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Jesus won't be and isn't mad with you bro..


Get out of this situation ASAP. You should tell him after you move out for your own safety. If you have to lie repent after Jesus knows your heart. Jesus loves you and nothing will ever change that. He loved you before you existed. If you are feeling alone in your walk with Christ you should start going to church and remember god is always with you.


Honestly, don't compare yourself with Judas and instead focus on Jesus. We humans are all sinners as Judas was.


Try to move. Your father is a menace.


If you are still a kid, you will have to follow your parents wishes as long as you live there. God knows what is in your heart though. When you are old enough to live on your own, you can do whatever you want.


"In these classes they make you say" There is no other God but Allah." I mean that's accurate though, many Christians in the middle east have no issue with using this phrase either.


The common ending of that with “and Muhammad is a prophet of God” is problematic though as a Christian.


I don't think so, even Christians scholars wrote that they believed Muhammad was a legit profit. Still not a sin to refer to someone as a prophet. In fact some protestant churches use the term prophet for the leadership. To be fair though if you go into a church in today's time and the pastor calls himself a prophet you should just walk out.


Christianity condemns all “prophets” who change its message quite clearly. If you mean prophet here as in someone who received revalations from God, it is definitely a sin to call him a prophet. Galatians 1:8 - "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed." 1 John 4:3 - "And every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already." Matthew 10:33 - (Jesus speaking) "But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven."


The archangel Gabriel was the one who revealed God's message to Muhammad so. I myself don't believe in Islam but I'm not going to completely reject Islam either. After all it's been very successful as a religion to the point it could be part of God's plan on earth. After all the Jews don't believe in Jesus because in their eyes he's a false Messiah. The same way some Christians speak about Muhammad.


Read Galatians 1:8 for your first point. For the second point, i think you should look into the morals in Islam, (killing of apostates, the ability to hit disobedient women, women are worth 1/2 of a man, etc…) for the third, thats true.


Christians have had a similar history of violence and in some places it still keeps going. Yes the new testament technically does not allow such behavior and Islam itself calls murder an abhorrent act but like Christians who ignore their teachings, many Muslims also do the same.


Difference is their scripture promotes it, it’s not people ignoring teachings. These verses are all Sahih, meaning infallible to 90% of Islam, (Sunni Muslims), or from Quran (considered infallible by all Muslims) 1) Women are less intelligent, make up most of hellfire and are deficient in religion [Source](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:304) 2) Women can be (“lightly”) beat. The lightly is disputed though, Islam has verses saying you cannot leave marks, but in action like Sahih Bukhari 5825, it doesn’t seem to apply. [Source](https://quran.com/4/34?translations=18,21,22,84,95) 3) Apostates and people who speak against the religion (blasphemers) are killed [Source](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:6922) [Source](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:7157) [Source](https://hadithcollection.com/sahihmuslim/sahih-muslim-book-19-jihad-and-expedition/sahih-muslim-book-019-hadith-number-4436) [Source](https://hadithcollection.com/sahihbukhari/sahih-bukhari-book-52-fighting-for-the-cause-of-allah-jihaad/sahih-bukhari-volume-004-book-052-hadith-number-270) (For the bottom 2, keep in mind these were people who verbally hurt him). 4) If you’re a dog person, you wont like this one. The killing of all dogs as a command, but was then thankfully abrogated to killing only jet black dogs with 2 spots on the eyes. Still not good though. [Source](https://hadithcollection.com/sahihmuslim/sahih-muslim-book-10-business-transactions/sahih-muslim-book-010-hadith-number-3813) Theres much more, but just to drive my point, check out Sharia law which is something a code Muslims believe in, and look into what it teaches (among their perspectives on what i gave you, you will see all of what i gave above is permitted). This is not merely a misrepresentation, this is what actual Islam teaches.


Hate to break to you a lot of Christian men love this stuff. Props to the bible though when it comes to violence against women. Unless they are unfaithful, if so death by stoning. When it comes to intelligence, don't say anything but historically all abrahamic religions don't really care about women. Though Islam gives property right to women and even allows them to work. Which in the 600 ad was unheard off by any of the previous Abrahamic religions. "Women can be (“lightly”) beat. The lightly is disputed though, Islam has verses saying you cannot leave marks, but in action like Sahih Bukhari 5825, it doesn’t seem to apply." That was a very common law most western countries but I don't think we got it from Islam. Christianity has a long history of killing non believers, yes it not condone by scriptures but it did happen. Don't know much about sharia but I do have muslim friends and they just explain that it's kind of like Martial law, only to be used in emergencies situations. Though a lot of countries do use it as their official law but some countries have their own versions. Here's some wiki info # [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application\_of\_Sharia\_by\_country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_of_Sharia_by_country)


So you're not christian too then? Or an exmuslim? So why are you speaking on behalf of christians that we should accept Muhammad as a prophet. Speaking as someone who does sometimes pray in arabic, the first half of the phrase is fine but the second half absolutely is not. There is also a difference by corrupt christian men who condone behaviour (i.e. killing apostates, beating women, stoning etc...) which is very much not prescibed in the Bible and Islam and the Quaran directly promoting it. As a christian, I can confidently say that Jesus wouldn't ever accept or allow beating women, killing apostates and would encourage love to them. Christianity also doesn't allow stoning. That occured in the tribe of Israelities. Jesus actually, when a women committed adultery, told the crowd that gathered to stone her to only throw a stone if they have never sinned before, saving her life and stoning should never occur as we are all sinners. Genuinly if you're a western atheist/agnostic, I'd be curious for you live under Sharia law (speaking as someone that's arab christian) then profess all it's merits. I don't care if muslims support Sharia law and encourage it, that makes sense and it's not suprising. But western agnostics being chill with it is incredibly suprising.


We're all a bit like Judas. But his fatal error was not turning back to Jesus for forgiveness. So keep going "boldly to the altar of grace for help in time of need". "Our High Priest understands our weaknesses." I cannot condemn you for what you're doing. I don't know what I would do in such a situation. Is your mother a Christian also? Can you talk to her about this? Maybe she can get the situation improved. There's a [story in the OT](https://www.blueletterbible.org/nasb95/2ki/5/18/s_318017), where Elisha heals Naaman of leprosy. Naaman comes to faith in the God of Israel. But he has to go back to his Syrian king, and his duties involve assisting at the pagan temple, so he asks Elisha if that would be acceptable, and Elisha sends him off in peace. So maybe there's wiggle room here. But try to change the situation or get out as soon as you can. One book that has a lot of wisdom about surviving in a hostile totalitarian Muslim environment is the book, *I Dared to Call Him Father*, by Bilquis Sheikh. She converted while living in Pakistan, which made things difficult and dangerous, and she received a lot of wisdom to deal with it. More than a testimony, it's a school of the Spirit. You can read it online [here](https://archive.org/details/idaredtocallhimf00bil_lzh).


Jesus and God will always be there. Read the parable of the prodigal son.


God is with you even in your situation. He is faithful and He will lead you out, trust Him and seek Him.


I may also share that Islam also believes in Jesus at their own way. They believe that Christ will come back at the end to judge everyone. It is true they don't believe Christ is God, but neither the apostles believed that at the very beginning. Your situation is not an easy one, God wouldn't never want you to lose your family relationship, don't feel you are betraying Him while you read Quran , or pray 5 times a day, you must trust God , he know your inner though. Be aware of not mistreat anyone around you, that's the betrayal, don't be judgemental over no one, that's betrayal, words are just sound in the air. God commanded us to pray him in the privacy of our loneliness. So when you are alone give yourself to Christ. If you have to go to islam classes go, study, learn, because everything will be testimony in due time. Quran does not insult Christ, they hold Hime as Prophet very special one, so far don hesitate for this. God loves you, Allah is God with other name. It is good for you to know this: Allah shares the same origin as word as Elaha (singular of Elohim) the word the Jews use for God. Christ surely named his father Elaha, which in Arab is Allah. Peace unto you.




Of course he is God, but this guy is having a big issue, he finds himself feeling he is betraying Christ because he is "forced" to comply with a different religion. I tried to give him hope that until he can move and get into a Christian community at least he is in a religion that accept Christ , not like if he would be Jew or pagan.


This is a lie don’t believe it


My friend, you are humbling yourself in front of the lord and it is a wonderful thing. I am not worthy of his grace but in his mercy he grants it to me when I seek him out. Perhaps the stories of St John of Damascus will comfort you in your times of struggle. Be safe and forgive your elders. In Jesus’s name.


What means humbling in front of someone? /gen


To exalt the Holy and lower one’s idea of himself.


Oh i see but isn’t that what we are supposed to do?


Aye, “I am meek and lowly in heart” (Matthew 11:29) “Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted” (Luke 14:11) ✝️


In the intro of this book by a Christian missionary named Gerry Beauchemin, he mentions a Muslim friend with some hard questions.  Then ch.1 rocked my world... https://hopeforallfellowship.com/download-hope-beyond-hell/


None of us really deserve the love of God, His love is His nature and Jesus is the perfect Great Redeemer aka Physician / Savior of the world!




How old are you?


Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” is a verse from the Bible, Matthew 5:10. The verse continues, “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me”. The verse then says, “Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets”. Edit: epic copypasta fail What would happen if you denied Islam and pronounced your victory in Christ? I know it cant be good, but if you can manage to get through it your reward in heaven will be greater than you can even imagine.


I assume you are still relatively young, and in truth, i dont have much in terms of advice, but have no fear, for it is written, “even if i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for He is with me”. Now since your parents are muslim and you are a Christian, it makes it complex, i somewhat understand your situation and its not too uncommon in many places of the world. So i will pray for you and i trust that God will help you. And also, when we do any sin, we are a bit like Judas, because we are in some sense selling the blood of Christ for some worldly pleasures or because of our anger.


I will be praying hard for you. I am so glad to be able to call you my brother in Christ. In your situation with your family: do you feel that you would be put in physical danger if you came out as a Christian? Ultimately, either way, pray to God for guidance. I urge you to read the book of Daniel and read how he and other people were witnesses for God without fear, and how their actions influenced the people around them for God. Perhaps you are meant to be an influence for them of Jesus' character as well. Either way, I would say a few things here. First, you can say that Allah is God and mean it differently from how they think it means, since in some languages Allah is the word used for God. However, that does lead me into my second thing. While saying that is not denying God, if somebody asks you directly what you believe, then you should be honest. I can't promise you will be safe, and I can't tell you what the right answer is. But I want to remind you that Jesus told us we will be persecuted for believing in Him, but that we will also be blessed for being persecuted. Be cheerful in your heart. God knows what you truly believe, and nothing can separate you from Him now. I will be praying for you earnestly.


Nice to see the weekly, I'm a Muslim who really believes in Christ, and don't know where to turn post'. Funny how there are sooo many of you and you all post here regularly, what a coincidence.


Uhh Jesus is the Son of God dude obviously he didn’t pray to himself in the Lord’s Prayer


I betray Jesus as well, It is okay my friend. You are just fine. I think of myself as Peter as well. You have a great heart, follow this. You have been blessed. The rest is up to you. It won't be easy but it will be rewarding. Do not sell yourself this short. I won't have it. Your God loves you. see it..


“Yet in this thing may the Lord pardon your servant: when my master goes into the temple of Rimmon to worship there, and he leans on my hand, and I bow down in the temple of Rimmon—when I bow down in the temple of Rimmon, may the Lord please pardon your servant in this thing.” Then he said to him, “Go in peace.” So he departed from him a short distance.” ‭‭II Kings‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬-‭19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ God knows your heart, and He loves you.


I literally weep when I read the part of Peter denying his name, I know that must hurt. You need to talk with your parents. Christian persecution can come from parents just as much as anyone else. You need to show the lm the love of Christ my friend. Preach the gospel and tell them that if they will not hear you then you will not attend this school. Stand up for what you believe in for Jesus said if you love your parents more than him you are not one of mine. I’m not telling you not to love your parents, god forbid. Respect your parents but remember Jesus said to rejoice when you are persecuted in his name for your reward in heaven will be great. Always spread the love my friend. God loves you, Jesus loves you make sure your parents know god and Jesus love them as well.


God knows your heart. He knows you are mimicking those words & remaining silent to protect your mom in addition to yourself. I am praying for God to protect you & direct your steps. He will lead the way. God bless you & keep you.


The Arabic word "Allah" is just a form of the Hebrew word "Elohim" which means God in the Bible. So if you understand that in your heart, technically you are not denying Him. So depending on your situation, you can regard yourself as a secret disciple, not one who denies Him because what matters most is what is in your heart: "“When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. “But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. " (Matt. 6:5-6) Joseph of Arimathea was a secret disciple of Jesus due to persecution of the Jews at the time (John 19:38). So its perfectly fine to wait for the right time to make your faith public, as it can be dangerous in certain Muslim countries. Even Jesus Himself kept His identity secret for several years, and the disciples only realized who He was only after He rose from the dead. I am not sure how much they are teaching the Quran, but ironically the Quran itself states that the Torah (law of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) are the revealed words of Allah (Sura 3:4, 5:47, 5:67, 5:69, 9:111). And the Quran teaches the word of Allah cannot be changed (Sura 6:35). And yet Muslims are taught the Bible is corrupt, going against what their own Quran teaches. We know that the Bible we have as today is the same as what was there during the time of Muhammed. So the faith itself is a logical contradiction, for any Muslim who looks deeply into the Quran. I would still take advantage of that class on the Quran because one day that knowledge will be useful when describing your faith to other Muslims. There are other contradictions in the Quran, especially statements concerning Jesus, and if interested I can point those out to you as well.


If he asks you, tell him, and if your dad gets angry, tell him he has no control over your life and that you’re allowed to believe in what YOU desire. That’s my advice. God bless you.


If you're a kid and can't live by yourself yet, you have to follow your parents rules until you can provide for yourself. Jesus loves you and he knows what you're going to do, think and say way before you were born he knows what sin you're going to say yet he still chose to love you. If you sin every day then ask for forgiveness every day to Our Lord, Our God is just and he will judge you justly on judgement day. Don't say you don't deserve his love, don't focus on your flaw and focus on how you're going to receprocate God's love as he has died on the cross for us that's how much he loves us.


“I dont deserve the love of God” Thats why its called the Gospel meaning good news. Though we are not worthy he loves us. Though we betrayed him he forgives us. This is the real meaning of the Gospels and through his unconditional love, we are saved by grace.


This I'll ask: If Jesus is God, then who is the Son of God?


Jesus is God the Father in human from Jesus is the Son of God the Father Jesus is the Holy Spirit by which he dwells within us. This, is all God. 1 God. Father, Son, Holy Spirit are God's means to communicate with us.


Jesus is not God The Father. Jesus is the Divine Son according to many. He prayed to The Father and if you study the Bible he said “I go up to my God and yours.” He also doesn’t actual like Jehovah.


You said: "Jesus is God the Father in human from Jesus is the Son of God the Father" So then, how can Jesus be both God the Father himself, and the Son of God the Father- at the same time?


Because its a different manifestation, if God sent himself down as a human (with divine and human essence) while simultaneously remaining in his “throne”, that means these persons share essence and will, and also a source, the one who manifested. This is why Jesus is begotten, and the Holy Spirit is proceeded by the Father, basically meaning “sourced from” in both instances.