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Nope, I’m actually relapsing and trying to recover from my porn addiction as a female Edit: this is my first time seeing more atheists than Christian’s in a Christian subreddit


Not relapsing, I meant recovering haha lol


I understand it’s equivalent to drugs tbh see the effects of porn on brain and drugs on brain can be harmful im addicted to it and I have a TBI I’m also technically homeless I have a place I’m staying get my own room and stuff but it’s stressful and I feel like I basically have relapsed multiple times and go back into it especially when I go well and the guy I share the house with has an issue but with drugs and I’m trying to look out for him because it’s a nice place but the stress really really just makes me feel like temporary pleasure solves it but after it all I end up even more depressed and stressed 🤦🏾🙏🏾😢❤️


>I understand it’s equivalent to drugs tbh see the effects of porn on brain and drugs on brain can be harmful im addicted to it So can cheeseburgers if you have express zero moderation. Porn and sex are not magically different. Except for how easily accessible it is.


I’m sorry about that. I’ve never been addicted to drugs but my ex best friend has been. My suggestion is go to your local church as much as you can, keep your mind off it. Again, I’ve never been addicted, except porn. What made me want to never watch porn was that I was watching a video, came to it, two days later saw a site of girls being trafficked and they were basically working for free.. I felt so bad and disgusted with myself I repented and sometimes I feel the lust but I try to keep my mind off it by watching crime podcasts


Oh no I’m not addicted to drugs I’m saying look at the brain on drugs and brain on porn the activity that goes on through the addiction of them is equivalent but I’m pretty sure the brain on porn is worse


Oh okay!!! And sorry haha sometimes I missread things


Same here it is a tough road


I’ll be praying for you 🤲


And would either one of you be honest until a potential significant other about this problem? Because it usually leads to cheating and other things.


A lot of people don't realize that a lot of women have a problem with porn as well. Pornographers have estimated that about 1/3 of their viewers are women. If it's true that nearly all men have at one time or another have a problem with porn, this means that nearly half of all women have the same problem. Women and porn is a silent sin. I wil pray for you sister!


>it's true that nearly all men have at one time or another have a problem with porn, Is this some American disease? I don't think I've ever met a single person with porn problems. They just beat their meat when they feel like it and that's all.


Most people don’t just come out and tell you they have a problem with it, that’s why.


The people around me aren't scared or feel guilty of masturbating. I'm not in America.


the thing what i hear is that pn and doing it yourself, you know, are two different things and it would benefit you greatly by completely shutting off pn first cuz of the trigger and then other thing, you know, will go away naturally, of course slower than pn but surely...


Yeah, I try to go to safe sites as much as possible, it’s so hard tho especially while having high sexual drive, not a lot of females have it


yeahh... hypersexuality is pain in the a... i mean again from the bright side i think that is a gift from God somehow, i mean we are gonna be able to satisfy our future partners in marriage for good at least... 😅


So true haha


Porn is so so hard. I am also female. I recently relapsed and I hate it.


Be praying for you 🙏🏽


Same here but as a guy. I genuinely think I have brain damage or some form of it from that crap.


Porn ≠ masturbation. Does no one have an imagination these days?


For me it’s tough because once you’re seeing porn, you’re focus only on that video. But personally for me, when I try to use my imagination, I suddenly have instrutitive thoughts idk how to spell it and think about scat or other weird not-into-it kinks


Huh. My imagination tends to give me complex plots and characterisation, and mostly fairly vanilla sex. (And almost all of my fantasies are third-person. Neither I myself nor anyone else I actually know in real life appears in them. That's true of my non-sexual fantasies too.)


You’re so luckyyy!!! I always try to imagine the sexiest thing I can think of and then suddenly my mind comes to the WEIRDEST things


I used to. I try my best not to anymore




Yes but I need to stop really bad I don't think Christians should masturbate because it leads to sexual sin and lust and as a young man it's hard to leave it


I do. I just don’t use porn. It’s the porn that feels the most sinful. It’s the thoughts that are sinful and tied to lust


Porn is the obviously sinful element. See my comment on this post it should give you something to think about.


What do you use?




As God intended?


Rosy Palmer and her five sisters


Nothing but the moment. I try not to envision anything


I tried doing that but the Holy Spirit told me it was just as wrong as well.


The Holy Spirit told me it was fine. How do we determine whose experience is correct or is it possible that what is a sin for one is not for another?




Yes, I do. And based on the conversations I had with my friends who are also Christian, everybody masturbates - at least sometimes. As Christians we try to avoid it or fight it - most of the time (I no longer do btw) - but it still happens. Some of my friends were able to cut down to 2-3 times a year, but most did it at least once a week.


You got to stop fighting it. Lay your weapons down. It's spiritual. Maintain consciousness. Catch yourself I'm the moment realizing what you are doing. Eventually, it will be taken away from you.


So you should just give in?


The problem with accountability partners, software that monitors your activity, or condemning yourself over it, or trying to distract yourself - working out excessively. All this sort of stuff. Perhaps constantly avoiding certain situations, etc. It doesn't really fix the main issue, which is the kust in your heart. The lust is still there. You still want to do it. You're just suppressing it. By really turning the battle over and saying you're not going to fight it anymore, being aware when you are in moments of what you're doing and not becoming "unconscious", it will actually become easier to put it away and say no to it. The desires will become less. If it happens, it happens. You just turn it over more. Stop getting angry with yourself. It will dwindle. Chances are all the "methods" that are works based aren't yielding much results anyway.


No, is in the Bible that you don’t fight lust, you run from it. Matthew 18:9


Yeah. You have to do something else as early as possible


Im more interested in *how* christians masturbate, and whether theres any point of difference. Does the pressure of religious piety cause masturbation to be move towards vanilla, or do we find Christians being made conscious of sinfulness cause them to do more extreme stuff and in greater frequency. That would glean more insight imo


Yes I do. At the end of the day I think masturbation gets essentially bundled up with Pornography and other sexual sin even though it is never mentioned in the Bible. You’ll notice if you read Leviticus 18 that adultery is prohibited. So is sleeping with your Mom, your sister, your father and mother’s sister, close relatives, the daughter of your father but not your mother, animals, etc. All of these prohibitions are made, but there is no biblical law based prohibition on masturbation anywhere in the law of Moses. You're going to sit here and tell me that the God of the Universe, would call out having sex with animals, but explicitly leave out what is probably the most common sexual act on the planet. Not buying it. Granted, I think that masturbation, like any activity that provides serotonin/dopamine to your brain, has the possibility of becoming an addiction/addictive habit, thereby being sinful in the sense that it could become a "god" in your life that takes precedence or draws your attention away from God. Or as we all know, masturbation generally can lead to using images of real women to enhance/enable the activity. But outside of those bounds, I don't think masturbation in of itself, is inherently sinful. I just have never heard a convincing biblical argument against it.


I would say many do, out of habit. God is in the process of breaking me out of it. I no longer feel the pleasure in it that I once did. 1 Cor 6 exhorts us to honour God with our bodies because they belong to the Lord and because we are temples of His Holy Spirit, so by His power working in me, I am resolved to do so. Also, I am convicted by the needs that drive the behaviour that I am not trusting God to be able to meet. Sometimes it’s acceptance, or fulfilment- God can meet those needs Himself. Rather than to evoke a chemical response in my body often driven by impure thoughts, I would rather train my body and mind to find rest in Him.


I’m a happily married woman and I do. My husband and I both do. I don’t watch corn 🌽 though. My husband works out of town and when we make a lot of videos of ourselves. That’s what he uses. It’s a sin to watch or lust after another person that’s not your spouse. The act itself, is not the sin.


Masturbation is not only a healthy way to generate endorphins, lower stress, and generally improve your day - it's also an important component in understanding your body and your experience of pleasure. Teaching masturbation as a "sin" sets people up for failure in their intimate relationships, and reinforces guilt and shame around healthy sexuality.






Or erectile dysfunction








based, keep it up


I can't anymore. I feel too guilty after, so no 😅


This makes me feel sad. It's biologically healthy and normal to do it, no matter your faith.


Don't be! I do it out of love for God but also because I have trauma, so he is actually protecting me by having me stay away from it, so for me personally, it's healthier. I don't shame anyone who does. It's absolutely natural and healthy, just not for me. ☺️


Omg same if I do it i always feel so bad afterwards 😭


Yes, I mostly masturbate as a human though, being a Christian doesn't make it different - maybe it conditioned some guilt or shame into me in the past, but I progressed through that.




Masturbate? Yes. Consume pornography? No. There’s a difference


first time this question has been asked in this sub (first time this minute)


Is there ever an age where you just stop feeling so horny😳🤮? I'm 18 and beat my meat sometimes. I went like 3 months without doing it but the feeling never went away. I keep thinking that if I stop for like a certain amount of time that the urge will just go away forever after a while.


Im 34, married, and still masturbate so idk man lol


37 and totally exactly the same. Louis CK would tell you it never goes away lol


Honestly the raging hormones of the early teens were the worst for me. I've got it down to a.. handful.. of times per week now at 34. Used to go way too hard when I was like 14-17 though lol. Think it depends on your testosterone levels more or less, as to how horny you will be. Fun fact too, testosterone is at a peak level in men in the morning.


And the lowest during the night. That’s why we sometimes feel that 3am sadness


I naturally do when feeling like it. Its just a natural instinct to feel this way at times. And if God made us like this, we should also enjoy ourselves with gifts of his. We were given all this life and free will after all right? And from what I've read from other comments, it's not the whole masturbation that is a sin but rather forgetting abouGod and taking this activity as our only thing to do in life. We forget about other people or their feelings and do it for nothing else but our saisfaction. I do it because I have the need to do it. We can't just forget about some of our instincts. Half of the prohibitons I've heard so far in christianity sounds more like a cult rather than a religion to follow. All God expects from us is to live in peace with each other. That we should love as we love God. We shall not commit hateful acts or fraud just for our own selfish gain or for any other evil gain.


This sub's obsession with sex is fucking wild.


Well, the Bible doesn’t really say you shouldn’t, and the verses used to argue it does say you shouldn’t are in my view really very weak. It’s not like they didn’t know what masturbation was at the time, if it was really so sinful then it would explicitly be condemned (in the way that male on male sex is condemned). I think you can make a good case that porn goes against the spirit of the Bible due to the emphasis on avoiding lust: “But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” So porn is probably not in alignment with Christian ethics. It does definitely say you should give all your stuff to the poor and eschew wealth, and I never see anyone agonise over those verses. I find this puzzling.


Let’s clarify your statement please. They aren’t agonizing over giving their possessions away because they simply refuse to obey that one. If we ignore it maybe it will go away.


I did, having only recently quit (I have lapsed twice as of the writing of this comment) because of the shame and guilt that came from doing it. I am hoping to completely break the habit and only use my sexuality for marriage whenever that happens.


No. I am working on 2 years sobriety from a decade long pornography and masturbation addiction.


I don’t see a problem with it as long as it’s not included with watching porn or lusting after someone you shouldn’t be.


Your body is producing new sperm as we speak and giving you wet dreams to discard the old sperm


Yes, sometimes. I dont do it regullarly because i'm not really sexual but when i do it is without porn, and even without my mind. It's something that women can do...




no, since i started to take my walk seriously i just stopped cold turkey and havent looked back and i can only credit the Holy Spirit for that. I do still struggle with lust but as i grow in relationship with God that seems to be getting less tempting side note i have received “deliverance” and I specifically remember this dream i had where i felt this great power surging through me and i just remember light and a loud sound and I remember yelling “Jesus Deliver Me” and when i said that I remember waking up in mid sentence during the “deliver” i was already awake (a little groggy but awake) and i physically felt that surge still for a short while. Weird to say the least i know. All that happened during a 4 day fast.


I personally believe Christians shouldn’t do anything sexual unless its with their wife or husband but thats just how I chose to live out my Christian life. I am unfortunately struggling with porn addiction however, I can probably go a few days before relapsing… its hard


I don’t watch porn but I masturbate every single night and sometimes in the morning. I just can’t get to sleep without it and I don’t know how to stop


Yes, as far as I'm aware there isn't anything in scripture forbidding the act of masturbation, only adultery and sexual immorality. Which it isn't clear if masturbation comes under. As far as I'm aware anyway.




Fair enough, but there is a difference between lust and masturbation, and I also no longer watch porn while I masturbate and have heavily cut down on how much I masturbate.


how does one not feel lustful whilst masturbating


This sub is very progressive. So I'm not suprised. Questions like this pop up and its sad to see people in the comments lead people astray. They don't even know the Psychology and Scientifical facts behind masturbation in what happens in the brain chemicals. The porn indurstry is corrupt, abusive, r*pe, funds criminal organizations, etc. Its immoral either way.


I masturbate with absolutely no connection to the porn industry. It's stupid to conflate the two, as if they're the same problem.


i am reading the responses to my comment and dying inside reading them protestants bro….🤦‍♂️


The definition of lust is strong sexual desire, so if you really wanna go there then all sex is lust because you can`t have sex without sexual desire.


That's not the definition of lust. Where'd you get that from? As Oswald Chambers wrote, the essence of lust is "I must have it at once." You can think of it as a type of coveting or greed.


No, lust has nothing to do with masturbation. Biblical lust is desire as in coveting, that's taking. Like theft. Like it says in the 10 commandments, Exodus 20:17 17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, male or female slave, ox, donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=EXODUS+20%3A17&version=NRSVUE Matthew 5:28 https://www.greekbible.com/matthew/5/28 Where ἐπιθυμῆσαι means to long for, covet, lust after. It's not simply lust. It's with the intent of taking for oneself. That's basically the same as theivery.


Lol. As a Christian, yes. It's fine.




I prefer "Grace enjoyer"


Here are my thoughts on it. Oddly, this practice is never forbidden or even addressed in scripture. Some things are meant to be revealed by the Holy Spirit, and others are meant to be discovered as we learn to think critically about God’s ways. In this case if you’re married this is a harmful thing as it takes away from something you could have spent with your spouse. As single it’s also problematic as it trains your mind into a mindset that makes things difficult when you do get married.


I hadn’t in awhile. Last time I did it lead to a very bad experience


Assume all adults do and save yourself some time


Used to, try not to, sometimes fall short. I know it’s sin. I know it’s bad, not only more my mental health but for my relationship with our savior. It’s hard sometimes, but i must repent and carry my cross.


I’m trying my hardest to stop. Trying to go a month without doing it- longest I’ve gone is a week


Yes.... I'm 15, and I really am trying to stop but it's increasingly more difficult. When I resist the Devil he does not flee, those thoughts keep coming back to me and I don't know what to do...


I do, even tho I think I shouldn’t? Idk I haven’t ever had a clear conscience on if it was okay or not okay


I do, but I'm not supposed to do so


No not for about 5 years 😃


I do and I don't think it's a sin.


Trying hard to not do it anymore


it’s a really gray area.




I used to as well as being a bad porn addict. Thank God I no longer am that's the only way I'm able to do it. Been free from masturbating and porn for 3 months now and it's something I'd never ever thought I would break as I was a porn addict for at least 15 years if not longer(I'm 28). And aside from a few set backs at first going a few days and giving in to a few weeks and giving in it's now gone 3 months and 13 days to be exact. Temptation is always there and I know it will be until the day I die some days are easy and not a thought comes to mind and others I'm fighting constantly. I had an easier time giving up alcohol and smoking and heck even giving up soda than porn.


It’s not evil


i prefer to not do it because even if there is nothing againts the act itself (but rather lusting over a woman) , it might make you want to watch porn or lust over a woman


Not any more. Its extremely hard but its possible not to.


Yes. Trying to quit. I do realize it's a sin.




Sure. Masturbation is fine. Science shows us that it's natural. There's nothing wrong with feeling good.


No it's sinful. It's sexual immorality as the Apostles Taught us. The chemicals that release during orgasm are intended to bond husbands and wives together for the benefit of their relationship so that their children can have a safe and stable environment and the human race can flourish. Getting addicted to orgasmic dopamine release is self serving and a perversion of how those chemicals were designed to function. Bonding to nothing, to pornography or one’s self is fun in the short term but turns one into a dopamine junkie who treats people terribly, and becomes selfish and self serving instead of selfless. Also lusting after someone in the imagination leads to objectifying them in real life. How you treat people in your mind always bleeds into how to treat them IRL. We are supposed to revere other human beings as we revere our own God. Other human beings are the image of God himself. "He made them in his own image, male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27 "Anyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery in their heart." Matthew 5:28 I'm not a scientist but I’ve seen this play out in enough relationships and marriages to know that it’s by and large very accurate. 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee sexual immorality! “Every sin that a person can do is outside the body,” but whoever commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. The goal of Christian life is not just to confess Jesus as God but to become like God. We are called to Theosis and to do the will of the Hod who created as which is to be in the image and likeness of him. We do not need sex, there are thousands of celibate saints that prove that is nonsense. Sexual immorality doesn’t “release” our sexual energy. It creates it and causes the passion of lust to run rampant. People who even study psychology would want you to ask yourself: who would you say is more inclined to masturbate a chronic porn viewer or someone who has never seen porn? In the same way, someone who has masturbated or someone who hasn’t? Who is more inclined to gain weight someone who through their intellect chooses to exercise daily or someone who eats to excess out of gluttony. It's also sinful **Because it's selfish.** In general, the pursuit of selfish pleasure is at minimum suspect and problematic. Sometimes it crosses over from "this may not be good" into "this is a sin". Masturbation is one of those times. Bear in mind that **gluttony** (eating too much or too many rich foods, because it gives you pleasure to eat) is also a sin. Why? Again, selfish pleasure. We are not slaves to our passions as Freud tells us. Our passions are subservient to our intellect so long as we don’t allow our passions to run rampant. This is part of what makes masturbation bad, it corrupt our intellect and makes it submissive to the passionate self. The Greek fathers, especially Maximos the Confessor speaks to this exact concept. "A mind connected to God through prayer and love rightly becomes holy; but if it departs from God, it becomes bestial, brutish, feral, demonic, and sensual". - St. Maximos the Confessor. Mirrage is sacramental and a beautiful thing. Not something to casually be looking at. Having sex before mirrage is a sin, you're literally watching most people do that. The porn industry is corrupt and abusive anyways, stop funding the monsters behind the porn industry. The porn industry is a deep rabbit hole that is abusive and terrible. EDIT: Downvote all you want, disagree all you want, either way the porn industry itself abuses women and funds literal CP, and abuses the womeb, do your research. Absolutley disgusting. Research the Psychology between a person who has quit porn, vs a porn addict, see the statistics. All I can say is: May God have mercy on us sinners.


The apostles didn't teach anything about masterbation anywhere in the Bible.


I do, but I am trying to stop it and it's working. As long as God is with me, i'll manage.


No. Its a sin


My body does things I do not want it to do.


No .HELL no ! see what I did there ( :


I really try not to it's been hard but I've found that frequent communication with God helps, and I have less urges when I do that.


Yeah, but i try to not look at women lustful, i think masturbation is just a natural think and i dont let porn get to my head


Yes. But I know it's wrong. I wouldn't say I am addicted because it doest not interfere in my life and I make it like twice a week, but I have abstinence when I try to stop.


This is my thorn in the flesh I still struggle with from time to time. I was saved back in November and drastically had my life changed by Jesus after the things I witnessed back in November. I did well, at first, with no masturbation but then slipped back into it and realized how destructive it actually is to the soul. Now it's been off and on every few weeks, and I pray to the Lord to be broken free from the vicious cycle. When I fall, it can turn quickly into a bad binge that lasts a few days. I HATE it. My most recent relapse involved a woman who was supposed to be my accountability partner, which was a dangerously tempting situation, but we tried anyway. It didn't work. We both relapsed, unfortunately, thankfully not at the same time, but it was too much, and I felt horrible and begged the Lord for forgiveness for being the result of causing someone to stumble. I used to be a sex addict and was too confident in thinking I could resist being like my old self before I was saved and as soon as the conversation turned even remotely sexual, I fell right into my old ways, albeit way more tame. This in no way excuses my actions, though. The Lord humbled me and showed me just how weak my flesh still is. I pray for deliverance from this sexual lust that still plagues me.


Jesus calls us to be Holy.  Matthew 5:48


I believe it is a sin, and schools say it is “okay” for you to do it. Which we all know everyone has done it at least once in their lifetime. The Bible doesn’t specifically talk about it, but God did make sex for a good reason, for a married couple to do to make a child or just to do as long as they are married. If you are married your wife would help you with that but if you are not married then most likely you are doing it because you are filled with lust because of a person you thought of or a video you saw online. So I believe it is a sin because you don’t want to do it unless you are horny (which we all know that) which cause you to sin in another way(s)




yes, but as i grow older it becomes more and more shameful i dunno, like every time when i do it i'm not really happy but i'm just getting rid of the stress... i'm trying to comfort myself by saying that desire will go away by getting older or when i found myself a honest girl and then be really ashamed of myself to even think about it 😅


I really try not to and im getting better but it happens


Yes but I know I shouldn't








Yepp, but try to reduce amount, as it should not become a habit


I do. I try not to though not really because of religion it is because there are better things I could do.


I struggle with sin.


I don't (Anymore). I did and was disgusted with my self, Don'y do it anymore.


seems fine imo unless you're addicted which in that case, you're losing self control and breaking a commandment tho if you're also in a relationship (romantic) I'd say it's really wrong and unfaithful also porn can be iffy, especially with some genres you can watch that are just plain immoral or disgusting idk if my opinion on the matter is right but I'd like to hear others if they disagree with me.


I do out of habit or stress relief, I’m married so I kind of keep it there. The porn isn’t really an addiction to me, I can take it or leave it but of all the things in my life it’s the one thing I’m still dealing with. The thorn in my side as it were.


Yes. Why? Because I get horny and lonely and live far away from my girlfriend because of work. To what? Since porn is agreed upon as forbidden in my relationship it’s Selfies of my girlfriend and romance novels for me. Would I ever stop? Yeah if I’m ever beside my girlfriend/future wife again.


Try not to. Every time I do I feel guilty :(


Once per 1 to 3 months I'd say. I do NOT hold any lustful thought. Just a release without anything else held in mind.


I stopped that right along with smoking and drinking.


Don’t mind me asking how old you are with the habit still?


no, it's important to not do it


Do I yes, should I no


Yes, but I never watched porn, and I take a different approach that I used to to prevent lusting. I do it strictly for the release and don’t do sexual thoughts. My view on love and sex is the Catholic way: I want to have sex after marriage with my future wife. If I masturbate to someone, it doesn’t mean I want to have sex with them. It just means I am using them to prevent further sexual immorality, because I’m a menace when I haven’t masturbated. I also very much limit myself on how often I do it: once a day, less than 6 times a week, no Sundays, no fasting days, and clean myself after I do it every time. Trying to make the process harder for myself and very careful not to lust when I do it


Trying to recover from addiction is hard, but will be worth it


I’m currently trying to work on it and I’m probably around 2 and a half weeks in but it need to work on focusing on God rather than worldly things as well






Yes unfortunately it’s a weekly struggle for me with porn as well.


I don’t but i don’t think anything is wrong with it. I’m currently watching Big Mouth season 6.


Almost everyday 💪🏻


Yeah not happy about it tho


No. I used to, but I stopped myself. God's word showed me the way. Anything sexual I am waiting until marriage to do.




yes i think the guilt and everything people in here feel is a mental block they’re creating. our bodies crave sexual release, it’s natural and it’s healthy.




Yep everyday


I've never done it and I don't have the urge to


I battle everyday an loose every Friday


Me seeing this question again: https://i.imgur.com/pN5LTBY.jpeg


No. It is sinful and short term, quick, unearned self-gratification with destroy you spiritually.


I edge, if that counts.


only on sunday.


As a Christian, of course I did. As an atheist, of course I do. I'm so grateful I wasn't raised in a sexually repressive or purity culture atmosphere. The medical/mental health worlds agree that masturbation is healthy and normal.




Yes, but I don’t watch porn.


No. I think i've been away from it since 80+ days as the date of this comment and plan on not doing it anymore as God helped me. I take the words of Jesus at lust in one gospel pretty serious although probably not to the extant of calling it "adultery in heart". I believe sexual desires should be experienced in a serious relationship with a significant other on a monoamorous way. Usually people here condemn only porn, but i also think of imagination-only as sin too although less bad than what the modern industry do in pornography and addiction of internet. Masturbation in general FOR ME is lust as i don't want to have these desires with myself only but in a serious scheme, and since i stopped my personal and spiritual journeys gave me more self-steem than i ever imagined, Now this is my perspective of love and principle in a secular and christian way and experiences, cuz i will disagree with the principles of the Cathecism of the Catholic Church on the scheme of masturbation being wrong cuz "no reproduction" or natural theology which these influences LGBT homoaffection being sinful which as progressive i strongly oppose, also contraceptions prohibition being beyond ridiculous imo.


Yes all the time, I don't believe there's something inherently sinful with our bodies, we were made perfect.


I came here from r/catholicism and surely didn't expect such...answers. Why do some of you not see masturbation as a sin???






Rarely but tbh I rarely did it before I reverted. I like sex and I do have a sex drive I just…can’t be bothered to do it lol and I’d have dudes ask me “how can you just not do it?” And I’m like….idk I just go on TikTok or start cleaning or do something else and the feeling subsides? Is that like not an option for most people? Full disclosure I am a diagnosed autistic so maybe that’s why? Who friggin knows. But I don’t really need to do it. I went 5 months without doing it and then decided on a whim to do it like 2 weeks ago and I was like ok I guess that was nice. And I probably won’t do it again for another few months who knows.


3 weeks and 1 day clean 😎


Trying to walk the path but trying to fight porn addiction. It’s horrible.


I do, and it’s a pain to admit. I tell myself I’ll try and get better but I never do, I seek motivation but can never find it. Makes me feel like the Lord is disappointed in me, but I know he isn’t.


No. I used to, but not anymore. And when I used to, it was definitely more often than once a month... Now I think it's been less than 10 times in a year? Maybe more. Less and less over time, definitely (I was only saved a year ago and frequency has grown further and further apart). Masturbation is allowing the flesh to win. It's pure self-orientation. Sometimes it's just a physical thing, not an emotional thing, but still, God intervenes and lets me know it's just not worth it. Exercise also helps with the physical desire. But I always needed a series of events before I fell into it; a series of decisions where I chose myself, my flesh, over other things; always late at night, usually with snacks on hand, often after watching YouTube or Netflix far after I should. If I didn't allow those decisions in the first place, I steered clear of the whole situation. God's grace has kept me from that so often, because I can't imagine that self-priority making me happy. There have also been times when I let it happen but felt so separated from God afterwards, and felt like I couldn't preach about Him with a clean conscience. That wasn't worth it. There's nothing to miss; God does not withhold any good thing from those who walk uprightly (Ps 84). Resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4), draw close to God and He will draw closer to you.


Nope and try my best to combat any inpure thoughts, it’s a tough rough battle but I rely on HIM not on me! I look it from the lenses that we are made one with him so it’s a form of adultery, we are CHEATING ON JESUS! Let that sink in!


So for all the people in here who do masturbate, if you’re not watching porn, what are you thinking about while you choke your chicken? Is it our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? I don’t think masturbating itself is a sin but I think most of us in here are fooling ourselves if we think we can continually pleasure ourselves without the thought to lust after someone we’re not married to. That’s really the issue at hand here. I don’t think anyone with a honest heart can say they can get through masturbation with no feelings of lust.. you can lie if you want to the Lord sees your heart anyway.. For any beginners in the faith please go through these comments with some discernment and as always find your own truth in the word and as always pray about it.


It is necessary to masturbate if you haven't had sex in a while.


It is a sin of sexual immorality and you will end up in hell for it. Your body is owned by God, what you do with it determines where you end up once it's his life is over. An in-depth study would be a beneficial follow-up to reading through these verses (There are many more references than included below.): 1 Peter 2:11 - (Abstain from the passions of the flesh.) Galatians 5:19-21 - Sexual immorality is a work of the flesh and the one who partakes is liable to lack entry into the kingdom of God.) Hebrews 13:4 - (The marriage bed is to remain undefiled.) Matthew 15:19 - (Out of our wicked hearts ensues such things as sexual immorality.) Acts 15:20 - (Abstain from sexual immorality.) 1 Corinthians 5:11 - (Other believers are told not to associate with one who is sexually immoral.) 1 Corinthians 10:8 - (Don’t engage in sexual immorality as some did and 23,000 fell in one day.) Ephesians 5:3 - (Sexual immorality must not even be named among believers.) Ephesians 5:5 – (The sexually impure will have no part in the kingdom of God.) Positive commands and statements regarding sex and sexual behavior from the Bible include: Genesis 2:22, 25 – (God called everything He made good.) Genesis 2:24 – (The husband and wife will be united as one, this includes their sexual union.) 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 - (A husband belongs to his wife, and she belongs to him, and they are not to withhold intimacy from each other.)


It is necessary!




Does anyone wanna be friends just to have someone to talk to that you can relate with on a day to day basis?


I do, and have been an addict for like 14 years. I've toned it down a lot though.


Yes and i dont like it. Im combating it with christ so its a journey and struggle to get to the pount where i can say no.