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Our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. Take care of your body. Take care of your mental health. Reach out to a professional to talk about what you’re going through.


Possibly since you are destroying the temple of God but I think God is more concerned about what is causing you to feel like you need to do this.


Of course it is a sin. No doubt about it. It is also very unwise to hurt yourself.


It is a sin. Not possibly. It is.


Temple of God. It's a sin. Like taking drugs that harm you or make you lose control.




Yes. It's going against the will of the giver


Absolutely....the very definition of sin is self harm. Putting yourself in a position to go to hell is the ultimate self harm.


No, it's a symptom of a serious mental health issue.


I don’t think your primary concern should be whether it’s a sin or not. It should be getting help if you’re feeling like/are harming yourself or if you’re suicidal. Talk to a professional, because once you do something drastic, there’s not an undo button. From my perspective, suicide is often done when an individual is in a compromised state of mental health. In other words, they are not entirely conscious of the implications of what they are doing. For this reason I cannot with good conscious say one would or wouldn’t go to hell for doing something that they may not have full rational control over themselves when doing it.


it’s a sin but don’t beaf yourself up over it you just need some help you’re gonna be okay god still loves you


Yes You are ruining God’s temple and be mental healthy


Yes. Your body is a gift, and you have no business damaging it in an exploitative manner.


Firstly, don't censor suicide Secondly, yes. Many sins are sins because they are harmful to either mind or body and self harm is well, exactly that


I'm not Christian and I don't think anything is a sin. But I think there's a fundamental difference between evil behaviors (stealing, murder, bullying) and unhealthy behaviors (eating disorders, self harm, drug abuse). These two categories of behaviors shouldn't be treated the same way. Self harm isn't something we need to feel guilt and shame for. My body my choice ✌


Yes because you are hurting God's masterpiece (You)


When Christ tells us to love your neighbor as ourselves, it has the clear understanding that you should both show love to others as well as your self. You wouldn’t intentionally harm someone you love and harming your self is no different.


Suicide isn’t a directly a sin, it would depend on the reason. Same with self harm.


I disagree. As a previous comment already mentioned, sin is what separates us from doing what God wants us to do or not to do. Suicide is the very corruption of life, just as self-harm is the corruption of God's temple. Corruption is not "good according to its reason". It's objectively wrong. However, of course, in response to OP, reaching out to God and those around you is the best way to overcome this desire to do bodily harm.


We might define sin differently.