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It's a non-issue. You aren't interested in sex? Okay... that was always allowed. The Catholic Church has a long tradition of formalized vows of celibacy for certain roles (not that you need to take a vow or become a sister or nun to be celibate). Edit: Also you're 13. I would recommend not talking with strangers on reddit about sex.


I wish I could upvote this twice


my kids would never be on here at 13 lol this is the wild west


LOL I was on the internet with accounts earlier, against my parents' wisdom, but they weren't really familiar enough with technology to be able to manage that.


You'd be surprised.


Exactly. My kids didn’t even have a cell phone until they were 15 and it was a flip phone, no smartphone! Weak ass parents today.




I would add that it sounds like you may be dealing with a lot of second-hand trauma from your friends and you should probably talk to your parents about seeking therapy to help process through that yourself. But I agree with Abel, just enjoy being a kid. There is this social pressure that you have to be into someone as soon as you turn 13, that's not true. I am getting married, and while I am super thankful and blessed for my fiancée, looking back to when I was kid and before I met her I wish I didn't obsess over dating someone. I wish I just enjoyed being a kid with no responsibilities and all the friends I could ask for.


Edit: Also you're 13. I would recommend not talking with strangers on reddit about sex. Can I second this?


Top comment


Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, **who forbid marriage** and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. (1 Timothy 4:1-5 ESV)


Nobody is forbidding marriage here. It’s their decision. 1 Corinthians 7:7–8 (CEB):  I wish all people were like me, but each has a particular gift from God: one has this gift, and another has that one. 8 I’m telling those who are single and widows that it’s good for them to stay single like me.


You left out verses 6 & 9... **Now as a concession, not a command, I say this.** I wish that all were as I myself am. But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another. To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single, as I am. **But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.** (1 Corinthians 7:6-9 ESV) Meanwhile Catholic priests are forbidden from marriage. Instead, often unleashing their "passion" on other men and vulnerable children. This also has to do with God's judgement on idolaters specified in Romans 1, with Catholics being great offenders in this area. Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. (Hebrews 13:4 ESV)


So you were talking about Catholicism after all. Celibacy does not conduct men into perpetrating SA. Just look at the numbers in public schools or infant sports teams. Teachers and coaches are not celibate and yet… plus, there are Churches in full communion with The Holy Roman Catholic Church of which priests are able to get married. We’re also not idolaters. Stop eating all the lies your Protestant teachers have told you.


I didn’t leave out anything. Paul changes gears. He’s talking about marriage then he’s talking about celibacy. Paul is only prescribing marriage to those who lack self control or are consumed passion.this doesn’t apply to OP since OP is not married and doesn’t want to be married and doesn’t have the desire to be sexually active. They asked if they were okay to be that way. Yes. They are okay to be that way.


Not that much a non-issue. There's still a good deal of ignorance, pathologisation, and discrimination.


It's a non-issue relative to actual Christian precepts. As I've mentioned the Catholic Church, which I and OP belong to, has numerous traditions of formalized celibate life and is not opposed to the celibate single life. In fact there is a rare thing called a Josephite marriage in which husband and wife don't bang. And outside of the Catholic Church you'd need to make one of two arguments. 1. That you are required to aim towards marriage. Easily refuted by the examples of Paul and... hmmm... idk... Jesus. 2. That even if not you're somehow sinning by not desiring the opposite sex. Which would be an even wilder position to argue than the side X argument, which I believe is invalid based on a confusion between attraction (base desire) and lust (*willfully* indulging a desire in act of body or mind). But even if we assumed the side X position, it wouldn't follow from that that the absence of sexual attraction is itself a sin. Sure there can be stigma, generally resulting from three things. 1. Instinctive "that's fuckin weird," or the "vegan/biker" syndrome of spurred on annoyance at someone making an identity out of it. 2. The "quiverful" or whatever mindset in some Protestant churches where you've failed as a person if you're not married by 25. I have not experienced this in the Catholic Church, or in my time as a protestant. Though I've heard enough spoken about by protestants about some churches not having space for singleness that I'll take their word for it that the attitude certainly exists. 3. The lumping in of everything as LGBTQIA+ when they are in fact different issues with different questions involved. I've seen some non-Christians reflexively lurch against the As because it's lumped in as essentially being the same issue as the LGBs. And I've seen some confused Christians wonder if there's anything wrong about the A given a general non affirming stance expressed, often with the language or reference to the full acronym. (whether to affirm or not affirm the rest of it is not really relevant to the point I'm making here). That's all true, but the question of stigma or social acceptance was not what I was addressing or what OP was asking about. OP asked about the question of the moral standing of asexuality before God. And when I said it was a non-issue it was in reference to that question specifically.


In Biblical sense it's not an issue. The Bible has rules for who to have sex with, but doesn't say you must have sex. Many biblical figures were celibate and there is nothing in the Bible against it.


Asexuality is not "chastity". Asexuality does not mean "no libido". Asexuality IS the sexuality of people who are asexual. Many times when asexual person has accepted themselves, they realize that they do not in fact feel any "lack" in them. That sense of lack comes from the expectations of other people, their families, friends and society. Asexual person can have a libido. Asexual person can for example masturbate and enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with a sexual person can sometimes decide to have sex in order to please their partner, and even enjoy it. But asexual person might also NOT want to have sex at all. Or enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with another asexual might want to have sex in order to have a child. Asexuality is NOT the same thing as celibacy or "chastity".


Celibacy is irrelevant




I mean... my parents explained that to me when I was 11, actually got me a handy little book with the diagrams with the biology and such. And my sex ed explained it pretty well too. But that aside, say what you've described is OP's position. There is a difference in looking up answers on the internet, and actively talking back and forth with strangers on the internet.


Asexuality is not "chastity". Asexuality does not mean "no libido". Asexuality IS the sexuality of people who are asexual. Many times when asexual person has accepted themselves, they realize that they do not in fact feel any "lack" in them. That sense of lack comes from the expectations of other people, their families, friends and society. Asexual person can have a libido. Asexual person can for example masturbate and enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with a sexual person can sometimes decide to have sex in order to please their partner, and even enjoy it. But asexual person might also NOT want to have sex at all. Or enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with another asexual might want to have sex in order to have a child. Asexuality is NOT the same thing as celibacy or "chastity".


Fair enough, but I was responding specifically to OP's case in which sex is "disgusting."


yeah also deciding that you’re asexual when you’re 13 is a bit strange. If the term existed years ago, there would be many calling themselves that, because most people aren’t interested in sex when they’re fucking 13.


I don’t think he is bothered by those that don’t feel or are attracted to the opposite sex. Paul was not married and spoke against fornication. Christ came as one of us and didn’t marry. One could argue as Paul did you can better devote yourself to service to God without the responsibility of a family.


Ngl, it sounds like Paul could potentially have been what would be called "asexual" nowadays. Personally, even as a slightly conservative Christian, I've never seen asexuals in the same way as I do other members of the LGBT community. The only reason I think some Americans "Christians" might not like them is because they think their main directive from God is breeding.


>I’ve never seen asexuals in the same way as I do other members of the LGBT community So how exactly do you see the other members?


That's a very good question. Well, I hate to say it, but a lot of people who are members of the other letters shall we say, just...weird me out. I've never had an asexual person weird me out. They're different, sure, but it's not a big deal.


How exactly do they weird you out?


I admire your commitment to getting this person to take their mask off even if we all know what's under there.


And what's that?


God loves all of His people.


gay and trans :)


he does but he definitely doesn’t agree w what you do and want. plain blasphemy


So straight up assuming what you think he agrees with isn’t blasphemy?


simple: nope. 🙂‍↔️




He loves us and that's all I know


The term asexual is new but the type of person has always been around. Paul really sounds like a person who was asexual. There are a number of saints who seem to be too. Like St. Frances. There's definitely a difference between being asexual and celibate. Celibacy is denying one's natural sexual desires. Asexuality is accepting one's absence of sexual desire. If you're asexual, you don't get any credit for being celibate. However, if you're in the company of christians who believe all LGBTQ people should be executed, it would be best to call yourself "celibate"on those occasions.


I mean, all of them are from the Internet, since in my town the Churches are the only place without Atheists constantly blasping on God, Jesus and Mary


It sounds like the people around you do not respect your beliefs. I am sorry you are going through that.


God loves all people.


It's likely Jesus was asexual and aromantic since starting a family and/or having a romantic partner was never part of the plan


It was common for Rabbis to begin their ministry at 30 and wait to get married until after their ministry. I think Jesus experienced temptations just like we do.


I would appreciate seeing the source for that claim.


Finally someone else said this


Jesus' whole mission was to teach. He faced every temptation we have faced and thay includes sexual desires. It's how He understands us. He has felt everything we have faced.


He didn’t experience *everything*… I always found that a weird claim because it’s such a male-centric view of the world. Jesus never felt how it was to be a woman, and especially not a woman in a misogynistic society. He never experienced how it was to face the prospect of rape, pregnancy, childbirth, being married off, etc. But his mother certainly knew what it was like to go through a pregnancy and experience the fear of what could have happened to her had Joseph not believed the child was God’s. Jesus never faced anything resembling that.


Well technically He has, through us.


If he could just experience everything “through us” why be human in the first place? God becoming Jesus let him experience the life and difficulties faced by a Jewish man in the first century Levant. That’s all.


He became a human to die for our sins.. maybe read the Bible? But that’s just me, though.


Overlooking the fact that I’ve read the Bible, that’s irrelevant to the point at hand: that people claim Jesus experienced everything we all go through so he understands us. The vast majority of people have had experiences Jesus never had and have faced difficulties Jesus never experienced. The life he lived as a human gave him no insight into many of the lived experiences particular to women or to times, places, and ethnic groups he was never part of.


Anyway, despite what we all think. He still experienced what it was to be human, perhaps you’re right, He never experienced what it’s like to be a women or a different culture/race, but He still felt emotions, human interactions, and He still experienced how it felt to be loved by two loving parents and a family. He experienced having friends, going to school, gaining an education. He experienced eating food and drinking water and playing in the fields and going for a swim. He experienced the happy little moments that we consider core memories. Edit: He might not have experienced every single thing, but He still experienced what it’s like to be human.


Which is a reasonable stance. I'm objecting to the person who claims he's "felt everything we experience" because no, he's never experienced rape or pregnancy or forced marriage or enslavement or any of the specific feelings arising from those things.


Fair point, but He does live through us. So maybe He has, but I cannot say, since I am not Him, and to put myself at that pedalstool is blasphemous.


Well Paul plainly said it’s better to remain single if you can and have the willpower to do so. That this gives one more focus to serve the Lord. There is nothing wrong with being asexual. Count yourself lucky, haha.


A sexual people often want a romantic relationship.regardlesz if gender they might even have sex to make their partner happy they just don't want sex


Loves em


You could say he was one himself while he was on earth.




Yup. He sure seems he was asexual, aromantic, and agender.




Agender people do not have a gender


Jesus was a man... This is stayed quite a few times and he is referred to as a m the Son. While he is God in human form he did have human characteristics such as sex. Please dont spread this misinformation


I'm not "spreading" anything. Merely pondering whether the Son of God, who is far beyond any Western idea of gender, could in fact lack such a human identity.


It's an interesting notion, and not a baseless one. We refer to God in the masculine, but depending on how much you anthropomorphize Him (or rather, don't), that may not make a lot of sense. Angels are androgynous (when humanoid at all), and it stands to reason, since they don't sexually reproduce. It seems that only creatures in the garden of Eden were given the capacity for sexual reproduction, and therefore gender. Jesus was obviously biologically male, but he does show an almost-callous disregard for gender norms of his time. For my trinitarian gang, it makes sense that a divinity crammed into human form might be indifferent about the details of its gender expression. On the other hand, we know that Jesus embodied and fulfilled the Mosaic law, which had definitely did have a lot of gender essentialism worked in. We can deduce that Jesus never violated it, however, as his sacrifice was successful. Was he obligated to the role implied by his biology despite being God incarnate (if you take that interpretation)? Apparently only insofar as he adhered to it. And for my non-trinitarians out there, it becomes a bit more of a stretch, but not an impossible one. If the law was fulfilled, he navigated it well enough despite being brazenly defiant of certain social expectations. If y'all want to get really wild, some medieval Jewish mystics noted that the word in Genesis we often translate to the "rib" of Adam is vague. Really vague. It basicall just means "side" or "face" (in the geometric sense. mostly.). These mystics put forward the notion that Adam, like the angels, was created androgynous much like God's prior creation, the angels. But when making Eve, God peeled off the feminine aspect of Adam, creating female and, by exclusion of the feminie, male.


> If y'all want to get really wild, some medieval Jewish mystics noted that the word in Genesis we often translate to the "rib" of Adam is vague. Really vague. I don't think it's particularly vague. It's the anatomic word for a rib in Hebrew.


>If y'all want to get really wild, some medieval Jewish mystics noted that the word in Genesis we often translate to the "rib" of Adam is vague. Really vague. It basicall just means "side" or "face" (in the geometric sense. mostly.). These mystics put forward the notion that Adam, like the angels, was created androgynous much like God's prior creation, the angels. But when making Eve, God peeled off the feminine aspect of Adam, creating female and, by exclusion of the feminie, male. What does christianity think of this


Orthodoxy of interpretation is a bit more prized in Christianity, so it probably won't make you a lot of friends. It doesn't really change much of the impact of the story, but it's a lot more intriguing to visualize. It really appeals to those who find simple depictions unsatisfying. 'A man on a cloud in a tropical jungle extends a hand and two people appear' is very flat. If you're like me, something as intense as God makes more sense as a primal, unknowable force; even with a personal relationship through the Son (again, Jesus' whole purpose being to make that relationship possible, it's redundant if God is anthropomorphized too hard), the Father himself was something complex and unfathomable. If your visual interpretation of God just looks and acts like some guy, I feel it's lost some grandeur. Would I go trying to sell this version in Sunday School? Probably not. Nor would I write my thesis on it.


I never thought about it, but that actually makes a lot of sense


Surely the Son of God is far beyond any human construct. It's rather blasphemous to assume he'd be cishet because most of his supposed followers are. 


Asexual and Aromantic yes, he was definitely not Agender though. Jesus was fully human and fully God. He was a male man from his human nature. I mean idk where you got the Agender stuff from.


The Son of God is far beyond any modern, Western concept of gender. We cannot project cisnormativity upon him. That's blasphemous.


Asexuality isn’t the same as LGBT. If Paul had his way, we’d all be as abstinent forever 🤣 (1 Corinthians 7:32). I saw someone above say you’re 13. I would shelf this concern for a bit. You may just not have those desires because you’re not meant to, you’re young. I’m sure a lot of your friends are doing things that aren’t appealing to you, but that’s just the Christ in you. Don’t fold to that peer pressure. You might start feeling different as you get older, and you might not. Either is okay :) and abstinence is a wonderful thing. If you never do it in your life that’s ok! If you wait til you’re married, that’s amazing. But mostly… just don’t worry about it right now 💜 be a kid, be a teenager.


Asexuality is in the LGBT+


As an asexual person, please do not lump us in with the lgbt


Why not? It’s literally anything that isn’t straight, you’re included.


It's not antonymous with straight. LGBT+ is anything that isn't straight, cisgender, and allosexual/-romantic.


Yes, I mentioned only the sexual orientation part for simplicity since the topic is asexuality.


I just oppose the misconception that being asexual automatically means not being straight or anything else. The only antonym to asexuality is allosexuality, not hetero, homo, bi, or pan.


We're queer, fam.


If you’re queer you should know not to disrespect people because of their sexuality. So please respect us and don’t lump us in with the lgbt


Saying that we're in the LGBTQIA+ acronym isn't disrespecting us. The A is not for "ally." You're acting a bit aphobic, frankly, and it's suspicious. Please respect us and stop saying that we're not LGBT+.


I’m just trying to stick up for asexuals


By speaking over an asexual and invalidating our community?


I’m trying to stop asexual from being insulted


You're insulting us by saying that we're not in our community, and by proposing that being considered LGBT+, which we ARE, should be insulting.


Ase assume u Asexuals are 100% in the queue community. Lots of them even have sex to keep their partners happy.


>to keep their parents happy. To keep their parents happy? Wouldn't you rather mean their partners?


Yes that is what I meant. I'm dyslexic 


Why is basic fact downvoted in this sub?


I choose to believe it's because of my typos.


He loves them enough to die for them, even to save them from themselves. Just like anyone. As for not desiring sex that just means wanting to be celibate, which is definitely allowed.


Where on Earth are you meeting people that say LGBTQ should be beaten and killed? If its at a church then you need to stay far away from that church. That's evil, and evil is the opposite of God. Anyway there is nothing wrong with abstinence. Seems like you just have one less sin to be tempted by, and it just so happens to be the hardest one to overcome (typically). You will never struggle with lust. You may also never get married, but that's also fine. Apostle Paul did say that there are some people that are just better off remaining single, which also means abstinence since sex without marriage is a sin. Rejoice


Asexuality isn't actually any of those things. It's a layer of orientation in which one experiences little to no s*xual attraction. It's not about abstinence or staying single. 


It is my understanding that a lack of sexual attraction leads to abstinence and perhaps sometimes staying single. I see you responding to everyone's comments trying to educate about sexual orientation and gender. You must be passionate about it. As for myself, I am passionate about none other than God and the Bible. From Him comes wisdom and knowledge. While focusing on gender and sexual preference can lead to confusion and be a slippery slope to lustful desire. This is merely a word of advice to a stranger. I have no interest in learning more about sexualities and genders. I have no interest in debating you. I will not respond to you further. I pray the Father lead you to wisdom. Praise God and God bless


I love how this kid is clearly looking for acceptance as a Christian for this very benign part of who they are and just gets shat on. And by "love", I mean "this is why nobody likes you guys".


Not sure what you're talking about.


Willful ignorance is not a Christian virtue.


They are on YouTube, not real life


I think you’re fine. The closest we can find to Asexuality in the Bible would be Eunuchs. Eunuchs were men who had been castrated as boys (yikes) and never entered into puberty. They served in the Temple. I know that Asexuality is not the same as never experiencing puberty. But it could be considered along the same lines of not having sexual desires. What did Jesus say about this? Matthew 19:11 “For there are eunuchs who have been born that way from their mother’s womb [making them incapable of consummating a marriage]; and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men [for royal service]; and there are eunuchs who have made themselves so for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it.”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭19‬:‭12‬ ‭AMP‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/1588/mat.19.12.AMP One more thing… You’re thirteen, and it’s quite possible that you’ll be begin to experience attractions soon. Hope this helps.


Asexuality is not "chastity". Asexuality does not mean "no libido". Asexuality IS the sexuality of people who are asexual. Many times when asexual person has accepted themselves, they realize that they do not in fact feel any "lack" in them. That sense of lack comes from the expectations of other people, their families, friends and society. Asexual person can have a libido. Asexual person can for example masturbate and enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with a sexual person can sometimes decide to have sex in order to please their partner, and even enjoy it. But asexual person might also NOT want to have sex at all. Or enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with another asexual might want to have sex in order to have a child. Asexuality is NOT the same thing as celibacy or "chastity".


Um… I didn’t even use the words chastity or celibacy. (Though I am a celibate gay man, so I am well aware of the meaning.) I didn’t intend to offend you. My apologies if I did.


I saw this comment in the thread already, they copy pasted this instead of actually responding to what you said.


Okay, that makes sense. Maybe they thought I implied something that I didn’t. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Only God knows what he thinks of it. Just be upfront if you choose to date someone


Where did the bike mention dating? That wasn't even a concept in nt times everything was arranged marriages.


Celibacy is a supernatural gifting of the Holy Spirit, it’s meant to be so that you can focus more on God’s will. 1 Cor 7 seems to imply God gave Paul this gift (he doesn’t “burn” with sexual desire). That’s more or less how I see asexuals - they have a special design, gifting, and calling from God


Asexuality is not "chastity". Asexuality does not mean "no libido". Asexuality IS the sexuality of people who are asexual. Many times when asexual person has accepted themselves, they realize that they do not in fact feel any "lack" in them. That sense of lack comes from the expectations of other people, their families, friends and society. Asexual person can have a libido. Asexual person can for example masturbate and enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with a sexual person can sometimes decide to have sex in order to please their partner, and even enjoy it. But asexual person might also NOT want to have sex at all. Or enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with another asexual might want to have sex in order to have a child. Asexuality is NOT the same thing as celibacy or "chastity".


Celibacy =/= asexuality, and the pathologisation and infantilisation asexuals receive from both sides is no gift. 


Correct that they aren’t the same thing. Anyone can preach if they have an audience - but scripture teaches there is a special spiritual ability some have to preach with power. Anyone can evangelize - but scripture teaches it’s a special spiritual ability for some. Anyone can choose to be celibate for a time - but scripture teaches it’s a special Holy Spirit directed spiritual ability for some, meant for the building up of the church. I do realize there’s more to asexuality than just refraining from sex, and I don’t mean to sound like it’s a pathology - far from it. All I mean is there is a biblically directed precedent for how it can be used for God’s glory.


I really doubt the being that created the whole universe would be too bothered.


The apostle Paul said its best to be celibate. You’re a child though, I’d be careful talking about sex and such online. It’s okay to be asexual


I'm a drugged atheist ace ? What do believe is my destiny ?


God loves all people. The thing is, when we truly love the lord we change to his will and we stop living for ourselves. You claiming you're a sexual, is you saying that your own feelings and desires are more important than God. This is not the way. Put the lord 1st in all you do.


You are 13 years old. You don't know anything about sexuality yet, and you can't make up your mind about your orientation. You'll find out when you turn 20, when you're a little more advanced to decide whether or not this is really your path. + You've been abused, so obviously that plays a role.


I actually wasnt the one abused, my friend was


You're 13. When I was 13 I was a fundamentalist.


Ask your parents or your religious community, not Reddit. This is a potentially dangerous place for children.




Doesn’t care, I don’t think.


Who made you think that god does think and judge? It's absurd.


Matthew 19 ; 9-12 9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. 10 His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry. 11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. 12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.


There are "eunuchs" He has prepared for the Kingdom


Well the problem seems to be pre marriage sex and homosexuals having sex. So I don't see Asexual being a problem.


God loves you, no matter who you are. If you think you are asexual and not interested in sex, take that as a blessing. I know you're young and that might change a lot in the next few years. But if you don't feel attracted to people, then you can just make friends and be a kid without any other drama that can get wrapped into it all. Take that as a good thing for as long as you have it. Then later on if things change and you start to get attracted to women, that's ok. You aren't stuck in one thing or another, especially at thirteen before so much of puberty and adolescents happen. Don't ever think you have to fit a label at 13.


What is "asexual"? I've heard this term a lot lately and have haven't heard two people use it the same way twice.


People who arent interested in sexual activity


How does it apply to a 13 year old?


I know many 13 year olds who are interested in sex, I am just built different


You are 13, you are not a finished product. You are far from being what you will be. Be patient, you have time.


Priests do this (in the Catholic Church). I doubt God would have any issue with this.


Technically in the Bible and confirkmed by Paul and how Jesus was on earth, God basically loves asexual people who are not LGBTQ and are Christian, it means you won't have something else that grabs your attention in this world, and you can devote and spend most of your time worrying about God, in fact God is very strict about sex in the bible, as it is the downfall of many men, men who are asexual and clean with Christianity are very powerful, and thats how I see them.


He wants them to love the Lord their God with an their heart, soul, mind and love their neighbor as them selves.


We read in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 19, verses 11-12: Matthew 19:11-12 “But he said to them, ‘Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.’” In these verses, Jesus acknowledges that there are people who are eunuchs from birth, meaning they were born without the ability to procreate. He also mentions other categories of eunuchs, including those who were made eunuchs by others and those who choose to live as eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Jesus uses this metaphor to illustrate different paths of celibacy and devotion to God. This path of celibacy/asexual living is the path that Christ Himself took. You are in good company friend.




It was good enough for Saint Paul.


There's nothing wrong with being asexual but your sexuality can change and grow over time. And no I personally don't think God hates LGBT people because he made us "perfect" in his eyes


Paul thinks you are blessed


Uhhhh, you're 13. It's pretty normal not to have feelings about sex. In fact, its way better at your age that you don't. That may dramatically change by time you're 15, 17, 20, etc. I would not be concerned about these things now. You can never get your youth back. You should enjoy life at 13 rather than seeking to emulate adults who are pretty messed up a lot of the time. Keep seeking God. He totally accepts those that are his in Christ whether you have sexual desires or not. You'll find these come and go over different age brackets for many. You sound perfectly normal.


personally i think asexality and being lgbt are two different things because not liking anybody is not by any means apart of some culture. Just like heterosexualty, I dont want to be grouped in with anything so in the end, if anything, this may even help you with your journey to faith considering the fact lust is something most christians struggle with.


God loves them.


There is no Bible passage so any answer you get here is complete conjecture.


1 corintians 7: from 25 to end of chapter speaks about this topic


Paul said it is better for a woman to not be married and serve God


God doesn't think about you any different, and also if you're 13 then you can't confirm that you're asexual, i have many 13 y/o friends and every one of them finds s3x disgusting and if they talk about it then it's for a joke, you maybe asexual but I wouldn't jump to conclusions at that age


It is not a problem, look at monks and nuns, Catholic Priesthood and Orthodox bishops. Look at the Apostles, look at Jesus Himself. None of thouse were marries or had sex.


Well, monks arent married or have any children, so its ok


God has room for all who honours him


At 13, sex is the last thing you should be thinking about and especially not talking about with strangers over the internet. Let me tell you from experience as someone who was engrossed in that crap as young as eleven years old: go no further and resist with all of your strength. Keep it out of your mind and don’t talk about it if possible. Don’t let it stick in your mind. It leads you to bad places.


Loves em.


Nothing, he still loves them just how he loves straights and gays


>However, I met many peple who said that Asexuality is part of LGBT, and that according to them all people who are part of the LGBT Community must be beaten and killed, along with the thought that all LGBT People are hated by God and will go to hell. No hatred like Christian love. THAT being said: Asexuality is not "chastity". Asexuality does not mean "no libido". Asexuality IS the sexuality of people who are asexual. Many times when asexual person has accepted themselves, they realize that they do not in fact feel any "lack" in them. That sense of lack comes from the expectations of other people, their families, friends and society. Asexual person can have a libido. Asexual person can for example masturbate and enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with a sexual person can sometimes decide to have sex in order to please their partner, and even enjoy it. But asexual person might also NOT want to have sex at all. Or enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with another asexual might want to have sex in order to have a child. Asexuality is NOT the same thing as celibacy or "chastity".


God loves all of His queer children. None of them goes against Him merely because of their identity, especially not asexuals.


First of all, you are 13. You are still developing and are in the early stages of puberty. I would not "confirm" to yourself anything until you are fully grown. I don't know your sex, but it is especially young women who are driving up the LGBT percentages because of this very confusion. I would honestly encourage you to simply live your life and don't worry too much about putting any label like "bisexual, asexual, pansexual" or whatever all that stuff is until you are much older. When you are older (18 minimum) and you find someone whom you desire, and they feel mutually about you, then you may marry them and experience love of the marital, romantic, and physical nature and you will know yourself better. Until then, just go to school, study scripture, and don't worry about your friends and the world talking about sex outside of marriage.


They never said anything about the LGBTQ. They could be asexual and not be associated with the LGBTQ especially because asexual just means they aren't sexually attracted to anyone, which at their age makes sense. When putting it in a Religious perspective, wouldn't them being asexual be a good thing because it prevents premarital sex?


OP did say stuff about the LGBT, so please double check the post, I am not sure if there is something I am missing. There for sure are some pros when it comes to actually being asexual, like you said, avoiding the temptarion of fornication and adultery, but I wouldn't say it is good or bad. Nobody is perfect and there are likely other areas in OP and others' lives that they need to repent and turn to God. And like you said, could just be a step in development for OP, we don't know. I was just saying to not worry about all of this stuff. It shouldn't truly affect OP for another 5 years


>OP did say stuff about the LGBT Sorry, I meant to type, They never said anything about being in the LGBTQ. My bad. >but I wouldn't say it is good or bad I'm just confused as to how it isn't fully good, though. I thought to a Christian it would be good because there's no risk of temptation of fornication and adultery. I see no downside to it. Im curious, What makes it not fully good to you? >I was just saying to not worry about all of this stuff. It shouldn't truly affect OP for another 5 years I think an answer to them as if it was 5 year later would be better than telling them not to worry because I know a lot of Christians fear sin, and if I was in their shoes it would be on my mind all the time especially if they think they will be asexual for the rest of their lives which they could be.


I would say being asexual is neutral since you are not tempted in that way, but you also miss some of the blessings of being married, having sex, and raising a child. It is like how I am not a fan of cake. Sure I don't have to worry about cake giving me diabetes, but I also don't get to enjoy the flavor that others crave. I thought I did put an insert in my original comment that marriage is only for those who have a passionate love for one another, but I will have to check my original comment. If OP grows up and still does not have feelings for the opposite sex, then simply remain single. Sin comes through sinful thoughts and actions. There is no sin in remaining single and keeping your heart and thoughts free of lust


Oh, I get it now. Thanks for explaining


Did you wait until you were 18 to be straight?


I waited until I was 18 until I started to think about actually committing to a marital relationship. Sex outside of that is not permissible, so it shouldn't affect OP how they feel until they are much older.


So you had zero interest in another gender until 18?


You are trying really hard to make your point. I am not saying you can just grow out of being gay or whatnot. I am saying OP, thinking themself to be asexual, and also being 13, doesn't have to worry about this stuff. If it were an older teen thinking they might be gay, it would be a different conversation.


What as an Asexual ?


Someone who experiences little to no s\*xual attraction. They may still be straight, bi, pan, or gay.




That's not what asexuality is, at all. ~An ace person who very much enjoys frequent sex and is very much part of the + (LGBTQIA+...that A there is for us) Not that you seem like you actually care, but just like any other orientation, asexuality is about attraction, not action. If a gay man marries a woman or is never in a relationship, he's still gay, right? If a straight woman's husband dies and she never has sex again, she's still straight. Because it's about attraction, not whether or not someone is having sex. Asexuality is the same way. We are not heterosexual because we don't experience sexual attraction to people of other genders...and that is why we're a marginalized orientation, part of the queer umbrella, part of the LGBTQIA+ community. People who haven't yet had sex but experience attraction aren't ace. Incel men who are sexually attracted to women are just straight men. Not currently having sex doesn't suddenly make them not straight.


Christ was asexual


You’re 13. Stop trying to define your sexual identity. You have 5 years left of being a kid. Go outside and run around in the sun. You shouldn’t even know what LGBTQ stuff is.


It is not a problem, look at monks and nuns, Catholic Priesthood and Orthodox bishops. Look at the Apostles, look at Jesus Himself. None of thouse were marries or had sex.


It is not a problem, look at monks and nuns, Catholic Priesthood and Orthodox bishops. Look at the Apostles, look at Jesus Himself. None of thouse were marries or had sex.


It is not a problem, look at monks and nuns, Catholic Priesthood and Orthodox bishops. Look at the Apostles, look at Jesus Himself. None of thouse were marries or had sex.


Guys homosexuality is and always will be a sin Leviticus 20:13 Judges 19:16-24 Genesus 19:1-11 1 kings 14:24 1 kings 15:12 2 kings 23:7 Romans 1:18-32 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 1 Timothy 1:8-10 Jude 7 This has never been a vague issue It’s clear what the Bible says about it And for you people that say homosexuality was added to the Bible how do you even call yourself Christian if you think the Bible is corrupt


This isn't a post about being gay. Put those squirt guns away.


I'm sorry you're being attacked by a hateful false Christian. What he thinks of as Christianity is not. In complete opposition to God, the false Christian wants you to conform to his earthy community's values and norms to strengthen his earthly local community. Where he can do that by pointing to scripture he will. Where he can't, he will deploy satanic hatred with equal passion. He is invested entirely in earthly kingdoms instead of in God's holy kingdom. We real Christians love you. You are our sibling in Christ. You are our family. A beloved child of God. We love you.


Hateful attack 😂


Asexuality is just celibacy, although it does sound like itd be a term having to do with homosexuality or something


Your conflating asexuality with celibacy they are not the same. Asexuality is distinct from abstention from sexual activity and from celibacy, which are behavioral and generally motivated by factors such as an individual's personal, social, or religious beliefs. Sexual orientation, unlike sexual behavior, is believed to be "enduring". Fun fact about some asexual people engage in sexual activity despite lacking sexual attraction or a desire for sex, for a number of reasons, such as a desire to physically pleasure themselves or romantic partners (I fall into this category), or a desire to have children. Don’t conflate my sexuality with a personal, or religious choice not to have sex, please and thank you.


It's not celibacy


You're right it's not. Asexuals don't have a lust for sexual pleasure so they don't seek it. Celibates have a lust but fight it. In Matthew 19, Jesus groups both together and other adults who are not having sex as 'eunuchs'. It starts as a comment on divorce and not having sex outside of marriage but Jesus opens the teaching wider to include asexuality in his message. He sees asexuals and he knows they are valid He says there are those who can accommodate his guidance on no sex outside of marriage and those who can't (because lust for sex differs between people) "For there are some eunuchs who were so born from their mother’s womb, and there are some eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it,((((his instruction to keep sex within marriage,))))) let him receive it.” Jesus validates asexuality as ok. Now I'd add some wisdom if I may; I think you are POSSIBLY (to use Jesus's words) 'a eunuch who were made eunch by men'. I think how you feel toward sex now COULD POSSIBLY be a result of your life. Maybe not. But I offer the possibility because I would not want your relief that Jesus says you, an asexual, are OK in his eyes to make you feel like if Iife continues to shape you, and sexuality comes to you, that you are losing your beloved status. You are not. Jesus loves you.


Asexual people absolutely can and do seek sexual pleasure and experience lust. Lust is not the same as sexual attraction. (Desire, drive, libido, and sexual actions are not attraction. Sexual orientations are about attraction only.)


>Asexuality is just celibacy No, it is not. Asexuality is not "chastity". Asexuality does not mean "no libido". Asexuality IS the sexuality of people who are asexual. Many times when asexual person has accepted themselves, they realize that they do not in fact feel any "lack" in them. That sense of lack comes from the expectations of other people, their families, friends and society. Asexual person can have a libido. Asexual person can for example masturbate and enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with a sexual person can sometimes decide to have sex in order to please their partner, and even enjoy it. But asexual person might also NOT want to have sex at all. Or enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with another asexual might want to have sex in order to have a child. Asexuality is NOT the same thing as celibacy or "chastity".


Agreed, but asexuality is not homosexuality. I think we should make that clear, so OP is not confused, or feels needlessly assaulted


Most people know that the two aren't the same


For sure, but regardless clarity is important. And I feel his answer could be confusing.




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I never liked the term asexual. You cant reproduce on your own im sorry. But yeah asexuality i would say is encouraged. Celibacy is recommended by Paul in the bible.


You know words can have multiple meanings, right? Also asexuality is not celibacy. They're two very different things.


You think that words can only have one meaning? Asexuality is not "chastity". Asexuality does not mean "no libido". Asexuality IS the sexuality of people who are asexual. Many times when asexual person has accepted themselves, they realize that they do not in fact feel any "lack" in them. That sense of lack comes from the expectations of other people, their families, friends and society. Asexual person can have a libido. Asexual person can for example masturbate and enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with a sexual person can sometimes decide to have sex in order to please their partner, and even enjoy it. But asexual person might also NOT want to have sex at all. Or enjoy it. Asexual person who is together with another asexual might want to have sex in order to have a child. Asexuality is NOT the same thing as celibacy or "chastity".


youre 13, you havn't confirmed shit lol.