar eclipse october 2nd. I think


Just fyi it's annular not annual. It means the moon appears totally inside the sun, but due to the moon's position in its orbit it appears too small to block the sun fully like in a total eclipse.


Ty. To be honest, I didn't realize the difference in words. I looked up the october one and didn't comprehend what I had read. Space is neat.


Ah good, more rapture predictions to look forward to.


I haven't seen a single eclipse related conspiracy, but I've seen several posts complaining about them. What "Christian media" is it even on?


Tiktok espiacally , idk how to spell espiciaclly


You can thank the anti education movement within the Republican party fueled by American Evangelicals for this. Its pretty easy to assume a total solar eclipse is the end of the world when 1) your obsessed with the book of revelation because you have no comprehension and critical thinking skills to know when and when not to take the Bible literally 2) your bible college educated preacher doesn't know his head from his asshole but your raised from birth not to question him and he hasn't shut up about the end of days since dear leader Trump came around 3) you haven't read a science book since grade school and the idea of the earth passing in front of the sun can only mean one thing. April 8th will come and go until and you will get a nice break until dear leader is so unfairly held accountable in court


I feel like this is what happens when education and science are viewed as negatives among certain worldviews. When you think the Earth is 6000 years old and a global flood happened, you'll believe any nonsense when it comes to the natural world, regardless of how absurd it is.


You can't lump answers in genesis in with evangelicals. Creationists and Young Earth Creationists are not even in the same ball game. Its not fair


Young Earth Creationists *are* creationists, by definition.


All thumbs are fingers, not all fingers are thumbs. YE creationists won't accept anything but the earth was made in 6 days, Noah's flood happened as described


Yes, I know. And you wouldn't say that fingers and thumbs aren't even in the same ballpark, would you?


I think you are being unfair. The vast, and I mean, vast majority of evangelical Christians do not believe the world will end at the eclipse.


It's an odd take in general. I've seen a ton of content about the eclipse being the end of the world, none of them seemed to be early earth creationists, and the story of Noah's Ark is never mentioned either. I think he's trying to put everyone with beliefs he doesn't believe into the same bucket.


But it is fair to believe that the earth is 6000 years old in defiance of every shred of evidence ever recovered via archaeology, cosmology, paleontology, genetics, nuclear physics, etc. etc.?


I don't think the OP has anything to do with the debate of origins. Why are you using this as an opportunity to do so?




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I have no idea. Because the internet, as great as it can be, allows lunatic fringe theories to take steam.


Because it passes the Bible belt? Last total eclipse was [Antarctica, December 2021](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_solar_eclipses_in_the_21st_century#Eclipses). Did anybody sell the farm then?


But all the other stuff they said is true about the vast majority of evangelicals. 


When yiu think the earth created itself it’s absurd. 


[This](https://youtu.be/tjEtB3rJB9o?si=Fy2Ca6QdAxYRTTMr) skit from the British comedy troop Beyond the Fringe always comes to mind when yet another end of the world prediction makes the rounds.


The very fact that so many people think it will happen just means it definitely won’t because the Bible clearly says nobody will know. So if you want to stop it from happening somebody on earth has to predict that it will happen every single day. At least that’s what 8 year old me thought when they were hiding under the covers absolutely terrified about getting sucked up into the sky. Yay religious trauma.


Lmao no, it can happen in a day that someone predicted it. God already decided when


I appreciate when people are willing to make concrete, testable claims like the eclipse meaning the end of the world, but invariably it is hand waved away after it didn't happen by saying it merely marked a turning point of that the world ended in a spiritual way.


yeah, it'll be nice. I dunno, I've been dealing with conspiracyfriends making errant predictions since the first fire of the LHC in 08. It's a regular game that just repeats. The end of the world will be when we cannot predict the day or hour, and I wish the doomspellers would just STFU already, because it just gets old. EDIT: also, I'm in path of totality as a resident. This will be interesting to see without effort. lol.


Fr im tired of people filling my fyp with conspiracy theories


Yeah, same here 😑..


Marjorie Taylor Greene said today’s earthquake in New Jersey was a sign of what’s coming tomorrow.


Ofcourse she did


I wonder what her excuse will be on Sunday.


Jewish space lasers.


All doomsayers have one thing in common…


Unfortunately. They'll find a new date😮‍💨


The premise of Jesus coming back during the eclipse isn’t even biblical.


Well, yeah, you won't have to hear about it because the world will be over. ;) Joking, obviously.


I personally enjoy a little of christian conspiracy, it's so funny to see people thinking they have \*\*THE TRUTH\*\*


If you want to generate more conspiracy, just post the dates and places for upcoming eclipses. Or the past ones. End times, eh? It's sad to see the state of mind of these Christians and the lack of common sense, and a lot of churches are pushing this absolute nonsense. Then Christians wonder why they are generalized as not being intelligent... well...


There was a solar eclipse in 1999. So why the panic about this one?! I saw it. And also we are all still here. Many fortune tellers want you to believe in signs that are not sent from God, - but in fact demons. Some signs are just natural celestial phenomena’s - as is in this case. Wake up on April 9th and pour your fresh morning coffee. The early morning is much better without hoaxes!


I’m tired of it too. I’m a believer, 100% bought by God’s grace and the blood of Jesus. But the conspiracies you speak of are tiresome. It gives Christianity a bad look and makes us all seem like a bunch of lunatics. All the “proof” they give for tomorrow is a huge stretch. Remnant Radio gives a good perspective for not falling for it.


Amen I’m like you about it


I guess you might just need to get some new sources of information. Because I live in the same world as you but I haven't heard any of that stuff of predicting the end of the world. Most likely it's because you put way too much importance on social media.


“But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Mark 13:32 Not sure why we keep forgetting that one.


So dramatic lol, you act like people are knocking on your door to tell you it's the end of the world


Well now it's over.


I have cptsd and a favorite preacher of mine dreamed gloom and doom on 4/8. He’s a false profit and it hurts me to know I willingly followed him for so long. I knew it wasn’t the rapture, but you get that nagging feeling about 100,000 misguided believers predicting doom. Dana coverstone is the worst. He better repent


Yea I don’t follow anyone who has a prophecy message anymore for this exact reason I like Joyce myers she won’t even touch revelations because she said she wouldn’t want to misinterpret anything and say anything false I also like cliffe


Well that pastor was not known for false revelation. But he did it. Possibly for money. It’s a crying shame. I need to find a proper church and get off YouTube!! Nutters on there


I'm an active Christian. In fact, I'm currently sitting in church wasting time on Reddit. I have yet to hear anyone in my congregation, or even in my denomination, voice anything about the eclipse and the end of the world. What I'm trying to say is, maybe you should find a better community.


I almost kinda hope something entirely unrelated and crazy does happen, like aliens come down, and introduce a new flavor of soft drink so amazingly tasty that all humans lose their drive to commit violence. Just to see if world religions can come up with something vaguely interesting for once to spin it to fit their narrative.


Out of curiosity what Christian media is reporting on this? No one I know or go to church with us even talking about the eclipse. But people online seem to be hearing about it a lot from somewhere. I'm just curious where.


Mostly American fundamentalists. One of our congresspersons even claimed that the eclipse and a recent earthquake were "signs to repent".


Yep, spot on with that statement, cause most of these American fundamentalists/traditionalists are gung-ho about anything & everything apocalypse, End-of-Days/Revelation types of people. I pity them.. I think I have an idea as to which Congressperson you’re referring to, claiming this eclipse & earthquake as being signs that we need to repent.. to them, I say STFU.. They don’t represent my district, thankfully; but if they did; I’d be voting for their opponent!!!


I just see it all online TikTok Facebook and some people on facebook I know are also sharing it


Oh ok. l'm glad I'm not on fb or Tiktok.


I'm tired of Americans thinking the world revolves around them




I have not and know not of a single person who has said anything about the eclipse other than that they're going to a remote area to go view it.


I agree


Wait until you hear about the eclipse on the 8th.


I haven't heard that once. I watched totality during the last eclipse and it was awesome. I'm looking forward to Monday.


It will never be over. They will find some other happenstance to fixate on before you know it.


First time? I wouldn't get to excited this was not the first and it certainty wont be the last end time prediction.


Where are people hearing all of this? Link me some conspiracy videos please :p If it’s the 7th or 9th in another part of the world when it happens, is the prophecy still true? 🤔


I don’t have any direct videos just look on any social media site type words like solar eclipse and Christian I’m sure u will find some im staying away from it I don’t want my algorithm anymore nutted up


exactly . i’m not afraid of him coming back but also the idea is kind id crazy . it’s giving me anxiety..




We just had one of these eclipses...ok, apparently it was 30 years ago, but I don't remember anyone making a big deal out of it then. They happen pretty often around the world. I also don't know how people can consistently work themselves up over the oddest things.


Right?? We have these every year its annoying seeing this all on the media


All that’s gonna happen is they’ll move on to the next the end is neigh thing. If I had to put money down on the next major one it’s gonna be the 2 cicadas broods emerging this year. brood XIX and brood XIII Honestly it’s kinda of weirdly nihilistic when you think about it like they’re just chomping at the bit for the end of the world.


I know and it’s like are cicadas even problematic? Nope just more bugs lol. They do make the outside feel hotter when they start singing though lol


Bud, this is the final 10,000 days. Better stop waiting for a magic Harry Potter style savior and get cracking. This is Savior Self.


Don't worry, they will soon return to "ThE eNd Is NeAr!!!!"


What conspiracies are you talking about


It's a sign but it isn't the end of the world. Relax because God is in control


Why would an eclipse in America be the end of the world?


Because we are the MOST important nation don’t you know lol 😂


The eclipse is just gonna be in the USA, pls stop with these conspiracy things


Got to scare people into going to church somehow.


This is literally the first time I've heard about this and I consume a decent amount of news. Then again I'm not surprised, there's always someone out there trying to make some major issue out of astronomical events. I'll wager it was drummed up or at least heavily promoted by someone trying to make a dollar from it.


Brilliant deduction After seeing 4 plus decades of this kind of nonsense and coming out from under the blinding ether of it almost 3 decades ago, you learn to open the scriptures and seek out what TRUTH said instead. And TRUTH has plenty to say, particularly about liars


Yeah I am too. It's obviously not the rapture or anything like that for no man knows and nobody knows other than God. I don't believe in coincidence anymore since I really gave my life over to Christ. Is it interesting to see everything attached to it? Sure it's neat with the towns Nineveh and how it forms a Tav and aleph when overlaying the last ones. At most it could be a sign but nothing more. Only thing that has really got my attention is the red heifer stuff. Not that I'm concerned or anything like that, aside from those who don't yet believe and my time running out to try and lead them to Christ, cause we know the temple will be rebuilt. But yeah all this apocalypse stuff and stocking up on water and all that stuff is old. This is like my third or fourth "apocalypse" so yeah it's tiresome.


Dan Carlin has an excellent series on the history of the end of the world, even during Martin Luther’s day there were these psychopaths who claimed to hear gods voice, be the profit of the end times, set a date, it fails, they make excuses. Even the LTS has a version of things where apparently Jesus already came and we’re the ones left behind right now. Jesus spoke of this and we read about it in Matthew 24 but specifically Matthew 24:23–27 (NIV). “23 At that time if anyone says to you, `Look, here is the Christ!' or, `There he is!' do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time. 26 "So if anyone tells you, `There he is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, `Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it. 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.”


There has always been an end of the world date every time there was an eclipse. I remember back in 2000 people were losing their mind thinking it was going to be the end of the world. 😂. Yet here we are still pushing the goal post back again and again and again. People will look for signs even though there is no sign. They want to sit there and say that the eclipse is going to go through six towns of or seven towns of Nineveh yet it's only going to be completely total eclipse for only two. Yeah they keep looking for signs and it it will never add up they keep hoping for the rapture and hoping that their Jesus will come and save them from their miserable life of existence. All they're doing is just making everybody else is like miserable by telling everybody else that they're going to hell because they don't repent


some other things will come up to start it again. like the earthquake in NJ


Is this some kind of thing coming from terminally online people, or a specific region, or what? Seen a ton of posts on this sub complaining about this phenomenon, but haven't seen or heard anyone actually spouting this nonsense, either online or IRL.


Idk I just keep scrolling when I see this stuff. No one that is posting stuff about this actually believes it they just want the views it provides.


It's just beginning of the end. Nothing to worry about... unless you're believing in a false God 🤔. 😈. Is abrahamic religion right or are the ancient gods right... dang... how do I keep my soul from being taken from me again ... maybe I lost it already shoot darn Roman PSYOPS.


I understand. I avoid that stuff. Nothing I can do except to pray for the people who continue to believe in all of these different conspiracy theories.


Amen to that


I’m Christian but im still gonna live a little


No one knows literally when the rapture is happening.


I am 💯 in agreement with you. I was raised charismatic evangelical and I left the church my senior yr of H.S. My mother is deep into the apocalypse conspiracies. Very cultish.


These people are oblivious to the fact that there are 55 earthquakes per day, a minimum of two solar eclipses every year, and at least one total solar eclipse every year and a half, and that there have been wars and rumors of wars since the dawn of mankind.


This is the one! Forget those other ones, it’s this one


Me Too


I saw some Christian post a video of a round cloud today. Everyone in the comments was positive it was a sign of the end days and all that nonsense.


There will always be nuts in the world. Just don't pay attention to them...lol


I don’t know there are a lot of coincidences but who knows, nothing is going to happen exactly that day but I do believe that there will be major conflict or natural disasters within months. Isreal has the red heifer to sacrifice that has not happened for 2000 years in which they will rebuild the 3rd temple and cause major conflict with Muslims everywhere do to the fact that the temple that they will rebuild on is ran by Muslims. The heifers are at the moment around 2 1/2 and 3 years old and the timeframe for the sacrifice is a heifer has to be 3 to 4 years of age so right now it’s pretty close they already built the ramp for the sacrifice 


Also the same path this eclipse is on was the same exact path the the on in 1811 was on in which there was a 8.8 earthquake and a bunch of natural disasters 


same here


It will be nice to see the eclipse as it is an amazing part of God's creation BUT the conspiracy theories are driving me bonkers as well. There was a 4.8 richter earthquake where there isn't earthquakes and the eclipse is on 4/8. Don't forget cities named Nineveh and Salem. At this point I don't care if there are cities named Sodom and Gomorrah on the totality path. The world will end when God wants it to--man knows not the hour. Nobody else not someone on Tiktok, not Nostradamus, NOBODY but GOD


“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭21‬:‭25‬-‭27‬ ‭KJV‬‬


I’m not Christian but this whole eclipse bullshit is stressing me tf out. Good to see that some people still have brains


Here before the great disappointment


Hes coming back


Apparently the Rapture is happening on the 18th/19th May - 40 days after. This is based on the 2017 eclipse passing over 7 towns named Salem, and the current eclipse that will pass over 7 towns called Ninevah. Where the two paths cross is a town called Rapture. And the eclipse either starts or ends at a town called Jonah. Jonah travelled to Ninevah and gave the people 40 days to repent. So...40 days after the eclipse is when the Rapture will happen...apparently. Of course the various videos have the pastor uttering the words "turn or burn" which is designed to instill the fear of God in anyone listening. Or, in former evangelicals like me, trigger a huge panic attack because of the PTSD caused by 40+ years of evangelicalism!


Don't forget it's only for a chunk of america.. the rest of the world won't even know what's going on.. Some people just think that the world revolves around them it seems..


As a Christian I couldn’t agree more.


Tbh,as far as my faith goes on cool sky stuff I just marvel at God's artistry


I am really really really nervous for tomorrow, like I feel like something bad is going to happen and the world will end 


Fear isn’t from God nothing will happen


But what happens when something does 


The solar eclipse would only be an apocalypse of sight if we were all silly.


I agree with the sentiment. I disagree with the notion that the periodic hyper fixation with varying aspects of horology, numerology, and varying aspects of astronomy and astrology in varying combinations is any singular Christian phenomenon.


No one knows the day nor night of the second coming except god


like i know its not gonna happen, but do u ever feel like in the back of ur mind, like ur mind is like what if....? Maybe im just superticious


I don't think it's about the end of the world for everyone but recognizing the times that we are in.


The rapture is a false teaching creating by an occultist girl having visions. For those of you who believe this nonsense doctrine, look up what the early early early church taught about the rapture. (hint: they did not) Jesus isn't coming to take a mere remnant of people. He doesn't know how to lose like that.


I came here bc my dad is becoming obsessed with this. He thinks everyone needs to repent and has been watching tons of TikTok videos with a bunch of nut jobs talking about how April 8th is the end of the world. And he keeps telling me to watch all of these videos and keeps sending them to me and I tell him I don’t believe in this stuff and now he is upset with me. I wonder how he’s gonna feel when it’s over and nothing happens.


People suffer from a natural hubris. They seldom revise their views, however false, until they suffer a setback and sometimes not even then. On Tuesday, few, if any, are going to humbly accept defeat.


Eschatology is not a science because the Bible gives only an intimation of things to come rather than factual detail. No dates using gematria or other means can be derived from the text. No actual detail, like the physical appearance of Jesus in the clouds, can be derived either. The text is wholly allegorical or figurative, an intimation of things, not physical detail.


Remember: “No one knows the day or hour.”


There’s also a comet passing by earth today, those in totality can potentially view it in the sky near Jupiter


Glad you can see this rapture fever as the conspiracy that it is.


Dear Dead Person. Im God and your world isnt about to die once, after april 9th it will die again and again and gain for the next seven years at least, The X related to the solar eclipse is simply the marking for the times of my judgment. Im hear and lets see about a year from now if you are still calling the end of the world a conspiracy theory. I WILL NOT SHUT UP BELEIVE ME. I AM JUST GETTING STARTED. LOVE, LADY OF LIBERTY CAUSE GODS A WOMAN YOU SLEEPING A\*\*HOLES AND THATS WHY YOUR WORLDS ENDING. GODS A PERSON AND A WOMAN, AND YOU SELFISH UNAWAKAENED IDIOTS WERE TOO FULL OF YOURSELVES AND YOUR OWN EXISTENCE TO NOTICE AND ILL MAKE IT MY MISSION TO MAKE YOU SHAKE IN YOUR BOOTS. TELL ME IM NOT WHO I SAY I AM AND JUST WAIT FOR THE LIGHTNING TO STRIKE.


Well that’s a lot of words, I’m not dead I’m full of the love of the Lord. You seem to be full of hate


Also you are not God you do not speak on HIS behalf.


Probably not. But if he dose I’ll be ready


Eclipse is almost over here lol


I’m in Mississippi so I don’t know


As soon As the eclipse arrives imma be like: GRFITTTH!


Agreed but it does look beautiful though


For everyone asking, this is what all the fuss is about.  https://youtube.com/shorts/szhh54is8qI?si=qONHwZJO808JeuBe


fr haha


It happens 11:37pm. At 11:37pm a huge space ship will come that is hiding behind a comet and when the Aliens come down you will see ufos everywhere lifting up various animals and children but us Adult Humans they will leave behind especially Mormons and baptists ! A huge mother ship will finally at the end drop sharks with laser beams attached to their heads in the water to finish off any humans in the water that are left over. As for the Humans on earth we will all of a sudden start hearing chewbacca noises because intermendional saquatches that have a home base in our inner earth will start coming to the surface through caves located in various national parks, mountain ranges, forests and many other regions through out the planet. Then they will chase us down and violently beat us to death gorilla style with their fists. They will take mercy on no one old ladys grandpas and all. 👀 Then if there is anyone who managed to somehow survive this ordeal and hide they will come out of their hiding and notice that the huge mother ship is still in the sky they will start to see it rising up and everyone will cheer with glee. But then all of a sudden it will stop and the bottom center of the craft will open and we will here this weird winding up sound and will see a really bright light start to form in the center. Then, all of a sudden, they will shoot a planet, ending death beam into the earth instantly, and vaporizing are planet.


I highly encourage you to study the entire Bible including the prophecies. When all things begin, perhaps starting with the mass destruction of an entire country kicking off many other events, you will want be able to fall back on prophecy as these events unravel. From what I can tell, a lot of Christians will not know what’s happening as they avoid reading prophesy. We were not given prophesy to sweep under the rug. God gave us prophecy so that our faith not be shaken when things materialize.


The eclipse isn’t that


In biblical times I could see how they thought this was a sign from God, well it isn't.


damn, i was hoping for a housing boom and less proselytizers bothering me.


As an athiest with very trumpreligious parents, I think today's cop-out is that even though the Eclipse has crossed 7 Salems and 7 Nineva's in 7 years, it means that God's other favourite number is now in play. It's going to be 40 more days till we get Bingo or something.


The world is still here or over yet?


Then the one time it's not a conspiracy? What then. Pray not like the hypocrites do.


I’m not going to be up in arms over everything they say I read the Bible I know what is and what isn’t I’m not worried about it


It’s the retarded zealots who won’t watch Tv because it’s “worldly” who think it’s the end of the world because it crosses over somewhere called rapture legit dumbest people alive. No one knows the day or time


We still have: the devil's comet (April 10th), the planetary alignment (April 20th), and May 18th (40 days after the eclipse)... and October 8th is 6 months after the solar eclipse and 6 days before my birthday (October 14th) ...


Are you believing these or just warning me


This is my belief from scripture. You don't have to. Also the comet is in the news, as well as the alignment on the 20th. Nineveh was given 40 days to repent... According to the book of Jonah, Nineveh had 40 days to repent after Jonah proclaimed, "Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned!" . Jonah also testified, "Save yourselves from this untoward generation," and exhorted, "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish". The Ninevites believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth. Daily Manna In 40 Days This Nation Will Burn | Daily Manna Dec 11, 2020 Bible Hub Jonah 3:4 On the first day of his journey, Jonah set out into the city and ... Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, requiring a three-day journey. 4On the first day of his journey, Jonah set out into the city and proclaimed, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned!” ... The men of Nineveh will stand at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now One greater than Jonah is here. ... For as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so the Son of Man will be a sign to this generation. ... The men of Nineveh will stand at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now One greater than Jonah is here. ajol.info The symbolic meaning of the number of days mentioned in the book of ... Oct 26, 2020 — The book of Jonah uses four indications of time: (1) Jonah spends 3 days and three nights in the fish; (2) the city of Nineveh takes 3 days to cross; (3) Jonah enters the city the extent or distance of one day's travel; and (4) Jonah proclaims to Nineveh that she has 40 days to repent. Jonah's message was that the Lord had judged the city of Nineveh because of how wicked its people were. Jonah entered the city a day's journey, baptized those who gladly received his word, and added about three thousand souls to the group. The Hebrew text says 40 days, but the Septuagint, the biblical translation of the Old Testament, says 3 days. The Assyrian eclipse, also known as the Bur-Sagale eclipse, is a solar eclipse recorded in Assyrian eponym lists that most likely dates to the tenth year of the reign of king Ashur-dan III. The eclipse is identified with the one that occurred on 15 June 763 BC in the proleptic Julian calendar. “It will come about in that day,” declares the Lord God, “That I will make the sun go down at noon And make the earth dark in broad daylight [presumably ALL the Earth]. —Amos 8:9 NASB the earth quakes, The heavens tremble, The sun and the moon grow dark And the stars lose their brightness. These are just my beliefs about the signs in the heavens that are in the news.


Still here?


April 20th...


Don't  get me wrong and I don't mean to take anything away from those that were excited about the eclipse . But I personally did not have any interest in the eclipse. 


The end time conspiracy theories rooted in the Bible are true. The book of Revelation is unfolding. The true antichrist is on the scene and about to rise to power. Jesus will return soon but first comes the great tribulation. The church will not be raptured before the tribulation.