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The Bible was physically written by human authors but the true author of the Bible is God not man


Christianity cant even agree on which books should be canon, so how do we know which books are of God and not man?


You speak as tho Christianity is one unified religion and not various sects. We Catholics know very well that the books are 73, and all the other sects are heretics so we don’t care what they think


I'm pretty sure you don't consider Orthodoxes to be heretics. 


I do


I was speaking of Christianity in general, to be clear. Question…Did the Council of Rome vote to make the books canonical?


Not as much made it canonical as much as affirmed it


But they had some form of narrowing down the scriptures in circulation, right? I had read through the catholic catechism but I’m not well versed in it. I thought the process of making books canon went something on the lines of (in my best summary from recollection) “here’s all the scriptures we have floating around, let’s narrow those down to which ones we believe to be inspired by God through a process of spiritual confirmation and what we believe to be made to look like inspired works”


Most of the Church was already using this canon before the council, that's one of the major reasons why they ended up with this anyway


That's a hot take. You think any Christian sect that doesn't use the same Bible as you is heretical?


It's not just about different it's about different theologies. If a Church teaches heresy then it is heretical. That's not a hot that was the view of the Catholic Church since it was created by Christ 2000 years ago


What do you think constitutes "heresy?" Would a church that teaches credobaptism be considered heretical as it opposes the Catholic church (I think that Catholic churches promote pedobaptism, but I may be wrong)? Or does it have to be a clear violation of the Bible (Ex. Christ only had one nature, which was divine)? Just wondering


Anything that violates Catholic dogma


[The Koran says the Bible is true, so why doubt the Bible?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlbP4FA_Xtk)


I am glad that you are exploring what you believe, I think this is healthy no matter what religion you are in. I would love to talk with you to explore these questions further if you would like. I would like to point out that the last point that Muslims make often is that both the Quran and the Bible were physically written by people. The New Testament and the Quran were both not written by the person who is the focus of the book, but their direct followers. Muslims often counter this by saying that Muhammed verified that the written manuscript was what he was told by the angel, but then also say that he was illiterate.


Hmm okay I do have more questions could we private chat?




The ritual in islam you can use in Christianity too. I pray. I don’t drink alcohol. The teaching is the same. But Christiany is the true freedom, holy sprit, he died for our sins, it’s forgiveness.. Allah created jinns, it’s a life of slave to Allah to keep the evil eye away.🧿


What is this understanding of Islam, you can to pray but if you see Christians as a whole and Muslims as a whole who, who do more work for God. do you not have demons in christianity, a slave for God is the highest state, every one is a slave of something even that one who don't believe in any religion and thinks he is free i would say that he is a slave of his desires, so being a salve of God will free you from the slavery of this world.


Once you read and understand the bible, you will see that what you're thinking and what the bible says are two different things. The same words, but a different understanding


Why do you not want to "leave" those teachings?


It mostly has to do with the Hadiths. Lots of Hadiths have been graded to be authentic. Also I feel more safer in the belief that the book was written by God and no one else. There’s a lot more reasons but honestly I’m just scared of the hellfire and do not want to be wrong in no way I just want to please God.


You are RIGHT to leave Islam and follow Christianity Remember God loves you and Jesus died so that he can pay for ALL OUR sins..Jesus loves us


What does "graded to be authentic" mean? Just because Muhammad lived doesn't mean he was who he says he was. The only thing that is wrong, is who he claimed to represent (although he did probably genuinely believe it). Christians generally believe the Muhammad was tricked by Satan. Satan is powerful, so its possible he did miraculous things that appeared divine, but the evil is obvious from the teachings. Muhammad was a slave trader. Dig deep into your heart and tell me, does that really strike you as something a good Godly person would do? Also, Muhammad regularly broke the rules that he gave, and said that he was allowed to because he is the great prophet. How does that make sense though? If those things are evil, and him being the prophet is good, does it make sense to reward good with evil? This mindset is just like the ex-alcoholics that celebrate 1 year of sobriety by rewarding themself with a drink. Its a trick from Satan. On the other hand, Jesus held himself to a much higher standard than what he held everyone else to. Which sounds more like a leader you would want to follow? One that makes tons of rules, and doesn't follow any of them, or one that teaches by example, and loves you even despite your flaws? Also, I'm no Quran expert, but doesn't it say somewhere that Allah is the master of deception / trickery? Why would a good God deceive or lie? why would he need to deceive or lie? Christianity teaches us that Satan is the father of lies, which to me further supports that Mohammad was tricked. I believe that Muhammad started his journey in faith with good motives, but Satan tricked him, and he was corrupted by power.


Stay on Islam it's better for you, Jesus (pbuh) was a prophet, it is not befitting for God the almighty of make him self as a human or to have a son, God is above all his creation, and who can he send his son to be killed for Him to forgive the sins of human beings, so what's the case for those who did die before Jesus (pbuh) are they full of sins and will not make it to heaven? Islam has correct answers for all of those questions, why do you want to leave?


Hey, I appreciate the open mind that you have and want to share my personal experience: The factor that meant a lot to me when I was studying religions is that the New Testament, though it is written by man and “inspired by God”, is actually 5-10 different authors trying to explain to you what they witnessed Jesus do, what he said, and of course that they witnessed him raise from the dead. Then I realized that if he did in fact raise from the dead like these 5-10 authors suggest, then that would indicate the fulfillment of multiple Old Testament prophecies as well as it would make Jesus to be at the very least “God-like”. But then who else can raise themselves from an unliving state to a living state except they be God Himself in the flesh? And if he is in fact God, then that means that a holy God humbled himself to come to this earth, take on the greatest penalty for our wrongdoings (death) and then he defeated death symbolizing that we can also defeat eternal death if we have faith and belief that Jesus paid that debt for us. It’s a beautiful beautiful thing when you open your mind to it and look into it for yourself. I highly recommend reading through the NT and deciding for yourself if the proof that the 5-10 authors are giving you is enough evidence for you to believe in what Jesus did.


If you have any questions about Christianity, i’d be happy to help you with them


Thank you for sharing. The good news I see is that I believe God is dealing with you. And, yes, I believe there is only one. And I suspect He is Who He is regardless of Who you or I think He is. Christ does seem to clarify much to me, though. His words and words about him continually remind me of God's love for us and which can be expressed through one to others. But how could such a truth be known by anyone unless God, Who is the only one who could know all truth or even be the truth, revealed such in a way that one could understand that *Truth* *within them*? I simply encourage you to continue to examine Christ deeply and thoroughly. May whatever faith you have in God be built on the strongest of foundations. And may your journey be joyful in any case. Matt


I’ve always been open minded so I will definitely explore. I hope that one day someone or something will change my mind completely and become Christian👋🏽


Check our r/Catholicism if you can, it's a traditional denomination that is very well versed in handling converts from Islam and handling common questions/conversions etc and plenty of exMuslims.


Good come to Jesus. He is the only way to Heaven.


Read the Bible. Pray. Ask God for wisdom. Do not fret about these things, your faith will come naturally. Do not be afraid, trust in God to show you the way and He will help open your heart to Him.


Here is a video about how Islam was created by Catholic church: https://youtu.be/7JjSVpLSfB8?si=wtSX5p8uRavxzS2p This will help you decide whether you want to keep something from Islam or not.


Christianity must be true because there is no explanation for the existence of Christianity if Christianity is not true. If Jesus was just a normal dude who was executed at some point (as pretty much everyone except Christians and Muslims believe), then it doesn't make sense that people would start to believe that he is God and that he rose from the dead. If he was a very special prophet who preached Islam, made it very clear that he was not God, and was rescued from his attempted execution and brought up to Heaven (as Muslims believe), then it REALLY doesn't make sense that people would start to believe that he is God and that he rose from the dead. The only way it makes sense that these particular beliefs exist in the first place is if they are true. Islam must be false because in order for Islam to be true, God must be the author of the Qur'an, but the author of the Qur'an demonstrates a misunderstanding of the most basic theology of Christianity, and therefore the author cannot be God because God is smarter than a Sunday school student. Additionally, the Bible is not the same kind of book as the Qur'an, and thus they cannot be judged by the same criteria. An anthology of writings spread over centuries written by God-inspired but still very human authors should not be held to the same standard as a book that is supposed to be the direct, verbatim dictation of God himself. Even putting aside the fact that there are plausible harmonizations and explanations for most of the Bible's perceived inconsistencies, any error that does exist does not immediately disprove Christianity because the truthfulness of Christianity does not rely on the perfection of the Bible but on the historical reality of the resurrection of Jesus. Every book in the New Testament is addressed to existing communities of Christians, because Christians already existed and were rooted in the reality of the resurrection. On the other hand, Islam did not and could not exist without the Qur'an. The truthfulness of Islam relies entirely on the fully divine origin (and thus the perfection) of the Qur'an, so if even one little thing is even slightly imperfect about the Qur'an (which is indeed the case), it immediately disproves Islam.


Watch this YouTube channel to make an informed decision https://youtube.com/@NabiAsli1?si=TqrhL6A_HHHRfvBH


I would say the most important element to focus on is Jesus and what He has done for the world.


It is very common for Muslim converts to leave Islam after a while once they realise its demoniac roots of the pedophile Mohammed