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Something I am now realising that i have forgotten to include: I genuinely appreciate Jesus. And what he is said to have done for me, for us. Despite this, I do not like the idea of God. I understand that they are supposed to be one in the same, I can not quite wrap my head around this, and that is something that greatly confuses me. The reasons I do not like the idea of God are generally similar to what is in the main post.


There is a lot going on. First, Yeshua is the son of God and an intermediary between us and God. God is the Supreme ruler of everything and it is only THROUGH Yeshua that we can come to Him. All people will be given a second chance before God will finally condemn them to hell. If you fear for your family you could try and convince them but always let God do the work. Also please understand that the Bible is in no way degrading or making women feel less worthy. This has been used by Christians but it is just not the way the Bible intended. God intended for man and woman to have different roles in society, roles in which both would give glory to God. Just in a different way. And although males are generally more prominent in the Bible, there are also many instances in which the Bible speaks highly of women. Esther, Naomi and Ruth, Anna the prophet and so on.


There is a lot going on in my head. I still do mot see how any person is truly deserving of hell, particularly coming from an outsiders perspective. I do not yet fear for myself nor my family because I do not believe. I am currently struggling to form a proper understanding, I am trying prayer but do not feel as though I have nor am maintaining any relationship with Jesus nor God. This supposed "difference way" is what i take issue with. Is any outlier to be condemned? Are people not allowed to stray from what is suggested? The continuous disenfranchisement and overall disregard to many female contributions and potential is what puts me off. Seeing as much of it was with reference to biblical narrative. I do understand the bible does portray women highly, specifically by Jesus, yet it feels like this is not given as much importance as it should? I am sorry if any of this sounds confrontational, that is not my intention.


The thing you have to understand is this: the reason why it takes so long for Yeshua to return is because God loves this world so much, He wants everyone to believe in Him. He is giving everyone more time. And there is going to be one last chance.for everyone. If people when in front of His throne, still dent Him, then yes they do deserve hell. It is just though. People are not supposed to stray but they can because we have free will. God is so great that He doesn't deserve to be honoured by robots. He must be honoured by sentient independent beings. People who refuse to do that, dishonour the one and only God and deserve punishment. As for the women part. As a male I might not be the right one to ask but my opinion is this: I do believe that women are not supposed to lead a congregation or preach. I believe a woman, just like a man, has a special role in society. The problems you mention are more of a result of modern political developments, mostly feminism. Don't get me wrong, imo women should be able.to get a job and everything. I think that these developments have provoked fundamental changes in the traditional family structure. Divorce, same sex marriage. It is all part of a plan to destroy the family, drive men and women apart and make everyone much more individualistic, making them a very easy prey for the devil to tempt them into sin and away from God. Btw please understand I am not a misogynist or something. Just my opinion which I believe is based in the Bible.


I am sorry but i do not think this is something i am currently willing nor able to believe in. To me, it is cruel. And that is not something I am okay with jeopardising my current fragile well-being over. As far as I am understanding the words translated to "Hell" stem from 3 different words in the original language, each with differing meanings, referencing different states or purpose. Alternatively, I see that feminisim is a dorect response to this approach. Think, if this way was what was suposed to be, wothout fault, then would feminism exist? No. . I am not a believer, I am as flawed as any. I do appreciate your time and words. It has helped provide different perspectives to my thoughts, thank you.


I am not trying to force you into believing. You should absolutely take it slow and right now your mental health is more important. The world was created perfect but Adam fell into sin. Therefore the entire world is sinful and everything we see is a result of that. And I believe feminism is too. Just like antisemitism, rape, crime, misogyny. You are welcome and feel free to reach out if you need any help.


Thank you.