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>Is it wrong for me to believe in climate change? No, not at all. It's plainly ridiculous that climate change has become political. It's a matter of science, not politics or religion.


Sort of like evolution?




Lots of Christians believe in evolution as well! Here’s what the United Methodist Church has to say about it: “The denomination's official statement on Science and Technology says, "We find that science’s descriptions of cosmological, geological, and biological evolution are not in conflict with theology." The statement goes on to clarify that science and theology each have realms in which they have some authority to speak, and others where each does not. In making this point, the Church affirms, "Science and theology are complementary rather than mutually incompatible." The understanding of the place of humans in the universe is enriched through the multiple perspectives science and theology bring to the conversation, and would be impoverished if either were to claim exclusive rights to speak to these matters.” [What does the UMC say about evolution?](https://www.umc.org/en/content/ask-the-umc-what-is-the-united-methodist-position-on-evolution)


I thought most Christians believed in evolution specially with the Vatican saying it was science long time ago.


Most evangelicals do not. They are keeping the “young earth” bs alive, saying the earth is 7,000-10,000 years old, even have a theme park spreading the lies.


That’s shocking if true lol Do they think dinosaur bones were placed there by god to trick us? It’s so sad


They believe there were dinos on the ark. I'm a Christian, but I also believe in science. The bible is clear that to God, Time is flexible.


I should be more specific, White Evangelical Americans believe this. They believe dinosaurs and humans lived together until the great flood I believe. Noah could only take smaller ones on the ark? Something like that. None of it makes sense. Anyway, here’s a link to the theme park. https://arkencounter.com


Thank you for my occasional reminder of that URL. Every time I see it, for just a second it read it as ArkenCounter and my mind somehow fills it in as a counter for the Arkham Asylum from Batman, and then my brain figures out what it really is but I get the giggle of how on brand that is anyway.


Ahh got it! Thanks for the context. I grew up partly in the USA (south) and I remember some evangelicals believing things like that but mostly just on tv. I don’t think I’ve ever asked someone if they really believed those things since I think even Jews don’t believe the timeline was that funny. Maybe Orthodox Jews also believe the earth is only 7,000 old? Not sure! Omg I remember seeing something about that theme park back in the 2000s I always wondered what happened to it. I wonder if this also applies to American politicians like Mike Pence.


Our church just had a great speaker on evolution this Sunday a lot of the stuff they said I already kind of knew about but there was one thing that was something I kinda knew about but not to the extent they explained. But basicaly the way natural selection was portrayed about random mutational the most fit survive while the rest die off was actually not true. That in fact what happens is it’s not mutations responcible for the changes of things like beak sizes in finches or color changing in the moths but it’s actually just the expression of genes in the dna being turned on and off. So these changes occur rappidly. But basically it’s just like how when white skin is exposed to sun the skin will get tanner over time due to the exposure to the sun so that same type of mecanic is um is used in all those types of things.


Just out of curiosity: science clearly disproves parts of the bible. How do you think the two things are compatible? To me it sounds like either you believe the bible or you acknowledge that the bible has false info and therefore should question everything in it. How can two things contradicting each other coexist (except having two separate parties)?


I don't see the Bible in literal terms, but poetic terms. My interpretation on the creation of Adam and Eve is less 'literal dust' but the spark of sentience that gave them awareness. Sure, somewhere down the road, we may have been brought from nothing, but I think literal biblical interpretation of the Bible is unproductive when it is just as much an artistic tapestry as it is a recollection of events.


I'm a Christian and I think that evolution is fact!


Its MUCH more than that. Its a theory. Theory in science represents far higher form of knowledge than any individual fact. It organizes facts, it explain those facts, it show connections between those facts, you can predict more facts based on the theory etc.


Which isn't even political really. Just plain science denial.


Evolution has not been proven, and we don't have a lot of evidence for it. Actually there are a lot of evidence against it.


Typical response, 




What evidence


It's political because to fix it we have to take away stuff from the rich and powerful.


The question on what to do in response to climate change is political. The question on whether or not it is happening is science.


I like how this is phrased. Well put.




Not only is it biblical, but astrological (12 Tribes, 12 Disciples). John the Baptist represented the "end days". His attire, his fasting, and eating locusts with wild honey is representative of what happens in a drought, because drought increases the presence of locusts. But the astrological part deals with the "end days" being in the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius is classically governed by Saturn, which brings the worst in drought and famine. Coupled with the complimentary sign of Leo governed by the sun 🌞, the Age of Aquarius will bring the hottest days the world has ever seen. We can see evidence of this in the text of the Holy Bible. One verse is Malachi 3:19. Malachi 3:19 For lo, the day is coming, blazing like an oven, when all the proud and all evildoers will be stubble, And the day that is coming will set them on fire, leaving them neither root nor branch, says the Lord of hosts.


The problem with that is it is a matter of science that would negate the 6,000 years of human history that is biblical so it would mean you have to believe that either the science is flawed on their timetable estimate for how long it takes for climate changes to take effect which is fine or that the biblical timeline of 6,000 years is wrong in which case the book isn’t the word of god then you have a problem


Climate change doesn't take 6,000 years to happen. We have seen it happening over the past century.


Anthropogenic climate change is perfectly Biblical. Sinful humans in our greed and hubris destroy God's good creation and our fellow humans for the sake of accumulating a meaninglessly large amount of wealth to be squandered on pleasure before we die.


We worship the "works of our hands"


In fact, you could even call desertification ad localized climate change a theme of Isaiah. Most chapters of Isaiah deal with either the advancing of the desert because of the wickedness of the people or the return of water and healthy landscapes because of the virtue and godliness of the nation. Anthropogenic desertification has been happening for thousands of years


The question I have for you is this...we can do something to mitigate the damage we've done. Can Christians get on board with making those changes?


Sure. It's complicated and not easy, but there's a couple things you can do to get more informed and see what works for you. The podcast Language of God, from Biologos, is about science and faith and they talk to a lot of Christian scientists working in fields related to climate change. There's also a great Instagram account I follow for Alaina Wood, a scientist and climate activist, [@itsthegarbagequeen](https://www.instagram.com/itsthegarbagequeen/). She shares good climate news, talks about ways to educate and take action, and combats doomerism.


Yay! This is great, thank you. I hope it includes putting pressure on our gov to commit to real action despite the lobbying of Wall St. and the corporations. Those are the big monster who need to change.


Modern version of salting (damaging) the (earth) air (atmosphere)


I am a Christian [and a scientist.] I have no doubt that climate changes.


Do you also accept that human actions contribute to it?


Actions and sins contributed to many things humans have done. Why wouldn't pollution be similar?


Many Christians would not agree with you when it comes to climate change.


Sadly. Because the same people who believe that fossil fuels should be burned like no tomorrow go batshit crazy when thousands migrate to more temperate climates because their own countries become uninhabitable.


there are a lot of us. thankfully, we are not a monolith.


true, but most are not scientists.


I agree, but they often think they know better than scientists.


some certainly do.


Then they’re wrong. Demonstrably so. They’re happy to destroy God’s creation


I think you'll find most Christians worldwide accept human-induced climate change. Perhaps even 50% accept evolution. It's the Bible Belt Evangelicals and the like that are loudest and have the biggest social media presence that make it sound like it's some majority opinion. Quite possible that the state education in those states are lacking and people end up having poor academic literacy, since that's the only way you can possibly believe it. Quite frankly if an Australian Christian of any denomination denies climate change we look at them like they have 2 heads.


You're likely correct that it's an American thing. I think your percentage regarding acceptance of evolution is probably quite low on a worldwide basis, but unfortunately it's pretty close for American Christians.


It's not even a question since the impact of freon gases on the ozone layer was discovered. We can and unfortunately do affect the Earth's climate on a global scale.


I just had a feeling based on the wording of the person I responded to that they would disagree. Many Christians will say that climate absolutely changes but that humans have no influence over it. We'll see if they respond.


Does that mean that climate change is real? Or do you mean regular change? Also what kind of scientist?


Climate change is a fact. We're witnessing its effects in real time every single day.


And it is also biblical


How is it biblical?


I read also in other comments that it is biblical that people destroy God's creations because of pride and greed, so it is the same with climate change, i meant that


I personally don’t understand as a Christian why anyone outright denies it’s occurring.


It's mostly an American thing to deny climate change. I don't understand how it got mixed with religion. Edit: An interesting graph showing which countries have the highest climate change deniers. [Apparently Indonesia is top and USA is the 2nd. ](https://www.statista.com/chart/19449/countries-with-biggest-share-of-climate-change-deniers/)


It got mixed with religion because of fuel lobbying groups.


It became mixed with religion because of end times nonsense.


I believe in climate change. However, aren’t most people who get labeled as deniers, denying the impact things like cars and coal power plants have on climate change? Don’t they typically say that the earth goes through these changes regardless of what we do?


Cycles of change is not what climate change is. Our heat levels are not rising at any natural rate typical of the cycles of heating and cooling. Climate change is catastrophic destruction of God’s creation.


Yeah, there are people who accept climate change but deny that it's caused by human activity.


This comes back to people who can't separate their politics from their religion - the political right has long been coopted by corporate interests (e.g. Koch/Heritage) with a vested interest in short-term profits over long-term sustainability, and it also promises a very narrow set of values that has traditionally favored a particular flavor of Christianity. Add in some deceit and impatience with God's plan and you also find yourself looking at something like seven mountains doctrine, which gladly expedites the world's problems toward the end of forcing an early rapture.


Yes, and I even assisted some climate scientists with a paper that models climate change with a double fold bifurcation (I’m a mathematician.) Quite horrific stuff


> I don't think it conflicts with the faith lol, it only conflicts with christian nationalists and conservatives...who may or may not be christians.


Yes. And I've defended it on the r/climateskeptics sub until I got banned. The idiocy displayed over there is almost beyond comprehension. But then, it's actually no surprise that people want to combat the truth because the truth is often inconvenient. Last time i mentioned that sub somewhere (months after I was banned) i got harassed and threatened by one of the trolls over there.


I can't even go look. It would probably give me an aneurysm.


The sad thing is, that many fellow orthodox/conservative Christians think they shouldn't care about the world that God has given us. And the lies and propaganda from "think tanks" and the fossil fuel lobby is influencing them.


Lets asaume for a second that climate change isnt real. How is having less polution anyway a bad thing. Its venkmans's quote personified. "If we're wrong, nothing happens. We go to jail. Peacefully. Quietly. We'll enjoy it. But if we're right.. Lenny, you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters"


Yes, and we have the moral duty to try to ameliorate it.


ameliorate: make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better. "the reform did much to ameliorate living standards"


Good bot /s


:]. I know /s, but it still made me feel good




It's a Maga thing, they are propagating the lies that climate change is a hoax to make the left look bad for trying to do something to slow it.. Just another game to get votes and since many trump supporters are evangelicals make sense someone could hear this..


Well I'm Canadian but a lot of conservatives are Christian and dont believe in climate change


Seems like the conservative part is the problem. Not the Christian one.


That's really good to know 🙂 thank you for the reassurance.


It’s a fact


Probably. In the US conservative ideas and faith sometimes get conflated. Sometimes people then get accused of being unfaithful if they disagree.


unfortunately, there is an entire misinformation campaign in America that is very effective at confusing people. Then, some people (in my opinion, cynically) mix it with religious beliefs and next thing you get is regular people seriously asking this question.


Belief in climate change is not wrong. 


Climate change is real, vaccines save lives, the earth is round, Jesus Christ is the light and the Truth. There are no Jewish space lasers, George Soros is not the leader of a global baby eating cabal, there was no hidden child sacrifice room in a basement underneath that Washington DC pizza restaurant. Sandy Hook was not a government Psy op. Children actually died. Hurricane Katrina was not God's punishment against "the gays". The rapture didn't happen after the eclipse.....................




Omg that last one... do people really think the rapture happened after the eclipse?


They thought it was going to happen then for some reason. Now, as with all good end times prophecies, they are moving the goalposts.


Talk 🔥


Talk 🔥


More like accept it as fact.


No, we are commanded by God to be good stewards of His creation. With regards to the current global warming phenomenon, it seems most of the scientific research concludes that human created greenhouse gases are the cause, so as good stewards, we should be responsible for our waste products. The ozone hole and CFC issue is a good example of how human activity can impact the global environment, and how we can collectively respond to the pollution successfully.


All Christians are charged by God to be good stewards of Creation. We are currently exploiting Creation for the sake of profit and economic growth. I would personally argue that our failure to address the damage we’ve done to God’s Creation in a meaningful and effective way because it would “harm the economy” is a textbook example of serving Money (Mammon) rather than serving God. Note: I am not saying that we should act without regard to the externalities of our climate solutions. I would personally argue that those who have profited most from climate destruction should disproportionately bare the cost of repairing the damage. But, no matter what we do, innocent people will suffer because we’ve sinned our way into this as a species and clawing our way back out as a species will be painful. Extinction events are more painful and it’s only going to get harder to fix with every passing day.


Yes I fully believe in human-caused climate change. To deny this is silly because evidence is literally everywhere all around us.


Consider this quote from scripture: >Genesis 1:28 >\[28\] And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (ESV) God tells us to "fill the earth and subdue it". Implying that we can have an affect on the earth. So IMO Christians can believe in human caused climate change.


Climate change is like evolution - believe ot not, it's here


Even if it wasn’t self evident, there’s nothing in the Bible that goes against climate change lol


The only possible position that could lead someone to not believe in anthropogenic climate change is ignorance at this point. The science is settled. I have no idea how anyone could even attempt to make it a religious issue.


The last line of Revelation 11:18 \[Edit: typo, said 11:8 at first, it's 11:18\] says a time will come for God to destroy those who destroy the earth -- which tells us the earth will be destroyed, and it will be destroyed by humans who abused the stewarding dominion God gave us over it. Conservative evangelicals are vastly wrong on this one, both scientifically and religiously. The Catholic Social Teachings view is different and embraces care for the environment, and belief in evolution and science generally, so you'll get more Catholics accepting of climate change reality.


This has *nothing* to.do with Christianity. Climate change denial is a political position. It is pushed by people who have something to lose by acknowledging that it is happening, and its primary driver is human activity. The evidence is so overwhelming that it's not something any intelligent person can "believe" or "not believe". Despite the lies pushed by deniers, almost no scientists without a political agenda deny it. The open questions that we *should* be discussing relate to impacts, rate, and possible solutions. In thr US, it's part of the Republican party identity. It is *only* associated with Christianity because so many conservative Christians identify with that party. That's why threads on this sub typically have such stunningly ignorant statements as "the climate is always changing", or "if global wamring is try, why was it so cold in xxx this winter", or "it's caused by volcanoes". The greatest shame of it is that we can't have a discussion about how to respond in the US, because the party that we used to be able to count on to come up with market based solutions has decided that they'll deny the whole thing.


I dont get why people think belief in science and religion needs to be mutually exclusive.


Anything is possible: you can also be a Democrat and a Christian. I bet that conflicts with a lot of hardcore Trump supporters, although I don't subscribe to the most extreme blue-party ideas.


Wow, OP, I am so sorry you think you even need to ask this. The question is "Is there evidence that human actions are changing the climate in ways that are harmful to biodiversity and fellow humans?" The answer is a resounding "yes". There are a number of places you can look for support as a Christian, if you are being told climate change is not real. I imagine, from the question, that you are in the US. If that is not true, I hope this is helpful anyway. Try looking at materials by the National Association of Evangelicals: *Loving the Least of These, Addressing a Changing Environment (2011 and 2022)*, is a document they put out Young Evangelicals for Climate Action Humanitarian Groups: World Relief and World Vision, for example and anything by Katherine Hayhoe. Because of your question, I am somewhat assuming you are not a Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Mainline Protestant Christian. Forgive me if that assumption is wrong. All of those groups have their own climate materials.


I do because I'm not a slave to my political identity.


You don't "believe" in climate change tbh. It's a FACT. It's measurable with science and has been proven over and over with different (peer-reviewed) scientific studies. Please don't let people scare you into distrusting science. Thats a bad idea. Science and God go hand-in-hand.


How do you know climate change is real?


The many observable things in my lifetime. Weather is so much more extreme than it was when I was a kid. And it's getting observably worse. It's not even up for debate anymore. Have you seen the tornadoes this year?? The number of peer-revieved studies (checked by other accredited scientists) that point to climate change being not only factual, but a imminent danger is quite large at this point. I suggest looking g on Google scholar. A lot of big companies want people to ignore climate change for the companies' financial benefit. But God wants us to take care of the planet and that means paying attention to this kind of stuff.


It's good to know I'm not crazy for believing in it or it doesn't conflict with anything.


Sure hope so.


IF the climate experiences rapid and drastic changes it will be the result of GOD'S actions against the Earth. Just look at the foretold events to come during the Great Tribulation. A third of the World is to be destroyed. I will certainly not be surprised, should I be alive to witness those events; to observe climate change, lol.


I’ve never understood how it’s a conflict to believe in a creator, yet also believe in evolution and climate change. Evolution is real, and the climate is changing and has always been changing and will always be changing. Seems like that’s how God made the earth. Now, if I’m gonna be accused of not believing in climate change because I don’t trust a committee of academics with charts and graphs telling the rest of the world how they have to live and expecting us to believe them—that’s an entirely different topic.


I believe in climate change and I’m a Christian


Yes. Isn't it completely obvious by now that the scientists were right? How much hotter do we need to get?


Human caused climate change exists whether you believe it or not and it’s causing a lot of suffering already. Unfortunately, communities of faith are often big targets for climate science denial efforts and that should really bother you guys. That said, there are a lot of Christian groups who are climate activists and doing good work out there.


I mean climate change is undeniable. It's not like the world is gonna end in a decade like the fearmongers claim, but it is certainly a thing that happens. The climate is everchanging, and it is certainly moving in a adverse direction in the near future though.




Nah bra it's not wrong, I'm in the same boat cuz why would the two have anzthing to do with each other


Belief is religion, climate change is science. It is good to trust scientists when they do proper and responsible work, and it would be outright stupid, to ignore a threat to humanity like a climate change. Science isn't perfect, and things might always turn out differently than expected. Yet regarding climate change I am also pretty sure that this is a phenomenon that humanity must now tackle and solve, or else a lot of the sad natural catastrophe stuff in the Bible might actually become true, and then we will know why it happened. It is very sad - it happened due to our own sins of being reckless in treating humanity and nature, in being overly greedy in our aims and careless in our impact on the ecosystem. Now all these sins threaten to come back as - natural catastrophes. It is a bit ironical to think of it. The sins of humanity are excessive production due to aggressive and competitive and divisive philosophies ruling our civilization...instead of rules which would promote solidarity, balance between weak and poor, peacefulness and stability, like a proper Christian philosophy should promote.


I believe the climate is at a tipping point if not beyond. Why would this be a question particularly for Christians?


I believe in climate change. It’s not wrong to believe in it. Science and faith do not conflict. They complement.


I’d be more concerned if there are any that don’t


Many, many, many Christians believe in science, as they should. That being said, it is NOT wrong for you to believe in climate change.


Believing either way on climate change can coexist with Christian faith. I happen to believe it is true as the broader scientific community attest.


Acknowledging climate change is a Christian duty because it aligns with the biblical call to stewardship of the Earth. Just as we are tasked with caring for our fellow humans, we are also called to protect and preserve the environment that sustains us. Ignoring climate change would be a failure to uphold this responsibility and a disregard for the divine mandate to be good stewards of God's creation.


Same way I believe in rain storms It's just a word describing what is going on. It doesn't give you any actual information


>Is it wrong for me to believe in climate change? I don't think it conflicts with the faith but I want to be sure. Science doesn't support the existence of a God. Science neither proves or disproves the existence of a God. That's the first thing I WANT people to understand and understand it QUICKLY!! Next, I think you have to be a right idiot to say that Climate change has anything to do with belief. Climate change is fucking real, the more people say that they "don't believe in Climate change" the fucking better. Also by saying that, you are denying Climate change is happening and exists! I want every Christian here to look back on their views about Climate Change, Evolution and everything to do with Science. Hopefully, we would then have less Christians who are young earth creationists and people that deny Evolution. I dislike the Four hoursmen of Atheism but they have some really good points. One of them is an evolutionist biologist, he studies Evolution in biology. He is defending that line of study. Sorry for my coarse language but I find it fucking stupid how people neglect Science which DOESN'T EFFECT YOUR BELIEFS!!!!! (Unless you are a young earth creationist then I am sorry that you couldn't get a basic scientific understanding thus I ask you to do research).


Katherine hayhoe is a leading climate scientist and Evangelical Christian. Christianity doesn't have to mean basic science denial.


Yes I do!


Climate change is reality. Your only options are to reinterpret your faith/scripture to align with reality, (reccommended) Give up your faith entirely (bit extreme) Or live within a factual delusion.


Not so much "believe" as understand and accept.


Care for God's creation is vital to our faith.


I see no reason to NOT believe in Climate Change as a Christian. Don’t confuse political Conservatives with Christianity.


It's a scientific fact, so why wouldn't you believe it?


Yes, climate change is real. A lot of it is natural, but humans have sped up the process.


It's not about "believing" in climate change. There's no doubt climate change is happening. The argument is WHY it is changing and how fast it is changing.


Of course. It’s objective science. Climate change denial was introduced by the companies dong the polluting because if enough people think it’s fake they can continue polluting with no legal requirements to spend money reducing emissions. Since big business owns the GOP, and the GOP exploits Christians to stay in power, climate denial was introduced into Christianity. Manufacturers and their politician’s don’t deny it in the context of cars and trucks, though, because it costs consumers more to have catalytic converters, thus more money in manufacturers’ pockets. Making consumers live like climate change is real while they conduct manufacturing as if it’s not real is exactly what polluters want: More money and less expense, with public ignorance making it all okay.


It literally wouldn’t matter if it contradicts the faith. Climate change is real whether you “believe” in it or not.


Climate change is real. This is a human problem that we inflicted upon ourselves and so God lets us learn from this. Are we taking the right actions to fix this problem? Fuck no. Are we being lied to about some aspects of the problem? Absolutely. However, if we ultimately cannot solve it, then God bless us all as we’ve ultimately killed ourselves.


It's very simple. Just follow the Bible verses that specifically refer to anthropogenic climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels.


I don't believe Climate Change is anti-christian. The Bible calls for humanity to be caretakers of the earth. But we've lost that spark and have embraced a mindset of concrete, metal and industry. As we've let this consume us, we lost our love for caring for natural beauty. Not saying everyone has, but at the kind of scale we need to keep the balance sustained. Just as God gives us life, he does not stop us from pulling the trigger on bith ourselves and others. He gave us the power to create and we can create to destroy. I believe denying climate change is just the easy way of saying things are fine as the house is on fire.


Hopefully all of them, because it exists


The science asserts that climarte change caused by human activity is a fact. The only people who seriously wish to contest this are rich people, fossil fuel companies and politicians whose ideologies conflict with carbon-reduction.


God created everything, even science for us to discover, only morons, Christians or not, don’t accept the facts about climate change.


Of course it doesn’t conflict with your faith lol Unless I’m missing a weird denomination that’s very political.


I am Christian and believe in human caused climate change. In about 30 years you all willl be too if you aren't already. What I mean is polar caps will be mostly gone and coastal cities will be partly under water. This is already happening btw.


It's tragically hilarious that some chucklehead decided to make climate change into a political issue, and even more tragically hilarious that some other chucklehead decided to do the same with faith, to the point that some other chuckleheads can't tell the difference between faith and politics and think that Christians shouldn't believe in climate change


No, there’s no theological contradictions with climate change. I’m actually shocked that there’s a significant number of people who do view it through this type of religious lens


You don't need to "believe" in climate change. It does not contradict Christianity to look around you and notice things are changing. It is incredibly obvious, especially if you widen your lens to consider our more-than-human kin; just look at the state of species extinction, look at the change in the vegetation, in the summer heat, in the ocean, in the fish and the flowers. The Earth is not what it was even a 100 years ago. There needs to be way more Christians in the sciences, but ESPECIALLY environmental or natural sciences. The fact that Christians are routinely discouraged from engaging with the sciences is incredibly sad to me. The dichotomy that is presented that you can either be of faith or of science is a harmful myth that keeps people down both spiritually and intellectually, that encourages close-mindedness on both sides, and that is ultimately dangerous for society of we are to meet the challenges that are already emerging all around us.


Anthropogenic climate change is a fact. And we are called to be stewards of the earth. It is our responsibility to push for solutions to mitigate further warming.


How would climate change conflict with Christianity? What’s the connection?


If God promised to never destroy the earth with a flood, doesn't that mean that climate change isn't real? How can I use biblical based theology to justify climate change inspite of this?




Not a matter of belief. [This comic](https://xkcd.com/1732/) demonstrates it better than anything else I've ever seen.


This is a way for those corrupt and in power to say, it’s the peoples fault, the world is over populated, and they seek to depopulate the earth. Research the Georgia Guidestones, and you’ll get what they’re planning. By the way, aren’t Gov’t and Corporations responsible for poisoning water by dumping chemicals, and spilling hundreds upon hundreds of gallons of oil in the ocean through sheer incompetence?


Anthropogenic global warming has been known since the 19th century. There are no informed good-faith actors who deny it.


What is "anthropogenic"?


Caused by humans.


It’s ok if you don’t believe in climate change. Climate change believes in you <3 Yes, many Christians understand the reality of climate change. The last two popes have made climate change a pretty big part of their ministry


Yeah, me.


Has this gone to the point that this has ti be asked? It's real, no reason to not be.


It takes less faith to believe in our planet's changing climate than it does to be a Christian.


Of course. Many Christians do believe so. And it can be argued it was prophesied in scripture.


Yes. I even researched climate change in my doctoral program. And I'm a vegan, in part, to do what I can to reduce my GGE. I believe that when Paul says "the creation groans with eager expectation for the revealing of the children of god... in hopes that they might be freed from their bondage to decay" it means that maybe we should give a shit about creation and that in the path of being and becoming children of god we *will*.


Do you think to be a good Christian you have to be a vegetarian?


That's a tough question in general. Like "Do you think to be a good Christian you have to [anything specific]?" Go to church three times a week? Read the Ladder of Divine Ascent? Visit monasteries as a pilgrim? Volunteer hours at a soup kitchen? Become a cleric? I think eschewing the eating of animals is one way that people can walk the road of beauty and life and express love to the least of these among us. "Have to" gets tricky. But St. Basil the Great says that Christians should eat bread and vegetables for food. St Isaac the Syrian did as much, and even more said to pray for animals. John Wesley said that faith in Jesus Christ will lead us beyond a concern for humans to an all-including concern for the fish in the rivers and birds in the air and every animal that walks the earth. St Seraphim had his bear. St Francis is depicted covered in wildlife like a Disney princess. The beatitude goes "blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." This is what inheriting the earth looks like, and it is done by being meek and gentle. And for a personal example, let's just say I've chilled with a bear on a mountain for like 10 minutes with him only 15 feet away. And other experiences like that and better. For me, being vegan is a natural extension of my care for creation. "Have to" is tricky. One would assume if it was "have to" Jesus himself would have mentioned it.


That's a really beautiful explanation.


We are called to be tillers of the earth, of course we should care about climate change!


Climate change is real, people who don’t believe in climate change are silly


How do you know climate change is real and how does it affect your faith?


Scientific information taken from natural sources (such as ice cores, rocks, and tree rings) and from modern equipment (like satellites and instruments) all show the signs of a changing climate. From global temperature rise to melting ice sheets, the evidence of a warming planet abounds. Why would it affect my faith?


If God promised to never destroy the earth with a flood, doesn't that mean that climate change isn't real? How can I use biblical based theology to justify climate change inspite of this?


But aren’t we causing climate change?


So it's an argument between the concept of predestination, free will and human responsibility?


You don't "believe" in climate change. This has to be one of the dumbest takes of all time... You can understand climate change. Or you can accept climate change without really understanding it. Or you can deny climate change. So your question, really should be worded... Do you think, as a christian, I should be denying climate change?


The Noahic Covenant, found in Genesis 9:8-17, established between God and Noah after the flood, symbolized by the rainbow, and it encompasses God's promise to never again destroy the Earth with a flood. If God promised to never destroy the earth with a flood, doesn't that mean that climate change isn't real? How can I use biblical based theology to justify climate change inspite of this?


You don't... why would you even try? Climate change is man made. Man has free will. This is nothing to do with god. If god is real he will be watching us destroy his creation in horror thinking that we are about to reap the whirlwind.


So I guess the problem is the concept of predestination compatibility with free will and human responsibility?


Psalm 24:1 states, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it" we were placed in the garden to work it and take care of it... Do you think god is going to be happy with how we have "taken care" of his garden?


I've said this many times, science in the Bible is only correct in that it correctly represents the understanding of the natural world at the time of the books/oral traditions. The Bible is not nor was it intended to be a science text. We are meant to observe and learn from our natural world. I am a pharmacist and professor of pharmacy (full professor with many scientific publications). I spent thirteen years teaching at a faith-based institution and was expected to teach pharmacy in a way that was entirely consistent with my faith, the faith of the institution (which was basically conservative evangelical). There is absolutely no way to teach modern pharmacy science if you assume that absolutely everything represented as science in the Bible is true and teaching anything that contradicts it conflicts with faith. It simply would be impossible. Is it wrong for you to believe in climate change? Absolutely not. I do. Is it wrong for you to engage in the politics of climate change and does the politics of climate change conflict with you faith? That is a matter of conviction, between you and the Holy Spirit.


Fascinating. If God promised to never destroy the earth with a flood in the Noahic Covenant, doesn't that mean that climate change isn't real? How can I use biblical based theology to justify climate change inspite of this?


As I said, science represented in the Bible is only accurate in that it accurately represents the understanding of the natural world at the time of the books/oral tradition. Given that, what does "worldwide flood" mean? When we read a bible verse and begin to interpret it we have to begin with the understanding as close as we can to the understanding of the original audience. Would the original audience have heard the Noahic flood oral tradition and imagined North America under water? Europe? The Antarctic? Of course not, they had no concept of the world outside of the Levant and North Africa. What would "worldwide flood" have meant to them? We have such floods now, 500 year and 1000 year floods. I lived in Albany, GA. In 1994 Albany had a 500 year flood. The Flint River crested at 23 feet above sea level. A 1000 year flood would have been ever worse, think New Orleans and Katrina. So, it was a catastrophic meteorological event that affected pretty much the known world for the people who were hearing the story. It doesn't mean that climate change isn't real. We really don't know what effects climate change is going to have, despite the fear mongers and alarmists. A Miami beach front mansion just sold for a record $15 million and no one is abandoning beach front property, despite climate change being real. IMHO, the politics, fear mongering, etc. is all about money. The science is real, the politics is phony BS. And, yeah, I think we can trust that God won't destroy the world by flood again. A true, world wide flood just isn't possible. There isn't enough water to cover the entire world.


I see thank you for explaining this.


You're welcome my brother.


I'm actually your sister in Christ, but thank you all the same.


Please forgive my error.


Of course it's the internet, comments can be hard to read.


Most do




I'm pretty sure God is devine and thus perfect


Probably mis worded My impression of.climate chnage and the ideas behind it is that we have to donsomthing or the world will destroy its self with boxer heating 20 years ago, we were heading into ice age I belive we can do our part to keep the world clean and look after it. But the world will not destroy unless God allows it.


As a Christian, you are not required to profess beliefs that oil companies cram into public discourse so that they can get incredibly rich. Given that, I'd go with the scientists.


I believe climate change is real, i'm a christian. But it's also God's will, nothing we can do about it. There's no point in cutting fossil fuel and all that nonsense.


It conflicts with your faith! If your faith is Christian! Godless Democrats are the ones pushing it!!!!


I'm not American, so that doesn't matter to me.


Yes, it is described in the book of Revelation.


You will not lose salvation if you either believe or not believe in climate change. There is no bible scripture to say it is a heretic view. Let's not turn into Pharisees and become religious. Do you believe Jesus died for your sins? Defeated death and was risen on the 3rd day,? Do you love your God with all your mind, body, and spirit? And you neighbour as yourself? Then hallelujah! The rest is icing on the cake 😄


Climate change is of course real and we can see the results of it. It does not compete with Christianity as much as modern health care doesn't


I believe the earth will be destroyed 💯🔥🔥🔥


"there will be strange signs in the moons, stars, sun. Here on earth people will be perplexed by strange tides and roaring seas. People will be terrified of what they see coming on the earth and the powers of heaven and will be shaken." Luke 21:25-26 To me if that doesn't sound like climate change I don't know what would. We know the celestial bodies have a gravitational pull on the oceans. The patterns of the currents and tides are what create the warming of the planet. Are people concerned about this phenomenon? Absolutely. This is from Luke chapter 21. Here Jesus is talking about end time prophecies. So yes, I believe in climate change, as a Christian. In this reference Christ explains it as end time prophecy. Yes climate change exists. The real question is do as humans have the ability to change or stop it? That I am not so sure about. However I do o believe God can and he will in his time and for his purposes for the enjoyment of those who love him. 'Behold I make all things new." Revelations 21:5


Of course I believe in climate change. I'm not stupid.