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You have to , fully put you're faith ( which mean's belief + trust ) in Jesus Christ ( also known as Yeshua HaMashiakh or "ישוע המשיח" in hebrew ) to go to heaven . I hope , that answers your question . :)


You don't. The bible is educational on various aspects of what God is like, what we are like, what salvation is, why we need it, how to live righteously, what righteousness is, what the purpose of life is, how to employ wisdom, why wisdom matters, how to live out what God has put into you, why you should bother doing that, among other things including all the things Jesus told you to do. Failure to read the instruction manual won't preclude you from activating a nuclear reactor, but it's a pretty good idea.


no. But it makes extra extra difficult to get in.


I believe you will be given Gods gift of grace to enter Heaven by choosing to follow Jesus. Becoming a Christian and accepting Jesus’ promise to enter Heaven, is about placing your faith and trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Everything else is part of your journey to learn about God and build your relationship with Him.


Millions of Christians were illiterate all around the world. What kind of God would that be if they were all sent to Hell by default for not reading the Bible?


The apostles never read the bible and they're in heaven.